The height of the "Motherland" (sculpture). The history of the creation of the monument


In Volgograd, I took advantage of the unique offer of the press service of the governor of the Volgograd region and climbed into the head of the famous statue "Motherland Calls". They say that only a few people a year go upstairs. Under the cut, I'll show what's inside her ...

The Motherland Calls monument, one of the tallest statues in the world, is part of the historical and memorial complex "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" on Mamaev Kurgan.

200 steps lead to it - that is how many days the Battle of Stalingrad lasted. According to the plan of the architect Evgeny Vuchetich, the staircase was supposed to go all the way to the Volga, but, as usual, there was not enough money. Now there are talks about how to complete the construction.


We started our ascent to Mamaev Kurgan from the Square "Fighted to Death", to which the alley of pyramidal poplars leads, and behind it the "Walls-ruins" begin. In the center of the square there is a figure of a soldier-defender of Stalingrad. According to the architect Evgeny Vuchetich, “ this is an allegorical image of the Soviet warrior people, standing to the death, ready to deliver an inevitable blow to the enemy. His figure grows out of the heaving earth, as if turned into a rock - an indestructible bastion against fascism. The warrior merged with mother earth, as if drawing new strength from her«.

The inscriptions are carved on the rock: stand to the death», « Beyond the Volga there is no land for us», « Not one step back!», « Every house is a fortress», « Let's not disgrace the sacred memory»:


The ruined walls make a strong impression and you can look at them for hours. These are original ruins of structures destroyed by long-term shelling, countless bombings, damaged by direct hits of shells and automatic bursts. The theme of the left wall is “Not a step back!”, The theme of the right wall is “Only forward!”.

The figure of the famous sniper Vasily Zaitsev, who destroyed 225 German soldiers and officers during the war, seems very small at the top of the left wall, although in fact it is made in human height:


There are a lot of inscriptions on the walls, among which there is a quote from the collection of one of the Stalingrad Komsomol organizations:

listened: On the behavior of Komsomol members in battle.
Decided: It is better to die in a trench, but not to leave in disgrace. And not only do not leave yourself, but make sure that the neighbor does not leave either.
Question to the speaker: Are there good reasons for leaving the firing position?
Answer: Of all the justifications, only one will be taken into account - death.


The stairs, bypassing the Ruin Walls, lead to the Heroes' Square with the Lake of Tears pool in the middle. To the left of the pool is the Wall-Banner, on which the words are carved: “The iron wind hit them in the face, and they kept moving forward, and again a feeling of superstitious fear seized the enemy: were people going on the attack, were they mortal?”.

From here you can enter the round building - the "Hall of Military Glory":


In the center of the hall there is a monument with an eternal flame, and thirty-four symbolic banners are depicted on the walls, with the names of 7200 heroic defenders of Stalingrad carved on them. In total, about 3 million people died in the Battle of Stalingrad:


Through a huge opening in the roof of the hall, the Motherland is visible. The architect Vuchetich told Andrei Sakharov: “The authorities ask me why her mouth is open, because it’s ugly. I answer: And she screams - for the Motherland ... your mother! - shut up":


Every day from 9 am to 7 pm in the Hall of Military Glory there is a guard of honor:


In our country, there are only 2 cities where there is a guard of honor - these are Moscow and Volgograd:




The exit from the Hall of Military Glory leads to the Square of Sorrow. Here is the figure of a grieving mother, in whose arms the dead warrior:


From the Square of Sorrow, the ascent to the main monument of Mamayev Kurgan begins:


The statue weighing 8 thousand tons is not attached to the foundation in any way. She calmly stands on it, like a chess piece on the board:


The height of the Motherland statue is 52 meters. In her right hand she holds a sword, which is 33 meters long and weighs 14 tons. The monument stands on a 16-meter foundation. The total height of the sculpture is 85 meters:


You can get inside the monument through a small door at the base. The door is double. Hidden behind the first is a ladder:


Inside, the statue resembles the famous lithograph "Relativity" by Maurits Escher:


We tried to estimate the number of stairs leading up. It turned out 187:


Inside, the statue is pierced by tension ropes weighing 60 tons each:



Their tension is monitored using special sensors. When the tension weakens, they are tightened:




