A conspiracy to part with a church candle. How is the separation conspiracy read - will it work and how effective? Important nuances of


A magical action that causes swearing, strife, quarrels, aimed at breaking relationships between people is called a quarrel. This ritual is performed in order to break the ties that exist between people, to disrupt relationships in a couple, so that the person you love goes to you, and does not stay with the current half (you can use it to strengthen the love of a man). A strong quarrel can be performed by envious friends. It can also be performed for revenge, and you can do it yourself at home.

The ritual may be intentional, that is, done with the help of a special magical rite, or it may be unintentional. An accidental quarrel is a special negative impact that occurs during a surge of rage. A person can wish bad things on a happy couple and then regret what they did. However, having repented, he will not be able to undo the effect of his own words. This type of influence on relationships is not at all durable and goes away on its own.

Deliberate quarreling is performed with the help of special rituals. When performing this action, you need to remember that when introducing negativity into the lives of others, you need to think about your own protection, otherwise everything will return to you like a boomerang. To implement this procedure, you must select a fixed time, which is the waning phase of the moon. Among the days of the week, Tuesday or Saturday are perfect. Since Friday is the day of Venus, that is, the goddess of love, in no case should you do a quarrel on this day. In the best case, the ritual performed on Friday will give a weak effect and the lovers will quickly reconcile.

Examples of quarrels and conspiracies at home

Salt and pepper spread

Take some salt and pepper and mix gently in a plastic bag so you don't spill the mixture at home. With the help of the index finger of the right hand, draw crosses in the resulting slurry, saying and visualizing the quarrel of the separated couple: “As this salt is salty and bitter pepper, so let life (names) be salty and bitter.” Then scatter the mixture at the threshold or where one of the separated walks, you need to scatter it with a cross, repeating the plot.

With the help of a photo

A simple way is to sort by photo. Everything is pretty easy: take a photo of two people whom you want to quarrel and maliciously tear it up, saying the words:

"Yes, so that you parted, so that they parted forever and were always disgusted with each other."

A photo torn to shreds must be burned and sentenced: “ so your ideal relationship burned down and you broke up ”. You need to blow the ashes out the window and whisper: “As the ashes scattered, so you forever fled from each other and scattered.” If you do not have a photo of a couple in love, write their names and imagine their faces during the entire magical ritual, hate their relationship. See also video:

To restore the family

Popular in everyday life, a quarrel between a husband and his mistress, which you can do yourself. As you notice grub on the ground, look at it and say:

“No matter how indifferent and disgusting this grub is to me, my rival, the servant of God (name), would become disgusting to my husband. Amen".

A quarrel between husband and wife, as a rule, does not entail the departure of one of the spouses from the family. It only threatens to exacerbate relations and increase the number of conflicts.

Using a bow

The bow split is quite difficult to perform, as it is read at the cemetery crossroads. First you need to ask the owner for help. However, the mechanism of action is quite simple. You need to take a photo of the couple that needs to be quarreled, and an onion. The onion is cut in half, on its different halves the names of people are written that should quarrel, the onion itself is salted, and the photographs are placed back to back. Then, with the help of a black thread, all this is fastened crosswise and set aside. When the onion rots, then the relationship will end.

To quarrel friends

Among business partners in recent years, a quarrel for friends has gained popularity. Why, you say, is it necessary? The answer is simple enough. Many people interact closely enough with each other at work, which leads to the fact that the husband or wife is late at work, spending less time with their family. To separate such people, you need to turn the table upside down in your own house, grab the knife by the blade with your hand and start banging on the table legs, mentioning the names of those people who need to quarrel. In this case, the following words should be sentenced:

"Don't sit together. Do not look into each other's eyes. Don’t be together, don’t eat, don’t drink, but walk as enemies.”

These words are read three times, and at the end of their reading, "so be it" is added.

With a needle

Rassorka on a needle involves the purchase of a spool of black thread and new sewing needles. The magical ritual is performed after sunset, when you sit down at the table and place one wax candle to your right and left of you, which must be lit from one match. You need to concentrate on what you need, that is, on how your husband leaves his mistress forever. A quarrel for a mistress will succeed when you count six needles, gather them together in a small bundle and squeeze them with your fingers. This bundle of needles must be tied with black thread. Wrapping, read the following conspiracy to break up:

Wait until the candles have burned out completely. A bunch of needles is thrown with a point to the door of the house where the rival lives. The effect of this action can be obtained in two weeks. However, if it does not work, then the help of a specialist qualified in the field of magic is needed.

Using utensils

For the rite of disassembly on a plate, you will need to buy a white plate without any drawings or patterns, two small wax candles and black threads. Note that if the candle is church, then it must be turned over. Money must be given without change, and the purchase must be made on the waning moon. After sunset, on different sides of the plate, you need to write the names of those who need to be separated. The same names must be scratched on purchased candles. Candles are twisted into a pigtail and tied with a thread, and then placed in the middle of the plate. Until the candles burn out, a plot to quarrel with a mistress is read:

As soon as the candles burn out, you need to take a plate and take it to the street, where it should be broken with the heel of your left foot. Fragments containing particles of one and the other name are carefully separated and carried to different places. Since this rite clearly refers to black magic, it is worth considering that in order to implement it, you need to pay off. For the discord of the husband and mother-in-law, a bottle can be used. Runes are an item that has powerful power in squabbles. It is worth noting that runic squabbles serve as a powerful lever in order to completely spoil a person. However, for this you need to have information about various runic layouts, which does not always allow you to make a split yourself.

Universal ritual for relatives

A quarrel for mother and son (universal conspiracy). A joint photo is taken, which shows only mother and son. If you don’t have such a photo, then you can take separate photos, since in any case you will need to cut out the images along the contour. With the help of black candle wax, an inverted cross is dripped onto each photo, that is, a cross from head to toe. Initially, the wax of the candle must fall on the photo of the person on whom the ritual is being performed. Then the images should be attached to each other with their backs. Then the plot is read, and the photo is removed to a secluded place. It is worth noting that the black cross method can be both a love spell and a split, so before using it, you need to contact a specialist.

Afterword of self-guided quarrel

A squabble is a negative energy directed at certain people. A professional can tell you how to do a split correctly, but remember that the strongest split has a great effect and even the most experienced specialist is sometimes unable to remove the split. - this is the same quarrel, that is, the complete breeding of one person (wife, husband, mistress, colleague) from another. Signs of a quarrel: conflicts and quarrels, complete discord in relationships up to the departure of one of the family members (if it was done, for example, on a husband and wife). There are a huge number of ways that describe how to make a split. It is easy to describe how the ritual works in a nutshell: after some time (from one day to several weeks), a quarrel or conflict arises between people, which either slows down in development or progresses further. An absolute quarrel implies a complete breakdown in relationships that cannot be restored. A quick one can have both a short-term effect and a final one. In any case, we advise you to think about whether it is worth taking any action before separating people from each other. Remember that everything in life is harmonious, and the energy that you direct against others today can return to you.

