Foreign lotteries that Russians can play. Foreign lotteries that Russians can play online


Hello, friends. Today in the article we will introduce you to popular foreign lotteries and tell you how to play them :)

Regardless of our faith or complete disbelief in luck, almost every one of us bought a lottery ticket at least once in our lives. Perhaps some of you brought coupons as an addition to the main gift to relatives and friends, and together with them rejoiced at small wins and hoped for big ones.

But a big win in rubles is not the same as a big win in euros or dollars. Therefore, for now we will not touch domestic lottery operators, but will discuss in great detail the world lotteries that Russians can play. After all, a lot of players want to know for sure whether it is possible to spend a fairly large amount on a ticket and be sure that if they win, the prize will be received.

We will also consider foreign lotteries for the possibility of our compatriots participating in them and for their low popularity in Russia. Let's discuss the reasons why such a cool attitude is caused.

And here's another important thing: it is worth considering foreign lotteries in terms of honesty and conscientiousness of intermediaries. After all, tickets for most of the world's lotteries cannot be purchased on the territory of our country - the player must contact the reseller. But where is the guarantee that as a result he will receive not some piece of paper, but a real ticket for a real draw and will be able to take part in it. In the event of a win, there is also no guarantee that the award will find a winner.

In general, you need to keep your eyes open with foreign lotteries - a lucky break loves attentive, focused and vigilant people. And note: I do not dissuade you from trying your luck in a foreign game, but I urge you to carefully study the conditions and be choosy in choosing intermediaries.

We are sure that this question is of interest to many visitors to our site, so we will give it a separate subtitle.

Reason 1. Reluctance to attract foreign players

The first and main reason why little is known about foreign drawings in our country is not the most ardent desire of the organizers of the drawings to encourage foreign citizens to participate in the lottery.

There are enough applicants for the Jackpot there, and then - lottery operators are used to listening to the opinion of the people, who are not always satisfied with the fact that funds (sometimes in especially large amounts) flow abroad.

Reason 2. Minimum information about world lotteries

Not all official sites have a Russian version, and if there is, then the game is described there very concisely, if not sparingly. And some of the resources are blocked for free access.

Nevertheless, foreign lotteries are becoming more and more attractive for Russians due to high winnings and the transparency of the drawing process. Players who have long blazed their way into the world of foreign lotteries argue that that lottery world is somewhat different from ours: even the prizes of the third category in international lotteries are much higher than in domestic ones. Some have developed their own systems to win a little, but consistently.

But the most important thing when participating in a foreign lottery is not even to make a bet, but to find a conscientious intermediary through which you can purchase world lottery tickets and receive winnings. For people who managed to reach official and honest intermediaries (also a kind of lottery), their opinions about foreign lotteries and reviews about them are only positive.

What lottery can you really win: Gosloto VS Foreign?

Buying a ticket and guessing the numbers is far from the only criterion needed to win the lottery.

First of all, you should pay attention to the honesty and transparency of the organizers. Therefore, let's try to clarify which lotteries are more honest with their players: ours or foreign ones?

Should we trust our organizers?

The issue is debatable and we will not draw any specific conclusions, but we will name the reasons why one can still doubt honesty.

Let's start with a simple video made by the REN TV channel:

Let's summarize the information from the video:

  • state lotteries are not really “state” ones. They belong to only one founder;
  • broadcasts on television are shown in the recording;
  • the organizers have information about the selected combinations, which means they can dispose of it as they like, for example, in the results, give out unselected numbers.

And this is not all, there are several more reasons not to trust the state. lotto:

  • draws on the official website in most lotteries do not conduct a live broadcast. Instead, they use a "random number generator", which is a very dubious decision;
  • over the past few years, there have been a huge number of complaints from participants and even more feedback on the Internet;
  • the Stoloto website has subjugated almost all popular lotteries, thus completely monopolizing itself;
  • the lack of information about the lucky winners also makes you think about who gets the main prizes.

Actually, many of these reasons can be further commented on and tried to justify. Here's where to look. For example, the same bad reviews are normal for any gambling game, and some lotteries are broadcast live.

But let's watch another reveal video:

Should we trust foreign organizers?

