Life priorities - in action! Life priorities of a person and their role in life.


In the world of people around us, there are more successful and less successful. There are those who have realized themselves in many areas, and understand what they want to achieve in the future. And there are those who And all this is our own choice.

Meanwhile, you can learn to control your own destiny. To do this, you need to master the art of correctly prioritizing and realizing yourself in all areas of life that we need to be happy and move forward. How to learn this?

Secret one: there are no universal recipes suitable for everyone! But this does not mean that it is impossible to use the experience accumulated and tested by other people. On the contrary, you need to start with this. And you can correct and adapt the advice of coaches, business coaches and psychologists to your needs later.

Primary and Secondary Goals

Do you have the most important, main goal in life? And the most important goal this year? Surprisingly, the English word Priority, which originated in the 15th century, did not have a plural for more than five hundred years of its existence! It seemed right and normal for people to have a single, most important goal. This situation continued until the 20th century. Now, in any company and at any meeting, employees are given ten or more priority tasks just for the current day.

If you let this principle into your life, then the feeling of being a squirrel running on a wheel will remain with you until retirement. Learn to reduce the number of priorities and clearly understand what your main task is - for starters, at least for today.

At the same time, immediately try to understand whether this is your goal, or imposed on you from the outside - by friends, relatives, management, and so on. In our society, the volume of contacts with other people is so great that it is difficult to distinguish between what we want to do ourselves and what society imposes on us. Therefore, often more than half of the time is spent on things that are not important for ourselves, but urgent and important for others.

This does not mean that we should refuse to help other people. But it is important to realize that these are not your tasks, and you are engaged in them, willingly postponing your own affairs for later.

Five steps to manage your time

The principles of time management are extremely popular now, which allow you to make life more meaningful, organized and harmonious. Volumes have been written about time management, and yet a huge number of psychologists and coaches continue to teach people how to properly manage their time.

Keep in mind that it is much more important not to talk about it, but to start implementing at least some of the principles of time management into your own life, and you yourself will understand which techniques are suitable for you and which are not. These principles are quite simple, but it is important to systematically implement them.

First What needs to be done is to highlight the very priorities that have already been discussed. In practice, this is difficult, so you need to make a list of the most important, global goals. And then filter it by importance and urgency. It is necessary to do this. Here is what psychologist-consultant Victoria Timofeeva said about this to the correspondent of Mir 24:

“If you don’t plan for your future, if you don’t have a goal or a plan, then you are like a boat that drifts aimlessly in the ocean, hoping to be somewhere good. Agree, it's stupid to wait for this. Just like GPS guides you to your destination, you need your own internal GPS to guide you.”

Second step is to break down big big plans into a list of smaller tasks that can actually be done. Don't delay the start of the great work! When the idea is voluminous, it scares you, but as soon as you start doing the first of the points, the path to the final is already presented as a list of quite feasible tasks.

Third step is the refusal to do secondary things. Focus only on the essentials! This is called the Pareto principle. It says that 80% of the positive results we get by applying only 20% of the effort. And all the rest of our forces go to the execution of the remaining small list of cases. Therefore, we need to do only what we can be effective in. And what remains is better to outsource, outsource, or even dismiss as not the most important thing.

Fourth- by all means bring to the end the implementation of one or two pending tasks per day.

And finally fifth- Evaluate your efficiency, improve it all the time. Do not leave long-term affairs halfway, but bring them to their logical conclusion and set new goals.

That's all. Although each of the points can be deployed in several lectures. But instead of endlessly studying the theory, it is better to take the methods invented by other people and try to apply them yourself. You will quickly understand what suits you and what does not. After all, managing your time is just a skill. But it makes our life much more meaningful and structured.

Plans for the year, for the week, for the month

In parallel with long-term planning, which still needs to mature, it is worth starting to create more understandable and realistic plans for the day and for the week. Ideally, you should have related plans for the year, for the month, for the week, for the day.

