The meaning of the name Erik. Diminutive names

  • Male name
  • The meaning and origin of the name Eric: This Scandinavian name means "Possessing nobility" or "Noble rich man." According to another version, the name has the meaning "Eternal ruler", originating from the Scandinavian roots ei, "permanent", and rikr, "ruler".
  • Energy named after Eric: Kindness, optimism, daydreaming

Unlike his Old Norse counterpart, modern Russian Eric has a rather intelligent softness and good nature, although emotional outbursts are not alien to him, when firmness and determination begin to come to the fore. True, for this you need to try hard to get him out of himself.

Usually in childhood, Eric stands out for his cheerful disposition and good-naturedness, he is an optimist and rarely indulges in sadness. His poise greatly facilitates the tasks of parents, because Eric lends himself perfectly to education.

It happens that some shyness can be traced in Eric's character, he does not like to attract undue attention to himself, but this goes against the fact that a rare and beautiful name already distinguishes him from the general environment. However, if his parents manage to develop significant self-esteem in him, then the picture can be just the opposite, and Eric risks turning into a rather selfish and narcissistic person, who is used to always being in the spotlight.

But with age, the softness inherent in the name often affects. Indeed, the full form of the name already sounds like a diminutive, which can be perceived as a lack of seriousness befitting an adult. Here everything depends on Eric himself and on the work that his educators have done. Often, Eric is really seduced by the childishness of his name and relates to life accordingly, playing the role of a "big kid" or "eternal student" who prefers the pursuit of pleasure to any other occupation. In other cases, everything happens the other way around, and, as if trying to make up for this lack of seriousness, he begins to wear the mask of a kind of strict person. Undoubtedly, the second option is much more favorable for independent living, but it’s probably not worth replaying. Such an approach can provide him with a rather calm fate, but if he wants to achieve any significant success in his career in life, it will not hurt him to become a little more persistent and active.

What do you think about the name Eric?

The name Eric from the Scandinavian language is translated as "noble rich man", and endows its owner, first of all, with generosity, honesty and morality. In Russia, this male name is not very popular and is quite rare.

About the name Eric and the character of its owner

Meaning "noble rich man", Eric from an early age is distinguished by restraint and a calm disposition, which is especially pleasing to parents, since there are practically no problems with disobedience. At school, he studies well, develops diversified: he likes to solve puzzles, and to read, shows the ability to music. Among works of art, she prefers stories about brave and courageous heroes, since she imagines herself in their place. Growing up, Eric begins to treat life prudently, prefers to think things over well before committing an act.

Depending on what time of the year the boy was born, certain traits will prevail in his character:

  • those born in winter are distinguished by a sharpened sense of justice and decisiveness;
  • born in summer - prudence and sublimity;
  • born in autumn and spring - accuracy and disinterestedness.

In a circle of friends, Eric is sociable, good-natured, hospitable, has a cheerful disposition. With acquaintances, he is intelligent, restrained and polite.

It’s not worth organizing a common business with Eric, because it matters for him to do only what he likes at the moment, so there is a risk that he will quickly get bored with a new hobby and switch to something new. But, despite this quality, a young man always has many friends and comrades.

In relation to women, Eric often does not show his usual prudence, is able to recklessly fall in love and commit rash acts. Marriage rarely changes his attitude to life, but much depends on the companion he chooses.

The meaning of the name Eric and the history of occurrence

The name has Old Norse roots. The meaning "nobility" has another word form - Erich. For the first time, this name was learned from Greek mythology, in one of the legends, Eric was presented as a self-confident hero, who was eventually destroyed by excessive self-confidence.

But there is another version of the origin of the name - the ancient Germanic. In this case, it means "noble leader." This interpretation gives the boy leadership abilities.

All about the name Eric and the fate of its bearer

Astrologers say that the boy will go through life very actively and confidently. He will be able to realize his full potential in the profession of a journalist, traveler, translator, diplomat, artist. Meaning "nobility" will be able to prove himself well in any profession that requires activity and communication. The number eight is considered a fateful number.

