Significant and memorable dates. Significant and memorable dates in more detail about these musicians and events -


On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the autumn day on September 27, what famous people were born on this September day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from around the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and the day of September 27 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk tales. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the twenty-seventh of September left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, like those who were born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twenty-seventh day of September September 27, what events and significant dates he was marked with and what he remembered, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, just interesting to know.

Who was born on September 27 (twenty-seventh)

Gwyneth Kate Paltrow She was born on September 27, 1972 in Los Angeles. American actress and singer. Oscar winner.

Sergei Vladimirovich Lukyanov. Born on September 14 (27), 1910 in the village of Nizhne (now Donetsk region) - died on March 1, 1965 in Moscow. Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1952).

Regina Nikolaevna Zbarskaya (née Kolesnikova) (09/27/1935, Leningrad - 11/15/1987, Moscow). Famous Soviet fashion model.

Mikhail Vladimirovich Sheleg. Born on September 27, 1955 in Korsakov (Sakhalin Island). Russian singer, poet, writer, musician, composer, arranger, chanson performer.

Irvine Welsh (eng. Irvine Welsh, September 27, 1958) is a modern Scottish writer, author of the acclaimed books Trainspotting and Acid House, based on which films of the same name were made. In both film adaptations, Welch himself played cameo roles.

Konstantin Semyonovich Melikhan (September 27, 1952, Leningrad, USSR) - Russian writer, author of humorous books, pop performer of his own works, cartoonist, TV presenter, president of the gentlemen's club.

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek, known as Ani Lorak. She was born on September 27, 1978 in the town of Kitsman, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. Ukrainian singer, People's Artist of Ukraine (2008).

Avril Ramona Lavigne She was born on September 27, 1984 in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Canadian singer, songwriter, designer and actress.

Francesco Totti (09/27/1976 [Rome]) - Italian footballer, attacking midfielder and striker;

Natalya Simakova (09/27/1976) - Russian actress;

Askold Zapashny (09/27/1977 [Kharkov]) - circus performer;

Anastasia Tsvetaeva (09/27/1894 [Moscow] - 09/05/1993 [Moscow]) - Russian writer, daughter of Professor Ivan Tsvetaeva, younger sister of Marina Tsvetaeva;

Vera Zasulich (09/27/1849 [village Mikhailovka] - 05/08/1919 [Petrograd]) - leader of the Russian and international socialist movement, populist, terrorist, writer;

Stefan Batory (09/27/1533 [Shimleu-Sylvania] - 12/12/1586 [Grodno]) - Polish king (since 1575) and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1576-1586);

Louis XIII (09/27/1601 [Fontainebleau] - 05/14/1643 [Saint-Germain-en-Laye]) - King of France from 1610. He died on the same day that his father, King Henry IV, was killed;

Sophia Romanova (09/27/1657 [Moscow] - 07/14/1704 [Moscow]) - daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, sister of Peter I;

Prosper Merimee (09/27/1803 [Paris] - 09/23/1870 [Cannes]) - French writer;

Louis Botha (09/27/1862 [Greytown] - 08/27/1919 [Pretoria, Transvaal]) was a South African statesman.

Dates September 27

Poland celebrates the Day of the Polish Underground State

Mexico celebrates the end of the War of Independence

In Belgium - French Community Day

In Mongolia - Television Day

Google search engine birthday

According to the folk calendar, this is the Exaltation

On this day:

Stefan Batory, a Transylvanian who became King of Poland, was born in 1533

Edgar Degas, an impressionist who loved to paint beautiful dancers, died in 1917

in 1947, Marvin Lee Edey, aka Meat Loaf, was born, who played the story of beauty and the beast in rock

Dick Advocaat was born in 1947, coach of St. Petersburg Zenit and the Russian national team

in 1972, Gwyneth Paltrow was born, an actress with whom not only Shakespeare fell in love, but also iron man

Ani Lorak was born in 1978, a singer who loves to read from right to left

Avril Lavigne, one of the most notable Canadian singers of recent times, was born in 1984

Najibullah died in 1996, the first president of Afghanistan was hanged by the Taliban

in 2009, Ivan Dykhovichny died, who showed us the most incredible stories along with the REN-TV channel.

