Live and remember Rasputin questions. Topic: Moral lessons of V. Rasputin's story "Live and remember


I was given the opportunity to reflect on one of the works of the contemporary Russian writer V. Rasputin - "Live and remember".
I, as a reader, am glad that I had a chance to read the works of the wonderful and talented Russian prose writer V. G. Rasputin, who created wonderful works about Russian people, about Russian nature, about the Russian soul. His novels and short stories are included in the golden fund of modern Russian literature.
The events described in the story take place in the winter of forty-five, in the last war year, on the banks of the Angara in the village of Atamanovka. The name, it would seem, is loud, and in the recent past even more frightening - Razboinikovo. "... Once upon a time, in the old days, the local peasants did not disdain one quiet and profitable trade: they checked the goldsmiths coming from Lena." But the inhabitants of the village had long been quiet and harmless and did not hunt for robbery. Against the backdrop of this virgin and wild nature, the main event of the story takes place - the betrayal of Andrei Guskov.
In any work of art, the title plays a very important role for the reader. The title of the book “Live and Remember” prompts us, readers, to a deeper concept and understanding of the work. These words - "Live and remember" - tell us that everything that is written on the pages of the book should become an unshakable eternal lesson in the life of every person. “Live and remember” is betrayal, baseness, human fall, the test of love with this blow.
Before us is the main character of this book - Andrey Guskov, "an efficient and gallant guy who married Nastya early and lived with her before the war not well, not badly for four years." But the Great Patriotic War unceremoniously invades the peaceful life of the Russian people. Together with the entire male part of the population, Andrei also went to war. Nothing foreshadowed such a strange and incomprehensible alignment, and now, like an unexpected blow for Nastena, the news that her husband Andrei Guskov is a traitor. Not every person is given to experience such grief and shame. This incident abruptly turns and changes the life of Nastya Guskova. "... Where were you, man, what toys did you play when you were assigned a fate? Why did you agree with it? Why, without thinking, cut off your wings, just when they are most needed, when you need to run away not crawling, but in summer out of trouble?" Now she is under the power of her feelings and love. Lost in the depths of village life, the female drama is extracted and shown by Rasputin. A living picture, which is increasingly seen against the backdrop of the war. The author brings to the readers that Nastena is a victim of the war and its laws. She could not act differently, along the universal chosen path, not obeying her feelings and the will of fate. Nastya loves and pities Andrei, but when shame for the human judgment of herself and her unborn child defeats the power of love for her husband and life, she stepped overboard in the middle of the Angara, dying between two banks - the coast of her husband and the coast of all Russian people. Rasputin gives readers the right to judge the actions of Andrei and Nastena, emphasize for themselves all the good and realize all the bad. The author himself is a kind writer, inclined to forgive a person rather than condemn, all the more to condemn mercilessly. He tries to leave room for his heroes to correct. But there are such phenomena and events that are unbearable not only for the people around the heroes, but also for the author himself, for the comprehension of which the author does not have the mental strength, but there is only one rejection.
Valentin Rasputin, with inexhaustible purity of heart for a Russian writer, shows a resident of our village in the most unexpected situations.
The nobility of Nastya is compared by the author with the wild mind of Guskov. On the example of how Andrei pounces on the calf and bullies him, it is clear that he has lost his human image, completely moved away from people. Nastya is trying to reason and show her husband's mistake, but she does it lovingly, does not insist.
The author introduces many thoughts about life into the story “Live and Remember”. We see this especially well when Andrei and Nastya meet. Heroes languish in their reflections not from melancholy or idleness, but wanting to understand the purpose of human life.
Great and multifaceted images described by Rasputin. Here we see the collective image of grandfather Mikheich and his wife, the conservatively strict Semyonovna, typical of village life. Soldier Maxim Volozhin, courageous and heroic, who spared no effort, fought for the Fatherland. The many-sided and contradictory image of a truly Russian woman - Nadya, left alone with three children. It is she who confirms the words of N. A. Nekrasov: "... a Russian share, a female share."
Everything was reflected and it seemed - life during the war and its happy ending - on the life of the village of Atamanovka. Valentin Rasputin convinces us with everything that he wrote that there is light in a person, and it is difficult to extinguish it, no matter what the circumstances! In the heroes of V. G. Rasputin and in himself there is a poetic sense of life, opposed to the established perception of life.
Follow the words of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin - "live a century - love a century."

Sections: Literature


  1. Create conditions for improving the skills and abilities of text analysis, understanding the main idea of ​​the work, developing the ability to see its artistic features.
  2. To evoke in children reflection on what they read, a spiritual response and a sense of human responsibility for their choice.
  3. Contribute to the training of schoolchildren to work with different types of information, build communication with the text.

During the classes

I. Opening speech of the teacher.

Not the one from fairy tales, not the one from the cradle,
Not the one that was passed by textbooks,
And the one that burned in the eyes of the inflamed,
And the one that sobbed - I remembered the Motherland.
And I see her on the eve of victory
Not stone, bronze, crowned with glory,
And the eyes of the one who wept, going through troubles,
All demolished, all endured by a Russian woman.
K. Simonov

Today we are talking about war. It's always hard to talk about her.

During the war, about 27 million people died in the USSR, 40% were civilians who died in concentration camps, and according to unofficial data, the losses amounted to more than 40 million people.

Terrible figures, there was no family in the country that would not have suffered during the war. This huge fiery wheel passed through the destinies, crippled the souls of people. Sometimes serious offenses were committed, but many were forgiven. Can everything be justified by war?

Today we will try to solve this problem: “War will write off everything? ..” using the example of Valentin Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember”.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin was born in 1937. A modern Russian writer, a native Siberian, has always lived and lives in his homeland, writes about those who are nearby, whom he knows and loves. His work has been marked by many state awards and literary prizes. For the story "Live and Remember", published in 1974, he was awarded the State Prize.

The idea of ​​the plot of this story was childhood memories: “I remember how a deserter was found not far from our village. He hid for a long time, lived away from human habitation. He became embittered, killed a calf, stole something from someone. I remember how an overgrown, terrible man was being led through the whole village. This childhood impression was deposited in the memory, and after many years the seed of the plot hatched.

II. Story analysis.

Teacher: Briefly retell the content.

Teacher: It will be about Andrey Guskov.

Is the illustration good? How did the artist manage to convey the state of the hero?