We consider it not entirely correct to evaluate all foreign lotteries at once, since there are quite a lot of them in the world and everyone has their own rules. But if you choose the most popular of them, then compared to ours, they look much more honest and transparent:

  • Most of them donate most of their proceeds to the state and to charitable foundations;
  • Each of them holds live-only draws;

Just two simple things, and all suspicions and unnecessary questions immediately disappear. Do you agree?

Foreign lotteries in Russia - how to buy?

The most common way to purchase a ticket for a game is to buy it online. Fortunately, now you can find a lot of lotteries in the world online.

But if for some reason there is no opportunity to purchase a ticket via the Internet, you will have to use the services of intermediaries. But this method has its drawbacks:

  1. The intermediary may ask for an advance payment - and this is a clear “bell” not to get involved. You may or may not receive a valid ticket.
  2. Dealers can inflate the price, the difference for a ticket is their earnings.
  3. Cheating a player is not uncommon among unscrupulous intermediaries. It is expressed in the first two ways, and, what is most offensive, you can pay for a ticket and not get a win on it.

How to buy a ticket without risks?

We can advise three ways to protect yourself from scammers when buying foreign lottery tickets:

  • to travel independently to the country where the draw is held and buy a ticket there;
  • find a trusted intermediary and use his services or ask a good friend who is located in another country to buy a ticket;
  • purchase world lotteries online on a special website.

There is no way to personally advise a good intermediary - I don’t know such. But that doesn't mean they don't exist. If you know experienced international lottery players, you can ask them. I don’t think they will see you as a competitor and begin to hide information - usually they will find out about trusted bona fide dealers - through the good old “word of mouth”.

If buying tickets through intermediaries is not your method, then we can offer you a service that has been working as intermediaries for several years:

Agentlotto is the best intermediary of the world's lotteries

Agenlotto international service intermediary, which allows you to buy and receive a lottery ticket in the USA, Europe, Australia and Latin America for users from anywhere in the world.

Speaking more specifically about this resource, it provides a huge selection of lotteries - about 20 with various sizes of main, secondary and small winnings.

And this is very convenient for the player, since he can compare lottery conditions, jackpots, and even the external design of each of the lotteries. And this is important, many players choose their game visually: they liked the picture - bought a ticket - hit the jackpot.

By the way, about the main prizes: the site specialists have selected for Russian players the world's lotteries with the largest jackpot and not the most "biting" price per bet.

Here are the following lotteries:

  • American lotteries:
    • Superlotto Plus
    • Lotto Texas
    • New Jersey Pick-6
  • From pan-European
    • EuroJackpot
  • From Spanish:
    • La Primitiva;
    • El Gordo;
    • BonoLoto
  • From Italian:
    • SuperEnalotto
  • From British:
    • UK Lotto.

As you can see, world lotteries without intermediaries can be purchased on one of the popular resources, although this is also a kind of intermediary, but we believe that it is much more reasonable to use the services of time-tested resources than strangers.

Moreover, you can buy both one ticket of a lottery that you have long liked, and test yourself for luck in several draws from different countries and continents.

It works like this:

  1. Register on the site
  2. Choose the lottery you want to play
  3. Buy tickets
  4. In a few hours you will receive scanned copies in your personal account
  5. Waiting for the draw
  6. In case of victory:
    • if the amount is small: you will receive money for electronic wallets
    • if the amount is large: get the original ticket and go for winnings to the country where the lottery was held or issue a power of attorney for a service employee and he receives the winnings for you and then sends it to you.

Video instruction:

Should you trust intermediaries?

Even if you do not study these sites very carefully, then a column-report on the winners catches your eye:

The name of each is written under the flag of the country where he lives, and opposite is the amount of winnings. The people are real. Most of all among the lucky Poles and Germans, there are even two Belarusians and a Kyrgyz. Why not proof that a foreign lottery for Russians can be successful and super-successful?

Is the report not enough?

Then take an interest in reviews about resources, for example, Agentlotto began its work in 2012 and during this period collected more positive opinions about its activities than negative ones. The same can be said about the pioneer of such services: TheLotter, only he started work in

And the most important of the arguments: when buying a ticket, the player receives a scanned copy of it and has something to present to the organizers of the lottery in case of winning.

World lotteries in Russia - reviews. Why doesn't anyone win?

Judging by the feedback from the players, not so many people from Russia and the CIS countries take part in the drawings of the most popular lotteries in the world. And the smaller the percentage of players, the smaller the percentage of winners - everything is logical. Therefore, do not scare yourself with the thought that it is impossible to win in these foreign lotteries.