This room can be called the Heart of the Motherland. It is located at the level of the chest and the cables from the left and right hands of the statue are fixed in it. The room itself is also tied with ropes so that the monument does not tear, under the weight of hands:


Left hand mount (without sword):


And this is the entrance to the right hand (with a sword):



At the bottom left is the entrance to the cloak, and to the right behind the armature is the entrance to the left hand:


There are inscriptions on the walls from time to time. Apparently, some builders decided to perpetuate themselves:


The entrance to the head is as narrow as the rest of the body:


The child was the easiest of all, but I couldn’t squeeze through with a backpack on my shoulders - I had to take it off:


Room in the head. There is a comfortable bench where you can sit and rest. A hatch opens at the top of the head, through which we leaned out:


Nikita Baryshev, who organized the tour for us, got out first.


Below you can see the Church of All Saints:



On the hand of the statue there are a lot of "tattoos" left by the climbers:


After the statue was built in 67, the rivets of the first sword began to crack, and the sword itself vibrated with a terrible sound, so in 72 it was replaced with a more modern one with vibration dampening systems:


In the guard, on each side there is a hatch. We got out through the same:




And this is the famous "Dancing Bridge". Remember the fake video that spread all over the Internet, and even “hit the TV”, where this bridge vibrated terribly.





P.S. Video from Artemy Lebedev about his trip inside the statue and Volgograd:

The Great Patriotic War will forever remain in the hearts of absolutely every person. War is a terrible event, pain and tears. In memory of these terrible events, monuments are erected in different parts of the country, this is gratitude and eternal memory to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers - the soldiers who gave us life. There are monuments to the Motherland in many parts of not only our country, but throughout the globe. So the Motherland can be found in Belarus, Germany, Spain, Latvia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. In total, you can count about twenty-five monuments to the Motherland. Of these, thirteen are located in Russian cities.

Motherland in the cities of Russia

The Motherland Memorial in St. Petersburg is probably one of the most famous among all the monuments to the Motherland. It is located at the Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery. This is the largest cemetery, it covers an area of ​​twenty-eight hectares and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The memorial is a tribute to the memory of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad, who did not have the strength to survive in this terrible time of hunger, cold and bombing, in these "900 days of nightmare, hell." About half a million residents of the city are buried at the Piskarevsky cemetery. The memorial was opened in May 1960. Rodina mother holds a torn laurel wreath in her hands.
Memorial Motherland in the city of Budyonnovsk. The money for the monument was collected by the residents of the city themselves. It was built of granite and opened in 1967. Dedicated to Budyonny residents (at that time, Prikumsk residents), who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War.
Motherland in Volgograd. The memorial was opened, as well as in the city of Budennovsk, in 1967. It is located on Mamaev Kurgan. The monument is made of concrete, with metal structures at the base. The height of the Motherland is fifty-three meters, she holds a sword in her hand, its length is thirty-three meters. If you add these figures, it turns out that the height of the entire monument is eighty-six meters. I must say that the Motherland in Volgograd is one of the seven wonders of the world.
The monument to the Motherland in Kaliningrad was erected on the site of an ordinary public garden. It is an exact copy of the woman depicted on the poster "The Motherland Calls!", dating back to the Second World War.
The monument to the Motherland in the Vyshesteblievsky village of the Krasnodar Territory is a woman, her left hand rests on her right shoulder. The monument is dedicated to the Komsomol members, whom the traitor betrayed to the Nazis.
Motherland on Victory Square in Kaluga. The memorial is dedicated to the inhabitants of the city who fell during the war years. The complex is installed on the site where there used to be a pond. In 1966, an obelisk appeared on the square, and only in 1973, the Motherland appeared at the very top of the obelisk. She holds a ribbon in her hands, symbolizing the thread of the Oka River and an artificial satellite of the Earth. Thus, the architect combined in the monument the victory over Nazi Germany and the exploration of outer space.
There is a Motherland in Tatarstan in Naberezhnye Chelny. The monument was erected in 1975. The Motherland in this memorial complex is somewhat different from the Motherland monuments in other cities. Here she appears in the form of a Phoenix bird, starting to take off.
In the village of Kubenskoye, Vologda Oblast, a monument to the Motherland stands on the site next to the village library. Motherland appears before the inhabitants in the form of a woman wrapped in a veil. She stands on a pedestal, in the center there is a star, a copy of the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. Behind the back of the Motherland, you can see a fresco depicting a soldier and a woman in a blue scarf, and next to them is bread and a glass.
Motherland in Nizhny Novgorod was established in 1965 on the site of a mass grave of Soviet soldiers. This memorial is located at the Red Etna cemetery. In the hands raised to the sky, the Motherland has a wreath.
Motherland in the city of Pavlovsk, Voronezh region. This monument is an ensemble. Motherland with her hands raised to the sky, she seems to be asking for peace, but at the same time she herself carries it, she also brings happiness. On the other side of the Motherland is the figure of a soldier with a kneeling knee. I must say that during the Great Patriotic War, the city of Pavlovsk was an advanced city on the front line.
Monument to the Motherland in Penza. The full name of the monument is "Monument of Military and Labor Glory". It is dedicated to the inhabitants of the Penza region, the inhabitants who fought for victory and worked for the sake of life despite all the pain of the war. He is for labor and military exploits. The monument was opened in 1975. Motherland appeared in the form of a mother holding a child on her left shoulder. The child has an eternal flame in his hands.
The memorial is located in the center of the Camp Garden in the city of Tomsk. Motherland holds a weapon in her hands, she hands it to her son. The memorial was erected in 1979.
The motherland in the Saratov region in the village of Starye Burasy is located on the square in the center of the village, next to the motherland there is a monument to Stalin I.V.
Such a large number of monuments, memorials to the Motherland is undoubtedly caused by the great pain of the whole country, the sorrow of the whole world for the terrible days of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War. War is always pain, it is fear, it is loss and tears. The most important thing is that every person remembers and keeps in his heart the memory of these terrible days. And then there will be peace in our lives!

