Yamal Nenets Autonomous Region Center. Where is the Yamal Peninsula located? Settlements of the Yamal Peninsula


Natural and economic resources

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has become and will continue to be Russia's main base for gas production for a long time to come. The rates and volumes of hydrocarbon resource base development in the Okrug are the highest in Russia and the CIS countries. There are already more than 190 deposits, of which 19 are unique.

The main volume of gas production is carried out by the four largest enterprises of OAO Gazprom: 000 Urengoygazprom, 000 Yamburggazdobycha, 000 Nadymgazprom and 000 Noyabrskgazdobycha. These enterprises are commercially developing giant gas fields - Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Medvezhye, Komsomolskoye.

The potential oil resources in the district are estimated at 8.2 billion tons. The main volume of oil production falls on two large joint-stock companies - OAO Noyabrskneftegaz, which is part of OAO Sibneft, and OAO Rosneft-Purneftegaz.

The prospects for expanding the raw material base of the district are not limited to the land area:

The water area (shelf) of the Kara Sea is considered as a direct continuation of the West Siberian oil and gas complex with the richest potential of resources. The base cities of gas and oil workers are Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk, Gubkinsky, Muravlenko, which meet modern requirements for urban planning and life support for the population.

History reference

In the second half of the 1st millennium BC, the indigenous population led a sedentary lifestyle, engaged in hunting, fishing, and sea hunting.

The ethnogenesis of the Nenets is associated with the interaction of the natives and the Samoyeds who came from the south. In the second millennium of our era, the Nenets began to develop reindeer husbandry in the tundra zone. AT XI century, Russian industrialists and merchants (Novgorodians) began to penetrate this territory.

At the end of the 16th century, the territory was annexed to Russia.

The city of Salekhard, the center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, was founded in 1595 as a prison of Obdorsk on the right bank of the Ob, at the confluence of the Poluy River. The former name of the settlement - Obdorsk - came from the name of the Ob River and the word of the Komi language "dor" - a place near, near something. However, the Nenets have long called the city Salekhard, which means "a settlement on a cape."

In the 18th-18th centuries, the Selkups (hunters and fishermen) began to move to the Taz River from the Narym Territory, whose culture combined features of Khanty and Samoyed origin. In the 19th century, because of the Urals, a mass resettlement of the Komizyrians began in the Ob River basin.

In the 18th - early 20th centuries, the territory was part of the Berezovsky district of the Tobolsk province.

Soviet power was established in Obdorsk in April 1918. Until the end of 1921 on The region was in the midst of a civil war.

In 1933, Salekhard received its current name.

In 1930, the Yamalo-Nenets national (since 1977 - autonomous) district was formed.

Since 1930 - the territory was part of the Obdorsky district of the Tobolsk district of the Ural region. Since 1944, the district was part of the Tyumen region, in 1993 - an independent subject of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Tyumen region.

Half a million people now live in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, of which about 30 thousand are representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North: Khanty, Nenets, Mansi, Selkups. The descendants of those who were brought in the 1930s to build the famous northern "Stalin's piece of iron" also live here. Near the administrative center of the district - Salekhard - there are still barracks that previously belonged to the 501st known construction site. But mainly among today's "Yamal residents" are those who came in the 70s at the call of the country and their hearts to implement grandiose projects for the industrial development of the natural resources of the district and Russia.

There is a district in the Arctic zone of the West Siberian Plain. It is called YaNAO. It belongs to one of the regions of the Far North. It is currently located on the eastern slope of the Ural Range, beyond the Arctic Circle.

This subject of the Russian Federation is now located on the territory of the Tyumen region. The administrative, regional center of the district is Salekhard. The area of ​​the Autonomous Okrug is 800,000 kilometers. It is several times larger than the entire territory of Spain or France. The Yamal Peninsula is the most extreme continental point, its location is shown on the map of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug with cities and towns.

