What foods should be included in your diet. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and proper nutrition play an important role in the modern life of every person.


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Do you follow the principles of healthy eating? This is easy to check. The principles of healthy eating can be summarized in 11 points:

1. Eat foods different groups(take care of the variety of the diet).
Foods contain essential nutrients in varying amounts. There is no product that contains all the nutrients in the right proportions. To avoid their deficiency, the daily diet should include foods from all groups: grains, vegetables and fruits,. When compiling the menu, you should be guided by the principles of healthy eating.

2. Control your weight (be careful to maintain).
Being overweight and obese is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a phenomenon that causes other diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and many others. For supporting normal weight the body needs to be fed according to the principles of healthy eating. Those who are overweight or obese should: reduce their intake of fats, both visible (butter, lard, etc.) and invisible (for example, contained in cakes, fatty meats, etc.), refuse to eat in the so-called establishments " fast food and sweets. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Avoid fried or baked foods, as they are traditionally high in fat used to cook them. Use diet in combination with physical activity. Outdoor walks are also highly recommended.

3. Cereals should be the main source of energy.
Cereals should be the main source of energy in the human diet. These foods provide the body with complex carbohydrates and vegetable protein. Rich in vitamins. They contain minerals such as: copper, magnesium, and phosphorus. The nutritional value grain products depends on the degree of grain processing. A smaller amount of vitamins and minerals are characterized by products obtained from more grain. high degree grinding: flour, White bread and small cereals. However, wholemeal bread is characterized by a high content of vitamins and minerals.

4. Milk and dairy products should be constant in the daily diet.
Milk and dairy products are not only one of the main sources of calcium in the diet, but also provide the body with proteins of high biological value, as well as vitamins B and D. These products are a source of beneficial minerals such as magnesium, potassium and zinc. Given the content of saturated fatty acids, should be selected with a reduced fat content.

5. Eat meat in moderation, replace them with fish and legumes.
Meat is a good source of complete protein, as well as vitamins, especially B1, B12, PP, and easily digestible iron. You should choose lean meat, and if possible replace it with grains of legumes and fish (it is advisable to consume 2-3 servings per week for 150 g). Beans, fish, and eggs are good sources of complete protein. Eggs, like meat, contain almost all the nutrients your body needs. The yolk, however, contains a large number of. Fish contains more minerals than meat. It is also a good source of fluoride. It is especially recommended to use sea ​​fish, due to the high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Legumes are a source complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, such as: , phosphorus and calcium.

7. Cut down on fats, especially animal fats.
It is recommended to reduce your total fat intake to 30% of your daily calorie requirement. Reducing the consumption of fats, especially animal products rich in cholesterol is necessary condition for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Reducing fat is also important in the prevention and treatment of obesity. It should be remembered that fat is the most high-calorie nutrient - 1 gram of fat provides 9 kilocalories, and protein or carbohydrates - 4. You need to know that fats are consumed not only "visible" (butter, margarine, lard, meat fat or sausage), but and "invisible" in some other foods (meat, cheese, confectionery). Animal fats contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. It is advisable to replace animal fats with vegetables. Among the various cooking methods, boiling, roasting or carcass without adding fat is highly recommended. In addition, food cooked on the grill reduces the amount of fat.

8. Avoid sugar and sweets.
Sugar contains no essential nutrients and is a source of "empty" calories. Excessive consumption simple sugars therefore can lead to obesity. These products also play big role in the development of caries.

9. Reduce your salt intake.
Sol plays important role V . However, she is very high level in the diet can contribute to high blood pressure. Daily salt intake should not exceed 5-6 grams (1 teaspoon). The current level of salt intake is three times higher than recommended. Please refrain from salty foods. It is good to know that salt is added in large quantities to foods as well. industrial production: canned food, stew, cheeses, smoked meats, marinades, soups and spices.

10. Drink enough water.
enters the body in the form of drinks and is consumed along with foods and dishes. The body cannot store more water, and lack of fluid can quickly lead to dehydration, so drink often, in moderation. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of drinks per day. On the other hand, consumption of sweetened beverages should be reduced.

11. Don't drink alcohol.
Alcohol is very high-calorie product. It does not contain essential nutrients. Increases blood pressure. note that frequent use alcohol, even in moderate amounts can lead to addiction.