The first thing that comes to mind when you need to scold a couple is the quarrel ritual. The impact is very obvious: the people on whom it was rendered begin to actively swear, expressing old grievances and inventing new reasons for conflict. The result of such a magical influence is the inability to be near and an acute desire to leave as soon as possible.

A quarrel can be used for all cases that require a quarrel. The rite is suitable, for example, to:

  • spoil the relationship between two relatives;
  • quarrel with close friends or business partners;
  • take the husband / wife away from the family, making life in the home unbearable;
  • to return the spouse, "neutralizing" the third superfluous.

The ritual acts quickly: in 1-3 days. During this period, the victims of exposure will begin to "enjoy" constant skirmishes with each other. Mutual irritation will not allow them to make peace, and pretty soon the relationship will break up completely. But it should be borne in mind that one quarrel is not able to “pull” a full-fledged separation. The rite must be repeated regularly.

Rassorka is done exclusively on the waning moon. The phase of the "dying" month contributes to the destructive influence, causing the accelerated completion of all processes. An effective and at the same time simple rite is a strife on a bow.

You will need:

  1. Separate photographs of victims of exposure.
  2. Bulb.
  3. Salt.
  4. Black wool thread.
  5. Needle.

Cut the onion in half from the tail to the base. On both parts, you need to scratch out the names of the people quarreling with a needle: one half - one name. Then you need to fold the pictures “backwards” to each other and rewind them with a thread. It is recommended to heavily salt the halves of the onion and put photographs between them so that the depicted person looks at his own name.

Next, you should “restore” the vegetable by tightly tying its parts with a thread. If you wish, you can say who you want to quarrel with and what effect you want. It is necessary to wait until the bulb begins to rot. To speed up the process, you can put it in a plastic bag with some water added. The “ready” bulb must be taken out into the street and buried in a damp place (for example, near a swamp) or thrown into a village-type toilet (with a hole). As the vegetable spoils, people will begin to quarrel, and rot will creep into their relationship.

Ostuda: the magic of indifference and cooling of feelings

Coldness, lack of interest, indifference are the companions of an early parting. Ostuda ensures the indifference of the victim to a given person. The rite is used quite widely, but most often the scope of its use is:

  • ridding yourself or another of unrequited love;
  • reconciliation with the death of a spouse and liberation from tormenting anguish;
  • removal of a person from the family;
  • the return of the spouse/wife home.

Cold kills any attachment. The object of influence will no longer need the one who until recently made the heart beat faster. Be sure to perform the ritual of cooling for the waning month. To cast a spell on a person of interest, you will need:

  1. Photo of the victim.
  2. Glass with water.
  3. Candle.

Witchcraft begins in the evening after sunset. It is necessary to put water in front of you and read on it:

“Voditsa, cold sister, cool the heart (name), saturate it with cold, turn it away from (name), cover the former love with ice.”

The glass is recommended to be placed in the refrigerator overnight. The next stage of the ritual falls on the morning of a new day. You need to light a candle, put a picture in front of you, concentrate on the goal. Then you need to crumple the photo, “drown” it in water and pronounce the cold spell:

“Freeze (name) into ice, lose feelings to (name), give cold water to your soul, don’t go to (name) anymore, let your heart freeze, cover with frost, for (name) forever close. I lock my words on an ice castle, and hundreds of years will pass - but they will not lose their strength!

The candle is extinguished by dipping it in water. The glass with the picture is again put in the refrigerator and kept there for three days. During this time, the cold will work. Water should be poured under a dry tree, and the photograph should be thrown away. If you need to cool down on yourself, the ritual becomes even easier. Place a glass of water in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning they speak of her, saying:

“Let (name) leave my heart, let my soul be cleansed of (name), let the cold take the place of former love.”

Half of the water is drunk, and the remaining liquid is washed. The next day, self-cooling will take effect.

Lapel: Love Destruction Magic

To destroy a strong pair, a strong impact is required. The lapel is a kind of complex of:

  • quarrels;
  • colds;
  • removal of the existing love influence.

Lapel beats on personal life. It provokes scandals, causes a cooling of feelings, contributes to the emergence of interest in other members of the opposite sex. In fact, a lapel is a love spell in reverse. Instead of flashes of passion - complete indifference, instead of sudden love - rejection and unwillingness to be around.

The lapel is mainly used for the following purposes:

  • “prepare” a person for himself, that is, remove the existing love attachment from him and cleanse him for a new magical effect;
  • to drive away a loved one from an unsuitable partner;
  • bring back a lost loved one.

The consequences of the lapel are quite obvious: the victim leaves the given person. While the spell is working, the revival of the union is impossible. They conjure only during the period when the month is waning. You will need:

  1. A joint photo of the couple (if there is none, you can simply glue the pictures together).
  2. Wax candle.
  3. A well-sharpened knife with a black handle.

It is necessary to wait for the night and proceed to witchcraft. You should light a candle and hold the tip of a knife over its flame. Then you need to cut the photo, separating people from each other, and read the lapel plot:

“Just as the stars never meet the sun, just as the earth never connects with the sky, so (name) will never be together with (name), he wants to leave as soon as possible, he will forget about love. With a sharp knife of feelings (name), I kill, from (name) forever I dare, I cut off the way back, I burn affection in fire, I bury love with ashes, I give eternal words to my forces.

Both parts of the picture must be burned. The ashes are never mixed. The next part of the lapel ritual is held in the cemetery. It is necessary to bury both “portions” of ashes on an unmarked grave, and “bury” a knife between them, saying: “There is no turning back.” It is also advisable to leave a ransom for the deceased (any sweets). The lapel takes effect within forty days. During this time, the victim of exposure is completely freed from past relationships and can build new ones.

Any magical ritual is the responsibility of the caster. Destroying someone's relationship, bringing discord and misunderstanding into them, one should be aware of why this is being done. Without a clear understanding of one's own goals and desires, effective sorcery is impossible.

Few people are capable of carefully thinking through and implementing ingenious intrigues. And only a few can bring the matter to the desired result. Such complex psychological games are available only to diplomats of the highest rank. A woman whose loved one has a legitimate family also acts in a similar way. She is ready to do anything to break her. And in the case when beauty is powerless, magic can come to the rescue.

The effectiveness of separation spells

Those women who know how to separate a couple forever without magic should be good specialists in the field of human psychology. Separation, especially of loving spouses, can take several long years and cost the mistress too much. It happens that a long and difficult battle for a man ends with the complete victory of the legal wife.

