Color drawing of the globe. How to draw the earth against the background of the starry sky? Detailed job description


And here we come to the core of life, to inexhaustible source resources, to the center of our worldview and creation. The place that gave us life and in the same way takes our bodies into the bowels of itself. Have you guessed what all these prettier than words? Today you will know how to draw earth pencil. This is our world (as it seems to us). Blue planet, the only one known to man as inhabited by living organisms. There are many opinions about the age of the planet, and all of them are reasoned, but classically it got 4.5 billion years. From the moment of creation, the planet languidly revolved around the sun, as it does now.

What can I say, I envy, as the first person who saw our native world in all its glory. And although every conscious person is aware that in deep space there are billions of the same planets, more or less pretty, but we proudly call our ball the World, the Universe. We will meet another life in space, and we will be asked: Where are you from, strange travelers, and we will answer: We are from the beautiful planet Earth. And they: Oh yes, cool, test, heard about this, finally nishtyak.

This you did not know about our planet:

  • The driest place on Earth is the Atacama Desert in Chile and Peru. In the center of it, at least one drop of water has never been recorded. But driest doesn't always mean hottest. There has been no rain in the valleys of Antarctica for millions of years.
  • Looking for loneliness? You will not find it in one place, even if you dig underground. This is Manila, the capital of the Philippines. According to sociologists, then 38 sq. kilometers, 1,660,000 people live there. In crowded but not mad.
  • And the planet is not exactly round. Due to the rapid rotation, a bulge is created at the equator, and the diameter there becomes larger than the diameter at the poles, by 43 kilometers. So our planet is flattened like a pie, but we don't pay attention to it.
  • There are people who love planet Earth so much that they are ready to sacrifice their lives for it. And not only their own. There is a movement for the voluntary extinction of mankind. As you guessed, such people consider Homo sapiens a threat to all living things and take measures in the form mass destruction of people cessation of procreation.

Although the planet is not perfectly round, it is customary to consider and draw it in the form of a ball. And we will do the same.

How to draw the Earth with a pencil step by step

Step one. Drawing a circle by hand is very difficult. First we need two squares, divided in half, in order to fit the colo into them. Of course, you can take a compass and draw a kolo. But this is not the king's business.
Step two. As mentioned above, we make the outline of our planet, draw four arcs at the corners of the square.
Step three. Now it will be easier to draw even circle. We combine the arcs so that everything turns out as clear as possible.
Step four. Now we sketch on our ball all the continents, oceans, islands and peninsulas. Anything that will fit and be noticeable.
Step five. We remove the auxiliary lines. We stumble around the planet with dots - an image of distant stars, move with a pencil, depict the cosmos so that the planet does not look lonely.
Most likely, the development of space exploration will soon throw a person to other planets, but the Earth will always remain the only native. When you're done being God and creating planets,

Now we will draw the planet Earth with a pencil in stages. On the planet most of The territory is submerged under water, which is about 70% of the planet's surface. The rest, 30%, is occupied by islands and continents.

Work materials

- pencil
- eraser
- black marker
- colored pencils or watercolor paints
- tea cup

Let's start drawing our planet Earth. First you need to draw a simple circle. Choose the size of the circle yourself, depending on what size you want to draw the planet. To make the circle even, we advise you to circle some round object, for example, the bottom of a cup.

Now start drawing the squiggles to form the shape of the North American continent. It is easier to draw from the top of the planet, gradually moving down.

keep drawing North America. Then start drawing South America.

Circle the sketch of the planet Earth with a black marker and erase unnecessary lines with an eraser.

At the end, decorate the planet. Color all continents and islands in green. The rest, it will be waters, seas and oceans, color them in blue. Everything, the planet Earth is drawn.

Interesting about our planet:

— The planet gradually rotates more slowly. This slowdown occurs almost imperceptibly, by 17 milliseconds per 100 years.

Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has life.

- The center of the planet has a core, which is in a molten state. The core has a temperature of 7500 degrees.

The earth does not have time to rotate on its axis in 24 hours. In fact, it takes her 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds.

There is magma under the surface of the Earth - it is a hot liquid. It comes out of volcanoes during an eruption, it is called lava.

The earth is not perfectly round. It is slightly flattened at the North and South Poles.

Do you want to see our Earth in live? If yes, then go to the Yandex search engine and enter "MKS HD webcam" in the search. The first place will be a site that has online streaming from satellite. This is an unforgettable experience.

What unites the many people living now, who lived before and future generations? All of them existed or exist on our planet called "Earth". Earth is one of several planets in our solar system. Huge bright Star The sun is in the middle of this system. The planets move around the sun in their orbits. Some of them are far from the Sun, others are very close to it. And our planet Earth is just at such a distance that conditions favorable for living beings have developed on it. Earth has continents (land) and bodies of water (seas and oceans). Here we present to your attention a drawing of the Earth, made in stages.

Stage 1. Our drawing will represent the Earth as it looks on geographical map or on the globe. To begin with, we draw evenly with a compass or circle some round object. This is a circle. On the circle, we outline slightly rounded lines horizontally. These lines are called parallels. One middle parallel is the equatorial line dividing the Earth into northern and Southern Hemisphere. We have drawn eight such parallels.

