Conclusion 4 action grief from the mind. Literature lesson “Reading and analyzing the fourth act of the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” (Grade 9)




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“Summary of a lesson in literature on the topic: “N.V. Gogol. "Officials at the reception at the "inspector". Analysis of the 4th action of the comedy "The Inspector General."

Novik N.G., teacher of the Russian language and literature, SBEI JSC "Vychegodskaya SKOSHI".

Synopsis of a lesson in literature on the topic: “N.V. Gogol."Officials at the reception at the "inspector". Analysis of the 4th action of the comedy "The Inspector".

Lesson Type: Content Analysis Lesson



    to acquaint, comment and discuss the events of the IV act of the comedy; continue observing the plot of the comedy, the characters;

    work on the artistic features of the play; fear of the auditor as the basis of comedic action.

    formation of the skill of expressive reading by roles, research work with text, development of communicative skills of students;

    analyze the images of comedy heroes through the speech characteristics of the characters, revealing the inner world of the characters through their actions and speech;

    to deepen the knowledge of literary concepts.


    development and improvement of skills and techniques for working with a literary text: (the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions);

    development of speech and imagination, thinking of students.


    educate interest in the writer's work;

    to cultivate a careful attitude to the word, interest in knowledge, a sense of responsibility for the results of one's work, a culture of communication;

Visibility and equipment: cards with words and phrases, album "N.V. Gogol", computer, media projector, textbook: Literature, grade 8. Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock. V.Ya.Korovina and others - 5th ed. - M .: Education, 2009; dictionary of literary terms, cards for text analysis, computer presentation.

During the classes

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Motivation for activity(inclusion in educational activities)

Good afternoon!

Are you ready to start the lesson? Let's listen, discuss and help each other!

Place teaching materials in the workplace, demonstrate readiness for the lesson. Get involved in learning activities.

Homework survey.

What was given at home?

In “The Inspector General,” Gogol recalled, “I decided to put together everything that was bad in Russia, which I then knew, all the injustices, and at one time laugh at everything.” This idea was brilliantly realized in his comedy The Inspector General. He came to the city incognito with a check, all the officials of the county town were alarmed. “We need to slip him!” - decide the officials gathered in the mayor's house.

How do they do it?

Did Khlestakov, the imaginary auditor, understand who he is taken for in this city or not, and what happens in act 4 of the comedy, we will talk about this a little later.

At home, you re-read act 4. In front of you are tablets with the names of officials. I will ask questions on the content, and you must choose the correct answer and raise the desired sign (Appendix No. 2)

1. Prepare a selective retelling of Khlestakov's Lies.

Complete the sentences .

The head of the department is with me on ... . I only go into … for two minutes to say … . They even wanted to make me. The watchman flies after me ... . Once they took me for ... . With ... on a friendly footing. I also write for magazines... I have the first house in ... . I give … . There is a watermelon on the table for ... rubles, the soup came from ... . I am every day on ... . On the packages they write to me .... Once I even managed … . It happened, as I pass through the department, - everything ... and ..., like a leaf.

2. Fill in the second part of the table with quotes (see Appendix No. 1)

Lesson topic message

Teacher's word.

The topic of today's lesson is “Comedy by N.V. Gogol“ The Inspector General ”. Analysis of the content 4 steps.

We will continue to study the comedy "The Inspector General", get acquainted with the 4 action of the comedy.

We will find out...

We will learn...

We will repeat...

Introduction of new material.Work on the topic:

« N.V. Gogol. Comedy "Inspector". Content Analysis4 actions".

1. Work on the assimilation of the content 4 actions.

one). Phenomenon 1

Where is the action taking place?

With what intentions did the officials gather in the mayor's house the next day?

Give a lexical interpretation of the word "bribe".

Why do you think Gogol replaced the word "bribe" with vernacular “slip”?

What details indicate that bribes are commonplace?

Who is the first to offer to "slip"?

What is the purpose of these bribes?

2. Painting"Parade of Officials"

Phenomenon 3.

