Fair of children's games holiday in dhow. The scenario of the autumn fair in kindergarten


Galina Gavrilova

LEADING: Hello, dear guests: small and large

Welcome to the Autumn Festival!

As in kindergarten "Istok"

in the market square,

Starts with us

Fair now!

CHILD: Fair! Fair!

Happy fair!

These are songs, these are dances, this is sonorous children's laughter.

Games, jokes and fun, enough joy for everyone.

LEADING: As at our gates there are mummers at the gates.

And the guys are daring at those painted gates.

They run like a snake, they bring laughter, they bring us fun.

Sounds Russian folk music "Ay, yes fair"

Children enter the hall, stop in loose

CHILDREN:1. The sun shines gently, gently smiles,

It was Autumn that came to visit us - the beauty.

Bright, green, yellow and red,

But always cheerful, and always beautiful!

2. I painted everything around with beautiful colors,

Flocks of cranes gather to the south.

So they are supposed to, and fate ordered,

Come to us in the spring with the very first greenery!

3. Never lose heart, do not look sad,

Look around, let's enjoy the picture

Bright, green, yellow and red,

But always cheerful, and always beautiful!

SONG "Autumn is a beauty" music and text by A. Evtodieva

CHILDREN: 1. How is it conducted in Rus'

You ask everyone

All festivities are folk, bright

Start with a festive fair.

2. Autumn is fine

We invite everyone to the holiday.

Come see what you like.

All the people are having fun, the fair is in full swing!

SONG "Fair"

(children sit on chairs)

Leading: So we ended up at a multi-colored and noisy fair. Merchants shout briskly, inviting them to buy goods in their shops. And they brought countless goods from different parts of Mother Russia. Here you can buy a good horse or cow, food and much more. Here and there you can hear the inviting cries of street vendors.

1 SELLER: Containers-bars-rasto-bars

There are good products

We not only disrespect

What we don't have, we'll show you!

2 SELLER: Pins, needles,

Steel jokes.

For one bundle

Pay a dime!

3 SELLER: Here are nuts,

Good nuts.

Delicious, on honey,

Let's put on a hat!

4 SALESMAN: Come here, my friend,

Open your wallet!

There are rattles and accordions

And painted spoons!

2 customers take spoons


wooden friend,

Without it, we are like without hands!

At leisure, fun

And feed everyone around!


He wears porridge directly into his mouth

And it doesn't get burned.

Voiced carved

Painted spoons!

DANCE WITH SPOONS (boys) Bajnovskaya quadrille

CHILD: In Rus', always held in high esteem

There were peddlers.

Spoons, ribbons and handkerchiefs

They sold in the markets.

We will not become you today

These spoons are for sale.

We'll give the spoons and dance

Let's entertain everyone here!

COUPLE DANCE "FLASHLIGHTS" (ensemble "Golden Ring")


Come on, come on!

The goods are not stale!

hemp ropes,

Resin ropes!

They don't burn in fire

They don't drown in water!


Is the product expensive?


By acquaintance I will take it cheap,

Come on, three hundred.


Expensive. I give you two and a half

Yes, in addition, a club with a hump!


Not enough, add at least the kids for milk!


Well, okay, I'll add another nickel,

But I won't just take it:

First, I'll check the fortress,

I'm making a game.

HOST: Well, people come out to the game to play "Pull the Rope"

GAME "Pull the Rope"

LEADING: Our craftsmen showed us a lot of interesting things! And on the city square there is a performance of the cheerful, cheerful Petrushka.

Glove puppet Petrushka appears on the screen

PARSLEY: I am Petrushka -

Fun toy!

oak legs,

Silk curls,

I walk, I wander, I move

I'm not afraid of anyone in the world.

Good health to you, dear guests (bows) hello!

How many guys gathered - smart and bright. Now I will check you, and guess riddles about the goods that the merchants brought to the fair.

(Petrushka makes riddles, shakes hands with the children who guessed)

red maiden

Growing up in the dark

People took in hand

The braids were torn off. (Carrot)

(Petrushka praises the child who guessed the riddle, shakes his hand)

Antoshka stands on one leg. (Mushroom)

White as snow, in honor of everyone (Sugar)

I found a ball, broke it,

I saw gold and silver. (Egg)

Not a rider, but with spurs,

Not a watchman, but wakes up. (Rooster)

Parsley: You guessed all the riddles, respected Petrushka. And who came to us, so important and serious?

(the Merchant toy appears)

Merchant: I am a merchant, a daring trader!

Parsley: why did you come to the fair?

Merchant: Trade.

Parsley: Steal?

Merchant: Yes, do not steal, but trade,

Parsley: Ah, feast! Well, then I'll go with you.

Merchant: Okay, feast so feast. Do you have money to feast? You must have 200 rubles.

Parsley: Five nails? I'll bring it now.

Merchant: Yes, not nails, but rubles.

Parsley: Yes, I didn’t chase pigeons.

Merchant: Don't be ridiculous, Petrushka. Of people.

Petrushka: Are you asking me to beat you? With pleasure.

(Petrushka rolls up his sleeves, takes a stick, beats the merchant and sentences)

Drink tea merchant

Don't shake your head

Don't worry about money

And share with Petrushka.

The merchant runs away. Petrushka followed him.

HOST: We met our neighbor Ivanushka at the fair. Let's ask Ivanushka, guys, what he saw at the fair and what he's bringing home.

Staged "Ivanushka" (Where was, Ivanushka)

(children sit on chairs)

GIRL: And we are bright handkerchiefs

Brought to the fair

We will gladly go to the dance,

Let's dance together.

DANCE WITH HANDKERCHIEF "Autumn-golden" music and text by A. Evtodieva

PRESENTER 1: We are with you today

They sang and danced together.

