An ominous third place: ex-Ivanushka Yakovlev repeated the fate of his predecessor. "The friend left": the ex-soloist of the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev died Yakovlev from Ivanushki reason


Oleg Yakovlev is the soloist of the cult group Ivanushki International. The singer's death was a real shock for the fans, and the cause of death expressed in the media raises doubts and questions. From this article, you will learn the whole truth about the personality of a popular artist, as well as the most interesting facts from his biography.

Oleg Yakovlev


Oleg Zhamasaraevich Yakovlev was born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, in 1969. His father was Uzbek, and his mother was Buryat. Interestingly, Oleg's parents professed Islam and Buddhism, while the guy, not sharing their views, decided to join Orthodoxy.

After the birth of Oleg (he became the third child), the family lived in the Mongolian capital for only seven years, so Yakovlev went to school already in Angarsk, and received a certificate of completion of 8 classes in Irkutsk. The boy did well at school. Oleg showed a special propensity for the humanities.

Oleg Yakovlev in the program "New Morning"

Yakovlev began to show indifference to music in early childhood. He not only participated in the creative life of the school choir, but also learned to play the piano at a music school. However, Oleg did not manage to get a musical education. At some point, he became interested in sports - athletics, and also played billiards.

Artist during a birthday party

Having matured a little, the guy began to get involved in theatrical art. The addiction to the stage was so strong that after the eighth grade Oleg decides to enter the theater school, where he studies as a "puppet theater artist".

However, the ambitious guy wants the viewer to recognize him by sight. Therefore, Yakovlev moved to Moscow to study at GITIS and qualify as a "classical" actor.

Oleg on the set of his own video

Entering the first time, Oleg learns acting from Lyudmila Kasatkina herself, and after graduating from the institute gets a job at the theater of A. Dzhigarkhanyan. Yakovlev is involved in a number of theatrical productions, and in 1990. he gets a role in one of the episodes in the film "One Hundred Days Before the Order."

Group "Ivanushki International"

The biography of Oleg Yakovlev is inextricably linked with the Ivanushki International group. The guy got into show business for a reason. After all, as mentioned above, he was fond of music from an early age.

Oleg in the Ivanushki group. The beginning of the musical career of an artist in show business

Since 1990, Oleg has been working at the Modern Opera Theater (now named after A. Rybnikov), where he gets the opportunity to combine acting with singing, participating in musicals and opera productions.

It was there that Yakovlev recorded the song "White Rosehip", a cassette from which he sent to Igor Matvienko, the producer of Ivanushki International. At that time, the team had just lost its soloist (recall that Igor Sorin died after falling out of a window) and was in search of a new performer.

Oleg Yakovlev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov on stage

In March 1998, Oleg became the new vocalist for Ivanushki.

Yakovlev won recognition from fans immediately, fans were jealous of the newly-made frontman, constantly comparing him with the deceased Sorin. However, thanks to such hits as "Poplar Fluff" and "Bullfinches", Oleg receives the love and recognition of fans. A year after joining the team, the first album "Ivanushki" appears with the participation of Yakovlev - "I will scream about this all night", then 4 more collections of hits will be released.

Oleg was compared with Igor Sorin for a long time

Despite the popularity of the group, in 2012. Oleg leaves the group, deciding to start working on a solo career. For four years, Yakovlev has been recording about 15 songs, from 2013 to 2017 several clips appear.

A few years after joining the group, Oleg fell in love

Personal life

Fans have never been indifferent to the Ivanushki International team, this fate has not passed and Oleg Yakovlev. Unusual appearance and short stature have become a real "bait" for girls. However, the soloist's heart has long belonged to one main fan - Alexandra Kutsevol. A journalist by education, the girl left her profession, devoting herself entirely to her beloved. Sasha supported Yakovlev in all endeavors.

Oleg's civil wife

According to unconfirmed information, it was Kutsevol who insisted that Oleg leave the group and start singing alone.

Alexandra quit her job for the sake of Oleg

Oleg himself has repeatedly admitted that Alexandra makes his life truly happy, as evidenced by the numerous photos of a happy couple on the Internet. However, despite the idyll in the relationship, it did not work out to create a real family, Kutsevol remained the common-law wife of Yakovlev, the couple has no children. The artist has a niece Tanya and two great-nephews.