- His posture (he turned his back), hunched figure, uncut hair indicate that this person is afraid of something, he has something to hide.

Teacher: So Andrew commits a crime. And can we so unconditionally call him a criminal? How did he fight, how was he treated? Opinions will be different, therefore, to answer this question, we divide into two groups, one defends, the other blames.

Teacher: But instead of the front, he decides to go home. How did he walk, with what feelings?

“He had nothing to say even to himself. He somehow at once felt ashamed of himself, hated himself. He was now unknown. Everything in him shifted, turned upside down, hung in the air. On the way he hid, was cautious, constantly looked around.

Teacher: What did you feel when you arrived?

- I didn't have any feelings. Was not able to test. In his bath he fell like a dead man.

Teacher: Andrei establishes a relationship with his wife, who is trying to bring him back to the people. How does he explain his unwillingness to go out to people and repent?

- Caring for relatives, so as not to poke a finger. I don't want to spoil the child.

Teacher: For whom does Andrey come up with these excuses, whom does he want to reassure?

- Myself. After all, in order to go out to people, you need to commit an act, Andrei was incapable of doing it.

Teacher: He opposes himself to the rest of the world, gradually losing his human qualities. Let's find examples of this opposition.

- It starts to mischief people (steals fish, rolls a stump onto the road, wants to set fire to the mill). Let them not see him, but suspect that he is.

Teacher: What does he feel when he secretly observes the village, his father?

- “There he got sick, suffered, was ready to give anything to have at least one eye on his Atamanovka. But he came - and the soul is empty. “He had to come here in order to make sure in reality, up close, that he would never be in his own home, not talk with his father and mother, now he understood that he had no way here.”

Teacher: Communication with fellow villagers is broken, he walks on the land on which he once worked, hoping that the land will remember him. Does nature accept it?

- Not. He violated not only moral laws, but also the laws of nature. It destroys nature itself and encroaches on its main incentive - the continuation of life on earth.

Teacher: There are two scenes of killing animals in the story in chapters 8 and 15. How does Andrey behave in the animal killing scenes? (read out)

- He doesn’t finish off Kozulya, he watches how she dies. He looked into the eyes of the animal, wanting to see the approach of death there, but he saw his own reflection. For this animal, he was the very death.

And he kills a calf on May 1, not because there was nothing to eat, but out of anger at people, wanting to annoy those who can live and have fun openly, without hiding from anyone. And this anger in a person turns into a rage, he becomes against nature.

Teacher: Compare how a person and an animal behave in this episode?

- "Guskov completely brutalized", "the cow screamed." The animal behaves like a human, and the human behaves like an animal. It is also noteworthy that at the beginning of the episode the author calls the hero by his first name, then by his last name, and at the moment of the murder itself, just a man. Rasputin takes away from him the most important belonging of a person - the name, believing that Guskov is not worthy of him.

Teacher: The author uses the technique of dehumanizing the hero, that is, depriving him of human qualities. We proved that a person inside Andrei Guskov died. Depicting the internal dehumanization of the hero, the author also shows external changes. Let's see how the appearance of Andrei Guskov changed.

III. Table work.

Andrey GuskovDehumanization of the hero

Chapter 2 Strong, hard hands, voice hoarse, rusty. She could not see the face, only something large and shaggy was vaguely black in front of her.
Chapter 6 Finally, Nastena could see him: the same clumsy figure, slightly turned to the right, and the same broad, Asiatic flattened, snub-nosed face, overgrown with a black, ragged beard. Deep-set eyes looked defiant and tenacious.
He is a familiar, close, native person to Nastya, and yet a stranger, incomprehensible.
You are amazing with that beard. Like a goblin.
- I shave. Although no, I won't. To not be like yourself. It's better for hell.
Chapter 8 Once I saw a wolf, which began to come to the winter hut and howl. Guskov, wishing to scare away the beast, opened the door ajar, and in anger, mimicking, answered him with his howl. He answered and was amazed: so closely did his voice converge with the wolf's. ... Guskov, having guessed to put pressure on his throat and throw back his head, removed excess hoarseness from his voice and learned to lead it high and clear. In the end, the wolf could not stand it and retreated from the winter hut.
Chapter 10 Nastya constantly imagined substitution, deceit. It seemed to her that she herself was covered with nasty animal fur.
Chapter 13 You can't really feel like a beast until you see that there are pets.
Chapter 15 He slept in fits and starts now. The moonlit nights began to disturb him. And the brighter the moon shone, the more restless - the more suffocating he felt ... Guskov froze like an animal, sensitively responding to every sound. He learned to penetrate where a person is denied access.
He walked and sniffed, peered, looked around, guarded his step, skirted open places, hid. At such moments, his memory seemed to be blurred, he refused to believe that he was at war, lived among people, but it seemed that he was always alone and staggered around, having neither home nor business.
Chapter 18 His face was very sharp and dry. The eyes were frozen and looked from the depths with intense anguish. The beard no longer looked black, but dirty piebald. He held his head forward, as if constantly peering or listening to something. The hair on his head had recently been picked up and cut to the touch, it hung in uneven tufts. Nastya's eyes frightened her the most: they had changed so much since the last meeting, they were so full of longing, they lost all expression except attention.
His voice broke: in general, he often broke down, either becoming inopportunely stern, or plaintive, almost crying - either from constant silence, or from loneliness, or from something else. And, seeing again in front of him Andrei's face, sagging and ugly overgrown, like mossy, his sunken eyes, sharp and tormented by suffering, his bent, wary figure in dirty clothes; after falling into a damp dark winter hut with a bitter smell of stale, suffocated air after rain, seeing and feeling all this, Nastena shuddered.

Teacher: He becomes more than just a beast. What feeling does not leave Nastena from the very first meeting?

- What a werewolf. It is no coincidence that Rasputin chooses for Guskov the guise of a wolf, which he becomes like. But the wolf is still part of nature. In Rus', evil spirits were often called undead. If this word is broken, it will turn out NOT TO LIVE.

Andrei Guskov is the one who cannot live with people.

Teacher: And who is to blame for this situation? Who is Andrew blaming?

- For Andrei, there are two guilty parties - war and fate. He is not ready, does not want to be responsible for his actions, hides behind them. "It's all war, it's all damned!" “Andrey understood: his fate turned into a dead end, from which there is no way out. And the fact that there is no turning back freed him from unnecessary thoughts. He does not think about the suffering he brings to his family.