Not everyone is capable of fighting for half their lives for one man. That is why many girls use the limitless power of love magic. Various options for love spells, prisushki, strife, as well as very strong parting spells help you get what you want quickly.

It is a mistake to think that love magic often acts to the detriment. It does not always aim to destroy strong family relationships. Very often, a strong quarrel between a husband and wife is used when there is no more love in the family. One of the spouses can use this method to put an end to the relationship. Often this happens when neither of the two can decide and take on this responsibility.

Love magic can be white or black. Rituals of white magic are more gentle and do not use the help of demonic entities. The result does not appear immediately and increases gradually.

Rites of white magic are used mainly for good. For example, when you need to push a person to the final decision. That is, when the desire of the sorcerer coincides with the desire of the victim, but there is not enough courage to take the decisive step.

Rites of black magic help to achieve lightning-fast results. The desire of the victim is not taken into account. So the dark forces called to the magician to help, manipulate the feelings and desires of a person. In most cases, engaging in such witchcraft entails negative consequences.

How to Avoid Magic Rollback

The use of white magic does not provoke dangerous magical backlashes. The biggest trouble that can happen to a sorcerer is a slight indisposition or a petty loss. In the case when the rite was used for good, without any selfish intentions, a magical rollback may not affect a person at all.

Every time a magician turns to dark otherworldly forces for help, he will be punished. These entities are not accustomed to working "for thanks". They will certainly take human health or happiness for their services. Therefore, before turning to such powerful forces for help, you should think carefully. If there is no other way out, it is better to seek help from a professional magician who knows how to put strong energy protection.

In the case when the ceremony is carried out independently at home, after its completion it is necessary to pay for the work of otherworldly entities. If the manual for the rite itself does not say anything about the method of payment, do this can be done using the universal method.

For the payment ritual, prepare a choice:

  • odd number of light coins;
  • candies;
  • raw meat;
  • raw dough;
  • a pint of vodka.

At midnight, go to any intersection. With your right hand, throw the chosen payment over your left shoulder. If vodka is chosen, it should be completely poured out of the bottle. Say "paid" and return home without turning around or talking to anyone.

The best ways to piss people off

Rituals of white magic work best when directed for good. They help to save the family, bringing discord in the relationship between the mistress and the lawful spouse of the sorceress. Sometimes, on the contrary, separation spells help a couple make a difficult but necessary decision to end the relationship.

All rituals aimed at divorcing people must be carried out during the waning moon. . The most effective days for women are Friday, Wednesday and Saturday. And it is better for men to conjure on Thursday, Tuesday and Monday. Doing magic on Sunday is generally not recommended.

Ritual with salt

A strong split for an instant tear can be done with regular salt. For witchcraft, in addition to salt, you need to prepare:

  • two church candles;
  • unpainted homespun canvas.

At midnight, light candles and spread a canvas on the table. Pour two pinches of salt on it and say these words over it:

Loose salt, quarrel the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) help. Let their love scatter like grains of sand in the wind. White salt, help me, do not let the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) live in harmony and peace! Let the black cat run between them. And they will hate each other. And let separation be their only companion! Amen!

This text must be read three times. Tie the canvas in such a way that the salt does not crumble. Put the resulting bundle on the windowsill and leave it there for 10 hours. Let the candles burn out.

In the morning, take the charmed salt to the house where the rival (rival) lives. At the threshold of the apartment, unfold the bundle and pour out the salt, accompanying the process with the following words:

I sprinkle this threshold with strong separation. According to the white mark, parting will find its way to this house. May the servants of God (names) fall out of love with each other. Amen!

Splitting by photo

To conduct a magical rite, you must prepare:

  • a photograph, it should show a couple that needs to be quarreled. For the witchcraft to work, the picture must be no more than a year old and must not depict third parties;
  • a church candle or any white wax candle;
  • scissors;
  • saucer.

The ritual is performed between midnight and 3 o'clock in the morning. Left alone, light a candle. Take a picture and cut it, separating the pair. When cutting the photo, you need to read the following words three times:

The lives of God's servants (names) I now forever share. Their fates will no longer intertwine. They do not know mutual happiness. Together they only grieve and yearn. Hear my angels prayer! Amen!

Burn the image of the homeowner on a saucer from the flame of a candle. Scatter the ashes in the window. Leave the half with the image of the guy and hide in a secluded place.

Lapel of Nadezhda Stepanova

The Siberian healer managed to save a huge number of marriage unions. After performing the rituals recommended by Stepanova, the wives abandoned their lovers, and the husbands returned to the family.

The lapel of Nadezhda Stepanova has great power and is suitable mainly for couples. It is not as easy to perform as other rites. But always returns love between spouses.

The rite must be performed 40 times. After that, the “veil” falls from the eyes of the spree spouse. Before proceeding to the ceremony, three trees should be planted. Plants can be bought at any botanical garden. It can be a lilac, an apple tree or a ranetka. In the case when the names of the lovebird and the lawful wife are the same, it is worth giving preference to an evergreen tree.

Trees should be planted as close to your home as possible. Make sure the plants take root. No need to be afraid that someone will interfere with the landing. In cities, there is a lack of greenery, so such actions will only cause the admiration of others.

After landing, forty dawns read the same plot. Before reading the plot, daily, it is necessary to collect a small handful of earth from each planted tree. Above each handful, read the words of the conspiracy, then put the earth in a bag. Having collected all three charmed handfuls, they are thrown out at the rival's house. All actions must be done at least 40 times. Days cannot be skipped.

Conspiracy words:

I get up at dawn, I carry the holy cross. I am your daughter, mother earth! Help me overcome sadness and sorrow, make my betrothed fall in love with you again! Bring him to me by the white hands. Take away from the rival, return his love for me, do not let the lovebird rejoice! While my seedlings live, be together the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name). My Savior, Christ, is with me! My mother, damp earth, guards me! Key. Lock. Language.

This ritual allows for the planting of seven trees. In this case, for seven years, a man is guaranteed not to look at any woman except his wife. After this time, the ceremony can be repeated. The earth has tremendous power, and a man will always be pulled only home.

Rituals of black magic

As mentioned above, it is better not to use the services of black magic. In the event that a final decision is made, the ritual must be performed strictly according to the instructions. Do-it-yourself activities should not be allowed under any circumstances.

During the black ceremony, the pectoral cross must be removed. If there are icons in the room where the magician conjures, they should be covered with a cloth or taken out to an adjacent room. Never tell anyone about the ritual performed.