Oleg's sister

Yakovlev's life was full of entertaining facts and stories. Here are the most interesting ones:

  • Yakovlev never knew his father, and his patronymic was left from his maternal grandfather.
  • At school, the ex-vocalist "Ivanushek" was involved in athletics and even became a CCM.
  • Also, Oleg could boast of the ability to masterfully play billiards.
  • In order to live in an expensive capital while studying at GITIS, the guy had to earn extra money on the radio, record commercials and even clean the streets.
  • Back in 2003, the team could have broken up, but after much deliberation, the group decided not to disperse. Then the producer doubled the salaries of the participants.
  • According to rumors, Yakovlev has a son in the northern capital. The artist did not deny this fact, but refused to comment. The situation was similar with information about the affair with the singer Irina Dubtsova.

Oleg took part as a guest star at fashion shows

And even after death, rumors do not subside around Yakovlev's personality. Some associate his death with mysticism. So the famous actor Stanislav Sadalsky believes that the Ivanushki are destined to sing a duet and all attempts to turn the team into a trio end in failure.

So, the death of one soloist (Igor Sorin) can be attributed to an accident, while the death of two is ... a coincidence? Or is it already a pattern? Therefore, Kirill Turichenko, who today took the place of Yakovlev, should think carefully about whether it is worth continuing to work in the team.

Death of Yakovlev

June 28, 2017 information was leaked to the fans about the urgent hospitalization of the ex-vocalist "Ivanushki", as well as that the guy is in an extremely serious condition in the intensive care unit under a machine that artificially ventilates the lungs. The man ended up in the hospital already unconscious, where he was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia.

They say that Oleg suffered from alcohol addiction.

June 29 is the official date of death of a member of the Ivanushki group. Oleg Yakovlev passed away at the age of 46. According to official information, the cause of death was cardiac arrest.

Recently, Igor Matvienko, speaking in an interview about the causes of death of his soloists, noted that Igor Sorin was killed by drug addiction, while Yakovlev was killed by alcohol. Addiction to alcohol could cause cirrhosis of the liver, which led to pulmonary edema.

Oleg Yakovlev left very early, he was only 47 years old. The news of his death on June 29 came as a shock to all his relatives, friends and fans. Until recently, the artist performed and worked. In his last interview for the site, he dreamed of coming to his small homeland, Buryatia. However, this was not destined to come true. What caused the tragedy? The singer was diagnosed with pulmonary edema, which occurred due to cirrhosis of the liver. Yakovlev's friends in an interview with said that alcohol was to blame.

"Cursed Place"

Oleg Yakovlev came to conquer Moscow from Irkutsk. He graduated from GITIS, worked in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Popular fame covered him in 1998, when he joined the Ivanushki International group.

Now they are talking about mysticism - they say that Oleg was taken to the “cursed place” instead of the soloist Igor Sorin, who died tragically and early. Some warned then: the one who comes instead of Igor will not be greeted, - says the soloist of the Na-Na group Mikhail Igonin. - Oleg himself was ironic about prejudices, he was a believer and did not pay attention to mysticism. And what could be the curse?

Oleg left Ivanushki for free swimming in 2012 to sing what he is interested in, to perform solo, - recalls singer Nikita. - But from conversations with him, it became clear to me that promoting creativity in our show market is very difficult. And he had a hard time with it. Oleg had very sad eyes, even if he was joking and having fun. His latest album is very interesting! But he did not find the proper response. Oleg was worried that after the noisy fame he was out of work. His songs were not taken on the radio. And hence the psychoses and breakdowns. He was very vulnerable.

Alcohol was his main problem. As long as I saw Oleg, he was always tipsy, it started back when he was in the Ivanushki group, ”Leonid Dzyunik, the former director of the t.A.T.u group, told KP. - At events, tours - say, we fly in an airplane - he always drank. Everyone is sleeping on board, tired, and he is either champagne or cognac. Oleg was lucky, he was accepted into a popular group. And then the alcohol started. And he was asked from the group precisely on this occasion. Oleg was a rather reserved person, kept to himself. The "Green Serpent" is his misfortune. And the fact that after "Ivanushki" he did not receive the popularity he had hoped for only exacerbated his bad habit. He had a diseased liver, cirrhosis, and he was absolutely not allowed to drink. But he failed to overcome alcohol addiction. Although he tried. This is the reason for his early death.

"He had yellow whites of his eyes"

I called Oleg's common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol, who was also his director.

Oleg was sick, but worked out concerts, - Sasha told about the last days of the singer. - He tried to hold on, as he used to in Ivanushki: the temperature is not the temperature, it doesn’t matter what happened in life, but you have to go on stage. He performed in any condition. And he did it until the last day.

Did he know he was unwell?

