Low heart rate Video: "ChSV what does it mean"


Abbreviations, it seems, are a useful item - with the help of a couple of letters you can immediately issue a whole sentence. It is very convenient in terms of administrative management, you do not have to list all the regalia of some institution ten times, when they can be reduced to 7-8 letters and put in one line. But in everyday communication - trouble, especially when they write that you are "CSV". How the abbreviation is deciphered, you already have to look on the net, and you won’t answer right away.

How is CHSV deciphered?

There are only three letters in the abbreviation itself, so it’s hard to get confused:

  1. H- feeling.
  2. With- own.
  3. AT- importance.

This is really an old abbreviation, and ten years ago it was actively used on the net, at least in narrow circles. But before it was at least correctly applied “in practice”:

  • Your heart rate is too high.
  • Exorbitant CHSV, like a representative of "blue bloods".
  • Your HPS can reach the Moon, maybe even Mars.
  • Masha, of course, is a pretty infection, but she has a high blood pressure.

But over the years, something has changed, something has gone wrong, and three letters are no longer even used as an abbreviation, but as some kind of definition. Today it is quite possible to hear:

  • You are CHSV.
  • Well, he is CSV.
  • Pasha is actually CSF-fool.

No matter how the original meaning has changed, it is still about inflated self-importance. But the new application seems to be somehow completely non-literary, decoding is not suitable.

What is CHSV in VK?

  1. This is a hint at your inflated sense of importance, according to the interlocutor.
  2. The person is negative and prone to confrontation.
  3. It is worth listening to the remark if it sounds not the first time and from different people.
  4. It's perfectly acceptable to respond in a caustic way.

But if a person has already formed a certain opinion, it will be difficult or almost impossible to convince him. Any further action will be interpreted as an attempt to maintain a sense of self-importance, well, the same defense of one's CSV.

On the other hand, why try to make excuses in the eyes of everyone you meet, sometimes it’s easier to slightly adjust your social circle and everything will return to normal. If a person is prejudiced against you, these are only his problems and his inadequate perception of the world around him. You are not a doctor to treat everyone for their ailments.

Why doesn't everyone like CSF?

Sometimes the interlocutor really “takes on a lot”. There are a couple of things to remember here:

  • A person behaves exactly as he is allowed to behave.
  • If a friend or acquaintance tries to wipe their feet on you, it means that you used to actively substitute yourself as this very rag.
  • It is very difficult to bring down the arrogance of a person. Self-conceit can grow in a couple of days, and then even long months of work will not help to correct the situation. Blowing off the ego is a difficult task.
  • The best thing to do is stop talking, at least for a while. Even if this step did not have an effect and did not work as a contrast shower, the person is lost for you, 100%. Maybe for society too.

Communicating with people who suddenly decided that they are much better than the surrounding gray mass is a task unbearable. Sometimes it saves the fact that some people really have some reason to think so:

  1. Outstanding intellectual ability.
  2. literary talent.
  3. Numerous awards in the field of science or sports.
  4. Recognized musical talent.

But some people cherish their ego, relying only on the shortcomings of education. Parents "driven" that the child is the best in the world and that's it, now even being mediocre, the child will count on attention from all sides. Such situations are resolved very quickly and, as a rule - very big disappointments and break patterns.

How to respond to a comment?

Is it worth paying attention to your friends who began to reproach for too high heart rate? First you need to ask a couple of questions:

  • How long have you known the person?
  • The interlocutor always gave only good advice?
  • Do you think she cares about your well-being?
  • Do you feel like your behavior has changed lately?

If the answer to all the questions asked is “yes”, this can be regarded as the first wake-up call. The surrounding reality must be perceived as objectively as possible so that there are no serious disappointments. Many failures happen only because a person overestimates his modest abilities and, without proper preparation, tries to achieve results that are unattainable for him at this stage.

The more your ego corresponds to the real picture of the world, the more likely it is to realize your resources with 100% efficiency and achieve some very real result.

Exorbitant heart rate in a guy

Sometimes relationships in the “boyfriend-girl” format lead to the fact that one of the partners’ HR takes off to the skies. More precisely, the mistakes of the other partner and the overestimation of the significance level lead to such a sad result. In terms of contacts with the rest, this may practically not manifest itself, but in a relationship a “room tyrant” is guaranteed to appear. You should fight in this situation using even "dirty" methods:

  1. Demonstrate to the person that he is not the top of the world. Preferably, in public, and preferably so that this “contrast shower” partner does not associate with your person.
  2. Make new contacts, show that you do not experience any physical or mental dependence.
  3. Take part in a couple of projects, demonstrate the result, achieve public recognition of your own success. Everything is very variable, depending on the field of activity and hobbies.
  4. Start behaving in exactly the same way, ignoring the feelings and needs of your partner. It won't get any worse.