Teacher: What do we know about his family?

- Father Mikheich is kind, gentle, always supported Nastya.

Teacher: What feature in his patronymic can indicate his character?

All consonants are soft.

Teacher: How does he behave after his guess about the return of his son?

- I felt the closeness of my son, moved away from people, feeling guilty for his act.

Teacher: Did the mother feel the closeness of her son? Why?

- Semyonovna did not feel the closeness of her son. Perhaps this is blind maternal love - she did not even allow the thought that her son would return otherwise than a hero.

Teacher: So, Andrei opposed himself to everyone: fellow villagers, nature, relatives. The only link that connected him with this world was Nastena.

Reading the story, you understand that it was not written for the sake of Andrei, but for the sake of Nastena. In order to show how a person changes under the influence of difficult moral experiences that have befallen him. What do we know about the fate of Nastena?

Teacher: Look at the illustration. This is the first meeting of the heroes. Does Nastena doubt whether to help or not help Andrey? Can she drive him away now? Why?

Teacher: What does Nastena understand? How will she live now?

- She is determined, she will help, she does not separate her fate from the fate of her husband, but she will have to lie, cunning, dodge.

Teacher: What feelings does she have for Andrew?

- I loved, regretting, and regretted, loving. These are two feelings that lead a Russian woman through life. I thought only about where to get the strength that would help return him to his place.

Teacher: And where did Nastena get strength? Where does this moral stamina and devotion come from?

- All from childhood. It is there that character is tempered, a person is formed. The childhood of Nastya and Andrey was different, and the personalities turned out to be different.

Teacher: Now we need to say a few words about the composition. Did you notice anything while reading?

– V. Rasputin has a special construction of the composition – a mirror arrangement of chapters. Similar episodes are repeated after some time.

- Repetition allows you to take a closer look at the inner world of the characters, to see how the state and consciousness of the characters change.

Teacher: Finding out the reasons for the actions of the heroes, the author takes us to childhood, to the place where the personality is formed. And then events begin to develop rapidly, and the author leads us to a tragic ending. Events repeat themselves, but the characters are different.

Teacher: Look at the illustration. How has Nastena changed?

“Tired, old and terribly lonely.

Teacher: She feels lonely even among people. There are two mass scenes in the story that prove this (the return of Maxim Vologzhin and the day the war ended). Let's see what Nastena felt when she was among people?

- She feels lonely, believes that she is not worthy to be with everyone. She is forced to prove to herself that she has the right to rejoice with everyone, that she deserved this holiday.

Teacher: But there is no limit to human suffering. Fate sends her another test - the unborn child. Why is this a test?

Teacher: And then a simple and evil thought comes to her: “It would be over soon. Any end is better than this life." But she had hope for the help of nature. What time in the life of the village was Nastena waiting for?

- It's hay time. This is the time when all people are together, and not only the unity of people is felt, but also unity with nature. After all, she always helped Nastya.

Teacher: Let's remember the description of nature in chapters 10 and 19. Why such a gloomy landscape?

“Nature is trying to stop it, to delay it.

Teacher: But Nastena did not wait for the hay. She understands that Andrei has been tracked down and tries to warn him. With what feelings does she go on this last journey?

- I was ashamed in front of Andrei, in front of people, in front of myself. She is tired. Nastena asks herself questions to which there is no answer.

Teacher: Imagine a night, silence, a river overflowing and a lonely woman in a boat on this moonlit path. Here she gets up, hangs over the edge, and the silence is broken by a cry: “Nastena, stop, don’t you dare, Nastena!” And we understand that this is not only the cry of Maxim Vologzhin, it is the cry of the author himself.

V. Rasputin wrote: “I am inclined to accept the death of Nastena not as a victory of evil, but as a severe test of the moral law, when they demand from him: “Give up”, and he, through tears and torment: “I can’t.”

Teacher: Why did Nastena decide to commit suicide?

- A high degree of self-sacrifice led her to a dead end, from which she did not find any other way out.

Teacher: What do you think, if Andrei decided to act, if he went out to people, would they forgive him?

- Nastya is forgiven, and he would have been forgiven.

Teacher: Were there details in the text that would tell us such an ending to Nastena's life, such her death?

- I was afraid of water, the cemetery of the drowned. These are symbols, hints of the author.

Teacher: Are there any other symbolic details and what meaning do they carry?

– Work with symbols (hut and house, Angara, clock, ax, cave).

Teacher: Such a detail as an ax does not take us to another era, to another author?

– F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

Teacher: What common?

- The motive of the crime, opposing oneself to people, the characters of the main characters, but the ending is different.

- It would elevate him, remove part of the guilt, turn cowardice into delusion. But in this case, he would be the main character, and the story is not about him.

The main task of the author is to show the highest measure of responsibility for one's life to oneself and people, the strength of the human spirit in the image of Nastena. The measure of Guskov's moral decline makes it possible to reveal and shade the high spirituality of Nastena.

IV. Work with the scheme.

Together with Nastena, the reader comprehends a higher system of values. And the title is addressed not to Andrei Guskov, but to all readers. V. Rasputin appeals to people: “Live and remember, man, in trouble, in the mountain, in the most difficult days of trials, your place is next to your people, any apostasy caused by your weakness, whether it is a misunderstanding, turns into even greater grief for your homeland , the people, and therefore, for you ... "

Teacher: Answering the question posed in the title of the topic, what can we say?

- The war will write off a lot, but there are higher moral laws that no one has the right to transgress and it is impossible to justify such actions.

V. Reflection.

Teacher: Returning to the epigraph, tell me, with what feelings did you go to the lesson, and what changed when we visited the very edge of human life?

The main lesson that we must learn is the realization that sometimes a human life can be the price of an act.

VI. Lesson results.

Homework: written work: "My attitude to ..." (express your thoughts that you could not express in the lesson).

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 2"

Open reflection lesson at 11 BUTclassroom

based on the story of V. G. Rasputin "Live and remember"

on the topic "The war will write off everything? .."

(to the 75th anniversary of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin)

Lesson spent

Teacher of the 1st qualification category

Kiseleva Olga Alexandrovna

Almetyevsk 2012

Lesson-reflection on the story of V. G.Rasputin "Live and rememberand" on the topic "War will write off everything? ...(Grade 11).