Those who regularly buy foreign lottery tickets claim that there is a chance of winning. Our fellow citizens cannot boast of huge prizes, but small cash rewards in the amount of 20 to 600 dollars (euros) periodically “smile” at them.

To the question why so few of our fellow citizens buy tickets for international lotteries, there is a completely logical answer. And not even one

  1. Not everyone knows about the opportunity to play foreign lotteries in Russia and other post-Soviet countries
  2. Those who have heard of such an opportunity do not believe in the honesty of the method of acquiring lottery coupons.
  3. Those few who believe (or believed) got burned by dishonest intermediaries and stopped believing
  4. Those who have not burned themselves play quietly and are not very willing to talk about this topic.

If there is little reliable information about the lottery, then, accordingly, there are few people who want to play. Here is a completely objective explanation why we have so few winners of foreign lotteries.

We do not insist that the Agentlotto website is an ideal place to purchase tickets for international lotteries in Russia, because the price tags there are inflated somewhere by 2 times, and somewhere by 3 times. But at the moment - this is the best option to play without cheating.

There are other ways too, but they are suitable for people who often travel abroad:

  • buy a ticket directly in the draw country
  • wait for the draw
  • get a win, if it happens, directly at the lottery office

Lotteries of the world without intermediaries - how to win the Jackpot?

There is no universal recipe for how to hit the jackpot in the lottery (whether through intermediaries or without them) does not exist. It is customary to assign a decisive role in the game to faith in one's luck. Well, it has also been noticed that those who buy tickets regularly win more often. It seems that these people are subconsciously tuned in to the wave of the game and the wave of victory. Perhaps this is indeed the case.

Foreign lotteries in Russia have not yet found their main winner. But there are a lot of “true” stories with hidden names about the Euromillions hitting the jackpot on the Internet. And they are all in two lines and some non-specific.

For example, this option: “Mr. L. from Russia became a millionaire in the drawing of the Euro lottery “Millions” (conditional name). One could attribute such secrecy to the unwillingness of the newly-made rich man to “shine” to the whole world, but the point is often quite different: the same unscrupulous intermediary sites are trying to attract as many buyers as possible to their resource.

For the sake of objectivity, I will give you several examples of huge winnings that brought ordinary ordinary people into the ranks of dollar multimillionaires and billionaires.

  1. American lottery Powerball. On January 16, 2016, the $1.5 billion jackpot was won. It was divided between three players, the lucky one from the state of California was the first to “notice” his winnings and shamelessly posted a photo with a ticket on Instagram.
  2. Mega Millions is also a US lottery. In 2012, the jackpot was hit at 640 million dollars. Also three winners, of whom only the Butlers dared to reveal themselves. They were very wise with their share of the $110.5 million winnings by hiring a financial advisor to raise the funds.
  3. And again Mega Millions - 2007, 390 million dollars were played. Two big winners, one of whom, a trucker, bought a ticket from a small establishment where he usually took coffee on the road.

Our review of foreign lotteries

It is not difficult to navigate the rules of foreign lotteries - they are in many ways similar to ours: place a bet, wait for the draw. But if you doubt that you understand in what order to cross out the numbers, or how to pay for the purchase of a ticket, find the official website of world lotteries, perhaps you will get the necessary information there.

As a test, we tried to use the services of intermediaries to find out in more detail how it all works. As a result, out of three tickets in three different lotteries, we even managed to win $10 and safely withdraw them. We also made sure that a scanned copy of the purchased ticket is indeed provided to the players.

We did not try our luck anymore.


It is possible to play foreign lotto from Russia through intermediary sites. It is also possible to receive winnings - now within a few hours on electronic wallets or via Internet banking. Tickets are a little overpriced, but this is our service charge.

Actually, this is where our article comes to an end. We hope the material was useful to you.

As you know, lotteries in every country are held not only for the entertainment of citizens, but also for good. Part of the proceeds from the sale of tickets is directed to the development of the most important areas: medicine, sports, culture ... That is why the organizers (usually the state itself) are trying to attract as many local residents as possible to participate in the national draws. This is beneficial for everyone: participants get a chance to win the lottery, and the treasury is replenished with additional funds for the implementation of government projects.