It is best to write plans for the next year at the end of the previous one, but in January, of course, it is not too late to think about it. First, formulate the main goals and note the main events. When will they happen? Now start planning your vacation! Include in the annual plan the vacation and where you will spend it, as well as all vacations, trips and travels. Now decide when you should organize them in order to buy the best and cheapest tickets and book hotels.

Your annual plan should also include something new that you plan to do, whether it's learning a language, losing weight or training, changing jobs or renovating an apartment. Designate important dates, and not only related to work or study, but also with hobbies and personal life.

Plans for the month are also written, but with a more detailed study of the deadlines. You need to write them at the end of the previous month, and then you can adjust them, as well as annual plans, by the way - this is normal!

Make sure that the first monthly plan reflects those global goals that are in the annual one. The sooner you start implementing them, the better! It is better to immediately assess the “scale of the disaster” and understand what about a tenth of which needs to be done in the first month is. It is the tenth, not the twelfth, because there will be more vacations and vacations, during which you will be busy with rest, and not with business.

Don't forget friends' birthdays, visits to relatives, and other visits. Record all plans on the calendar. Find out which planning apps you are comfortable using. Try several electronic and paper organizers or other planning tools.

Plans for the week are made on Sunday evening, or, if you prefer, on Friday. Here it is necessary to clearly filter out unimportant things! How to fill your week is not a question. But how to find time for the main thing? Therefore, start with the main thing. Write in the plan what moves you towards those priority goals that you formulated in the annual plan.

Decisively enter into the weekly plan and what you were going to start, but put off or were afraid of. Would you like to exercise three times a week? It's time to set the days and times of training!

It is better to reflect in the weekly plan everything that will require your time and mental resources in order to properly distribute them and weed out everything unnecessary or unnecessary. Do not forget to leave in the plan time for communication with children and family, for meetings with friends, pleasures and relaxation!

Daily planning is the most responsible. After all, our life is made up of days. This means that it is at this stage that we project all our future successes and failures. It is best to plan your day in the evening of the previous day. So you already give yourself the installation in advance that you will cope with everything and have time for everything planned, and you wake up immediately with this knowledge.

Photo: Alan Katsiev (MTRK Mir)

Arrange the tasks in the list in order of priority and do only the most urgent and important first. If you leave the most difficult for later, then it will plunge you into a state of stress. It is better to quickly deal with everything difficult or unpleasant and exhale.

True, some psychologists argue that such a strategy is not suitable for everyone. After all, we must take into account our own biorhythms too. If you are a “night owl” and your peak activity is in the afternoon, then perhaps the tactic of gradually increasing the complexity of the tasks performed will be more effective for you. One way or another, the list of your tasks for the day should always be at your fingertips. If at the end of the day all the cases turned out to be crossed out, then your efficiency was at its best!

SMART - a technique that works wonders?

Life-coach from Rostov-on-Don Dana Doronina shares her secrets with the readers of Mir 24. She considers the SMART methodology, which is used in management, goal setting and, of course, in planning, to be one of the most effective, and at the same time simple, in its practical application. Here's what it's about: Once you start managing your time and prioritizing, it's important to follow the five things behind SMART.

S (Specific) . When making plans, you must have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the end result you want to achieve will look like. For example, the goal to “lose weight this month” is a blurry goal. A more correct wording is “lose weight this month by 5 kg.”

M (Measurable) . You must define for yourself the criteria by which you will judge the implementation of your plan. Additionally, you can designate for yourself the lower and upper bars - the indicators of the minimum (below which you cannot go down in the implementation of the plan) and the maximum (your best result).

A (Attainable) - reachability . At the stage of determining achievability, it is necessary to answer the question: “Is the task set realistic for me?”. If, for example, you are overweight and have set yourself the goal of losing 20 kg in a month. - then this goal belongs to the category of unattainable. In this case, it is necessary to carry out its adjustment and replace it with a more achievable and realistic one. For example, to lose weight by 8 kg.