Where is Motherland located? - monument on the map

"Mamaev kurgan"

How to get to: by any transport, including metro tram, to the Mamaev Kurgan stop. And then up the stairs.

48.7423477 northern latitude
44.5370827 east longitude

Motherland on the map, which can be controlled (zoom and move)

Motherland is located in Volgograd and is part of the Mamaev Kurgan memorial complex. The famous statue is officially called "The Motherland Calls!" and rises an incredible 87 meters above the pedestal. This makes the Motherland one of the highest monuments in the world. The size and weight of the sculpture is so amazing that engineers have to constantly monitor the wind loads on the statue, and even make holes in some of its elements, such as a sword, to reduce the windage of the structure.

How to get to: by any transport, including metro tram, to the Mamaev Kurgan stop. And then up the stairs.

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The Motherland monument in Volgograd is so famous and recognizable all over the world that it is quite worthy to represent Russia and be its hallmark. The entire memorial ensemble is called "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad". In 2008, he entered the national list, which represents the seven wonders of the world of the state.

What does Mamaev Kurgan mean for Volgograd.

"Motherland" and other objects of the famous memorial are located at a height, today called Mamayev Kurgan. For the first time, such a name for the area was used by one of the authors of the complex, Evgeny Vuchetich. Before the war, this hill was popularly called simply "hill".

However, scientists talk about important historical events that have repeatedly occurred here. The legendary hill more than once in the history of its existence had a strategic, and sometimes even a cult significance.
But its role during the Great Patriotic War can hardly be overestimated. In all official military documents of that time, the hill began to have the name "Height 102". According to historians, fierce battles for the city were fought in its different parts, but out of the two hundred days that the Battle of Stalingrad continued, the battle did not stop here for 135 days. The slopes of the mound were plowed from shell explosions. Even in winter, the snow melted here from the intensity of the battles. Subsequently, from 500 to 1250 fragments of shells and bullets were found on each square meter of land, not counting the mangled equipment.
After the war, until 1959, this place stood out in particular in the panorama of the city. The grass was not green here, the black charred earth was lifeless. All this vividly reminded of the grief that the war brought.
Later, it was decided to build a grandiose monument in honor of the defenders of Stalingrad here.