We are at the fair

Have a fun time!

LEADING 2. But still, who is in charge at the fair?

CHILD: 1. Probably, the main thing at the fair is fun.

2. The main thing at the fair is a treat for the kids.

(A child comes out, dressed as a samovar. He carries a pie)

Gives the pie to the host.

SAMOVAR: The samovar is the main gift.

I am beautiful, painted.

Fragrant tea to taste

Anyone will not refuse.

Children come out

CHILDREN: 1. The samovar puffs, sparkles - 2. Better than any doctor

Generous, round, golden. Treats boredom and longing.

Lights up our faces, A cup of tasty, cool

He is his kindness. Samovar seagull.


LEADING: We are in this hall today,

Have fun from the heart

Selling, buying

All items are good.

But our holiday does not end,

The holiday continues.

We are now inviting everyone

We serve pie!

Related publications:

Scenario of the holiday "Merry starts on the water." Preparatory group. Tasks: to consolidate the ability to swim in various ways; develop physical qualities: dexterity, coordination, speed; cause in children.

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The script of the holiday in the preparatory group Autumn Fair. Children in pairs enter the hall while the music is playing, walking, bowing to each other.

Scenario of the autumn matinee for children of the senior group "Autumn Fair" municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 212 Scenario of the holiday "Autumn Fair".

“At our fair, laughter and fun!”

(preparatory group)


Awakening interest in folk culture, folklore of Russia. To evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday. Introducing children to popular fun.


    Help create a good mood, provide children with the opportunity to relax and get new experiences.

    Encourage children to improvisational dances to folk music.

    Continue to develop artistic qualities, reveal the creative potential of children by involving them in theatrical performances.

    To consolidate the ability to use different timbre colors of the voice to convey the necessary nuances of the song.

    To improve the ability to perform dance movements accurately, rhythmically, plastically, easily.

    Cultivate respect for the worker.

Musical repertoire:

    Song "Fair"

    Dance "Quadrille"

    Staged "Two Brothers"

    The song "pipe and horn"

    Dance "With balalaikas"


    Folk game "Kumok, sell a corner!"

    Ribbon Game

    The song "Samovar is the owner"


Leading group educator

Gypsy - adult

Gypsy - adult

Fox is a child of the group


The hall is decorated like a fair. On the counters-tables there is an exhibition of handicrafts: birch bark crafts, ancient embroidered towels, collars, wooden spoons, painted trays, pottery and toys, scarves, Khokhloma dishes, combs, a samovar, bagels, lollipops, etc.

Folk music sounds. The leader enters the room.


Hey honest people, hello! I invite everyone to the holiday - the fair! I wish you fun and good mood. Listen and look, but do not say that you have not heard or seen. Welcome guests will gather here: dancers and gamers, puppeteers and singers. And a fun performance will begin at the fair with games - fun, with round dances and songs, jokes and jokes. Traders will show at the fair what Russian cities are rich in, what goods they are famous for. Oh, how many guests gathered at the fair! Time to open the fair!

To the music, children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle.


We arrived, we arrived, with sweets, with nuts.

With sweet candies, with cheerful bells.

With toys, trinkets, with songs, ditties.


Come, honest people, the fair is at the gate!

Song "Fair"

Children sit on chairs. Barkers come out, "children-merchants" take their places on the stage "behind the counters".

1st caller.

Come on, honest: old, average, young.

Buy and sell, no money? Then change!

2nd caller.

Our fair is big and what is not here -

Do not see the end and edge, the sea of ​​​​sushki and sweets.

Walk with your feet, look with your eyes,

Take it with your hands, pay with money.

They sit on chairs.

Child merchants (in order).

Who wants pies? Hot pies?

From the heat, from the heat, a dime for a couple!

Hurry and hurry, don't be afraid - don't overeat.

Try, come on, a nickel piece.

Come, don't yawn, buy bread.

Loaves, kalachi, donuts, donuts are hot.

Rolls, cakes were sitting in the oven,

They looked at you and wanted to mouth.

To whom I will sell apples, to whom I will give them cheap.

Pears, plums, pineapple, buy in reserve.

Who needs nuts? Who needs nuts?

Gilded walnuts.

Adults for wealth, children for fun.

Come, do not be lazy, buy, do not be stingy.

Take it entirely, but fall asleep in your pocket.


Well, your goods are good, now let's dance from the heart

Dance "Quadrille"


Two brothers came to amuse us. Now we will listen to what Demyan and Vavilo are talking about so that they are crushed with a broom.

Staged "Two Brothers"


How two brothers lived - Demyan and Vavilo.


Vavilo is a shirt, but Demyan is a caftan.


It's time, brother Demyan, to plow the land, plant rye.


Eh, Vavilo - simplicity, he bought a horse without a tail.


And Demyan, a Vololkita, bought a horse without a hoof.


Vavila has a bay, Demyan has a black one.

Vavila's is not going well, Demyan's is unlucky.


Oh, come on, brother, Demyan, this is a craft with you.


Let's better, brother Vavilo, forge money.


So Vavilo began to forge, and Demyan began to blow.


Vavila doesn’t blow, Demyan doesn’t forge.


Oh, Demyan and Vavilo! We would sit at home

They would cut shavings, toys for the guys.


Eh, come on, Vavilo, this is a craft with you.


And come on, brother Demyan, walk around the villages, and make the people happy!

(Bow down)


Thank you, buffoons, oh yes oh!

Vavilo and Demyan (together)

Clap buffoons, talkers and rascals!


And what a fair without merry dancing.


Child merchants take the stage.

Ay-yes-yes! Ay-yes-yes! Everyone please come here!