The border is clearly marked on the map of the YNAO, it runs next to Yugra - Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic, the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is washed by the waters of the Kara Sea.

The climate is harsh continental. It is determined by the abundance of lakes, bays, rivers, the presence of permafrost and the proximity of the cold Kara Sea. Winter lasts quite a long time, more than six months. In summer, strong winds blow, sometimes snow falls.

The region occupies the leading place in Russia in terms of oil, hydrocarbon and natural gas reserves. On the map of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, deposits located on the territory of Urengoy, the Nakhodka Peninsula and in the Arctic Circle are marked.

From the history of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The first information about the Yamal land, about indigenous peoples from time immemorial, the Nenets and Khanty who lived on it belong to the 11th century. However, Novgorod merchants penetrated to the End of the Earth (this is how the word Yamal is translated from the Nenets) before. In the initial ideas of the Novgorodians about the riches of the northern land and its people, there was a lot of fantastic. Travelers said that squirrels and deer there fall to the ground like rain from clouds. "Native menagerie", "pantry of soft junk" attracted trade people and Novgorod rati. Since 1187, the Lower Ob was included in the "volost subjects" of Veliky Novgorod, and after its fall, it passed to the Moscow princes, to whose titles "Obdorsky and Yugorsky" were added from 1502.

Here in 1592, Tsar Fedor organized a campaign for the final conquest of the lands of the "great Ob". In 1595, one of the Cossack detachments built a fortification called Obdorsk (today it is the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Salekhard). In 1601, the prison of Mangazeya appeared on the Taz River, which turned into the main base for yasak operations up to the Lena and the Yenisei. The inclusion of the northern lands into a strong Russian state was of progressive importance. The establishment of strong economic ties with the peoples of the Ob North contributed to the growth of Russia's power. The receipt of furs brought additional revenues to the treasury, expanded trade with foreign countries. In 1660, the Siberian treasury gave over 600 thousand rubles, or about one third of the state budget revenue. Obdorsk long remained the last Russian settlement in the Ob North.

Gradually grew population , the administrative division changed. A wide trade in furs, northern white fish, mammoth ivory, fish glue, bird feathers, birch chaga, boats, fur clothing and other goods developed in the region. This was facilitated by the famous Obdorskaya Fair. In January-February, the Nenets and Khanty gathered here, merchants from the Tobolsk, Yenisei, Arkhangelsk provinces gathered. The white fox served as the monetary unit. The capital turnover fair was one of the first in the Tobolsk province.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, up to 200,000 poods of fish and about 50,000 fur skins (arc fox, fox, squirrel, ermine, etc.) were annually exported from Obdorsk to the markets.

Along with the expanding economic development, the Ob North remained the edge of complete cultural backwardness. The age-long lag here was aggravated by the consequences of mobilization and outright robberies during the civil war. The initial activities of the new authorities were the organization of food supply, trade, and northern crafts. The trading posts of Yar-Sale, Shchuchye, Shuryshkary and others were opened. Social and cultural tasks included raising the general educational level of people - eliminating illiteracy; organization of the school system, the first centers of culture - reading huts, people's houses; creation of the first hospitals and feldsher points.

On December 10, 1930, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution " On the organization of national associations in the areas of settlement of small peoples of the North ". Among the new eight national districts of the RSFSR, the Yamal (Nenets) district was formed as part of the Ural region with the center in the village of Obdorsk. On June 20, 1933, the village of Obdorsk was renamed the village of Salekhard, and its village council was reorganized into a settlement.

According to the All-Union Population Census in 1939, 45,734 people lived in the Okrug, including 15,348 nomads.

The main sectors of the economy In the pre-war years, the fishing industry and reindeer husbandry remained in the district, and fur procurement grew at a high rate - 10 times from 1931 to 1940. After the formation of the district, a completely new industry began to develop - crop production. Potatoes, vegetables, fodder root crops began to be grown in the Pri- and Arctic regions.

