Class on art about the new year. Open art lesson "merry new year"


Lesson outline.

Teacher: Mitseykene Natalya Alekseevna.

Lesson topic:"Christmas tree".

Targets and goals:

    Introduce children to Christmas tree decorations (modern and antique);

    consolidate the ability to draw a Christmas tree branch and decorate it;

    develop imagination;

    connecting the drawings, get a big Christmas tree, then finish it together and complement it with decorations.

Demo material:

    Christmas decorations (modern and vintage),

    Artificial Christmas tree branches

    Christmas decorations,

    Illustrations with Christmas trees.

    The painted top of the Christmas tree with a tip on a sheet of A2 paper in light green color.


    sheets of A4 paper in light green color;



Lesson progress:

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

Here comes the winter holiday

We have been waiting for him for a year.

Fairy tale, funny

New Year holiday)

    "Do you like New Year's Eve?

    What do you like about him the most?

    What is the main decoration of the New Year holiday? (Christmas tree)

    How do you decorate a Christmas tree?

Today we have an exhibition of Christmas tree decorations and toys. These are the toys that decorate the Christmas tree these days, and such toys are produced by Christmas tree decoration factories. But Christmas trees were decorated with such toys before our grandmothers, when they were small. These toys are made of cardboard, paper, cotton wool, wire, fabric, wood. Here we see a fox on a sled, a bear skier, a crow, a hut on chicken legs and much more. These toys are not as bright as modern ones, but very interesting in content. Did you like them?

Look at the branches of the artificial Christmas tree! Do they look like the branches of a real Christmas tree? Branches are long, short, they have small branches. The longer the branch, the more small branches it has. The shorter, the less. We will draw Christmas tree branches and decorate them with toys.

Children sit two at a desk, one draws a long branch, the other a short one. One row draws a branch from left to right, the other from right to left. Children decorate the painted branches of the Christmas tree with toys.

Ready-made work is laid out by children with a teacher on a free table, picking up branches so that a Christmas tree is obtained. The middle can be glued with tape.

"Guys, look! We laid out the drawings, what did we get? What is missing from our Christmas tree? (Trunk) All together we draw a trunk. What else is missing from our Christmas tree? (tops)

The teacher attaches a pre-drawn crown.

“Now, to make our Christmas tree even more elegant, let's draw garlands, tinsel, beads. We got a big elegant Christmas tree. We will hang it in the corridor in front of the music hall to decorate the kindergarten for the New Year. All kindergarten children and their parents will admire the Christmas tree.”

Abstract of the lesson in fine arts "New Year's Tale", grade 3-4

Compiled by: Stepanova Tatyana Sergeevna, teacher of fine arts, Debesskaya secondary school, Debesy village, Udmurt Republic.
This summary will be useful to teachers of additional education, teachers of fine arts for the design of the New Year's exhibition of drawings at school. The lesson is designed for grades 3-4 (for children 9-12 years old).
Lesson objectives:
-by content: know about the composition of New Year's drawings, about ways of conveying a festive mood, about New Year's images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden; about the features of his drawing;
- according to the way of work: to master the techniques of depicting a portrait of a fairy-tale hero using the “from the spot” drawing technique.
- to cultivate a careful attitude to holidays and traditions, to New Year's heroes - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden;
- cultivate a love for creativity;
- to continue the formation of knowledge about the ways of conveying mood through colors, facial expressions, movements of people and animals;
- to develop the ability to compare and make a choice, to give an aesthetic assessment of the works of artists;
- develop fantasy and imagination, skills of independent creative thinking;
- develop the ability to work with various artistic materials.
Visual and didactic materials: children's New Year's drawings, presentation.
Literary series: poem by M. Azariyants "Soon, soon the New Year ...".
Equipment For the teacher: samples of children's New Year's drawings, computer, projector, board, presentation. For students: gouache, watercolor, brushes, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, simple pencil, eraser, sparkles, tinsel, rain, A3 format.