Guys, guys, live richly.

Come to our row, buy everything.

We have nice toys, amusing, funny.

Look, admire, do not bargain for a long time.

Admire the goods: spoons, bowls, samovars.

Gilded barrels, twisted patterns.

Fly in, fly in and buy soon.

Like a magical firebird, it does not go out of mind,

Enchantress, craftswoman, golden Khokhloma.

Our dishes for cabbage soup and porridge.

Doesn't break, doesn't break, and doesn't get damaged.

Kalena seeds are handed out by Alena.

Everyone, everyone, I will distribute to everyone and give change to everyone.

Silk handkerchiefs - scarlet, blue, purple.

And townsman's shawls, one might even say royal ones.

Come, try on our ribbons and scarves.

Don't waste your time, take out your wallets.

Traders sit down, girls go out.


We traded, traded, as we should.

To admire us, the girls went to the show.

We are girls - a feast for the eyes, everyone admires us.

Come on Sunday, there will be a dance in the club.

Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments

After the orchestra, the gypsies come out, sing a song, guess.


Stay, gypsies, with us at the fair, we will have fun playing, we will sing songs, dance. Hey, laughter girls and well done guys, sing ditties, have fun from the heart.


After the ditties, the children sit on the chairs, the gypsies say goodbye, leave. Two girls take the stage.

Stage play "The Fox at the Fair"


Where have you been, little fox? What did you buy at the fair?

A fox.

Oh, I'm coming from Torzhok, the cockerel looked after me.


So you're going without a purchase?

A fox.

I'm starving for the third day. On the shelves of fish, meat,

Yes, sausages are hung.

I would like a piece of sausage, the fox has no money.


Do not worry, fox, in vain,

Although we are not rich either, we will share with you.

A fox.

Have pity, people above me.

I also saw cheese there, but there was little money.


Here's a piece of cheese for you.

A fox.

I didn't have enough oil.


Here's a pot of oil for you.

A fox.

My kids are begging for meat.


Here are the gifts for the foxes.

A fox.

Too bad I'm not that rich.


Enough, little fox, to ask.

A fox.

Oh how I want to drink.


Here's a sip of water for you.

A fox.

What good is water to me?

I would like a ladle of milk, a mug is not great.


Although we do not feel sorry for the gifts, you are just a beggar.

A fox.

What are you, what are you, I'm joking, I'll pay for the gifts.

I want to play with you.

The game

After the game, the children stand in a semicircle.


In Rus', it’s going so well that talented people

Himself and the reaper, and the Swiss, and the player on the pipe.

The song "Samovar is the owner"


Oh, how nice we are! You are masters of singing and having fun.

And now allow me, dear guests, to give you our humble respect,

Thanks for visiting.

We will come another time, we will respect, and we will tell you one thing:

That they amused themselves at the fair in the old days, not only at the bar,

But also tribal boyars.


The time has come to say goodbye to you.

Only light will be sadness in the heart.

May you always be proud of the masters

Generous and songful Rus'.


It's a pleasure to stay with us, we will call you again.

And now let's go, guys, let's drink tea with sweets.

Name: Scenario "Autumn Fair". Preparatory group.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Entertainment holidays, scenarios, Preparatory group

Position: music director
Place of work: MB Preschool Kindergarten No. 7 "Solnyshko"
Location: Kaltan, pos. Permanent Kaltan City District, Kemerovo Region

preparatory group

In a smartly decorated hall, a girl and a boy enter, stand in the center of the hall.

BOY Autumn flew in .... now in kindergarten,

Throwing new leaf fall onto the path,

GIRL The leaves rustled "Farewell to the fly!"

Autumn has come to us ...... MEET!


AUTUMN Hello, dear parents and our guests! (bow) We are glad to welcome you to our Autumn Hall.

How nice it is for me guys, your speeches are very sweet!

How can I surprise you?

What can cheer you up?

But I probably know!!! I invite you to the autumn fair!

Let it not stop longer, fun, jokes, laughter!

You hurry to the fair, Autumn - gloriously amuse!

The show starts

The fair is open!!!

UNDER THE MUSIC “Fun hour, we start dancing” 2 buffoons run in, PERFORM A SIMPLE DANCE.

1 Buffoon Hello! Honorable gentlemen!!!

We came to the fair here!

2 Buffoon Look at your product, Show yourself!

1 Buffoon Excuse us for being in a thin outfit

2 Buffoons We are funny jokers, famous buffoons and scoffers!

1 Buffoon For a copper penny, let's dance and so and so!

2 Buffoons You will be satisfied! Great! Fun with three boxes!

TOGETHER People gather! Fair open!

(raise your hands up, right foot on the heel.)



1 child Today we have a fair .... Buy everything in reserve!

2 children Dress up, get ready .... Go for a walk!

3 children Who sells pies…..Who sells pretzels,

4 children Who shouts at the whole market .... "Hurry up to buy goods!"

5 children Hey people don't yawn!!! Get the fives!

6 children Dance, walk .... Just don't open your mouth!

7 children Love, love us to watch ... Love, love to sing songs!

THE SONG "GOLDEN FAIR" IS PERFORMED (at the end everyone disperses and sits down in their places)

It turns out Grandfather (child) sits down, on a chair set in advance, sleeps (hands under his cheek,)

A girl approaches him.

Hey, grandfather, get up, the fair has already begun, and you are still snoring (grandfather is not sleeping)

GIRL STOMPING FOOT Get up I tell you!

GRANDFATHER GETTING UP AND STRETCHING Qavo you screamed, What other fair?


GIRL STOMPING FOOT Get up I tell you. Vegetables and fruits have ripened in the garden for a long time, it's time to take them to the fair,

GRANDFATHER GETTING UP Well, okay, let's collect,

AUTUMN Guys, let's help grandfather to harvest.