Read the words of Ammos Fedorovich “aside”.

How does the judge feel when giving a bribe?

How does he bribe?

How does Khlestakov explain why he needs money?

Phenomenon 4.

Who is trying to "loan" Khlestakov in the 4th phenomenon?

What is his speech?

How many rubles did the postmaster lend Khlestakov?

Phenomenon 5.

We read 5 phenomena by roles.

How does the official behave in this scene?

Does Khlestakov understand why they give him money?

How much does Luka Lukich give Khlestakov?

Phenomenon 6. Watching an episode from the movie “Inspector General” (Strawberry gives a bribe).

Why is Strawberry the last to go to Khlestakov?

Why is he reporting on his "friends"?

How much does he lend?

Phenomenon 7

Why does Khlestakov not stand on ceremony with Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky?

How much money did Khlestakov ask them for?

How much could they give him?

With what request does Dobchinsky appeal to Khlestakov?

Remember the moment when Khlestakov guessed that he was being mistaken for a statesman.

What can you say about officials?

Output: confusion, fear, awe are characteristic of all officials, but each of them gives a bribe in his own way, which is reflected in speech, actions and remarks.

Apparitions 8-9

- To whom is Khlestakov writing a letter?

How does he speak of local officials?

What do we learn about the Raggedy Man?

Painting "Khlestakov and complainers".

Phenomena 10 -11

Who did the merchants come to complain about?

Why are the merchants dissatisfied with the mayor?

-Compose the story "Complaints of merchants"

-What kind of bribe do the merchants give to Khlestakov?

Expressive reading in faces 11 phenomena.

-What are the complaints of locksmith and non-commissioned officer?

Painting"Khlestakov's red tape".

Expressive reading of actionIV, phenomena 12 - 15.

How does Khlestakov behave with Marya Antonovna and Anna Andreevna?

Why does Khlestakov's stay in the mayor's house end with the scene of matchmaking?

Painting "Seeing Khlestakov".

How are Khlestakov seen off?

When does Khlestakov promise to return?


What are these events in the plot plan?

What created the comic effect in these scenes?

- "naive" self-revelations of heroes;

- the growing "revelry" of Khlestakov, his looseness and frankness.

 Vocabulary work

Court counselor, titular counselor, senator, courier, inmate, frieze, declaration

They look for the best form of presentation to the “auditor” and strive to find the best way to bribe the distinguished guest.

Vocabulary work.

Bribe - money or material values ​​given to an official as a bribe, as payment for actions punishable by law.

They talk about how bribes are given and how they are taken.

“Well, we know that” (Artemy Filippovich)

"Slip it in?" (Ammos Fedorovich)


Protect, protect your department from audits.

“And the money is in the fist, but the fist is all on fire”, “it’s like hot coals under you”, “now I’m on trial.”


Postmaster. All his thoughts revolve around the mail.

Incoherent mumbling.

Three hundred rubles

The overseer of the schools is trembling all over, his tongue is tangled.

Three hundred rubles

He is seasoned and experienced.

The strawberry is the last one, it's impossible to test it.

Four hundred rubles.

A thousand rubles.

sixty five rubles

This is the scene with Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, where Khlestakov is "seeing off" the guests.

Tryapichkin lives in Petersburg. Writes articles. Whoever falls into his teeth, beware: he will not spare his own father for a word, and loves money. He likes to move often from the apartment and underpay.

The story "Complaints of merchants":

“We endure insults from the mayor. Let's stay frozen. Pulls on the beard. The order is always fulfilled: we give the cloth on the dress to the wife and daughter. We bring groceries for the holidays. You can not contradict him (say something against).

The locksmith complains about the mayor, because ... .

The non-commissioned officer complains about the mayor, because ...

red tape courtship of women (usually without serious intentions).

The mayor offers him money and the best Persian carpet.

Elements in the development of action.


1. Fill in the tables with quotes.

Open diaries, write down homework.


Summing up the lesson.

Complete the sentences

In class, I learned...

In class, I learned...

I can commend myself for...

