Sagittarius woman in love: a characteristic of the sign. Love and sexual horoscope about Sagittarius women


Characteristic - a Sagittarius woman in love includes the features of her behavior in a team, society, in public, and most importantly - in relationships with men, the style of her clothes, the manifestation of her charisma, which men she likes and which men she likes.

What does a Sagittarius woman look like?

The Sagittarius woman is restless, unbridled, cheerful, enthusiastic at best, unpredictable at worst.

You seem to be an open person, an idealist and a friend to one and all.

Men admire your direct approach, it makes a strong man put up with your anxiety and idealistic outlook on love and life.

When you appear at a party or in a restaurant, women are outraged by your optimism or flirtatiousness with ambiguous hints. But men will be drawn to you as if you were the only woman in the world.

You thrive around people, but you quickly get bored if you are not entertained or if you are not entertained yourself.

You love to play romantic games and catch your luck.

It seems that you get out of the situation with all sorts of tricks and tactics. And if you really promised a man that you would meet him at eight, then either you are deeply in love with him, or you have forgotten how unlikely it is that you will be there on time.

Freedom is above all for you, and you hate it if you are considered just a piece of furniture.

Rather, you make a date with a man, and not he you. And if you find someone you can trust, you'll think you've met the man of your dreams. So it will be, but until you find someone else to dream about.

You are like a faucet, turning the enchantment on and off to match yourself. Excitement beckons, and routine sex tires you with insensitivity.

You are an obvious romantic, so be proud of it.

Sagittarius woman charisma

The Sagittarius woman is an inspiring, light, free woman and a convinced optimist.

If you don't ask questions, you philosophize about everything.

You radiate an aura of self-confidence and amazing humor. Men can't resist your inspiring words, your independent motivation and self-confidence.

You are a talkative being. Without words, you go on a crusade or travel in search of new sensations; with words, you instantly fall in love with something or someone you meet along the way.

You tend more than any other sign of the Zodiac to fall in love in new places, with strangers on trains, buses and subways.

You radiate such an upbeat aura that men instantly feel at ease in your company.

The way you project yourself in a relationship with a man either aligns with your inner values ​​and desire to be yourself, or sends you into exaggeratedly romantic scenarios. It depends on other planetary influences in your horoscope and on your level of self-knowledge.

You intuitively find yourself in the right place at the right time to ensure that you meet the next Mr Right.

What type of men do Sagittarius women like?

Sagittarius women like funny, witty talkers, interesting writers, professional media representatives, philosophers, travelers, foreigners and young men.

Since you are so romantic, it is easy for you to fall in love more often than all other signs of the zodiac, with the possible exception of Libra.

Be that as it may, you are instantly attracted to younger men or simply young, cheerful, caustic and incredibly smart. A man who exhibits these qualities may not be exactly your soul mate for the long term, but he will definitely make you feel as if he is.

The sign of Gemini, the opposite of your sign, is always inevitably attractive to you.

Gemini men are notorious for being impulsive and restless. You may hate them for being superficial and slick, but you will fall hopelessly in love with them for being so fun and sexy.

This is a man who wants to enjoy life, flirt with you and other women as much as possible.

He's irresistible because he can't wait until tomorrow. He is dangerous because he will not notice you if he catches another pretty face in the mirror of his car.

He is a genius, including in handling words.

You hate him because he is so fickle and unattainable, but love him for his brashness, good nature and all-knowing sexuality.

You create an aura of enthusiasm, a thirst for adventure, and he runs around you like a rooster and organizes your next trip.

Sexually mysterious, spiritually liberated, you will not waste time thinking, let the lonely think about the time.

Often this turns out to be a fatal attraction. But it can also be a long-term gold mine of joy, especially if the man has a Sagittarius sign in his horoscope or the planets form good aspects between your horoscopes.

Your main problem is that you seek to explore life and find meaning in everything, and he does not have time to think about it, he does not think about what it all really means.

What kind of men like Sagittarius women

Sagittarius women like business men, businessmen and travelers.

