I heard an ultimatum: "Either you are with me, or the war." Revelations of Katya Lel


The childhood of Katya Lel

The girl was born in sunny Nalchik and fell in love with music from early childhood. Music was played almost constantly at home, and Katya grew up, getting used to listening and singing. When dad Katya and her sister Ira bought a piano, there was no doubt left for the girl that she wanted to and would study music. At the age of seven, she was taken to a music school, where she studied in two departments in parallel. Both of them graduated with honors. Katya understood that professional vocals were her calling, she felt that she not only likes to sing, but she also succeeds. Understanding the vocation came quite early, so the girl devoted a lot of time and effort to music and vocals.

The first songs of Katya Lel

After a music school, Katerina entered a music school, and then became a student at the Institute of Arts. She already at that age understood that, having remained in her hometown, she could only count on a quiet life without any special prospects, but she wanted to improve her vocals and achieve something more. Katya felt that she could, but for this she had to go to the capital. And so she did. In Moscow, the girl entered the Gnesinka. Katya's teachers were Yuri Bazdyrev, Lev Leshchenko and Iosif Kobzon. It was 1994.

Realizing that her future depended only on diligence, Lel tried to study with all her might. At the same time, she participated in performing activities. The first victory of the beginning singer took place in the same 1994. At the all-Union competition of young performers, she became a laureate. The name of this competition is "Musical Start-94".

For the first time, she performed at such a high level, while receiving recognition. Of course, it was very pleasant for the young performer, she gained faith in her strength, felt that in Moscow she could succeed. In 1998, she graduated from the Higher Academy with honors. Katya had a diploma of a professional vocalist in her hands.

Katya Lel on the Russian stage

Katya's surname is Chuprinina. She decided that she needed a pseudonym that would correspond to her inner self, would be sonorous, short and positive. So she became Katya Lel, and the singer changed her last name even in her passport.

Katya Lel - I Miss You

At the beginning of the journey, Katya was helped a lot by Lev Leshchenko. At one of the competitions, not really hoping for anything, she approached him and asked if he really had a center for young talents, and gave him a cassette with her songs. Imagine Katerina's surprise when Leshchenko called back. A few days passed, and she had already gone on tour, performed in St. Petersburg, in Karelia and other places.

Collaboration with Alexander Volkov

For several years, Katya worked with Leshchenko, was in his backing vocals, and toured a lot. He also introduced her to Alexander Volkov. This producer took up the "promotion" of Lel. They cooperated for several years, but everything ended in a scandal, followed by a lawsuit.

The producer and the singer mutually blamed each other. According to the court decision, Katerina was obliged to coordinate her own concert activity with Volkov. Nevertheless, Lel is grateful to Volkov for his cooperation and for the fact that he met in her life, for what the producer did for her work. Without him, there would be no album "Champs Elysees" and "Herself", Katya sang the songs "I miss you", "Lights", "Peas", etc.

Katya Lel's work with Max Fadeev

The next important figure in the creative activity of the singer was Maxim Fadeev. With his help, Katya changed her clothing style and repertoire, her album "Jaga-Jaga" was released. It was 2004. At the very beginning of cooperation, the singer had to urgently lose four kilograms. While recording the clip "Marmalade", the girl almost fainted on stage.

In the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" the singer released a solo program in 2004, at the same time Katya became the winner of several awards. It was with Fadeev that she reached the heights of popularity, although the scandal with Volkov negatively affected her popularity.

In 2006, Katerina released a new disc, which was called "Kruchu-Verchu". The singer herself acted as the producer of the album. The six songs included in it are Lel's own songs. She is both a lyricist and a composer. At this time, her popularity was on the decline. The singer's seventh album was released in 2008. It's called "I'm Yours".

Katya Lel today

Since 2011, the singer has been collaborating again with Maxim Fadeev. In the same year, a video for the song "Your" was released.

Katya Lel feat. Bosson - "I live by you"

Swedish singer Bossom and Katya jointly recorded the single “I live by you”. The video clip for it was filmed by Evgeny Kuritsyn and appeared before the audience in January 2014.

of the year. The eighth studio album was recorded in 2013. Its name is “The Sun of Love”, it contains thirteen tracks recorded by the singer since 2008.

Katya Lel's personal life

Katerina had a relationship with producer Alexander Volkov. When they met, Katya was twenty-two years old, Volkov - forty-six. He had his own family. Volkov died in 2008 from cancer.

In the fall of 2008, the singer married Igor Kuznetsov. He is a businessman. In 2009, their daughter was born. They named her Emilia.

Money, power, fame - this singer had to go through the most difficult trials on her way to the musical Olympus. On the stage Katya Lel for about 20 years and knows firsthand about the other side of fame - lies, betrayals, exhausting rehearsals, the loss of relatives and friends ... Host of the MIR TV channel » Ilya Legostaev I talked with the famous singer and found out all the details of her dramatic break with the producer, her personal life after litigation and meeting her husband Igor Kuznetsov.

Katya, here in this studio are you recording a new album or are you preparing one song?

Katya Lel: Now it's fashionable to write singles, so for now one song, I think it will be a hit. And then we'll see, we'll implement it.

You've been on stage for over 20 years. Probably, in your life you had to work in many studios, including foreign ones?

Yes, I started recording abroad just at the beginning of my career, it was my very first experience before Russia. It didn't affect the quality of the songs. I am sure that the main thing is what kind of people surround you, and not what country you are preparing the record in.

In this studio, I see a lot of "artifacts" - your personal things that create a homely atmosphere...

Yes, I have a special elephant - a souvenir that I bought in Svetlogorsk, a city near Kaliningrad. Very beautiful crafts made of amber are produced there, and my sister gave me this souvenir as a reminder of the harmony that reigned in this place.

Your solo career started at a time when a lot depended on promotion. Musical TV was commercial and could be invested in endlessly. You needed a producer to help you. Was he quickly found?

I needed a person who would first of all believe in me. Then there were at most five strong producers in the country and one of them was a friend Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko - Alexander Volkov - started working with me.

For many years, Alexander Volkov and I struggled with the terrible word "non-format". I have disliked him so much since then that it seems to me that when people die and they are asked if they want to go to heaven, they can easily be answered: “Neformat” ...

The beginning of my career was not easy, I wanted to find someone who would change my whole worldview and creativity. This person turned out to be Maxim Fadeev.

There were many rumors about this, in particular that your first album was a very expensive project, like the first solo concert on the stage of the Rossiya concert hall. Did you really need millions of investments?

It was not millions, but absolutely real money. Each song had a quite adequate budget, there was a budget for the Jaga-Jaga album, which later went platinum. By the way, until now, many people who sell songs tell me that this album was really very successful.

After that, the relationship with the producer deteriorated? You had a difficult period of parting, which, unfortunately, got into all the "yellow" press. How do you remember it: as a useful experience or as a situation that, in principle, could have been avoided?

I sometimes think about what would have happened if I had behaved differently, but perhaps it was all destined to be. They say that all people, all teachers in life are sent to us not just like that, but so that we gain experience.

But still, to a greater extent, I perceive this period with gratitude. I am grateful that Sasha participated in my life, that he did it with a big soul, worked for eight years and fought with me for every note of my song ...

It is a great happiness when there are such people in life. Another question is that these people change a lot when, after eight years, you finally come to everything that you dreamed about, to which you purposefully went.

When the crazy success came, when the stadiums began to sing, Sasha was not ready. He asked: “What am I in your life now? The audience loves you." Jealousy has become a very strong argument for him, as for a loving person. He was a smart man, understood this business and remained amazing as a person, but when success came to us, I suddenly saw a completely different side of him - a completely different Sasha, whom I did not know before.

Where there was kindness before, cruelty, greed, anger, jealousy suddenly arose. Maybe I just didn't notice it all before? Or he could not pass the test of success, because it is not in vain that they say that the most difficult test for people is the test of money, power and fame.

But a contract was signed between you, according to which you had to share the income from all commercial activities - concerts, record sales. After the breakup, the trial began, Alexander had lawyers and business experience, and you were left on your own. How did you manage to win the case, remain an independent performer, perform under your own name and perform songs recorded with his participation?

I still do not believe that this happened, that everything was resolved, because there was a very serious war between us, which lasted for several difficult years. I was a frightened girl who remained in her creative world and did not understand at all how to continue to live after everything that had happened.

Sasha was very savvy in business and in the legal side of production activities - he drew up an agreement that was contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation. He was going to deprive me of the right to work in his country...

I was silent for two whole years about this whole situation, although it was worth talking about! Then I got even more frightened when the whole world turned away from me at one moment. Maybe my life would have turned out differently if then I began to tell people the truth - many still do not know about it.