In 1931-1932, the first aircraft appeared in Yamal, and in 1937 direct air communication with Omsk was established.

Particular attention was paid to public education . In 1940, 4,500 students studied in 46 schools of the district, and there were 28 boarding schools for children of the indigenous population. By 1940, there were 53,000 books in 10 libraries of the district, five Nenets Houses, eight red tents, and two cultural bases were operating. Public education has consistently solved the problem of introducing an incomplete secondary, and then a ten-year education of children.

During the Great Patriotic War, thousands of Yamal residents went to the front to defend their Motherland. The women, old people, children who remained in the rear worked selflessly. On fishing camps, hunting trails, deer pastures, Yamal people helped the whole country to forge the Great Victory.

After the end of the Patriotic War, the state took urgent measures to overcome economic and social difficulties in the North. First of all, the technical equipment of the fishing industry and hunting was strengthened. A new branch of the economy, fur farming, developed rapidly. The farms raised silver-black foxes, blue foxes and minks. Reindeer breeding became the most profitable traditional industry - the production and technical base was strengthened, the achievements of science and technology were widely used.

In the postwar years, rapidly developed transport and communication . In 1949, the railway came to Labytnangi. Passenger ships plied the rivers, the cargo fleet was replenished, large mechanized berths were built. Since 1964, regular flights of high-speed An-24 aircraft were introduced to Tyumen, Tazovsky, Tarko-Sale, and in the summer of 1968 to Moscow.

There was a radical re-equipment of means of communication - electrical, telephone, postal. In 1964, for the first time, the call signs of the district radio sounded on the air, in 1968, TV screens lit up.

In the 60s of the last century, a network of cultural institutions grew: there were 17 houses of culture, 39 village clubs, two folk theaters, three music schools, a museum of local lore, and a house of folk art. There were 500 thousand books in 64 libraries, more than 100 film installations in the cinema network.

Geography and climatic conditions

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is, figuratively speaking, the central part of the Arctic facade of Russia. The territory of the YNAO is located in the Arctic zone in the north of the world's largest West Siberian Plain and occupies a vast area of ​​more than 750 thousand square kilometers. More than half of it is located beyond the Polar District, covering the lower reaches of the Ob with tributaries, the basins of the Nadym, Pura and Taz rivers, the Yamal, Tazovsky, Gydansky peninsulas, a group of islands in the Kara Sea (White, Shokalsky, Neupokoeva, Oleniy, etc.), as well as eastern slopes of the Polar Urals. The extreme northern point of the Yamal mainland is located at 73° 30 minutes north latitude, which fully justifies the Nenets name of the peninsula - the Land's End.

The northern border of the district, washed by the waters of the Kara Sea, has a length of 5100 kilometers and is part of the State Border of the Russian Federation (about 900 kilometers). In the west, along the Ural Range, the Yamal-Nenets Okrug borders on the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic, in the south - on the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in the east - on the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The territory of the district is located mainly in three climatic zones: arctic, subarctic and the zone of the northern (taiga) zone of the West Siberian lowland. The climate here is characterized by especially sharp changes during the year, long, cold and harsh winters with strong storms and frequent snowstorms; the lowest temperature is -56 C. Summer is short - about 50 days on average.

The Arctic tundra zone covers the islands, the northern part of the Yamal and Gydan Peninsulas. The climate here is characterized by especially sharp changes during the year, long, cold and harsh winters with strong storms and frequent snowstorms; the lowest temperature is -56 C. There is little precipitation in winter; snow cover does not exceed 40 centimeters. Spring comes slowly, the air temperature rises above zero only in June. Due to frequent fogs, the weather is mostly cloudy. During the summer, the soil thaws by only 40-50 centimeters. In autumn it is cloudy and windy; thaws sometimes continue until November, but mostly already in September the temperature is below zero.

The subarctic zone (tundra zone) occupies the southern parts of the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas, descending to the Arctic Circle. The climate is continental: precipitation in the form of rain, summer up to 68 days.