Working through the point of attainability of the goal, you also need to identify the tools and ways by which you can achieve this goal. In the weight loss example, these options could be: visit a nutritionist, start jogging in the morning, change your diet, take certain drugs, sign up for a massage. Your task is to evaluate all the resources that you can theoretically use to achieve the goal. After you analyze them, you will need to choose those that you can actually put into practice.

R (Relevant) - significance . When determining the significance of a goal, ask yourself: “Do I really want to achieve this result?”. Maybe this is not your goal and you will only waste your time and energy. Also analyze how this goal is consistent with your other plans, those that were set before. Does it conflict with them, will it violate the spiritual comfort of your loved ones?

T (Time bound) - time indicator. The difference between a project and a dream and a simple desire is that the project has a clearly defined period of time in which you will implement it. So it is necessary to register the start date of work on the project and the date of its completion.

According to Life-coach Dana Doronina, her clients who applied this technique in a short time received results that led them to a new round of personal growth.

Tatyana Rubleva

True spiritual maturity and courage is not imitating someone else's life patterns and priorities, but following your own.

What are life priorities?

Life priorities affect our lives. The correct definition, arrangement and action of life priorities can do wonders with our lives.

When you ask yourself what are your priorities in life, you are essentially asking yourself, "What is really important and valuable to me?"

Each of us longs to experience the fullness of life. Consciously or unconsciously.

If you feel frustrated that you have little time left for your personal life, your own well-being and health, because you spend too much time at work, then there is a good chance that you have the wrong priorities in life.

Our life, as a result, seems to be divided into two parts that conflict with each other, mutually excluding each other and drawing us into this conflict.

The first part is our work and everything connected with it. A kind of "social burden".

The second part is our personal life - a life where we are happy and where we want to be.

The main areas of life in which there should be balance are most often approximately the same for each person.

  • Wholeness of our being
  • Relations
  • A family
  • Work, business and career
  • financial well-being
  • True Wealth
  • Gratitude
  • Hobbies and recreation
  • Effective use of your time

(although everyone can add or remove what he considers important to him).

Let's consider them in more detail.

Wholeness of our being

Includes our spirit, soul (mind), and body (some divide this priority into three respectively). Naturally, this determines our health.

human spirit is the inspirer of his accomplishments for a more energetic life of our soul. This is where spiritual practices come into play. For example, prayer. We need a right relationship with God, and our lives must be built on a spiritual foundation. Often we try to cope with our stresses and difficult circumstances alone. It is not right. Our priority in life should be to live in faith.

Mind. We must recognize that all of our actions are ultimately connected to our thoughts. Everything is in our mind. We need to work on our positive thinking and set goals for ourselves that will help reorient our consciousness.

Body. The Bible says that the body is the temple of the soul. And we must take care of our home.

If we do not have enough time to take care of ourselves, then we are unlikely to have enough strength for our family and work.


This priority is your relationship with the people around you. Friendship and relationships with people is a very great life value. This is more than status and a wallet. What is the use of your position and wallet if you have no one to enjoy life with. A person should have a state of unity. Do whatever it takes to love people. If necessary, restore your love to your loved ones.

A family

Unity with your family. Family is your closest people, whom you care about and with whom you are connected in many ways. Keep in touch with your family, with your parents, brothers and sisters. This will help you avoid feelings of loneliness. The time you spend with your family is much more important than work, money, and everything else. Your life is largely determined by your marital relationship and it will become much richer if you improve this area of ​​\u200b\u200bit of your life and begin to fully enjoy the time you spend with your family.

Work, business and career

This priority allows us to develop. You need to try to find your ideal job.

financial well-being

It's about getting out of debt and enjoying financial freedom.

Money can have a dual effect on a person. They should help you achieve certain goals. Thus, they are just your tool.