When there are two people - a man and a woman - no one can understand their relationship, people will only discuss, not knowing what it is like to survive inside such a nightmare.

All the rumors that his influential friends blocked the airwaves and stages for you - is there even a drop of truth in this?

Rumors are circulating even 13 years after everything that happened, although Sasha has been gone for nine years already ... I honestly tried to sit down with him at the negotiating table twice, to solve the problem peacefully. But Sasha did not want to listen to me, he delivered an ultimatum: "Either you are with me, or the war."

I wanted to give birth to a child, to become his legal wife, and not his mistress. He had a family, but he did not want to lose it, explaining that he was connected with his children and wife by oath. At the same time, he also could not let me go to build my own female happiness. He couldn’t work, make friends, or love disinterestedly.

Who was behind you at that moment?

My sister, my beloved mother were my support. Sasha wanted to separate us, because we are very strong when we are united. We understood each other perfectly, how women tried to stick together. Sasha deliberately wanted to isolate me from everyone and make me weak, vulnerable, so that I agreed to go to his terms.

The trials lasted four years - during this time we went through several circles of proceedings, including through the Supreme Court. Sasha thought that everything is possible for money, but he could not win. I am very grateful to my teacher Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko, who supported me during this period. I so want great people like him to live long.

After the trial, Sasha fell very seriously ill and in nine months burned out from a severe illness. Igor Krutoy, Maxim Fadeev urged me to call him and ask for forgiveness, but all I could do, clenching my teeth in resentment, was to write him a text message: "Sasha, hold on, get well." This is the maximum that I could do at this moment.

There is again a revival in your career - recently you have new hits, songs, high-profile video clips with stars ...

The friends with whom I communicate, the very stars you are talking about, themselves wanted to appear in my videos. For example, hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, whom we have known since the fateful 2008. We met by chance in Moscow and became friends, and recently he said that he wanted to star in my video. I asked: “Sasha, how many days do you have in Moscow?” He replied, "Six." And we made a video.

Katya, you have received questions from our viewers. Elena from Veliky Novgorod is wondering if it is true that you met your husband in a nightclub?

Yes, it happened when my sister and I were at Vladimir Presnyakov's concert in Odessa. That evening I was incredibly sleepy, because I was chronically sleep deprived and only thanks to my sister's persuasion did I go to the club. I was going to give Volodya flowers after one of the songs, when suddenly I noticed with peripheral vision that a man in a white suit with long black hair was looking at me with a penetrating look. It was Igor Kuznetsov.

At that moment, I was completely unprepared for a relationship, but suddenly I realized that this man was coming up to me with the question: “Tell me, do you have your marmalade?” Men approached me in different ways, but I did not expect such a question! And I answered: “No, what?”. And he suggested: “Can I be him?”

Another question from Muscovite Victoria, who wonders if you really had a moment in your life when you almost ruined yourself with diets?

Yes, it was! When the Jaga-Jaga album came out, I weighed 46 kilograms.

The fact was that before recording the album, I weighed 52 kilograms and Maxim Fadeev told me that I would look fat on the screen, because the screen added eight kilograms. He explained to me that the figure should be absolutely dry, inflated, with muscles. I did everything as he said, and after losing weight they even began to whisper that I removed the ribs, went through liposuction ...

For weight loss, I ate according to a schedule, ate by the hour, and a two-time world fitness champion cooked for me. Every day there were barbells, dumbbells, cardio loads ...

Katya, at the end of each program, we ask the stars to comment on the rumor that goes around about them. Is it true that Lev Leshchenko did not talk to you for some time and did not even say hello?

No, it's a rumor. Lev Valeryanovich is the only person out of all my colleagues who continued to communicate with me, despite any intimidation from the former producer. The first, by the way, who after all this situation came up and apologized was Kolya Baskov, for which many thanks to him.

Watch new episodes of the program "Knocking on the Star" on the air of the MIR TV channel every Sunday at 9:30.

The legal battle between Katya Lel and her financial benefactor Alexander Volkov has ended. The singer lost the court

Over the past few years, many well-known artists have noisily parted ways with their producers: the Prime Minister group, Smash! Once these two were inseparable, they appeared together at all secular parties. The news of their scandalous separation gave rise to a lot of rumors. Many perceived the conflict between Lel and Volkov as another ploy to stir up interest in the singer. Katya Lel began her ascent to the musical Olympus in 1994. It was then that 19-year-old Ekaterina Chuprinina arrived in Moscow from Nalchik and became a backing vocalist with Lev Leshchenko. Who knows how the professional career of the young singer would have developed if it were not for the fateful meeting with the successful restaurateur Alexander Volkov. Even before perestroika, Alexander Mikhailovich became an influential person in show business, arranging tours of Soviet stars. In particular, he was the first to take Philip Kirkorov to the capitalist countries with concerts. In 1989, he organized performances by Alla Pugacheva at the West Berlin Congress Center. He also held concerts of Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru and many others. By the beginning of the 90s, Volkov became interested in the restaurant business, opened a network of elite Japanese restaurants in Moscow, Kyiv, London (by the way, Volkov's London restaurant is one of the top five in the UK). Alexander liked Katya so much that he decided to help her conquer the star Olympus. After eight years of joint work and life, Lel and Volkov broke up. In the party they taunted: they say, while she was needed, the beauty made the patron both musi and pusi, and now the jaga-jaga is over. Litigation "Lel - Volkov" lasted more than two years. Moreover, the real reason for the quarrel between the former partners became clear at the first trial: Katya refused to comply with the terms of the partnership agreement. Volkov filed a claim. The Tverskoy Court of Moscow recognized Alexander's claims to the singer as legitimate, and the contract was valid. Moreover, Lel's cassation appeal was rejected and the decision of the Moscow City Court entered into force. But the singer still continues her touring and creative activities, completely ignoring the decision of the courts. Lel outlined her version of the quarrel with the producer to almost every publication and TV channel. Volkov was stubbornly silent and categorically refused to communicate with journalists. "Gordon Boulevard" is the only one to whom Alexander Mikhailovich agreed to give an exclusive interview.


- Katya Lel claims that she is really afraid for her life, she hired security guards. Even transparently hinted at who is threatening her...

Clearly, she directly pointed to the person to whom she owes money. But how could I threaten her? The last time I saw Ms. Lel... I'll give you the exact date - July 12, 2004, at the Green restaurant in Moscow. By the way, in an interview with Channel One, she herself admitted that the last time she talked to me was two and a half years ago. Where is the logic? By the way, when your colleagues asked her about the threats, Lel replied that no one physically threatened her. Then what's the point of hiring two guards?

Ms. Lel claims that I threatened all radio stations and TV channels. But how can you intimidate the media? They are now so influential that they would not leave this unattended, they would definitely inflate a sensation. Let Katya give at least one example, let at least one of the media representatives confirm that I threatened them.

Pay attention, at first Katya said that she was being pursued by a sexual maniac, as it turned out later, from the Rostov region: they say, she sends threatening letters, leaves messages in the guest book of her official website. Later she hinted that I was hiding under the "Rostov maniac". But this is easy to disprove - it is enough to determine from the computer from which place the message was sent.

When the move with the "Rostov maniac" did not work, Mrs. Lel decided to switch the situation directly to me. On September 9, someone nicknamed the Gray Wolf (noticed the analogy?) left a message on the singer's website. And he did it right after Katya's speech on the NTV channel, where she poured another portion of dirt on me. I didn’t even see this program, because at that time I was flying from Moscow to Sochi for the Five Stars festival. For the first time after the scandal, he plunged into the show party. The message came exactly at 2:38 pm - at the time when I was sitting with friends in the lobby of the Sochi hotel, waiting for the room, which I received at 3 pm. Only neither Lel nor her people could know about it. Missed again.

The second time a similar story happened on October 14-15, 2006 at 00.47. Someone, now under the name of the Beggar, again left an unpleasant message on the site. Again Lel and her fans hinted at me. And they missed again, because I have an ironclad alibi: after the concert of Alexander Rosenbaum, I was at a banquet until two in the morning, where hundreds of people saw me, including my friends. In general, I won’t be surprised if the singer’s PR team comes up with something cooler.

Katya sees how the story with Jasmine worked: one bruise near the nose - and you can say that you were beaten. Who raised their hand? Well, of course, byaka Volkov.

Understand that everything that Mrs. Lel says and does now is a complete lie and pure PR. I am sure that as soon as our artist reads this interview, she will immediately give in to her fantasies and invent new dirt in retaliation for my revelations. This will be proof that she is lying. Lel gave such a huge number of interviews that, it seems, she had to express everything she wanted and could. And I will reveal to you only a small part of the whole truth, which is provable in almost every case.