In any case, you inflate the FPV for him or her. on one's own, so now on their own will have to return everything to normal. Or say goodbye, such is life.

What does "CSV" mean - transcript

The abbreviation CHSV is not as complicated as it might seem:

  • stands for " sense of self-importance».
  • Used online. But in the last couple of years, the contraction began to be used in real life.
  • Indicates a person's inflated self-conceit, his exorbitant ego, which does not correspond to real possibilities.
  • It does not carry any insult, but usually says that the interlocutor is not averse to developing a conflict situation.

Today, on the net, instead of choosing the right words about an inflated ego and conceit, they simply write - " CHSV". Three simple letters, but in someone's eyes this is a real stigma for the interlocutor. In fact, whether you care about your image or not, it makes no sense to react publicly to such a statement. But here it is worth reviewing the behavior itself and editing something in it.

When talking about someone's CHSV, how the abbreviation stands for, you can ask the interlocutor himself. This, by the way, will prove that you are ready to admit the gaps in your knowledge and that you are probably all right with this same FSW.

Video about the meaning of HRW

In memes, posts and comments on VKontakte, you often come across the abbreviation CHSV. What is it and why is this abbreviation so popular among young people? We will tell you, teach you how to correctly understand and apply this slang expression in everyday communication on VK.

I'm sorry, what?

What is CHSV

There are only three letters in the abbreviation itself, so you won’t get confused, no matter how hard you try:

  1. H- feeling
  2. With– own
  3. AT- importance.

Even CSV is sometimes deciphered as "Sense of Own Greatness", both meanings are correct. This slang expression cannot be translated from English in any way, because it came from the reduction of Russian words.

I found out that I was a retarded mammoth who died of old age (read from ignorance) by his own death and froze in the ice. After all, the reduction has been used in VK for 5-7 years already and quite actively. Previously, it was used more or less correctly in everyday speech: “Did you notice that your HR has skyrocketed? :)” What does now mean?

Now, look around, the abbreviation has become a definition, a kind of curse word. By the way, offensive. "You are a CHSV!" The definition remains the same, but the abbreviation has become a name-calling. It's about a self-inflated conceit. Should you listen to criticism?


In the social network of the same name, the abbreviation is now very popular, especially in some communities where memes, demotivators, various jokes reign ... Every now and then a familiar phrase slips in the comments, hinting at the opponent's low behavior. A hint of a sense of importance that has grown to an unusual size upsets, makes you look at yourself. Is it worth it?

Most adequate users do not respond to such comments. Is it worth spending calories to explain and defend your own point of view to a person whom you do not know and who does not hear you at all? The first impression of a person is the most important. If in a contact a stranger said about you that “You, a citizen, are a CSF”, then I recommend letting him go through the forest. For each of your further actions will be interpreted as an attempt to maintain a sense of self-importance, well, the same defense of your CSF.

Why don't they like CHSV in VK?

Most often, correspondence with an individual with an inflated sense of self-importance is a one-sided game. Of course, if the problem with the ego is real. To prove something to them is unrealistic. The chsvshnik has his own point of view, which not a single, even the most logical argument will break through. Even if you are Leo Tolstoy, for them you will be just .... Well, you understand.

We can draw a simple conclusion:

At the present time, CSF is just a phrase. They are not so much trying to insult you, humiliate you, but hurt you. It's just that your interlocutor is not averse to being in the epicenter of the conflict and fueled by your energy. Release the inadequate in peace and drink tea with cookies.

Feeling of self-importance - (CHSV) a concept used by Carlos Castaneda in his books, described as a feeling of superiority over someone or something, the significance of oneself and one's actions.

A sense of self-importance - its main signs are arrogance, vanity and ambition. CSV has an extremely negative effect on communication, and the person to whom it is inherent is in constant tension from fear. tarnish reputation. Realizing this will allow you to get rid of your own fears and shortcomings in the future.

If you do not have a heart rate, then words and deeds will not be able to hurt you. In this case, the energy will be directed to the fulfillment of important life goals and clear thoughts of far-fetched problems. The lack of a sense of importance will allow you to be more confident in yourself and your abilities, as you will get rid of non-existent images.

People who have familiarized themselves with the theory of CSW do not notice this. To help a person realize shortcomings, it is necessary to point out them unobtrusively, but with extreme caution and sensitivity.