The climate of the northern (taiga) strip of the West Siberian Lowland is characterized by a sharper continentality: the average temperature is higher, the snow cover reaches 60-80 centimeters and lies from mid-October to mid-May; summer is quite warm and humid up to 100 days; a lot of precipitation.

The relief of the district is represented by two parts: mountainous and flat. Almost 90% of the flat part lies within heights up to 100 meters above sea level; hence many lakes and swamps. The left bank of the Ob has an elevated and rugged relief. The right-bank, mainland part is a slightly hilly plateau with a slight slope to the north. The most elevated areas of the lowland are located in the south of the district within the Siberian ridges.

The mountainous part of the district occupies a narrow strip along the Polar Urals and is a large mountain range with a total length of over 200 kilometers. The average height of the southern massifs is 600-800 meters, and the width is 20-30. The highest peaks are the Belfry Mountains - 1305 meters, Pai-Er - 1499 meters. To the north, the height of the mountains reaches 1000-1300 meters. The main watershed ridge of the Polar Urals is winding, its absolute heights reach 1200-1300 meters and higher.

Administrative-territorial structure and population

6 urban districts,

7 municipal districts,

6 urban settlements,

36 rural settlements.

Salekhard is the administrative center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

After the annexation of Western Siberia to Russia, the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug for a long time was an almost deserted region, inhabited only by the tribes of the Nenets, Selkups, and Khanty. they led a predominantly nomadic lifestyle, engaged in reindeer herding and hunting. The Russians mainly settled on the banks of the rivers, building Cossack and trading posts. The city of Obdorsk, built by the Cossacks in 1595, later became the capital of the Autonomous Okrug. The situation changed dramatically in the 20th century, when the development of the natural resources of the Autonomous Okrug began. If in 1926 the population of Yamal was 19 thousand people, in 1975 - 122 thousand people, then in 2000 it was already 495.2 thousand people. The population of the district as of January 1, 2012 is 539.8 thousand people. people, including: urban - 460.8 and rural - 79.0 thousand people.

National structure of the population (according to Rosstat 2010 census) in percentage terms: Russians - 61.7, Ukrainians - 9.7, Tatars - 5.6, Nenets - 5.9, Khanty - 1.9, Selkups - 0.4 , Other nationalities - 17.5.

The ratio of urban and rural residents is 84.7% and 15.3%, respectively. Indigenous peoples of the North make up about 8% of the population of Yamal. The population density of the district is 0.7 people per 1 sq. km.

The Autonomous Okrug is one of the sparsely populated regions of Russia. 0.38% of the population of the Russian Federation lives in Yamal. At the same time, Yamal is the most urbanized region of the Russian Arctic.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is one of the few constituent entities of the Russian Federation where natural population growth continued until the early 2000s, taking place in all cities, towns and regions. Since the mid-1999s, the population of the Autonomous Okrug has been steadily increasing, mainly due to natural growth. The birth rate in Yamal, according to long-term data, is higher than the national average, and the death rate is lower. The average age of a resident of the Autonomous Okrug is 33 years old. Yamal is one of the multinational and multi-confessional territories of Russia. Representatives of 112 nationalities and nationalities live here, which is explained by intensive industrial development in the 1970-90s and the migration of the population associated with these processes.

The territory of the district is inhabited by representatives of many nations. Indigenous among them are the Nenets, Selkups and Northern Khanty, belonging to the Finno-Ugric language group. Aboriginal ethnic groups, populating the high latitudes of Yamal for several millennia, have formed a vibrant, original culture, maximally adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the region. Today, Yamal is one of the few Arctic territories where the traditional way of life and the system of life of aboriginal peoples have been practically untouched. The total number of indigenous peoples of the North living in the district is more than 45 thousand people, including Nenets - 29.8 thousand people, Khanty - 9.5 thousand people, Komi - 5.1 thousand people, Selkups - 1.9 thousand people. About 40% of the indigenous peoples living in Yamal lead a traditional way of life. Reindeer breeding is the basis of the traditional economy of the indigenous people (ethno-forming industry). There are other types of economic activity: hunting for fur and sea animals, fishing, gathering.