Events September 27

September 27, 1811 - the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was consecrated in St. Petersburg, the construction of which was organized by the architect Voronikhin

It was in this temple in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan that the famous Russian commander Mikhail Kutuzov prayed, leaving for the war with Napoleon, and his grave is currently located here.

The Kazan Cathedral is not only one of the largest and most beautiful cathedrals in Russia (created in the Empire style), but also a monument of Russian military glory, the keys to the captured cities and other trophies of the Patriotic War of 1812 are kept within its walls.

September 27, 1863 - the first kindergarten appeared in St. Petersburg, before that a similar institution opened in the city of Helsingfors (Helsinki), which at that time belonged to the Russian Empire

Initially, kindergartens were private, a fee was charged for the presence of children in them, only people with high incomes could afford to place a baby in such an institution. The first free kindergarten for the poor opened in Moscow in 1866.

Kids were taught literacy and reading here, games for the development of dexterity and logic were also practiced. The world's first prototype of a kindergarten appeared in 1802 in Scotland, but was called a school for kids. The first kindergarten opened in 1837 thanks to the German teacher Friedrich Fröbel.

September 27, 1960 - the Ostankino television tower was laid in the Russian capital, which for many years was the tallest tower in Europe, in addition, it ranks fifth in the world among free-standing structures

The height of the Ostankino tower is 540 meters.

On September 27, 1991, by decision of the participants of the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM), a decision was made to dissolve the numerous youth political organization

In the allied states, local youth organizations have been preserved, the backbone of the leadership of the Komsomol formed the first communist youth organization in the territory of the former USSR.

They say that the last mop is removed for the Exaltation. This meant that just now the peasants were trying to collect the entire crop as soon as possible and finish the field work. This was explained by the fact that frosts were already observed in the mornings, which could destroy everything that grew in the fields and gardens.

Also on September 27, they began to plant apple and currant trees - this could be done until about mid-October. It was noted that on September 27, birds begin to fly to warmer climes. They analyzed natural phenomena and tried to predict the weather for the coming days and months.

On September 27, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. This church holiday was established in honor of the acquisition of the cross in the 4th century. It happened in Jerusalem.

The pagan emperors, having decided to destroy all memories of what happened on Golgotha, ordered to fill it with earth and put a statue of Jupiter and a temple of the goddess Venus in this place. However, after 300 years, Emperor Constantine came to the throne, who was distinguished by his mercy towards the believers.

According to legend, the cross was found by the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, Empress Helen. It was they who organized the excavations, as a result of which they discovered the cave of the Holy Sepulcher and not far away - three crosses. Interestingly, only a miracle helped to find out where the cross on which Jesus was crucified is located. A sick woman touched him and was healed.

On September 27, festive events are held in churches today. The peasants also went to the temple, and then proceeded to their daily affairs. The name of the holiday is also reflected in proverbs and sayings.

They said that autumn pushes summer back to Vozdvizhdeniye. The post was set. They ate mostly cabbage. Three days before the holiday, all vegetables with roots were harvested, since it was believed that morning frosts would destroy the crop. It was possible to leave, perhaps, a turnip.

On September 27, the peasants were engaged in harvesting cabbage for the winter and often did it together, organizing the so-called cabbage parties, accompanying the work with jokes and jokes. It was believed that if a girl, going to a gathering, reads a special conspiracy, she would meet a guy she would love.

We tried to plan important matters for the Exaltation, as they could end unsuccessfully. It was also forbidden to go to the forest, because, according to popular beliefs, the bear is now satisfied with its lair and can attack the oncoming person. They also believed that now the goblin is examining his kingdom, and it’s better not to catch his eye.

Folk omens for September 27

The people called the holiday Kapustnik and prepared pies with cabbage

Geese fly high in the sky - a sign that there will be a big flood in the spring, and vice versa

On Exaltation, you can’t start important business and go to the forest

A cold wind blows on Vozdvizhenie - a sign that the summer will be warm.

We hope you enjoyed reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read. Agree that it is very useful to know the history of events and dates, and also those of famous people who were born today, on the twenty-seventh September day of autumn September 27, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the authenticity and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

What is interesting and significant in world history on September 27, science, sports, culture, politics?