Ritual with puppets

This rite is so strong that it can separate even a loving married couple who have been married. If the woman who performs the ceremony does not pay the ransom, her unborn child may suffer. Therefore, do not forget about paying for the services of powerful dark forces.

Prepare for the ceremony:

At midnight, on any of the waning moon days, light the candles and knead an elastic dough using flour, water and salt. The resulting dough is divided into two equal parts and molded from each male and female figure. If there is biological material, place it in the middle of the figurines. In a man's, her husband's hair or nails. And in the women's, - wives. In the event that it was not possible to obtain biological material, put earth from the cemetery or broken glass into the body of the figurines.

Place the dough dolls for 15 minutes in a preheated oven, they should harden. From the clothes of the spouses, sew robes for finished dolls. It can also be a regular cape. The main thing is to put on a cape from the clothes of the wife on the female figure, and on the male figure, the husband. Glue the prepared cat hair to the female dummy. And the coat of a dog is for a man's. Give the figures the names of those people who need to be separated.

Ready-made dolls should be taken to a closet or to a room where households almost never go. Arrange the dough pieces in different corners. For 40 days, every day, come to the closet and read the following words for each doll:

Do not be a servant of God (name) and a servant of God (name) together. You cannot sleep on the same bed, you cannot live under the same roof, you cannot eat common bread. You should never rock children together. In different corners, I will divorce you, help you fall out of love with each other. The flame of passion between you will go out, the forces of hell will not let you come back! As I said, so be it!

After 40 days of daily incantations, the figurines should be buried. If the day of the ritual funeral falls on a new moon, postpone the process until the next day. The figurines should be buried separately, on both sides of the river. In the event that there is no river nearby, you can choose a wasteland. In this case, two wastelands are needed at opposite ends of the city. It is necessary to bury the dummies in one night.

From each makeshift grave, take some earth. It must be thrown under the threshold of a couple who are being separated. As soon as the spouses step over the thrown earth, witchcraft will begin to act.

Attention, only TODAY!

Magic covers almost all areas of our lives and has great versatility. Includes many rituals and rituals that people use in various life situations. More often they are called to help and do good, but there is also the other side of the coin, which is most noticeable in love matters.

With the help of a conspiracy, you can provoke the separation of two people

Preparation for the ceremony

Even a beginner can carry out a strong separation plot and achieve the desired results if he does everything right. Remember that the most effective conspiracies are performed at sunset and at night, when the moon is waning. The main thing is to follow all the points indicated in the ritual. If you need to take off your shoes and clothes and read the words naked, then do not dispute this condition, but undress. If they say to use the land from the cemetery, then go there and dial the right amount. If you do not have experience in magic, then use the existing conspiracies and do not change the words in them, do not try to change or skip the action, replacing it with some other. This can nullify all your actions or turn them against you.

Before the ceremony itself, carefully read all the instructions, study the sequence of actions, write it down in your notebook. Before carrying out the ritual, you need to remove all interfering elements, make sure that no one comes to visit you, be it relatives or friends, turn off the phone in advance so that its ringing does not distract you.

In order for the conspiracy to start to work, perform all actions with concentration and confidence, this is especially true if you encounter other forces during the ceremony. The words must be spoken in an imperative tone, you are the performer, you order and call certain otherworldly forces to action. You can not be afraid, nervous and doubt your actions. In this case, the result will not be the separation of two people, but a powerful curse on you, which only the most experienced healer can remove.

For the ceremony, you may need land from the cemetery

Conspiracies for the separation of two people

The most popular and sought-after rite today is a conspiracy to separate two people. Often those who are close to our loved ones play only a temporary role in their lives, but when this connection develops into something more, then we need to respond to it in a timely manner. Lapels can also be used for good, as many magicians say. They are used by both wives and husbands. Often situations arise when love has left the relationship, and it can no longer be returned, but the husband or wife is not able to leave on their own. Many resort to a separation plot so that the husband breaks up with his mistress, he also helps to get his son out of bad company, quarrel a guy with a rival, divorce spouses, etc.

If you want to separate two people who are not married in a church, then simple rituals will suffice for this. Such couples are more vulnerable to magic than those who sealed the marriage with church ties. You can choose safe rituals that even a beginner can do.

Breakdown with wind

The result will depend on your desire. For greater effectiveness, it should be carried out on a waning moon. This symbolizes the fading of love between a guy and a girl. The ceremony must be carried out in a place that is well blown by the wind: in a wasteland, seashore, hill. It is necessary to face the wind and read the text:

“High mountains, fast rivers, dense forests. For the evil of the servant of God (name of the woman), leave the servant of God (name of the man) and go as high as the mountains, as fast as the river, never leave the dense forests. Do not relieve the pain for you, do not bring you back: not now, not later, never! Amen".

With this rite, you can breed not only two people who meet, but also friends, girlfriends, colleagues, business partners. It begins to act in 10-15 days.

At parting in the window

If you need a guy to break up with a homeowner, a conspiracy that is read through the window is perfect. It does not take much effort to carry it out. Ancestors have long begun to use such quarrels. The flow of fresh air passing through the window symbolizes a new beginning, getting rid of the old. The conspiracy must be pronounced at the minimum possible distance from the window, on a clear and windy day, when the air freely enters the apartment, the words sound like this:

“I drive someone else away from my beloved, I deliver his soul from evil spells. I urge you to leave forever. Do not be together like a cat with a dog, do not experience sweet love. Amen".

Hex on water

Water splits are very popular, easy to do at home, and great for getting back to a relaxed family life. The author of one of them is Stepanova N.I., a famous Siberian healer. Her conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the husband parted with his mistress and returned to the family as soon as possible:

“Just as the stars don’t go together with the earth, they don’t start conversations, they don’t sit at the table, they don’t eat the same food, so the servant of God (the name of the man) will not be next to the servant of God (the name of the woman), he will not receive children from her. All his life to be like a cat with a dog. There is no barrier to my word and answer. Amen".

This is a strong conspiracy, the result of which will manifest itself quickly, the lover will part with the rival.

Conspiracy on a pin

Rite with salt

Salt has long been used in magical rituals, often acts as a strong amulet and protects against dark forces, but it is also used to break relationships between people. The separation plot with its use is very effective. The ceremony should be performed on a waning moon. He will help to quarrel a loved one with his mistress. A piece of cloth is placed on the table and salt is poured onto it. Speak text:

“White salt and loose, help (guy's name) quit (girl's name). Do not live in peace and harmony, let quarrels settle in the house, let separation become their shadow. Amen!"

The text is repeated 3 times and the cloth is left with salt for 10 hours, it would be best if the bundle is placed on the windowsill so that the moon shines directly on it. Early in the morning, the salt is taken under the girl's door and scattered there, saying:

“I’m not pouring salt on the house of the homeowner, but a bitter quarrel. To leave forever the servant of God (name of the guy) from the servant of God (name of the girl) I help. Amen".