As of January 1, 2011, 80 communities, 48 ​​individual entrepreneurs and 19 other forms of economic activity of small peoples were registered in the Okrug. Much attention in the Autonomous Okrug is paid to preserving the original culture of the indigenous peoples of the North and creating conditions for the development of traditional culture. a cone-shaped frame structure: in winter it is covered with panels of dressed and sewn deer skins, in summer - with tarpaulin panels. The chum is adapted to the harsh climate of the Arctic and long nomadic pastures. The reindeer herders are transported by a team with a Nenets-type double-tracked sled. that more than 40 laws have been adopted in the region, the Concept for the Sustainable Development of the Indigenous Minorities of the North has been developed, real measures are being taken to improve living standards, improve health, preserve and develop the language, culture, ensure employment and social security.

Diversified economic complex

The positive dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators and the implementation of the strategic directions of the regional economy make it possible to predict the stable socio-economic development of the Autonomous Okrug in the medium term. In terms of industrial production per capita, the Autonomous Okrug ranks second in the Urals Federal District and third in Russia. The Okrug's economy is of a single-industry nature and is mainly focused on the extraction of minerals.


Unique hydrocarbon deposits have historically secured the role of Yamal as the largest supplier of hydrocarbon raw materials not only to the domestic market, but also to the markets of Eastern and Western Europe. More than one third of explored reserves of natural gas are concentrated on the territory of the Okrug, which is 0.5% of the land area of ​​the Earth. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a unique gas producing region in Russia, providing more than 80% of Russian gas production, or a fifth of its world production. Gas and gas condensate production is carried out by 50 enterprises at 110 fields. The leading positions in the field of gas production are occupied by the enterprises of the OAO Gazprom system.

The Yamal share of oil and gas condensate recovery is about 8.0% of the all-Russian. As of April 01, 2012, oil production in the Autonomous Okrug was carried out by 14 enterprises at 53 fields. The main oil producing enterprises in the district are subsidiaries of OAO Gazprom Neft and OAO NK Rosneft.
Mining accounts for over 88% of the region's industrial output.

The development of the economy of the Autonomous Okrug is connected with the implementation of the largest investment projects, which are combined into the Program "Comprehensive Development of the Deposits of the Autonomous Okrug and the North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory", including:

Construction of the Zapolyarye-Purpe pipeline system (commissioning of the first stage no later than the 4th quarter of 2013);

Construction of a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas on the Yamal Peninsula (implementation period 2010-2018); - arrangement and development of hydrocarbon fields on the Yamal Peninsula;

Construction of technological lines (pipelines, railway and automobile lines), as well as expansion of the air transport infrastructure on the Yamal Peninsula;

Construction of the highway "Surgut-Salekhard, section Nadym-Salekhard" (implementation period 2006-2015);

In 2012-2014, the construction of the Salekhard-Nadym railway line will continue, taking into account the bridge crossing over the Nadym River, as well as the implementation of the following investment projects:

CJSC "Achimgaz" "Development, development and commercial operation of Section 1A of the Achimov deposits of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field;

JSC "Northgas" "Development of oil and gas condensate deposits of the Western dome of the Severo-Urengoyskoye oil and gas condensate field";

OOO Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk Active Leisure Zone;

OOO NOVATEK-YURKHAROVNEFTEGAZ Booster compressor station 1st stage of construction at the Yurkharovskoye field.


The region is characterized by the presence of hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas, a complex transport scheme, underdevelopment of land transport along with spatial extent. Two transport hubs have been formed in the district - the western (Chum-Labytnangi line) and the eastern (Noyabrsk-Korotchaevo-Novy Urengoy line; Novy Urengoy-Yamburg; Novy Urengoy-Pangody-Nadym), which are not interconnected. Major railway stations: Noyabrsk, Korotchaevo, Purpe, Novy Urengoy, Labytnangi, Kharp.