Description of the complex

"Motherland" in Volgograd was erected on the very top of the hill. You can climb to its foot along the steps that start right from the Square of Sorrow. There are two hundred of them. The legendary defense of Stalingrad lasted for so many days. On both sides of this unusual road are the graves of the warriors who defended the city. Their reburial took place during the construction of the monument, as well as in subsequent years. Today, the remains of 34,505 people are buried here. Tombstones were installed in memory of 35 Heroes of the Soviet Union who participated in the battle for the city on the Volga.

The Hall of Military Glory is another legendary building of the complex. The interior decoration of the premises is given a special solemnity. There is a guard of honor at the eternal flame, which changes every hour. The action of the military so fascinates those present that it is simply impossible to forget about it afterwards.

Statue "Motherland Calls"

The development and design of the Motherland statue in Volgograd has its own history. We can say that this part of the memorial bears the main semantic load of the entire complex. Variants of her sketches were discussed at the government level. As a result of discussions, the project of the sculptor Vuchetich and the engineer Nikitin was adopted.
The main material from which the statue is made is concrete and iron structures. It is generally accepted that 5,500 tons of concrete and 1,400 tons of iron were used. At the same time, the height of the entire monument, taking into account the pedestal and the sword, is 86 meters. Motherland, whose height was increased to 53 meters, had other dimensions in the project. Interesting is the fact that the thickness of the walls of the statue does not exceed 30 centimeters. Despite this, the design is extremely durable.

In the right hand, the "Motherland" in Volgograd holds a thirty-three-meter sword. It took 14 tons of concrete to make it. The grandeur of the structure is evidenced by the fact that in the outstretched left hand of the sculpture in the palm of your hand you can place a car.
The design is a rather complex engineering structure. In its inner part, there are services that ensure the safety of the statue, its safety.

People and the history of the creation of the monument

It is believed that the prototype of the figure of the Motherland is a simple woman. In some of the official sources, her last name is also called. This is Valentina Ivanovna Izotova. For many years she did not publicize her participation in the creation of the monument. This speaks of the modesty of a simple Russian woman, her patriotism. At the same time, she is proud that she has invested a part of her work in the creation of the memorial.

According to other sources, Anastasia Antonovna Peshkova, a graduate of the Barnaul Pedagogical Institute, was the model for creating the image of the Motherland. It must be said that the announcement of the decision to create a grandiose monument was accepted by people with great enthusiasm. Their ideas, sketches, proposals were sent not only by professionals, but also by many ordinary people who cherished peace and victory in the war.

Nobody is forgotten

"Motherland" is a monument in Volgograd, which, with its grandeur and solemnity, is able to remind posterity of the days of heavy battles for the freedom and independence of the country during the Great Patriotic War. The memorial has a special effect on the younger generation, on those who have never seen the war.

On Mamayev Kurgan, the souls of people are overwhelmed with sorrow and pride for their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers. Strengthening of patriotic feelings is promoted not only by the sculpture called "Motherland". The height of the idea, its enduring significance also play a huge role.

How to get to Mamaev Kurgan

"Motherland" is a monument in Volgograd, which every guest wants to see. The city authorities, travel companies and other enterprises made sure that visiting the memorial was available to everyone. For this purpose, excursions from different parts of the city are organized. The traffic to the complex is regulated very well, so it will not be difficult to get here on your own.
The memorial can be reached by any type of ground public transport - bus, fixed-route taxi, trolleybus. In recent years, such a type of transport as an underground high-speed tram - metrotram has been popular among tourists. One of the stops of this unusual tram is called "Mamaev Kurgan".
You can come here at any time of the day, the entrance to the territory of the complex is free for all categories of citizens.
The sculpture "Motherland" has a very simple and memorable address - the city of Volgograd, the country of Russia.

Sculpture "Motherland Calls"

The monument "Motherland Calls" is the compositional center of the ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad", it is made in the form of a statue of a mother who steps forward with a raised sword, calling on her sons to fight the enemy. The impression of the sculpture is strengthened by the hair disheveled in the wind, the sharp contours of the figure, the bright emotionality of the face and the strong hands of the woman. Wide-open eyes and mouth create an atmosphere of anxiety and tension. The fact that the monument does not stand on a high pedestal, but only two meters above the ground, makes it even more realistic.

