Panayotov's performance on voice. Alexander Panayotov: the life and struggle of the golden voice of Russia


Alexander Panayotov in the show "Voice" season 5, video, 4th edition of 09/23/2016: Last night, on September 23, viewers of the federal Channel One saw the next episode of the country's most popular show "Voice" on the air. The program was filled with unforgettable emotions and bright surprises.

So. among talented vocalists who hoped to get into the project from blind auditions, singer Alexander Panayotov made a splash. At one time, the guy graduated from the Igor Krutoy Academy and was quite popular on the domestic stage, but after that he suddenly disappeared from the public eye.

Alexander Panayotov in the show "Voice" season 5, video, 4 issue from 09/23/2016: Return of the star

Now Sasha has come to the country's most prestigious project to reassert himself. According to him, he rethought a lot while he was "in the dark", and now he is sure that he wants to be creative. The judges, who turned their backs to the stage, did not immediately recognize the vocals of their colleague in a bright voice, but when they turned around, they immediately broke into bright smiles and enthusiastic applause.

Panayotov's performance put the hall and the mentors on their feet - the audience gave the vocalist a standing ovation. Polina Gagarina, Grigory Leps, Leonid Agutin and Dmitry Bilan greeted Sasha as an old friend and unanimously urged to choose "themselves" as guardians. Passions were heated to the limit - the judges cursed and argued, interrupting each other, they were very nervous and worried about who exactly Alexander would choose.

Alexander Panayotov in the show "Voice" season 5, video, issue 4 from 09/23/2016: As a result, the guy decided to go to the team of Grigory Leps. The singer was particularly active in calling Alexander into his networks, promised him a great future and even tried to lure him with money - he did not specify what exactly attracted Panayotov, but most likely it was Leps' colossal experience, his success and ability to find in the sky the brightest stars.

Alexander Panayotov made a splash on the show "Voice", having quarreled with the members of the jury

Many people know Alexander Panayotov as a finalist of the "People's Artist" project, in which he took second place, and a very talented performer. Yesterday, Alexander became a participant in the blind auditions of the show "Voice", choosing to perform the song Celine Dion All By Myself. Not surprisingly, all the members of the jury turned to him, and at the same time.

After the end of Alexander's performance, in which he tried to demonstrate as much of his vocal abilities as possible, Polina Gagarina, Grigory Leps, Leonid Agutin and Dima Bilan gave him a standing ovation. What followed was quite unexpected - praising Alexander for the decision to come to the project and admiring his talent, the jury members began to quarrel with each other. Polina was offended by Grigory and Leonid for constantly interrupting her. They, in turn, accused her of using forbidden tricks - Polina hugged Alexander and said that she could also use her main weapon - tears.

Members of the jury of the show "Voice"
Leonid Agutin

As a result, Alexander made a choice in favor of Grigory Leps. In his own words, he made such a decision because "he is a risky person, and a riddle always attracts." Well, we wish Alexander good luck, and we invite you to watch his clips.

Published on 27.09.16 16:28 vid_roll_width="300px" vid_roll_height="150px">

The former participant of the show did not like the singer's high notes and voice melismas. Bon accused Panayotov of "narcissism", and the jury members - of "biased judging".

"Why Panayotov - show off? Superiority was always visible not only in his voice, but in all his behavior. These cool melismas of his, high notes, he adorned all the songs, EVERYTHING! Take a song, say that Panayotov will sing it. Already in my head one can imagine that Mr. "techie" will show how to stir up these three useless notes in space! He is a kind of bay leaf for any soup, which gives it flavor and piquancy. So, if you throw too much of this leaf into the soup, unpleasant bitterness will appear, they can spoil the whole dish. Sasha, however, exaggerated. Every performer has chips that everyone is waiting for. It turns out that Panayotov had quiet, uncomplicated and rare places as a chip. 13 years ago this could be attributed to age and suddenly struck fame, a frontal star , but now... Blind listening alerted me, I'm waiting for December and the final," Bon wrote in his Instagram (the author's spelling and punctuation are preserved - ed.).