Lesson progress:
A Christmas background is projected onto the screen (slide 1).

- Hello guys! Listen to this beautiful poem:

Soon, soon the New Year.
It's snowing outside the window.
Sparrows tremble under the roof,
Misha sleeps sweetly in the lair,
Frost crackles at night
Pinches finches by the nose.
Trees lined up
Change forest outfit.
Hats, snow coats
On golden garlands.
Soon, soon the New Year.
Laughter, a round dance at the Christmas tree.
Santa Claus with a big bag
He walks through the forests.
The stars shine bright for him
He has gifts in a bag.
Mandarins, oranges
For the children of the country of Russia.
Waffles, apples, lemons
And millions of nuts.
Hurry New Year
The kids are waiting.

(M. Azariyants)

Guys, do you already have a New Year's mood? Are you waiting for the New Year?

Of course you are waiting! This is very cool, because it brings us joy, gifts, magic, congratulations from family and friends! But in order for the New Year holiday to turn out to be bright and cheerful, you need to prepare for it! For example, choose or make your own gifts for family and friends, it can be a holiday card or a New Year's drawing, a bright fairy-tale craft decorated with tinsel and sparkles, or a New Year's toy for the Christmas tree! A handmade gift is valued much higher than a gift bought in a store, because it is made from the heart, diligently, and we put our imagination and our New Year mood into it! Truth?

So, today we will try to give a drop of our New Year's mood to all teachers and children who study at our school! But how do we do it? It's very simple - we will draw bright, colorful New Year's drawings and decorate the New Year's Fairy Tale exhibition at school! But before we get to work, we need to remember what our Russian Santa Claus and the beautiful Snegurochka look like! Do you remember? After all, the New Year without them cannot be magical and joyful! A discussion arises, the children discuss the image of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Well done boys! But it's still better to see them clearly! Look at the screen! (Slide 2. The image of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden).

- Guys, how can you characterize them? What clothes are Santa Claus and Snow Maiden wearing? What hairstyle do these characters have? How are their moods conveyed?

Well done boys! But after all, not only Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can be depicted in the New Year's drawing! What else can you draw?

Of course, a decorated New Year's fluffy Christmas tree, gifts, a symbol of the year 2018 - a dog, various animals and birds, children and adults. Let's see how the artists depicted the New Year on their canvases! (slides 3, 4, 5). Photos of artists' works: "Before the holiday" and "New Year" Rybakova Irina; "New Year" Alexander Guryaev.

- How is the New Year depicted in the works of artists? How is the New Year mood conveyed?

Well done! The New Year's mood is conveyed through the color scheme of the picture, through the facial expressions of people's faces, their gestures, movements.

And now let's see some children's New Year's work! (slide 6).

- Children's works are distinguished by brightness, emotionality, joy, naivety! And what kind of work will we get with you! Let's try to portray the "New Year's Tale" and convey the festive mood! First you will need to make a sketch with a simple pencil, then work in color. The material can be chosen according to your desire - it can be gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons. And the final stage is decorating the work with sparkles, tinsel, rain, you can use cotton wool to make voluminous snow! Let's get to work!

Practical work. Students draw drawings on the theme "New Year's Tale" on A3 format (the material is provided for the choice of children - gouache, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, watercolor). The teacher controls the work, advises, directs in the right direction, points out mistakes, demonstrates the best work of students. You can turn on New Year's music for mood (at the teacher's choice).

Guys, well done! Now that you have finished the work, you can start decorating an exhibition at our school and convey the New Year mood to others!

Summary of the lesson: designing an exhibition of children's works at the school stand of creativity together with children.

I don’t know about you, but my New Year’s mood appears already in November. And this is good. After all, by the New Year you need to do a lot: decorating the house, postcards, gifts ...Therefore, preparation should begin in advance!

And the question arises what to draw for new year to please your friends and loved ones?