With such a dynamic, flirtatious appearance, you will attract flamboyant nimble guys, travelers and fortune seekers.

Foreigners will find your thirst for cultural knowledge fascinating. Do you still keep letters from Juans, Dominics and Romeos all over the world?

Independent Sagittarius and curious Gemini will line up at your door. The latter will adore you for your quickness of mind and freedom of spirit, while the former will understand your impatience and the fact that you brush your teeth with anything.

But Geminis can get evasive and elusive if you start ranting about how you're more interested in cultural intersections than sex.

Characteristic features of the character and appearance that Sagittarius woman. Characteristics of the sign zodiac according to astrological observations.

It is very difficult not to notice such a woman. They differ from the general mass by the incredible brightness of their appearance. Sagittarius women always attract the attention of the opposite sex. They appreciate originality and an abundance of expensive jewelry, while they are not at all characterized by conservatism or bad taste. Such women are well aware that the brightest combinations of colors and shades suit them, as well as the bold decisions of designers.

The movements of Sagittarius women are usually fast and wide, sweeping and far from always graceful. Dexterity is not their quality.

The nature of Sagittarius women

By nature, Sagittarius women are quite friendly. They love naturalness and absolute freedom from any prejudice. Basically, these are absolute realists who do not know how to simulate emotions and pretend. Such women are extremely interesting companions, because they are deeply creative people and have a wonderful imagination. They are cheerful and confident in themselves and their bright future.

However, there are also negative character traits of Sagittarius women - these women are rarely sensitive and delicate. They are characterized by straightforwardness and courage, in addition, they are sometimes unable to remain silent.

Sagittarius woman career path

It is quite difficult to lock a Sagittarius woman into four walls and force her to become a housewife. They are simply not able to devote all of themselves only to their family and homework. In this regard, such women are stubborn and love freedom of choice and opportunity.

They can easily compete with men in almost any field of science and activity. Often, Sagittarius women achieve success in their careers and occupy prestigious leadership positions. These women are strong and capable of taking the initiative everywhere. Executive and active, they are excellent workers in any industry.

Sex and love in the life of Sagittarius women

Despite some harshness or somewhat non-classical femininity, Sagittarius women are very romantic and deeply emotional. Their passionate nature, combined with crystal clear sincerity, can bewitch almost any man who is nearby. Unfortunately, surrendering entirely to their passions, such women often forget all reasonable arguments. Hence - frequent short-term, but very stormy and unforgettable novels. Maybe even multiple marriages.

Sagittarius women sometimes look very frivolous people, but this is not at all the case. Their very free behavior is dictated primarily by the sincerity of emotional impulses, and not at all by licentiousness or bad manners. These persons are pure and honest in their intentions, therefore they allow quite free communication with men.

In this area of ​​personal life, Sagittarius women are just as active and sensual as in life in general. Special ingenuity and looseness allows her to lead a fairly diverse sex life. This, combined with a hot temperament, makes such women almost perfect lovers - they are capable of anything!

For the beautiful representatives of this sign, partners with a similar passionate and temperamental nature are needed. Sexual dissatisfaction can seriously harm love relationships in the case of a Sagittarius woman, because they really appreciate good sex.

Sagittarius woman in family life

Such women do not at all seek marriage, which clearly distinguishes them from many representatives of other signs. Loneliness and open relationships do not frighten Sagittarius women at all. This is dictated primarily by the absolute independence and desire for freedom of the individual Sagittarius. In marriage with such women, it is important to make them understand that the bonds of marriage will not limit freedom in other areas of a person's life. Sagittarians value frankness, honesty and clarity in the actions and words of partners.

A housewife

Creating a strong family home for Sagittarius women is as important a task as any other. With a complete dislike for housework and everyday routine, for the sake of family well-being, such women make all their creative efforts to create comfort in the house. They love frequent changes of scenery and renovation of interiors. They love to spend money, but with marriage, these expenses become narrowly focused - for home, family and comfort.