Alexander Panayotov did not comment on such harsh statements addressed to him. No comments have yet been received from Panayotov himself.

Ukrainians are getting ready to watch the seventh season of the popular vocal project, and in Russia they will soon hear the name of the winner of the fifth season of the project. It is known that the Ukrainian Alexander Panayotov went to the final of the Russian Voice-5.

32-year-old Alexander Panayotov was born in Zaporozhye and for many years now he has been trying to unwind on the Russian stage. A participant in the popular project "People's Artist", a duet colleague with Alexander Panayotov, lives and works in Russia. According to rumors, it is he who can represent the Russian Federation at, but so far he has to fight for victory in the finals of the Russian talent show Voice-5. Together with him, Kairat Primberdiev, Sardor Milano and Daria Antonyuk will fight for victory.

Alexander Panayotov is a ward and, apparently, wants to get into his production center, since he is doing brilliantly with vocals and a new wave of popularity after the project is guaranteed. In the semi-final of the project, Panayotov sang the song "Do not disturb my soul, violin", which won the star mentor. It was him that Leps sent to the final.

While many are wondering whether Ukrainian Alexander Panayotov will represent Russia at the event, we offer you to watch a video of Alexander Panayotov's performance with the song "Do not disturb my soul, violin."

Watch online video Ukrainian Alexander Panayotov reached the final of the Russian show "Voice-5"

Speech by Panayotov 315 615 2016-12-26T12:44:25+02:00 T0H6M0S

And we also remind you that last weekend . They became Sevak Khanagyan.

“Grisha Leps is an odious singer with unsurpassed vocal abilities and a very wise person”

No one expected that, suddenly appearing on the horizon after a long lull, Alexander Panayotov would make a real storm, and not in a teacup, but on the big stage, acquire a powerful fan club and fall under the reliable producer wing of Grigory Leps, although he did not receive the first place in the show "Voice".

Every cloud has a silver lining: the performer admitted to ZD that he managed to make a breakthrough after he had a terrible accident that changed his attitude to life. Now Alexander talks about the metamorphoses of personality and image, "weeds and flowers", the change of eras and the rejection of conventions.

Sasha, it’s not your first day on stage: back in 2002-2003 you participated in Become a Star, People’s Artist, but all these stories didn’t lead to anything, and suddenly in 2016 you get on the Voice , where you don’t perform any of your songs due to the format, and wild excitement rises around you. How do you explain it yourself?

I dont know. Maybe this is the magical power of television. Everything that happened was preceded by a rather long pause - 5 years I was nowhere. Of course, I was invited to strange programs - to discuss who stabbed whom, who lost weight, but I brushed aside all this.

And a year before The Voice, I was invited to a parody show, but I thought that it was definitely not worth following in the footsteps of my colleague Alexei Chumakov in the third or fourth season, and indeed it’s not my story to parody someone. I need to sing. I watched The Voice from the first season and thought that some project of a new format would still appear, but it did not appear.

Last February, I was in a terrible car accident and miraculously survived. After that, everything turned upside down in me, I thought: “Why have I vegetated for so many years?” - and all prejudices about my large luggage disappeared. I realized that I was wasting time, I was losing a lot of things in general, and immediately sent an application for the competition, I decided to reset to zero.

Moreover, I lost 20 kilograms, changed both internally and externally, I felt: I have something to say, show - and went to the project. Apparently, all this together and gave the result.

In addition, I am friends with Polina Gagarina, and with Dima Bilan, and with Leonid Agutin, I have known Grigory Leps for a long time. So support from their side also probably played a role. Although there were rumors from the editors of the program initially, none of them knew that I was going to the show, at least on which day I would perform and what song I would sing. They had the choice to just not turn around, but they all cascaded - it was a very beautiful moment, and everything worked out.

- You needed an internal impetus, which in this case was a dramatic event - an accident?

Absolutely. Everything has changed. Before that, I was walking around with my thirteen years of experience like with a suitcase without a handle - I didn’t know where to put it all: a duet with Dolina, a seven-year contract with Friedland, and a long concert activity, which, in fact, led nowhere ...