Let's support Russia!

How often do we see reports in the news about large super prizes of foreign lotteries:,. Some sites even offer intermediary services for buying tickets for such draws (and this despite the fact that, according to the rules, only citizens of certain countries can participate in them, and Russia is not included in this number). So what happens? Those Russians who invest in participating in these lotteries are actually financing the development of other countries.


But your money could just as well work for the good of the motherland. To do this, just turn your attention to the Russian state lotteries, which are presented in numerous lottery kiosks in all regions of our country, in Euroset communication stores and Svyaznoy stores, Russian Post offices and in the lottery online supermarket. According to the current law "On Lotteries", now only two types of lotteries can be held in our country: all-Russian state and international (the latter are not currently registered).


The largest super prizes are played in the Russian state lottery Gosloto 6 out of 45. At the end of May, her super prize exceeded 120,000,000 rubles. And this is not the limit! The record win in the history of Russia is 203,175,894 rubles. It was drawn on January 30, 2015 during the 1138th draw and shared between the winners from Nalchik and Murmansk.

The largest super prize for one ticket of the "six" amounted to 202,441,116 rubles. On August 9, 2014, in the 915th draw, a Nizhny Novgorod resident became its owner.

What is the secret of record winnings? There is no big secret here. Experienced lottery players know how much an expanded bet increases your chances of winning. Thus, the Nizhny Novgorod champion's bet was 700 rubles, once again proving the effectiveness of this tactic.

The rules of Gosloto 6 out of 45 are simple - you need to indicate on the ticket from 6 to 19 non-repeating numbers in the range from 1 to 45. The ticket can participate in several draws. Drawings are held twice a day: at 11:00 and 23:00 Moscow time. The results of the draws are published on the websites and Win bets in which 2 or more numbers match the drawn numbers. The minimum bet is 50 rubles. The Gosloto 6 out of 45 super prize is cumulative and grows with each draw, which allows it to constantly set new records. The more bets will be made, the more super prize and the more deductions in favor of Russian sports!

Stoloto - a club of lucky lottery

If you still decide to use the services of so-called intermediaries when buying lottery tickets, you will probably notice that there is no information about the winners on their sites. More precisely, it sometimes occurs, but is so vague that the question arises: are these people real? In our time, when the owners of millions of prizes are trumpeted on television, written on the Internet, newspapers (for example, in the weekly "Arguments and Facts"), it is difficult to hide the fact of a big win. So why is there so little information on the sites of intermediaries? ..


On the official website of Stoloto, the largest distributor of state lotteries in Russia, there is one dedicated to the winners. This club of lucky ones is regularly replenished, victors are happy to give interviews where they share their joy, and often tell how they managed to win the lottery.

Let's try to summarize the lottery experience of successful Russians. First, they have reasonable confidence in the very status of state lotteries. And this is not surprising, because the organizers of the lotteries Gosloto 5 out of 36, Gosloto 6 out of 45, Gosloto 7 out of 49, Russian Lotto, State Housing Lottery, Sportloto 6 out of 49, KENO-Sportloto , "Rapido", "12/24", "Everything for a hundred" and instant lotteries Sportloto are the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (and recently Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree extending the term for holding sports lotteries until December 31, 2029). All this guarantees the openness of the draws and the payment of all winnings in the Stoloto lottery. Intermediaries cannot give you a 100% guarantee in these matters.


Secondly, Stoloto offers a wide selection of lotteries for every taste: here you will find number draw lotteries, bingo, instant and "quick" games. At the same time, many Russian lotteries are held according to formulas similar to foreign counterparts (for example, the new 12/24 lottery, in which even the one who does not guess a single number can get a super prize!). On intermediary sites, the number of lotteries is very limited.

Thirdly, the prices for tickets of Russian state lotteries are very democratic. Everyone can afford to try their luck. At the same time, the chances of becoming rich are quite high: according to statistics, on average, a new millionaire appears in the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery every week! Now there are 245 of them.

In order to become the winner of the “five”, you need to mark on the ticket from 5 to 12 non-repeating numbers in the range from 1 to 36. The super prize is yours if the 5 numbers you have chosen matched the draw combination. One ticket can participate in several draws. Bets also win, in which 2 or more numbers match the drawn numbers. Throughout May, drawings are held 9 times a day! You will find the results of the draws on the websites and The cost of the minimum bet is only 30 rubles.

