Activity is entertainment. Abstract of a musical lesson "there are different sounds" Abstract of a musical lesson in the garden


The structure of a music lesson for children

Teaching a child music will be successful if the teacher has chosen the right approach to building music lessons. In short, classes that use different types of activities are considered effective for preschoolers, using a game technique. With the correct construction of music lessons, a systematic and comprehensive development of children is carried out, aimed at achieving the goals set. At the same time, it is interesting for kids to fulfill the tasks of a teacher, they are happy to get acquainted with new material, acquiring new and useful skills, abilities, knowledge.

Types of music lessons

Before starting music lessons with a child, the teacher must determine the type of this lesson, which will help to choose the further structure and sequence of work.

Types of music lessons


Individual work and work with subgroups It is more often used in classes with younger preschoolers who find it difficult to work in large groups. The duration of such classes is 5-10 minutes, the frequency is 2 times a week. For the effectiveness of individual lessons, they combine different types of activities, use game techniques, bright visual attributes. Individual lessons may be needed not only for children who are lagging behind their peers: often such work is aimed at developing and improving specific musical abilities, at learning to play musical instruments. Working with subgroups is appropriate when several children show interest in one musical activity.
Front lessons They cover all types of musical activities, are held with the children of the whole group.
Dominant occupations Dominant occupation is relevant for the development of a specific musical ability, and consists in the dominance of one of the types of musical activity:
  • perception of music;
  • singing;
  • musical and rhythmic movements;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • children's musical creativity.
Thematic work Thematic classes include the use of all types of musical activities, united by a common theme. There are 3 types of such classes: actually thematic (can be held instead of a matinee), musical and thematic, where the topic of the lesson is directly related to music (for example, "Dynamics", "Timbre in music", etc.), and plot, which is combined a single theme and has a common storyline.
Complex classes They contain various types of art and artistic activities, more often they are frontal, carried out with a group of children. The purpose of the comprehensive lessons is:
  • to introduce children to the specifics of various types of art;
  • focus on the features of artistic means of different types of art;
  • to teach to convey their thoughts and moods through different activities.
The recommended frequency of such classes is once a month.
Model classes As a rule, various types of musical activities are used in typical classes. In practice, however, it turns out that no one type of activity is used during classes, for example, playing musical instruments. If this phenomenon is intermittent, then there are no violations in the organization of a typical lesson - this is the norm.

What are the requirements for a music lesson?

A good teacher, a professional in his field, when composing a musical lesson, must take into account generally accepted requirements:

  1. Physical, mental and emotional load of the child.
  2. The sequence of used types of musical activity and repertoire.
  3. The connection between the development of musical abilities, the development of skills and knowledge, learning the musical repertoire.
  4. Age characteristics of students, the presence and specifics of developmental disabilities.
  5. Correspondence of classes to educational tasks of musical development.

To a greater extent, the effectiveness of music lessons depends on:

  • educational material, its quality and content;
  • set goals and objectives;
  • characteristics of the child (age and individual);
  • methods, teaching methods;
  • professionalism of the teacher and his ability to communicate with the child.

The structure of a standard music lesson

A standard lesson for the development of a child’s musical abilities includes 4 main areas:

  1. Listening to music.
  2. Rhythm.
  3. Hearing development.
  4. Development of musical abilities.

With each new lesson, the material should become more complex and enriched with new information. However, do not forget about the repetition of the material already covered. In every musical lesson there should be novelty, surprise, an element of surprise. The teacher must carefully think through every second of the upcoming lesson, carefully prepare for it. In music classes, improvisation is welcome - it allows you to creatively approach the solution of tasks, which is very useful for the development of the child's cognitive processes.

In a musical lesson, different methods of musical activity should be used. In general, the structure of the lesson might look like this:

  1. Introductory part of the lesson: musical and rhythmic exercises. Task: set up the child for the lesson, develop dance skills, learn simple dance movements.
  2. Main part of the lesson:
    a) Listening to music. Task: to educate the child in the ability to listen to the melody and accompaniment that create artistic and musical images, to teach them to emotionally respond to the listened works.
    b) Singing and singing along. Task: to develop the child's singing skills, to promote the development of an ear for music, to teach to sing cleanly, without straining the voice, to correctly take and distribute the breath while singing.
    c) Musical and didactic games. The task is to introduce the child to musical instruments, their features and characteristics; develop the child's cognitive processes and musical-sensory abilities.
  3. The final part of the lesson. Game or dance of your choice. Task: to arouse in children an interest in classes, a desire to make music; deliver emotional pleasure from the actions performed, cause a feeling of joy.

Any musical lesson can and should be adjusted, adjusted to the necessary goals and objectives, taking into account the degree of assimilation of the studied material by the children and their psycho-emotional state. And the main thing to remember is that music should teach and develop the child's abilities.

What influences the effectiveness of a music lesson?

There are several rules that affect the success and effectiveness of music lessons with children.

  1. The teacher should think over the lesson in advance, carefully study it.
  2. The material should be appropriate for the age of the child, be consistent.
  3. Classes should include different types of musical activities.
  4. The presence of musical and pedagogical equipment in music classes is mandatory (musical toys and instruments, didactic games of a musical nature, sound and screen aids with special equipment, classical music recordings, costumes, attributes, and much more).
  5. It is important to use a game teaching methodology, moments of surprise.
  6. Classes should be emotionally rich, fun and interesting.