 Complete the self-assessment form.

Application No. 1

Officials, Anna Andreevna, Maria Antonovna


"We are even more pleased to see such a person."

“How can you, sir, you are doing a lot of honor. I do not deserve this. I live in the village".

“Excuse me, madam, quite the opposite: I’m even more pleased.” “You, ma'am, deserve it. Yes, the village, however, also has its own hillocks, streams ... "

Mayor: "The rank is such that you can still stand."

"Without ranks, please sit down." “Well, brother, we completely mistook you for the commander in chief.”

“You, right, put it in magazines? Tell me, were you Brambeus?”

“Yes, and I put them in magazines ... Well, I correct articles for them all ...”

“So, right, and “Yuri Miloslavsky” is your composition?”

"Yes, this is my work"

“I think with what taste and splendor balls are given there”

“Just don't talk. On the table, for example, a watermelon - seven hundred rubles a watermelon ... "

"This is Mr. Zagoskin's work."

“Oh yes, it’s true, it’s definitely Zagoskin; but there is another “Yuri Miloslavsky”, so that one is mine.”

"The mayor and others shyly get up from their chairs."

“The State Council itself is afraid of me.”

Application №2


    Who was the first to suggest “slipping” a bribe to the auditor? (Artemy Filippovich)

    Who is the first to go to an appointment with Khlestakov? (Ammos Fedorovich)

    Continue the phrase: “I have the honor to introduce myself: the superintendent of schools, the titular adviser ...” (Khlopov)

    Who tells the imaginary auditor that “the local postmaster is doing absolutely nothing: all the affairs are in great desolation, the parcels are delayed ...”? (Artemy Filippovich Strawberry)

    Who does Dobchinsky ask to help legitimize his illegitimate son? (Khlestakov)

    Whose words are these: “Just know what, Ivan Alexandrovich? Get out of here! Oh my God, it's time! Walked here for two days, well - that's enough"? (Osip)

    “How I wish, madam, to be your handkerchief to hug your lily neck ...” Whose words? (Khlestakov)

    Anna Andreevna: “Do you know what honor he honors us ... He asks for the hand of our daughter.” Who is she talking about? (Khlestakov)

    Who ordered Avdotya to get a Persian carpet from the pantry and give it to Khlestakov on the road? (Mayor)

    From whom does Khlestakov ask for money: “Yes, then you gave two hundred, that is, not two hundred, but four hundred: I don’t want to take advantage of your mistake - so, perhaps, now the same amount, so that it’s already exactly eight hundred”? (Mayor)

Application №3

Khlestakov and...


Khlestakov's demeanor

Ammos Fedorovich

"Do you know what: lend them to me"; “You know, I spent on the road: this and that ... However, I’ll send them to you from the village now”

Obsequious, ready to apologize, curry favor with a respectable judge, probably ready to back down.


“Can you lend me three hundred rubles. And I, I confess, do not like death to deny myself the road, and why?

Speaks more freely. He himself appoints the amount, which is already quite bold.

“Which do you like - brunettes or blondes? There is definitely something in my eyes that inspires timidity.”

Dissolves and becomes impudent - inversely proportional to the timidity of his interlocutor

Artemy Filippovich

“Tell me, please, it seems to me as if yesterday you were a little shorter, isn’t it?”; "Hey you! as you? I will forget everything, like your name and patronymic.

Allows impudence towards Strawberry

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky

"Don't you have any money? Borrow a thousand rubles

Brazenly extorting money

"But I like the local town" ...
"Gifts of the City"
Purpose: to create conditions for work on the 4th action of the "Auditor";
develop analytical skills;
Organizing moment (1 min)
Hello. We continue to work on N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" At home you read the 4th act. Let's check how carefully you did it.
Test (5 min)
In front of you are tablets with the names of officials. I will ask questions about the content, and you must choose the correct answer and raise the correct sign.

