Download fairy tale Snow Maiden Russian folk tale. Snow Maiden Russian folk tale


Every thing in the world is going on, everything is said in a fairy tale. There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had plenty of everything - a cow, a sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children. They were very sad, they all grieved. Once in winter, white snow fell knee-deep. The neighbor's children poured out into the street - to ride on a sled, throw snowballs, and they began snowman sculpt.

The grandfather looked at them from the window, looked and said to the woman:
- What, wife, you sit in thought, you look at other people's children, let's go and we will clear up in old age, we will also blind a snowman.
And the old woman, it’s true, also had a merry hour. - Well, let's go, grandfather, to the street. But why should we sculpt a woman? Let's fashion the daughter of the Snow Maiden.
No sooner said than done.
The old people went to the garden and let's sculpt a snowy daughter. They fashioned a daughter, inserted two blue beads instead of eyes, made two dimples on her cheeks, and a mouth from a scarlet ribbon. How good is the snow daughter Snegurochka! Grandfather and woman look at her - they don’t see enough, they admire - they don’t stop admiring. And the Snow Maiden's mouth smiles, the hair curls.
The Snow Maiden moved her legs and arms, moved from her place and went through the garden to the hut.
Grandfather and woman seem to have lost their minds - they have grown to the place.
- Grandfather, - the woman screams, - yes, this is our living daughter, dear Snow Maiden! And she rushed into the hut ... That was some joy!
The Snow Maiden is growing by leaps and bounds. Every day - the Snow Maiden is more and more beautiful. Grandfather and woman will not see enough of her, will not breathe. And the Snow Maiden is like a white snowflake, her eyes are like blue beads, a blond braid to the waist. Only there is no blush on the Snow Maiden’s face, and there is not a blood in her lips. And the Snow Maiden is so good!
Here came the spring-clear, the buds swelled, the bees flew into the field, the lark sang. All the guys are happy, welcome, the girls sing spring songs. But the Snow Maiden got bored, she became sad, she kept looking out the window, shedding tears.
So the red summer has come, flowers have bloomed in the gardens, bread is ripening in the fields ...
More than ever, the Snow Maiden frowns, she hides everything from the sun, everything would be in her shade and in the cold, and even better in the rain.
Grandfather and woman all gasp:
- Are you well, my daughter? - I'm healthy, grandma.
And she hides everything in a corner, she doesn’t want to go out into the street. Once the girls gathered in the forest for berries - for raspberries, blueberries, scarlet strawberries.
They began to call the Snow Maiden with them:
- Let's go, let's go, Snow Maiden! .. - Let's go, let's go, girlfriend! And then grandfather and grandmother say:
- Go, go, Snow Maiden, go, go, baby, have fun with your girlfriends.
The Snow Maiden took a box, went into the forest with her friends. Girlfriends walk through the forest, weave wreaths, dance round dances, sing songs. And the Snow Maiden found a cold stream, sits next to it, looks into the water, fingers in fast water wets, drops, like pearls, plays.
So the evening has come. The girls played out, put wreaths on their heads, kindled a fire of brushwood, and began to jump over the fire. The Snow Maiden is reluctant to jump ... Yes, her friends stuck to her. The Snow Maiden came up to the fire ... She stands, she trembles, there is not a blood in her face, her blond braid crumbled ... The girlfriends shouted:
- Jump, jump, Snow Maiden!
The Snow Maiden ran up and jumped...
It rustled over the fire, moaned plaintively, and the Snow Maiden was gone.
White steam stretched over the fire, twisted into a cloud, a cloud flew into the sky.
The Snow Maiden has melted...

There lived a grandfather and grandmother. Everything was fine with them, but there were no children. And in the winter, when a lot fell, the old people decided to go outside and make a snowman. No sooner said than done. They blinded a beautiful snow girl, and suddenly she came to life. The Snow Maiden began to live with Grandfather and Grandmother. Their granddaughter grew by leaps and bounds.
But now spring has come. Snegurochka's mood began to hide, she from the sun, but lurk in dark corners. She was very scared spring sunshine. I stopped going out with my friends.

And just like that, the girlfriends came to call the Snow Maiden into the forest, pick berries, and just have fun. The Snow Maiden refused at first, but Grandfather and Grandmother intervened. Girlfriends roamed until dark, kindled a fire and began to jump over it. The turn of the Snow Maiden has come. She was afraid to jump, but urged on by her friends, she decided.

The Snow Maiden jumped over the fire. She screamed, steam went up and the Snow Maiden melted.

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden"

For children and adults, the image of the Snow Maiden reminds of winter, new year holidays and Santa Claus. But this character arose without regard to the usual type of girl in a blue fur coat with light brown braids, which is familiar to us.