An active and creative nature, a Sagittarius woman is able to become not only a caring mother, but also a wise one. Such women will, sometimes without noticing it, actively develop their children. With such mothers, babies are always comfortable and fun. However, you should be careful and remember that how honest and open Sagittarius women are, how demanding they are, especially in relation to their children.

She is a classic lady: stylish, always in trend, but at the same time without unnecessary cuteness, glamour, and detachment from life. Yes, Sagittarius lives on earth and makes specific plans. Moreover, this lady is not used to constantly looking at someone and waiting for help.

She firmly believes that the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. The Sagittarius girl is not looking for guardianship in a relationship and does not want to remain on the sidelines. She stands for equal partnership, excellent joint projects and a bright, beautiful life. How to please her heart, what type is best for this not quite ordinary girl - the stars will tell right now.

Sagittarius (lat. "Sagittarius") is the 9th sign of the zodiac, which immediately follows the scorpio and passes the astrological baton to Capricorn, who opens the new year. These people were born on the shortest days of the year, but judging by their temperament, you can’t tell at all. Even archer symbol- an arrow shot from a bow. Such a sign shows a person's aspiration for the future, his assertiveness and enthusiasm.

These qualities are promoted fire element of archer. Representatives of the fire are distinguished by activity, a large scope of personality and an inexhaustible desire to live, with which they infect everyone around.

Lucky Colors- blue, purple, turquoise and crimson. Talisman stones- opal, topaz, emerald, turquoise, and chrysolite.

The breadth of the scope of the Sagittarius girl is well explained by the influence of her patron planet is Jupiter, which is the largest of all bodies in the solar system. Jupiter symbolizes expansion, rapid development, maximalism, the ability to set really big goals and achieve them, despite worldly obstacles.

Tina Turner

That is why among the famous women born under this sign, we will meet not only bright, talented people, but also courageous personalities who fight not only with their appearance, but also with the natural power of the intellect. These are Britney Spears and Amanda Seyfried, Tina Turner and Anna Smith, Juliana Moore and Daryl Hannah, the divine Patricia Kaas and Nelly Furtado, Ekaterina Andreeva and Anastasia Vertinskaya, Victoria Bonya and Elizaveta Boyarskaya. The list is truly endless.

Sagittarius woman: her character in terms of the stars

Everyone around, familiar with the Sagittarius girl, simply adore her company. It was she who started the company. It is interesting to shine with her and attract attention. This should be taken in those cases when you have to go and defend your legal rights. Finally, it is with the archer that you can watch a funny comedy to laugh the way you want. Surprisingly, archers somehow combine true feminine charm with a completely non-girlish character.

The Iron Lady

Yes, she knows how to be weak, sweet, affectionate and peaceful. But only in those cases when it is very much needed. In general, Sagittarius is a fiery lady with a bright temperament. She is by no means conflict, because she has unfeminine endurance and willpower. But defending your interests is sacred. Sagittarius will never back down, she will not give up her place under the sun. And all because it's unfair.

The strength of the character of this girl is not at all connected with aggression, greed and other impartial qualities. It is for honesty, for world peace, for agreements, not persuasion. Sagittarius is a true business lady. A woman who makes herself and to her liking. The phenomenon of this lady is that her fiery, strong energy is always under control. The archer is not peculiar to saber-rattling, bragging and provocation. She soberly calculates her strength and will never take risks for the sake of risk. That is why she is so popular with her surroundings. An original outlook on life, a combination of the best male and female traits, assertiveness and determination - yes, she has a lot of trump cards, and they are all genuine.

Passion for adventure

Sagittarius is not a homebody, not a kitchen worker, not a grocery delivery man from the store to the plate. She loves her home and her family, but everything is in moderation. Moreover, the fiery temperament constantly requires an outlet. Exit from home. Archer, as a rule, prefers male society, so she goes there for adventures.

This lady just loves the drive, and not the endless discussions of small news, living room design and the latest fashion trends. She needs real, not virtual emotions. And one more interesting point - Sagittarius hates gossip. About yourself, about others - it doesn't matter. She is a business lady, and these are not pretentious words. This lady comes to work to work, and home to rest. On a walk, she walks, and at events she throws out emotions. There is a time for everything - the motto of a typical archer.