Who was the first to suggest “slipping” a bribe to the auditor? (Artemy Filippovich)
Who is the first to go to an appointment with Khlestakov? (Ammos Fedorovich)
Continue the phrase: “I have the honor to introduce myself: the superintendent of schools, the titular adviser ...” (Khlopov)
Who tells the imaginary auditor that “the local postmaster is doing absolutely nothing: all the affairs are in great desolation, the parcels are delayed ...”? (Artemy Filippovich Strawberry)
Who does Dobchinsky ask to help legitimize his illegitimate son? (Khlestakov)
Whose words are these: “Just know what, Ivan Alexandrovich? Get out of here! Oh my God, it's time! Walked here for two days, well - that's enough"? (Osip)
“How I wish, madam, to be your handkerchief to hug your lily neck ...” Whose words? (Khlestakov)
Anna Andreevna: “Do you know what honor he honors us ... He asks for the hand of our daughter.” Who is she talking about? (Khlestakov)
Who ordered Avdotya to get a Persian carpet from the pantry and give it to Khlestakov on the road? (Mayor)
Working with an epigraph (2 min)

On the board before class. Khlestakov plays the main role in the action. All other faces revolve around it, like the planets around the Sun.
Y. Mann
- Is this statement correct? (Yes. All officials are spinning around Khlestakov, trying to please him). Goal setting (2 min)
Set the goal of the lesson based on what has been said. What tasks will we solve.? Conversation (3 min)
A) With what intention did the officials gather in the mayor's house the next day? (They are looking for a form, how best to introduce themselves to the auditor and decide how to give a bribe)
b) What does the word bribe mean? Write in a notebook
(Maltseva A. A bribe is money or material values ​​given to an official as a bribe, as payment for actions punishable by law)
C) Why did Gogol replace the expression "give a bribe" with the verb "slip". What does it mean?
(Niyaz Slip - 1. give, slip unnoticed 2. Slip something unnecessary, bad)
D) In ​​what sense did Gogol use it?
6. Reading a monologue (2 min)
P. 314 of the textbook with the words Pdsut ... until you are the first and start ..) Conversation (2 min)
What indicates that giving bribes is commonplace?
Who is the first to offer to slip? Target?
(Judge. Protect your department from revision) How does this manifest itself?
(In action, in speech, in remark)
Independent work (15 min)
I distribute a marker, paper Children fill out. Features of the behavior of officials during bribery.
Yavl 3 Amos Fedorovich Lyapkin - Tyapkin (judgment) Yavl.4 Shpekin (postmaster) Yavl 5. Luka Lukich Khlopov (caretaker of schools) Yavl.6 Artemy Filippovich Strawberry9 caretaker of charitable institutions) Yavl.7
Dobchinsky, Bobchinsky (landlords)
"so it breaks the knees"
"like hot coals under you"
Dropped money on the floor
Addresses the Holy Mother
Stutters and gets confused in conversation
Sivov T. Repeats words after Khlestakov
Willingly gives money
"heartily ready to serve"
Kozin VIndecisive
Frightened "damned shyness ruined"
Doesn't know what to answer
Not sure
Almost running out
Niyaz is not lost
Talking about your virtues
Meanly denounces officials
Tries to leave without slipping
Anya They try to shift the burden of bribery on each other
First to ask
Checking independent work (5 min)
(Children attach their work to the board with magnets)
Solving the problem6 Does Khlestakov understand who he is taken for? (10 min)
Watch the lines at the end of each event