The main signs of inflated self-esteem

  • A constant feeling of resentment against someone - there is a feeling of humiliation, misunderstanding of society. The problem lies in the wrong perception of the world or a certain situation. People with such feelings very rarely relate to others with great appreciation.
  • Increased sense of self-need - a person puts his thoughts and desires above others.
  • Vanity and pride are born in a person.
  • Lack of trust in others - usually an inflated sense of self-importance provokes the emergence of all sorts of fears and distrust.

FSW in most cases is a common manifestation of neurosis, which provokes a person to demonstrate his person in the best colors. In the most difficult situations, you should not suppress your personality.

How to get rid of CHSV?

People can deal with CVD. For this you need to remember:

  1. The simpler your thoughts and actions, the better people treat you.
  2. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself and look stupid to someone. It is impossible for everyone to become a good person.
  3. Raise your level of awareness by reading books on self-development.
  4. Find a mentor with high spiritual qualities.

To get rid of a sense of self-importance, you need to constantly work and make every effort to do this. In any of its manifestations, it should be remembered that it is completely useless. You need to be able to recognize shortcomings and talk about them out loud. If you show excessive pride or pomposity, then you thereby show weakness and insecurity. Many people have learned to cope with these manifestations. If you really want to subdue your own HSF, then do not let selfless fantasies cloud your bright mind.

How to communicate with people with high heart rate?

Relationships of people built on mutual benefit. Each participant in communication wants to receive positive emotions, useful information, a sense of significance, a certain benefit. But if, when communicating with such a person, you do not get the desired return, then this is a big problem that needs to be addressed.

Usually people choose the easiest way - stop communicating. But it may be your close relative or friend with whom you have to intersect.

You will have to put the person in his "place". Initially, you can solve the problem diplomatically and gently hint that, first of all, a person should pay attention to his behavior and find a problem. If he does not listen to comments, tell him openly what does not suit you. Do not bring the matter to a quarrel and mutual insults.

People with CVD just need to be pitied. Perhaps his problem was influenced by childhood trauma or relationships with his parents, or society imposed on him the idea that he was the best in everything. He doesn't have a very easy life. He does not have people who can always support. Such a person does not even trust himself.

More communication with new people.

You can defeat pride and fully realize that there are many people in the world no worse than you, thanks to communication with others. It is necessary to try to get out of the usual, folded social circle more often and get to know new people.

If you've never been to the gym, go. You will see how many people look better, speak smarter, have more life experience and are able to advise something sensible. Such shocks hit hard on self-esteem, but they clearly show the perniciousness of a sense of self-importance. It usually enslaves people who do not have much life experience and worthy acquaintances.

Explore the source.

In order to better fight against FSF, you need to try to trace where the feeling comes from. For example, a person considers himself better than others because he studied well at the institute. But now you need to look at the situation from a different angle: is he smart enough to rise, could he find a decent well-paid job and realize his mind, did college grades help in later life?

In 99 cases out of 100, the answer will be negative, which means there is no reason to be proud.

Stop arguing over trifles.

Many personal SSFs suffer from a common disease - the desire to win disputes on any topic. What is more useful to eat, how much sleep you need, how to properly raise children, is life possible on Mars. They don’t care about the real state of affairs - they just need to win with convincing chatter in an argument and amuse their pride.

To cut down a sense of self-importance, you need to start controlling yourself and not get involved in empty arguments. When you have to convince another person on any issue, for this you need to use serious and relevant information, and if it is not there, then it is better not to argue.

Useful materials

" or the word " ", but also abbreviated abbreviations. One of these abbreviations is CHSV. In this article, we will consider CHSV - what this abbreviation means and its oral use in communication.

Just like "kek", CSF is a common Internet meme that people use mainly when communicating on social networks. This abbreviation takes two, very close to each other, meanings. These are "Feeling of Self-Importance" and "Feeling of Self-Greatness".

"Feeling of Self-Importance" and "Feeling of Self-Gloriousness" (FSV)

“Feeling of Self-Importance” or “Feeling of Own Greatness” (FSV) is a feeling of superiority over something or someone, a feeling of increased significance of oneself, one’s actions and deeds, which does not reflect the real picture of what is happening. The concept of CSF was used by Carlos Castaneda in many of his books. Don Juan spent a great deal of time and effort explaining the meaning of the concept of FSW, as it is extremely capacious.

Using all of the explanations don Juan gives us, CSW has the following description and meaning:
“This feeling is not originally inherent in a person, it is introduced into a person from the outside. By forcing a particular person throughout his life, that is, constantly, to check his own significance and importance, the life values ​​​​of this person change. The results of such checks put forward in the first place, among all the life values ​​of a person, the values ​​that satisfy his HSF. At the same time, values ​​that do not satisfy the CSF are relegated to the background or completely discarded.