It is equally important that classes are held regularly. Nothing should distract the child while he is studying music, since lack of concentration negatively affects the perception and memorization of the material, which means that the lesson will be ineffective, while precious time will be wasted.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 6 of Leninogorsk" of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan

Abstract of a music lesson using ICT

"Sounds are different"


music director MBDOU №6

Yashkuzina Evgenia Vladimirovna

Topic: "Sounds are different"

Methods and techniques for implementing the content of the lesson:

Visual (slide snippetsmusical and noise sounds)

Verbal (A story about musical and noise sounds)

Practical (exercise, game, musical and rhythmic movements, perception of music)

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development:formation of children's readiness for joint activities, development of the ability to negotiate.

Cognitive development: consolidating children's knowledge of musical and noise sounds.

Speech development: Active vocabulary expansion (major, minor)

Physical development: Development of motor activity in dances and games

Age group : Older

Target : the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the sounds around us.


Educational tasks:

Enrich the musical impressions of children, create a joyful mood;

Bring children to the ability to convey elementary game images and their characters with movements, intonation.

Enrichment of vocabulary through words: sounds, noise, , glass, iron, wooden, rustling.

To teach children to distinguish between noise and musical sounds, to promote the assimilation of these concepts using game techniques.

Development tasks:

To develop auditory attention, logical thinking, creative abilities of children.

To develop rhythmic, tempo and pitch perception in children.

Develop coordination, switchability of movements.

Educational task:

Cultivate independence, activity, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Planned results

Formed ideas about the difference between musical and noise sounds.

Children are able to distinguish the sound of noise sounds from musical ones, independently change movements in accordance with the nature of the music, and take an active part in the game.

They know the names of musical instruments, express their emotions in the performance of songs, playing and dancing, distinguish between noise, sounds of nature and musical sounds.

Organization of the environment for the lesson (educational activities)


Recordings of noise sounds;

Recording fragments of the sound of musical instruments;

Cards for the game "Distinguish sounds"

- Children's musical instruments (drum, spoons, xylophone)

Paper or plastic bag, wooden stick, cloth;

- Butterflies, paper flowers according to the number of children;

- Notes of two colors yellow and blue.

Preparation for educational activities (at the lesson, in sensitive moments). Group viewing of presentations with illustrations of musical instruments familiar to children. Learning the counting rhyme for the game "We are going to look for sounds." Learning the text of the game massage "Druzhok".

Methodological material used

    Devyatova T.N. Sound is a magician: materials of the educational program on the musical education of children of senior preschool age - M. LINKA - PRESS, 2006

    Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers - M .: TC Sphere, 2001

    caplunovaTHEM.,NovoskoltsevaI. A."A holiday every day" Abstracts of music lessons with an audio application. Senior group - Composer, 2009

    Kochemasova E.E., Tyutyunnikova T.E., “Where does the sound come from?” - magazine "Musical palette", No. 5, 2006

    "Music Director", No. 5, 2006

6. Internet resources:

- http:// nsportal. en/ detskiy- sad/

- http:// www. solar. ee/ parents/ p11_07. html

- http:// www. moluch. en/ archive/91/19171/

Lesson progress

I. Organizational stage

Children enter the hall to the music of D. Lvov - Companion "Giants and Dwarves", perform movements according to the verbal explanation of the teacher. They stand in a circle.

Musical director: (sings) Hello guys!

Children: (sing) Hello!

Musical director:

Guys, today we will start our lesson with a fun exercise.

We guys are together

We run in place.

If there is no peace in the heart,

Loud foot stomping!

And another!

And now my good

Clap your hands loudly!

And sit down!

II. main stage

Musical director:

Guys, what are we doing now?

(Stomping, clapping, making noise).

Musical director:

How can these sounds be called? ( Noises).

Musical director:

Quite right. Let's be silent for a moment and listen to the sounds around us. Do you think this world is silent or not? (Answer). The world around us sounds. There are many sounds around us.

Tell me what sounds did you hear? (Answer)

That's right, it's all noise. Let's play. I will make noises, and you will guess.

Game "Guess the Noises" ( noises are heard behind the screen - the noise of crumpled paper, the sound of a pencil, the noise of a package.)

Noise sounds are non-musical sounds, including the voices of nature. What are you hearing now? (blizzard recording sounds)

What are you hearing now? (plays the metallophone ). These are also sounds, but what? Noise?(Answer). Sounds performed on musical instruments are called musical. Human singing also belongs to musical sounds.

Musical director:

How is noise different from music?

(Noise cannot be sung, played a musical instrument).

Musical director:

Did you know that noise sounds are very different. I suggest you play an interesting game. Want guys?

The game "Sounds we are going to look for" (Pedagogical technology "Sound is a magician", author T. N. Devyatova)

One, two, three, four, five!

We're looking for sounds!

plastic, wood,

Metal glass!

Children, pronouncing a counting rhyme, move after the leader through the hall, who brings them to various objects and knocks on them with a hammer, listening to the sound. Children determine by sound what type this sound belongs to. The game is repeated several times.

Musical director:

Let's repeat: what are the sounds.