Judge Perplexed What order?
Shpekin More Confident There is nothing
Khlopov goodbye
Strawberries Cheeky Hey you! How are you there?
D-BS Immediately demands money
Each time he becomes looser and bolder, because he begins to understand that he is being taken for the wrong person.
Creative work (2 min)
Finish the sentence:
I learned about Khlestakov that he ...
Fragment of the film "Explanation of Khlestakov with Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna) (10 min)
What causes laughter?
What does he add about Khlestakov?
Conclusion: (1 min)
“an icicle,“ an empty man without a king in his head ”- that’s on whose bait the county officials, led by the mayor, who deceived“ scammers over scammers ”were
From the 4th act, the pathos of the play changes.
Paphos - uplift, inspiration, enthusiasm
12. Look at the topics. Which of them best matches the content of the lesson? (2 min)
Or can you suggest another option?
Reflection(1 min)
Did my expectations from the lesson come true?
For reading the 5th act, establish a connection between the painting by K. Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii” and the finale of the play.
F.E.Soloviev. Literature lessons. 8th grade. Toolkit. M., 2012
A.M. Dokusov, V.G. Marantsman N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" in school study L, 1975
Literature Grade 8 Lesson plans according to the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravleva, V.I. Korovina Author-compiler S.B. Shadrina Edition 3rd corrected part 1
Literature lessons No. 8 -2009 Appendix to the journal "literature at school" pp1 -16
Fragment of the film "The Government Inspector" 1952

Attached files


28.03.2013 18136 3016

Lesson 24 " I will go to look around the world, where there is a corner for an offended feeling ... "
(Act IV analysis)

Goals: improve the skills of analysis of the work; determine the features of Griboedov's innovation in creating a new type of comedy; show the significance of the play for Russian literature.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

h shadow of popular expressions.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. The word of the teacher.

Act III was the climax. In act IV, the denouement comes. As the lesson progresses, consider: Does the social conflict end?

So, act IV: the guests go home, Famusov is scolded for a boring ball:

Well, ball! Well, Famusov! Know how to call guests!

... And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with.

But then a belated guest appears - Repetilov. What can you say about it? What thoughts are running through his head? Who does the people around him think? (He is a chatterer and a chatterbox, he talks about things that he does not understand anything. His speech combines colloquial and high styles, which creates a comic effect.)

The guests, leaving, are still discussing the madness of "poor" Chatsky. The “sentence” to him is final and cannot be revoked.

Now let's follow the denouement of the love conflict.

2. Reading by roles of 10-13 events.

- What do you think, can Sophia eventually forgive Molchalin and even marry him?

3.Commented reading 14th, 15th apparitions.

- What do you think, does the conflict have a public outcome? (No, it is too deep, goes beyond the scope of the work.)

- Whom and for what does Chatsky denounce in the last monologue?

- Is he fair, throwing accusations to Sofya that she “lured him with hope”?

- What worries Moscow society more: the fate of Chatsky or the opinion of Princess Marya Aleksevna about what happened?

- What do you think, are there any winners in the dispute between the "present century" and the "past century"?

4. The word of the teacher.

Many researchers noted that the image of Chatsky is close to the author himself. He is indifferent to ranks, careers, strives for personal independence; he has the features of a "political freethinker", he is critical of the world. The author emphasizes the complete incompatibility of the views, worldviews of the hero and the patriarchal Famus Moscow. In the mind of Chatsky there was a mixture of two worldviews - "French" and "Petersburg". During the absence, the hero gained "free thoughts", but completely lost the ability to understand the surrounding reality.

For a long time, criticism unanimously assured that Chatsky was a future Decembrist (if not explicit, then at least by conviction). But does Chatsky look like a Decembrist? Yes, his “free thoughts” somewhat coincide with the ideas of the Decembrists. But so did many educated people of that time. Besides, can Chatsky be called a hero, a fighter? After all, his arrival in Moscow had no purpose at all to denounce anyone or propagate his views. This happened involuntarily. The appearance of Chatsky did not change anything, on the contrary, it harmed only himself.

So, Chatsky is not a hero, and, it seems, he does not at all strive to become one. He suffers from his loneliness, feels his social lack of demand, because he is an active person, active by nature, full of romantic feelings and impulses.

Chatsky does not win the argument. But the Famus society does not prevail either: it has no future.

- What, in your opinion, is the further fate of Chatsky?

III. and that lesson. Summing up the study of comedy.

1. The word of the teacher.

So we have finished studying Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". Despite the traditional classic features that we talked about earlier, this comedy is the first realistic work of Russian literature. First of all, realism is characterized by the depiction of socio-political conflicts. The play is distinguished by historicism in the depiction of reality. The characters of the heroes are revealed deeply and multilaterally, individualized with the help of speech portraits. There is no solution to the social conflict in the play - this is evidence of Griboyedov's innovation in creating a new type of socio-political comedy.