Intermediary companies offer tickets at inflated prices compared to the prices of the original tickets, which again leads us to the rationality of participating in Stoloto lotteries.

If you dream of becoming a millionaire, it's time to try your luck in the Russian state lotteries! By participating in the draws, you support Russian sports. Part of the money from ticket sales is sent to the implementation of state projects in the field of physical culture and sports. In particular, the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi received significant financial support from the Sportloto 6 out of 49 and KENO Sportloto lotteries.


You can purchase state lottery tickets at lottery kiosks in your city, Euroset, Svyaznoy communication stores, at Russian Post offices, on the website of the lottery online supermarket, in the Stoloto mobile application or via SMS. We wish you good luck!

The modern lottery industry is replete with thousands of offers that promise big wins for those who guess the coveted combination. Unlike the local market, the lotteries around the world are much more generous to the participants, and thanks to this list, you can learn a little about the 10 largest lotteries that can be played online from any country on

1.Mega Millions

Mega Millions is one of the largest American lotteries operating in the United States since 1996. To date, the number of states and departments in which tickets are distributed has reached 45, providing Mega Millions with near-universal coverage in the host country. This lottery changed the idea of ​​jackpots forever when in March 2012 the top prize reached $656 million, becoming the largest in the history of lotteries!

2.Powerball USA

The American lottery Powerball is the main and strongest rival of Mega Millions, especially since the official ticket sales operate on the territory of an almost identical list of states. In May 2013, Powerball held its second-highest all-time jackpot of $600 million and was won by an 84-year-old retiree from Florida. In addition to impressive prize amounts, Powerball's merits include the creation of an additional multiplier option that allows you to increase secondary prizes up to 4 times!

3. EuroMillions (European version)

The EuroMillions lottery, or better known to the Russian-speaking audience as EuroMillions, is the undisputed leader in European lottery circles. EuroMillions tickets are sold in 10 EU countries, and their holders get a chance to win the largest jackpots on the continent, which have repeatedly reached €190 million over a nearly 10-year history.

4. EuroMillions (UK)

Due to the incredible popularity of EuroMillions in the UK, the head of the National Lottery corporation, which is also one of the three creators of the lottery, decided to provide special gaming conditions to the inhabitants of the island. All EuroMillions tickets purchased within the United Kingdom are automatically entered into the "Millionaire's Draw" where one lucky winner is guaranteed to win £1 million in addition to the main jackpot.

The main national lottery of Italy, to which even Hollywood stars did not remain indifferent. During one of the Venice festivals, SuperEnaloto tickets were bought by George Clooney and Madonna, the latter even won €120,000. The largest lottery jackpot was €177.8 million, the second largest in Europe.

6.Loteria de Navidad

Christmas draw held annually by the Spanish national lottery Loteria Nacional. The total prize pool is €2.24 billion!

7. Loteria Nacional extra

Monthly special draws from the creators of Loteria de Navidad, renowned for amazing odds and a huge variety of prizes ranging from €84 million to €140 million.

8 Powerball Australia

An Australian copy of the American Powerball lottery with an identical entry format and traditionally high jackpots, some of which reached 80 million Australian dollars, allowing the lottery to become a record holder in its homeland.

9. La Primitiva

The famous Spanish lottery, delighting fans of easy money with weekly draws on Thursdays and Saturdays! La Primitiva's current jackpot is €65 million and is the largest in Europe.

10. Eurojackpot

The youngest lottery in Europe, which did not prevent it from becoming the largest in terms of the number of participating countries, which, in addition to European old-timers, include Latvia and Estonia. The lottery jackpot usually fluctuates around €40 million.

(foreign) international lotteries?

As a joke, you can offer to go to England, for example, and buy tickets for the British National Lottery there.
Speaking seriously, for us the only available way to buy foreign lotteries comes down to one thing - to use an intermediary.

It is also desirable that this intermediary understands Russian and provides the user with the opportunity to purchase tickets for foreign lotteries on a Russian-language site.

It is in this vein that the issue of buying tickets for foreign lotteries should be considered.

Well, let's see if such a scheme is possible and how dangerous or safe it is.

    • Legality of purchasing foreign lottery tickets
    • Requirements for an intermediary
    • Verified intermediary

The legality of purchasing tickets for foreign lotteries.