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Proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. What products to choose how to make the right diet , what foods should a proper diet contain ? What mistakes do we make and how can we fix them? To be a healthy person, to have an amazing figure, shiny, thick hair, strong nails, it is not enough to eat a couple of vegetables a day. We need a systematic approach!

Unfortunately, many people begin to think about health only after losing it. When a person becomes seriously ill, he immediately begins to pay attention to his diet, finds money for medicines, time for walks before going to bed. But you need to take care of your health while it is still there. Sufficient physical activity, lack of constant stress, balanced, proper nutrition, food - a guarantee that good health will be maintained for many years.

How to manage your health is, of course, our own business, it is not regulated by law, practically not controlled by the state. But this means that it is useless to shift responsibility for the state of your own body onto someone else. There is only one condition for a healthy lifestyle accessible to everyone: own wish to be healthy , proper, balanced diet , choose the right food .

Below are the recommendations of nutritionists on proper, balanced nutrition, on the use of biologically active complexes from NSP / NSP, which will supplement the diet with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, useful substances

Diet modern man increasingly formed by technologically processed food, from which natural regulators have disappeared metabolic processes. And they disappeared irreversibly. The biochemical conveyor of the body, tuned to the former diversity, naturalness of nutrition, began to stumble. There has long been talk of a nutritional crisis. Its essence boils down to the following: we have a huge variety of food products, but their biological value is rapidly falling. By consuming more food, the lack of bioactive substances cannot be increased, since excess food leads to overweight. In a diet that meets the energy needs of a modern person (about 2000 - 2500 calories), as a rule, there are not enough vitamins, minerals, and other active substances, which ultimately leads to a general weakening of health.

The problem of proper and balanced nutrition is exacerbated by the fact that the content of nutrients in the raw materials itself decreases year by year. The reason is the depletion of the mineral resources of agricultural lands. Farm-grown cereals, vegetables, fruits do not contain the usual set of minerals. Sometimes the use of such products leads to illness.

A few years ago, the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences conducted mass surveys of the Russian population on the content of vitamins and minerals in the human body. As it turned out, hypovitaminosis, deficiency of minerals are widespread, year-round.

Therefore, it is necessary to take additional vitamin complexes. The range of vitamin, vitamin-mineral complexes NSP / NSP is large, vitamins are completely natural in composition, they can be drunk constantly (if desired, you can simply alternate products). The most popular of them are:

Hormonal changes, unbalanced nutrition leads to a lack of calcium in the body, and this can lead to diseases of the skeletal system. Approximately one third of women suffer from osteoporosis (brittle bones) and are at risk of fractures. To strengthen, proper nutrition of the skeletal system, the body needs a sufficient supply of calcium and magnesium. These minerals help prevent rapid weakening bone tissue on early stages osteoporosis, especially during menopause. Numerous scientific, clinical studies show that additional calcium intake helps maintain bone structure, and calcium is also needed for reduced blood clotting.

How exactly does it help our health?

- Prevent cancer. Early research shows a strong link between inadequate fiber intake and colon cancer. Therefore, the more fiber we eat, the lower the risk of colon cancer.
- Lowers cholesterol levels. Fiber prevents the absorption of bile in the intestines, and bile is excreted in the feces. In order to compensate for this loss, the liver allocates additional resources: cholesterol.
- Prevent diabetes. Long-term studies show that a high-fiber diet leads to a reduced risk of developing diabetes 2 types, especially in groups high risk. Fiber slows down the absorption of sugar in the blood and helps regulate glucose levels.
– Prevents constipation, normalizes digestion. Although it may seem counterintuitive, fiber increases stool bulk, which makes it easier to have a bowel movement.
- Helps you lose weight. A diet rich in fiber contributes to the rapid loss of kilograms due to the fact that dietary fiber is not absorbed by the body, but simply excreted.

Nutritionists in many countries advise eating enough fiber. The daily recommended amount is 35 to 50 grams. Unfortunately, most of us do not even eat 15 grams.

In order to consume the required amount of fiber you need to eat:
at least 3 fruits per day;
at least 3 servings (about 100 grams each) of vegetables per day;
at least 4 servings of wholemeal bread, cereals, brown rice, oatmeal;
several times a week you must definitely eat: beans, peas, corn or soy.