- But why did you go to a show where you can’t even show your repertoire?

I was hoping that I could do it. Sometimes Yuri Aksyuta allows the participants to sing their songs, and then I just recorded the song "Invincible", but it so happened that I could not perform it.

- Do you think your colleagues recognized you at the blind audition or not?

I think Dima and Polina definitely recognized me. I don't know if Grisha recognized me - by the way, I haven't asked him about it yet; but Lenya had not heard me for a long time and, judging by the reaction, he was surprised. When I chose the All By Myself song, I knew there was such a note, such a modulation, winning for me that it would be strange if they didn't turn.

But still. You - a person who already had star status - go to a show intended either for unknown performers, or for outsiders who are making a desperate attempt to get hooked on something again. Didn't that bother you?

You have no idea how many people dissuaded me from this, lamented: “Where are you going ?! You are crazy! Many will not understand! If I had to go, then for the first season. Now you admit your defeat, you will understand that you are no one.” The pressure was enormous. Some colleagues generally said that this was a step backwards, that it would be dishonest - and stuff like that.

But, firstly, nowhere is it written that this is a project for beginners. Secondly, I do not consider it an outsider competition. It just so happened that not everything worked out right away for me - maybe at some point the repertoire was not quite right, maybe I became objectionable to someone, or maybe the fact that I was an artist on the second channel played a role, but then he stopped supporting me. I understood that if you return, then only to the First.

Naturally, there was a big risk that Yuri Aksyuta would not let me through: Sogdiana was there, and for the second time Gleb Matveychuk, and Evgeny Gor, and Nadezhda Babkina came, but they did not pass. I think the producer deliberately took a risk: there was a good intrigue in my appearance, and, apparently, he understood that they would talk about it, he calculated some options in advance, like a professional in his field.

- When you chose a mentor, were you sure that you want to go to Leps?

It happened there: Gagarina and Leps fought for me. Agutin and Dima immediately decided to "step aside", they didn't even say a word. Polina ran onto the stage, and many thought that Grisha's assertiveness, which he then showed, could scare me off, but no one in my life had ever fought like that for me. And I was so bribed, I liked it so much that I said: "Here is my mountain, and I am Mohammed, who will go to it." Fate put everything in its place. Moreover, Grisha is an odious singer with unsurpassed vocal abilities and a very wise person. I thought that we should be together in a creative union.

- What happened in those years when you were not heard from? Were there any creative gestures?

Of course. They say that there is no warrior alone in the field, but then I shot a lot of clips, did the first big solo concert - the All In show, the first in Moscow, gathered a fairly large hall, recorded an album. One way or another, I have always been an active artist with decent fees.

- At your recent speech, you said a good phrase: “It seems that you took a step back, but it turned out - a step forward” ...

It seems to me that it should be a rule for every artist who finds himself in the same situation as me at some point - do not be shy to take steps back, if necessary, to leave the comfort zone.

Why ashamed? I stood in line with people who were learning from my songs. When they saw me, they almost fainted and asked: “What are you, our new mentor?” I say "No. I came to stand with you." And I don’t see anything wrong with waiting with them, like everyone else, putting on a number… It tempers, this is a story that is not given to everyone. I don't think there is anything wrong with her.

- When you first came on stage, it was a completely different era. Did you notice how she changed?

Of course. Then there was no Internet or mobile phones, and technology subsequently had an impact on the music world. However, everything is cyclical. The new generation has grown up and still steps on the same rake. Only mastodons remain unchanged - Alla Pugacheva, the same Grigory Leps. At the same time, many mediocre artists appear. What they do, of course, is not served as frankly as it was then, already under a different sauce, but the situation does not change from this.

You just mentioned mastodons. You can often hear from them that today there is “a lot of weed”, although there used to be no less of it. Do you have these thoughts too?

