Some artists depict the sun as yellow. Quotes

  • God is just as much an artist as other artists. he created an elephant, a giraffe and a cat. He has no real style, but he sticks to new ideas.
  • Everyone is trying to understand painting. Why don't they try to understand the birdsong?
  • Everyone has the right to change, even artists.
  • Everything you can imagine is real.
  • Einstein's genius led to Hiroshima.
  • Give me a museum and I'll fill it.
  • If you choose the path of a soldier, you will be a general, if you want to be a monk, you will become a pope, my mother told me. But I chose the path of the artist and became Picasso
  • If you want to keep the gloss on the butterfly's wings, don't touch them.
  • If all the roads that I passed were marked on the map and connected in one line, it would look like a minotaur.
  • If we could get rid of our brains and use only our eyes...
  • If there was only one truth, you would not be able to draw a hundred canvases on the same subject.
  • Is there anything more dangerous than sympathetic understanding?
  • There are only two types of women - goddesses and litters.
  • Painting still needs to be invented.
  • Painting is an occupation for the blind. The artist paints not what he sees, but what he feels.
  • Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.
  • Painting is something sacred. It would also be necessary to say that if a picture has a great power of influence, then this is because the spirit of God is in it. But people may misunderstand this expression. Meanwhile, it is closest to the truth.
  • Making yourself hate is harder than loving yourself.
  • An idea is a starting point and nothing more. Once you have mastered it, it transforms into a thought.
  • Art is a lie that makes us able to realize the truth.
  • Art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.
  • Art is the exclusion of the unnecessary.
  • And there are more copies among people than originals.
  • Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.
  • Every act of creation is, primordially, an act of destruction.
  • Every positive value has its price in a negative sense... Einstein's genius led to Hiroshima.
  • Colors, like facial features, follow the change of emotions.
  • When inspiration comes to me, it finds me at work.
  • Computers are useless. They can only give answers
  • Who sees human face right: photographer, mirror or artist?
  • Love is the best restorer.
  • We don't age, we mature.
  • People who make art their business are mostly scammers.
  • Only a few people understand a novice artist. Famous - even less.
  • It takes a long time to become young at last.
  • Do we need to draw what is on the face, or what is inside or behind it?
  • There is nothing worse than a great start.
  • Some artists depict the sun as a yellow spot, while others turn the yellow spot into a sun.
  • Create in the picture as in life - directly.
  • You don't have to always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to lie, especially when there are no answers.
  • Only what has been postponed until tomorrow you will willingly leave to die undone.
  • Some see what is there and ask why. I see what could be and ask "why not?"
  • The world does not create sensations today, is that why I should paint pictures?
  • Why do two colors next to each other sing? Can someone explain this? No. Therefore, no one will ever be able to teach how to draw.
  • Work is a necessity for a person. Man invented the alarm clock.
  • With age, the wind gets stronger. And he is always in the face.
  • Hidden harmony is better than obvious.
  • Sculpture is the art of the mind.
  • Success is fraught with danger. You start copying yourself, and this is even more dangerous than copying others. This leads to infertility.
  • You should have an idea of ​​what you are going to do, but it should not be very specific.
  • Youth has no age.
  • Good artists copy, great artists steal.
  • "Good taste" - main enemy creativity
  • An artist is a person who paints what can be sold. AND good artist is a person who sells what he writes.
  • The artist is a container of emotions that come from everywhere: from heaven, from the earth, from the rustling of paper, from fleeting forms, from the web.
  • Artistic movement wins only when it is adopted by shop window decorators.
  • To draw, you must close your eyes and sing.
  • I rest when I work and get tired when I am idle or hosting guests.
  • I want to live like a poor man with money.
  • I always do what I can't. Otherwise, how can I learn?
  • I start with an idea and then it becomes something else.
  • I'm not looking. I find.
  • I can't stand people who talk about beauty. What is beautiful? It is necessary to talk about the problems in painting!
  • I paint things the way I think about them, not the way I see them.

It would not hurt at all in today's issue to understand the field of art and understand which of the proposed artists could say so in his time. But, since there was nowhere to wait for help, I had to turn to network opportunities in order to find the right author of the words about the yellow spot, ready to become the sun in the hands of the master.

