Oriental dances for weight loss. Professional oriental belly dance


Increasingly, women have a desire to learn oriental dances, which is understandable. During oriental dances, the muscles of the back, arms and waist are trained, flexibility is acquired, endurance increases, movements become graceful and smooth. Thanks to them, blood circulation in the organs of the abdomen and small pelvis improves, improving women's health.

In addition to tangible benefits for women's health, oriental dances are fascinating. If you want to surprise your loved one, then there is simply no better way to do it. To learn oriental dancing, it is not necessary to sign up for a club, if desired, they can be mastered at home, having learned the basic movements.

How to learn oriental dances?

  • Before you start learning oriental dances, choose the right clothes, buy or choose from what you have in your wardrobe. Clothing should not be tight and restrict movement, but it is also better to refuse too wide. A short t-shirt and shorts are perfect. In such clothes, you can see all the movements made, notice mistakes.
  • To better feel the rhythm of the music, get a scarf embroidered with coins or beads. Pay attention to the movements that are easiest for you to learn. Start learning oriental dances with them, and only then move on to the rest.
  • Read the history of dances, think about what kind of music it will be easiest for you to catch the rhythm. To learn faster, purchase special video lessons with oriental dances. With the help of such lessons, you will see the basic movements and be able to repeat them.

  • When teaching oriental dances, you must first learn to keep your posture, get acquainted with the basic positions of the legs and arms. If possible, sign up for specialized courses where you will quickly learn oriental dances. If there is no possibility or desire, then when learning oriental dances at home, remember that everything is important in them: not only movements, but also the emotions that you put into the dance, look, mood and facial expressions when performing it.

Basics of oriental dances for beginners

Oriental dances themselves consist of 3 parts: taksim, which is a slow dance, the main dance and shaking.

  • During execution of taksim you need to move smoothly, improvising, playing with the whole body, turning to demonstrate the curves of the body. It is necessary to stand almost in one place, a little behind the music, as if in a slow motion movie.
  • After studying this part of oriental dances, you can proceed to learning basic dance, which already includes the performance of rocking chairs and waves. To explore the rocker with your hips, put your right foot forward, rise on your toes, move your left and right hips alternately, while shifting weight from foot to foot. Only after that you can proceed to the study of more complex movements - rolls and domes performed by the stomach.
  • Having mastered taksim and basic movements, proceed to studying shaking. It is a vibration of the body, during which only the knees are in motion. At the very beginning of the study, the main thing is to keep the rhythm, so the shaking may not coincide with the tempo of the music.

Don't worry if you don't succeed right away, but try to study oriental dances regularly the only way you can learn them.

Belly dance for beginners

  • The study of oriental belly dance begins with smooth and simple hip movements. But before that, turn on some rhythmic music with oriental motives. Such music will help you learn to get in time, emphasize the motive of music with body movements. Move your hips first to the left and then to the right. During movement, the upper body must remain motionless.
  • Then move on to a more difficult task by continuing to move the hips, change the position of the body, bend forward or backward. You also need to master the sharp movements of the hips up and down, fast and slow shaking. Start by learning slow shakes, to do this, alternately lift your hips to the music.
  • Once you feel like you've mastered the slow shaking, pick up the pace of your hips, while keeping the fast shaking crisp and accentuated. To learn shaking, lean completely on the soles of both feet. A little later, having mastered the shaking, bring one leg forward, this will make the movements more graceful and more difficult.
  • A beautiful swinging movement will be created by shaking the hips and the leg extended forward. Putting one foot forward, add body movements in the form of eights, circles, slides and arcs of various shapes. Move using the side step. As soon as you see that you have learned to swing your hips gracefully, combine the side step with the “wave” figure. To do this, transfer your body weight to your front leg, simultaneously making a wave with your stomach and chest. Fulfilling belly dance, keep your legs slightly bent at the knees, raise your hands up, emphasizing their smooth movements of the body with graceful passes.

Learn to do the figure eight with your hips. Move your left thigh slightly to the left, do not lift your heels off the floor. Then make it a figure-eight turn to the left. After that, take the thigh as far back as possible, drawing the second round of the figure eight with the right thigh at the same time. Now draw an even circle around the body with your hips. Do not bend your back and keep your posture. Completely with this movement of the hips in the air, the figure of eight should turn out, but it is better to master the figure separately from the rest.

You will learn about how belly dancing affects women's health, future pregnancy, and whether it contributes to weight loss in the article Belly Dancing and Women's Health.

Since ancient times, oriental dances have served to conquer men. Exotic and feminine movements of the body will not only not leave them indifferent, but will also develop the natural plasticity of a woman, allowing her to feel her grace and perfection. Oriental dances are able to prolong youth, preserve the beauty and flexibility of the body, strengthen muscles and ensure harmony. Every woman at any age can learn how to dance oriental dances, having mastered the technique for beginners at home.