This image owes its appearance to Russian folklore, which, in turn, borrowed it from mythological ideas about forest spirits. In the culture of celebrating the New Year, he appeared only in 1935. Until then, the Snow Maiden existed as a character in a Russian folk tale, a play by A.N. Ostrovsky and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

The Snow Maiden in a Russian folk tale is a girl who was fashioned from snow by a childless woman and grandfather. To their amazement, the snow figure came to life and turned into a living person. And she had everything, like an ordinary human child, only with the onset of spring, the Snow Maiden began to grieve and cry more and more often. Grandfather and woman began to notice that the girl rejoices in rain and hail, and the rays of the sun lead her to grief. Parents, wishing to cheer up their magical daughter, sent her along with other girls to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. The Snow Maiden succumbed to persuasion and went with her friends. The girls in the forest decided to jump over the fire, and the Snow Maiden also jumped. The fire melted it, and it turned into a small cloud. The ending is pretty sad.

The absence of a happy ending is necessary in order to convey to the reader the main meaning and instructive thought.

The content of the fairy tale can be interpreted as follows: each person is special and each has his own way, you should not try to be like everyone else and give in to the requirements of society.

The story will be instructive for both children and their parents.

She will teach children to defend their interests, maintain their own independence and not be led by others. Any, even the most harmless act, can turn into a disaster, so you need to think about the consequences, even if everyone around insists on it.

The fairy tale also teaches parents a lesson: do not try to make your children like everyone else, on the contrary, you need to see individuality in the child.

The folklore text picturesquely conveys pictures of Russian nature: the onset of winter, the arrival of spring and summer. From a fairy tale you can get information about life peasant families, especially children: in winter they make snowmen and play snowballs, in summer their entertainment is tag, picking mushrooms and berries, songs and round dances, jumping over a fire, weaving wreaths. It will also be useful to learn about how the Snow Maiden helps her parents to keep house.

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There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived well, together. Everything would be fine, but one grief - they had no children.

Now the snowy winter came, snowdrifts were piled up to the waist, the children poured out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman looked at them from the window and thought about their grief.

And what, old woman, - says the old man, - let's make a daughter out of the snow.

Come on, the old woman says.

The old man put on a hat, they went out into the garden and began to sculpt a daughter from the snow. They rolled up a snowball, adjusted the handles, legs, put a snow head on top. The old man fashioned his nose, mouth, chin. Look - and the Snow Maiden's lips turned pink, her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow - and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.

The old people were delighted, they brought her to the hut. They look at her, do not fall in love.

And the old people's daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds; every day, everything becomes more beautiful. She herself is white, like snow, her braid is blond to the waist, only there is no blush at all.

Old people do not rejoice at their daughter, they do not have a soul in her. The daughter is growing up and smart, and smart, and cheerful. With all affectionate, friendly. And the work of the Snow Maiden is arguing in her hands, and she will sing a song - you will hear it.

The winter has passed.

The spring sun is starting to shine. The grass turned green on the thawed patches, the larks sang.

And the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad.

What's wrong with you, daughter? the old man asks. - Why are you so unhappy? Can't you?

Nothing, father, nothing, mother, I am healthy.

That's last snow melted, flowers bloomed in the meadows, birds flew in.

And the Snow Maiden is getting sadder day by day, becoming more and more silent. Hiding from the sun. All would be for her a shadow and a chill, and even better - rain.

Once a black cloud moved in, a large hail began to fall. The Snow Maiden rejoiced at the hail, like erratic pearls. And as soon as the sun came out again and the hail melted, the Snow Maiden began to cry, so bitterly, like a sister by her own brother.

After spring, summer came. The girls gathered for a walk in the grove, their name is Snegurochka:

Come with us, Snow Maiden, to walk in the forest, sing songs, dance.

The Snow Maiden did not want to go into the forest, but the old woman persuaded her:

Come on, daughter, have fun with your friends!

The girls with the Snow Maiden came to the forest. They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, dance round dances. Only one Snow Maiden is still sad.

And as soon as it grew light, they gathered brushwood, made a fire and let's all jump after each other through the fire. Behind everyone and the Snow Maiden stood up.

She ran in her turn after her friends. She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted, turned into a white cloud. A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. All the girlfriends heard was how something plaintively moaned behind them: “Ay!” They turned around - but there was no Snow Maiden.

They began to call her:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Only an echo in the forest responded to them.

Every thing in the world is going on, everything is said in a fairy tale. There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had plenty of everything - a cow, a sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children. They were very sad, they all grieved. Once in winter, white snow fell knee-deep. The neighbor's kids poured out into the street - to ride on a sled, throw snowballs, and they began to sculpt a snowman. The grandfather looked at them from the window, looked and said to the woman:

- What, wife, you sit in thought, you look at other people's children, let's go and we will take a walk in our old age, we will also blind a snowman.

And the old woman, it’s true, also had a merry hour. - Well, let's go, grandfather, to the street. But why should we sculpt a woman? Let's fashion the daughter of the Snow Maiden.

No sooner said than done.

The old people went to the garden and let's sculpt a snowy daughter. They fashioned a daughter, inserted two blue beads instead of eyes, made two dimples on her cheeks, and a mouth from a scarlet ribbon. How good is the snow daughter Snegurochka! Grandfather and woman look at her - they don’t see enough, they admire - they don’t stop admiring. And the Snow Maiden's mouth smiles, the hair curls.