Unfortunately, as a result, even human life itself falls into the section of concepts that do not satisfy the CSF (unimportant). In order not to lose the CHSV, a person is ready to go to any stupidity and even death. At the same time, CSV is destructive and, apart from the above-mentioned reassessment of oneself, does not bring significant changes in the abilities and life of a person. The main prerequisite for achieving the feeling of a warrior, as well as taking responsibility for one's actions and erasing personal history, is the loss of a sense of self-importance or greatness. The concept of CSF is highlighted in many books, especially in the third book, Journey to Ixtlan.

Thus, often using the concept of FSV on the Internet, the very concept of FSV has become a common Internet meme that characterizes people who overly demonstrate and exaggerate their importance and significance to others in the eyes of other people and the community as a whole.

Symptoms and characteristics of CSF

The characteristics and symptoms of CSF are:

  • excessive or exclusive narcissism and selfishness
  • exaggeration of one's talents and one's role
  • demonstrative behavior

Seeing such symptoms, one can confidently diagnose CSV in a person.

Aphorisms and phrases of people with CSV

People with CVD often use similar aphorisms and expressions:

  1. I'm D'Artagnan and you are all n*daras
  2. I don’t care at all, I do my job and the way I see fit (if pronounced out of touch with anything)
  3. I have +100500 edits for each post on the forum, while chatting
  4. I have a significant contribution to the articles, and you are a flooder and a troll
  5. etc.

How and when to use CSF

Most often, the CHSV was applied to such figures as Artemy Lebedev, Varraks, Katya Gordon, Yaroslav Zolotarev, Dimitri Podkovyrov, and so on. Also, CHSV is attributed to Wikipedia activists, who often made self-promotion in wiki projects - Ayuz, Pogrebnoy-Aleksandrov and Goldberg.

In his books, he describes it as a moral feeling of exaltation over someone or something, emphasizing the significance of himself and his actions. In other words, a sense of self-importance is self-evaluation. Since a person is usually constantly in this state, it prevents him from soberly assessing the situation and making the necessary decision. According to Castaneda's books, it is the feeling of self-importance that takes away most of our energy in everyday life, thus leaving it only to live according to social prescriptions and conventions.

It does not matter whether our sense of self-importance is positive or negative. The belief that you are a failure is as much an expression of self-importance as the belief that you are better than others. Overestimation of oneself, megalomania, arrogance and narcissism are identical in their main motivation to self-compassion, an inferiority complex, repentance and martyrdom. All these and similar motives imply that too much importance is attached to one's own person - at least enough to justify the daily madness that follows. A sense of self-importance puts blinders on us, reducing the world to selfish interests and allowing us to see only what is directly related to our person. This is the only way to explain how we manage to exploit nature and the people around us and at the same time complain about environmental pollution, social injustice and the widespread spread of selfishness. We are absolutely unable to observe the world and ourselves without making judgments about it, and come to a view of things in which we do not play any significant role, which in the vast majority of cases is true.

Loss of self-importance is the main prerequisite for achieving the state warrior, along with such as erasing personal history and taking responsibility for actions.

These prerequisites are explicitly highlighted in the third book, Journey to Ixtlan, where each item is devoted to a separate chapter. Other books also constantly mention the key role of the HRW in our limitations as human beings.

Loss of self-importance

The loss of CSV leads to the restoration of our primordial energy resources, which can be applied to the expansion of our perception of the world. Mankind used to think that self-esteem is an important element of personality, however, according to Castaneda, this is not so. A person without a sense of self-importance does not critically reduce self-esteem, but does not take it into account, and therefore it loses its meaning for him. Thus, the view of the world can be more conscious if this feeling is avoided. That's the concept

For the nagual Julian, self-importance was a monster with three thousand heads. And the one who entered into battle with her could defeat her in one of three ways. The first way was to cut off each of the heads in turn, the second was to achieve a mysterious state of being called the place of no pity, which destroyed its own importance, slowly killing it with hunger, the third was to pay for the immediate destruction of the thousand-headed monster with its symbolic death.

(Carlos Castaneda "The Power of Silence")

One of the ways to deal with CSF is to "use" petty tyrants, because the constant humiliation on their part allows you to train your control over this feeling.

To perceive this thing, the teacher of Carlos Castaneda - don Juan Matus - very correctly used the term feeling because importance is not some kind of moral inference, but only a sensation, a feeling.

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See what "CSV" is in other dictionaries:

    CHSV- a sense of self-importance CSV is a member of the family of a military man… Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    hsv- Abbreviation. It stands for "Feeling of Self-Importance". negative quality of a person. Theoretical maximum heart rate is 8500. For some, it goes over 9000. Don’t fuck off, lower your heart rate ... Internet slang ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

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