Noise (noises, voices of nature ), musical(human singing, playing musical instruments )

Musical director:

And in order to find musical sounds in our hall, I want to invite you to sing a familiar song. Just where did she go?? How do you think? (pretends to be looking) ( children's responses).

The 2nd slide shows a ladder consisting of 7 steps.

Musical director:

And I think I know where the song is...

Look, a ladder is shown on the screen, but the ladder is not simple - but musical and our song hid on it. But in order to guess it, you need to go through all the steps and each will have a task for you. If we can handle them, we can guess and sing our song.

Musical director:

Well, guys, let's go look for our song?

Musical director takes the first note on which the task is written.

Need an accompaniment

To make the song sound

Tools to take

Play the story with them.

Musical director: Interesting task!

I want to tell you a story, listen to it.

Tells a fairy tale, images of tools and objects appear on the 3rd slide in accordance with the text.

hare in the forest (E. Zheleznova, S. Zheleznov "Music with Mom")
Once upon a time there lived a cowardly hare. And this hare was afraid of everything.

One day he left the house. I didn’t even have time to take three steps, and the hedgehog suddenly rustled in the bushes!

(rustling paper)

The hare was frightened and run away.

He ran, ran, sat down on a stump to rest, and a woodpecker on a pine tree would knock!

(Knock on a piece of wood with a stick)

The hare took off running.

(Knocking wooden spoons on the drum (quickly)

He ran, ran, ran into the very thicket, and there the owl flapped its wings.

(We stretch the fabric with our hands)

A hare ran from the forest to the river

(Knocking wooden spoons on the drum (quickly)

And the frogs were sitting on the shore.

They saw a hare - and jumped into the water.

(Run a xylophone with a stick)

Here the hare stopped and said:

But there are animals that are afraid of me, a hare!

He said so and boldly galloped back into the forest.

(Knocking wooden spoons on the drum (slowly)

Guys, why did tools and objects appear on the slides when I was telling a fairy tale? (children's responses).

On the table you see the tools, go to them and take them. Now I will tell the story again, and you will voice it.

Be careful, you need to start playing your part as soon as your instrument appears on the slide. To make a fairy tale beautiful, you need to listen carefully and play the instruments rhythmically.

The fairy tale sounds again, but accompanied by a musical orchestra.

Musical director: Mgood fellows! And what sounds met in our fairy tale? (Musical and noise)

At this time, a ladder appears on the 4th slide, a picture is drawn on it, which shows the first phrase of the song.

Musical director: ahere is the first clue to our song. So, we have completed this task.

Takes 2 notes.

Musical director:

Did you know that musical sounds are sad and cheerful, otherwise they are called major and minor. Major sounds - they are always joyful, cheerful, bright. And minor sounds - they are sad, sad, plaintive. Guys, in order for us to find out the next clue to our song, we need to complete the following task - listen carefully to the music and convey its mood with movements, facial expressions, gestures.

Active listening to music "Major or minor?".

To cheerful music, children jump, dance, laugh, and to sad music they walk with their heads down.

Musical director: Do you think we did our job? (Answer). If a hint opens, it means that we completed the task correctly.

At this time, a ladder appears on the 5th slide, on the second step a picture opens with the image of the second phrase to the song.

Musical director: Done, well done!

Musical director: ANDHere is the second phrase of our song. So, we have completed this task. Well, guys, do you want to know what task the next step has prepared for us? (Answers of children).

Let's calmly go to the chairs and listen to the task.

Takes 3 notes, reads the assignment

There are words, there are tools

Well, where is the melody?

You look at the diagrams

And find the tune.

(Slide 6 shows a stave on which animals sit).

Musical director: Look what an interesting scheme.

Please note that all animals are at different heights.. What do you think this could mean?(children's answers)

There are high and low sounds.(Slide 7 shows kittens) . If the kitties are upstairs, how would they sing these sounds? (Meow)(Dogs are shown on slide 8) . How do dogs sleep? (Bow-wow),(Cows are shown on slide 9) And how will the cow sing? (Mu). Who wants to sing according to these schemes?

Musical and didactic game "Sing sounds"

The figures of kittens, dogs and cows are arranged in pitch order. Children first one at a time, then sing schemes together.

A ladder appears on slide 10, the picture of which shows the third fragment of the song.

Musical director: The following hint appeared, what does this mean?(children's answers)

Takes 4 notes, reads the assignment

Musical director: Flowers bloomed in the hall, and butterflies sit on them. Go to the flowers and sit down near them, and put the butterfly on your finger.

Children take their places.

You all know that every song has musical phrases. Every musical phrase has a beginning and an end. Listen! (waltz sounds) Very similar to the flight of a butterfly. At the beginning of the musical phrase, the butterfly takes off, and at the end of the musical phrase, it sits on the flower.

To hear the beginning and end of a musical phrase, What do we have to do?(children's answers)

Yes, you need to listen to the melody very carefully so that your butterfly takes off and sits down in time.

Game exercise "Musical flight"

( T.V. Rogatkin. Synthesis of arts: the road to childhood, or a new change in pedagogy. Music and mood. Musical director - 2006 No. 5)

Each child has a butterfly on the back of his hand, which is attached to one or more fingers with the help of an elastic band. There are paper flowers on the carpet, on which butterflies will fall. Children raise their hand at the beginning of a musical phrase and lower it to a flower at the end of a musical phrase.

waltz joke (music by D. Shostakovich)

At this time, a ladder appears on the 11th slide, and the image of 4 fragments of the song.