In fact, I have become more philosophical about everything. Each era has its own weeds, its own flowers, and this is natural. To each his own. Everyone has their own cultural level of development, and a person can find what suits him. On the Internet, you can listen to your favorite music 24 hours a day. Today there is no such thing - what they feed you, then you eat.

Has the era of the Internet influenced your work - on the repertoire, on the image? You've shown quite a bright evolution of the image...

To be honest, I don't even notice it. A more strict image corresponds to age, after all, I am already an adult uncle, but it is difficult for me to say where in this sense there was a turning point, a sharp transition. Everything happened quite harmoniously. Probably, something breaks down when a person approaches the 30-year mark, although sometimes it doesn’t - there are also a lot of examples of this.

There were no specific conversations. The topic was raised when I was a contender for victory in The Voice and everyone expected that this would happen. In such a situation, God himself would have ordered, but it turned out a little differently. I don't know how top management will decide now. I think all this will be decided by Konstantin Lvovich Ernst and people in higher circles. This year, the moment is especially interesting, because Eurovision will be held in Ukraine, and not just in some European country where you can go just like that. There are many subtle moments, pitfalls. I don’t know how they will decide to do better: maybe the winner of the “Voice” Daria Antonyuk will go, maybe I, or maybe the Leningrad group.

What is your personal, inner attitude towards this competition? If it weren’t for the circumstances and you had the freedom of choice, would you go to Eurovision?

Definitely yes. I have been watching this competition since 1998. No matter how they criticize him, he is interesting, he is one of a kind, this is a musical marathon, a festival, a holiday that has no analogues. It is already being broadcast in America and Australia - it fills the entire musical space. And this is a cool, fabulous action. If we discard all the political moments, this is, of course, a pleasant contest, and I always watch it, root for those I like, make my predictions, and it's interesting for me.

- Do your predictions often come true?

Is always. I never made a mistake, I always knew who would win. Last year, I understood that a struggle would unfold between Jamala and Lazarev, but I felt that Jamala would win. And on the "Voice", taking second place, I actually went into the shoes of Sergei, and he even wrote to me later: "Don't worry. I had the same situation,” adding that sometimes second place is better than first.

Grigory Leps is very happy that you took second place, because he will not have to buy you from another production company. And some even say that you weren't allowed to win on purpose...

I don't know such subtleties, and yet I believe that the voting was fair, especially in terms of points we had a small gap with the winner. I don’t understand the feelings about this at all: all these first and second places are such a convention.

Now that you've faced the mass "hysteria" that you've been working towards for so many years and finally got there, what are you going to do about it next?

Any hysteria tends to pass very quickly. The competition is over and interest may fade. The task of the artist is to keep him. I'm going to do this with a repertoire, and I already have it. Previously, the problem was not quite the right selection of songs, although there were good things that I still sing. In this sense, Grisha Leps has a great flair, and he is now sending me songs that we will record, include in a large concert program. It seems to me that the repertoire makes any artist.

- And what is charisma in your understanding? And what should be the balance between it and technology?

For some reason, many people accuse me of not having charisma. I think that sometimes you just want to listen to a person, and sometimes you don't. Often this is a matter of taste. It seems to me that any accomplished artist on stage has his own charisma.

Is it possible to experiment on the Russian stage? Or is there only one way - along the beaten format track?

I think there is always room for experimentation. It is always necessary to leave the comfort zone, which, by the way, Dima Bilan propagates all the time. Sooner or later, the artist has to do this, because a person has the property of internally “stiffening” - in his image, thinking, repertoire, environment. How sharply to move in this direction - radically or gradually, so as not to shock people - everyone decides for himself. Everyone has their own tactics.

It is very fashionable to compare the Russian stage with the foreign one, and the comparisons, as a rule, are not in favor of the domestic one. How correct is this and is it worth focusing on Western models?

Of course, you need to look in that direction in order to catch trends, learn how to make a better sound: whatever one may say, foreign artists set the tone. But we have an undeniable advantage - our Russian soul. There is no such thing. There are certain conditions here, a certain audience, there is some kind of morality here ... And ties. ( laughing.)

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