September 27, what events in the world history of science and culture are famous and interesting for this day?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on September 27?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on September 27? What religious holidays are celebrated on September 27? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the national day of September 27 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of September 27? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on September 27?

What significant historical events on September 27 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial Day of which famous and great people is September 27?

Which of the great, famous and famous died on September 27?

September 27, the Day of Remembrance of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Events of the day 27 September 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2017, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh of September of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day 27 September 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2018, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day 27 September 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2019, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh of September of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day 27 September 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2020, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the twentieth year.

Events of the day 27 September 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2021, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day 27 September 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2022, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day 27 September 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2023, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day 27 September 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2024, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the twenty-fourth month.

Events of the day 27 September 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2025, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the twenty-fifth month.

Events of the day 27 September 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2026, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 27 September 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2027, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh of September of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 27 September 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2028, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 27 September 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2029, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 27 September 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 27, 2030, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-seventh September day of the month of the thirtieth year.

Significant and memorable dates by month


September 3 - 90 years since the birth of the Belarusian writer, publicist Ales (Alexander) Mikhailovich Adamovich (1927-1994)

September 5 - 200 years since the birth of the Russian writer, poet, playwright Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy (1817-1875)

September 10 - 105th birthday of Herluf Bidstrup (1912-1988), Danish cartoonist

September 11 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790)

September 11 - 135 years since the birth of Russian writer Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882-1938)

September 11 - 140 years since the birth of F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1877-1926), statesman, revolutionary

September 14 - 170 years since the birth of P.N. Yablochkov (1847–1894), Russian inventor, electrical engineer

September 17 - 160 years since the birth of the Russian scientist, inventor, designer, thinker, writer Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)

September 21 - Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)

September 24 - 140 years since the birth of G.A. Duperron (1877-1934), founder of Russian football and the Olympic movement in Russia

September 26 - 85 years since the birth of Russian writer Vladimir Nikolaevich Voinovich (b. 1932)

September 27 - 470 years since the birth of M. Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish writer of the Renaissance


October 9 - 470 years since the birth of the Spanish writer, poet Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616)

October 12 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Koshkin (1912-1992), Soviet engineer-inventor

October 18 - 145 years since the birth of the Russian writer, literary critic, translator and composer Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin (1872-1936) Translations: Homer, Apuleius, J. V. Goethe

October 26 - 175 years since the birth of V.V. Vereshchagin (1842-1904), Russian painter, writer

October 27 - 235 years since the birth of Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840), Italian composer, violinist

October 31 - 85 years since the birth of the American writer, laureate of the International Prize. H.K. Andersen (1998) Katherine Paterson (1932)

October 31 - 115 years since the birth of the Russian writer Evgeny Andreevich Permyak (1902-1982) Author of children's fairy tales, continuer of Bazhov's traditions.


November 3 - 130 years since the birth of the Russian poet, playwright and translator Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964)

November 6 - 165 years since the birth of Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912)

November 14 - 110 years since the birth of the Swedish writer, laureate of the International Prize. H.K. Andersen (1958) Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (1907-2002)

November 24 - 385 years since the birth of B. Spinoza (1632-1677), Dutch rationalist philosopher

November 25 - 455 years since the birth of the Spanish playwright, poet and prose writer Lope Felix de Vega Carnu (1562-1635)

November 27 - 70 years since the birth of the Russian writer and poet Grigory Bentsionovich Oster (b. 1947)

November 29 - 215 years since the birth of the German writer, storyteller Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827)

November 30 - 350 years since the birth of the English writer and politician Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)


December 1 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)

December 3 - 110 years since the birth of the Russian poetess Zinaida Nikolaevna Alexandrova (1907-1983)

December 4 - 135 years since the birth of the Russian popular writer, publicist Yakov Isidorovich Perelman (1882-1942) "Entertaining Algebra", "Entertaining Geometry", "Entertaining Mechanics", "Entertaining Problems and Experiments"

December 5 - Day of the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops against the Nazi troops in the battle of Moscow (1941)

December 7 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Dmitry Mikhailovich Balashov (1927-2000) "Mr. Veliky Novgorod", "Sovereigns of Moscow", "Kulikovo Field"