If a person begins to love money more than anything in the world, then they turn into “the root of all evil” (1 Tim. 6:10). Such love is destructive.

True Wealth

This is the realization of what you dreamed of. This is work on your "assets". And it's not just about how much money you have. These are your balanced views on life, thanks to which you can benefit society and help people.


It is essential for your growth and development. Every day we need to be grateful for what we have:

  • a family
  • friends
  • Work
  • food on the table, etc.
  • recreation, entertainment, hobby
Hobbies and recreation

It's all about what you love to do. In addition, this is your opportunity to relax, gain strength and thanks to this you will be able to evaluate your desires and goals. True proverb: "Horses die from work." Our faculties weaken without rest. We need to find time to enjoy nature and the world around us, to enjoy life with friends. Find some hobby that gives you pleasure.

Effective use of your time

This is our natural resource, which must be used properly. The time that has passed cannot be returned. Focus on what you want by making time for activities that will move you straight towards your dreams and goals.

Set goals in each of these areas. Your lifestyle depends on how well you cover your goals in these priority areas.

If you learn to set goals regularly, you will be less prone to negative change.

Life priorities - in action!

Definition of life priorities

To organize your life, life priorities must be in action. Let's see how to prioritize life and make it work.

Most people have their priorities set wrong. But before you get close to them yourself, you need to try to understand where the imbalance comes from and answer some important questions:

  1. Who controls your time? Write what you think.
  2. Who decides your priorities?
  3. What do you need to change to properly allocate your time and prioritize correctly?
  4. What is holding you back from getting your priorities right?

The fact is that most of the time we devote our time to earning money. Of course, money is an important factor. But thanks to our "obsession" with them, we allow our bosses and work to control our lives more than ourselves. At the same time, most often, husbands believe that in this way they are taking care of the good of the family, but in fact, wives and children would like their attention to spending time together.

Mistakes are often realized too late when there has been a failure in life. And only then it becomes clear that life priorities were set incorrectly and the problems were just a consequence of this.

So, be honest with yourself as you answer these four questions, especially the fourth one: What is keeping you from re-prioritizing? If your job is getting in the way, then you may need to leave or change because your life is more important than making money. If people and their negative influence interfere, then you need to analyze the situation and take the necessary measures.

Having dealt with this and taking full responsibility, we proceed to the analysis of our life priorities.

Take the time to address this issue. Sit comfortably and ask that no one disturb you.

  1. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that you think is important to you. It could be your health (spiritual, mental and physical), your family, your friends, your job, your interests, your education.
  2. The next step is a description of your daily activities, with times for each activity.
  3. Compare these two lists. Do they match? You will easily discover your real life priority when you determine what takes the most time.

And then everything is simple. If your real life priorities do not match what you want to focus on in your life, then you need to switch .... Or leave everything as it is. The choice is yours. This is your life and your time.

Life priorities can tell a lot about you. If you say on every corner that you take care of yourself and your own health, but at the same time, the time spent on physical exercises is zero, then of course your deeds diverge from your words. Are you trying to achieve a healthy weight by eating cookies, chocolate and chips in front of the TV?

And how can we say that we are wonderful parents and children - our main life priority, if after a working day we do not have enough time for our children?

The same goes for marriage, our relationships with parents, friends, and so on.

Who are we trying to fool. Probably just yourself.

If you understand what your questions are, it's time to act.

I would like to note right away that changes in life also take time, even if you are motivated.

  • GIVE YOURSELF TIME!!! Give time to your chosen area of ​​life for 2 months until the desired sustainable changes actually occur. It takes about a year for real changes to take place in all areas.
  • Do everything gradually. You don't have to tackle everything at once. It will only confuse you and lead you to despair. Focus on one priority area, set goals for yourself, and stick to your plan.
Practical strategic steps to prioritize life

1 . Describe each area of ​​your life separately. This is done in order to understand what is happening in each of them now. Spend at least 5 minutes describing each category.