Name days and mascots

Angel Day Eric can celebrate once a year - May 18th. A saint with this name is in the sacred writings of the Catholic faith.

Astrologers advise giving this rare name to boys who were born under the constellation Sagittarius, that is, from November 23 to December 22. Good luck will bring shades of green, red, brown and lilac. The talisman is jewelry with precious stones such as ruby ​​and amethyst.

Family life

Starting a family can be a turning point for a young man in his outlook and attitude towards life. Having chosen a wise and economic woman, he will become a faithful and intelligent husband and a wonderful father. Girls with the names Zoya, Polina, Diana, Tatyana, Lydia are suitable as a chosen one for family life.

The male name Eric has ancient Scandinavian roots and means “permanent ruler”, “noble ruler” (there is also a version about the German origin of this name in the meaning of “rich and honest”). It is quite common in many countries of the world (especially in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany), practically without changing the sound. In Russia, the name Eric is less common, but still sometimes found.

Characteristics of the name Eric

The character of the owner of this name is soft and impractical. Usually this is an optimistic, cheerful, lucky and good-natured person with a large emotional inner palette. He likes to seem better than he really is, so he can often be caught in a lie. Eric treats life quite easily, quickly lights up and also quickly abandons his ideas and work begun. In childhood, the owner of this name will be more calm and even shy. He can study very well, but gradually, mastering some carelessness, he can let his education take its course, worrying more about how to stand out from the rest of the children in school. Some older Ericas are selfish and overconfident. But most often they are simple, dreamy, restless and adventurous men. Sometimes Eric's recklessness reaches enormous proportions, therefore, knowing this, few people are inclined to trust the owner of this name in matters of business. But he has a huge number of friends and acquaintances, in addition, he likes to be surrounded by serious people who can be trusted.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Eric is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, that is, from November 23 to December 22. This sign will retain almost all of Eric's qualities unchanged, making his friendliness, mobility, love of risk and everything new, as well as a certain irresponsibility even more obvious.

Pros and cons of the name Eric

What are the pros and cons of the name Eric? On the one hand, it is a sonorous, bright, rare and energetically strong name. But on the other hand, it does not always combine beautifully with Russian surnames and patronymics, it does not have euphonious abbreviations and diminutive options, in addition, the somewhat careless, albeit very cheerful nature of most Erics may not please many future parents.


But Eric's health will be good. He rarely gets sick, and only in old age can complain of problems with blood pressure or the gastrointestinal tract.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Eric shows himself well, despite the fact that he usually marries early, under the influence of great feelings. The owner of this name will be an attentive and gallant spouse, as well as an affectionate father. The family can change him for the better, making him more responsible, but the disagreements associated with his sometimes too easy attitude to life will still arise in marriage.

Professional area

In the professional field, Eric is suitable for active activities that require constant movement. For example, he can be a journalist, traveler, diplomat, translator, artist, restaurateur, advertising designer, dog handler, stuntman.

name day

This short male name sounds like a foreign one, and is rarely found among the natives of our country. The meaning of the name Eric, translated from Old Norse, is “eternal ruler”, but in practice he does not stand out with pronounced leadership qualities, rather, a man can be called a “grey eminence”.

Already at the most tender age, certain personality traits begin to appear in him: politeness, modesty, unquestioning obedience. Parents who have chosen the meaning of the name Eric for the boy literally cannot get enough of the complaisant and calm baby. Some phlegm inherent in a child should not embarrass others - it is more interesting for a boy to think and study than to act.

Also, the meaning of the name Eric for a child suggests an early manifestation of creative and intellectual potential. He will learn to speak before many, and then to read, write, count - all this will be given to the boy with extraordinary ease. Parents need to attach importance to the development of imagination, and with the proper attitude to creativity, the baby can become an excellent artist, artist or musician in the future.