Musical director: ANDHere is the fourth phrase of our song. So, we have completed this task.

Takes 5 notes, reads the assignment

Musical director: Well, now it's time for some fun kids!

Let's, we will perform a game massage "Druzhok".

Children perform a complex of playing massage "Druzhok" (Matyukhina M.V. "Health-saving technologies in a music lesson").

Children stand in pairs around the room.

I have these pens!They stand with their backs to each other, stroking their hands.


They clap loudly.Clap.

One two Three!

your hands tooThey turn to each other, stroking each other's hands.

Similar to mine.

It's good with you, my friend,Circling "boat".

Spin around with me!

I have such cheeks!They stand with their backs to each other, stroking their cheeks.


I'll pinch them a little.Cheeks sting easily.

One two Three!

your cheeks tooThey turn and rub each other's cheeks.

Similar to mine.

Good on you, friend.Circling "boat".

Spin around with me!

I have such ears!Stand with their backs to each other, massage the earlobes.


I'll break them down slowly.Rub your ears with force.

One two Three!

your ears tooThey turn to each other, tugging at each other's ears.

Similar to mine.

It's good with you, my friend,Circling "boat".

Spin around with me!

At this time, a ladder appears on the 12th slide, and the image of the 5th fragment of the song.

Musical director: ANDHere is the fifth phrase of our song. So we are almost there.

Musical director: Well, let's see the next task.

Takes 6 notes

Sounds are different

Everyone in the world knows this

There are not two or three

You try to distinguish.

Now let's do a little quiz. Each of you will have two cards. Notes are depicted on one, and cubes on the other. You will need to listen carefully to the sounds and determine whether they belong to musical or noise sounds. Well, that's ready. Then go ahead!

Didactic game "Distinguish sounds"

Various sounds sound in the recording, pictures are shown in parallel on 13, 14 slides, children choose the right card and show it. If the picture and sound refer to musical sounds, then they show a card with the image of notes, if they refer to noise, then with the image of cubes.

Musical director: ANDHere is the sixth phrase of our song. So, we have completed this task. We have reached level 7.

Takes 7 notes reads the assignment

You have reached your song

Well done, you did it!

Guess what song

Hiding on the stairs?

The teacher plays a melody, the children recognize it, call it.

The introduction sounds, the children go out in a circle, perform a familiar song.

Song "Kindergarten" Music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina.

The music director sums up.

III . The final stage.

You coped with all the tasks, well done, you were able to reach the song. And the song gives you notes. But look at the colorful notes. If you are in a good mood from today's meeting - take a yellow note, and if you were bored, not interested, take a blue note. I see that you chose yellow notes, but what seemed the most interesting to you? Tell me, did you learn something new today? Was it difficult for you? What was the most difficult task for you?

You didn't work in vain

All agree? Yes, we agree!

And now the time has come

We say goodbye kids.

Musical director : (sings) Goodbye, guys!

Children: (sing) Goodbye!

Children walk around the hall to cheerful rhythmic music, leave the hall to the group.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Petrozavodsk city district "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children No. 3" Mosaic "

/data/files/q1513161029.pptx ("Music Adventure")

(MDOU "Kindergarten No. 3)

music director of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 3"


Golub Svetlana Vladimirovna


Summary of the lesson "Musical Adventure"

Target - development of musical and creative abilities in preschoolers through the use of various types of musical activities.



To develop the musical and motor abilities of children (rhythm,coordination of movements, orientation in space);

To learn to see the beauty of autumn nature through listening to music, performing musical works and viewing paintings depicting autumn;

Continue to learn to sing the song "Autumn" in a natural voice;

To develop in children emotional responsiveness to music;


- to form a positive attitude of the child to the world around him, to himself;

Build communication skills;


Create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child;

Preserve and strengthen physical and mental health;

Equipment: piano, audio equipment, computer, projector, children's musical instruments, notes for children's awards, a glowing ball.

Repertoire: "March" F. Nadenenko, "Horsemen" Vitlin, "Pilots, to the airfield" M. Rauchverger, "Merry Train" Z. Kompaneets, "Autumn Song" from the cycle "The Seasons" P. Tchaikovsky, "Autumn" A. Arutyunov, folk melody "Russian tune", "Wattle" "Polka" Y. Chichkov, "March" N. Levy, "Prelude" excerpt Bach.

Lesson progress :

Children enter the hall to the march, find a friend for the second part of the music and stand scattered.

Muses. hand-l. What is "hello"? - best of words
Because "hello" means be healthy
Muses. hand sings up the triad: "Hello, children"

Children answer in a triad down "Hello"

Muses. hand-l: So that we can keep a good mood for the whole day, we will now sing a cheerful tryamdi song

Valeological "Tryamdi-song".
Children stand in pairs facing each other
Little fingers: thump, thump, thump! "hello" with fingertips
Drumming fingers: shake, shake, shake!
And now the palms: shake, shake, shake! The same with palms
Let's knock with our fists: shake, shake, shake! Same cams
In shake-tryamski we say:
The noses sniffled: shake, shake, shake! Touching each other with their noses
Spouts-pumps: shake, shake, shake!
And now we smiled, "Spring" smile
They jumped and turned around. Perform on the spot according to the text
We live in Tryam-tryamdia, they clap their hands
Let's sing songs: shake, shake, shake!