Or you can just take it regularly Loklo from NSP/NSP
Usage: dilute one tablespoon in 1 glass cold water, stir, immediately drink. As with any dietary fiber intake, additional fluid intake (1-2 glasses) is desirable. It is recommended to take fiber 30-60 minutes before the main meal.
Ingredients (1 tablespoon - 9 g): fructose - 2.17 g (6.18% of the TSA); psyllium husk (Plantago ovata) - 2225 mg; apple pectin - 1503 mg; oat bran (Avena sativa) - 752 mg; guar gum (Cyamopsis tetragonolobus) - 752 mg; acacia resin (Acacia seyal) - 752 mg; cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia) - 291 mg; broccoli flowers (Brassica oleracea) - 20 mg; long turmeric root (Curcuma longa) - 6 mg; rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis) - 6 mg; red beet (Beta vulgaris) - 6 mg; tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) - 6 mg; carrots (Daucus carota) - 6 mg; cabbage leaves (Brassica oleracea) - 6 mg; orange bioflavonoids, grapefruit bioflavonoids - 3.13 mg (1.32% of the ASP); hesperidin - 1.57 mg. Excipients: lemon acid, apple flavor, potassium bicarbonate.

For people who have a tendency to constipation, Loklo is recommended to combine the first time with a product such as Cascara Sagrada

There is so much talk about them now. They have almost become synonymous with healthy, proper nutrition. They already sell eggs, bread enriched with omega-3 fats. What explains such overwhelming popularity?
Omega-3s are actually fatty acids that make up the bulk of fats. There are several types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated. Polyunsaturated acids contain two different constituents: Omega-3 and Omega-6. For a long time studying useful properties Omega-3s have not been studied because they are usually consumed less than omega-6 fats. Although, as it turned out, the benefits of them are much greater. Although omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are indispensable for the life of the body, the body itself is unable to produce them. That is why it is so necessary to consume them additionally. What should you eat to get omega-3 fats?

In order to balance our intake of fatty acids, it is necessary to provide the body with Omega-3, Omega-6 fats in a ratio of at least 1:2 or 1:3, and it is best to use them in equal amounts. In the meantime, this ratio in the diet of most urban residents looks like 1:5 at best, and 1:10 at worst. In addition, consuming fat in such an unfavorable ratio interferes with good absorption of omega-3s. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, called Omega-3, are rare guests on our table.

To ensure good health, normal metabolism, it is necessary to constantly provide the body with a sufficient amount of Omega 3. The drug Omega-3 PUFA NSP contains fish oil derived from cold water fish species. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), decosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They dramatically reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, which plays a leading role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that clog blood vessels. Therefore, Omega 3 (EPA) is an excellent preventive, therapeutic agent for many cardiovascular diseases, a drug that normalizes blood pressure.

It stops the growth of bacteria in wounds, fungi in the intestines; destroys bad smell from the mouth, reduces body odor; removes excess medicines, fights toxins, deactivates many carcinogens; stops inflammation of the gums (when using applications). Chlorophyll counteracts the following diseases: colds, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pyorrhea, gingivitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, various skin inflammations, arthritis. Promotes tissue repair; counteracts radiation damage; supports healthy intestinal flora; activates the action of enzymes.

Separately important products, components of a proper, balanced diet and daily diet

Lecithin NSP (Lecithin NSP)- for supporting nervous system. Lecithin serves as the main nutrient of the nerves, making up 17% of the peripheral nervous system, 30% of the brain. Insufficient intake of lecithin leads to irritability, fatigue, brain exhaustion up to a nervous breakdown.

Lecithin accelerates oxidative processes, ensures normal fat metabolism, improves brain function, the cardiovascular system, promotes the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K, increases the body's resistance to toxic substances, stimulates bile secretion, the formation of red blood cells, hemoglobin.

All cells of the body need lecithin, which is part of the complex of B vitamins, helps to produce energy. It is also necessary for the production of acetylcholine, which ensures the optimal functioning of the nervous system. Lecithin, as well as choline, are required for the production of hormones, for the normal metabolism of fats and cholesterol. If you are interested to know why nutritionists recommend drinking Lecithin daily, watch the video below:

Bifidophilus flora force (Bifidophilus Flora Force)- beneficial intestinal microflora. Long gone are the days when people associated the word bacterium with infectious diseases. Today any educated person knows that without beneficial bacteria inhabiting the body, life is impossible. This is especially true for intestinal micro-organisms. They not only help us digest food properly, but also play an important role in immune defense mechanisms, detoxification, vitamin synthesis, and also prevent the introduction of pathogens.