I knew, but I thought it was not serious. He was sick, coughing, thought it was a cold. He self-medicated - drank cough pills. And it turned out that he had bilateral pneumonia. Launched. He was connected to the ventilation of the lungs, but it did not help.

- Did he go to the doctors?

No. Didn't want to - character! Came back when things got really bad. And that was barely persuaded. He began to choke, he could not breathe. And I could hardly walk. They called an ambulance.

- Which of the relatives did he have left?

There is no one alive.

Did he leave a will?

Don't know. Now is not up to it. Of course he wasn't going to die!

On the Russian Musicbox channel, the ex-soloist of Ivanushki International, Oleg Yakovlev, hosted the program together with his common-law wife Sasha (Alexandra was a professional TV presenter in the past, she worked on the Muz-TV channel).

I was Oleg's last guest in this program. Really the last one. It’s even creepy, ”singer Katya Lel told KP. - What did Oleg look like? Not really... I noticed that he had very yellow whites of his eyes, it was noticeable. And he behaved in a strange way, not quite natural. Not like a healthy person.

When I found out that he was admitted to the hospital, for some reason, a bad feeling immediately appeared, - says singer Nikita. - But I drove him away and sent a text message to his wife Sasha: “Is everything all right with Olezhka?” Oleg was lucky that he met such a beautiful girl. Too bad they didn't make it with the kids. I asked Sasha: when will you give birth? She answered: “Soon, soon, while we have creative projects!” It was clear that they loved each other.

Help site
Oleg Yakovlev was born in Mongolia. His mother was from Buryatia, his father was from Uzbekistan. When he was five years old, the family moved to Buryatia, in the village of Selenginsk, and his childhood passed. There he took his first steps to the stage - he studied at the music school in the piano class. Then the family moved to Angarsk, where Yakovlev graduated from high school, and then entered the Irkutsk Theater School as a puppet theater actor. In 1989, the artist moved to Moscow.

During his solo career, Oleg Yakovlev released several videos: "Dance with your eyes closed" (2013), "Call me after three champagnes" (2013) and "The blue sea" (2014).

In addition to his musical career, the artists acted in films, playing episodic roles in three films: "One Hundred Days Before the Order" (1990), "1st Ambulance" (2006) and "Election Day" (2007).

Oleg Yakovlev has never been officially married. He also had no children.

"Friend Gone"

Members of "Ivanushki International" Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov expressed their condolences on the death of the former soloist of the group.

“Today my friend passed away, We lived on tour for 15 years, traveled and flew around the entire globe TOGETHER. Instagram.

On the air of Sputnik radio, he said that he met with Yakovlev two months ago.

“I was in shock yesterday when I found out that he had been in the hospital for a week already. I didn’t even imagine, because we saw each other two months ago, and everything was fine. And the video came out new, and the song. I don’t even have thoughts it was that a serious thing could happen. A friend left, "said Kirill Andreev.

"How can you say a few words about a person with whom he spent 15 years of creative life. Tours, trains, planes, cold hotels - everything was there. The kingdom of heaven to Olezhka, of course. I want his soul to calm down. It's a pity that so early, "- noted the soloist "Ivanushki".

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov also expressed his condolences on Yakovlev's death.

"I'm in shock, condolences to the friends that he had, and to all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the Ivanushki International group. This is an absurd death," he said in an interview

The famous Russian singer Oleg Yakovlev died yesterday morning, June 29th. The artist has been in one of the capital's clinics for the past few days. Doctors assessed his condition as critical and refused to predict. Then it became clear that we were talking about a serious illness.

At first, nothing was reported about the causes of Yakovlev's death. Moreover, for some time it was not clear what happened to the performer, that he was urgently taken to the hospital. But a little later the details came to light. It turned out that the former soloist of the Ivanushki International group had several serious chronic diseases at once. In particular, we are talking about bilateral pneumonia and cirrhosis of the liver.

It is noteworthy to highlight the fact that Yakovlev had previously complained of health problems, which he did not take seriously. In particular, he often coughed, but preferred to treat himself. As a result, the disease reached such an advanced stage as bilateral pneumonia.

Beloved Oleg Yakovlev confirmed his death, noting that the singer died in intensive care without regaining consciousness. “Today at 7:05 am, the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness was gone .... How can I be without you now?” The girl wrote on the Internet. She cannot give any more detailed comments, because she is in a depressed state.

What happened to Oleg Yakovlev: why he died, news

Reporters promptly contacted Kirill Andreev, a member of the Ivanushki International group, with whom Oleg Yakovlev sang in the same band for 15 years. Kirill expressed his condolences and noted that Oleg never had any health problems. According to Andreev, the ex-soloist of the famous group "burned out" in just a month and a half.