Children sit on chairs.

Muses. hand-l: in the morning, going to kindergarten, under the door I found this letter (shows) “Hello guys, how are you? I know that you and true friends are obedient. I want to invite you to visit, I will be glad to see everyone in a beautiful country where music alone rules!

Muses. hands-l: Do you agree to go to the world of music? (children's answers). And we will choose the vehicle together, but in order to see and hear better, we will do exercises for the eyes and ears.

Gymnastics for the eyes

We are gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Right, left, around, down,

Don't be lazy to repeat.

We strengthen the muscles of the eye.

We'll see better right away.

Self-massage of the ears

Rub your palms together to make them hot.Place your right hand on your right ear, left hand on your left ear. Rub your ears. We do it carefully. Take the earlobes and gently pull them down 3 times - one, two, three. Take the middle of the auricle and pull the ears to the sides - one, two, three. Take the top edge, pull up 3 times - one, two, three. Pinch the ears from bottom to top, from top to bottom. Well done! The massage is over - sit down. Now our ears are ready to listen, and our eyes are ready to look.

(Slideshow and listening to musical fragments "Horsemen" by Vitlin, "Pilots, to the airfield" by M. Rauchverger, "Merry Train" by Z. Kompaneyts). (Children decide what they will go on a trip, move in accordance with the music)

Muses. hand-l:And where did we get? (question mark slide)

And here's what I want to tell you.

Today, here, now

I am a musical fairy

I want to be for you!

(music director puts on "magic mantle with notes")

Muses. hand-l:

I am a fairy of music, friends,

Of course you recognized me.

Because every hour I

Day after day

I reappear in this room.

I live in a magical land

Where music only rules.

Always be friends with music

She only brings joy.

You are in musical country. There are 5 musical cities in this country. In each city, surprises and tasks await you, after completing which you will receive letters, from which you will add a word and find out who is the king of all tools

(slide "City of Rhythm", turn off the ball)

We ended up in the city of rhythm, this city is very important, because without rhythm there can be no music. And now I want to play a game with you « Rhythmic echo. I'll clap the rhythm, different for each, you listen carefully and repeat: children reproduce short rhythmic patterns after the teacher at a slow pace (at this stage, the correct reproduction of the rhythm without pauses, without disturbing the general movement).

Autumn has come to my musical kingdom too(slide), one of my favorite seasons. The beauty of Russian nature was sung in their works by Russian classical composers. Watching the autumn nature, we notice that autumn is not only dull, but also a beautiful time. What happens to nature in autumn?

Children's answers

Bottom line: Autumn - a blaze of colors in the forest and in the fields, the flight of birds. The forest is dressed in an autumn multi-colored dress. Golden leaves appear on the birch, yellow and crimson on the aspen. Falling leaves are stronger every day. The earth is covered with colorful paints. Let's all say a poem about autumn together.

Speech game with movements "Leaf fall"

Autumn! Autumn! Falling leaves!rhythmic clapping

Forest autumn caulking.Finger snaps

rustling red leavesRubbing palm on palm

And fly, fly, fly!shake hands

You correctly completed all the tasks and get the first letter (P)

Muses. hands: let's move on

( The music director waves a "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

One two three - magic ball show us the city

( slide "Music city", turn off the ball)

Muses. hand-l: In the musical city there are people who write music. What are they called? (children's answers) That's right, composers. With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of the great Russian composerP.I. Tchaikovsky (photo slide), who in 1876 wrote the musical album The Seasons. One of the works of this collection is "Autumn Song". This play is a Russian landscape filled with sadness. The words of A. Tolstoy were chosen as the epigraph to this work:

"Autumn. All our poor garden crumbles,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind ... "

Presentation "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky

After listening and watching, discuss what you saw, talk about music, what is it like?

Muses. hand-le: Now all together we will tell one more poem about autumn

"Rain" (game self-massage with singing)

Muses. hand-l: You spoke very interestingly about the music you heard, so you get another hint letter (A)

Muses. hand-l: Well, guys, it's time for us to go to the next city.

( The music director waves his "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

One two three - magic ball show us the city

(slide "City of dancing", turn off the ball)

Muses. hand-l: The magic ball took us to the city of dancing. All the inhabitants of this city are very fond of playing and dancing. And their favorite game is called "Musical Highchairs"

Game progress: the chairs are arranged in a circle with their backs to the center. Children are counted on 1-2-3, each number has its own melody. The driver stands near the circle. The teacher includes a waltz for a group of children under No. 1. Perform a waltz step in a circle after the leader.

A group of children under number 2 behind the leader perform a polka step.

A group of children under number 3 follow the leader in a round dance to Russian folk music. If a march sounds, then all the children stand up and march behind the leader. As soon as the music stops, the children quickly sit down on the free chairs. Whoever did not have enough becomes the leader.

Muses. hand-l: Enough, children, we play

We start dancing.

You look at the signs

And repeat the movements

"Pair dance" Croatian folk melody using mnemotables (see appendix)

Muses. hand-l: We had a lot of fun in the city of dancing, and you will learn another letter of your assignment (O).