If a person is healthy, eats right, leads a normal lifestyle, the intestinal flora does not make itself felt. But as soon as one of these components changes, the trouble begins.

Foreign microorganisms - enterococci, clostridia, staphylococci, yeast-like fungi can be present in a healthy body in small quantities necessary for normal digestion. Their activation, reproduction is prevented by normal intestinal microflora. A decrease in its quality leads to a violation of the microbial balance of the intestine - dysbacteriosis.

Unfortunately, foods contain dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives, flavorings or other additives that adversely affect the intestinal microflora.

As a result, proper digestion is disturbed, diarrhea, constipation, pain in the abdomen, and increased gas formation appear. To prevent this from happening, for prevention it is recommended to strengthen the beneficial intestinal microflora 2 times a year. You can do this with the help of a product such as Bifidophilus flora force. It very gently, naturally restores the normal intestinal microflora. It contains bacteria such as Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus acidophilus. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, they easily multiply, filling all the free corners, displacing, ruthlessly cracking down on pathogenic microflora - the cause of many diseases. These bacteria resist the formation of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds in the intestine.

Recent studies related to gastric and duodenal ulcers are interesting. Scientists have proven that one of the main factors that provoke these diseases is Helicobacter pylori. To cope with them means to improve the patient's well-being, improve the quality of his life, and accelerate the cure of the disease. And again, Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus acidophilus come to the rescue, which delay the reproduction of Helicobacteria.

This drug is especially necessary for pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly, all those who suffer from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, have undergone surgery (especially of the gastrointestinal tract), take antibiotics (during the course and at least 2 more weeks after him).

Kelp- natural iodine. According to WHO, more than 800 million people, that is, about one fifth of the world's population, are at risk of health disorders due to iodine deficiency in food. More than half of the territory of Russia are regions with natural iodine deficiency.

Natural iodine in the Kelp dietary supplement compensates for the lack of this element in the daily diet. 4 Kelp capsules is the recommended daily dose of iodine. Kelp is a source of 12 natural vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, D, E, etc.), as well as essential amino acids. It also contains several dozen macro- and microelements necessary for a person (iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, barium, potassium, sulfur, etc.), and in the most accessible form for assimilation.

Kelp has antithrombotic activity. It affects the contractility of the heart muscle. Prevents the development of rickets, osteoporosis, dental caries, brittle nails, hair. It has a general strengthening effect.

This dietary supplement can be considered a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for diseases caused by iodine deficiency, thyroid diseases, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.

If you are interested in learning more about the right one, balanced diet, about what you need to eat every day for sure to be healthy - watch the lecture by a nutritionist, Ph.D. Vyacheslav Antilevsky about proper nutrition:


There are many factors that reduce immunity, but the most basic of them are listed below.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis
Unfortunately, most foods contain dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives, flavors, or other food additives that we eat with food. Also by us holidays are celebrated New Year, birthday, March 8th, Easter, etc.), where we eat a lot not quite right, and also sometimes drink alcohol, someone likes to drink instant coffee. The use of these products leads to the gradual death of beneficial intestinal microflora. And as you already know, 70% of immunity is in the intestines. If you do not populate the beneficial microflora (bifidus and lacto bacteria) at least 2 times / year, then dysbacteriosis may gradually develop, which you may not even feel.
Therefore, with a weakened immune system, the first thing to do is it is necessary to populate the beneficial microflora in the intestines with a product like Bifidophilus flora force . Take 2 capsules at bedtime, for prevention it is drunk 2 times / year.

Lack of vitamins, minerals in food
Today it is impossible to eat a daily dose of vitamins, minerals with food, respectively, the body will receive less of them. Newspapers, magazines, TV talk about it all the time. To replenish the daily dose of vitamins and minerals in the body, you need to take them every day additionally. Vitamins, minerals from NSP / NSP are made from natural raw materials, they are not accumulated by the body, they are well absorbed. They can be taken daily (when taking, you can alternate products):
Protective formula
Super Complex NSP
Noni juice
bee pollen
Smart Meal, vanilla cocktail
Solstik Nutrition
colloidal minerals