THE GAME "HARVESTING!" (2 links for -8 people, 2 hoops in which they put vegetables and fruits of 8 pieces, 2 buckets or baskets.)

AUTUMN And at this time the fair was in full swing!

All the children got up from their chairs, They say in unison:

Containers - bars, containers - bars

We sell all products!

Not a commodity, but a real treasure

Take it all apart!

THE MELODY "Shipmen" SOUNDS 2 boys and 2 girls take the trays from the counters, decorously pass and stand in the center of the hall.

1 child I sell a pig, I give it to you for a gift,

This is a miracle pig, super smart as a baby!

And reads, and counts, the TV itself turns on!


2 REB. Those nuts are good!

Gnaw ka from the heart!

Delicious on honey, let's put on a hat!


3 children eggplant for sale

Our Russian bananas

And only humans eat them.

Monkeys will not eat.


Because monkeys

Love sweet bananas!


Fish, fish buy, choose any!

I caught it in the hole myself, I salted it in a tar barrel

He himself brought to the fair, for sale a whole cart!

Accompany the display of everything that sells


1st Come, poor man!

2nd Come rich!

3rd Come thin!

4th come pot-bellied!


Containers - bars, rastabars

We sell all products!!!


AUTUMN (turns to the girls) they are sitting on the right side,

Did you go to the fair?

Tell me what did you buy?

GIRLS (turning in chorus to the boys) are sitting on the left side

Let's hang out guys. Maybe we can buy?

BOYS (answer in chorus)

Let's bargain girls, at the same time we'll sing for everyone!



Boys. We are merchants, barkers,

We guys are great.

All of our products are top notch:

Spoons, combs, bells.

Girls. Oh, merchants, barkers,

It hurts the prices are high!

Buyer is here

The people here are not stupid.

Loss, girls go around boys, boys - Claps, stamping with a foot.

boys. Come on, try on

Our ribbons and scarves!

Don't waste your time -

Get your wallets!

Girls. Wow again

Nothing good!

This dress is not new

This dress has been worn

Loss is performed by movements.

boys. Oh dear girls

Let me tell you:

We have an offer

Walk with you

GIRLS We are girls - a feast for the eyes

Everyone admires us

Come Sunday

For a fun dance!

Loss……….(remain in place after singing)

AUTUMN From the heart ditties sang,

We all listened and watched

Now come on people

Show us the dance!


Again comes the grandfather with a bag.

I was at the fair

Bought a lot of shoes!

But she's all mixed up in the bag, guys, can you help me figure it out?

Grandfather pours shoes out of the bag. Autumn helps.

AUTUMN Ouch!!! How many shoes do we have!

And, let's try to put on high chairs now!


(3 children's chairs, 6 pairs of high-heeled shoes for adults, children put on shoes to the music, each their own chair, wear one shoe, Autumn and Skomorohi help)

AUTUMN Ah, here's another game! Open - ka gate !!!


“Golden Gate, come in gentlemen.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And the third time we won't let you through."

(Children pass between the gates. Adults drop their hands at the last words. Whom they “caught” - he dances, the rest I clap. At the end of the game, everyone sits on chairs;

AUTUMN (referring to the boys)

Well, you went to the fair too

Are you the one you bought?


Balalaikas - look here! Let's play from the heart.


Buffoon Fair noise sings,

I hear someone coming towards us!

The gypsy music “Brook, brook ..” sounds, a gypsy (adult) comes dancing and performs a simple dance.

SKOMOROKH (SURPRISED) I can't believe my eyes, did the gypsies come to us at the fair? Well, keep your wallets tight

Now they will start to guess, but pull the sleeve

Anyone can be tricked and deceived.

The buffoon says, turning now to the boys, now to the girls, putting his hand to his mouth "as if slowly."

GYPSY (hands on hips) Ai..ai..ai! how not ashamed to scare the gypsies,

We do not live for a long time deceit,

Let's sing and play the guitar

We, in the theater "Romen" perform!!!

I am a gypsy, young, I am not a simple gypsy,

I can tell fortunes, but tell the whole truth!

Let me guess dear! (takes Autumn by the hand) Ah..you are my precious! Shine I see along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have many children, (Approaches one of the children)

Ah, you are my killer whale! Let me guess! OH!!! I see the road, this is the road of life, it leads to the state house! You will have a lot of friends in life, take care of them!

(A gypsy woman tells her parents on cards, offers to move the deck)

Oh what a beautiful king you have. Well - ka, what awaits you? Oh, you have a big love, And you have a late track. Well…. Cute! And with you, about what happened to you .... we'll talk later!

SUDDENLY THE BEAR GROWS. The boy Fedya enters to the music, leads a bear on a string, the girls are gypsies behind.

GYPSY Yes, it's Fedya! Bringing a bear!

(Fedya with a bear stand in the center, gypsies on the sides)

FEDYA Hello, honest people! Well, Mishka bow to the respectable audience.

GYPSY What else can your Bear do?

FEDYA - Did any of you see that Mishka would dance?

He is a bit clumsy and shy

But he can't resist, he loves to dance very much!

Well ... come on, black-headed! (referring to the gypsies)

You romels help, dance with my Mishka!

"Gypsy Girl" is PERFORMED (Fedya steps aside, plays along on the tambourine, Mishka dances in the middle) At the end, the gypsy girls speak.

GYPSY 1-And what doesn’t happen at the fair?

What only the Russian people do not play?

GYPSY 2-Jokes, jokes, fun!

Well, we invite you

ALL IN CHOIR - ride on the carousel !!!