If we take a philosophical approach to the idea of ​​aphorism, then I see its meaning in the fact that a person gifted with artistic talent will, in any case, get the sun. And in the hands of a mediocrity (untalented student) and a brilliant sketch of the sun, made, for example, by a teacher, will become a blot or stain. Therefore, if you try this idea on each of the artist's quizzes, then Levitan, Van Gogh, and Picasso would certainly get the sun. It’s just that everyone’s style and manner are somewhat different, and not everyone in in large numbers or often used yellow in their paintings. But, I repeat, that the author of the words, apparently, did not mean the style, but the ability to paint pictures, and with such a sharp aphorism, as it were, he cut off those who did not know how to do this, although he considered himself an artist.

Now about the answer, which should be entered (marked) on the quote of the day. The answer is Picasso, a Spaniard. This statement belongs to him. The Spanish temperament breaks through in the quote, right? Impulsivity, vehemence and impetuosity. However, if you read the "advice (commandments) of Picasso", then you can, in part, start to perceive his paintings differently ... It happens, but not always, when the "brain stuffed with information" turns off, and only eyes remain, sliding across the canvas of the picture, emotions begin to prevail over reason, hmm... And this is another "advice" from Pablo...

Picasso gets into a taxi, the taxi driver recognizes him and says:
Why do you write so differently?
- And it looks like - how is it?
The taxi driver takes a photo of his wife out of his wallet:
- Here is my wife, here she looks like herself.
- What, is she really so small and flat?

Spanish painter, sculptor and ceramist Pablo Picasso became the founder of cubism - artistic direction, who rejected the traditions of naturalism and the figurative-cognitive function of art, in which a three-dimensional body was drawn in an original manner as a series of planes combined together.

Picasso, like no one else, experiments with color and conveying mood and gives the form itself in a new light, deliberately deforming and interpreting it one-sidedly. Picasso pays special attention to the transformation of forms into geometric blocks, increases and breaks volumes, cuts them into planes and edges, continuing in space not limited by the plane of the picture.

Picasso said during his lifetime, "I don't own any of my paintings because Picasso's original costs several thousand dollars - I can't afford such a luxury." And today, Picasso is the most "expensive" artist: in 2008, the volume was only official sales his work amounted to 262 million dollars. May 4, 2010 Picasso's painting "Nude, green leaves and bust”, sold at auction for $106 million, became the most expensive work art ever sold in the world.

In a 2009 The Times poll of 1.4 million readers, Picasso was voted the best artist to have lived in the past 100 years. His canvases take first place in terms of "popularity" among the kidnappers.

Pablo Picasso in his studio:

Aphorisms by Pablo Picasso on how to find your originality and gain self-confidence as a creative person:

  1. Maybe the one who thinks he can. But the one who thinks he can't can't. It is an immutable, undeniable law.
  2. When art historians get together, they talk about form, structure and meaning. When artists get together, they talk about where to buy cheap solvent.
  3. Youth has no age.
  4. If there was only one truth, you would not be able to draw a hundred canvases on the same subject.
  5. I can draw like Raphael, but it will take me a lifetime to learn how to draw like a child.
  6. Art is the exclusion of the unnecessary.
  7. I always do what I don't know how to learn it.
  8. Put off until tomorrow only what you don't want to finish until death. Action is the main key to success.
  9. If you want to keep the gloss on the butterfly's wings, don't touch them.
  10. Others saw what was and asked why. I saw what could have been and asked why not.
  11. Inspiration exists, but it comes at work.
  12. Everyone is trying to understand painting. Why don't they try to understand the birdsong?
  13. If only one could get rid of the brain and use only the eyes.
  14. I rest when I work and get tired when I am idle or hosting guests.
  15. We don't age, we mature.
  16. Some artists depict the sun as a yellow spot, while others turn the yellow spot into a sun.
  17. I depict things the way I think about them, not the way I see them.
  18. The world today is meaningless. So why should I draw pictures that make sense?
  19. Good artists copy, great artists steal.
  20. I want to live like a poor man with money.
  21. Only a few people understand a novice artist. Famous - even less.
  22. There is nothing worse than a great start.
  23. Art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.
  24. Success is fraught with danger. You start copying yourself, and this is even more dangerous than copying others. This leads to infertility.
  25. Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.
  26. Hidden harmony is better than obvious.
  27. An artist is a person who paints what can be sold. A good artist is a person who sells what he writes.
  28. It takes a lot of time to finally become young.
  29. Everything you can imagine is real.
  30. And among the people there are more copies than originals.

Sketch "Picasso and Dali draw an egg" - everyone has their own view of things:

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