The first thing to focus on is the legality of acquiring lottery tickets from foreign countries. In short, in foreign lotteries there are no prohibitions on the purchase of lottery tickets by residents of other countries. There is an age limit - the player must be at least 18 years old (in some lotteries - 16 years old, but this is rather an exception).

Moreover, the ban on participation in lotteries up to this age applies to absolutely everyone, including residents of those states where lottery tickets are sold. Thus, the purchase of lottery tickets of foreign countries by residents of other countries is absolutely legal.

But that is direct participation. Is it legal to use intermediaries? Absolutely. Indeed, at your request and on your behalf, lottery tickets are bought in the territory of the country or state where lotteries are held. And this is done under a contract. It is just as legal as a commission to purchase real estate on your behalf and for you somewhere abroad.

Or you want to buy a yacht from Dutch shipbuilders and you turn to an intermediary in Holland. Of course, in these cases, the buyer is likely to find the time and money to independently inspect the item of purchase.

But these examples are given only as proof of the absolute legitimacy of such a purchase scheme. As for buying tickets for foreign lotteries, then, of course, there is no point in going to Europe for the sake of buying a ticket for a few euros. And turning to intermediaries just makes sense.

But the most burning question that worries the owners of future jackpots is this: “Where is the guarantee that when my ticket the jackpot will fall, the intermediary will not say that, they say, we don’t know you, and they will get my crazy jackpot themselves and won’t give me a cent? Of course, this issue deserves attention and we will try to figure it out.


Intermediary requirements.

If we again go beyond buying tickets for foreign lotteries, then in cases where

when we are forced to turn to an intermediary, and even through the Internet,

a tangible factor of trust is the time of presence of the intermediary in the market.

How long does an intermediary operate in the Internet market? Year? Not enough. Two. Also not an indicator.

But ten years is just right.

Because it is unlikely that the most hardened Internet crook will be able to engage in outright fraud for so long.

I would also like the intermediary to be foreign.

Still, whatever one may say, the level of Internet culture and, in general, the culture of service abroad is incomparably higher than in our countries.

This is not the first year I have been working with foreign companies (and I buy tickets for foreign lotteries,

and I have my own small Internet business selling gilded items), and I finally became convinced that people on the foreign Internet are very much accustomed to cherishing their name.

Another wish for a potential Internet intermediary is that he should not make a difference between a wealthy client from America or Europe and us, citizens who are not spoiled by money.

To treat each of them with equal respect and care.

And again, I will say that it is precisely foreign companies that value their honor that equally value each client. By the way, there is a simple mercantile calculation in this: today you are not rich, but we will serve you at the highest level, but when you get rich, you will remain our client, because we served you at the highest level.

The next important questionhow much does the intermediary charge for their services?
Of course, I would like to ticket foreign lottery, taking into account the cost of intermediary services, did not exceed a few euros or dollars.

Otherwise, it will turn out that by participating in lotteries we will primarily feed the intermediary, and not ensure a comfortable future for ourselves.

That is, it is necessary that the intermediary is not greedy.

How to pay for intermediary services?

It is no secret that the electronic currencies we are accustomed to webmoney popular exclusively in the former USSR, but not abroad.

All these bank transfers are, of course, very cool, but we, as potential clients, should be able to pay for the services of an intermediary in the ways we are used to.

Of course, the presence of, as they say, "classics of the genre", such as payment by bank cards, simply must be among other payment methods.

An important point that immediately arises in connection with the topic of payment by bank cards is the security of payments.

It is simply necessary that the intermediary accepts payment in a secure manner.

Ideally, if this is the so-called SSL encryption mode - a kind of standard for secure data transmission on the Internet. Moreover, both the entrance to the intermediary site and the placement of bets must also take place in this secure mode. Does anyone want to bet, which will suddenly bring the coveted win of a million, suddenly becomes known to anyone? Of course not, therefore, a mandatory requirement for an intermediary is to conduct all significant transactions in a secure mode.

Yes, and I would also like to receive in case of an unsuccessful bid any bonuses.

For example, so that for each purchased ticket foreign lotteries were awarded bonuses or points that could be accumulated and re-spent on the purchase of tickets for any of the foreign lotteries.