For example, your work. Do a detailed analysis. Describe your main job, do you like working with your colleagues and superiors, do you have prospects for growth, would you like to change it and do something else. What do you expect from your job and does your job bring you satisfaction?

Write down how you see your life in this area.

2. Look at your list of priorities and decide which one is your top priority. For example, this is health.

Write down all the goals that you would like to achieve in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife (for example, regular exercise, proper nutrition, yoga classes).

If your life priority is children, think about what you can do in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife (for example, plan your leisure time together, cooking their favorite food, reading bedtime stories, etc.).

3. Make a commitment. To always remember your priority, make reminders for yourself, such as cards with the priority you have chosen and the goals you are working on. Hang them in your home and at work. This will help you focus.

Enlist the support of your family by telling them about your plans. In addition, the family will understand you better. After all, your priorities for someone can be painful. Or maybe they should be discussed so as not to injure your family?

4. Find time to implement your plans. To find it, you need to understand that we are doing unimportant things in our lives.

To do this, sit down and look at the list of your daily activities. Include everything you do during the day. This can be work, cooking, personal care, chatting on the phone, watching TV, etc.

  • Cross out all those tasks that are not necessary (long conversations, watching TV, etc.)
  • Avoid unnecessary tasks.
  • Designate those tasks that cannot be completed without you.
  • Take note of what someone else can do and delegate your authority. For example, if you can afford to hire people for a particular activity (cleaning the house, cooking, etc.) then do it.
  • Ask family for help. Let your spouse take over some of the household chores.
  • Group tasks. For example, prepare food in large quantities and freeze them for later. Think about what else you can do.

5. Plan the next day of your life.

Write down your plans on a piece of paper. Determine their importance and what cannot be done without you.

  • morning exercises (a priority)
  • Conversation with the boss (a priority)
  • Dentist visit (a priority)
  • Cooking (must be done, can only be done by me?)

At the end of the day, while reviewing your list, thank yourself and give yourself a healthy reward.

Stick to a strategic course for two months. If you see real changes after this time, reward yourself with something pleasant.

Move on to the next priority, remembering to practice the first one. Your work list will help you with this. Although it will increase, you will have more inspiration and energy to complete it, because your life priorities are set correctly.

If after 2 months you don't feel any change, take a week off and start again. In a month you will receive your results.

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Hello my dear subscribers. The first of September is the beginning of a new school year, and for some, the beginning of a new life. This happened to me 10 years ago. Today we are celebrating a pink wedding, but more on that in one of the following reviews. And while we talk about life...

Standing at a crossroads, most people begin to think about which path to take. Have you experienced this? At such moments, people are marking time in one place for a long time, because they cannot make a final decision. Knowing how to prioritize life and work in general will help to avoid this.

Understanding the Importance of Priorities

Remember the children's epic about Ilya Muromets, where the main character has to make a choice, being in front of a stone: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, to the left, you will lose your life ...”. Sometimes such a choice is faced by each person. Here are common examples: get up and do exercises to be alert or sleep longer, do work in the morning or leave it for the evening, and so on.

A competent approach and awareness of the importance of committing an act will help to cope with a bunch of impending problems. The choice of sequence should be based on the goal of the person and contribute to its approximation. Do you know why some people become successful, while others cannot get closer to their desires? It's all about misplaced priorities.

The main feature of the choice of prioritization technique is the emphasis of a person on his life positions. Imagine a single woman with children. Represented? So think about it what's important for her?


· Children's health, which is directly related to how babies eat and what they wear. If you walk barefoot in rainy weather, you can get sick the next day.

· Place of residence (a warm apartment, not a shed with a leaky roof).

· Understanding employer, ready to pay a decent salary and let go of the workplace if necessary.

The woman herself (unfortunately, for many mothers, their condition is the last priority).