UNDER THE FUNNY MUSES………………………children ride the “CAROUSEL” girls in turn, then boys.

GIRL COMES OUT - We rolled on glory, it's time to drink tea!

SAMOVARYCH come out! Treat us with tea!

(The center of the hall comes out the boy SAMOVARYCH)

SAMOVARYCH is me!!! You can't do without me!

Shu-shu-shu, Shu-shu-shu, I let off steam from myself!

Water will boil quickly! Have some tea then!

GIRL — And what to pour into?

SAMOVARYCH - Cups ... cups must be called!


AUTUMN - How many dances, how many jokes, and funny jokes!

I'll tell you one, I'll tell you and show you!

Dramatization "HOW AN OLD MAN SOLD A COW" .

(The old man comes out and leads the cow)

Leading. An old man was selling a cow in the market,

Although many needed a cow,

But apparently people didn't like her.

Skomorokh 1. Master, will you sell us your cow?

Old man. Selling! I've been standing with her in the market since morning.

Skomorokh 2. Are you asking too much, old man, for her?

Old man. Yes, where to make money, to return your own!

Skomorokh 1. It hurts your cow is thin!

Old man. Sick, cursed, just trouble!

Skomorokh 2

Old man. Yes, we have not seen milk yet!

Leading. All day long the old man traded in the market,

No one gave a price for a cow.

One boy took pity on the old man:

Guy. Dad! Your hand is not easy!

I will stand near your cow,

Perhaps we will sell your cow.

Leading. There is a buyer with a big wallet,

And now he is bargaining with the boy:

Customer. Are you selling a cow?

Guy. Buy if you're rich!

Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!

Customer. Is it? Looks pretty skinny...

Guy. Not too oily, but good milk yield!

Customer. How much milk does a cow give?

Guy. You do not give out for a day, your hand will get tired!

Leading. The old man looked at his cow:

Old man. Why am I, Burenka, selling you?

I will not sell my cow to anyone!

You need such a beast!

Your milk, Burenka, is simply a miracle!

Drink it always, always I will!

Cow. And milk is twice as tasty,

If this…

(Turns the other side - the inscription "Milky Way")


presenter. Come on, Cow, give me some milk!

(The host puts a bucket under the cow, into which Milky Way chocolates are poured. Distribution of treats to children)

Here is the crown of the merry holiday,

Well, our fair is over!

AUTUMN I'm sorry to say goodbye to you, but the turn of winter is coming

I will come to you guys again, you are waiting for Autumn in a year!

Autumn invites parents to buy something for memory at the fair.

Explanatory note

For preschool education, the issues of developing a creatively active personality, its spiritual potential are especially relevant. That is why it is important to include various types of artistic creative activity in the life of children and in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten. It is in them that every child can express himself most fully and realize his creative activity.
One of the most important means of aesthetic education and the formation of an active creative personality is folk art, which combines oral folklore, musical and visual arts.
Folk art summarizes ideas of beauty, aesthetic ideals, the wisdom of the people, which are passed down from generation to generation. Through folk art, the child learns the traditions, customs, features of the life of his people, joins his culture.
Folk art is rich in rhythms and repetitions, it carries specific images, colors, is accessible and interesting to the child, which is the basis for awakening and strengthening the emotionally positive attitude of children towards him. The value of folk art is also determined by the fact that it affects the feelings of the child through the means of expression, and this effect is natural, non-violent. Because of this, it is available to children with different levels of development, and each child receives pleasure and emotional charge from this. It attracts the attention of children, and therefore, on the basis of highlighting the elements of folk art, color system, composition, it can be used for the development of the child: the perception of aesthetic attitudes and aesthetic evaluation, that is, by influencing the sensual sphere of the child, folk art stimulates the development of the creative abilities of the individual.
The period of preschool childhood is, as shown by studies of teachers and psychologists (Venger L.A., Gribovskaya A.A., Doronova T.N., Komarova T.S., Sakulina N.P., Shpikalova T.Ya.), the most sensitive to perception folk art, its use in creative activity.
The success of solving these problems depends on a number of factors. Among them, first of all, in relation to the senior preschool age, we can distinguish:

  • cooperation between the teacher and the child;
  • the use of such means and methods of education and training that would contribute to the development of the child without dictate and pressure from an adult and without prejudice to the creative manifestations of the child;
  • upbringing and education in full compliance with the level of difficulty of the kindergarten program and the age and individual psychological characteristics of children.

The power of influence on the child of works of folk art increases if familiarization with them is carried out on the basis of the preschooler's own activities. Based on this, in working with children it is necessary to ensure that they are not only active listeners and spectators, but also active performers of songs, round dances, dances, musical games, etc., actively involved in work in the classroom, including and preparing for holidays and entertainment.

"Autumn Fair" (musical and theatrical performance for older preschoolers)

It is very important to acquaint children with Russian folk art, to form knowledge about the Russian national costume, Russian folk songs, ditties, nursery rhymes, to cultivate love for the native land.
At first glance, the script seems voluminous, but in reality it requires little preparation. It is only necessary to give each group a task in time - to learn amateur performance numbers, prepare souvenirs from vegetables and fruits, and make toys in manual labor classes. The design will not take much time: you just need to put tables covered with beautiful tablecloths or curtains in a row, lay out “goods” on the tables, write several signs such as “Sale of living creatures”, “Tea house”, “Bulki, bread, bagels”.

Preliminary work: listening to Russian folk songs, learning folk games, elements of Russian dance; learning poems, songs, playing them. Decoration of the exhibition "Gifts of Autumn": tables covered with tablecloths, models of vegetables and fruits.