We have collected 25 ideas for New Year's stories for you. Useful for postcards, wall newspapers, pictures for gifts. Choose the ones you like and draw with inspiration! And reference pictures will help to achieve the expected result :)

25 ideas what to draw for the New Year:

1. Christmas tree

New Year can be imagined without serpentine, sparklers, even tangerines, but if there is no festively cleaned Christmas tree, consider that the holiday did not take place!

Drawing a Christmas tree is very easy! In this case, you can use the simplest images that even children can do.

2. Santa Claus

And what is the New Year without Santa Claus?

Red nose, rosy cheeks, beard, and most importantly - a red sheepskin coat and a bag of gifts!

3. Snowflakes

Do not expect snowfalls and blizzards - you can draw beautiful snowflakes!

Is it difficult to come up with an openwork pattern? Then find on the net a few options you like for the queries “paper snowflakes” or “snowflake templates” 🙂

4. Snowman

The snowman is a fairly popular character in New Year's and winter scenes.

And drawing it is quite simple: a couple of round ones, a nose with a carrot, twig handles, and all other attributes are a flight of your imagination!

Can't draw people? The snowman will completely replace them! Can do everything like a human: give gifts, skate, laugh and dance.

? MK in pictures!

The history of the creation of the first snowman, according to an old legend, takes us back to 1493. It was then that Michelangelo Buonarotti, a sculptor, poet and architect, made the first snow figure. But the first written mention of a beautiful huge snowman is found in one of the books of the 18th century. The 19th century was marked by a “thaw” in the relationship between man and snowmen. These winter beauties become good heroes of holiday fairy tales, integral attributes of New Year's cards.

5. New Year (Christmas) wreath

Decorating the house with a Christmas and New Year wreath is a very beautiful custom that came to us from Western countries. Christmas wreaths have become a popular interior decoration in recent years.

“Weave” hand-drawn New Year’s wreaths from fir branches or holly, add red “Christmas star” flowers, fruits, ribbons, beads, Christmas decorations. In composing compositions, there is room for fantasy to roam.

By the way, you can decorate a wreath not only with the usual New Year decorations, but also with everything that your imagination can tell you. For example - dried flowers, cones, berries, fruits, vegetables, cinnamon sticks, spices, citrus peel cut in a spiral, cayenne pepper, tangerines, apples, flowers, sweets, sweets, Christmas cookies.

More interesting and useful information about drawing
from the artist Marina Trushnikova

You will find in the electronic magazine "Life in Art".

Get journal issues to your e-mail!

6. Socks for gifts

Do you know where the tradition of hanging socks on fireplaces for gifts came from?

According to legend, the poor man was worried that his daughters would not marry because he did not have a dowry for them.

Saint Nicholas, learning about their plight, wanted to help them. On Christmas Eve, after the girls had hung their stockings on the fireplace to dry, he threw some gold coins into the house's smoker. The coins landed in the stockings and filled them up.

As word of this spread, other people began to hang stockings in the hope that they would receive gifts.

It is interesting:

7. Gingerbread cookies and gingerbread

Perhaps the most appetizing plot of our New Year's selection!

Every housewife will surely have molds in the form of stars, houses, hearts ... They can be used not only in baking, but also in drawing :)

By the way, if you have a proven recipe for cookies - share in the comments!

8. Atmospheric cups

If you are not familiar with my course

In one of the lessons we draw a cute watercolor scene with cups. Such a sketch will be a great addition to a gift for mom, sister, girlfriend, someone with whom you want to have a heart-to-heart talk over a cup of tea or coffee ...

9. Christmas balls

Christmas balls are one of the most common subjects for New Year's cards.

They can be drawn very simple, flat, with an emphasis on the pattern. And you can, if you know how, in all their beauty of glassy brilliance.

10 Holly And Poinsettia

red bright poinsettia flower resemble a star. This plant blooms in winter. Therefore, poinsettia flowers began to be called the stars of Bethlehem.