Teacher O.A. Kiseleva

During the classes

Lesson type: combined.

Objectives of the lesson.


give an idea of ​​the life and work of the contemporary writer V. Rasputin;

to acquaint with the story “Live and Remember”, to promote the assimilation of the creative world of the writer, understanding the moral and philosophical problems of his works on the example of the story “Live and Remember”;

compare the problems of the work under study with previously studied works of Russian literature of the 19th century (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”)


to acquaint with the spiritual values ​​of human life and culture on the example of fiction, in particular the work of the writer V. Rasputin;

contribute to the education of patriotism, collectivism, interest in the history of their country, active citizenship, moral character of students, motivation for educational activities;

Educational: contribute to the development:

logical thinking and intellectual skills in the process of retelling individual passages, answers to problematic questions in the analysis of the work;

skills of oral coherent speech and culture of speech in individual messages, answers to problematic questions, analysis of the central episodes of the story, artistic retelling of fragments of the story;

expressive reading, attention and memory when reading a work, working with a book, textbook;

literary cognitive interest when meeting a new author and work, the problems posed in it;

professional qualities, interests and abilities in the process of doing homework and the practical fulfillment of the duties of students in preparation for the lesson; worldview (moral) ideas in the process of assimilation of new material;

development of coherent written speech in the process of doing homework.

learning techniques

Introductory speech of the teacher; individual tasks and messages of students; appeal to illustrative and visual teaching aids; setting analytical and problematic questions when studying a new work; independent activity of students when working with text, answering analytical questions, expressive reading of individual passages, artistic retelling of individual episodes

Visually - illustrative material:

Portrait of the writer V. Rasputin, illustrative material about the writer, an exhibition of books by the writer V. Rasputin, an epigraph to the lesson; illustrative material about the Great Patriotic War, a wall newspaper and an album to the work, the text of V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember”, an outline of the lesson, presentation for the lesson ; footage from a documentary about the Great Patriotic War , footage from the feature film “Live and Remember”».

Introduction by the teacher.

In the modern literature of the XX-XXI centuries there are names without which we can no longer imagine it. One of those names is Valentin Rasputin, whotoday,1 5 March 2012, turned 75 years old.

Today we will get acquainted with his work. The writer Valentin Rasputin is one of the recognized contemporary writers who also continues the traditions of Russian classical prose, primarily from the point of view of moral and philosophical problems, which we should see with you, reflecting on the work of his story “Live and Remember” . Thus, the goals and objectives of our lesson are:

Get to know the personality of the contemporary writer Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin; consider the problems of the story “Live and Remember”; compare this work with previously studied works of the 2nd floor. XIX century;

Epigraph to the lesson: It's a shame to live ... It's scary to live… Hwhy live...

From the story "Live and remember"

- The word is given ... ( the teacher introduces the biography of the writer, accompanying his answer with a presentation)

Writer biography interview:

What did you learn about the writer's life and work? Name his main works and the themes of these works. How did the writer seek knowledge? What helped him become a talented writer and a worthy citizen of Russia?

II. Analysis of the story. The word of the teacher - the transition to the study of the workV.Rasputin"Live and remember."slide 1.

On June 21, 1941, Nazi Germany dealt a terrible blow to our country. The Great Patriotic War began.

The country prepared to fight back, a general mobilization to the front began, everyone: both old and young, sought to pay their debt to the Motherland, to stand up for its defense.

They went to the front to the newly created song of Lebedev - Kumach "Holy War".

Andrey Guskov, the hero of Rasputin's story "Live and Remember," also went to the front.

Rasputin, it seemed, was not, did not fight in that Great Patriotic War, but he knew the military hard times and could not express his point of view on those events in which he, as a citizen of his country, was involved. Indeed, in the 1960s and 1970s, interest in military events increased again, works of “new” military prose appeared in the press, and Valentin Rasputin decided to say “his” writer's word about this terrible event in the history of the country. But Rasputin's story cannot be attributed most of all to "military" prose, it is rather psychological, philosophical, as well as other military stories that appeared, since all writers were most concerned not with the historical large-scale battles of the Great Patriotic War, but with human behavior in war, the fate of the individual against the backdrop of the fate of the people in the years of painful trials, the preservation of the human in man. (You can ask a question: What works about the war are you familiar with at school?) Possible answers: V. Bykov, V. Kondratiev, B. Vasiliev.

8. First, I would like to check the knowledge of the text of the story.Slide 2.

Question 1st: Tell me how the events of the story begin? Question 2: What was the Guskov family like? Question 3-y: How did Nastena get to Atamanovka?

Question 4: Tell us how Andrey Guskov fought . Slide 3.

9 . And now we turn to the analytical reading of the work. It was generally not customary to write about the history of a deserter. In our literature, there were heroes and heroines who performed feats. Whether on the front line, deep in the rear, surrounded or in a besieged city, in a partisan detachment, at a plow or at a machine tool. The heroes of any works were people with strong characters, suffering and loving. They forged Victory, bringing it closer step by step. Such images brought up the heroic qualities of our contemporaries, served as an example to follow. And Valentin Rasputin decided to show a different life situation.

1st problem question: TO How did Nastena find out about his close presence?slide 4. Why did Guskov turn out to be a deserter? When Guskov deserted from the front, about whomhethought first?FROMlay 5

Possible answer:... Life in the war was at times excessively difficult, but no one grumbled, did not complain, because everyone got it equally. “And so much they who fought, from the first days of the war, endured and withstood that I wanted to believe: a special, fate-given pardon should come out for them, death should recede from them, since they have managed to protect themselves from it so far.”

... When the end of the war became visible, more than one heart trembled from the aching hope for a speedy and miraculous deliverance from fear and death. But there was no respite, although the forces were already running out. It became scary at the thought that you might not live to win ...

... And the most difficult moral test fell on the lot of Andrei Guskov just before the end of the war: he, wounded, ended up in a hospital not far from home. His heart could not stand it, the thought of death, that he might die at the end of the war, did not give him rest, he did not want to go back to the front. Succumbing to some not quite conscious feeling, Andrei chose the worst possible outcome for himself, a life choice much more difficult and bitter than death from an enemy bullet. He obeyed the instinct of self-preservation and found a convenient opportunity to escape, went to conscious escape.