But it's time for us to move on. Sit on chairs

(The music director waves his "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

(slide "Vocal City", turn off the ball)

Muses. hand-l: We are with you in the city of vocals. The word "vocal" comes from the Latin word "voice”, a voice, so singers and singers live here. You also all have sonorous and beautiful voices, therefore, in order to get one more letter, I suggest that we sing the song "Autumn" (sing a song).

Muses. hand-l: And in this city you completed the task, and you get one more letter (G). To find out the name of the king of instruments, we have to visit the last city, sit down on the chairs, we set off.

(The music director waves his "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

One two three - magic ball show us the city

(slide "City orchestra", turn off the ball)

Muses. hand-l: This is the last city of my musical country, the city of the orchestra. What does the word orchestra mean? (children's answers: a large number of people playing different instruments) (slide)

Musical guide: The first task: now Russian folk music will sound, you need to guess which instrument sounds."Russian tune"(while listening, children guess the instruments and their images appear on the slide)

Musical-director: You coped with this task. Guys, do you want to play music yourself?

autumn fairy tale

(speech game with musical instruments)

Quietly wandering along the pathQuietly beat the drum with their palms

Autumn in golden clothes.

Where the leaf will rustle,maracas

Where the rain will ring.Bell

There is a loud knock:Wooden sticks, cubes

It's a woodpecker - knock yes knock!

The woodpecker makes a hollowXylophones

The squirrel will be warm there. "Shurshalki"

The wind suddenly blew

rustled through the trees,

Howls louderTremolo drums

Collects clouds.

Rain-ding, rain-don!Bells, metallophones

A drop of a lively chime.

Everything rings, knocks, singsAll instruments

Autumn is bright!

Muses. hand-l: Get the last letter (H). If you put all the letters together, you get the name of the king of all instruments, not without reason we are in the city of the orchestra. (Stacking letters on an easel) It turned out the word "organ" (slide "organ") The organ is the largest, most majestic musical instrument. Very ancient and, perhaps, the most complex of all instruments existing in the world. The name of this tool comes from the ancient Greek word organon - that is, a tool or tool. The organ sounds with the help of pipes (slide) with a different timbre, air is blown into these pipes with the help of bellows. The pipes in the organ are different:(slide) wooden, metal, with and without tongues, thin and thicker. Therefore, the sounds are completely different.
Learning to play the organ is not easy. To extract sounds from this instrument, you need to use several keyboards at once (
slides) - manuals (these are keyboards for hands), and a pedal keyboard (for legs).
Among all musical instruments, it is the organ that occupies the first place in terms of its sound richness and expressiveness. And it is not for nothing that the organ is called the King of Instruments in the music world.

Let's listen to Bach's "Prelude" organ, excerpt

Muses. hand-l: So our journey has come to an end.But before we go back to kindergarten,You will tell us what you remember most about the lesson. (Children express their attitude to the lesson - reflection). And in parting, I want to thank you and give you funny notes, but, as you can see, they are all white. I want you to come back to the group and color your notes in the color that best suits your mood. Are we returning home?

(The music director waves his "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

One two three - magic ball bring us back to kindergarten(slide "Kindergarten", turn off the ball).

Well, we are with you in kindergarten.(Takes off coat). And I am no longer a Music Fairy, but a music director. Let's say goodbye.

Muses. hands-l: sings up the scale "Goodbye"

Children: sing down the scale "Goodbye"

Under the "March" Levy go to the group


Arsenevskaya O.N. The system of musical and health-improving work in kindergarten GEF Publishing house "Teacher" 2015.

Osovitskaya Z.E., Kazarinova A.S. Musical Literature. First year of study. M., "Music" 2000.

Parfenov I. house in Klin. Kurgan, 1990.

Under a big tent of blue skies. Poems of Russian poets. Sverdlovsk. Middle Ural book publishing house, 1982.

Tchaikovsky P. Seasons. M., Music 1974.

Vetlugina N.A., Dzerzhinskaya I.L., Komissarova L.N. Methods of musical education in kindergarten. M.: Enlightenment, 1982. -271.


Reading 11 min. Views 2.8k.

"Country of Good Deeds"
(for older preschool children)
Target: to teach children to determine the emotional state by external signs (facial expressions); to establish a connection between different feelings and the causes that cause them.


  • To consolidate the knowledge and ideas of children about the nature of music (cheerful, sad, angry); reflect the mood with movements, facial expressions, and gestures; to bring children to an understanding of the relationship between the nature of music and the means of musical expression.
  • Encourage kids to active creative manifestations in tasks and musical games.
  • To educate the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world by means of music.
  • To teach children to establish a connection between voice-creating movements and volumetric and spatial representations.
  • Development of children's auditory attention, speech breathing, purity of intonation; working out a clear articulation, "opening" the sound apparatus.
  • Improve your singing skills.
  • Enrich children with musical experiences.


  • tape recorder, cassettes with children's plays and birdsong;
  • didactic doll Bim-Bom,
  • musical and didactic manual "Magic Glade" with three seasons (summer, autumn, winter), chips - cards depicting animals (bird, hare, bear, wolf, hedgehog);
  • magic bag, heart, basket with "treats" for animals;
  • noise instruments, hammers - sticks.