Holly (holly)- one of the most common Christmas plants. It is believed that the holly reveals its magical properties just before Christmas, bringing health, love and prosperity to the house.

11. Christmas cupcakes (cupcakes)

12. Mittens

Knitted mittens are a very cozy winter accessory. For those who want to warm the warmth of their hearts!

13. Skates

A pair of skates can not only brighten up a winter weekend, but also become an unusual element of New Year's decor or decorate a greeting card with an unusual idea!

14. Sledge

And how do you like this plot with winter sleds? And gifts can be stacked on them, and a winter character can be taken for a ride.

15. Gnomes, elves

Little men in red caps open the door to the world of magic and fairy tales!

16. Angels

The image of an angel will effectively decorate your gift and emphasize the sincerity of your wishes. By the way, from the ancient Greek language the word "angel" is translated as a messenger, a messenger. Let your holiday pictures and New Year cards bring good news and cheer up!

Are you new to watercolor? Would you like to see how such images are created?

Would you like to draw postcards with winter angels following the artist?

Master class "Angel of Christmas" for you!

As a result of this video tutorial, you will draw 3 beautiful Christmas (New Year) images.

Use them for postcards or frame them.

17. Snow globe

Snow globes are exquisite souvenirs for Christmas and New Year.

A figurine is usually placed in the center of the ball: a snowman, Santa Claus or a famous landmark. By shaking such a ball, you can see how snowflakes fall.

I just love them...

18. Bells, bells

Santa Claus and Santa Claus cart bells are a good option for a simple image. (This is if you don’t know how to draw deer and horses ..)

And just a bell is a very good decoration, often found in the New Year theme.

19. Gifts

Do you like beautifully wrapped gifts? Or do you pay more attention to content?

In any case, a mountain of bright holiday boxes with colorful bows is a great idea what to draw for the New Year!

20. Lanterns

A pleasant flickering light in the night, against the backdrop of snow - it's so romantic and beautiful! And, again, simple!

21. Winter landscapes with houses

Even if we live in a metropolis, then for some reason we have a symbol of home comfort - such a snow-covered house with a friendly burning window ...

Well, then we will please ourselves and friends with such festive houses!

Topic: New Year and its features.

Lesson objectives: to acquaint children with the history and traditions of the New Year holiday in different countries; learn the names of Santa Clauses in different countries of the world; develop clear and well-delivered speech; cultivate love for the traditions of their people.

Planned results: learn the history and traditions of the holiday, remember the names of Santa Clauses in different countries; give correct and complete answers.

Equipment: multi-colored crayons, cards with tasks for the material covered.

Preliminary work: decorate the class in the New Year's style, prepare task cards.

Lesson plan:

I. organizational part.

II. Reinforcing a previous topic. Checking homework.

III. Notification of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. New material.

v. Fizkultminutka.

VI. Consolidation.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

VIII. House. exercise.

During the classes

I. Organization of the class, checking the readiness for the lesson. The children read the quatrain in unison.

The lesson starts
He will go to the guys for the future.
I'll try to understand everything
Interesting to know.

II. Consolidate students' knowledge of the previous topic. Check homework.

III. Introduce the topic and objectives of the lesson. Today we will hold an unusual lesson (if possible, decorate the class in a New Year's theme). Look around. Do you like how our class is decorated? What do you think, what holiday are we talking about today? That's right, the topic of today's lesson is "New Year and its features." We will talk about this long-awaited holiday, which is loved by both adults and children. We learn his story, where he came to us from. Let's remember New Year's traditions and many more interesting things.

IV. Learning new material. The teacher reads the poem "New Year" by N. Naidenova.

Frequent forest,
Blizzard field
The winter holiday is upon us.
So let's say together:
"Hello, hello, New Year!"
Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree
Our tree is dressed up
The lights on her lit up.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
There are masks here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together
Hello, hello New Year!