Stage 2. Then you need to draw lines vertically. They are called meridians. At the top of the circle, they converge at a point - this is the North Pole of the Earth. And below they also converge at one point - this is the South Pole of the Earth. We draw an even middle meridian from North Pole to the South and on the sides there are three more meridians. We outline the globe and show the mainland Antarctica at the bottom and the Arctic at the top (we circle their contours with bold lines).

Stage 3. Refine the contours. Then we show the outlines of the continents of Eurasia and Africa (right).

Stage 4. And on the left we draw the continents of the North and South America connected to each other. Next, we note the smaller islands in the oceans.

Stage 5. Let's draw the lines of the drawing well. And the globe itself, and its parts, so that it is clear and understandable. Then we color the picture. The seas and oceans are highlighted in bright blue. And the continents will be shown in bluish color. All contours and lines are black. Here is our Earth in a simplified form.

And now we have come to the core of life, to an inexhaustible source of resources, to the center of our worldview and creation. The place that gave us life and in the same way takes our bodies into the bowels of itself. Have you guessed what all these beautiful words are about? Today you will know how to draw earth pencil. This is our world (as it seems to us). The blue planet, the only one known to man as inhabited by living organisms. There are many opinions about the age of the planet, and all of them are reasoned, but classically it got 4.5 billion years. From the moment of creation, the planet languidly revolved around the sun, as it does now.

What can I say, I envy Gagarin as the first person who saw our native world in all its glory. And although every conscious person is aware that in deep space there are billions of the same planets, more or less pretty, but we proudly call our ball the World, the Universe. We will meet another life in space, and we will be asked: Where are you from, strange travelers, and we will answer: We are from the beautiful planet Earth. And they: Oh yes, cool, test, heard about this, finally nishtyak.

This you did not know about our planet:

  • The driest place on Earth is the Atacama Desert in Chile and Peru. In the center of it, at least one drop of water has never been recorded. But driest doesn't always mean hottest. There has been no rain in the valleys of Antarctica for millions of years.
  • Looking for loneliness? You will not find it in one place, even if you dig underground. This is Manila, the capital of the Philippines. According to sociologists, then 38 sq. kilometers, 1,660,000 people live there. In crowded but not mad.
  • And the planet is not exactly round. Due to the rapid rotation, a bulge is created at the equator, and the diameter there becomes larger than the diameter at the poles, by 43 kilometers. So our planet is flattened like a pie, but we don't pay attention to it.
  • There are people who love planet Earth so much that they are ready to sacrifice their lives for it. And not only their own. There is a movement for the voluntary extinction of mankind. As you guessed, such people consider Homo sapiens a threat to all living things and take measures in the form mass destruction of people cessation of procreation.

Although the planet is not perfectly round, it is customary to consider and draw it in the form of a ball. And we will do the same.

How to draw the Earth with a pencil step by step

Step one. Drawing a circle by hand is very difficult. First we need two squares, divided in half, in order to fit the colo into them. Of course, you can take a compass and draw a kolo. But this is not the king's business.
Step two. As mentioned above, we make the outline of our planet, draw four arcs at the corners of the square.
Step three. Now it will be easier to draw an even circle. We combine the arcs so that everything turns out as clear as possible.
Step four. Now we sketch on our ball all the continents, oceans, islands and peninsulas. Anything that will fit and be noticeable.
Step five. We remove the auxiliary lines. We stumble around the planet with dots - an image of distant stars, move with a pencil, depict the cosmos so that the planet does not look lonely.
Most likely, the development of space exploration will soon throw a person to other planets, but the Earth will always remain the only native. When you're done being God and creating planets, leave a comment and recommend me interesting topics for new lessons.

See also related pictures.


Create a new document 1000x1000 pixels and fill it with black. So far, everything is simple.


Grab the Elliptical Marquee tool and hold down the Shift key (which will help you achieve perfect shape circle), set the shape of the planet desired size. Then fill the resulting shape with the color you want your planet to be.


Now duplicate this layer two times to make 3 circles and fill them with black. Name them like mine.


So turn off the shadow layer (as in the picture above). Now go to the ATM layer and set the following settings. Then change the layer blending mode to Screen (Screen)!

This is the result you should get if you did everything right. Next, we move on to the shadows.


Make the shadow layer visible again, and go to the menu Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur – 100 (Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur – 100). Move this shadow to where it will be on your planet. In this case, I wanted the shadow to be at the bottom of the planet, so I just moved it a little lower.


Now we will add texture. Create a new layer below the ATM layer. Merge it with the base by holding the Alt key while switching between layers. Here is the texture I used (use Clone brush to make it brighter).

After making the texture the size of my planet, I make a duplicate of this layer. I make a selection for the base. I select the duplicated layer and apply Filter – Distortion – Spherical (Filter – Distort – Spherical), leaving the default settings. Then I erase the middle and this is the result:


Now I just apply a blue photo filter. I make the colors brighter using the Brightness / Contrast (Brightness / Contrast) and Tone / Saturation (Hue / Saturation) functions (I also duplicated the ATM layer again).

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