I myself

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Sagittarius girls are among those self-sufficient women. From her point of view, a man's concern is not at all about calling 20 times a day and reminding her how little she needs to be done, and whether she is cold on this rainy day.

In fact, this archer is ready to take anyone under guardianship, but she will not allow herself to be guarded. These girls become independent very quickly, they want to see what is there - on the other side of the threshold. And they set off to travel to this crazy, but such an interesting world.


No, but that's exactly how it seems to others. Especially in young times, when the sky is blue and the grass is green. Yes, it is difficult for people who allow themselves to think superficially to prove something that differs from their point of view.

In fact, Sagittarius is a permanent, stable sign of the zodiac. It is not characterized by unnecessary turns, dubious wobbles and stuff like that. It's just that our heroine has been looking for herself in life for quite a long time. And the reason is her ambition. She is not satisfied with little, but constantly strives for more. That is why one job is replaced by another, some friends leave, but new ones come.

The turbulent period of formation, of radical changes, of course, will pass in due time. The hurricane will subside, and the Sagittarius will begin a completely normal life. Of course, in your understanding. It will just take time.

Attitude towards work and money

As already mentioned, the Sagittarius, most likely, will change more than one job in order to finally find his own. This lady is not attracted to work for an idea. She is interested not so much in the current income as in the real prospect. She gladly rotates in the company of influential, wealthy people, because she knows one ancient truth: with whom you will behave.

When, finally, after the next round, the Sagittarius woman lands on a successful airfield and settles in a completely interesting position, work replaces her life. She goes to career heights patiently and with inspiration. He does not lose optimism, but he treats difficulties as if they were sports tests. Such is she - the restless fiery lady.

As for money, the financial manager of the archer, perhaps, will not hurt. Although she is not a spender, she has such a generous nature that she can quite blow a decent amount for the sake of her beloved friends, a brilliant evening, or just to remember this day for a long time. But she does it quite consciously. It’s just that the Sagittarius believes in himself: that she should earn another round sum. Therefore, he does not worry about such trifles.

What kind of man does a Sagittarius woman need

Archer, as a rule, does not drown in either romance novels or TV shows. She loves to watch real life, real people and non-fictional stories. That is why her ideas about the ideal chosen one develop quite quickly. She is a straight girl and makes fair demands on herself and her future soul mate.

Another thing is that Sagittarius is in no hurry to get married. Just in life there is still a lot of interesting, unknown, alluring. On the other hand, this girl is able to fall in love and literally lose her head. After all, she does not do something by half. Pan or miss, all or nothing - Sagittarius lives in these specific coordinates.

That is why if the chosen one really gets interesting, worthy, she can quickly change her plans. But that's a very big "if". However, the stars can paint the image of her character quite clearly:

  1. He is a Big Man. Yes, the chosen one of the Sagittarius girl should in no case be petty, too prudent, correct. This lady does not like some pre-created framework, strict agreements. Sagittarius always needs to leave room for a fairy tale, improvisation, surprise. If a man is always preoccupied with some earthly, current tasks, she may simply get bored.
  2. He is an optimist. Yes, the archer does not like to surround herself with melancholic people. Of course, she used to inspire, call to fight and stuff like that. But if you do it endlessly, then you can lose all your energy. Sagittarius is looking for a companion, a like-minded person, if you like - the same extreme with a fiery heart. She will not constantly push, beg and beg. It's best to keep this in mind.
  3. He is a natural leader. Sagittarius is accustomed to surround herself only with reliable, interesting and influential friends. It would be strange if she made completely different demands on her half. Our heroine herself is not a timid ten, and expects a chivalrous attitude, a big heart and concrete actions from men.
  4. Finally, he is a romantic. Sagittarius herself is not very sentimental. She is more of a supporter of direct dialogue than the manifestation of tender feelings. But in fact, this girl so wants to experience the ocean of emotions that she is constantly looking for someone with whom she can dissolve without a trace. Therefore, her image of the chosen one is an energetic, optimistic man with a kind heart and fair outlook on life.