The Belly Dance section contains free video lessons on this oriental dance. Belly dance is an Arab national dance. The originality of oriental belly dance lies in its plasticity. One of the differences from other dances is the large amount of movement of the hips and abdomen. This is how the myth appeared that belly dancing is only belly dancing. In fact, almost all muscle groups are involved during belly dancing. The flexibility of the body, coordination of movements develops, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, which is a good prevention of many female diseases, and the emotional state of the woman also improves. Learning oriental belly dance online video lessons will be useful for both beginners and more experienced dancers. You can watch video lessons from the Belly Dance category for free at any convenient time. Some video lessons on oriental belly dance have additional teaching materials that can be downloaded. Good luck to you!

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Slow belly dance. Part 2

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Many girls in childhood went to various circles or sections, most of which chose dancing. Today we would like to introduce you to such a popular variety of dances as "oriental dances", this is a kind of style that is distinguished by its charm and grace. Oriental dances are always fascinating and sensual movements that will help you discover completely new facets of talent and feelings, feel a new level of control over your body, coordination and mind.

I would like to immediately note that oriental dances are rather a direction, there are many of them, they are divided into varieties, which sometimes differ very much. A popular question of many who are interested is whether there is a difference between oriental dances and the well-known Belly Dance. The answer is simple, there is a difference and it is not, Belly Dance, this is one of the directions of oriental dances. Everyone who is closely involved in Belly Dance can be said to be engaged in oriental dances, but those who are engaged in oriental dances do not always have an idea of ​​what Belly Dance is.

Oriental dances are divided into many types, the most basic of which are as follows:

  • Belly Dance, which we talked about above. This is a kind of classical style of belly dancing. Performed by women, distinguished by grace and isolation of movements.
  • Tribal is a more extensive dance style that includes several styles in its technique, and this is folklore, ATS and the Belly Dance described above. It is distinguished by a certain wildness and passion, reminiscent of a folk dance. The movement during the performance, although they seem somewhat improvisational, is still very polished. By the way, this type of dance is performed not only by women, but also by men.
  • Folklore, which was mentioned above, is also a direction of oriental dances, which includes many styles, such as, for example, "Khalidi", "Baladi", "Dabka" or Egyptian - "Saidi".

A little understood. Below will be presented video lessons of oriental dances for beginners.

Video lesson 1: Oriental dances - Basic movements!

Video lesson 2: Oriental dances - Arms and abdominal muscles!

Video lesson 3: Oriental dances - Hips and buttocks!

Video Lesson 4: Oriental Dancing - Fat Burning!

A selection of video lessons of oriental dances for beginners:

If one video clip is not enough for you, then below there is a whole selection of step-by-step video lessons on oriental dances for beginners at home, which will undoubtedly teach you something necessary and useful. The squares with the video are small, click "full screen" for easy viewing.

Why not treat your loved one to an exquisite pleasure. After all, only the most tender, loving and chic men deserve such a gift. Is your lover like this? Romantic evening, flickering candles, oriental fragrance, sensual music, sexy outfit, smooth movements of the hips, a playful look from under - your man is smitten on the spot. And you do not stop: tease beckon, admire. You have turned into a charming oriental beauty, but so dear and beloved. He is intrigued, discouraged, intoxicated, in love again.

Afraid you don't have the courage and skill? No problem. All you need is a desire and a few rehearsals. For your attention, here are a few video tutorials for beginners absolutely free.

How to learn to dance oriental dance

Two good news:

  1. Oriental dances are suitable for all women, no matter your age, body size, or nationality, only your passionate desire to become sensual, erotic desired.
  2. You can study at home, completely free of charge with video lessons. Bookmark this page, at a convenient time for you, you can prepare for a surprise for your man at home.

Belly dance lessons

To your attention 9 Belly Dance training videos for beginners, 14 minutes each. The first 5-7 minutes is a warm-up, the next 7-9 minutes are learning a new movement. At the last lesson - the combination of all movements into a dance. For convenience, the numbering of lessons as in the video. Valeria Putitskaya helps to master.

Video 1. Warm up. Introduction to basic movements.

Bella dance - awakens the feminine in us, teaches plasticity and awakens self-confidence. , learn to move beautifully and harmoniously. If suddenly you can't watch the video, click on the link.

Video lesson 2. Hands.

Due to the great popularity of this article, a large load falls on it and the videos take a long time to load, so I divided them for your convenience and transferred them to the article and. There you will find tips for beginners on how to look confident, relaxed and bewitch your favorite audience and much more.