At the foot of the monument "Motherland Calls" is the top of Mamaev Kurgan - Sorrow Square. From here, from the very center of Volgograd, a breathtaking view of the entire memorial complex, city quarters, the wide Volga valley and the Trans-Volga region opens up.

The author's idea of ​​the monument

The initiator of the creation of the majestic monument was the famous Soviet monumental sculptor Evgeny Viktorovich Vutechich. He took part in the Great Patriotic War, was shell-shocked in battles and fully understood the gravity of the trials endured by the people.

E. V. Vutechich is considered one of the founders of the monumental style, which later received the name “Stalinist classicism”. His works are distinguished by gigantism, the use of modernist traditions and the pathos of plots.

Before the creation of the Motherland Calls memorial in Volgograd, Vutechich led a large-scale art project in Berlin's Treptow Park. In collaboration with architects and engineers, he created an ensemble-monument dedicated to the soldiers of the Red Army, the center of which was the expressive bronze figure of the Liberator Warrior.

The sculptor began to work on the banks of the Volga, having extensive experience in artistic and technical solutions. In the open spaces of Mamaev Kurgan, he proposed to create a group of several large-scale sculptures that would be clearly visible from different sides. The figure of the Motherland, as conceived by the author, was supposed to symbolize the call of the Fatherland to its citizens - to protect their native land from enemies.

There are several versions of who exactly Vutechich chose as a prototype for his sculpture of the Motherland. Someone claims that Vutechich was posed by his wife Vera. Others say that the face on the monument has a portrait resemblance to the well-known in the USSR discus thrower and multiple record holder Nina Yakovlevna Dumbadze. Volgograd residents themselves are convinced that the sculptor's heroine was the waitress of the Volgograd restaurant, Valentina Izotova.

The constructed monument "The Motherland Calls" was recognized as an outstanding example of monumental art and made the name of the sculptor widely known not only in the country, but also abroad. In 1970, the team of authors who worked on the monument were awarded the Lenin Prize.

The history of the construction of the monument "Motherland Calls"

The memorial ensemble on Mamaev Kurgan began to be erected in 1959, when Volgograd itself had not yet been completely restored from ruins. In those years, during earthworks, unexploded shells and mines were found, and therefore, sappers were constantly on duty near a working excavator.

In addition to E. V. Vutechich, several other sculptors worked on the monument “Motherland Calls”. The team of architects was headed by Yakov Borisovich Belopolsky, and the well-known specialist in the field of construction in the country, architect Nikolai Vasilyevich Nikitin, was engaged in engineering issues for the construction of the memorial. He was entrusted with the task of developing the design of the foundation and load-bearing frames of a huge monument.

In addition to construction work, the project of the war memorial provided for the "voicing" of all sculptural compositions, including the monument "Motherland Calls". This work was entrusted to announcer Yuri Borisovich Levitan, sound engineer Alexander Ivanovich Geraskin and director Viktor Kadievich Magataev. The role of a consultant on military issues was performed by Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, whose troops during the Great Patriotic War managed to defend the city on the Volga.

Initially, the sculptors created a small half-meter version of the monument. It was made in a workshop set up in the basement of the Minsk store in Volgograd. Then work on the monument continued at the Gazoapparat plant. There, a five-meter version of the monument was built according to the made sample.

In the original draft of the figures, the monument was supposed to have two figures - a woman-mother and a kneeling soldier. It was also assumed that the woman would hold an unfolded banner in her hand. The pedestal was planned to be magnificently decorated.

General view of the memorial during construction

However, the sculptor Vutechich later abandoned all these ideas. He did not build a staircase to the monument, but limited himself to a footpath, which, like a ribbon, encircled the foot of the monument. In addition, during the production process, it was decided to increase the size of the main sculpture of the military memorial from 32 to 56 meters, and then to 85 meters.

During the construction work, the organizers had to solve a variety of problems. The layers of concrete had to be firmly bonded to each other. To do this, it was necessary to establish a continuous supply of concrete to the construction site. To ensure that trucks with concrete did not delay anything on the way, they were provided with colored ribbons. Drivers received permission to drive through a red traffic light, and traffic police officers were ordered not to slow down such cars.