A whole apparatus works for Katya: a new lie is invented, scripts are written, another portion of nasty things is poured out. The goal is the same - to draw the attention of the public to the innocent sheep as much as possible and make a profit. Or maybe, pouring mud on me, she thereby tries to find an excuse for her act? Believe me, I have more reason to be afraid of something today. So Katya doesn't need to spend money on security guards. I never tried to intimidate anyone, unlike Mrs. Lel, who threatened not only me, but also other people.

What does "threatened" mean?

Did it ever occur to you that Mrs. Lel was just taking revenge?! This innocent sheep threatened me on the phone, scaring me with serious and authoritative people who would otherwise talk to me. And what about TV presenter Dana Borisova? On the air, she asked Katya a question that she did not like according to the script. After the program, Lel rushed to Borisova's dressing room, called her on her mobile, intimidating her with the same authoritative people. The scandal went around the Internet, you yourself wrote about it.


- Do you have any idea how many conflicts I had to settle while working with Mrs. Lel?! People from television, who helped Katya a lot with concerts and TV broadcasts, asked for a friendly discount for one event. By the way, Nikolai Baskov worked for them to a minimum. But Katya asked for an astronomical fee - more than 30 thousand dollars! They were offended, after which Mrs. Lel said that I ruined her relationship with television.

Then Katya's friend Olga (ex-wife of Vlad Stashevsky) invited her to her second wedding. The singer confirmed her presence. A few days before the wedding, the organizers called her to clarify: will there be a musical congratulation from her, if "yes", what will be needed from the equipment. Katya boiled: they say, why should I sing for free when other artists are invited for money ?! I came up with a reason and... didn't go to the wedding. So much for female friendship in the concept of Katya Lel...

All this is insincere and leftist. She generally hates all female representatives, and not only from show business.

There was also an incident with Jasmine ... Katya constantly turned to her: "Sarah, Sarah ...". The girl asked not to be called that. In November 2003 they flew together to the USA. Jasmine rudely answered Katya to the next “Sarah”, they had a fight .. But after beating Jasmine, Katya suddenly became her so-and-so friend, in all interviews Lel talks about her solidarity with the poor thing. When the journalists asked: "Were you beaten too?" she answered: "Thank God, it didn't come to that." This, by the way, again to the question of the guards ...

Mrs. Lel constantly discussed all the singers. When composer and producer Max Fadeev (author of hits "My marmalade" and "Musi-pusi".- Auth.) created a successful song for Gluk’Oze, Yulia Savicheva or someone from the Star Factory, Katya, in a fit of rage and indignation, yelled that this was her song and she would have sung it better.

She was always missing something. What happened to our star when it became known that Yulia Savicheva would go to Eurovision! “How can this midget represent Russia ?! - Lel was indignant. - You can’t even see her on stage. Now, if I went ...”. Then I decided to go to the competition in the support group. "Why? - I was surprised. - After all, you hate and envy Savicheva!". To which Lel replied: "But I'll hang out on Channel One with Fadeev ...".

It seems that he thinks correctly - to light up on a popular TV channel with one of the best Russian producers. What surprised you?

Katya talks about her strong friendship with Max Fadeev on every corner, but ... When Verka Serduchka became insanely popular in Russia, Lel decided to record a duet with her. Fadeev agreed to write a song. But the duet "The Groom Wanted" came out, which Serduchka performed together with Gluk'Oza ... Lord, if Maxim had heard that Katya was pouring in his address! I don't even want to repeat it. But on the phone she lisped: "Maximochka ...". Sheer hypocrisy...

In one interview, she mentioned a gift from Alla Borisovna - a golden hat. Pugacheva gave a gift through Boris Krasnov to one of the presentations. Katya boasted to everyone about her hat, and later she began to say that an evil spirit emanated from the gift of the Prima Donna, which hindered her career. Allegedly, Alla Borisovna only wishes well for her daughter Kristina. The case ended with Katya going to the forest and burning the gift, and suddenly she told the 7 Days magazine that the Primadonna's present is still kept at home.

As now, I remember the scandal in Kyiv's Premier Palace Hotel! The singer was met in a VIP class: a limousine, a five-star hotel, food for the musicians - everything was amazing. After settling in, it was necessary to go to television. We went out into the street, because of the accumulation of cars, Lel's limousine was standing five meters from the entrance to the hotel. The star gave the driver such a tantrum with swearing and obscenities that the Kyiv organizers - in particular, Marta Ostankova - refused to work with her further.

As soon as Mrs. Lel imagined herself great, she stopped saying hello to many, demanded a rider who would be surprised by real stars - Pugacheva, Kobzon, Rotaru ... Previously, there was a point in her rider: meeting by limousine at the gangway of the plane. Even Western megastars can envy this.

- They would try to explain to the ward that it is not bringing her there.

How can you talk to a person who yells all the time? For example, I can't scream at all. I have been working with people for more than 30 years, I have never raised my voice to any of my subordinates. I consider it a weakness, a psychosis.

- You are an experienced man, you must understand: women have a bad mood ...

I doubt. After "My marmalade" and "Musi-pusi" Lel moved to the rank of those in demand and became completely uncontrollable: she was rude, cursed ... In general, a typical star fever. Her own aunt from Nalchik says in an interview: "Probably, when a person gets wealth, he changes. When Katya had nothing, she was a normal child. And now she is a star ...".

- In the biography of any artist there was a period of star disease. Wasn't it easier to wait?

Maybe even easier. But behind my back, pre-planned actions began. I did not demand the continuation of a personal relationship, I just wanted to calmly cooperate and be in a normal relationship. Now the entire Internet is replete with headlines that "Musi-pusi" and "Jaga-jaga" are being taken away from Katya Lel. Although no one takes away anything: according to the agreement, all property, including Fadeev's material, is joint. I have no right to take anything. Everyone can withdraw their deposits only if the contract is terminated, but then Katya risks even more: until the relationship is sorted out under the contract, it is forbidden to use joint property.

Knowing Katino's stubbornness, I am convinced that the showdown can last for years, or even longer than the term of the contract itself. Therefore, I’ll say it straight: Katenka, fulfill the contract, and no one will take anything away, no one will destroy anyone and was not going to destroy it. Madame Lel claims (including in your newspaper) that I want to destroy her so that she has nothing to buy a piece of bread. Funny! Katya's share under the contract is 50 percent. It is not less than 100 thousand dollars a month. Sorry, not only for bread - enough for a thick layer of caviar.

As soon as I realized that star disease had begun, I made Mrs. Lel a business proposal: “Girl, everything that has happened in these eight years is my gift to you. Today you have a roof over your head, a furnished apartment, big earnings. There were years ... now, honey, go and do what you want. I'll still be your uncle, dad, producer, whatever you want." We talked and she was fine with it. But at the beginning of April 2004, her solo performances were planned in the prestigious concert hall "Russia". Katya always dreamed about it, but the concerts required huge financial investments.

Knowing that Lel was no longer with me, I did not want to invest more money in her. What he reported. She insisted, "Let's do it." That's when I started talking about business: if you want me to finance solo albums, we'll draw up a contract. normal business law. At first, the girl did not want to sign the contract, she swore by her mother that everything would be as before. Cama herself offered to take an oath on the grave of her father, but now she has changed everything: they say, it was I who forced her. Aunt Lel Galina Ivanovna said: "I doubt that Volkov said it. Katya came up with it. These are Katya's fantasies."

Lel is so lied that she herself does not remember where and what she says. In one program, she claimed that I demanded an oath before the New Year, when posters of her concert were already hanging all over Moscow. Firstly, posters at that time could not be hung in any way: they are hung up no earlier than two months before the start of the concerts, and I was not in Moscow on that day either.

In another interview, Lel stated that I demanded from her an oath on her father’s grave and signing an agreement, and even fraudulently, as a guarantee that she would never leave me. And already in the magazine "Relax" she said that I demanded this in May 2004. But after all, solo concerts had already passed by this moment, we parted, and I could not hold her in any way. Her program, at least and at most, was fulfilled.


- In several interviews, Lel recalls the turning point in your relationship: “I still can’t forget that terrible moment and I’m surprised what kind of heart you need to have in order not to tell my sister and I that our dad died ...” .

I was so outraged by these words! Her father was terminally ill with throat cancer (his own brother also died from this). When the disease worsened, he was brought to Moscow, to the oncology center. I paid for everything. The doctors allowed him to return home to Nalchik. But after a while, he again began to have wild pains.

Kolya called me and complained that he had crazy pains, but they didn’t believe him. His own daughters and wife claimed that he was simulating everything. I insisted on moving to Moscow, further treatment. Katya, her sister, mother refused: they say, nothing hurts him, he pretends, he will outlive us all. All the same aunt Galina Ivanovna confirms: “They didn’t believe that he was in pain, they said he was pretending. Neither his daughters believed, nor his wife believed. If they had helped him in time, maybe they wouldn’t have helped, but they could still prolong life And in my presence, Kolya called Volkov and said: "Sasha, why don't they believe me? I feel bad, but they don’t believe.” Volkov said: “Come, we’ll think of something here.” And he arranged for the clinic, organized treatment. They rested in Antalya, he made these trips.