December 8 - 215 years since the birth of the Russian Decembrist poet Alexander Ivanovich Odoevsky (1802-1839)

December 13 - 220 years since the birth of Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German poet, prose writer and critic

December 13 - 115 years since the birth of E.P. Petrov (E.P. Kataeva, 1902-1942), Russian writer, journalist

December 22 - 80 years since the birth of the Russian writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (b. 1937)

December 24 - Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)

December 27 - 195th birthday of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French microbiologist and chemist

230 years since the birth of the Russian writer Antony Pogorelsky (n. and. Aleksey Alekseevich Perovsky) (1787-1836) "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"


January 10 - 120 years since the birth of the director, screenwriter and theater teacher Sergei Eisenstein

January 22 - 230 years since the birth of the English poet George Noel Gordon Byron (1788-1824)

January 23 - 235 years since the birth of the French writer Stendhal (Henri Marie Bayle) (1783-1842)

January 25 - 80 years since the birth of the poet, musician, actor Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky (1938-1980)

January 27 - Day of the complete liberation by the Soviet troops of the city of Leningrad from the blockade of its Nazi troops (1944).


February 2 - Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943)

February 14 - 90 years since the birth of the outstanding Russian physicist, inventor Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa (1928-2012)

February 24 - 175 years since the birth of the illustrator Elizaveta Merkuryevna Boehm (1843-1914)

February 28 - 485 years since the birth of the French philosopher and writer Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)


March 4 - 340 years since the birth of the Italian conductor, composer, violinist Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

March 5 - 305 years since the birth of the Russian poet, translator and philologist V.K. Trediakovsky (1703-1769)

March 13 - 105 years since the birth of the poet, writer, playwright and fabulist Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

March 16 - 150 years since the birth of the writer and playwright Maxim Gorky (n. and. Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov) (1868-1936)

March 16 - 115 years since the birth of the children's writer, translator Tamara Grigorievna Gabbe (1903-1960)

March 17 - 110 years since the birth of Russian journalist and writer Boris Nikolaevich Polevoy (Kampov) (1908-1981)

in March 280 years since the birth of the German writer, poet and historian Erich Rudolf Raspe (1737-1794)


April 12 - 195 years since the birth of the playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (1823-1886)

April 18 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipus (Battle on the Ice, 1242)

May 3 - 170 years since the birth of the illustrator Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926)

May 5 - 110 years since the birth of the outstanding German philosopher-economist Karl Marx (1818-1883)

May 19 - 130 years since the birth of illustrator Vladimir Mikhailovich Konashevich (1888-1963)

May 30 - 110 years since the birth of illustrator Boris Alexandrovich Dekhterev (1908-1993)


Giovanni Carlo Maria Clari- Italian composer.
Dates of life: September 27, 1677 - May 06, 1754.

Zoya Kochetova(by her husband Nemirovich-Danchenko) - academic singer, artist of the Moscow Opera.
Dates of life: September 27, 1857 - April 11, 1892.

Cyril Scott- English composer.
Dates of life: September 27, 1879 - December 31, 1970.

Irma Yaunzem- Soviet chamber singer (mezzo-soprano), teacher.
Dates of life: September 27, 1897 - April 17, 1975.

Vincent Youmans is an American composer and producer.
Dates of life: September 27, 1898 - April 05, 1946.

Vernon Duke is an American composer and songwriter.
Dates of life: September 27, 1903 - January 16, 1969.

Sofia Preobrazhenskaya- Soviet opera singer (mezzo-soprano).
Dates of life: September 27, 1904 - July 21, 1966.

Red Rodney- American jazz trumpeter
Dates of life: September 27, 1927 - May 27, 1994.

Harvey Scales(Harvey Scales) is an American R&B and soul singer, songwriter and record producer.
Dates of life: September 27, 1940 - February 11, 2019.

Alvin Stardust(Alvin Stardust; Bernard William Juri, Bernard William Jewry) is an English rock singer and musician. Also known under the pseudonym Shane Fenton(Shane Fenton).
Dates of life: September 27, 1942 - October 23, 2014.

Randy Bachman is a Canadian musician, guitarist and vocalist for Bachman Turner Overdrive and The Guess Who.
Date of birth: September 27, 1943.