The Snow Maiden moved her legs and arms, moved from her place and went through the garden to the hut.

The grandfather and the woman seemed to have lost their minds - they have grown to the place.

- Grandfather, - the woman shouts, - yes, this is our living daughter, dear Snow Maiden! And she rushed into the hut ... That was some joy!

The Snow Maiden is growing by leaps and bounds. Every day - the Snow Maiden is more and more beautiful. Grandfather and woman will not see enough of her, will not breathe. And the Snow Maiden is like a white snowflake, her eyes are like blue beads, a blond braid to the waist. Only there is no blush on the Snow Maiden’s face, and there is not a blood in her lips. And the Snow Maiden is so good!

Here came the spring-clear, the buds swelled, the bees flew into the field, the lark sang. All the guys are happy, welcome, the girls sing spring songs. But the Snow Maiden got bored, she became sad, she kept looking out the window, shedding tears.

So the red summer has come, flowers have bloomed in the gardens, bread is ripening in the fields ...

More than ever, the Snow Maiden frowns, she hides everything from the sun, everything would be in her shade and in the cold, and even better in the rain.

Grandfather and woman all gasp:

“Are you well, my daughter?” - I'm fine, grandma.

And she hides everything in a corner, she doesn’t want to go out into the street. Once the girls gathered in the forest for berries - for raspberries, blueberries, scarlet strawberries.

They began to call the Snow Maiden with them:

- Let's go, let's go, Snow Maiden! .. - Let's go, let's go, girlfriend! And then grandfather and grandmother say:

- Go, go, Snow Maiden, go, go, baby, have fun with your friends.

The Snow Maiden took a box, went into the forest with her friends. Girlfriends walk through the forest, weave wreaths, dance round dances, sing songs. And the Snow Maiden found a cold stream, sits near it, looks into the water, wets her fingers in fast water, plays with drops, like pearls.

So the evening has come. The girls played out, put wreaths on their heads, kindled a fire of brushwood, and began to jump over the fire. The Snow Maiden is reluctant to jump ... Yes, her friends stuck to her. The Snow Maiden came up to the fire ... She stands, she trembles, there is not a blood in her face, her blond braid crumbled ... The girlfriends shouted:

- Jump, jump, Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden ran up and jumped ...

It rustled over the fire, moaned plaintively, and the Snow Maiden was gone.

White steam stretched over the fire, twisted into a cloud, a cloud flew into the sky.

The Snow Maiden melted ...

There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived well, together. Everything would be fine, but one grief - they had no children.

Now the snowy winter came, snowdrifts were piled up to the waist, the children poured out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman looked at them from the window and thought about their grief.

- And what, old woman, - says the old man, - let's make a daughter out of the snow?

“Come on,” the old woman says.

The old man put on a hat, they went out into the garden and began to sculpt a daughter from the snow. They rolled up a snowball, adjusted their arms and legs, put a snow head on top. The old man fashioned a nose, painted a mouth, eyes.

Look - and the Snow Maiden's lips turned pink, her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she shook off the snow, and a living girl emerged from the snowdrift.

The old people were delighted, they brought her to the hut. They look at her, do not fall in love.

And the old people's daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds; every day, everything becomes more beautiful. She herself is white, like snow, her braid is blond to the waist, only there is no blush at all.

Old people do not rejoice at their daughter, they do not have a soul in her. The daughter is growing up and smart, and smart, and cheerful. And the work of the Snow Maiden argues in her hands, and she sings a song - you will hear.

The winter has passed.

The spring sun is starting to shine. The grass on the thawed patches turned green, the larks sang.

And the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad.

- What's wrong with you, daughter? the old people ask. - Why are you so unhappy? Can't you?

- Nothing, father, nothing, mother, I am healthy.

So the last snow melted, flowers bloomed in the meadows, the birds flew in. And the Snow Maiden is getting sadder day by day, becoming more and more silent. Hiding from the sun. All would be for her a shade and a chill, and even better - a little rain.

Once a black cloud moved in, a large hail began to fall. The Snow Maiden rejoiced at the hail, like erratic pearls. And as the sun came out again and the hail melted, the Snow Maiden began to cry, so bitterly, like a sister by her own brother ...

After spring, summer came. The girls gathered for a walk in the grove, their name is Snegurochka:

- Come with us, Snow Maiden, to walk in the forest, sing songs, dance!

The Snow Maiden did not want to go into the forest, but the old woman persuaded her:

- Go, daughter, have fun with your friends!

The girls with the Snow Maiden came to the forest.

They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, dance round dances. Only one Snow Maiden is still sad.

And as soon as it grew light, they gathered brushwood, made a fire and let's all jump after each other through the fire. Behind everyone and the Snow Maiden stood up. She ran in her turn after her friends.

She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted, turned into a white cloud.

The girlfriends turned around - but there was no Snow Maiden.

They began to call her:

- Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Only an echo echoed in the forest...

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