Material: souvenirs, signs "Sale of living creatures", "Bulki, bread, bagels", "Tea house", handkerchiefs. Play equipment "Merry Carousel". Musical folk instruments: rumbas, rattles, wooden spoons, etc. Screen, Petrushka doll.

Holiday progress:

Children stand at the entrance to the music room. Under the Russian folk melody “Korabeyniki”, two buffoons-barkers run out from different ends of the stage (they are also the hosts of the holiday - adults).

1st buffoon.
Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fun festivities open!
Hurry, honest people,
The fair is calling you!

2nd buffoon.
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry all here!
Here jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you, friends!

1st buffoon.
What does your soul desire?
You can find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without shopping!

2nd buffoon.
Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!
The people are gathering
Our fair is open!

Fanfares sound (phonogram), children enter the hall in pairs, to the Russian folk melody “Oh, you canopy.” Some of the children sit down at the “counters” with signs.
Children read poetry

1 child:
We are naughty guys!
We are the cool guys!
We invite everyone to the fair!
We sell toys!

2 child:
Well, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy goods, do not be shy!
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants to buy!

3 child:
Don't go anywhere, come here!
A marvelous marvel, a marvel is marvelous, not a commodity!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the raven, buy the goods!
Here are the goods are good! Anything for the soul!

We sell all products!

1st buffoon:
- And the goods are not simple, they are bought only for your courage, participation in our fun games and fun.

2nd buffoon:
- And so that you have a good mood, guests with funny ditties came to our fair.

Chastushkas are performed by two groups of three children each (a group of three girls and a group of three boys).

Get up, girls, side by side
Let's sing ditties!

Yes, and we, perhaps, will rise,
Let's not leave our friends!

Children stand in a semicircle: boys on one side, girls on the other.

We will sing ditties to you
Still wonderful
That the old women will go dancing
The old people will dance!

Boys (in chorus):
white girls,
Where did you get white?

We milked the cows yesterday
Washed with milk!

1st boy:
You listen, girls,
I will sing awkwardly.
A pig grazes on an oak
A bear is steaming in the bath!

2nd boy:
There is a cart on the mountain
Tears drip from the arc.
A cow sits under the mountain
Putting on boots!

1st girl:
Where are you going, Vanyusha?
After all, a cart without wheels!
And Vanyusha answers ...

3rd boy:
Harvest oats!

2nd girl:
I'm stomping my foot
Let me stomp another one.
Come to me Ivan
Dance with me!

1st boy:
I put my foot on my toe
And then on the heel.
I will dance Russian
And then squat!

Children dance: the boy squats, the girl around him.

Oh, we've had enough
Give me a new one!
Oh thank you harmonist
For a fun game!

The performers of ditties bow, run away in a chain in different directions to the Russian folk melody "Kalinka".

And people are going to the fair,
And at the fair the fun begins
Hurry everyone to the fair, and call the guys here.
Start dancing together, praise autumn, have fun!

Children perform the song “Here is autumn in the yard” (music and lyrics by S. Yudina) (Appendix 1)
Children perform poems about autumn (in accordance with the ongoing educational program).

- Hurry everyone to the fair, start dancing together!

Children to the phonogram “A girl was walking for water” perform a Russian round dance (audio series “Rhythm for children” from 7 to 10 years old).



Come, come, take ruddy, juicy apples!
Here is a carrot, here is an onion, a tomato, a zucchini,
And potatoes are second bread, you and I know this.

Children perform autumn ditties "In the garden, in the garden"


In the garden, in the garden, were we guys.
Now we will sing ditties to you that grow in the garden.
We have a good crop, it was born densely:
And carrots and peas white cabbage.

1 child:
I am a ruddy radish
I bow low to you,
Why praise yourself
I am already known to everyone.

2 child:
We need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beetroot.

3 child:
The story about me is not long:
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
You will be healthy, my friend.

4 child:
The most delicious and pleasant
Our favorite juice is tomato.
There are many vitamins in it
We drink it with pleasure.

5 child:
I am the spice in every dish
And always helpful to people.
Guessed? I am your friend -
I am a simple green onion.

6 child:
Round, ruddy apple on a branch
Adults and kids love me.

7 child:
They came to us with melons
Striped balls.
And the watermelon is instead of weights,
Let the strong men rise.

A performance of the Russian folk song "Where have you been, Ivanushka?"

Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Hen!

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Duck!
- The hen pecks grains in the hay,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Lamb!
- The chicken pecks at the seeds,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- A cow!
- The hen pecks grains in the hay,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
The lamb chews grass in the meadow,
The cow gives milk to children,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.

Ivanushka dances to the Russian folk tune Kalinka.

2nd buffoon:
- Tambourines, rumba, rattles, spoons! Who wants to play a little? Get in line! Choose in a row! Beautiful - nice, but fun for everyone!

Children choose Russian folk instruments. The Russian folk melody “Like ours at the gate” sounds, the children play along.

1st peddler. Who else wants to entertain us at our fair?

The Russian folk melody “Lady” sounds, the second presenter brings out the “bear”.

2nd peddler:
Make way, honest people,
There is a bear with me!
He knows a lot of fun
There will be a joke, there will be laughter! (The bear bows to the audience.)

1st peddler:
- Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how are our girls going to kindergarten?

(The bear paints his lips, spins, preens.)

What are the boys like in our group?

(The bear fights, growls.)

And how did Vanya overslept, was he late for the garden?

(The bear "sleeps", jumps up, runs.)

And how does our teacher walk around the group?

(The bear walks importantly around the stage.)

And how does Dunyasha dance?

(The bear sticks out its leg.)

Yes, not the Dunyasha that used to be, but the present one!

(The bear turns its back.)

2nd peddler:

- Well done! Now bow and walk to the music! (Bear bows and leaves.)