“We shot a new video together and recorded a song, and I didn’t know that he had any problems. But I always told him jokingly:“ Oleg, smoke less cigarettes. ”I was always ready to support him in terms of a healthy lifestyle. More a month and a half ago, he was full of energy. And yesterday I found out that he had been in intensive care for a week, it was a shock, "Andreev admitted.

According to the singer, Yakovlev fought for his life to the last. "It's a pity it's so early. I prayed for him in church," said the popular performer.

Journalists also spoke with actress and TV presenter Evelina Bledans. She said that Yakovlev was a bright positive person. According to her, the artist has always been thin and pale, but no one suspected that he could have such serious health problems.

The death of Yakovlev has acquired a scandalous connotation

The new meme caused a strong reaction from subscribers. The picture has already gained 13.5 thousand likes, it has been commented on more than 900 times. Someone really laughed, but many criticized MDK for being too evil and unethical jokes.

“It seems that most people do not have the heart and brains to write such comments,” said Elena Palshina. "So much ***** and bile in people!" - Anna Ivanova supported her. "You decided to mock a famous person, like Zhanna Friske! Enough! I'm going to write a statement to your group!" Ivan Dobrota threatened.

In turn, according to the head of MDK Roberto Panchvidze, there is nothing reprehensible in the joke about the death of Oleg Yakovlev. “There is no insult to a person here. Even in the comments, people took this news as they should. There is no aggression there,” he said. "There is no corpus delicti," Panchvidze explained.

Before his death, Yakovlev was knocked down by cancer

Former soloist of the group "Ivanushki" Oleg Yakovlev, who died on the morning of June 29, was dedicated to a new issue of "Let them talk." From the words of the talk show participants, it became known that a few years ago, the performer had a hard time with the death of his sister, who had cancer.

Andrey Malakhov promptly called friends and colleagues of the deceased to his studio. Oleg's friends told many unknown facts about him and his life outside of studios and concert venues. The death of the singer was a shock to all who knew him. Yakovlev's former colleagues in the Ivanushki International group, Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov, cannot believe what happened.

During the program, it unexpectedly turned out that in 2010, Yakovlev's older sister Svetlana died of cancer. This misfortune knocked down the artist, he was very worried, but he didn’t show it, he didn’t tell anyone about the loss, he kept everything in himself, allowing grief to eat himself from the inside.

According to the wife of "Ivanushka" Kirill Andreev Lola, Oleg did not have the habit of sharing his problems and experiences with other people, he kept everything to himself. He did not tell others about his illness, which eventually led to death. That is why the death of Yakovlev was a shock to many. Nobody knew that he was seriously ill.

“You can’t help a person who keeps everything to himself. He didn’t say that he was ill, so no one helped him,” the psychologist invited to the studio as an expert reasonably noted. "I am firmly convinced that in our destiny we create evil fate with our own hands," Kirill's wife said.

Lola also said that Oleg Alexander's last love did everything for the sake of a loved one to help him succeed in his solo career. However, experts in the studio came to the conclusion that it was not so easy for a fragile girl who worked as a correspondent on one of the music channels to promote a solo artist. Like, she took on an unbearable burden.

The funeral of Oleg Yakovlev: when and where will it take place

Farewell to Oleg Yakovlev will take place in the ritual hall of the Moscow clinic, in which they tried to save the ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group. Then the artist is cremated, and his ashes are buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

At the moment, it is known that a civil memorial service will take place in the ritual hall at the hospital, where doctors fought for Oleg's life. Then the body will be cremated, and the ashes will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

It should be noted that many celebrities, such as actors Andrei Panin and Dmitry Pevtsov's son Daniil, politician Boris Nemtsov and singer Valentina Tolkunova, rest on the churchyard.

Oleg Yakovlev spent the last hours with his loved ones. The artist's press secretary said that the doctors understood the serious condition of the singer, who was unlikely to get out, and decided to let his relatives go to him. “We held his hand. Somewhere in the depths of our souls we realized that he was leaving us, but we hoped to the last. Although the doctors no longer encouraged us. Oleg never regained consciousness. We did not have time to say goodbye to him. And the most important words were also not said," the representative of the artist admitted.

It should be recalled that Yakovlev joined the famous Ivanushki International trio in 1998 after the death of Igor Sorin. He left the team in 2013, but, according to him, he never regretted his decision. “For the first time in my life I felt like such a value. I stopped dividing life into three parts. It’s so great and interesting! My eyes are burning,” the artist explained.

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