Repeat the text 3 times, then return home. The ritual starts immediately.

For parting on an onion

Due to their cleansing properties, onions are often used for magical cleansing. With it, you can remove the negative impact of magic, love spells, including onions. Onions are also used in lapels when it is necessary to separate a loved one from a young rival. The advantage is that the ceremony can be performed at home.

Take an onion and cut it in two. On one half write the name of the man, and on the other the name of the woman, a gypsy needle or a knife edge is suitable for this. After both parts are well covered with salt, connect and wrap with a rope. During the action, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I guess not for melancholy and death, but for fate. I break the love (name of the man) to (name of the woman), forever I breed fate. Grief will settle with them, become related to the soul, respond with a curse. There will be no love between them, no happy share, only darkness and bondage. No peace, no good, a nail and a needle, salt and ash. You will twist like a snake and not put up, fight to the blood and not put up. May it be so."

This should be done at 12 at night with a waning moon. After the ceremony, the bulb is placed in front of the window so that it is illuminated by moonlight. It should lie like this until it completely blackens and rots, so it is better to use some kind of deep container to store it. This is a strong and effective ritual, after it you will quickly receive a gift from fate in the form of the return of your loved one.

On the quarrel of a couple on the test

If the couple is married, then stronger magic should be used to separate the spouses forever. Especially if they are married. Their marriage is sealed by Heaven, and it is very difficult to quickly destroy it. If you still firmly decided to achieve what you want, then it is better to use this method.

You will need 3 ingredients for the dough: water, salt and flour. We need the hair of a cat and a dog, preferably pieces of skin or hair of the intended purpose. When you have kneaded the dough, divide it into two parts and make dolls out of each of them. One will be a symbol of a man, the other of a woman. Wool will be needed to enhance the magical effect. Cat hair is added to the female doll, and dog hair is added to the male doll. Give the dolls the names of your targets, take them to an empty room, put them in different corners. For the next 40 days, you need to whisper about the quarrel dolls every evening:

“(Name of the man) and (name of the woman), you can’t be together, you can’t live together. Do not eat bread at one table. You can’t see children together, don’t download. Amen".

40 days after the completion of the ceremony, bury the dolls in different places, on different sides of the lake or in different wastelands. To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can add earth from a churchyard or other place of accumulation of negative energy, broken glass, nails, hair, skin of those who are directed to them.

To separate a married couple, you need a special dough


A conspiracy to quarrel sometimes works very imperceptibly. Many people do not believe that well-established relationships can be broken by some external influence. If a couple love each other, respect the opinion of a partner, listen to him, then it seems that nothing bad can happen, but often relationships run into obstacles that come from nowhere, and it is sometimes very difficult to overcome them.

Marriage collapses, friends break up, communication breaks off, and none of the victims can explain how this happened. The soul is filled with resentment, and sometimes there is mutual hatred. But if you look at it from the other side, you can remove the negative impact. The main thing is to understand that damage has been imposed on you, and to conduct a purification ceremony in a timely manner.

There are basic signs by which you can understand that a harmful effect has been committed.

  1. You lose interest in your partner for no apparent reason.
  2. You only see flaws.
  3. You become unpleasant to touch, physical contact.
  4. You yourself understand that something is wrong. You start to get nervous, your excitement is transferred to your partner.
  5. Quarrels begin for no reason, very empty and aggressive. You hurt each other's feelings so much that it takes more and more time to recover.

Any person can cause damage, because there is more than enough information about the rites. The caster needs to understand what risks he is taking. The desired result may turn out, and the victims will disperse, but the spell will also hit the one who causes damage. Trying to control someone else's fate, the sorcerer interferes in the affairs of the Higher Forces, and this is unforgivable. Often you can get a disease that is not fatal, but very painful. Only an experienced magician knows how to properly perform the rite in order to ward off the blow.

Experts know that not every relationship can be broken. If the healer is really real, then he first studies the significance of the union for higher powers and only then decides whether to perform the ceremony.

There are also many tips on how to remove a plot for separation. First, it is recommended to free the dwelling from the negative. This is done on any Thursday using the Trinity icon. Take it in your hands, light a candle and go around all the rooms, without ceasing to read prayers. This must be done until the house becomes calm. If the impact is very strong, then prayer will not help, you should turn to professionals.


Using magic is a very interesting but dangerous activity. You need to apply it with a pure heart, not wanting evil, only in this case you will not receive a retaliatory blow. Love bonds arise for a reason, and if you intervene in them once, you risk ruining your life forever. Remember why you want to use magic, weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate your own strengths, and only then proceed to the action itself.

Let's take a closer look at separating a couple forever conspiracy - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Sometimes relations between people deteriorate sharply, indifference and even hatred slip through. Usually such problems are associated with a rival setting up your husband for discord and divorce. And here you can’t do without black magic - a conspiracy to part will help separate a man from a homemaker. Spells for a quarrel between a husband and a mistress have consequences, so speak objects carefully.

It also happens that your married lover stubbornly does not want to break off relations with his wife. Or you need to discourage your son from a walking girl. A good quarrel plot will come in handy in any situation - even if people want to be together forever. Such rituals are easily organized at home, and you need to conduct them yourself.

When you need a conspiracy

We wrote above that separation plots effectively break up a couple of young people. It is worth resorting to black magical intervention in extreme cases and additionally protecting yourself with prayers. These are the cases:

  • it is necessary to divorce a husband and wife;
  • you need to break the connection between a guy and a girl;
  • it is required to remove a boring person from the road;
  • the guy walks “to the left” and you cannot cope with the homeowner;
  • you need to make friends quarrel;
  • I want to achieve the separation of business partners.

If you are interested in a conspiracy to separate two people, clearly imagine the desired result. An effective ritual will surely divorce the separated, but you have no guarantees of normalizing relations with a guy. If people part, get ready to read the plot to bewitch one of them.

Wind Force vs. Relationships

This is a strong conspiracy for separation, it is recommended to read it on the waning moon. Go to a wasteland, square or coast of a reservoir - the main thing is that a strong wind blows there. Turn around to face the air flow and read the conspiracy to cool:

“Fast rivers, high mountains, dark thickets and vicious dogs. Divorce, fate, God's servants (names), let them want to part, quarrel very much. Dog and bite, never put up. I speak the wind, I seal it on the castle. Amen".

Ritual for divorce from husband

Sometimes spouses want to separate from their own husbands, but feel an inexplicable craving for them. For a separation plot, you will need ordinary water, which is collected in a saucepan. Take out a knife with a dark handle, draw a cross over a boiling pot. Cast a spell to quarrel your husband with you and cook something in the charmed water.