Guys, who came up with this fun holiday and where did it come from? In ancient times, our ancestors celebrated it on March 1. People lit the lights on the Christmas trees in the form of candles, with the hope of a good harvest in the new year. When the people adopted the Christian faith, the holiday was moved to the first day of autumn - September. And only in 1700, by decree of Tsar Peter I, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on January 1.

What New Year traditions of our people do you know about? The main tradition is the decoration of the Christmas tree. This green beauty is dressed up with balls, garlands, luminous lanterns, cones, sweets, toys. The tree is a symbol of the New Year holiday. Another tradition is to fireworks at 12 o'clock at night, it is at this time that everyone wishes each other happiness in the new year. It is also customary to celebrate this holiday with your family. Adults and children put on beautiful clothes and carnival masks and have fun near the elegant Christmas tree. They sing songs, dance, play games and eat delicious meals at the table.

And who can tell how the New Year is celebrated in other countries?

In England, people open the back door to the beat of the clock so that all bad weather leaves the house, and with the last blow they open the front doors and let good luck, prosperity, and health come in.

The Hungarian people at midnight loudly play pipes, whistles, horns. They believe that it helps to expel evil spirits from the house.

Germans of all ages climb onto chairs, sofas, armchairs and, with the onset of the holiday, jump to the floor. They say it helps you jump into the new year clean and sinless.

Italians at the last minute of the old year throw out unnecessary dishes, things, furniture into the street. This allows them to get rid of bad energy.

In Spain, it is customary to eat 12 grapes and make 12 wishes.

In Scandinavia there is a tradition of grunting under the table, the Scandinavians claim that this helps them get rid of illness and bad luck.

But in China, the New Year is not celebrated on the first of January, the celebration is scheduled on different days. The main feature of the Chinese New Year is the decoration of houses and streets with small lanterns. And the children draw their sword on a piece of paper and before going to bed, put it under the pillow.

In India, the New Year is called Gudi Padva, on this day Indians must eat the leaves of the neem-nim tree.

Bulgaria is a country where the smallest member of the family reads poems to guests, sings songs, gives souvenirs that he takes off the Christmas tree.

For relaxation, children are invited to play the game "Who is more." Divide students into two teams, in turn they name words that can be attributed to the New Year. The team that stops last wins.

Children, and without whom there is no New Year's holiday? What does he look like? And who is his assistant? What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain - this is Santa Claus. He differs from our clothes, he always wears a red jacket with white fur and trousers.

There are two of them in Sweden: Yultomten and Yulnissaar, they reward obedient children and leave gifts for them under the window.

And in France there are also two Santa Clauses: Pere Noel and Chalande. The Befana fairy flies to Italian children on New Year's Eve.

In Romania - Mosh Krechun. Finland is famous for Joulupukki, he is always in the retinue of gnomes. In Estonia - Yiuluvana.

And the guys from Uzbekistan are looking forward to Corbobo, who arrives on a donkey.

All Santa Clauses are different in appearance, but they all give New Year's mood, joy, fun and long-awaited gifts.

The game "Let's draw a Christmas tree." Children are divided into two teams and take turns going to the board to draw one element of the Christmas tree. The team whose New Year's beauty will be more elegant wins.

v. Fizminutka. Children are invited to play the game "Mother Winter". The teacher reads and shows what to do.
Mother winter has come
Everything was covered in a blizzard.
(wave-like movements with the hands in front of you)

We will go through the snowdrifts
Through the dense forest.
(walking with high knees)

Suddenly they saw titmouse
We waved to them wave a pen)

And the titmouse blinked at us,
And flew away for the pines
(wave both hands)

Snowflakes suddenly flew
Like light fluff
(imitate falling snowflakes with fingers)

Turned around with us
They started dancing with us
(spin in place)

Hands clapped
(clap 4 times)
feet stomped
(stomp 4 times)

They ran up to the tree together
And Hurray!!! They screamed at her.
(we approach the Christmas tree - cheers !!!)