If the body is susceptible frequent colds, then at least 4 times / year (once in each season) you need to include immunomodulators in your diet (substances that simply nourish the immune system, they are taken together with vitamins, minerals). For example, drink 1 to choose from the following products:
Complex with valerian

free radicals
The right side shows the causes of free radicals in the body. There is a lot of information about how they are formed. It is important to understand how to protect yourself from them. From free radicals our body is protected by antioxidants (these are vitamins A, C, E, as well as zinc, selenium). Food does not contain enough of these vitamins, they are not enough for the body to have time to completely destroy the resulting free radicals. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally include in the daily diet 1 of the following antioxidant complexes:
Protective formula
Red Clover NSP

If hemoglobin is low, then you need to drink Iron chelate (if hemoglobin is below 110g/l - take 1 pc. 2 r/day until the hemoglobin level reaches 110 g/l. Then continue taking 1 pc. 1 r/d.)

The above recommendations will help you competently draw up a program for restoring immunity, which will help the immune system gain enough strength to protect the body from various infections, bacteria, viruses in full. If you are interested in learning more about immunity, as well as how to strengthen it, watch the lecture by nutritionist Moroz.I.Yu. :


If we talk about osteoporosis, then this disease is characterized by a decrease in bone density, an increase in their fragility. With this disease, bone strength decreases, and the risk of fractures increases. In this case, it is necessary to intensively take such a product as calcium magnesium chelate (3-6 months, 3-4 pieces / day). In the future, it is recommended to drink calcium prophylactically, 1-2 tablets / day.

If we talk about osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis , these diseases are characterized by degenerative changes in cartilage. Osteoarthritis of the joints, osteochondrosis should be treated with drugs that promote the renewal of cartilage tissue. The course of recovery can be from 6 months or more, it all depends on the degree of the problem. Recommendations: it is advisable to take the necessary pictures and tests before the course of treatment, so that at the end you can see the dynamics.

shark ray formula , or Osteo plus .

If you want more detailed information about the health of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the treatment of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis - watch the videos of the nutritionist below:

Every person who cares about their health wants to eat right. Proper nutrition guarantees good health, vivacity, strong immunity, protects us from chronic diseases. Proper nutrition will allow you to lead a healthy, full, active image life for everyone!

Olive and unrefined sunflower oil, walnuts.

These foods contain omega fats, which lower blood cholesterol levels, and with it the likelihood of blood clots and prevent heart attacks.

How often do you eat these foods? Daily at least 50-100 g.

For immunity and heart

Fresh carrots, pumpkin dishes, tomatoes, pink grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits.

Leafy vegetables and spinach contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, while tomatoes and pink grapefruit also contain the carotenoid lycopene. And all the carotenoids in the team have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and increase immunity.

Keep in mind: vegetables can be replaced with freshly squeezed juices. Instead of canned vegetables, fruits and berries choose frozen.

How often do you eat these foods? It is desirable that at least one of these products is present in the diet 2-3 times a day.

To remove sludge

Bran and products containing bran, cabbage, dried apricots.

They have fiber.

Keep in mind: bran can be added to dairy products, salads, soups.

How often do you eat these foods? Fiber must be ingested daily. You can alternate bran-cabbage, dried apricots.

For vision

Blueberries, fresh grated carrots with sour cream.

One large carrot (100 g) provides the body with a two-day norm of carotene, which turns into vitamin A and forms the visual pigments necessary for the retina.

Keep in mind: fresh grated carrots with sour cream contain a complex of vitamins and nutrients that strengthens nails and adds shine to hair.

How do you eat these foods? 3-4 times a week.

For hair and skin

Cheese, egg yolks.

Keep in mind: biotin is produced by bifidobacteria in the intestines. The risk of developing biotin deficiency is in people taking antibiotics.

How do you eat these foods? Preferably one serving every day.

For performance and memory

Nuts, seeds, whole grain bread, whole grains, yeast. These products contain B vitamins. They are responsible for energy production, improve memory, reduce aggression, and reduce neurological pain (for example, migraine).

Keep in mind: B vitamins work at full capacity when they are taken together. The principle of obtaining the maximum of vitamins from food is simple - minimal heat treatment.

Seaweed contains iodine, which is essential for normal thyroid function. Due to the lack of iodine, the production of thyroid hormones decreases, which leads to lethargy, swelling, slowing down of all metabolic processes in the body, obesity, and poor memory.

How often do you eat these foods? At least 2-3 times a week.