Thanks to my connections, Katya's father was assigned to the Kremlin hospital, but the doctors only shrugged it off: there were only a few hours left to live. May 27, 2002 Kolya had a birthday, he turned 58 years old. I arrived, congratulated him, he was already gone. The next morning he was admitted to the hospital. Katya that day had a presentation of the clip "Between Us" in the entertainment complex "Crystal". She went to the party, although she knew very well that her father was breathing its last. Kolya let his wife go: they say, go to your daughter for a holiday. Katya's sister at that time worked in her team as a backing vocalist.

The reception of the guests was at eight, the program began at nine. Katya went on stage, and at the same time her driver approached me (also, by the way, paid from my pocket) and said: "Alexander Mikhailovich, Kolya is dead." I stand and don't know what to do. This was her presentation. As a human being, I didn't know what to do. I approached the director, the press secretary, the photographer, my neighbor in Nalchik, and some other people, and asked everyone: "Guys, what should I do?" - nobody knew. Together they decided to let Katya speak, that 20 minutes no longer matter, and then tell the tragic news.

While Katya was singing, I went around the whole hall, to each guest - and there were more than 300 of them - I told that there would be no party. He explained why and asked not to express condolences to Katya, she does not know about the death of her father. After the performance, she changed clothes, went out into the hall - and there was no one there, only the closest people remained. I did not dare to tell about everything right away, I wanted to psychologically prepare her. He offered to go to the hospital.

You know, when my dad died, I didn’t go to look at him for the last time - I wanted to remember my father smiling, as he was when we last met. But this is my situation, and here someone else's ... In general, already in the car I tried to prepare Katya, her sister and mother: what if dad is already gone? I tried to continue to make subtle hints, but they did not understand them. Already approaching Taganskaya Square, he told me everything. From "Crystal" to Taganka no more than 10 minutes, not five hours, as Katya claims.

There were tears, despair. I organized and paid for the funeral, commemoration, a monument, moved from Nalchik a huge stone, on which Kolya liked to sit near his house. It is still located next to his grave. Katya at the wake and later said that dad was a strong person: he sent everyone to the presentation so as not to spoil the holiday for his daughter, held out until the last moment and fell asleep forever. She thanked me for not disrupting the presentation, for letting her speak, because that was my father's last wish. And now, it turns out, Lel will never forgive me for not reporting my father's death on time. First thank, and then blame ... Here she is, Katya Lel ...

By the time of the solo concerts, two years had passed since the death of Nikolai Ivanovich. During this time, none of the sisters condemned my act in the "Crystal" - on the contrary, they only thanked what I had done for their father. When Katya dedicated the song "Don't Disappear" to dad, tears welled up in my eyes, and Lel usually uses a bottle of "Vizina" for this. At the end of the concert, sister Lel Ira smiled and applauded when Katya invited me to the stage. But now the girls remembered that incident and turned everything upside down. But after all, Katya, her sister, mother knew very well that Nikolai Ivanovich was dying, that on the day of the presentation he had only a few hours to live!

I still don't know if I did the right thing. Lel, after a few years, accuses me of meanness! And after this, you doubt that her fantasy is not working well?!

- And what is the story with the Moscow apartment? The singer claims that she bought herself a luxury home.

In an interview with your newspaper, Katya said that the apartment in the center of Moscow was presented to her by the Moscow Property Committee. Also not true. They don’t give you an apartment just like that, let him not speak if he doesn’t understand anything about it. In Moscow, apartments are not handed out for free. It costs less, but still a lot of money. The fact that Lel openly declares this proves once again: she did not pay for this, she does not control the situation. I think it's better for her not to say at all how she got this apartment.


- In show business, there are enough ambitious beauties with a voice. Why did you choose Lel?

Don't know. By chance. In 1996, I came to a performance with Lyova Leshchenko, whom I once organized concerts in Berlin. I went into the dressing room, saw a girl, her eyes were shining ... Lyova came up, said that this was his backing vocalist, asked her to unwind, they say, talented. I don’t know why, but I got turned on ... I was 46 years old, she was 22. That’s how it all started.

- Lel claims that you wound up not only as a producer ...

I am not going to speak on this subject. After all, I am a man. But since Katya says, ask her what kept her next to me for eight years, if, according to her, I am so bad.

From the editor. An influential producer Yuri Aizenshpis (Viktor Tsoi, Vlad Stashevsky, Dima Bilan) was attracted to promote the young singer. In a year, under his leadership and with Volkov's money, Katya Lel's first album "Champs Elysees" was released. Songs and videos made the singer recognizable. According to rumors, for his work, Yuri Shmilevich received a luxurious Lincoln from Volkov. Plus payment for outfits, songs, artists, studios, broadcasts - the work lasted more than five years, songs, videos, presentations, studios, ups and creative lulls.

After a meteoric rise, Katya has become an integral part of Russian show business. Then a new career round began - cooperation with the most prolific Russian composer Max Fadeev (Linda, Gluk'Oza). Fadeev's songs "My marmalade" and "Musi-pusi" soared to the top of all charts. Hits brought the singer real success. According to rumors, Fadeev received an impressive amount for each "pusya" and "jaga". Considering that the "marmalade" album contains more than two songs under the label "Max Fadeev", one can estimate how much the new repertoire cost. According to rough estimates, about three million dollars were invested in Katya Lel.

The singer has repeatedly shared her impressions of meeting you: "Strong, self-confident. A real master of life. It seemed to me that I could rely on him." But after that, the stone wall turned into a prison wall: allegedly you forbade her to communicate with her relatives.

The fact that I wanted to quarrel with her sister and mother is a lie! I have never done this, I don’t even understand why this is necessary. I had a great relationship with her family. Again, Katya's sister, in an interview with Muz-TV, said: "We treated Alexander as a member of our family. He was a dear person to us."

Aunt Galina Ivanovna complained that Katya did not maintain relations with any of her numerous relatives: neither with aunts, nor with cousins, nor with nephews. And Lel is lying that I am on bad terms with everyone. In fact, everyone who has ever worked with our star, for some reason, stopped communicating with her, and to this day they remain in excellent relations with me. These are press secretaries, administrators, dancers, musicians... They always congratulate me on the holidays, they are outraged by Katya's dirt and lies and, if necessary, are ready to testify both in the press and in court.

Mrs. Lel says in many interviews that I had a bad relationship with the late Aizenshpis. Yuri Shmilevich and I could have creative differences, but we were on excellent terms. In one of their last interviews, he said: "Sasha Volkov is decent and humane. Even if Katya owes him some money, he will surely forgive her everything."

As for "forgive", I don't know, maybe I could forget everything. But, pouring dirt and lies on me, she constantly reminds me of herself and this forces me to resolutely seek my innocence, which was confirmed by the Russian court. Lel thinks that by slandering me, he will evoke recognition and sympathy from the public.

A friend recently told me a story. She ended up in the hospital and lay in a six-bed ward. On TV, Katya once again carried something. Patients (of different ages, professions and social status) agreed on one thing: tired of listening to this dirt, a woman should leave beautifully. They used to like Lel's songs, but her actions left an unpleasant aftertaste. Frankly, I was pleased to hear that.

I worked with Mrs. Lel for eight years - from 1996 to 2004. It was overwork, time-consuming, investment. There were struggles to become, depressions, ups and downs. And suddenly she declares that she earned everything with her work and talent! And what did she live on for seven years before "Jaga-Jaga"? With what money did she dress, go to beauty salons (believe me, she loves herself very much), and support relatives? At my own expense, I sent Katya, her sister, mother, father, nephew to rest abroad.

Her work did not bring any income. At that time, she had a maximum of two or three concerts a month, mostly due to my connections. Then for the performance she received 1000-1500 dollars. I never took that money from her. Katya kept everything for herself, in addition to what I gave her. One of her team cost me more than 10 thousand dollars a month. Now Lel says that she gave all the money to me, put it in my safe. If a person can put in a safe, then he can take from there! In April 2004, when Katya announced her independent life, this was confirmed. When I returned to Moscow, the safe turned out to be empty: a considerable amount had disappeared, documents confirming all my investments and payments for her work were gone.

- After the singer started star disease, you signed an agreement.