Michael Lee Adey(born Marvin Lee Aday), better known by his stage names Meat Loaf(Meat Loaf) and Meat Loaf Adey(Meat Loaf Aday) is an American rock singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, and actor.
Date of birth: September 27, 1947.

David Starobin is an American classical guitarist, record producer and film director.
Date of birth: September 27, 1951.

Greg Ham is an Australian musician, songwriter, saxophonist and flute player for Men at Work.
Dates of life: September 27, 1953 - April 19, 2012.

Dmitry Sitkovetsky- Soviet-American violinist and conductor.
Date of birth: September 27, 1954.

Mikhail Sheleg- Russian poet, writer, musician, singer-songwriter of Russian chanson.
Date of birth: September 27, 1955.

Sean Cassidy is an American actor, singer and producer.
Date of birth: September 27, 1958.

Stephan Jenkins- American singer, member of the group Third Eye Blind.
Date of birth: September 27, 1964.

Lhasa de Sela(Lhasa de Sela) is a Canadian singer-songwriter better known as Lhasa(Lhasa).
Dates of life: September 27, 1972 - January 01, 2010.

Carrie Brownstein- American actress, writer, musician.
Date of birth: September 27, 1974.

(real name Karolina Kuek) is a Ukrainian pop singer. Representative for , who took 2nd place.

Pilar Sanchez Luque, better known as Pastora Soler, is a Spanish singer who represented her country in a song contest.
Date of birth: September 27, 1978.

Mihaela Ursulias- Romanian pianist
Dates of life: September 27, 1978 - August 02, 2012.

Lil Wayne(Dwayne Michael Carter Jr.) is an American rapper.
Date of birth: September 27, 1982.

Avril Ramona Lavigne is a Canadian singer-songwriter, designer and actress.
Date of birth: September 27, 1984.

Alma, or Alma(Alma, Alexandra Maquet) is a French singer and songwriter. Participant International Song Contest .
Date of birth: September 27, 1988.

Ryan O'Shaughnessy(Ryan O'Shaughnessy) - Irish singer and actor, participant.
Date of birth: September 27, 1992.


Adeline Patty- Italian singer (coloratura soprano), favorite vocalist.
Dates of life: February 19, 1843 - September 27, 1919.

Engelbert Humperdinck is a German opera composer.
Dates of life: September 01, 1854 - September 27, 1921.

Gracie Fields is a British singer and actress.
Dates of life: January 09, 1898 - September 27, 1979.

Gerald Finzi- British composer.
Dates of life: July 14, 1901 - September 27, 1956.

Matvey Blanter- Soviet composer. His music entered the golden fund of Soviet culture, and the songs were performed by Vladimir Bunchikov, Vladimir Nechaev, Georgy Vinogradov, Sergey Lemeshev, Iosif Kobzon,.
Dates of life: February 10, 1903 - September 27, 1990.

Walter Trumpler- American violinist
Dates of life: August 25, 1915 - September 27, 1997.

Donald O'Connor is an American dancer, singer and actor.
Dates of life: August 28, 1925 - September 27, 2003.

Buddy Morrow American jazz trombonist and composer.
Dates of life: February 08, 1932 - September 27, 2010.

Johnny "Country" Mathis(Johnny "Country" Mathis; nee John Mathis, John Mathis) is an American country musician, singer and songwriter.
Dates of life: September 28, 1933 - September 27, 2011.

Wilton Felder- American musician.
Dates of life: August 31, 1940 - September 27, 2015.

Marty Balin(Marty Balin; nee Martin Jerel Buchwald, Martyn Jerel Buchwald) is an American singer, songwriter and musician. Founder of Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship.
Dates of life: January 30, 1942 - September 27, 2018.

Jimmy McCulloch Scottish musician and songwriter, member of the band Wings.
Dates of life: June 04, 1953 - September 27, 1979.

Clifford(Cliff) Lee Burton- the second bass guitarist of the American metal band.
Dates of life: February 10, 1962 - September 27, 1986.


1954 - The foundation stone of the Capitol Tower, the head office of Capitol Records, was laid in Hollywood.

1980 The Police topped the UK Singles Chart with "Don't Stand So Close To Me".

1997 - the last concert of the INXS group took place in Pittsburgh (Kansas).

more about these musicians and events -.