How not to behave with a Sagittarius

Sagittarius girl - for equality. She is not a supporter of traditional ideas about male and female roles. However, this lady is not at all opposed to a man making decisions. In addition, she is not going to claim leadership in the family - she is quite satisfied with an influential position at work and in the company of friends.

Therefore, it is important to keep in mind a few useful tips that will help keep the relationship with the Sagittarius in the world:

  1. First of all, you need to understand well that a commanding tone and imperious instructions are the worst option for a dialogue with a Sagittarius. Remember: this lady is a real chieftain. She herself knows how and loves to command, but the truth does not allow her to behave like this with a man she respects. That is why, in return, Sagittarius expects a calm dialogue and collective decision-making.
  2. Sagittarius does not tolerate greed. She is a diamond in an expensive setting, and requires quite an adequate price for herself. Moreover, whims and tantrums are never satisfied. Therefore, any man can only rejoice at what an unusual chosen one fate has awarded him.
  3. More than greed, the archer hates deceit. She is a straightforward person who likes to say everything in the forehead. You won't hurt her so much if you say something mean. But if you hide or, even more so, compose a fiction, expect a violent conflict.
  4. The thought that follows logically from all of the above is that the archer can’t stand non-specific men whose words disagree with their deeds. Yes, no one likes these people. But this lady is even ready to leave if the gentleman constantly does not fulfill the promise.

Who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman, and who is not very

Sagittarius are great temperamental people. And on the other hand, astrological opposites get along great with it. There is no contradiction in this - after all, the character of this lady allows her to converge with any person for whom she has deep sympathy.

From the point of view of astrology, the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with other signs of the zodiac looks like this:

  1. Difficult, but in its own way beautiful union with representatives of their own fiery element. True, with a stubborn Aries, a Sagittarius can lead endless conflicts in which no one will yield to a partner simply out of principle. And in a lion, pride and vanity can irritate her. The archer will willingly find a common language with a representative of her own sign, but such an alliance risks turning into a company of two risky companions who can stumble and lose.
  2. Interesting. On the one hand, this is not her type. But on the other hand, Aquarius is able to attract to itself thanks to the breadth of views, infinite humanity and inner charisma. Yes, she will have to constantly push her missus to reach new heights. But if she is ready to pay this price, the tandem will turn out to be very promising. Among other air signs, an alliance with the astrological opposite is promising -. To a lesser extent, the Sagittarius will find understanding among the aristocratic and indecisive scales.
  3. With water signs of the zodiac, a walk-up Sagittarius will be able to experience a true family atmosphere. True, she needs to take into account that the timid fish man and cautious cancer will have to be constantly inspired to exploits. But the imperious scorpion can suppress her fiery nature, therefore, in such a tandem, it is necessary to agree on important points already on the shore.
  4. As for the earthly representatives (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo), the situation is somewhat worse. These are wonderful, reliable men who value stability and concreteness of plans. They need a completely different companion - an ally, a housewife who knows how to protect the rear and endure hardships. Sagittarius is unlikely to be interested in such proposals.

Sagittarius in bed

The night with the archer never ends. At least that's what all men want. She is a real tigress, the queen of her position. This lady is for vivid emotions, for frank manifestations of love. Sagittarius is given to a partner without a trace, but there is one important nuance.

If she is looking forward to nightly adventures with you, this is a very good sign. So, at least she trusts and respects your personality. Yes, the archer sees in a man much more than a set of physical indicators. It is important for her to deal with personality, and not with a set of muscle mass.

The Sagittarius woman is an ataman, a leader, a bit of an adventurer, a fatal lady. If you give her a fulcrum, she will definitely turn something upside down. But only in the best sense of the word.

Sagittarius is the most straightforward zodiac sign of all the other constellations. They are distinguished by cheerfulness, optimism, as well as an easy attitude to life and some daydreaming. The Sagittarius woman - what she is in different areas of life, the features of her character and behavior - that's what we will talk about in this material.