At school, he is very different from classmates in terms of the maturity of perception. He talks like an adult, knows how to analyze perfectly, carefully studies the task, and easily finds a way out of it. He is not popular with his peers. But this fact does not attach much importance - the interpretation of the name implies a frivolous attitude to any opinion of the environment. For a teenager, only his own point of view is important.


Despite some isolation, having matured earlier than his peers, Eric can fall recklessly and passionately in love while still a young man. Often this means that the first chosen one is older than him, but he does not attach due importance to this fact - an all-consuming feeling literally turns off the mind of an amorous guy, and now he is ready to make a marriage proposal.

Almost always, he deserves the attention of his beloved by very extraordinary actions that are not characteristic of him in a state of not in love. For the sake of love, he is ready for anything, and even the most capricious touchy will be intrigued, and will melt under the onslaught of exquisite courtship.

A family

Eric marries his first love, and always strives to create a friendly harmonious family, to be gallant and respectful with his wife. He literally gives himself to the second half. But this does not mean that you can drive your spouse under the heel. For him, his own opinion is of paramount importance, and even if his wife throws a scandal when points of view differ, he will remain with his own in any case.

Nevertheless, the wife rarely remains dissatisfied - he knows how to get out of the conflict with dignity, leaving both himself and his beloved satisfied. Eric's frivolous attitude to life changes for the better when the children appear. With kids, he is unusually affectionate, and is ready to allow the kids any entertainment.

Business and career

Since childhood, the guy has been drawn to the exact sciences and to creativity, which means that he is destined to devote his life to research, or any creative profession that comes to mind. In any of these fields, a man can achieve excellent results, the main thing is to give more importance to the rules and norms.

He is especially anxious about scientific activity, perceiving it as a necessary training of his brain, and at the same time - as a kind of creativity. Not far from him and the work, which implies communication with people and activity. For example, journalism, travel, diplomacy - those activities in which he can succeed.

Own business is something unattainable, something that he can take on only in case of extreme need. Eric is tired of the endless races of competitors that take up so much personal time, because every hour of life has a special meaning, and he does not like to waste precious minutes on unworthy activities.

origin of the name Eric

Scholars are unable to pinpoint exactly where the name came from. The origin of the name Eric, according to two different versions, has Old Norse or Old Germanic roots. In the first case, the meaning of the word is “happy and powerful,” and in the second, the etymology leads to the phrase “eternal leader.” The interpretation is very similar, which, nevertheless, explains the mystery of the name, and gives the owner greatness.

In ancient Sweden, Erik the Lawyer was highly revered, whose name later began to be considered a saint. In history, he is considered the patron saint of the city of Stockholm. The saint was martyred on the approaches to the church where he prayed, and according to legend, miracles happen at the place of death. From under the ground, where the severed head of the ruler fell, a healing spring gushed out, and when people asked for help near the springs, they received healing or advice in dreams.

Characteristics of the name Eric

In addition to some phlegm and isolation, another significant characteristic of the name Eric is self-confidence, sometimes even excessive. He perfectly understands his high intellectual capabilities, and always evaluates his work on the merits. But excessive confidence can give rise to an extreme form of selfishness in him, bordering on narcissism and narcissism.

So, considering self-confidence as a positive quality, one must not forget that what at first glance seems wonderful has its pros and cons. But in general, the character of this man, if he does not go to extremes, can be described as pretty good, pleasant.

He wants to be noticeable, for him success in the area of ​​life that he has chosen is of particular importance. He, like an excellent student at school, strives to be praised, awarded and showered with honors. To do this, he, having assessed the situation, can be extremely sweet and polite, which is very appealing to people who are close to him.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - Ruby.
  • Name day - May 18 (Catholic calendar).
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Taurus.

Famous people

  • Eric Anthony Roberts is an American film actor, Golden Globe and Oscar nominee.
  • Eric Sloto - weightlifter, world record holder in the bench press.

Different languages

The translation of the name Eric from the forgotten Old Norse language is “eternal ruler”, “legitimate ruler”. It is safe to say that the name is more common in Western countries, as it is translated exclusively into European languages. You can find sounds quite similar to the Russian analogue: Eirik, Erich, Eurik, Eriko, Erika, Eri. But there are also more original ways of pronunciation: Eryk, Eerik, Eirikyur.