1389 - Cosimo Medici the Elder
(1389 - 1.8.1464), Florentine banker and statesman, founder of one of the main lines of the Medici family, which ruled Florence for a century.

(1601 — 14.5.1643),
King of France since 1610.

(1657 — 14.7.1704),
princess who ruled Russia in 1682-89. under the juvenile tsars - her brothers IVAN V and PETER I. Deposed by Peter, she was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent.

1840 - Thomas NAST
(1840 — 7.12.1902),
one of the first American political cartoonists. At the age of 6 he emigrated from Bavaria to the USA. He created the emblems of the Republican and Democratic parties - an elephant and a donkey. He also invented the Santa Claus costume, which is familiar to everyone today.

1867 - Vladimir Zenonovich (Zinovievich) MAY-MAEVSKY
(1867 — 30.10.1920),
lieutenant general, commander of the Volunteer Army during the White campaign against Moscow.

The failure of the offensive and the tendency to revelry led to his replacement by General WRANGEL. Mai-Maevsky was the prototype of the commander in the famous series "His Excellency's Adjutant".

1871 - Grace DELEDDA
(1871 — 15.8.1936),
Italian writer, Nobel laureate in 1926 "for her poetic writings, which describe with plastic clarity the life of her native island, as well as for the depth of her approach to human problems in general." The island is Sardinia, about which the writer said: “I know and love Sardinia, its people are my people, its mountains and valleys are part of me. Why should we look for topics somewhere far away, when the human drama is playing out before our eyes. Sardinia is begging for the pages of my novels.”

1922 - Arthur Hiller PENN American film director ("Bonnie and Clyde").

1922 - Mikhail Ivanovich SHUYDIN
(1922 — 24.8.1983),
a clown who performed in a duet with Yuri NIKULIN.

Both of his sons - Vyacheslav and Andrey - also connected their lives with the circus.

1932 - Friedrich Evseevich NEZNANSKY, writer.

A lawyer by education, he worked as a lawyer, published stories and articles in the Soviet press, emigrated. Together with Eduard Topol, he wrote a number of action-packed novels there, exposing Soviet reality. Then, after returning, when the co-authors quarreled and dispersed, Neznansky began to describe the cases and adventures of the investigator for especially important cases, Alexander Turetsky. Soon it will be possible to release a collection of works, competing in volume with Count Tolstoy, and television series should be enough for more than one generation of artists.

1943 - Randy BACHMAN
/Randy BACHMAN/,
Canadian rock musician The Guess Who, Bachman Turner Overdrive).

1946 - Igor Semenovich KLEBANOV, President of the Guild of Cinematographers of Russia.

Worked at the film studio. Gorky, then he shot such films as "Petrovka, 38" and "Ogaryova, 6", then there was the series "TASS is authorized to declare ...", and one of the last works was the filming of the film "Driver for Vera". Klebanov's name is also found when talking about the cult "White Sun of the Desert", but there the almost forgotten and seriously ill Igor Lazarevich KLEBANOV was the operator's assistant there.

1947 - MITLOF / Marvin Lee EDAY /
/MEAT LOAF (Marvin Lee ADAY)/,
American rock musician

He became famous after the release of the successful albums Bat out of Hell and several songs for films. In 2001 he changed his name to Michael.

1948 - Anatoly Alexandrovich ROMANOV, lieutenant general, commander of the United Group of Federal Forces in Chechnya, the first holder of the Order of Military Merit.

On October 6, 1995, he was seriously wounded as a result of an assassination attempt in a tunnel on Minutka Square in Grozny.

1952 - Konstantin Semenovich MELIKHAN, humorist writer. For 15 years he headed the department of satire and humor in the Aurora magazine. He is most famous for the aphorisms from Don Juan's diary and gentleman's notebook, from which women can find out what they really think and why real men act the way they do.

1952 - Dumitru PRUNARIU, first Romanian cosmonaut. In 1981, he flew on the Soyuz-40 spacecraft with a week-long stay at the Salyut-6 orbital station. For this flight he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Dumitru is currently President of the Romanian Space Agency and President of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Exploration of Space.