Yes. Thanks to this, they held two solo performances at the main venue in Moscow. In all her interviews, Katya states that the concerts were sold out. Another lie. For the first and second performances, only half of the tickets were sold out. I had to fill up the hall - I did a great job (this will be confirmed by the management of the concert hall "Russia"). Confirmation that the success was not so great is the concert held on April 28 in the St. Petersburg concert hall "Oktyabrsky". Only 900 (!) tickets were sold to the hall for 3500 people. Still, after all, the "overstockings" in Moscow were exaggerated, which few people knew about! The long-term head of the hall Emma Vasilievna and the organizers of the concert did not expect this at all.

Most of the agreement was a partnership, and part - in favor of Lel. Katya introduced a clause according to which I have no right to deal with anyone else. For example, Aizenshpis was simultaneously engaged in many artists: the Dynamite group, Nikita, Dima Bilan. Iosif Prigogine simultaneously produced Valeria, Kristina Orbakaite, Abraham Russo. And Mrs. Lel demanded that I deal exclusively with her. Introduced points that gave her sole advantages. Ms. Lel discussed each clause of the contract (which I allegedly forced to sign) with lawyers and made her own amendments, new clauses, after which protection is required, most likely, for me.

- You insist that it was Katya who violated the contract?

On April 16, 2004, after solo shows, we privately parted ways. For a while, she fulfilled the terms of the contract, and then she decided - that's enough, how much can you share? I suspect someone advised her. Ms. Lel dropped in an interview that smart and eminent people told her: "Why are you giving money away?"

- Is it true that without your consent, Lel could not change her hair color and hairstyle?

Rave! There is no such clause in the contract, although Katya and her lawyers argue the opposite. Yes, please, let her make up and cut her hair, but according to the contract, the singer does not have the right to radically change without consulting with me. I would not agree, for example, that Katya cut her hair bald, kissed on stage like Tatu, performed in transparent clothes, starred naked.


- Usually businessmen are not involved in "star-sponsor" litigation. This is a long-running series that can tarnish your business reputation...

I didn't want to get involved in anything. But there are elementary agreements between people. They must be observed.

At first I tried to talk to her, wrote letters, asked what happened. Since October 2004, partner information about tours, creative plans, and so on has ceased to come from her. When Katya got lawyers - Tatyana and Dmitry Ragulin - I was delighted: I thought that sane people would explain to her what business relations are. I tried to peacefully resolve the situation with Ragulin, but he directly sent me to court (he even confirmed this publicly in one television interview).

- And you went?

Well, if they sent me...

My claim to date is by no means financial. I just want an honest execution of the contract by Mrs. Lel in accordance with the signed contract.

But what if Katya and her lawyers everywhere declare that, having contacted Max Fadeev’s studio, they received confirmation: allegedly, the rights to Fadeev’s songs do not belong to me, but I made them into the contract as a contribution to joint property? That is practically accused me of fraud! I have a document from the production center of Max Fadeev, which confirms my rights to these songs. Moreover, the letter says that no one from Katya Lel contacted them: neither she herself nor her representatives Ragulin (whom I can sue for such a statement). I have been in business for over 30 years, always fighting for my clean name: both in work and in life. And the statement about fraud is a very rude and serious accusation for me.

I have always been a law-abiding citizen and therefore, in order to understand this story, I filed a lawsuit in court - for the passage of all my actions within the law. In the NTV program "Two Truths", Ms. Lel stated that she was undeservedly sued. And in another place it is stated that I initiate legal proceedings. How can you unfairly sue? After all, the courts exist to figure out if people have reached an impasse among themselves. And what does it mean to initiate litigation? This is the constitutional right of every citizen.

Consultations with lawyers, preparation for the trial took a huge amount of time. Here I thought: is it necessary? I learned from the press that Katya had fallen in love with Igor, and I was glad that she had finally abandoned the crazy idea of ​​\u200b\u200btaking possession of a famous man (I would not like to name him). I decided to take the lawsuit, let the girl live her life and be happy. And suddenly my friend calls: "Did you see the screensaver on NTV? In the program of Ksenia Sobchak, Katya talks about you so-and-so ...". You know, artists and businessmen still approach me, asking in surprise: what is she carrying? how can she?

From the editor.In the program of Ksenia Sobchak on NTV, Lel said: "Sasha set a condition:" You must swear on the grave of your father, in the presence of your family, filming it all on a video camera, kneeling. I must take an oath, give me a guarantee that you will never leave me. "He wanted to quarrel with me with the whole family and not allow anyone to communicate with me, my whole circle. And later Sasha bluntly stated:" There will come a moment when you will have nothing eat, and you will crawl to me on your knees, and you will beg me, begging me to give you a piece of bread. "And all because I refused to marry him."

Too many knees? "Kneeling" - one, "crawling on your knees" - two ... I have grown two daughters, whom I never punished, never put on my knees. There are no such words in my vocabulary!

As soon as I heard this lie, this nonsense, I immediately phoned the lawyer and resumed the process. Mrs. Lel is still pouring dirt on me from the pages of newspapers and from television screens! By the way, I am going to sue Katya Lel again, but now for slander, discrediting my honor, dignity and business reputation. Why did I collect a huge amount of materials where Ms. Lel contradicts herself. She has absolutely nothing in common!

Really, after two years of judicial tediousness, they never once wanted to spit on everything and engage only in the restaurant business?

I wanted to, but dirt pours on me from every iron. From your newspaper, by the way, too!

It turns out that she is a beautiful and unhappy Malvina, and I am Karabas-Barabas, who is fighting against a fragile, naive provincial. And the system works, the townsfolk are pecking! Looks some Marya Ivanovna with a tiny pension and is sure that the monster Volkov wants to take away the last pennies from poor Lel. But the public does not realize that a girl asks for 10 thousand dollars for 35-40 minutes of a performance in Moscow, and 15-20 thousand dollars on the road. e. Now I was told that she, like many artists, switched to the euro: during the New Year period in Moscow, she demanded and received 15 thousand euros - that's almost 20 thousand dollars! Ms. Lel today is guaranteed to earn more than 200 thousand dollars a month, and in the New Year period - up to 300 thousand. According to my calculations, Katya earned about $3 million in two and a half years. According to the data that I had from October 1, 2004 to January 15, 2005, she earned 800 thousand dollars.

This Mary Ivanovna can cry: they say, how talented I am, I have achieved everything exclusively with my own work. But show business people know perfectly well that without money and a competent producer, becoming an artist is impossible. At one time, Vlad Stashevsky left Aizenshpis. Where is this cute guy now? There are many such examples.

I'm not disappointed that I got the wrong person. I regret that everything that I fought for for eight years, that I devoted 75-80 percent of my life to, is gone. But he could develop in business. I won't talk about lost investments. And after that to declare that the contract is invalid... How can this be? You ask me to borrow money for an apartment. Of course, we are friends, I will give, but write a receipt. You buy an apartment, furnish it with my money. Six months or a year passes, I remind you of the debt, and they tell me: they say, I consulted with lawyers, the receipt is invalid, because you are not a bank and have no legal right to lend. So I won't refund your money.


- Didn't you notice metamorphoses in the mysterious female soul during eight years of close communication?

It turns out that no. When I noticed, I decided to consolidate all our previous agreements with a legal contract, because of which all the fuss began.

Lel had everything planned in advance! If I'm such a badass, according to her, you need to shy away from me, I need to be isolated from society. How did she endure this for eight years? I was good, kind, golden, until a person became a star and money was not discussed. About a lot of money. It turned out right away that all this time I was Karabas-Barabas and a prison of peoples!

In Russia, the Candidate program is on TV. Huge casting, thousands of talented and educated young people come to test their strength, only 16 remain in the final. And only one of them gets a top manager position in the company of a major Russian businessman Vladimir Potanin with an annual salary of three million rubles (about 120 thousand dollars.- Auth.). This is at full employment. And Katya sleeps until two in the afternoon, then takes care of herself for half a day, plans her tour schedule at will and receives a good fee for a performance of 35-40 minutes. Several trips a month, which can sometimes be combined with a vacation.

Let's put an ad in your newspaper or somewhere else: "Former producer Katya Lel is looking for a new young talent. Salary: the first year - 5 thousand dollars a month, the second - 10, the third - 50 percent of the profit, but not less than 50 thousand per month." month". Do you think there will be a queue for me?

- Oh, can I be the first on the list?

Correctly. Because I have achieved something in show business. I was recently told that I am a brilliant producer. I was just passionate about my work!

I repeat, everything that happened was planned by Mrs. Lel in advance. After the concerts in "Russia" she packed her things and left. I ran around the hall in depression, it didn’t work out, I organized everything for days ... Now she claims that I was constantly jealous of her success. Yes, I shed tears of joy when she was applauded. I was happy as a child. Even the sister of our star said on Muz-TV: “They made efforts together, rejoiced at every step that they took. Every concert they were invited to, every broadcast, they rejoiced like children together ... All this before my eyes It was". Now, according to Mrs. Lel, I am not a producer, but a rich man who, at his own request, invested money in her.