In Asian countries, the name Eric is not so common, and therefore the word is translated and recorded using transcription. For example, in Chinese with the help of hieroglyphs - 哎力克, with the sound of Elike. Or in Japanese in katakana - エリック, or in Japanese characters - 襟公, with the pronunciation of Erikku.

Name Forms

  • Full name is Eric.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Er, Erka, Erya, Erchik, Eryushka, Eri.
  • Declension of the name - Erika, Erika.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy - no.

The male name Eric has several variants of occurrence. The most popular opinion about his Scandinavian origin is from the name Eirikr, consisting of two parts: "eternal" and "king, ruler", which together means "eternal ruler". According to another version, it was formed from the complex Old German Euric: "ewa", "ewe" - "custom", "law", "eternity" and "rihhi", "riki" - "rich", "powerful"; "leader", "ruler". However, most likely, this is just a German variation of the Scandinavian form of the name.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • Ruler Planet: Moon
  • Talisman Stone: Jasper
  • Color: brown, red
  • plant: wild rose
  • Animal: eagle
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting with Eric. As a child, he pleases his parents with the calmness and prudence of a phlegmatic. Respect and obey elders. Demonstrates mathematical and musical abilities. He loves to read, has adult prudence and seriousness, does not tolerate deceit and will not lie himself.

It is worth noting that the nature of the winter representative named after Eric is more severe and complex compared to summer or autumn. Born in the coldest time of the year - modest, but persistent, early on is fond of chess, adventures. He loves to travel, both in reality and in invented fantasies with the help of books or in virtual worlds he created.

Eric, who was born in the summer, is a very prudent child. He tries to predict his every action, so the parents of such a baby have to carefully monitor their actions so as not to become an object of manipulation.

Autumn Eric is characterized by his excessive accuracy, sometimes turning into pedantry. Purposefulness, complete with boundless curiosity, delivers a huge number of uncomfortable moments for his teachers and educators, who cannot always unambiguously or substantively explain the phenomenon or event that interested the boy.

The spring owner of the name is the most cheerful and defenseless. True, over the years he learns to defend his interests and independence in the team, but rudeness and rudeness cause him open condemnation and indignation.

Interests and hobbies

Interests, like Eric's character, are directly dependent on the season of his birth. But do not think that hobbies are radically different. It’s just that if a person who was born in winter is fond of sports for the sake of sports, then the autumn one will try to make a career out of it. A man with this name is a very versatile person. Among his preferences are chess, car modeling and aircraft design, music and literature, sports, philately and much more.

Profession and business

It is difficult to find a more suitable person for a middle manager than Eric. He is not distinguished by aggression, but is able to show firmness and determination, if necessary (but only if he has grown morally and spiritually from a carefree "eternal student"). Thanks to his artistry and charm, he copes well with public professions, for example, a media employee - film and television actor, presenter, KVN attendant, etc. He is also capable of running his own business, but only if there is a deterrent, which can be a reliable employee who has become a friend, or a family member. He makes a talented doctor (especially a surgeon and dentist) and a musician.


Eric usually has good health, the reason for this is his passion for sports. All possible diseases depend only on the type of his activity. But, as a rule, if injuries can be avoided in sports, then with age one should only exclude or reduce the influence of factors that depress health (alcohol, nicotine).

Sex and love

In a relationship, Eric is more of a practical man than an emotionally dependent man. He appreciates and seeks a harmonious combination of mind and appearance. He is moderately jealous, does not pester his partner with eternal suspicions. He is not capable of meanness, and if feelings go away or he meets a more suitable candidate, he immediately admits to this girl.

Family and marriage

In the family, the bearer of the name Eric is a caring and loving spouse who prefers to make something necessary and useful for the home than to seek adventure on the side. But this is if the other half is a wise and patient woman. He is very friendly with children and tries to fully provide for them.

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