2nd problematic question: What is this choice that is worse than an enemy bullet? And why exactly like this? Can this be called a crime? Possible answer: Cowardice, selfishness, weakness appeared ...

Of course, a person cannot be without weaknesses, a person must be with sin, otherwise he is not a person. But with this? Is it possible to atone for such a sin? After all, the war was not over yet, and no one gave Guskov orders not to fight, not to go back to the front. Possible answer: This is the end of the war, and he may die. Fear for your life. Usually reliable Andrey Guskov, brave, but here he showed cowardice.

3rd problematic question: What do you think, could Nastena leave her husband in difficult times?Slide 6. Possible answer: When such a terrible ordeal as the desertion of her husband falls to her lot, it never occurs to her not only to abandon him, but simply to separate her fate from his fate: she considers herself a participant in what her husband did.

- Expressive reading on the roles of the episode of the 1st meeting of Nastya and AndreyGuskova.

4th problematic question: How did Nastya's life change with the return of her husband?Slide 7

Possible answer: She has to lie, deceive, hide from people, from her husband's parents, she understands and accepts her husband, does everything to save him, rushes into the winter cold, making her way into his lair, hiding fear, hiding from people. She loves and is loved, perhaps for the first time like this, deeply, without looking back. The result of this love is the future child. long-awaited happiness. No, it's a shame! It is believed that the husband is at war, and the wife is walking. Her husband's parents, fellow villagers, turned away from Nastya.

5th problematic question:heroinewhat novel of the 2nd half of the 19th century reminds me of Nasten?

Possible answer: Sonya Marmeladova from F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", in which pity, compassion, mercy also merged. Thinking of Andrei, loving him with a bitter and caring love, she loved him, pitying him, and pitying herself - these two feelings inextricably converged in her into one. Loyalty, duty, pity - this is what turns out to be the main thing in the life of this woman. She experiences loneliness among people.

-Reading on the roles of the meeting of the warrior - fellow villager MaximVologzhinor retelling.Slide 8

7th problematic issue: In detail and in detail, Rasputin examines the nature of the crime committedGuskov. How does Guskov justify himself? Possible answer: he is trying to justify himself by the war, by the fact that he did not become a Vlasovite, he is justified by the upcoming birth of a child.

8th problematic question: What led to the crimeGuskova, his betrayal and individualism? Let's prove it with episodes. Possible answer: All this led Andrei Guskov to alienation, to savagery, turning into a hunted animal. Meetings with Nastena in the dark of the bathhouse, where they are like “blind”, a silent meeting with his father, “stunnedness” from loneliness, aggravated by deafness received during shell shock, he also does not seem to hear Nastena’s experiences. The moral degradation of a person begins, a person gradually turns into an animal. Guskov begins to feel like an animal: he has a skin instead of a skin, lives like a mole in the dark, calls himself a “forest animal”, he has a “bestial appetite”. The transformation of Guskov into a beast is carefully prepared.

Retelling of episodes: “Killing a Calf”; "Howl on -wolf”; (film screening) Slide 9

9th problematic question:Slide 10. Like any predator, retribution awaits him: a raid. Tell us how the fellow villagers guessed that Andrey Guskov was a deserter? Possible answer: The authorities suspect her of being involved with the deserter and are watching her. Go to her husband - indicate the place where he is hiding. Do not go - starve him to death. The circle closes.

Build a “chain” of turning a person into an animal, stumbled, built his own theory of self-preservation:

Fear - betrayal - crime - moral degradation - death of the soul;

10th problematic question: Why does Nasten prefer to die? After all, she is waiting for a “new life”?Slide 11. Possible answer: The burden of shame, conscience, loneliness, mental anguish is unbearable.

11th problematic question: What does Nastena think about before she dies? Is it possible to consider her suicide an unusual hymn to a wonderful Russian woman, capable of a feat of self-sacrifice? Slide 12. Possible answer: In the most difficult, last days, Nastena remembers, first of all, the shame on which the human conscience rests. Nastena remained faithful to her husband and unborn child to the end, whom she did not want to give to shame and human curse. This woman committed a terrible sin, destroying herself and her future life, but by her death she deserved the only possible forgiveness for her.

12th problematic question: How do you feel about Nastena's suicide? Slide 13. Why is there not a word about Guskov at the end of the story? Slide 14. Possible answer: This is a harsh sentence for him. His inexcusable guilt destroyed the whole family, and he will disappear from the face of the earth, leaving no trace behind him. slide 15

10. Let's summarize the analysis of the story and find a comparison with the work of the 2nd half of the 19th century. Is there something that unites Guskovaand Rodion Raskolnikov, the hero of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime andpunishment"? Possible answer: Crime, destruction of the soul, responsibility for one's actions, suffering of loved ones, loneliness, and most importantly - an ax - a symbol of both works as a symbol of violence, primarily against oneself, against loved ones.

Conclusion: Dostoevsky and Rasputin show the destructive effect of lies on man, on the human soul.

13th problematic question: How do you understand the meaning of the title of the story? What should a person remember?WhyThe story is called "Live and Remember."

(aboutstudent responses and teacher summary).slide 16

Showing terrible evil, the evil of betrayal, destroying evil like radiation, everything around him, the writer passed over in silence the end of Andrei. He is not worthy of a sympathetic death. Is she out of life, out of people's memory? Leaving Guskov alive, the author stigmatizes him with a terrible spell " Live and remember". But the title of the story has more than just this meaning.

The death of Nastena, who could not bear shame, remains in the memory of people. Before dying, she feels connected to all people. "No, it's sweet to live," she thinks in her last moments. And then: "It's terrible to live, it's a shame to live." Her death is like the inevitability of the truth, which Nastena herself believes in. “True, it will grow through the stones, in the middle of the Angara, in the fastest and deepest place, it rises from the water to the talking trees. No force can hide it."

The fate of Andrei and Nastena is part of the people's destiny. On the example of their life, Rasputin holds the idea of ​​the tragedy of a man who has become detached from the people. From this it follows that the fight against fascism is a matter of the whole people. This struggle lived all the people at the front and in the rear, making their contribution to the common cause of victory. Andrei Guskov, who deserted from the front, feels the gravity of his crime against the people, he realized that such crimes cannot be expiated. He deliberately breaks with people with his relatives and loses his human appearance.