Excuse me, Alexander Mikhailovich, but you are not a naive boy either. In the end, for eight years we talked with a beautiful girl, enjoyed ourselves ... And suddenly they remembered the money spent.

I don't talk about money, Katya talks about it. Naive or not, I've done a lot of stupid things. If today I repeat everything from the beginning, I would have done a lot differently. I admit, I did things that are impossible in common sense. Maybe I was bewitched? Aunt Galina said that every time when she came to Nalchik, Lel ran with her mother to grandmothers and sorceresses. Galina Ivanovna recalls that at the age of 15, Katya began to tell everyone that aliens had visited her and taken her teeth out. Ufologists came, examined everything, there was a big hype in the newspapers. Katya even then wanted to get on the pages of publications by any means. When the singer was in a bad mood, I jokingly asked: "Are the green ones with antennas flying to you again?"

How would you put it mildly ... Everything that you are saying and doing now looks more like the revenge of an offended man ...

You asked the question so carefully that the idea of ​​female solidarity involuntarily suggests itself.

Believe me, the girl knows how to speak another language. And lie. Thanks to this lie, her face flashes on all TV channels and in the press. Most likely, she takes revenge on me, because not everything turned out the way she wanted. This is Lel on the screen, a pretty and innocent girl with tearful eyes. Here are just tears well rehearsed in front of the mirror.

- Maybe you were offended after Katya refused to marry you ...

Never, do you hear? I have never proposed to her in my life. This could not be, because I had and have a family. If I hurt anyone in the story with Katya Lel, it was my loved ones. I would never, under any circumstances, divorce my wife and marry Katya. Lel knew this very well.

- So, it was Lel who insisted that you marry her?

I don't want to discuss this topic. It is now only about the constant lies of Mrs. Lel. In one interview, she says that she refused me because I have a good family, children. In another, she was ready to give birth to a child for me, but I recognize it as invalid. Explain, well, how can you recognize your child as invalid? This is not a contract that she wanted to invalidate.

I'm a crazy father, already twice a grandfather! Souls do not tea in their children, grandchildren. I love stranger kids. I regularly visit orphanages, giving them clothes, money, computers... I don't even want to talk about other numerous charitable deeds. I do not demand orders and medals for this, it all comes from the heart, from the heart.

By the way, several times I asked Katya to take the toys to the orphanage, but the first thing she asked was: "Will the press be there?" But now he tells how he receives order after order "For Mercy and Charity". Moreover, for some reason, the documents on awarding awards were signed by the same person ... And the wording is simply ridiculous! Think about it: "Muse of Mercy" - for an outstanding contribution to the revival and prosperity of the World; Order "Glory of the Nation" II degree (Silver Star); "For mercy" - Faith, Hope, Love: but love is more of them; Order "Service to Art" and statuette "Guardian Angel" - for disinterested and selfless service to art, for the revival of lofty spiritual ideals. How can you talk about the unexpectedness of receiving all these awards?

Katya told the fans that the last award - "The Order for the sake of life on Earth. For the nobility of thoughts. For selfless service to the ideals of kindness and mercy" - was received together with the great actors Lyudmila Kasatkina and Vasily Lanov. Can it really be put on a par with such legends?! It's just embarrassing! I would be embarrassed to go on stage for an award at the same time as such well-deserved people.

One of my very famous and respected friends, having learned about Katya's awards, told me: "I have a lot of awards. I could get even more, but it's a pity the family's expenses for pillows."

Ms. Lel always had the desire to be the first. She was never shy if she achieved this for money and unfairly. Her fans (about six or seven regular visitors to her site) are madly happy for her, congratulating her on the awards, not understanding where the truth is hidden. They insult me ​​without knowing me at all. But in all the interviews, she talks about the thousands of fans who support and worry about her.

After so many years, I can honestly admit: both figurines of the prestigious Ovation music award were really bought by me for 15 thousand dollars each (as many newspapers wrote at that time). The press did not forget about the popular program "Musical Ring", where Lel allegedly won first place by direct voting by the audience ... In fact, the program was recorded. Three Katyas took part in the "Musical Ring": Semenova, Shavrina and Lel. Our star immediately discussed with the organizers that she would come only if she was guaranteed to take first place. For this, I then laid out five thousand dollars in sponsorship. Otherwise, it was simply impossible. For some reason, Katya's team always took first place even on the programs "Two Pianos".

If Lel was called and invited to any competition, she did not hesitate to ask by phone if she would take first place there. When she was told that the competition was fair and objective, no guarantees could be given, she simply refused to participate.

When the singer saw the opportunity to receive a red diploma in Gnesinka, she immediately flew to Nalchik to correct her previous grades at the institute, from which she transferred to Gnesinka. But for some reason she took money for gifts from me.

The desire to be the first is normal, but it must be true and natural. I have a recording of the 2004 Muz-TV channel award, where she was presented in the "Singer of the Year" nomination along with Orbakaite and Valeria. To the host's question: "What can you wish to your competitors?" a normal person would wish a worthy victory, but Katya answered: "I have no competitors."

The personality cult of Mao Zedong and Stalin compared to Katya (especially among her fans) is child's play. By the way, she also deceives her fans: she never responds to messages in the guest book of her site, her mother Lyudmila Savelyevna always does it for her. This is also easy to prove: earlier, in the answers of our star, there was a time when the message was sent. The time often did not coincide with her tour schedule, one of the fans asked in surprise: "Katya, weren't you at a concert in Yerevan at that time?"

And what a story was with her fan Alena from Chita! The girl was then 15-16 years old. She announced her arrival several months in advance. I went with a group to the camp "Eaglet" through Moscow, where I was going to stay for a day. She gave me the number of the train and the carriage. At four o'clock in the morning I sent my driver to the train to arrange a long-awaited and desired meeting with Katya. But the leader of the group was afraid to let Alena go alone. I contacted the girl's parents in Chita so that they could agree with the leaders. In the afternoon I received the whole group (14 people including teachers) in my restaurant. They sat for more than an hour, I treated them, but Katya was not there. She was not even going to go, saying that normal people do not write on the Internet and all fans are sick people. But after my urgent demands, Katya came, signed autographs, presented posters to the children and talked to Alena.

So the deceived fans who write on her guest page insult me, they don't know the whole truth. Alena, by the way, writes to me, calls, thanks. Maybe it’s ugly (I warned Alena), but I want to give a fragment of her last letter, it is written very sincerely and truthfully: “Dear Alexander, good morning! you (I just don’t read it anymore and don’t pay attention). I don’t know you that closely, but it seems to me that you are a very kind, bright person who did a lot of good for me. I can’t blame Katya because I love her, but now she does not think that if it were not for your support, she could be an unknown singer. Dear Alexander, Good luck to you and all the best! With love, Alena. "

- How did your family react to the scandal?

They live abroad and do not receive Russian press. I don't think they know all the details. But from time to time "kind people" bring them various newspapers.

Even during our communication, Katya was at my house, talked with my family, realizing that it was ugly. Once in England, Lel wished to dine at my London restaurant. To be honest, I didn't want her to do it, but Katya insisted and went. Thank God, the daughter was away, although later she called me hysterically: "Dad, the singer Katya Lel was in our restaurant. How could you let this happen?" She came and didn't talk to me for a long time. And she was right.


- Is it true that after the breakup, Katya tried more than once to compromise with you?

What do you mean? And this is a lie.

In an interview with Bulvar, Lel said, and I quote: “Even after my attempts to find a compromise, Sasha did not want to hear anything. He bent his line: “I will destroy you, my struggle has just begun.”

Nonsense. Before the breakup, she became so stubborn! When we had a normal relationship, I jokingly called her a fish "stubborn". And her mother, Lyudmila Savelyevna, corrected me: they say, the fish is called "silver carp." So don't lie. On the contrary, I wanted peace: I wrote letters, took part in her professional life, fought for her development.

- If after all Katya personally comes up to you and apologizes, excuse me?

Everything depends on the situation. You can say: "Forgive me," but you need to be aware of why. Let her admit that she negotiated behind my back, acted vilely. This is incompatible with the care and attention that I gave her.

Do you really think it's enough to say two words "forgive me", and I will forget all the dirt and say: go, girl, continue to do what you want and earn money! We're not in kindergarten! Maybe I do not want this money for myself - I will buy musical instruments for orphanages?

Why did Katya Lel allow herself to travel to London at my expense, to study singing and dancing with the best English masters! Flights, hotels, huge fees for renting a studio, plus even more for teachers ... And poor homeless children cannot make music! Maybe among them there are talents brighter than Katya Lel, but they don’t even know about it.