The Sagittarius girl is a real explosion of emotions, which is not possible to predict. She has such a changeable mood that it often tires even her. But with all this, the Sagittarius woman has such a powerful natural optimism that is easily transmitted to people around her.

By its nature, such a lady is distinguished by the following features:

  • emotionality;
  • sensuality;
  • not inclined to rush with grievances for a long time, as she is quickly freed from them;
  • friendly enough;
  • always ready to help all those in need;
  • very original;
  • tender;
  • strives to be a leader;
  • very extravagant;
  • independent;
  • has natural enthusiasm;
  • has a very rich imagination.

In such women, there are few typical female character traits, namely: complaisance, humility, timidity and diplomacy. They are distinguished by straightforwardness, frankness and are able to injure their interlocutors in a conversation.

These representatives of the fair sex are used to always doing what they want. They rarely suffer from prejudice and are accustomed to a fairly relaxed lifestyle, complete independence from other people.

Sagittarians are not inherent in depressive states, as a rule, they have a positive attitude and are used to easily overcoming difficulties with a smile on their face. For them, life is an exciting game, such women easily attract people to them.

Since Sagittarius is naturally very inquisitive - it is interesting to communicate with him, he easily maintains a conversation on any topic.

Appearance Features

The girls of this zodiac constellation have bright external data. In their younger years, they are distinguished by a proportional physique, have a magnificent chest. But Sagittarius women are not very interested in fashion, giving their preference to the convenience and relevance of their clothes.

Upon reaching middle age, such a lady is likely to add a few extra pounds, as it is difficult for her to control her diet and give up her favorite hazards.

Having by nature a good state of health and an excellent metabolism, the Sagittarius woman often shows a somewhat irresponsible attitude towards herself. She simply does not have free time for illness, plus she distrusts people in white coats, so she can sometimes bring herself to critical conditions.

It is very important for Sagittarius to control his diet, in no case overwork his body and not give an increased load to the nervous system.

The representative of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is always easy to recognize in the crowd, because she has a very sweeping, not graceful gait and is used to constantly rushing. Therefore, it is very important to be careful and move carefully to protect yourself from possible bodily harm.

Sagittarius woman in career

A Sagittarius woman needs communication and an active social life. Such ladies rarely stay on maternity leave and turn into housewives.

At the same time, Sagittarians are well suited for the duties of a leader. But the Sagittarius girl can be equally good at being both an organizer and a performer.

The only thing that has an extremely negative effect on the deterioration of the results of its activities is the presence of a constant routine and boredom, when there is no opportunity for self-realization. A Sagittarius girl will never agree to go to an unloved job, she must be interested and passionate about what she does.

In their careers, Sagittarians tend to overestimate their resources and often overburden themselves with impossible tasks. Such girls strive for creative professions that are associated with public activities and are not without some risks.

Such personalities make excellent journalists, translators, publishers, PR people. But in order to find a stable financial position, the Sagittarius woman will have to work very hard and use all her enterprise.

Sagittarius girl - what is she like in love and marriage?

Love can amazingly transform a hot Sagittarius, because everything related to emotions is its element. She completely gives herself to feelings, and no logic will help to understand the actions of Sagittarius who has fallen in love.

At the same time, Sagittarius girls are distinguished by straightforwardness in the manifestation of their sympathies - this is a typical behavior of representatives of this sign in all areas of her life. The behavior of an ardent Sagittarius will scare away weak or indecisive men from her (however, why are they needed?). But such frankness, on the contrary, will attract strong representatives of the opposite sex.

In intimate terms, Sagittarius rarely suffer from complexes. In sex, such girls are temperamental and energetic, but they need the same active and passionate partner as they themselves. If a Sagittarius woman does not have romantic feelings for her chosen one, then it is unlikely that she will be able to get real pleasure in bed.

According to the astrological characteristics, the Sagittarius lady puts forward her freedom in the first place, therefore she prefers to marry a little later than her peers. She likes to feel in the center of male attention, but loneliness does not bother her too much.