1st peddler:

- There are a lot of eccentrics in the world, and there are a lot of them in our city. Where are my freaks? Hey freaks!

The child reads a poem by Yu. Vladimirov "Eccentrics".

I sent eccentrics to the market,
Gave the eccentrics nickels.
One nickel - on a sash,
Another nickel - on the cap,
And the third nickel - so.
On the way to the market eccentrics
Messed up all the pennies.
Which nickel is on the sash?
Which nickel - on the cap?
And which penny - right?
Here are the stupid bastards
Messed up all the pennies!
And Ivanushka, simplicity,
Bought a horse without a tail
I went to get married, I tied a trough,
The trough dangles, the Bride smiles.
The trough has fallen
- The bride is missing!

1st buffoon:
Well, guys, well, girls!
Come out side by side. Let's start playing!

Children play the Russian folk game "Wattle"
Under a cheerful Russian folk melody, a Petrushka doll appears above the screen.

- Hello, little girls and boys! Do you like to play? Then now I will play Confusion with you. I will confuse you, and you must answer correctly: girls or boys. Deal?

Parsley makes riddles for children:

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Weaving, of course, only ...
Bolts, screws, gears
Find it in your pocket...
Skates on the ice drew arrows ...
Played hockey this morning...
Chatted for an hour without a break ...
In colorful dresses...
With everyone to measure strength,
Of course they just love...
Cowards are afraid of the dark -
All as one, they...
Silk, lace and fingers in rings -
Going out for a walk...

- Well done! Goodbye! And to replace me again are funny buffoons!

1st buffoon:
- “Oh, the box is full, there is chintz and brocade” - this is how the song goes. But with us peddlers, the boxes are already empty.

2nd buffoon:
Here the sun has set
Our fair is closed!

1st buffoon:
Come visit us again
We are always glad to have guests!

The Russian folk melody "Kamarinskaya" sounds. Somorokhi and children leave the fair.

Holiday "Autumn Fair" for children of the preparatory group

Preliminary work: listening to Russian folk songs, learning folk games, elements of Russian dance; learning poems, songs, playing them.
Material: game equipment "Merry Carousel". Musical folk instruments: rumba, rattles, wooden spoons, etc.

Holiday progress:

Children stand at the entrance to the music room. To the Russian folk dance tune, merry buffoons run into the hall and dance.

1st buffoon.
Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fun festivities open!
Hurry, honest people,
The fair is calling you!
2nd buffoon.
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry all here!
Here jokes, songs, dances
We've been waiting for you, friends!
1st buffoon.
What does your soul desire?
You can find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without shopping!
2nd buffoon.
Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!
The people are gathering
Our fair is open!
The children of the preparatory group enter the hall in a crowd, walk in all directions and in pairs. Some children have trays with “goods” in their hands. They go around and invite "buyers".
1st caller.
Here are the nuts! Good nuts!
Delicious, on honey,
Let's put on a hat!
2nd caller.
Here are the threads, there are needles,
Come buy, darling girls!
3rd caller.
We ourselves are Ryazan, Astrakhan herring,
Let's buy. Take - choose!
4th caller.
Who wants pies, hot pies?
From the heat, from the heat, a dime for a couple!
Roasted-baked Akulina for Peter!
Come on jump!
5th caller.
Oh yes kvass! With honey, with ice,
And thick and bouncy!
6th caller.
Needles are not breaking, threads, ribbons,
Blush, lipstick, who needs what!
7th caller.
Uncle Jacob's
Enough goods.
We sell all products!
Children come to the tables, children put their attributes, sit down, children "sellers" take their places behind the counters. Two children go to the central wall.
1st child.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, bird gray ryabushka,
Autumn has come to us, brought good to us:
2nd child.
In the box - canvas, on the threshing floor - grain!
A Russian folk song sounds, Autumn enters the hall, whirling in a waltz.
I am golden autumn
I came to you for the holiday.
Both vegetables and fruits
Brought to all people!
Take me to the fair
I invite everyone!
Let them not be silent longer
Fun, jokes, laughter!
1st child:
The leaves are turning yellow again
Light rain drizzles since morning.
Summer flew by quickly.
It's time for autumn.
2nd child:
A cool breeze blew,
And soon the evening comes.
Let the sky be gloomy sometimes
Autumn also brings us joy.
Children sing the song "Autumn sweet rustle"
Music sounds in the recording "Like under an apple tree." Children with wooden spoons come forward.
The bright sun rises, the people hurry to the fair.
And at the fair goods: samovars are sold,
Pitchforks, sleds, sweets and bagels are for sale.
(Turning to the children.)
You went to the fair, what did you buy there?
Wooden spoons, painted, different.
They dance, and play, and amuse the people!
The boys "play" on spoons to the Russian folk melody "Polyanka".

Matryoshka girls come out
We are wooden nesting dolls - multi-colored and blush.
Scarlet cheeks, a handkerchief, flowers along the hem,
Bright bouquets are merrily spinning in the dance!

Girls perform "Matryoshka Dance"
Autumn. R fuck, do you like guessing riddles? (Children answer.)
Then I will guess my riddles for you, but not simple ones, but autumn ones. Listen:
The caftan on me is green,
And the heart is like a bag.
Tastes like sugar, sweet
It looks like a ball. (Watermelon)
The golden sieve of black houses is full,

How many black houses
So many white people. (Sunflower.)

There is a matryoshka on one leg,
Wrapped up, confused. (Cabbage.)