Air transport forms the basis of inter-municipal and inter-settlement transport communications in the district, and during the thaw period it is the only way to deliver people and goods to most remote and hard-to-reach settlements. The main carrier on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is Yamal Aviation Transport Company OJSC.

The following airports operate within the county:

Salekhard Airport JSC, Salekhard;

OJSC "Novourengoy United Aviation Squadron", Novy Urengoy;

OJSC "Nadym Aviation Enterprise", Nadym; - State Unitary Enterprise "Mangazeya Airports", p. Krasnoselkup, village of Tolka;

State Unitary Enterprise Tarko-Sale Airport, Tarko-Sale, Urengoy settlement;

Yamburg branch of Gazpromavia Aviation Enterprise LLC, Yamburg settlement;

Noyabrsk branch of JSC "Airport Surgut", Noyabrsk;

Cape Kamensky branch of OJSC “Airport Surgut”, settlement Cape Kamenny;

Tazovsky branch of JSC "Airport Surgut", Tazovsky settlement.

In summer, a significant role in the transportation of passengers and the delivery of goods is played by water transport. The main burden of providing the population of urban and rural settlements of the Autonomous Okrug with fuel, food, industrial and other essential goods falls on the shoulders of the rivermen. This is especially true of settlements located in hard-to-reach areas of the district. For navigation, inland waterways are used, located within the boundaries of the Autonomous Okrug, which include the Ob, Taz, Gydan bays of the Kara Sea and the rivers Ob, Nadym, Pur, Taz flowing into them.

Agro-industrial complex

Due to natural and climatic conditions, the agro-industrial complex of the Autonomous Okrug is focused on traditional industries: reindeer breeding, fishing, hunting, processing of fur raw materials, which are the basis of the life and existence of the indigenous peoples of the North, as well as cattle breeding, fur farming, industrial processing of meat and fish .

The Autonomous Okrug has the largest herd of reindeer in Russia and in the world - as of January 01, 2011, its population reached 660 thousand heads. Reindeer breeding is a highly promising agricultural sector in the region. Fishing is of similar importance in the district. In fact, Yamal produces half of the Russian whitefish catch. Ecologically clean Yamal venison and fish have already become brands in the region, taking their rightful place among delicacies both within Russia and abroad. Further development of reindeer breeding is associated with the improvement of the cycle of non-waste production, and the fishing industry - with an increase in the volume of catch and processing. In the district, 18 agricultural organizations, 14 fishing organizations, 3 processing complexes, 66 peasant farms and small forms of management, as well as 3,000 personal reindeer farms. More than 13 thousand people are employed in the agro-industrial complex of the YaNAO, where 90% are indigenous peoples of the North.

Standard of living

In the Autonomous Okrug, there is a rather high average level of wages compared to other regions. However, a detailed study of the issue reveals a high sectoral and territorial differentiation. So, according to the results of 2011, the average monthly salary in the public sector (41.6 thousand rubles) amounted to 69.0% of the average district (60.2 thousand rubles), and in agriculture (25.6 thousand rubles) - only 42.5%. As for the territories, the highest level of wages is noted in the areas of oil and gas production, the lowest - in the rural areas of the Autonomous Okrug.

When calculating wages in the Autonomous Okrug, the district coefficient (1.7 - 1.8) and the northern allowance (80%) are applied. This means that all main types of wages (tariff rates, additional payments and allowances for working overtime, on holidays, bonus payments, etc.) are charged with a percentage increase in the following amounts: 10% for the calculation of the first six months of work with an increase of 10% for each subsequent six months of work and upon reaching the size of the allowance of 60% - by 10% for each subsequent year of work. For young people (persons under the age of 30) there is a preferential procedure for obtaining a northern allowance.