Nastena cannot be condemned for loyalty, love and devotion to Andrei, but she condemned herself for helping a man who committed a terrible crime against the people. She made her own judgment. This is the greatness of her character, her justice, honesty.

Slide 17. Live and remember, a person in trouble, in the most difficult days and trials - your place is with your people. Any apostasy, whether caused by your weakness or ignorance, turns into even greater grief for your Motherland and people, and therefore for you ”- this is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe story, which lies both in the fate of the heroes and in its title.

The fates of Nastya and Andrei are intertwined. Worldly truths line up in a harmonious philosophical series of reflections on the purpose of man on this earth, on war. And the concept of native land "duty, devotion" becomes not speculative, but concretely expressed, through the concrete destinies of two people.

Slide 18

11. Grading.

12. Homework: (optional)

1. Write an essay - reasoning on the story of V. Rasputin “Live and remember, man. About what?" 2. Write an essay - reasoning “What feelings did this piece evoke in you?”

13. Summing up the lesson.

Abramova Ekaterina Pavlovna Krutishinsky secondary school of Shelabolikha district

Extracurricular reading lesson

in 10th grade

Topic: Moral lessons of V. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember"

Type of lesson: lesson.

Lesson type: combined.

Objectives of the lesson.

Educational :

    give an idea of ​​the life and work of the contemporary writer V. Rasputin;

    to acquaint with his story “Live and remember”;

    to promote the assimilation of the creative world of the writer, understanding the moral and philosophical problems of his works on the example of the story “Live and Remember”;


    to acquaint with the spiritual values ​​of human life and culture on the example of fiction, in particular the work of the writer V. Rasputin;

    contribute to the education of patriotism, collectivism, interest in the history of their country, active citizenship, motivation for educational activities;


contribute to the development:

    logical thinking and intellectual skills in the process of answering problematic questions in the analysis of the work;

    skills of oral coherent speech and culture of speech in individual messages, analysis of the central episodes of the story, artistic retelling of fragments of the story;

    expressive reading, attention and memory when reading a work, working with a book;

    literary cognitive interest when meeting a new author and work;

    interests and abilities in the process of doing homework and practical fulfillment of duties in preparation for the lesson; worldview (moral) ideas in the process of assimilation of new material;

learning techniques

Introductory speech of the teacher; individual tasks and messages of students; setting analytical and problematic questions when studying a new work; independent activity of students when working with text, answering analytical questions, expressive reading of individual passages, reading in faces, artistic retelling of episodes.

Additional literature:

Biographical material about the writer V.Rasputin; the text of the writer's work “Live and Remember”; Internet resources

Visually - illustrative material:

    Portrait of the writer V. Rasputin, illustrative material about the writer, an exhibition of books by the writer V. Rasputin, an epigraph to the lesson; text of V. Rasputin's story “Live and Remember”, abstract of the lesson, presentation for the lesson, footage and video from the feature film “Live and Remember”.

Lesson objectives



    the creative and life path of the writer, the text of V. Rasputin's story “Live and Remember”;

Be able to:

    comment on the read fragment , answer analytical and problematic questions, evaluate the central episodes, express their point of view on the problems of the work and argue them, read expressively, retell artistically, work with the text of the work;

Didactic material: task cards with questions on knowledge of the text and commenting on the central episodes; individual tasks and messages;

Control methods: checking knowledge of the text of the work of V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”;

Structural elements of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

2. Opening remarks:slide number 1

Goal setting. In the modern literature of the XX-XXI centuries there are names without which we can no longer imagine it. One of those names is Valentin Rasputin, which continues the traditions of Russian classical prose, primarily from the point of view of moral and philosophical problems. What? This is what we should see, reflecting on his story “Live and Remember”.

In this way, objectives of our lesson: (student answers)

Get to know the personality of the contemporary writer Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin;

Consider the moral problems of the story “Live and Remember”;

Epigraph to the lesson : No, it's sweet to live; scared to live; ashamed to live.

From the story "Live and remember"

3. Main part of the lesson

1) - For the lesson, the students prepared reports about the life and work of Valentin Rasputin. Let's listen to them carefully, write down the main life and creative milestones of the writer, and at the end of the messages we will try to answer the question: what made him a talented writer and, above all, a worthy person, a citizen?

Student performances:Slide number 2 (portraits)

The Siberian land is the birthplace of the writer. Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 into a peasant family in the village of Ust-Uda, Irkutsk Region, located on the banks of the Angara. The place on the banks of the beautiful Angara has become the center of the universe for a talented boy. Valentin learned literacy and numeracy from an early age - he was very greedily drawn to knowledge. A smart boy read everything that came across: books, magazines, scraps of newspapers. His father, returning from the war as a hero, was in charge of the post office, and his mother worked in a savings bank. A carefree childhood was cut short at once - a bag with state money was cut off from his father on a steamer, for which he ended up in prison and in Kolyma, leaving his wife with three young children to their fate. So the writer's childhood was not cloudless and serene, and Valentine early learned fatherlessness and need. The boy grew up on his own hungry and bitter experience, but an indestructible craving for knowledge and a not childishly serious responsibility helped to survive. After graduating from four classes in Atlanta, Rasputin, of course, wanted to continue his studies. But the school where the senior classes were located was 50 kilometers away in the district center. You don't run into each other every day - you had to live there alone. So at the age of 11 he began his independent life, without a family, without a mother. It was difficult to study: one had to overcome oneself, overcome hunger (mother sent bread and potatoes once a week, but they were always in short supply). But Rasputin studied conscientiously. He hardly dared to go to school with unlearned lessons. His knowledge was assessed only as “excellent”, except, perhaps, for French - pronunciation was not given. Nevertheless, there were gratifying moments at this time of life, and basically, they are connected with the book. “I am sure,” Rasputin wrote later, “that a person’s childhood makes him a writer, his ability at an early age to see and feel everything that gives him the right to take up a pen later. And then education, books. Life experience brings up this gift in the future, but it should be born in childhood. The writer recalled how he and a friend often climbed into the local library, taking out the glass, and “stealing” books from there. Over the summer, he became so addicted to reading that, going to the 5th grade, he felt like an unhappy person: there was nothing to read, and without books he could no longer.