For the most part, the truth is on my side. The man wanted to be a star and became one. Today, without money, participation, attention, nothing can be achieved. After all, I did not just give money and say: "Become a star." I lived it, I breathed it. Everyone knows this. For eight years he fought, walked, stumbled, took all the blows on himself. And then the ward reaches the top and throws you.

Ordinary people are sure: a good girl, she sings well, oh, she cries - it means that this moneybag offends her. I do not require readers to be on my side. I want people to realize that a person with star disease begins to treat people and money differently. Whoever believes, he will believe, no - he will continue to feel sorry for this "poor Malvina" and believe her lies.

If you notice, in our conversation I did not and do not want to touch on any personal relationships, as she does (although I could tell a lot). I just want to prove that Katya Lel lies and pours dirt. Many of her statements have numerous evidence that this is a lie. In an interview, she contradicts herself, names dates that do not correspond to the events. The first time Katya was caught specifically in a lie by Joseph Kobzon. In the program of Ksenia Sobchak "Star Boulevard" Lel opened up: "... Iosif Davydovich correctly said that you shouldn't have been so honest, worthy and decent ...". Kobzon was outraged and on Channel One officially stated that he did not say this and could not say it.

- And what is the story with the shutdown of the official website of Katya Lel?

It's just as much a lie as everything else. And since there are exact fixed dates here, this lie is completely provable.

The web page katyalel was registered to me. In November 2004, Katya scammed me, saying that she would no longer fulfill the terms of our contract. Already on December 3, 2004, she announced to fans that a new site had been opened. According to experts and programmers, the development of such a resource takes from 2.5 to 4 months. And this once again proves that her "kidok" was cold-bloodedly planned in advance, like many other things.

In no case did I block the site, I just stopped responding and posting news from December 11, after Katya received the first message on her new site on December 4. But katyalel worked informatively for another year. I have all the printouts confirming the fact. I think that a person does not need two equally functioning sites, she just needs to blame me for something.

Now she even decided to deceive politics. Another of her lies, I learned the other day quite by accident. On November 21, Ms. Lel announced through the website that she had recorded a duet with the singing Moscow City Duma deputy Andrei Kovalev, and even shot a video with him. The politician knew about our conflict, but she convinced him that a cassation appeal had been filed, that the court's decision had not yet entered into force. I'm sorry, but that's not true. The person paid a lot of money for shooting the video, but TV channels do not have the right to show this video without my consent. Since all material is our joint property. And I will give my consent only after Katya starts to execute the court decision. Moreover, in addition to the clip "New Year's Story", she divorced Kovalev into another duet - "Man and Woman".

Star-producer scandals shake show business more than once. But in terms of scale and intensity of passions, the Lel-Volkov trial has nothing to compare with. Why exactly did this happen to you?

Maybe I'm not as bad as I seem? I just want to get the truth. How could a bad person devote so much time to caring? I even put on the cassette of the finale of Katya's solo concert at the trial, where she says: "I want to introduce a person without whom nothing would have happened. My producer Alexander Volkov. Sashenka, on stage." Note that it is Sashenka! I didn't go out, she says: "She's shy." This fact is even described in the rationale for the court decision, which Katya does not care much about.

Avoiding the decision of the court, she misinforms politicians, officials and other representatives of the authorities, asks for assistance in non-enforcement of this decision. Recently, speaking for free at the anniversary of one deputy, she turned to him for help. He, without understanding the essence, sent a deputy's request to various authorities and the prosecutor's office. I can also turn to the deputies with the question of impeding the execution of the decision of the Russian court. Then what, the civil case Volkov - Lel will be dealt with in the State Duma? This is ridiculous.

Having received not entirely truthful information from Katya, people rush to help, and artists, including Katya, often perform in state institutions and power structures on the eve of holidays. Usually, after the performance, one of the leaders comes up and asks the artist how they can be useful. That's when Katya pours out all her problems, and people blindly promise to help, not knowing the essence of the issue and not thinking about the consequences for themselves. Forgetting about the state program to fight corruption and exceed the powers of government officials and officials, Katya sets them up with this. And they themselves may have problems because of it. But she doesn’t care much about this, she needs to stretch out time at any cost so as not to comply with the decision of the Russian court.

Thanks to Katya, at the age of 55, for the first time in my life, I ended up in the prosecutor's office, where I saw with my own eyes her letter, which stated that I received "black money" from her. At the same time, Ms. Lel did not know that for those few months of fulfilling the contract, I declared all the reports, notes and envelopes that were written both by her hand and by the hand of her sister, and paid taxes on all this. I don’t know if Katya started it herself or on the advice of someone, but she doesn’t think about the consequences at all, that everything can turn against her.

Recently, bailiffs received reports from one of the clubs, which indicated that in two and a half years she gave 11 concerts and received 79,760 rubles for this. (About three thousand dollars. - Auth.). It turns out an average of $ 250 per concert. It doesn't get any funnier! Considering that there are 12 people in the Lel team, plus the singer herself, it turns out that they earned less than $ 20 per person. But Katya's team costs at least one and a half thousand dollars for a concert. I have the original reports on the staff's salary, painted by her sister and director Irina. Something doesn’t fit at all: asking for at least 10 thousand dollars for a concert, and working for 250. Many concert organizers, providing underestimated references, can set themselves up. Even the club, which confirmed 11 concerts to the bailiffs, submitted a report to the Copyright Association for only four.


- What, in your opinion, are Katya Lel's prospects now in human and professional terms?

She is an accomplished person: her own apartment (which costs a lot of money), impressive earnings. Katya is a rich woman, but she is already 32 years old. The oligarchs, whom many dream of, are looking for young girls, she has little chance of this. A weak man will not be interesting to her, a strong man with her stubborn character will not be able to be around.

I already said I was glad when she declared her love for Igor, but here the situation is very confused and incomprehensible. Then the press claims that he is a model and an aspiring artist (probably in her video). Then Katya claims that he is a successful businessman and she is marrying him, the wedding is scheduled for the summer and will take place abroad. In another interview, she said that she did not marry because the year of acquaintance was too short a period. And this is said by Katya, who in all interviews declares that she is ready to become a mother and start a family. I don't think this is the reason...

I don’t know Igor, I have no complaints or negative feelings towards him. I will say one thing: a man must be a man. I saw him twice. The first - when he left the hall of "Russia", he stood with Katya's mother. As I passed, he lowered his eyes, I'm sure he recognized me. The second time - on the beach in the Emirates. After all, I’m not a beast: I won’t throw myself into a fight, I won’t make a scandal. If you are a man, come up and say: they say, so and so, I love Katya, I want a family with her, healthy children. Do you have some kind of conflict there, is it possible to end it and live in peace? In a normal male conversation, they would come to a common denominator. Compromise can always be found. I think that Katya is in charge of the whole situation, as well as her whole family. Sincerity in these relationships is not visible at all.

As for professional prospects. She destroyed herself, miscalculated. Lel approached the first pop echelon, but did not enter it. So she dumped me too early. She needed to endure me, Karabas-Barabas, for another six months or a year, and she would definitely enter the first echelon. Well, God bless her!

And I develop my new projects, assistants are my daughters. There are friends, supporters, associates who cheer me up when another portion of lies and dirt is pouring from everywhere.

I would like to wish this "Malvina" that in her life she would be surrounded by the same "good" people like herself, that she would be treated and treated the way she did to me. And everything was returned to everyone by the same boomerang, about which she always and everywhere speaks. And for myself and my family and friends such an attitude of all the people around me, as I treated Katya.

I will only add that all the quotes I have quoted from various media are in my archive. Information about the court decision, a copy of the contract and all video materials can be seen in the near future on the website www.volkov-lel-pravda.ru

P.S. Excerpt from the court decision: To compel Katya Lel to fulfill the contract dated 14.01.2004 between her and Volkov Alexander Mikhailovich ... also banning Lel Ekaterina Nikolaevna during the period of validity of the contract concluded on 14.01.2004 between her and Volkov Alexander Mikhailovich, without the consent of Alexander Volkov Mikhailovich to make decisions on the implementation of concert, performing and other creative activities that are the subject of an agreement concluded on January 14, 2004 between her and Alexander Mikhailovich Volkov, conclude agreements aimed at the implementation of these activities, and execute them.

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- said producer Alexander Volkov shortly before his death.

40 days have passed since the death of Alexander VOLKOV, known to many as the ex-producer Katya LEL. The 56-year-old businessman died after a long illness in a German clinic. Since there was no magnificent funeral in Russia, domestic journalists left this sad event practically unattended.


A native of Borispol, Volkov, who spent his childhood and youth in Odessa, even before perestroika arranged tours of Soviet stars abroad. Fortunately, by that time he already had German citizenship. It was he who was the first to take to capitalist countries Philip Kirkorov, and in 1989 organized solo albums Alla Pugacheva at the prestigious Congress Center West Berlin. Alexander also held concerts Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru and many others.