The average subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population in 2011 in the Autonomous Okrug as a whole was 10,990 rubles, for pensioners — 7,887 rubles, for children — 9,697 rubles.The average cost of a consumer basket in Yamal in 2011 was 9,686 rubles.

Health care, education

Medical care for the population of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is provided in 34 healthcare institutions. In addition, residents of rural areas receive pre-hospital medical care in 70 stationary feldsher-obstetric stations. To provide medical care to the population of remote villages and the nomadic population, 5 mobile medical teams, as well as 43 traveling medical assistants, operate in the Okrug. 184 institutions of preschool education, 141 general education schools, including 8 institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, 5 gymnasiums, 4 special educational institutions for students with disabilities, 5 evening (shift) general education schools, 2 Orthodox gymnasiums, as well as 38 institutions of additional education for children.

The vocational education system of the Autonomous Okrug is represented by 5 institutions of primary vocational education, 6 institutions of secondary vocational education, 25 branches of institutions of higher vocational education.

Strategic Development

The Development Strategy of the Autonomous Okrug until 2020 provides for the implementation on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug of large investment projects that are of federal and European significance, such as large-scale development of deposits on the Yamal Peninsula, transport construction, the creation of energy infrastructure facilities, and the implementation of the Ural Industrial - Ural Polar megaproject , integrated development of deposits in the Autonomous Okrug and the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

A management system for the strategic development of the Autonomous Okrug is proposed, covering sectoral and municipal strategies.

The priority goals of the socio-economic development of the Autonomous Okrug in the medium term are:

Increasing the resource base of minerals; - Creation of gas and oil refineries and enterprises;

Development of transport and energy infrastructure;

Development of the mining industry;

Environmental safety and efficient nature management; - development of small and medium-sized businesses;

Expansion of the sphere of public-private partnership;

Development of the affordable housing market and an increase in the pace of housing construction, a decrease in the volume of dilapidated and dilapidated housing;

Maintaining and improving social support for the population; - increasing employment and reducing unemployment;

Building an innovative type of economy; - ensuring the safety of the population.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation cover of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has a pronounced latitudinal zonality. In total, five landscape zones are distinguished: arctic, moss-lichen tundra, shrub tundra, forest tundra, northern taiga.

Vegetation cover along the coast of the Kara Sea in the zone of the Arctic tundra is sparse. Green mosses, bushy lichens and sedges grow in this zone. To the south of the arctic tundra zone, the moss-lichen tundra zone extends. The basis of vegetation is lichens, mosses and forbs, sometimes there are shrubs.

The next zone is the shrub tundra. Small shrubs, dwarf birches and willows are found here. The farther south, the richer and taller the vegetation becomes. On the banks of rivers and ravines there are forb meadows with placers of berries and herbs.

The forest-tundra zone is transitional from tundra to forest. In the interfluves of the forest-tundra zone, low-growing trees grow: spruce, larch and birch. There are many marshes and sphagnum peat bogs in this zone. The taiga zone is characterized by a large number of lakes, swamps and large reservoirs. The vegetation is dominated by dark coniferous and light coniferous forests.

The fauna of Yamal is diverse. The fauna of the district includes about 300 species of vertebrates, including 40 species of mammals, more than 200 species of birds, 40 species of fish, three species of amphibians and one reptile. The species composition of forest-tundra animals is the most diverse.

The northern regions of the tundra are inhabited by white fox, wild reindeer, polar wolf, wolverine, hare, ermine, weasel and a number of mouse-like animals - lemmings, voles, shrews. In the south of the taiga zone, there are sable, Siberian weasel, squirrel, chipmunk, which do not enter the Arctic tundra. The polar bear lives on the islands and the coast of the Kara Sea. In the coastal waters of the sea, whale whales are found, and pinnipeds - seals, harp seals, sea hare, walrus.