Correct and healthy eating. Today, more and more you can hear about a healthy diet and lifestyle. And more and more people are striving to adhere to these principles. And this is quite natural, since everyone wants to be healthy, namely: so that the body's work is stable, useful substances and microelements are fully absorbed, and the metabolic process is regulated. And health, as you know, directly depends on what a person eats.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition does not only depend on what foods to include in your daily diet. It is also important how you eat food. Very important aspect is compliance with the regime, that is, food must be taken in certain time. This will allow the body to receive the right amount of calories throughout the day.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the selection of dishes and their quantity. The average person should eat 4-5 times a day, but with certain diseases, the number of meals will increase to 5-6 times.
In order for the body to receive the maximum useful, it is necessary to distribute food according to the time of their intake. The time of day to consume a particular product depends on the composition of the product and its energy value.

For example, protein foods (fish, beans, meat products) should preferably be consumed in the morning, as they contribute to more vigorous activity nervous system. For an evening meal, sour-milk products, fruits, vegetables, products that do not overload the digestive system and will be easily absorbed by the body will be relevant.

When serving food to the table, you need to ensure that its temperature is from 10 to 50 degrees. Food must be chewed with high quality, not be distracted while eating by talking and watching newspapers (TV shows). For proper digestion, food should be consumed according to the schedule, without violating it, and also eat a moderate amount of food, do not overeat.

There are some differences in the recommendations for proper nutrition for different age categories. Consideration should be given to the fact that people in more adulthood cannot afford to eat everything that younger people consume, because digestive system younger ones are stronger. As for people before retirement and retirement age, they just need to avoid, for example, too salty food, as it can provoke a hypertensive crisis. People at this age should eat a lot of calcium-containing foods in order to prevent osteoporosis.

What foods should be consumed with proper nutrition?

Switching to a healthy diet is quite simple and, most importantly, a healthy diet will not entail an additional financial burden on the family budget. Products don't have to be overly expensive, they just have to be fresh. The most important aspect is how these same foods will be prepared and eaten.

It should be remembered that long-term heat treatment and benefits are simply incompatible things. And ideal in terms of benefits are dishes cooked in a double boiler. The diet should contain products of all food groups (from fruits and greens to legumes and oils).

One more, at first glance, enough difficult condition is the minimum use (and in some cases a complete rejection of the usual harmful and tasty foods) of salt and sugar, flour products and sweets. It must be remembered that a healthy diet in no case implies the exclusion of meat, fats, as many believe. There is an opinion that if you eat only apples, you will be both full and healthy. But everything is fundamentally wrong. Even for those people who are overweight, nutritionists do not recommend completely giving up meat and fats - they just need to be consumed correctly.

A healthy diet should include meat, fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Flour products, sweets help to quickly satisfy hunger, but this food does not bring any benefit to the body. Therefore, sweets and sugar must be abandoned, or at least reduced to a minimum.

Basic principles of healthy eating:

1. As you know, freshly prepared food is much healthier than reheated. Therefore, it is necessary to use either only cooked or today's food. Otherwise, the necessary vitamins will not enter the body.

2. Food should be balanced. It is necessary to forget the habit of snacking on flour products. It is better to replace them with dried fruits or sour-milk products.

3. Raw vegetables and fruits are necessary in the daily diet, as they are rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as fiber.

4. With proper nutrition, it is necessary to take into account the season: that is, in winter, you should eat foods rich in proteins and fats, and in summer period you need to consume as much plant food as possible.

5. Consider energy value consumed products and in advance to count kilocalories in products.

6. Food must be chewed thoroughly, without haste. This will provide less stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

By properly distributing your diet, you can get rid of obesity. The most dangerous store of fat in the human body is collected in the abdomen. Obesity of internal organs leads to many dangerous diseases. Often trying to get rid of excess fat in the abdomen, a person tries to pump up the press. This is a wrong move. You will pump up the press, but you will not get rid of the fat that remains under the press and as a result you will get an even bigger belly. Only a balanced diet and moderate exercise will help solve this problem.

Thus, from the above, we can conclude that a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet are very easy to understand. The hardest thing here is to give up your loved ones. healthy meals. But it's not that hard to do. In just one month, the body will become accustomed to eating foods from the new diet and the person will receive no less pleasure from the food consumed than before. It must be remembered that by eradicating bad habits, with proper nutrition and sports, you can get rid of most chronic diseases, as well as improve the work of all organs involved in the digestive process, and the immune system as a whole.

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