Body parts

Alexander Mikhailovich was a colorful personality, often flashed on the pages of glamorous publications. He was often mentioned in fashionable novels, though often in an offensive context - "a businessman with an obscene nickname." The fact is that "behind the eyes" in bohemian circles he was called by name - Sasha, adding a noun denoting the sirloin of a person's body. Once, to a direct question about this, Volkov answered directly and frankly:

I have such a nickname. Because I often told my opponents: “I have more brains in my f ... than in your head!” What these opponents have achieved in life - no one knows. Volkov also opened a network of first-class restaurants in Moscow, Kyiv, London. By the way, on the shores of Foggy Albion, his institution is one of the top five in the whole of Great Britain. And this is in addition to success in the field of show business!

"Interesting" tennis

One pop artist from the very first "echelon" told me a funny story.

Volkov was riding in an elevator with an authoritative businessman Alexander Mikhailov (Mikhas) and dropped a tennis racket from his hands (the meeting took place somewhere on vacation). I tried to lift it, but I couldn’t: he was a fat man, not at all athletic ... Polite Mikhailov helped him. They started talking and agreed to play tennis "for fun". As a result, Volkov won five thousand dollars on the court from Mikhas. Perhaps this is a tale. But the fact that Alexander Mikhailovich always knew how to achieve his goal is a fact. So it was with his favorite project: - In 1996, I came to a performance for Leva Leshchenko, - Volkov recalled. - I went into the dressing room, I saw a girl, her eyes shone ... I wound up! Alexander at that time was 46 years old. Backing vocalist Leshchenko, girl Katya Chuprinina from Nalchik - 22. Later the whole country will know how Katya Lel.

Purchased "Ovation"

It took Volkov seven difficult years to make Katya Lel a real star.

In particular, he paid for her victory in the Musical Ring project, bought two prestigious Ovation awards, paying $ 15,000 for each (he personally confirmed this!), And Yuri Aizenshpis for help in promoting the singer, in addition to fantastic fees, he also presented a white limousine. Volkov managed to throw the protege to the top of the pop Olympus with the help of Max Fadeev, who wrote two super hits for her - “Musi-Pusi” and “Jaga-Jaga”. For each, 50,000 "conditional units" had to be paid. Soon, Lel decided that she could do without Volkov both as a woman and as an artist. When he, sensing something was wrong, demanded that a legal agreement be concluded between them, the girl bucked. Streams of mud poured on Volkov: a tyrant and despot allegedly demanded that the ward on her knees swear on her father's grave that she would never leave the producer. By the way, Katya Lel's father was treated for a serious illness, and then they were buried at the expense of Alexander Mikhailovich.

Epitaph pop

"Creature!" - this is how Katya Lel was described by Joseph Kobzon at Volkov's funeral. However, let's be objective. Alexander Mikhailovich was married all this time. (His "half" lived abroad). Perhaps if he had offered his hand to Katya, everything would have gone differently. Is it worth reproaching a woman for dreaming of full-fledged personal happiness?

On the other hand, business is business! If you are already moving to a formal relationship with a person, be decent, like a business partner. Katya, roughly speaking, simply “thrown” the benefactor, refusing to share the profits from her performances with him. But according to the most modest calculations, Volkov invested in it only at the last stage, literally on the eve of parting, at least three million dollars! However, God is her judge. Katya has already said that she forgave the producer for all the insults. Whether Volkov forgave her, we will never know. Shortly before his last trip to Germany, he crossed paths with a colleague in the production department Alexander Valov. - I took an interest in the creative plans of Alexander Mikhailovich, - Valov said. But he replied: “No! The current show business is a complete betrayal and bl .. in! More precisely, you probably can not say ...

By the way

Now Katya Lel is in her second month of pregnancy. The "interesting situation" spurred the singer to quickly formalize relations with her longtime boyfriend, businessman Igor. The 36-year-old actress appeared at the registry office in a white wedding dress and veil, the guests noted her incredibly blooming and happy look. 40 days have passed since the death of Alexander VOLKOV, known to many as the ex-producer Katya LEL. The 56-year-old businessman died after a long illness in a German clinic. Since there was no magnificent funeral in Russia, domestic journalists left this sad event practically unattended.

Katya LEL and Alexander VOLKOV dance

A native of Borispol, Volkov, who spent his childhood and youth in Odessa, even before perestroika arranged tours of Soviet stars abroad. Fortunately, by that time he already had German citizenship. It was he who first brought Philip Kirkorov to capitalist countries, and in 1989 organized Alla Pugacheva's solo albums at the prestigious West Berlin Congress Center. Alexander also held concerts by Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru and many others.

Body parts

Alexander Mikhailovich was a colorful personality, often flashed on the pages of glamorous publications. He was often mentioned in fashionable novels, though often in an offensive context - "a businessman with an obscene nickname." The fact is that "behind the eyes" in bohemian circles he was called by name - Sasha, adding a noun denoting the sirloin of a person's body. Once, to a direct question about this, Volkov answered directly and frankly:

I have such a nickname. Because I often said to my opponents: “There are more brains in mine than in your head!”.

What these opponents have achieved in life - no one knows. Volkov also opened a network of first-class restaurants in Moscow, Kyiv, London. By the way, on the shores of Foggy Albion, his institution is one of the top five in the whole of Great Britain. And this is in addition to success in the field of show business!

"Interesting" tennis

One pop artist from the very first "echelon" told me a funny story.

Volkov was riding in an elevator with an authoritative businessman Alexander Mikhailov (Mikhas) and dropped a tennis racket from his hands (the meeting took place somewhere on vacation). I tried to lift it, but I couldn’t: he was a fat man, not at all athletic ... Polite Mikhailov helped him. They started talking and agreed to play tennis "for fun". As a result, Volkov won five thousand dollars on the court from Mikhas.

Perhaps this is a tale. But the fact that Alexander Mikhailovich always knew how to achieve his goal is a fact. So it was with his favorite project:

In 1996, I came to a performance with Leva Leshchenko, Volkov recalled. - I went into the dressing room, I saw a girl, her eyes shone ... I wound up!
Alexander at that time was 46 years old. The backing vocalist Leshchenko, the girl Katya Chuprinina from Nalchik, is 22. Later, the whole country will recognize her as Katya Lel.

Purchased "Ovation"

It took Volkov seven difficult years to make Katya Lel a real star.

Alexander VOLKOV with his wife Lilya and daughters Zhanina and Marina

In particular, he paid her a victory in the Musical Ring project, bought two prestigious Ovation awards, paying $ 15,000 for each (he personally confirmed this!), And for help in promoting the singer, in addition to fantastic fees, he presented Yuri Aizenshpis with another and a white limousine. Volkov managed to throw the protege to the top of the pop Olympus with the help of Max Fadeev, who wrote two super hits for her - “Musi-Pusi” and “Jaga-Jaga”. For each, 50,000 "conditional units" had to be paid. Soon, Lel decided that she could do without Volkov both as a woman and as an artist. When he, sensing something was wrong, demanded that a legal agreement be concluded between them, the girl bucked. Streams of mud poured on Volkov: a tyrant and despot allegedly demanded that the ward on her knees swear on her father's grave that she would never leave the producer. By the way, Katya Lel's father was treated for a serious illness, and then they were buried at the expense of Alexander Mikhailovich.

Epitaph pop

"Creature!" - this is how Katya Lel was described by Joseph Kobzon at Volkov's funeral. However, let's be objective. Alexander Mikhailovich was married all this time. (His "half" lived abroad). Perhaps if he had offered his hand to Katya, everything would have gone differently. Is it worth reproaching a woman for dreaming of full-fledged personal happiness?

On the other hand, business is business! If you are already moving to a formal relationship with a person, be decent, like a business partner. Katya, roughly speaking, simply “thrown” the benefactor, refusing to share with him the profits from her performances. But according to the most modest calculations, Volkov invested in it only at the last stage, literally on the eve of parting, at least three million dollars!

However, God is her judge. Katya has already said that she forgave the producer for all the insults. Whether Volkov forgave her, we will never know. Shortly before his last departure to Germany, he crossed paths with a colleague in the production department, Alexander Valov.

I took an interest in the creative plans of Alexander Mikhailovich, - Valov said. But he replied: “No! The current show business is a complete betrayal and bl .. in!

More precisely, you probably can not say ...

By the way
Now Katya Lel is in her second month of pregnancy. The "interesting situation" spurred the singer to quickly formalize relations with her longtime boyfriend, businessman Igor. The 36-year-old actress appeared at the registry office in a white wedding dress and veil, the guests noted her incredibly blooming and happy look.

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