The comedy is written in poetic form in the beautiful Russian folk language. Back in 1825, Pushkin predicted, speaking of comedy: "I'm not talking about poetry: half - should be included in the proverb ..." And he turned out to be absolutely right. You have already read the aphorisms written out at home.

- Try to determine the size of the comedy verse. (Free iambic.)

2.student performance Stage history of "Woe from Wit".

"Comedies are only written to be played." This statement J.-B. Molière is quite right. The specificity of dramatic works lies precisely in their purpose for performance on stage, in action. Therefore, before putting an end to it, it will be interesting to trace the stage history of the comedy "Woe from Wit".

While the student is making a message, the teacher draws the students' attention to photographs of famous artists: Kachalov, Mironov, Yursky - in the role of Chatsky.


1) prepare for the test on the work (knowledge of the text);

2) collecting material for the essay:

 “The current century and the past century”;

 Who are the judges?

 Chatsky and Molchalin;

 The image of Sofia Famusova.

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

In the play "At the bottom", written by A.M. Gorky in 1902, the essential features of Gorky's dramaturgy manifested themselves with particular clarity. He approved a new type of socio-political drama in dramaturgy. His innovation manifested itself both in the choice of dramatic conflict and in the method of depicting reality. The conflict in Gorky's plays is always expressed not externally, but in the internal movement of the play. The main conflict underlying the play "At the Bottom" is the contradiction between the people of the "bottom" and the orders that reduce a person to the tragic fate of a homeless tramp. The acuteness of the conflict has a social character in Gorky. It lies in the clash of ideas, in the struggle of worldviews, social principles. The composition of the play plays an important role. In a small exposition of the first act, the viewer gets acquainted with the situation of Kostylev's rooming house, with the characters living in this rooming house, their past. The plot is the appearance of the wanderer Luke in the rooming house, his struggle for the souls of dying people. The development of the action is the awareness by the rooming houses of the entire horror of their situation, the emergence of hope for a change in life for the better under the influence of Luka's "good" speeches, the culmination is the increase in the tension of the action, culminating in the murder of old Kostylev and the beating of Natasha. And, finally, the denouement is a complete collapse of the heroes' hopes for a renewal of life: Anna dies, the Actor tragically commits suicide, Pepel is arrested.

Act IV plays an important role in the composition of the play. The author's remark emphasizes the changes on the stage that have taken place since the first act: “The atmosphere of the first act. But Cinder's rooms are not, the bulkheads are broken. And in the place where the Tick was sitting, there is no anvil ... The Actor is fumbling and coughing on the stove. Night. The scene is illuminated by a lamp standing in the middle of the table. Outside is the wind." At the beginning of the action, Kleshch, Nastya, Satin, Baron and Tatarin participate in the dialogue. They remember Luka, and everyone tries to express their attitude towards him: “He was a good old man! .. And you ... are not people ... you are rust!” (Nastya), “A curious old man… yes! And in general ... for many it was ... like a crumb for the toothless ... "(Satin), "He ... was compassionate ... you have ... no pity" (Tick), "Like a plaster for abscesses" (Baron), "The old man was good ... the law had a soul! Whoever has the law of the soul is good! Whoever lost the law is gone” (Tatarin). Satin sums up the result: “Yes, it was he, the old yeast, who fermented our roommates ...” The word “fermented” perfectly reflects the essence of the situation in the rooming house after the old man left. Fermentation began, all the difficulties, conflicts escalated, the most important thing was that there appeared, albeit weak, but hope: to escape from the “cave-like basement” and live a normal human life. Klesh understands this well. He says: “He beckoned them somewhere ... but he didn’t say the way ...” Klesch’s words that the old man did not like the truth cause Satine’s indignation, and he utters a monologue about truth and lies: “Lie is the religion of slaves and masters ... Truth - the god of a free man! Satin explains to the roomers why the old man lied: "He lied ... but - it's out of pity for you, damn you!" But Satin himself does not support this lie and says why: “There is a comforting lie, a reconciling lie ... a lie justifies the heaviness that crushed the worker’s hand ... and blames those who are dying of hunger ...” No, Sateen does not need such a lie, because he is a free man: "And who is his own master ... who is independent and does not eat someone else's - why should he lie?" The words of Satin, recalling the old man's statement: "Everyone thinks that he lives for himself, but it turns out that for the best!" - make the overnight stays listen carefully. “Nastya stubbornly looks into the face of Satin. The tick stops working on harmony and also listens. The baron, bowing his head low, softly beats his fingers on the table. The actor, leaning out of the stove, wants to carefully climb down onto the bunk.