It is very important that the man next to her be able to provide her with sufficient freedom and personal space. In return, the Sagittarius girl will promise him her loyalty and devotion. If such a lady realizes that the feelings have passed, she will not pretend, but will prefer to break off the aggravating relationship.

It is also not recommended to impose any restrictions on Sagittarius, because otherwise, sooner or later, such relationships will come to naught. Due to their natural optimism, Sagittarians are not afraid of love mistakes and failures. Therefore, such women often marry several times, but each time they take the relationship seriously and hope to become very happy in love.

It should be noted that Sagittarius women are far from enthusiastic about household chores. They love to decorate and change the interior of their home. A wonderful mother comes out of Sagittarius, because thanks to her natural cheerfulness she easily copes with the whims of her kids, and the presence of a creative streak helps to come up with interesting activities for the kids.

In the case when the representative of the sign could not fully realize herself in her life, she can try to fulfill her desires in children. But in general, Sagittarius mothers do not insist too much on children doing unloved activities. A woman dreams that the baby has shown his personal potential, while not harming his character.

With whom is it best for Sagittarians to build relationships?

The representative of the Sagittarius sign will feel best with other fiery constellations - namely, Aries and Leo. The entire element of Fire is dynamic, independent, so it is easy for them to find a common language with each other, there is no desire to limit the freedom-loving Sagittarius woman. Such unions will be long and happy.

But it’s better not to choose Sagittarius men as potential suitors: it will be problematic for two leaders to get along under the same roof, and regular showdowns will negatively affect the general atmosphere in the house. Therefore, we can say that between the two Sagittarius, friendship is quite likely, but not love at all.

It is also possible to achieve harmony with Aquarius and Libra, but only if the representatives of these signs are not boring and can fully share the interests of Sagittarius.

But Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus are quite difficult partners for Sagittarius. These signs belong to the earth element, are homebodies and it will be difficult for them to understand the eternal journeys of active Sagittarius.

In the Sagittarius-Gemini union, the latter will constantly try to take away the freedom of his beloved. But if the partners manage to achieve harmony in everyday matters, then such a couple can become very successful.

Sagittarians are bright and extraordinary personalities, with whom it can be very difficult, but if you learn how to interact with them correctly, you can create harmonious friendships or love relationships.

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Is your girlfriend a Sagittarius? Her characteristic: what she has the opportunity to declare may not suit you, and even more, you will be horrified.

Sagittarius girl - her brief description

She is truthful in her words and actions, but sometimes embellishes reality, since not every person wants to know the whole truth. For the bulk of the inhabitants of our planet, obsequious praise is much nicer.

By nature, the girl of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is an ingenuous child. Her vision of the world and beliefs are so idealistic that anyone can fool her.

This may seem strange at first glance, because the Sagittarius girl is very wise, has an excellently developed intellect and is able to find the answer to any, including the most difficult question.

The character of the girl of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

But the fair sex, who belongs to this zodiac sign, is very sensual and vulnerable, and because of this, it is hard to endure pain and disappointment. At the same time, the girl of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is unbending. Self-respect, confidence in the future helps her adequately cope with the difficult situation. No matter how bad such a woman is, she will never show it, but will keep the appearance of a cheerful and carefree girl.

The girl does not have much desire to start a family, which is why you will need to work very hard to involve her in marriage. It is likely that the Sagittarius girl will not want to leave her job after marriage: if you want to turn her into a housewife, you will fail.

Sagittarius in relationships

Such women do not really like to put things in order, keep clothes and linen clean, and also perform other monotonous and annoying household chores. Although at the same time they want to give the house comfort and a special charm. Although girls of the Sagittarius zodiac sign do not like to do something around the house, they love to invite friends, and her generosity, hospitality and goodwill evoke feelings of sympathy. All guests of the Sagittarius girl feel comfortable and at home.

According to its characteristics, Sagittarius is very cheerful, a bad mood is a rare guest of her home. But if she is upset or offended, then she turns into a mocking witch. However, such a girl is not distinguished by vindictiveness, and quickly ceases to recall the grief caused to her.

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