If you are dealing with salty dishes, the likelihood of a quarrel increases. You need to salt in moderation, then the husband will not suspect a dirty trick. Soon you will receive a long-awaited divorce. And the text of the prayer is:

“Satan is running from the holy cross, but you (the name is called) will want to run away from me. I want us to part, part, never cross again. My will is strong, my deeds are indestructible. God's servant (name of spouse) will go away from me (your name), he will not look back. Now there is no husband and wife, there are strangers. Amen".

Spell against wife

It happens that a husband who is tired of quarrels and mutual misunderstanding wants to read a divorce plot. Powerful conspiracies for a quarrel are offered by the sorceress Stepanova - she knows exactly how to separate any couple. Magic actions need to be rescheduled for February 2. For the ritual to work, do the following:

  1. Stock up on paper (black and white sheets).
  2. Write with a black rod on black paper two names (your own and your spouse's).
  3. Now you need to cast the spell.
  4. Tear the charmed paper and burn it in the flame of a white church candle.
  5. The ashes should be dispelled (throw it through the window).

On the surface of a white sheet, you should write your own name, supplementing it with wishes for the future. Strong conspiracies work if the performer shows sincerity. If you fell in love with another girl, it does not hurt to mention her in order to separate. Spell text:

“Yesterday's snow does not interest me, dry grass and a slanting wife - go away. Take away, Lord, God's servant (wife's name) away from me. Women's love has a limit, so let (repeat the name of the wife) she wants to run away from me. Turn away from me, lame and stupid woman. You don't need to sleep with me anymore, it's time for another man to bed. The sun and the moon diverge, it's time for us to part. Amen".

Photo sorting

This separation spell works provided that the picture was taken about a year before the ritual. To separate a guy or a girl from a photo, stock up on scissors, a church candle and a saucer. Procedure:

  1. Wait for the period of the waning moon.
  2. Light a candle at midnight.
  3. Cut the picture, separating the man from the woman.
  4. Read the prayer for the photo when cutting (three times).
  5. Burn half of the photo with a competitor in a candle flame on a saucer.

This plot, like many others, will work when the ashes are scattered. Blow off the remnants of burning through the window, and hide the image of the guy away from prying eyes. Spell text:

“I’m not cutting a picture, but I’m sharing lives (names of goals) forever. I know how to breed God's servant (guy's name) from the hated (girl's name), put an end to love passion. You will not see happiness, but all the time you will be sad and yearn. You are not destined to sleep next to each other, you will meet old age separately. May it be so".

puppet magic

There is a proven technique on how to quarrel spouses or lovers with a guarantee. The strongest rite is based on the manufacture of wax (or clay) figurines of divination objects. Dolls must be given pronounced sexual features. You will also need to obtain the personal items of both targets.

Sew miniature clothes for each doll, attach to it an item that belongs to a living prototype. Place the figures in opposite corners of the tabletop, and place a black candle between them. Light a candle, say a conspiracy to quarrel. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. Extinguish the candle with a sharp knife.
  2. Move the dolls to opposite corners of the room.
  3. Keep the figurines in the corners until the next new moon.
  4. It is impossible to throw away the figurines after the new moon.
  5. Soak the clay or melt the wax.

The text of the spell: “I take away the love of God’s servant (name of the rival) from the sleeping (name of the man), I blow out the flame of passion. I’ll take you to the corners, I’ll help you fall out of love with each other. My word is stronger than stone. Amen".

Rassorki with pepper and salt

Many sorcerers use pepper and salt spells, as these products represent the bitterness of life. Salt spreading is easy to perform - you only need to get a few tablespoons of this product. After waiting for midnight, say the following text:

“Loose salt, help my lover (boyfriend's name) get rid of a destructive passion, a cursed misfortune. Make him fall out of love with my rival (the name is called), never meet with her again. You will not see consent, you will not be able to raise grandchildren together. Swear and quarrel, let separation be your salvation. Amen".

All conspiracies for salt and pepper are read during the waning moon. Repeat the magic formula three times, then leave the charmed product on the windowsill. In the morning, sprinkle salt on the steps of the competitor's house (and even better - the threshold).

How to work with pepper

Pepper is considered a more powerful artifact than salt. If you want to quarrel your husband with your mistress forever, you will need a black pepper conspiracy. Procedure:

  1. Wait until the 13th of any month (the moon must be waning).
  2. Take a handful of black pepper.
  3. Whisper a prayer.
  4. Throw the pepper out the window.

The effect of the ritual does not appear immediately. While whispering a plot, concentrate on your dislike for your rival. Imagine how she disappears without a trace from the life of her husband. Prayer text:

“The mother wolf walked through the dark forest, through grasses and swamps, and an angry dog ​​and a sick cat ran after her. At once, under the moonlight, they stopped, breathed in pepper, quarreled among themselves. I watched the fight while the wool flew in tufts. So God's servants (names of targets) let them fight and gnaw. Amen".

Breaker for dough

This ritual is somewhat reminiscent of the puppet rite we mentioned above. The difference is that the dolls will have to be sculpted from a magical dough prepared by you personally. Here are the ingredients for the test:

The finished dough must be divided in half and fashioned from it a pair of dolls (female and male). Give the dolls names, take them to the back room and seat them in opposite corners. After that, for 40 days you need to stop near each doll and whisper a spell. The text is like this:

“A cat is fighting with a dog, and you (the names of the targets) are destined to quarrel all your life. You do not share the bed, do not swing the children. Amen".

Features of the ritual

Please note that dog hair is rolled into the male figure, and cat hair is rolled into the female one. After 40 days, take the dolls to the river and bury them on different banks. Do you want to enhance the effect, make magical intervention more effective? Then add the following artifacts to the bodies of the dolls:

  • broken glass;
  • cemetery land (can be replaced with soil from the crossroads);
  • the skin of the separated;
  • the nails of your victims;
  • the hair of those you are about to embroil.

All the rituals described above belong to the category of dark magic - they will quickly achieve what you want. The sorcerer pays an impressive price for the quarrel - evil returns to him in the future. To avoid the "boomerang effect", attend church, atone for sins, light candles for your heavenly patrons. And then happiness will be absolute.

What conspiracy to quarrel people?

A magical action that causes swearing, strife, quarrels, aimed at breaking relationships between people is called a quarrel. This ritual is performed in order to break the ties that exist between people, to disrupt relationships in a couple, so that the person you love goes to you, and does not stay with the current half (to strengthen a man’s love, you can use a love spell on a cigarette). A strong quarrel can be performed by envious friends. It can also be performed for revenge, and you can do it yourself at home.