They buried it in the ground in May and did not take it out for a hundred days.
Unsightly, lumpy, but she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully: “Well, crumbly, delicious!” (Potatoes.)
Autumn. Well done, guess! Let's play the fun game.
Relay game "Merry Garden"
Children are divided into 2 teams, each with 4 people. The first team members with the steering wheel in their hands stomp around the hoop and return to their team. The second with baskets run up to the hoop and put the vegetables in the hoop (“plant”). Still others with a watering can "water". Fourth with baskets collect vegetables in a basket. The team that completes the task first wins.
As under the fairy tale king under Peas
They walked in a cheerful crowd of buffoons. And what a fair without buffoons, where are our buffoons, but here they are, meet them!
Buffoons run out
Hello buffoons! (Bows.)
What did they complain to us about?
Buffoons. With news and tales, listen to everyone!
1st buffoon.
Like a grandmother's goat at Varvarushka's gray-haired,
What a smart one he was
He himself walked on the water, he himself stoked the stove,
He cooked porridge himself, fed his grandfather and woman!
Autumn. Wonders!
2nd buffoon.
Aunt Arina cooked porridge -
Egor and Boris fought over porridge!
Autumn. Well well!
1st buffoon.
On the edge, on the shed
Two crows are sitting, both looking apart.
Autumn. Well, we got the news! Better listen to how our guys and girls sing ditties!
1st buffoon.
Yes with pleasure!
2nd buffoon.
And we will play along with them! (They take rattles.)
Jokes are different
It's good to joke - it's not a sin,
We sing ditties ...
Let us all have fun!
Children perform ditties.
Boys: The balalaika played
And the legs began to dance.
We are funny ditties
Let's sing for you now.
Girls: At the birch, at the pine
Thin branches.
And we are lively girls,
We are all like candy!
Boys: We are great guys
We won't get lost anywhere.
If necessary, we will dance.
If necessary, we will sing!
Girl: blue, blue,
Blue skies.
Why not blue
Does Andryushka have eyes?
Boy: Because because
brown, playful,
Because because
Brown, beautiful!
Girl: I was sitting on the sofa
I embroidered a scarf for Vanya,
Moved to forging
Vasya began to embroider.
Boy: There is a bridge across the river
Will break soon
Allow me, lady
To meet you!
Children in chorus: Good ditties sang
Good and okali
And now we ask you
Let us clap for you!
1st buffoon.
Yes, masters you sing along! And let's play!
Autumn: In the old days, cockfights were held at fairs. But since we do not have real roosters, we will choose our most cocky ones! Let's count.
Ruh-pooh, pooh-poo-poo,
A rooster walks around the yard.
Screams all over the yard
Whoever hears - he runs!
The game "Petushki" is being played (the condition is to push the opponent out of the circle).
While you were playing, a peddler came to our fair!
Under the audio recording of the gypsy song "Ai, ne-ne-ne" in Spanish. Sofia Rotaru, the gypsy Fedya enters the hall, leading the “Bear” (disguised teachers) on the chains, followed by the gypsy Aza (a child of the older group) with cards. Fedya walks in a circle in one direction, Aza in the other, inviting the children and the audience to “gild the pen” and tell fortunes.
Fedya. Make way, honest people,
There is a bear with me!
He knows a lot of fun
There will be a joke, there will be laughter!
Autumn. Hello dear! Hello Michal Potapych!
Gypsy Fedya. Well, bear, bow to the respectable audience! (Bear bows.)
Autumn. What else can your bear do?
- Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how are our girls going to kindergarten?
(The bear paints his lips, spins, preens.)
- And what are the boys in our group?
(The bear fights, growls.)
- And how did Vanya overslept, was he late for the garden?
(The bear "sleeps", jumps up, runs.)
- And how does our teacher walk around the group?
(The bear walks importantly around the stage.)
- And how does Dunyasha dance?
(The bear sticks out its leg.)
- Yes, not the Dunyasha that used to be, but the current one!
(The bear turns its back.)
- Well done! And now bow and boast of the present! (The bear brings a basket of apples.)
Have any of you seen the bear dancing?
Didn't see? Nothing, we'll show it to you!
He's a bit clumsy and shy
But he can't resist, he loves to dance very much!
(To the bear.) Come on, blackhead! (Picks up guitar.)
Dance of the Bear with Aza to a folk gypsy tune, the audience clapped. After the dance, Aza goes to collect the fee.
OK! And even very much!
Oh, and you are a master of dancing!
The clumsy bear is very
Wants to be a circus performer!
Gypsies and the Bear bow and leave to the Russian folk music "Turquoise Rings" (recording).
Autumn (children). Well, what are you upset about? Not good for a fair!
Come out, good fellows, but call the red girls!
You, beloved friends,
You beauties-amusements,
Come down to the meadow
Let's all get in a circle!
Dance "Don't Shawl"
Child: Get it together people
The carousel is calling you all!
(game "CAROUSEL")
- Tambourines, rumba, rattles, spoons!
Who wants to play a little?
Get in line! Choose in a row!
Beautiful - nice, but fun for everyone!
Adults come out
Show your prowess
Parents choose Russian folk instruments. The Russian folk melody “Like ours at the gate” sounds, adults play along on noise folk instruments.
buffoon: Containers-bars - rastabars,
Sold out all products
And now honest people
Let's dance together
(performed round dance "Kalinka")
Autumn: Dear guests! You came to visit us at the fair. And our fair is unusual, cheerful, painted and sonorous, and there are a lot of tasty and healthy things at the fair, it's time to buy some goods.
Children read poetry (at the counter):
1 child:
Well, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy goods, do not be shy!
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants to buy!
2 child:
Don't go anywhere, come here!
A marvelous marvel, a marvel is marvelous, not a commodity!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the raven, buy the goods!
Here are the goods are good! Anything for the soul!

A Russian folk melody sounds, the guests examine the goods and buy what they need.

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