In May 1965, specialists from the Gosstroy inspecting the construction made recommendations to significantly strengthen the reinforced concrete structure. The fears of engineers and technologists were caused by the state of the soil on which the monument "Motherland Calls" was erected. It was a flooded layer of Maikop clays, and they gradually "slid" to the Volga coast. To prevent a catastrophe from happening, the builders made additional concreting at the base of the monument.

Construction continued for several years, mainly during the warm season. In October 1967, all work was completed, and the monument was solemnly opened.

The Motherland Calls sculpture is part of a triptych that also includes monuments in Magnitogorsk and Berlin. The Ural monument "Rear to Front" symbolizes the sword of Victory, which the workers forged for the soldiers who liberated the country from the invaders. The sculpture "The Motherland Calls" raises this sword to fight the enemy. And the Liberator Warrior in Berlin keeps his sword down as the war is finally over.

Sculpture "The Motherland Calls!". infographics

Eliminate design flaws

The first problems with the Motherland Calls monument were revealed the very next year after its opening. The “weak point” of the monument turned out to be the sword that the Motherland held in her hand. Initially, it was made of durable stainless steel sheets and sheathed with titanium. However, this decision turned out to be technically erroneous. The large size and weight of the sword led to its excessive windage. In the place where the sword was attached to the hand, there was excess tension. It was slightly deformed from rocking, and the sheets of titanium made an unpleasant rattling sound in the wind.

Given these problems, in 1972 the old sword was replaced with another one made entirely of steel. In addition, special holes were made at the top of the sword, which saved it from excessive windage. The sword was built from metal smelted at the Volgograd metallurgical plant "Red October".

In 1986, the entire monument "Motherland Calls" was examined by experts. On their recommendation, the reinforced concrete structure was further strengthened. In 2013, an architect from Moscow, Vladimir Tserkovnikov, addressed the Ministry of Culture and stated that the foundation of the famous sculpture was initially calculated incorrectly, and therefore the monument is in danger of collapse. It is not fastened to the base in any way and is held only by its own weight.

View of the monument from the residential area

Specifications of the monument

The concrete sculpture "The Motherland Calls" stands on a two-meter pedestal. The whole structure is supported by a solid foundation, deepened into the ground by 16 meters. The earthen hill on which the entire memorial rises was artificially formed. In order for the foundation to be able to withstand the huge weight of the concrete structure, about 150 tons of earth were poured here.

Inside the statue is hollow. The thickness of the walls made of reinforced concrete is from 25 to 30 cm. The concrete shell is supported by a metal frame weighing 2.4 thousand tons and 99 strong cables that prevent the frame from bending under the pressure of 5.5 thousand tons of concrete. Metal cables are under constant tension, and their tension is recorded by special sensors.

The height of the woman's figure, excluding the sword, is 52 meters. The total weight of the monument exceeds 8 thousand tons. The steel sword is 33 meters long and weighs 14 tons. The hand holding it is stretched up 20 m. Thus, the height of the entire monument is 85 meters.

Since 1966, the Motherland Calls monument has slightly deviated from the main axis, but the indicators of these deviations do not exceed the calculated standards. So, for example, from 2000 to 2008, the horizontal displacement of the top of the monument was only 16 mm.

View of Volgograd from the top of the monument.

Interesting facts about the monument "Motherland Calls"

  • At the time of completion of construction, the Volgograd monument was higher than all the statues in the world. Today it occupies the 9th place among the highest monuments of the planet.
  • Compared to the average height of a person, the sculpture of the Motherland is enlarged 30 times.
  • The famous monument is depicted on the flag and coat of arms of the Volgograd region.
  • There are many legends around the monument. One of them tells about a worker who disappeared inside the monument. This happened when he was assembling a steel structure. The missing person was never found.
  • Recently, an Orthodox Church of All Saints was built 200 meters from the monument. It appeared exactly in the place where the monument itself was originally supposed to stand.

How to get there

You can get to the foot of Mamaev Kurgan, where the Motherland Calls monument is located, by buses, trolleybuses and fixed-route taxis. City trains and the metrotram, the high-speed tram of Volgograd, also make stops here. Entrance to the memorial is free.

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