Linguistic-rhythmic exercise “Walk” (“Free March”, music by V. Verkhovinets; “Under-dancing and high step”, music by V. Kosenko; “Smooth dance step”, music by B. Lyatoshinsky; “Butterflies”, music by S. Maikapar; "October", music by P. Tchaikovsky; "Elise", music by L. Beethoven; "Bunny", music by T. Lomovoi, "Winter Thunderstorms", music by P. Tchaikovsky; "Winter - Winter, music by D. Kompaniets, Our Garden, music by V. Gerchik.

Course progress.

(Children enter the hall, stand in a circle, greet with the musical language, that is, the music director sings: “Good afternoon, kids! Boys and girls!”

Children answer: "Good afternoon!"

Musical director: "To all guests, good afternoon!" (Good afternoon!))

Musical director: Children, do you like to do good to people? And why? (Children answer) Today we were visited by the famous merry fellow, kind man, magician - the clown Bim - Bom. Look how beautiful he is ... (Children look at the toy)
Did you like Bim-Bom? Let's show each other how the clown smiles (wide, even wider).

Articulatory gymnastics for the mouth "Smile".

Well done.
Guys, what do you think, how will Bim-Bom greet us? (cheerfully, smiling, loudly) Who will show? (Children are welcomed one at a time - sing or say): “Good afternoon, kids!”, “Everyone - everyone, good afternoon!” etc. All the rest with that facial expression answer: “Good afternoon, Bim-Bom!”. The music director pretends that Bim - Bom is saying something to him/)

Musical director: Bib - Bom really liked your congratulations. For your open hearts and kind smiles, he invites everyone to the Land of Good Deeds to introduce you to its inhabitants. Are you ready for an extraordinary adventure? So, let's go.

Linguistic-rhythmic game "Walk" (varieties of walking).

Musical director: Children go on a journey
They step on the grass
And a fun song
Everyone sings together (normal walking).

So that we do not crush the flowers
It is necessary to raise the legs (walking with high knees).

Carefully between the bushes
We walk with a snake (walking with a snake).
Let's go slowly and quietly
We do not make noise (easy running at an average pace with a transition on the go).

(Children perform various types of walking; they stop when the music ends. The music director offers to take a break.)

Musical director: I see we can't do without the help of a wizard. The road is long, and the forces will still be useful to us for good deeds. How will we get to Fairyland? (Children offer different types of transport. Bim - Bom seems to be whispering something to the music director.)

Musical director: Children, Bim-Bom invites us to continue the journey on a real cart. But where do we get it? (Bim - Bom gives a magic bag)
Yes, of course, Bim-Bom has a lot of magic hammers in his bag that will help you quickly make a wagon.

Linguistic-rhythmic exercise "Funny Hammers".

(Children sit on chairs and use hammers to convey the rhythm that the music director strikes, while simultaneously pronouncing rhyming lines.)

Children and music director:

Knock, knock, hammer,

Knock - knock, knock - knock - current,

Knock more cheerfully. Hit more precisely, a hammer.
This and this and this carnation

Knock-knock, knock-knock-tok,
Hit harder.

We made a cart.

Musical director: We made a good cart together, take your places:
Therefore, go on the road, consider everything carefully.

Exercise on onomatopoeia "We are going in a wheelchair."

(The exercise is performed at a moderate pace. Children independently select the sounds of the environment (the creak of a cart, the whisper of the wind, the rustle of leaves, the singing of birds, the gurgling of a stream).)

1. We are going in a wheelchair
On a visit to the fishing line. (Squeak - creak, creak - creak)

2. The breeze meets us, (Fu - fu - fu ...)
He plays hide and seek with the leaves. (W - w - w ...)

3. And the fun of the birds
They brought their songs. (Fit - fit, chiv - chiv, those - those ...)

4. A squirrel sits on a branch,
She can't wait to eat nuts (tsok - tsok - tsok ...)

5. Here the stream flows, gurgling,
He wants to run to the river. (brr-brr...)

6. We drove for a very long time,
Finally we arrived. Wow! (Together.)

(The music director opens 1 page of the didactic manual "Magic Glade". A soundtrack of bird singing sounds.)

Musical director: Guys, where did this cart bring us? So, to the magic meadow. Look how beautiful. Although it is a fierce winter outside, and flowers and butterflies are everywhere, everything is blooming.

Listening to the play by S. Maykapar "Moth".

Didactic game "Butterflies and flowers".

(Didactic game: music sounds - butterflies fly, music stops - butterflies sit on flowers. Children reflect the beginning and end of instrumental music with hand movements.)

Musical director: Children, is this play according to the mood? (light, mobile, cheerful.) If the music is cheerful, then the day should be “sunny” (children suggest). Let's help the sun get rid of the clouds.

Breathing exercise "Let's free the sun from the clouds."

(The exercise is carried out in order to improve speech breathing in children and develop a targeted air stream. Children blow on the cloud, the play “Butterfly” sounds again - the selected child independently moves the cloud from the sun on the stand, opens it.)

Exercise "Scientific Grasshopper".

(An exercise for the development of pitch hearing, determining the movement of a melody.)

Musical director: Oh, and who is jumping on the flowers here? Show yourself to the kids! .. Yes, this is a grasshopper cleared up. Children, this scientist's horse, jumps over the flowers, as he is told. Come on, skate, jump up to 3 flowers, and then down from here.

And now to the 5th flower and down again.