In a woman's life, she should be the top priority. No wonder they say: "Put an oxygen mask on yourself first, and then on a neighbor, relative or child." The meaning of this phrase is that only by protecting yourself, you can save millions of lives.

It turns out that circumstances sometimes force us to make other decisions, therefore, everything is based on three “pillars”: importance, urgency and coincidence. Learn to work with them, and then you will become successful.

Ways to fix failures

In order to become happy, learn to cope with the tasks set and enjoy life, it is enough to adhere to the following tips:

1. Eliminate the problem of defining life values. To do this, you need to conduct a self-analysis of the lived period, draw a map of desires and set goals that can fulfill your ideas.

It turns out that this is not difficult to do, you have to spend a little time. Think for yourself: what is important for an athlete? Naturally, victory, a medal, respect, therefore, his priorities are training, taking into account the comments of the coach, and not computer games and watching TV shows. This is clear?

2. Use the principle of time management: "Difficult and important things to do in the morning." This rule allows you to take off the load responsibly, increase self-esteem and serves as a kind of motivation that allows you to "conquer the peaks."

What do you think is more important for a successful person: to read the news on social networks or to have time to make a good deal? Naturally, the second, however, many people suffer from a problem called "sweat." These people say: “I still have time”, “I have a lot of time”, and in the end they begin to blame themselves for the failures and try to correct the situation at the last moment. Do you belong to this category?

3. Ranking of cases should be done in the following order:

  • urgent and important;
  • just urgent;
  • especially important;
  • important;
  • secondary.

How to make this division of tasks? Quite simply: you need to look at them, analyze the scope of work and make an assessment. After that, it will become clear what things you need to do in the first place, because they do not tolerate delay (treatment of the disease, quarterly report, etc.).

4. Don't be afraid to transfer responsibility. If you are the head of the department, then taking on all the problems is not the right solution. You have subordinates, features, whose work you know, therefore, instruct a knowledgeable person to create a program. So you will not only complete the task in the shortest possible time, but you will also be able to move a few more points of your plan (you will have time to complete a couple of things).

Value your time. If you don’t know how to save it, then feel free to study the material of Evgeny Popov’s training “Master of Time”. There you can find a lot of useful information, and most importantly, you will understand that becoming successful is not so difficult.

5. Follow the schedule and then you can increase your personal productivity indicators, therefore, become successful.

Life priorities

It's no secret that for a person there are several priorities: family, health, work, hobbies, appearance, friends. Try to arrange them in decreasing order of importance. This way you can find the areas that you should pay special attention to (the first three).

Do not forget that priorities will constantly have to be reviewed, because their allocation depends on:

The age of the person. What does the child need? Toys, books, mom, dad. And what is important for a twenty-five-year-old man? Car, apartment, finances. Well, what about an old man? Health, rest.

· Circumstances. It is no secret that the appearance of a baby cardinally changes the life values ​​of parents, and therefore their priorities. In addition, it is known that until a person has a problem, he does not begin to act in this direction. This is true.

People who have taken a loan begin to think about an additional source of income, try to save money and dream of throwing off this burden. What does the student think about before the session? Of course about education. You agree with me?

Setting priorities in life is sometimes not easy. If you cannot understand yourself or it is difficult for you to choose the area that is more important than the rest at this stage of life, then use the method of "Gleb Arkhangelsky's Memoir".

The essence of this method is to fix the daily important moment. For some, it will be associated with a healthy lifestyle (exercised, took a contrast shower), for others with family (a wonderful dinner surrounded by relatives, a walk in the park), and so on.

The main rule of this method is to record the event that left the greatest impression for the whole day (even if it is negative). It is necessary to fix one's own feelings within a month, although a week is enough for someone.

Perhaps that's all I wanted to talk about the priorities and principles of their identification and placement. Do you have any questions? Rather, fix them on paper or leave them in the "Comments" section. I will gladly answer them.

Sincerely, Elena Izotova.