Ural federal district. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The area is 769.3 thousand square kilometers. Formed on December 10, 1930.
The administrative center of the federal district - city ​​of Salekhard.

- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Ural Federal District, located in the Arctic zone of the West Siberian Plain. According to the Charter of the Tyumen region, it is also part of the Tyumen region, being an equal subject of the Russian Federation. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean (Kara Sea) from the north. The Yamal Peninsula is located on the territory of the Okrug - the northernmost mainland point of the Okrug.

It is part of the West Siberian economic region. The basis of the economy of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is oil and gas production. The largest herd of deer in Russia is grazed on Yamal - over 700 thousand heads. The county is a leading exporter of reindeer meat to foreign markets. The world's largest herd of whitefish is concentrated in the rivers and lakes of Yamal. The basis of the ichthyofauna is the famous northern white fish - nelma, muksun, pyzhyan, vendace. The district is also a major supplier of furs: silver-black foxes, blue foxes, and colored minks are bred on fur farms. The main types of economic activity in the region are the fuel and energy complex, construction, trade, transport and communications.

On December 10, 1930, the Yamalo-Nenets National Okrug was formed as part of the Ural Region. Later, the Yamalo-Nenets National Okrug was part of the Ob-Irtysh and Omsk regions.
On August 14, 1944, the Yamalo-Nenets National District became part of the Tyumen Region.
In 1977, the Yamalo-Nenets National Okrug received autonomous status.
Since 1992, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has been a subject of the Russian Federation.

Cities and districts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Cities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: Salekhard, Gubkinsky, Labytnangi, Tarko-Sale, Muravlenko, Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk.

Urban districts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: City of Salekhard, City of Gubkinsky, City of Labytnangi, City of Muravlenko, City of Novy Urengoy, City of Noyabrsk.

    Yamal Nenetsie Autonomous Okrug ... Wikipedia

    In the Russian Federation, Tyumen region. Formed 12/10/1930. 750.3 thousand km², including islands in the Kara Cape Bely, Oleniy, Shokalsky and others. Population 465 thousand people (1993), urban 83%; Russians, Nenets, Khanty, Komi, etc. 6 cities, 9 ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    YAMAL NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT, subject of the Russian Federation; within the Tyumen region. It is located in the Far North of Western Siberia, partly beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes the islands of Bely, Oleniy, Shokalsky, etc., in the north it is washed by ... Russian history

    YAMAL NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT, in the Tyumen region, in Russia. The area is 750.3 thousand km2. Population 465 thousand people, urban 80%; Russians (59.2%), Ukrainians (17.2%), Nenets (4.2%), Khanty, Komi, etc. Salekhard center. 7 districts, 6 cities, 9 villages… Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Russian Federation Federal Districts: Far East Privolzhsky North Western North … Accounting Encyclopedia

    As part of the Tyumen region of the RSFSR. It was formed on December 10, 1930. It is located in the extreme north of the West Siberian Plain; about 50% of the territory of the district is beyond the Arctic Circle. It is washed by the waters of the Kara Sea. Includes the islands: White, Oleniy, Shokalsky ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug- Yamalo Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Nenets. Women at the plague. Yamalo Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a subject of the Russian Federation within the Tyumen Region. It is located in the Far North of Western Siberia, partly beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes… … Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- is included in Ros. Federation. Pl. 750.3 thousand km2. Us. 488 thousand people (1996), including Nenets (18 thousand), Khanty (6.6 thousand), Selkups (1.8 thousand), Mansi (0.1 thousand). Center Salekhard. The first Russian native school. in 1850 in Obdorsk (now Salekhard). In con. nineteen … Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- an equal subject within the Russian Federation, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter (Basic Law) Ya. N. a. o., adopted by the State Duma Ya. N. a. about. September 19, 1995 The district is part of the Tyumen region. The administrative center of the district is the city of ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug- Yam alo Nenets Autonomous Okrug ... Russian spelling dictionary


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