Rasputin told about this time of his reader maturation and the difficult period of his life in the story "French lessons", released in 1973. In the matriculation certificate at the end of school, Valentin had only fives. A couple of months later, in the summer of the same 1954, having brilliantly passed the entrance exams, he became a student at the Faculty of Philology of Irkutsk University, from which he graduated in 1959. In 1962, Valentin moved to Krasnoyarsk, began working as a journalist, the topics of his publications were large-scale - the construction of the Abakan-Taishet railway, the Sayano-Shushenskaya and Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power stations, hard work and heroism of youth. New meetings and impressions no longer fit into the framework of newspaper publications. He wanted to be more serious. So it appears in print in the anthology "Angara" in 1961, his first story “I forgot to ask Leshka”, still imperfect in form, but poignant in content, sincere to the point of tears.

Then three collections of essays and short stories came out at once: "Bear Power for Sale" “Edge near the sky”, “Campfires of new cities”. The main thing in these works is the disclosure of taiga romance and strong-willed characters of people who live in close connection with the Siberian nature surrounding them. In early 1967, a story appeared "Vasily and Vasilisa" in the weekly "Literary Russia", in which the depth of the characters' characters with jewelry accuracy is determined by the state of nature. Nature becomes an integral part of almost all the works of the writer. In 1967, after the publication of the story "Money for Mary" Rasputin was admitted to the Writers' Union. Came fame and fame. They started talking about the author seriously - his new works become the subject of discussion. Being a person extremely critical and demanding of himself, Valentin Grigoryevich decided to engage only in literary activities, he left journalism.

In 1970, his story was published in the journal Our Contemporary. "Deadline". It has become a mirror of the spirituality of our contemporaries, the kind of bonfire where people wanted to warm themselves so as not to freeze in the hustle and bustle of city life. What is it about? About all of us. We are all children of our mothers. The bond between a mother and her children is the most important on earth. It is she who gives us strength and love, it is she who leads through life. In this story, the Mother waits and remembers, she loves each of her children. Her memory, her love does not let her die without seeing her children. According to an alarm telegram, they come to their home. The mother no longer sees, and does not hear, and does not get up. But some unknown force awakens her consciousness as soon as the children arrive. They have matured a long time ago, life has scattered them around the country, but they are unaware that these are the words of a mother's prayer that spread the wings of angels over them. The meeting of close people who had not lived together for a long time, their conversations, disputes, memories, like water in a dried desert, revived the mother, gave her a few happy moments before her death. Without this meeting, she could not go to another world. But most of all, they needed this meeting, already hardened in life, losing family ties in separation from each other. Tale "Deadline" brought Rasputin worldwide fame and was translated into dozens of foreign languages.

The year 1976 gave fans of V. Rasputin a new joy. In a new story "Farewell to Matera" telling about the flooding of villages during the construction of the hydroelectric power station.
... Consists of many islands that sheltered people on the mighty Angara, the island of Matera. The ancestors of the old people lived on it, plowed the land, gave it strength and fertility. Their children and grandchildren were born here, and life either seethed or flowed smoothly. Here characters were forged and fates were tested. And the island village of the century would stand. But the construction of a large hydroelectric power station, so necessary for people and the country, but leading to the flooding of hundreds of thousands of hectares of land, the flooding of all former life, along with arable land, fields and meadows, is death for the elderly. These people do not protest, do not make noise. They are just grieving. And the heart is torn from this aching melancholy. And nature echoes them with its pain. In this novel and stories by Valentin Rasputin, they continue the best traditions of the Russian classics. In the works of Rasputin, everything is intertwined with the subtlest psychologism. The state of mind of his heroes is a special world, the depth of which is subject only to talent. Masters . Following the author, we plunge into the whirlpool of life events of his characters, imbued with their thoughts. We can argue with them and disagree, but we cannot remain indifferent. So this harsh truth of life takes over the soul.

The year 1977 was a significant year for the writer. for the story "Live and remember" He was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. Just starting with the story "Live and remember”, which was published in 1974, the writer moves away from moral and everyday problems and proceeds to a deep understanding of the complex problems of our time, which determined the formation of the genre in his work philosophical story.

He could write multi-volume novels - they would be read with delight and filmed, because the images of his heroes are excitingly interesting, because the plots attract with the truth of life. Rasputin, on the other hand, preferred convincing brevity, therefore he writes stories and novels.

The main criteria for the actions of Rasputin's heroes are goodness, honor, conscience, and justice. The years of perestroika, market relations and timelessness have shifted the threshold of moral values. About it in the story "Fire", which came out in 1985. Valentin Grigorievich also found himself at a crossroads. He began to write little, because there are times when the silence of an artist is more disturbing and creative than words. This is the whole of Rasputin, because he is still extremely demanding of himself. In 1987, the writer was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the “Badge of Honor”, ​​“For Services to the Fatherland”, IV degree (2004), and became an honorary citizen of Irkutsk.

For Rasputin, love for the land is not an abstract concept, it is supported by concrete deeds. As a true writer, he well understands his duty to his homeland and accomplishes his next feat - writing articles in defense of Baikal, fighting for its salvation. Passionately and ardently, the writer proves that “Baikal was created as the crown of nature not for production needs, but so that we could drink water from it, its main and priceless wealth, admire its sovereign beauty and breathe its reserved air.” In addition, the time has come to pass on experience to the young, and Valentin Grigoryevich became the initiator of the annual autumn holiday “Shine of Russia” held in Irkutsk, which gathers young and talented writers to the Siberian city. He has something to tell his students. I would like to name the last works of V. Rasputin, this is a story "Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother" stories: "Angel under the night sky"Unexpectedly - unexpectedly.

2) Teacher's word: Valentin Rasputin continues to live in his native Siberia, in the city of Irkutsk. Slide #3

Writer biography interview:

How did the writer strive for knowledge from childhood?

What helped him become a talented writer and a worthy citizen of Russia? (Responsibility, criticality, exactingness to oneself, love for the Motherland

Name his main works

In a notebook: Valentin Rasputin is one of the famous prose writers of our time,
his works form the best human qualities:
kindness, compassion, love for the native land and its shrines, mercy.

Slide #4 (one of the best books)

annotationon the story slide number 5The works of V. G. Rasputin are read in one breath, and after reading questions arise. Questions - to yourself. “Live and Remember” is a book about the war, a drama of one life. Rasputin exposed another side of the war - desertion, which was not much talked about, most often they glorified heroism and fearlessness. In the story “Live and Remember”, war is the cause of not only the physical death of people, but also the spiritual one. Another strong female image is shown - Nastya. Condemn her? But she does her duty - remains faithful to her husband.