Now about that How can I contact this reseller. It is highly desirable that a telephone number be indicated for communication, a kind of support service. Surely you will not call abroad - it's expensive. But the phone is another positive thing. Fax is great. If there is an online support service via the Internet during working hours, that’s also great. Now about email. If it is not on the site at all - I recommended to pass by this site. If the mail is specified, then be sure to pay attention to how the e-mail looks. E

if the postal address for communication is declared, which is located in the same second-level domain as the site - very good (for example, the website is www., and the email is [email protected]) .

But the presence of ONLY mail in a domain like (or any other free mail) should greatly alert you.

By the way, the presence of an additional address on a free domain is normal, the main thing is that there must be an address, as I said, in the same domain as the site.

No - not much to worry about, to be honest. But if specified - another weighty argument in favor of this intermediary.

So, what have we come to, if we summarize all of the above?

The intermediary must be foreign, with a Russian-language website (on which the phone number, e-mail are indicated in the same domain as the website, preferably the postal address of the organization), operating in a secure mode, present on the market for at least 10 years, accepting payment in ways convenient for us and having a system of incentive points for the lottery tickets you purchased. It remains now to find one.

Verified intermediary.

A search in search engines will give dozens of links to this kind of intermediaries. But with their detailed analysis, it turns out that according to some criteria, the intermediary will not be suitable. But all of the above criteria are quite important.

Yes, another important factor this is the website design.

Look at the site impartially. If, when looking at it, such characteristics as “ugly”, “made on the knee”, etc., arise for you, then think ten times before contacting such an intermediary. No self-respecting company will allow itself an unprofessional website.

The site, its creation and promotion also cost money. Please don't forget this.

In general, there are two ways - to continue looking for such an intermediary on your own, or not to look for and start working with the intermediary that meets all the above conditions and through which I personally purchase tickets for foreign lotteries.

I will not lie that I buy foreign lottery tickets in batches.

No, of course I don't have that kind of money. I buy as much as I can afford.

And I won't lie when I say I've already won millions of dollars.

No. But there is such a dream - yes, it is.

Actually, because of this dream, I play ...

In general, if you are ready to trust the same intermediary as I am, then you are welcome to this page.

Due to the fact that Roskomnadzor has restricted access to international lottery sites in order to block the way for players from Russia to lotteries, except for pseudo-state ones, today the easiest way is to play through a new site - a licensed lottery aggregator -.

Playing through the site - you get the advantages that this site is licensed, payouts are guaranteed, no one will run away with a winning player ticket and will not be able to claim his winnings, in simple terms.

If you are tired of playing scam lotteries, where more than five numbers out of six are guessed by a real, and not a dummy or imaginary player, there is no way, and the price of the bet is almost four! times higher than the analogue from the operator - then register and play officially, without intermediaries in the lottery with an impeccable reputation and huge jackpots!

Here they win regularly and everything really depends only on you and your luck!

Super popular European lottery

The EuroMillions lottery, also known as Euromillionen and EuroMillones, was first launched in England, France and Spain, instantly winning the hearts of lottery lovers. Currently, EuroMillions is not only the largest lottery in Europe, but also one of the largest in the world! To participate, you must select 5 main numbers from the range from 1 to 50 and 2 Lucky Stars from 12. The cost of one ticket is only 217 rub. Draws are held every Tuesday and Friday at 21:00 CET (Central European Time) in Paris, France. The biggest win in the history of EuroMillions is €190.000.000.

FAQ Help Support

    On the site you will find the world's most exciting lotteries - for every taste, color and request. Someone prefers to participate in the lottery, which has a high chance of winning, and someone is attracted by the lotto with the largest jackpots in the world - on the site you will find what you need.

    The odds of winning the jackpot in any lottery are determined by dividing the number of numbers to be matched by the total number of possible digital combinations in the draw.

    Below you can see the odds of winning the lotteries available on the site:

    As a rule, the lottery with the best chances of winning has fewer balls with numbers, so choose the game that requires you to select fewer numbers to participate. If you believe in your lucky star, then why not try your luck in a lottery with lower chances of winning, but with jackpots that can make all your dreams come true!

    If you are over 18 and not a US citizen, then you have every right to participate in the best lotteries in the world on Our company accepts bets on the results of the world's largest lotteries and our activities are licensed by the state. is your gateway to the best international online lotteries.

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