One monk kept all his belongings in one small suitcase. With a beaming smile on his face, he said, “If every three months I don’t review my things and get rid of those that I don’t need, then my suitcase will fall apart, or I will have to buy myself a second one. We need to do the same with our lives.We regularly need to carry out such cleanings. Otherwise, if we… otherwise, we will either destroy our life or live it uselessly and then get a new body with even stronger attachments.”

What this monk meant to say is: prioritize your life, focus on what is most important to you and give you strength, and know that if you do not do this, problems and difficulties await you.

Lack of the ability to prioritize puts us in a state of paralysis. When we lose our natural ability to distinguish between what is more important to us and what is less important to us, we lose the main foundation of life and get confused in life. The first thing we forget and therefore become unable to act in the right way is that we are all eternal particles of God, the Absolute, full of happiness. From the standpoint of eternity, nothing in this world, good or bad, is worth falling into slavery.

There are two simple techniques I use to prioritize: I stop and ask over and over again: what am I not currently doing that I should be doing that will change my life for the better?

When I find an answer in, let's say, a certain area, I start to look at others - like health, relationships, spiritual practice - and ask the question again. The results of this technique are amazing and very inspiring for me. In my mind I imagine the end of my life and from this position I consider the present. When we are surrounded by a thousand little things, we tend to see only what is right in front of us. We are like a person who walks in a beautiful forest, but looks only at his feet until he hits his head on a large branch hanging low. When I look at my life in terms of death, I start to care only about the most important things: relationships, moments that allow me to forgive, feel uplifted and show compassion.

Life is gradually reduced, reduced, and, in the end, there are moments. And everyone chooses what he will do in these moments. And what is amazing is that everyone focuses only on the relationship. And everyone remembers that this, this is the most important thing. This is a very interesting one. Everyone is talking about relationships. That is, everything narrows down so much, and in the end we understand where, what is important.

“This is something we need to focus on while we still have the strength, the mind and the open heart. Of the millions of opportunities that life sends us, we need to single out similar, more important things. The benefits we get from prioritization. Prioritization creates two kinds of power within us: the first is the power to say no to everything that is unimportant and to discard it like the junk it is. This is the first power - to say "no" to everything unimportant.

Do you often have a question in your head: "What do I want?" Sooner or later, every person asks this question. Trying to realize our dreams and satisfy desires, we choose our life path.

How to realize your goals in a certain period of life

Desires can be endless. And how, then, to determine the tasks of paramount importance and arrange the rest of the aspirations in the right order? After all, everyone wants to be rich, healthy, drive an expensive car, learn several languages ​​and gain immortality. Ambition is very good, but it should not exceed the scope of reality.

The main thing you need to learn to do is to prioritize. First, take a pen and a blank sheet of paper. Write down all your desires in a column. Write the list in present tense. For example: ""I look at my bank account. The balance is 500 thousand rubles. I feel happiness and satisfaction from the reward for my work. The main condition is that what you write looks believable. That is, if you write that you are having lunch with the president, but subconsciously understand that this is impossible, or possible, but not in the near future, then you should not write it.

Working with the wish list

Once your desires have been written down, start reading them aloud one by one, pausing before each subsequent entry. After reading one wish, close your eyes and concentrate on your feelings. What do you feel? It can be satisfaction, a feeling of superiority over others, indifference, a pleasant thrill, or a feeling of real happiness and flight.

It is the feeling of happiness that is the true desire of every person. Perhaps he is not even aware of this, but subconsciously each of us strives for happiness. Guided only by your inner feelings, you will understand what you really want from life and learn to prioritize.

Analysis of the three main points

Cross out everything that does not match your priorities and leave three points. Why only three? It's simple, practice and research show that a person cannot work effectively on more than three tasks.

Think about what you are doing now, what activity takes up most of your time. The main question to ask yourself is whether this type of activity brings me closer to my goal. If the answer is no, then it's time to change something.