Slide number 6, (screen version ) "Live and remember." To whom are these words intended? We will answer this question at the end of the lesson. The presentation used shots from the film of the same name directed by Alexander Proshkin.

3) Analysis of the work of V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”

teacher's word

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany dealt a terrible blow to our country. The Great Patriotic War began. Everyone, from young to old, sought to pay their debt to the Motherland, to stand up for her defense.

Andrey Guskov, the hero of Rasputin's story "Live and Remember," also went to the front.

Slide number 7(pick up a book...)

Question 1st: Tell me how the events of the story begin?

(slide number 8- Winter in the 45th year ... The ax was gone ..) Slide number 9 - bath

Question 2: What was the Guskov family like? (Andrey's mother is Semyonovna, father is Mikheich)

Question 3-y: How did Nastena get to Atamanovka? Episode retelling

Let's go back to the episode about the missing axe. Who was the first to suspect something was wrong? (Nastena) How does it say in the text? Work with text

Teacher: It was generally not customary to write about the history of deserters. In our literature, there were heroes and heroines who performed feats. Whether on the front line, deep in the rear, surrounded or in a besieged city, in a partisan detachment, at a plow or at a machine tool. The heroes of any works were people with strong characters, suffering and loving. They forged Victory, bringing it closer step by step. Such images brought up heroic qualities, served as an example to follow. And Valentin Rasputin decided to show a different life situation.

Question 4: Tell us how Andrei Guskovi fought, how he turned out to be a deserter Episode Retelling Slide #10 (War)

Work with text What are the key words explaining the reason for the desertion of Andrey Guskov

- Stagingepisode "Meeting of Nastena and Andrey Guskov"

Slide #11(Nastena and Andrey)

5 problematic question: What do you think, could Nastena leave her husband in difficult times?

Possible answer: When such a terrible ordeal as the desertion of her husband falls to her lot, it never occurs to her not only to abandon him, but simply to separate her fate from his fate: she considers herself a participant in what her husband did.

6 th problematic question: How did Nastya's life change with the return of her husband?

Slide number 12 (Nastena),

Slide number 13 (Meeting Maxim, a friend of Andrey, from the war)

7 th problematic question: What was the result of Guskov's crime, his betrayal and individualism? Prove it with episodes. (work with text)

Possible answer : All this led Andrei Guskov to alienation, to savagery, turning into a hunted beast. This is confirmed by the following episodes:

    Meetings with Nastena in the bathhouse darkness, where they are like “blind”,

    Silent meeting with father

    “Stunnedness” from loneliness, aggravated by deafness received during concussion,

    He, too, does not seem to hear the experiences of Nastena, etc.

The moral degradation of a person begins, a person gradually turns into an animal. Guskov begins to feel like an animal. Describing Guskov, Rasputin draws attention to this: instead of skin - the skin; lives like a mole in the dark; the hero calls himself a “forest beast”; He has a "bestial appetite".

Episode reading"Howl like a wolf";(Slide number 14)

8 th problematic question: Like any predator, retribution awaits him: a raid. Tell us how the fellow villagers guessed that Andrey Guskov was a deserter?

Possible answer: The authorities suspect her in connection with the deserter and are watching. Go to her husband - indicate the place where he is hiding. Do not go - starve him to death. The circle closes.

Build a “chain” of turning a person into an animal, stumbled, built his own theory of self-preservation: Slide #15

Fear - betrayal - crime - moral degradation - death of the soul;

View videofrom the movie (Nasten's death)

9 problematic question: Working with text - What does Nastena think about before she dies? Why does Nastena prefer to die? (Refer to the epigraph)

Possible answer: In the most difficult, last days, Nastena remembers, first of all, the shame on which the human conscience rests. Nastena remained faithful to her husband and unborn child to the end, whom she did not want to give to shame and human curse. This woman committed a terrible sin, destroying herself and her future life, but by her death she deserved the only possible forgiveness for her. Unbearable load from a sense of shame, conscience, loneliness, mental anguish.

10 problematic question: Why is there not a word about Guskov at the end of the story?

Possible answer: This is a harsh sentence for him. His inexcusable guilt destroyed the whole family, and he will disappear from the face of the earth, leaving no trace behind him. Slide #17 (wife's death...)

4 . The results of the analysis of the story11th problematic question: How do you understand the meaning of the title of the story? What should a person remember?

He was afraid, he deceived ... And this led to the inevitable disintegration of the personality. Learned to howl like a wolf. He adapted to steal fish from other people's holes - and not out of extreme need, but out of a desire to annoy those who live openly, without hiding, without fear. Then he comes to a strange village and kills a calf, and not only for the sake of meat, but for the sake of some whim of his own. And there is no excuse for his flight. He thought that the born life would replace his ruined one. Save him from the pangs of conscience. In a notebook : Sometimes the punishment is death, sometimes it's life. "Live and remember!" Rasputin show the destructive effect of lies on a person, on the human soul.

Summarize. What moral lessons does the story “Live and Remember” teach us?

In a notebook Slide №18

Live and remember, man: about civic and human duty, be faithful to the Motherland, be responsible for your actions, be conscientious, and most importantly, in a time of difficult trials, be together with the people, with the country.

I want to finish the lessonpoem by A. Yashin

Not only words

In our untold wealth

There are precious words:




And there is more:

Ah, if everyone understood

That these are not just words

What kind of trouble would we avoid?

And it is not just words! 1957

Thank you for the lesson!


Getting ready for extracurricular reading

« Moral lessons of V. G. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember”

Questions for the lesson:

    How do the events of the story begin?

    What was the Guskov family like?

    How did Nastena get to Atamanovka?

    How did Andrei Guskov fight and how did he turn out to be a deserter?

    Could Nastena leave her husband in difficult times?

    How has Nastya's life changed with the return of her husband?

    What did Guskov's crime, his betrayal and individualism lead to? Prove it with episodes.

    How did the fellow villagers guess that Andrei Guskov was a deserter?

    What does Nastena think about before she dies? Why does Nastena prefer to die?

    Why is there not a word about Guskov at the end of the story?

    How do you understand the meaning of the title of the story? What should a person remember?

    What does the story teach?

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  2. The outline of the lesson was developed by: Maslova Tatyana Petrovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the highest category


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