To view the following videos

  • lessons 4, 5, 6. go to please.
  • lessons 8, 10, 16

Professional oriental belly dance.

Overcome shyness in yourself, listen to your body, let it testify you into the world of oriental dance, so exotic, mysterious, sensual. Do not be afraid of awkward movements, intuition will tell you body language. Let go of all your thoughts and feelings, immerse yourself in music. Feel like a fabulous Scheherazade, confident and desirable. Dance in your own way, adjusting the movements to the features of your body. This also applies to the outfit, give yourself the freedom of personal choice. A few learned movements, peeped ligaments from professionals and you can put on your private dance, watch the video of a professional dance. There is something to strive for. link


  • endurance is developed
  • heart training,
  • increased joint flexibility,
  • feeling better,
  • the mood rises.

As you can see, not only beautiful and erotic, but also useful.

What benefits does oriental dance bring to the female body?

They don't call it belly dancing for nothing. All dance movements are concentrated in the abdomen, waist, hips. The created load

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - how to learn to dance belly dance at home?

The best thing master the art of belly dancing an experienced instructor will help, but you can learn to dance at home. About what is needed for this, we will tell in our article.

How to start learning belly dance for beginners at home - paraphernalia and basic rules

Belly dancing demands from a woman the ability to relax those muscle groups who are not employed at the moment. Only in this way can a dancer perform dance movements for thirty minutes.

Belly dance lessons will require a lady formation of one's own sexual image of a dancer. You can completely immerse yourself in the world of oriental dance only by creating your own image. Quite a few important role playing here costume, jewelry and, of course, makeup. All of the above will focus on the sexuality and femininity of the oriental dancer.

  • To choose the right clothes for dancing, you should know that in the first months of classes, the figure of a woman will change significantly . The waist will become more refined, and excess fat will disappear. It is recommended to purchase some elements of the attire for oriental dances after some time has passed.
  • For beginners, belly dance is better to dance in combination short top with breeches or leggings.
  • Later, a woman can complement her image coin loincloth that create the intended mood during training.
  • As for shoes for belly dancing, we recall that for a long time there has been a tendency to dance oriental dances barefoot, thus marking an inseparable connection with the Earth. For women who do not want to dance barefoot, you can put on shoes ballet shoes, Czechs or socks.

In order to harmoniously and correctly perform belly dance, a woman must be well versed in the styles of oriental dances, know their differences, and also know what costume, music and vocabulary correspond to a particular style.

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - basic movements and elements of belly dance

Video: belly dance - first lessons

  • A notable element of belly dance is "rocking chair". To perform this movement, the woman must rise on her tiptoes with her legs placed together, bend them slightly at the knees and mentally draw a vertical line through the navel. Along this line, you need to smoothly move your hips so that the navel remains in place. You can do dance elements up - down or forward - backward.

For the execution of movements down - up, i.e. - in the vertical plane , put your feet together, rise to the toes and bend your knees a little. In turn, we pull up to the armpits of the thigh so that the location of the navel remains unchanged. This element of the dance can also be performed moving forward.

To perform movements in a perpendicular plane (forward - backward) we stand on a full foot, bend our knees a little. Bending the lower back as much as possible, we take the pelvis back. We lead it forward and pull the pubis to the navel. Plastically moving the hips, we describe a semicircle. The center of the circle is in the navel. Accelerating the pace, we switch to shaking the stomach.

  • The next element of belly dance is "pendulum" . To perform the exercise from top to bottom, up to the armpit, we raise the right thigh, bring it to the right and lower it down, raising the left thigh to the armpit.

Pendulum from bottom to top performed by bringing the right thigh further to the side. By lifting the heel off the floor, the thigh is pulled towards the armpit. Diagonally lower the right thigh, lifting the left thigh up to the armpit.

  • Hip circles. Do not forget - when dancing the element, you need to make sure that the back remains straight. In the horizontal plane, we mentally imagine a circle for ourselves. We strive to outline it from behind with the buttocks, bending the lower back as much as possible. In front, you need to get the pubis on the stomach as much as possible.
  • Reset circles. We describe the circle and, pulling back the pelvis, perform a dump with the hip from top to bottom. On the following laps, the movement continues without stopping. Circles can be horizontal, vertical, large, medium and small. If you try to make circles in the frontal plane, you get a new movement.

  • Dance element "Wave". With it, only the hips should work. The upper body is immobile. To perform the element, we stand on high half-fingers, half a turn towards the viewer. In the vertical plane, we imagine a circle, the axis of which passes through the femurs. In the direction from below - forward - up - back, we try to describe it with our hips. The execution of this element is possible with advancement to the side or forward. There are several types of waves - lateral and frontal.

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