More about the ritual of disassembly

The ritual may be intentional, that is, done with the help of a special magical rite, or it may be unintentional. An accidental quarrel is a special negative impact that occurs during a surge of rage. A person can wish bad things on a happy couple and then regret what they did. However, having repented, he will not be able to undo the effect of his own words. This type of influence on relationships is not at all durable and goes away on its own.

Deliberate quarreling is performed with the help of special rituals. When performing this action, you need to remember that when introducing negativity into the lives of others, you need to think about your own protection, otherwise everything will return to you like a boomerang. To implement this procedure, you must select a fixed time, which is the waning phase of the moon. Among the days of the week, Tuesday or Saturday are perfect. Since Friday is the day of Venus, that is, the goddess of love, in no case should you do a quarrel on this day. In the best case, the ritual performed on Friday will give a weak effect and the lovers will quickly reconcile.

Examples of quarrels and conspiracies at home

Salt and pepper spread

Take some salt and pepper and mix gently in a plastic bag so you don't spill the mixture at home. With the help of the index finger of the right hand, draw crosses in the resulting slurry, saying and visualizing the quarrel of the separated couple: “As this salt is salty and bitter pepper, so let life (names) be salty and bitter.” Then scatter the mixture at the threshold or where one of the separated walks, you need to scatter it with a cross, repeating the plot.

With the help of a photo

An easy way is to sort by photo. Everything is pretty easy: take a photo of two people whom you want to quarrel and maliciously tear it up, saying the words:

"Yes, so that you parted, so that they parted forever and were always disgusted with each other."

A photo torn to shreds must be burned and sentenced: “ so your ideal relationship burned down and you broke up ”. You need to blow the ashes out the window and whisper: “As the ashes scattered, so you forever fled from each other and scattered.” If you do not have a photo of a couple in love, write their names and imagine their faces during the entire magical ritual, hate their relationship. See also video:

To restore the family

Popular in everyday life, a quarrel between a husband and his mistress, which you can do yourself. As you notice grub on the ground, look at it and say:

“No matter how indifferent and disgusting this grub is to me, my rival, the servant of God (name), would become disgusting to my husband. Amen".

A quarrel between husband and wife, as a rule, does not entail the departure of one of the spouses from the family. It only threatens to exacerbate relations and increase the number of conflicts.

Using a bow

The bow split is quite difficult to perform, as it is read at the cemetery crossroads. First you need to ask the owner for help. However, the mechanism of action is quite simple. You need to take a photo of the couple that needs to be quarreled, and an onion. The onion is cut in half, on its different halves the names of people are written that should quarrel, the onion itself is salted, and the photographs are placed back to back. Then, with the help of a black thread, all this is fastened crosswise and set aside. When the onion rots, then the relationship will end.

To quarrel friends

Among business partners in recent years, a quarrel for friends has gained popularity. Why, you say, is it necessary? The answer is simple enough. Many people interact closely enough with each other at work, which leads to the fact that the husband or wife is late at work, spending less time with their family. To separate such people, you need to turn the table upside down in your own house, grab the knife by the blade with your hand and start banging on the table legs, mentioning the names of those people who need to quarrel. In this case, the following words should be sentenced:

"Don't sit together. Do not look into each other's eyes. Don’t be together, don’t eat, don’t drink, but walk as enemies.”

These words are read three times, and at the end of their reading, "so be it" is added.

With a needle

Rassorka on a needle involves the purchase of a spool of black thread and new sewing needles. The magical ritual is performed after sunset, when you sit down at the table and place one wax candle to your right and left of you, which must be lit from one match. You need to concentrate on what you need, that is, on how your husband leaves his mistress forever. A quarrel for a mistress will succeed when you count six needles, gather them together in a small bundle and squeeze them with your fingers. This bundle of needles must be tied with black thread. Wrapping, read the following conspiracy to break up:

Wait until the candles have burned out completely. A bunch of needles is thrown with a point to the door of the house where the rival lives. The effect of this action can be obtained in two weeks. However, if it does not work, then the help of a specialist qualified in the field of magic is needed.

Using utensils

For the rite of disassembly on a plate, you will need to buy a white plate without any drawings or patterns, two small wax candles and black threads. Note that if the candle is church, then it must be turned over. Money must be given without change, and the purchase must be made on the waning moon. After sunset, on different sides of the plate, you need to write the names of those who need to be separated. The same names must be scratched on purchased candles. Candles are twisted into a pigtail and tied with a thread, and then placed in the middle of the plate. Until the candles burn out, a plot to quarrel with a mistress is read:

As soon as the candles burn out, you need to take a plate and take it to the street, where it should be broken with the heel of your left foot. Fragments containing particles of one and the other name are carefully separated and carried to different places. Since this rite clearly refers to black magic, it is worth considering that in order to implement it, you need to pay off. For the discord of the husband and mother-in-law, a bottle can be used. Runes are an item that has powerful power in squabbles. It is worth noting that runic squabbles serve as a powerful lever in order to completely spoil a person. However, for this you need to have information about various runic layouts, which does not always allow you to make a split yourself.

Universal ritual for relatives

A quarrel for mother and son (universal conspiracy). A joint photo is taken, which shows only mother and son. If you don’t have such a photo, then you can take separate photos, since in any case you will need to cut out the images along the contour. With the help of black candle wax, an inverted cross is dripped onto each photo, that is, a cross from head to toe. Initially, the wax of the candle must fall on the photo of the person on whom the ritual is being performed. Then the images should be attached to each other with their backs. Then the plot is read, and the photo is removed to a secluded place. It is worth noting that the black cross method can be both a love spell and a split, so before using it, you need to contact a specialist.

Afterword of self-guided quarrel

A squabble is a negative energy directed at certain people. A professional can tell you how to do a split correctly, but remember that the strongest split has a great effect and even the most experienced specialist is sometimes unable to remove the split. Lapel - this is the same quarrel, that is, the complete breeding of one person (wife, husband, mistress, colleague) from another. Signs of a quarrel: conflicts and quarrels, complete discord in relationships up to the departure of one of the family members (if it was done, for example, on a husband and wife). There are a huge number of ways that describe how to make a split. It is easy to describe how the ritual works in a nutshell: after some time (from one day to several weeks), a quarrel or conflict arises between people, which either slows down in development or progresses further. An absolute quarrel implies a complete breakdown in relationships that cannot be restored. A quick one can have both a short-term effect and a final one. In any case, we advise you to think about whether it is worth taking any action before separating people from each other. Remember that everything in life is harmonious, and the energy that you direct against others today can return to you.