1955 - Alexander Vladimirovich GALIBIN, theater and film actor, director, Honored Artist of Russia.

He worked at the School of Dramatic Art under A. A. VASILEV, staged performances in theaters in St. Petersburg, Riga, Switzerland, Poland, was the chief director of the Novosibirsk Youth Theater Globus, today he directs the Russian State Academic Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin (Alexandrinsky Theater). The audience also well remembered one of the first roles of Alexander in the cinema - Pashka-America in "Tavern on Pyatnitskaya", and recently he played the Master in the television adaptation of Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita".

1958 - Sergei Leonidovich SHOLOKHOV, TV presenter who lives in Quiet House.

To be honest, I haven't seen his programs for a very long time, and I'm not sure if they are now on somewhere.

1976 - Francesco TOTTI, Italian footballer, striker for Roma and the Italian national team.

World Champion 2006.

1984 - Avril LAVIGNE
/Avril LAVIGNE/,
Canadian singer.

The coolest rocker of our time seems to be 14 years old, she could well sign up for one of the star factories, then represent Russia at Eurovision, but for some reason she didn’t want to, immediately waving at megastars.



1540 - Pope PAUL III approved the statute of the Jesuit order created six years earlier by Ignatius LOYOLA - the Society of Jesus.

1770 - During the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-74. The 2nd Russian army under the command of Count Pyotr Ivanovich PANIN, after a long siege, took Bendery, turning the city into ruins and losing 6 thousand people during the siege.

1802 - By the decree of Emperor ALEXANDER I, Kyiv, as an ancient capital, could use the Magdeburg Law, which gave the city a number of privileges: the right to self-government and its own court, the right to land ownership and exemption from most of the duties.

1811 - The Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg was consecrated.

1825 - In England, the movement on the first public railway began.

A steam locomotive designed by George Stephenson carried a train with 450 passengers from Darlington to Stockton at a speed of 24 km/h.

1919 - The last transports with English troops sailed from Arkhangelsk. Even earlier (at the end of June), the Americans left the city. Thus ended the northern intervention.

1937 - In the town of Albion (New York State) opened the first school to teach Santa Claus.

1938 - Sergei Pavlovich KOROLEV sentenced to ten years and sent to the gold mines.

But he was lucky, because he was soon found and sent to serve his sentence in one of the "sharashkas".

1940 - The Tripartite Pact of three states - Germany, Italy and Japan - was signed in Berlin.

1941 - In occupied Kyiv, the order of the commandant was published under the title "Usim to the Jews of the city of Kiev." The Jews were ordered to collect the necessary things and report to the assembly point in the area of ​​Babi Yar "for evacuation".

1942 - Wedding of actors Jessica TANDY and Hume CRONIN.

Also on this day, but in other years, the English actress Angela LANSBURY (1945) married, the writer Ray BRADEBURY (1947), the politician Averell HARRIMAN (1971), the rock musician Phil COLLINS (1975), the French film director Louis MALL got married and American actress Candice BERGEN (1980), married singer and actor COULIO (1997) and finally mummy fighter Brendan FRAZER (1998). Only the marriages of Angela and Phil were brief.

1960 - The first reinforced concrete blocks were laid in the foundation of the Ostankino television tower.

1977 - The first current was given by the first nuclear power plant in Ukraine - the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Nine years later, the horror will happen.

1983 - Emergency launch of the Soyuz T-10 spacecraft with cosmonauts Vladimir Titov and Gennady STREKALOV. A fire that broke out a minute before the start due to problems with the fuel line disabled the automatic rescue system. The launch personnel stopped the launch and issued an emergency rescue command via radio channel 12 seconds after the fire broke out. The ship's descent module landed 4 km from the launch site, and the rocket exploded a few seconds after the ship separated. The astronauts were not injured.

1985 - Nikolai Ivanovich RYZHKOV became the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR instead of Nikolai Alexandrovich TIKHONOV.

1987 - Jeffrey PETKOVICH and Peter DEBERNARDI went down Niagara Falls in a barrel and survived. First! Previously, this was only possible for singles.

1990 - The USSR joined Interpol.

1991 - The 22nd Extraordinary Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, which had gathered, resolved a single question - “On the fate of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League” - and decided to draw a line under the existence of the organization.

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