Comprehending the words of Luke, the Baron recalls his past life: a house in Moscow, a house in St. Petersburg, carriages with coats of arms, "high post ... wealth ... hundreds of serfs ... horses ... cooks ..." Nastya responds to every remark of the Baron with the words: "It was not!" which infuriates the Baron. Satin thoughtfully remarks: “In the carriage of the past, you won’t go anywhere ...”

The ongoing skirmish between Nastya and the Baron ends with an explosion of hatred from Nastya: “I wish you all ... would go to hard labor ... sweep you away like rubbish ... somewhere in a pit! .. Wolves! For you to breathe! Wolves! And at this moment, Satine turns his attention to himself, delivering his famous monologue about man. According to Satin, a person is free in his choice of attitude to faith, and to life, to its structure, its order: “A person is free ... he pays for everything himself: for faith, for unbelief, for love, for the mind - a person for everything he pays himself, and therefore he is free!.. The man is the truth!” The maturity of Sateen's judgments has always amazed. However, for the first time he rises to the realization of the need to improve the world, although he cannot go beyond these reasonings: “What is a person? .. Do you understand? This is huge! In this - all beginnings and ends ... Everything is in a person, everything is for a person! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! Man! It's great! It sounds… proud! Man! You have to respect the person! Do not pity ... do not humiliate him with pity ... you must respect! .. Let's drink for a man, Baron! So says the sharper and the anarchist, the slacker and drunkard. It is strange to hear these words from him. Gorky himself understood how much these speeches did not correspond to Satin. He wrote: “... Sateen's speech about the man-truth is pale. However - except for Sateen - there is no one to say it to, and it is better, more vividly to say - he cannot ... "

Bubnov and Medvedev appear in the rooming house. Both tipsy. Bubnov treats the inhabitants of the rooming house and gives all his money to Satin, as he feels goodwill towards him. The shelters sing their favorite song "The Sun Rises and Sets." The rooming house is still dark and dirty. But in it, however, some new sense of universal interconnectedness settles. The arrival of Bubnov reinforces this impression: “Where are the people? Why are there no people here? Hey, get out ... I ... treat! The external reason is “to take the soul away” (he got money). The inner state of this person, who came to "sing ... all night," is full of old, old bitterness: "I will sing ... I will cry!" In the song: “... I want to be free, but I can’t break the chain ...” - they all want to suffer their unfortunate fate. That is why Satin responds to the unexpected news of the Actor's suicide with the words concluding the drama: "Eh ... ruined the song ... fool!" Such a sharp response to the tragedy of the unfortunate has another meaning: the departure of the Actor is the result of the death of his illusions, again the step of a person who has failed to realize the true truth. Each of the last three acts of "At the Bottom" ends in death: Anna, Kostylev, Actor. The philosophical subtext of the play is revealed in the finale of the second act, when Satin shouts: “The dead do not hear! Dead people don't feel... Shout... roar... Dead people don't hear! The tramps who live here are as deaf and blind as the dead. Only in act IV complex processes take place in the mental life of the characters, and people begin to hear, feel, and understand something. The "acid" of gloomy thoughts is cleared, like an "old, dirty coin", the thought of Satin. This is where the main meaning of the finale of the play lies.

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