A conspiracy to part and a conspiracy to quarrel

A conspiracy for separation and a conspiracy for a quarrel is not at all a black magic love spell. The action is aimed at making the object quarrel or part with his other half, but does not guarantee that the man or woman will be with you. Much depends on the performer of the ceremony himself - the belief that the conspiracy will work, the desire to separate the partners.

It is important to distinguish between such concepts as a conspiracy to quarrel and a conspiracy to quarrel, or, as it is also called, a conspiracy to part. The essence of a quarrel is not to separate, but to quarrel. To make the object of your feelings and his partner feel irresistible irritation or indifference, perhaps even hatred for each other. They will quarrel, but may reconcile later.

A conspiracy to part is a more serious and effective rite. He can make people alien and disgusting to each other without quarrels. As a rule, in this situation, partners are forced to leave without regrets for both parties. A conspiracy to quarrel can be both purposeful and accidental. It turns out to be random if it is in the nature of the evil eye. That is, a person who does not even think about magic and does not possess magical powers can envy the relationship in a couple, and this will act as a quarrel.

Although conspiracies for separation and separation are not comparable to a love spell, they are used only in exceptional cases. When other methods are powerless and a person really needs the help of magic. Use for revenge, for a desire to experiment on human souls, or simply out of hatred for an enemy is a dangerous business. It will surely turn against you and your loved ones with suffering and illness. But in some situations, magic may be the only way to help:

  • it is necessary to leave the disgusted partner;
  • relations have cooled down and exhausted themselves, but due to habit or love for children, they cannot be interrupted;
  • in the happy union of a man and a woman comes a homeowner;
  • your half reciprocates, but is bound by the bonds of law or violence and does not dare to destroy their couple.

Wind conspiracy

When choosing a magical ritual, it is important to focus on the level of relationships. It will be simple to separate a man and a woman who are not legally and churchly married, as well as business partners, colleagues, friends. Their relationship is too fragile and easily subject to magical powers. Even the most inexperienced magician will cope. It will be enough just a conspiracy to the wind. The stronger your desire to separate this couple, the sooner and more fully the magic will work. You need to read the plot on the waning moon. Stand facing a strong wind (field, steppe, desert area, lake or pond shore) and whisper:

The mountains are high, the rivers are deep, the forests are dry, the dogs are angry. It would be so high and far away, so evil and evil the servant of God (the name of the woman) with the servant of God (the name of the man) quarreled forever and ever, but dogged. You can’t help them, you can’t reconcile them, you can’t bring them together, you can’t marry them: not today, not tomorrow, and never! My business is my word. Neither save nor dissuade. Amen.

The action of the conspiracy begins no earlier than after 9 - 12 days.

We speak salt

To quarrel people as soon as possible, use the salt ritual. Spread a piece of any small fabric on a wooden table, sprinkle ordinary table salt on it and repeat three times:

White salt, loose salt, Help (name) fall out of love with (name), Let them not live together in peace and harmony, Let quarrels in relationships settle, Let separation become their companion. Amen!

After 10 hours, salt should be sprinkled at the threshold of the homeowner, saying:

I do not sprinkle white salt on the threshold of the separation, but with strong separation, I help to stop loving the servant of God (name of the guy) to the servant of God (name of the rival). Amen!

An effective separation spell

To destroy a strong marriage of married, and even more so married in the church, spouses, a more powerful conspiracy to divorce is needed. Before starting the ritual, concentrate all your attention on the fulfillment of the goal. You will need some water, flour and salt, as well as dog and cat hair. Knead a stiff dough and, dividing it into equal parts, fashion two figures - men and women.

Be sure to give them the names of the people you breed, and add some dog hair to the dough for the man's doll and some cat hair to the dough for the woman. The figurines should be taken to the emptyest room of your house and placed in opposite corners. Every day, bending over each of the dolls, whisper:

(Man's name) and (woman's name)! You can't be together, you can't live, you can't eat bread together, you can't pump clothes together. Amen.

After forty days and nights, the dolls must be buried in the ground near different reservoirs or in different wastelands. To enhance the magical effect, it is recommended to add broken glass to animal hair, earth from graves in a cemetery, or something that belonged to those who are being read a plot to divorce. These can be particles of skin, nails or hair.

Another strongest ritual is performed on the full moon. You need to go out at midnight to a deserted place and pronounce the following text:

I will enter a wide courtyard, I will go into a tall house, I will write down (name), I will cool the great one. I cool you good fellow (name) and girl (name). So that he does not catch her eye, neither day, nor night, nor evening, nor morning. So that she is at rest, he is out of rest, she is on the street, he is in the house. She will not be dearer to him than the terrible terrible bear, the insidious swamp toad. And no matter what dress she is in, even in a held one, even in a colored one, he will not be able to bear her, he will be angry, he will hate, they will not see goodness, they will forget about happiness. No matter how good she is, no matter what good she does to him, he will see everything as passion, but evil. You will not be together, you will not be, you will not know the goodness of love and affection. My word is true, my will is strong, as I said, it will come true.

The plot must be spoken loudly and clearly. For it to work, keep silence on the way back, do not eat or drink until morning.

A simple but effective plot to break up

A very simple and easy-to-do conspiracy to squabble is read in the phase of the waning moon through an open window or window. A favorable sign is considered if a strong wind blows during the casting of the spell. This symbolizes that he will carry your words to the goal. Magic words should not just be pronounced, but shouted as loudly as possible. While pronouncing the conspiracy, mentally imagine how the paths of those you are separating diverge:

Through the old swamp, through the black forest, through the damp sharp grass-ant, a gray old she-wolf walked, and behind her an angry dog, and behind her a sick cat. They all stopped in one place at once, and twisted into a tight ball. I looked at the fight, saw how the wool flew from them. So that you, the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name), so twisted into a ball, so tore each other's wool and also fought. You love each other like a dog to a she-wolf, and a cat to a dog. Lock. Key. Language. Amen.

The next day after the ceremony, go to church and light candles for the health of the separated. Thus, you neutralize the negative that could arise in your fate after conspiring to quarrel.

When harmony reigns in a relationship, it's wonderful. But fate is not always favorable to us, the one who is dear to the heart will not always reciprocate feelings. It is at such moments that the powerful power of love magic is called upon to help.

How I, a teacher from Saratov, married an American rich man

I am 30 years old, I have a little daughter. It would seem, how can I, a simple teacher, marry a millionaire? However, this story is able to inspire faith even in those who are already desperate. Hope she inspires you.

My story begins with a failed marriage. I married for love at the age of 19, and for almost 10 years I lived with an absolute loser. At first he seemed nice and good, but after the birth of the child, he took to drink and turned into an alcoholic, lowering my meager salary for vodka.

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