The road to happiness is difficult, but the right priorities will greatly simplify and speed up this process.

Other people's interests

Self-sacrifice and life for the sake of others, close people, makes sense only if it is a conscious choice of a person, the implementation of which brings him joy and happiness. Of course, caring for loved ones is a normal behavioral reaction, but when a sense of duty crosses out one's own aspirations and dreams, driving a person into depression, this is no longer the norm. There are many examples when he played into the hands of not only a person, but also members of his family.

A striking example is when young people, striving for a bright future, leave their father's house and leave for other cities or countries, where, in their opinion, young people expect many opportunities and great success. often helps people and leads them in the right direction. While parents, wise by experience, prefer to keep their child with them, being able to help him if necessary.

Each person has his own goals, and no one, including close relatives, should interfere with achieving the goals. You should not allow yourself to be manipulated, indulging others will not make you happy - rather, on the contrary.

Change of priorities

The above lists will develop your ability to prioritize. And upon reaching all the points, it makes sense to acquire a new list.

It's perfectly normal for priorities to change with age. The stages of growing up involve a change of mindset. Changing priorities should be evolutionary, not the other way around.

Not the best option when a person rushes through life and cannot find his place. In this case, it is important to analyze your actions and understand from where everything went wrong as planned. If you have problems analyzing your actions, or you need help, it would be useful to visit a psychologist who can help you prioritize correctly.

Etymology of the word "priority"

An interesting fact is that the word "priority" in the plural person was not used until the beginning of the 20th century. Prior to this, this concept was used only in the singular.

The word "priority" has the Latin prefix "prio", which means "before". Prioritizing means identifying the tasks that advance the achievement of your goals.

There is an effective principle for working with priorities, namely, He helps to set all the tasks using only two criteria - important and urgent.

Differences between important and urgent matters

A famous one tells us that 20 percent of all our tasks will be classified as important. Interesting, but some of them will also be considered urgent. What is the difference?

The implementation of important things brings you closer to your goal. At the same time, the execution of urgent matters distracts your attention, but does not have a significant impact on the achievement of the chosen goal.

It's no secret that most people start with secondary tasks. The thing is that they are lighter and do not require serious costs. And the brain, like the body, does not like to overstrain, if they are not accustomed to this. And the implementation of unimportant things creates the appearance of work, but the truth is that you should pay attention to those tasks, the solution of which will contribute to your success. This will help you know how to prioritize in life.

Priority categories on the Eisenhower list

Priority A - these are things that need to be done today, as they are both urgent and important.

Priority B - these are tasks that are optional on a particular day, but for which you need to carve out a small amount of time daily. Their stable implementation will bring the achievement of the goal closer.

A very common mistake is postponing cases from the second group until later. You don’t need to do this, because the developed habit of solving problems constantly in a small amount will qualitatively affect your further achievements.

Examples of tasks from priority B:

How to work with third and fourth order priorities

Priority C. This includes skills and abilities that you feel are urgent to learn but are not important. For example, learn to say "no" when the need arises. These tasks will give you the necessary time to solve priority tasks.

Priority D. These are tasks that are not important or urgent. You can safely postpone them for later, or entrust them to other people. It is strongly recommended that you occasionally skip tasks from list D. This will allow you to get a good rest on your most stressful days.

How to prioritize according to the Eisenhower method

Knowing how to prioritize is not a difficult task, the only thing that is required is to set aside a little time for written work. But later, following your own instructions, it will be much easier to act.

No matter how much you want to cover the maximum number of cases, there will not be enough time for everything. And this must be understood. The most important thing is to prioritize correctly, and then success will not be long in coming.

Allocate your time wisely, spending it on the really important things that will help you achieve your goals and realize your most significant desires. The ability to highlight important aspects of one's activity and avoid secondary ones is an important and useful skill. The Eisenhower Method helps you understand how to prioritize your life.

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