(Children at the “skok” warehouse accompany the singing with hand movements. The musical director plays a melody on the metallophone, the chosen child accompanies the singing with the movement of the skate through the colors.)

(The face of Bim-Bom changes from cheerful to sad.)

Musical director: Children, look at our Bim-Bom, for some reason he is very sad, he is about to cry. Buddy, what's wrong, why are you so upset? (pretends as if he is saying something).

Beam - Bom found a little chick in the grass. It has fallen out of its nest and is calling for its mother. (Sounds of a minor are heard.) Show me with your voice how a sparrow sings! (Children do the exercise and show with their hands).

Musical director: Let's help the sparrow get back to the nest? Then we take the bird in the palms and throw it up like this B X (high and fast with the “x” threshold).

Exercise "Help the sparrow."

(The main element of the exercise is an ascending intonation with a sharp transition from the chest "v" to the falsetto "v" register with a characteristic "fracture" of the voice "x".)

(At first, excited music sounds. The music director says that he does not understand what is happening, where did the strong wind come from and dispersed all the butterflies, the clouds covered the sun. Sad music from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky “October” sounds.)

Linguistic-rhythmic exercise "Rain Song".

(The exercise is aimed at developing rhythmic and melodic hearing (purity of intonation), automating sounds, freeing the lower jaw for free articulation.)

Musical director: It started to rain a little. Don't be scared, kids! Let's sing his song together with the rain, like this (sings high on one sound):
Those - those - those - those - those - those - yes,
I sing this song!

Musical director: And the rain still does not stop, but rather becomes even stronger and his song is now like this (sings low at one sound):
Knock-knock-knock, Knock-knock-knock,
We hear the sound of rain.

(The rain song is repeated several times so that the children can fix in memory the high and low
sound position.

The music director invites the children to show the song of a small and heavy rain with their tongue - to perform high and low clicks.)

Exercise "High and low clattering sounds."

(Children click their tongue, changing the shape of their mouth

Musical director: Everything, the rain stopped going, could not scare us. Pay attention, children, how the season has changed. Strangeness, instead of summer came ... (Children answer).

(The page changes. The play “October” sounds again. The music director invites the children to depict, using noise instruments from the Bim-Bom magic bag, the rustle of leaves, wind, rain ...)

Playing noise instruments, "Elise", music. L. V. Beethoven, in instrumental processing.

Musical director: Oh, look, children, someone hid behind a tree, apparently some kind of animal. Help me find her.

(Explain to the children that this is where there are several cards of animals. After listening to the music, you need to choose the card that the music tells about.)

Listening to the play "Bunny" by T. Lomova, from the cycle "In the Forest".

(The music director draws the attention of the children to the face of Bim-Bom, it is frightened. Behind the tree you can see the figure of a wolf.)

Exercise "Terrible Beast".

(An exercise to establish connections between voice-creating movements and volumetric-spatial representations, to develop speech hearing, purity of intonation. Children give a figurative description of the wolf: all gray, very angry - B, big scary eyes - UO, scary fangs - UOA.

(When the wolf disappears, Bim-Bom's face becomes cheerful again.

The soundtrack of music sounds. P. I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Dreams". The page changes to "Winter".)

Musical director: What a surprise, the time of the year has changed again. Around white - white, and under your feet you can hear how the snow rustles.

Articulation exercise.

(An exercise for the development of singing breathing, the “opening” of the articulatory apparatus. The exercise consists of a strong active pronunciation of consonants. The mouth is maximally open with up and down movements of the jaw.

In this position, a silent breath is made through the mouth and the use of the movement of the limbs of the hands. Hands rise to the level of the mouth, limbs open so that the fingers are spread and tense, palms are turned forward. Limbs work together with the pronunciation of consonants (w, s).

(The music director invites the children to warm up with a fun dance.)

Song - dance by D. Company "Zimushka - Winter".

Musical director: Look at this strange tent. Oh, be quiet, kids, this is a lair. The bear sleeps in winter and sees honey and sweet berries in a dream, he sucks his paw and “buzzes” - he asks very much to be given honey - “yum - yum - yum”.

Exercise "Buzzing".

(An exercise for the development of singing breathing, the release of the lower jaw for free articulation.
Starting position, the face is relaxed, the mouth is slightly open, the eyes are half-asleep. This is necessary to enable a relaxed voice register that does not have a fixed pitch.)

Musical director: What do you think, children, do all forest animals sleep in winter? (No.) Can you name those animals that need help in winter? (Children answer.)

(The teacher leaves a basket with gifts for animals: honey for bears, carrots for hares, cabbage, senets for deer, elk, grain for birds, nuts for squirrels.)

Musical director: Guys, Bim-Bom says that you are great, true friends, help in difficult times, and did not forget about the animals.
This is because, Bim-Bom, that in our kindergarten they teach kids never to leave friends in trouble, to help each other. We are all together - one friendly family and we know what kindness is. I invite everyone to sing a song of friendship together.

Song by V. Gerchik "Our Garden".

Musical director: For good deeds, as a real wizard, Bim-Bom awards you the honorary title of "Good Wizard". Stand together under his silver rain. And Bim-Bom, in memory of today's meeting, gives you this heart, may it always warm everyone with its warmth.

(Children thank Bim-Bom for the gifts, say goodbye and leave.)

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