And now we all the people,
Let's say together...

Everyone knows that the best gift is a handmade gift. Having spent quite a bit of time, you can create a beautiful exclusive picture or postcard of the New Year theme, drawing on the ideas from our article.

It will be about how:

Landscape is perhaps the easiest option if you decide to draw a beautiful winter drawing. Where to begin? Of course, with the choice of technology:

  1. Pencil or crayons. The most ideal option for the first attempt, since it does not require serious financial investments. In addition, with a pencil, you can create New Year's drawings or postcards by 2018 simply on a landscape sheet.
  2. Graphic arts. At first glance, everything is simple. All you need is a simple pencil. But, in practice, this technique can be much more difficult, since every stroke is important here.
  3. Watercolor. In every house where there are children, there are inexpensive watercolors with which you can draw excellent winter-themed drawings for the New Year 2018.
  4. Acrylic. This is a tougher option. These paints can be painted on canvas. They dry quickly. But, be careful, because acrylic can cause allergic reactions.
  5. Oil- the choice of professionals. Such a picture, painted on canvas, will please the eye for many years.

We offer you to watch a master class of creating a winter landscape.

You can buy canvas today in specialized stores.

What to draw? Most often, the drawings dedicated to the New Year are winter nature, village houses, snow-covered treetops, and in 2018 the landscape can be supplemented with the image of a dog.

We draw New Year's characters

What a festive drawing or postcard without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! Do not worry, even if you do not know how to draw people beautifully. Drawing cartoon characters is not at all difficult. Here are some quick sketches of the main characters. Professional advice will help you create beautiful New Year's drawings in 2018.

We also suggest watching a video that shows you step by step how to draw Santa:

It is convenient that in the analysis the drawing is shown on a sheet in a box. If you are just learning to draw, draw a barely noticeable sheet - this will make the task easier.

The youngest artist will enjoy coloring New Year's pictures with Santa, Father Frost, Snegurochka and other characters of the New Year holidays.

Any drawings of New Year's characters you like, you can simply save to your computer, print and color as you wish.

We draw a dog - a symbol of 2018

An invariable element of many New Year's drawings in 2018 will be the symbol of the year - the dog. Although, according to the eastern calendar, the red earthen dog will become the patron of the year, for a postcard or picture, you can choose a representative of any breed, based on individual preferences.

Not so long ago, a cartoon about the life of pets that appeared on TV screens added a couple more cute faces to the army of favorite children's characters. Thinking through interesting New Year's drawings for the upcoming year of the dog, in 2018 you can use new characters - Max, Mel, Gidget and Buddy.

Also look at the video for a detailed analysis of how to draw Max:

We also offer to download any of the dogs you like and use it when creating your own New Year's picture:

We also offer ideas for original New Year's cards from a video that details how to create a do-it-yourself jet gift.

Create a digital postcard on a computer

The year 2018 is just around the corner, which means it's time to master not only pencils and paints. And graphic editors. In practice, creating a beautiful postcard or drawing original New Year's drawings using a PC is much easier than learning how to draw people and animals with a pencil.

To create electronic cards and drawings, in which, by the way, you can add photos or images of your favorite characters, you can use programs such as:

  • Paint is the simplest graphics editor built into Windows;
  • Avatan is an online version of the graphical environment that allows you to process photos, create collages and various postcards;
  • Online Photoshop is a free online version of one of the most popular raster graphics editors that does not require installation of the program.

Of course, you can install the full-fledged Adobe Photoshop CS6 and get a lot of features. But, be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to master the program.

We suggest starting with a simple postcard with a photo, which will take only a few minutes to create a cat:

Of course, in this program, you can create a wide variety of New Year's drawings by loading the background of the postcard and adding various stickers after (do not forget that 2018 is the year of the dog), inscriptions and effects.

Try it and you will surely succeed!

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