Alexander Burdonsky: “They don’t let me forget that I am Stalin’s grandson. Stalin's grandson spent half his life separated from his wife Stalin's grandson Alexander Burdonsky personal life


Vasily Stalin, the future lieutenant general of aviation, was born in the second marriage of Joseph Stalin with Nadezhda Alliluyeva. At the age of 12, he lost his mother. She shot herself in 1932. Stalin did not deal with his upbringing, shifting this concern to the head of security. Later, Vasily will write that he was brought up by men "not distinguished by morality ... ... Early began to smoke and drink."

At the age of 19 he fell in love with his friend's fiancee Galina Burdonskaya and married her in 1940. In 1941, the first-born Sasha was born, two years later Nadezhda.

After 4 years, Galina left, unable to withstand her husband's spree. In retaliation, he refused to give her children. For eight years they had to live with their father, despite the fact that a year later he had another family.

The new chosen one was the daughter of Marshal Timoshenko Ekaterina. The ambitious beauty, born on December 21, like Stalin, and who saw this as a special sign, disliked her stepchildren. The hatred was manic. She locked them up, “forgot” to feed them, beat them. Vasily paid no attention to this. The only thing that bothered him was that the children did not see their own mother. Once Alexander met with her secretly, the father found out about this and beat his son.

Many years later, Alexander recalled those years as the most difficult time of his life.

In the second marriage, Vasily Jr. and daughter Svetlana were born. But the family fell apart. Vasily, together with the children from his first marriage, Alexander and Nadezhda, went to the famous swimmer Kapitolina Vasilyeva. She accepted them as family. Children from the second marriage remained with their mother.

After Stalin's death, Vasily was arrested.

The first wife Galina immediately took the children. Nobody stopped her from doing this.

Catherine renounced Vasily, received a pension from the state and a four-room apartment on Gorky Street (now Tverskaya), where she lived with her son and daughter. Either due to severe heredity, or no less difficult situation in the family, their further fate was tragic.

Both did poorly in school. One, because she was sick all the time. Others were not interested in studying at all.

After the 21st party congress and the exposure of the cult of personality, the negative attitude towards all Stalin's relatives intensified in society. Catherine, trying to protect her son, sent him to Georgia to study. There he entered the Faculty of Law. I did not go to classes, spent time with new friends, became addicted to drugs.

The problem was not immediately recognized. From the third year, his mother took him to Moscow, but she could not cure him. During one of the “breakdowns”, Vasily committed suicide at the dacha of his famous grandfather, Marshal Timoshenko. He was only 23.

After the death of her son, Catherine withdrew into herself. She did not love her daughter and even refused custody of her, despite the fact that Svetlana suffered from Graves' disease and a progressive mental illness.

Svetlana died at the age of 43, completely alone. Her death was not known until a few weeks later.

Vasily's children from his first marriage were more successful.

Alexander graduated from the Suvorov Military School. The military career did not interest him, and he entered the directing department of GITIS. He played in the theater, received the title of People's Artist. He worked as a director of the Theater of the Soviet Army. He considered grandfather a tyrant, and his relationship with him was a “heavy cross”. He loved his mother very much, lived with her most of the time and bore her surname Bourdonsky. Passed away in 2017.

Nadezhda, unlike her brother, remained Stalin. She always defended her grandfather, argued that Stalin did not know much of what was happening in the country. She studied at the theater, but the actress did not work out of her. For some time she lived in Gori. Upon her return to Moscow, she married her adopted son and mother-in-law Alexander Fadeev, gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia. Nadezhda died in 1999 at the age of 56.

Vasily had no other native children.

The last wife was the nurse Maria Nusberg. He adopted two of her daughters, just as he had previously adopted the daughter of Kapitolina Vasilyeva.

Alexander Burdonsky

Theater director, People's Artist of Russia and grandson of Joseph Stalin Alexander Burdonsky died in Moscow. He was 75 years old.

As RIA Novosti was told at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, where Burdonsky worked for several decades, the director died after a serious illness.

The theater clarified that the civil memorial service and farewell to Bourdonsky will begin at 11:00 on Friday, May 26.

“Everything will take place in his native theater, where he has worked since 1972. Then the funeral service and cremation will take place at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery, ”said a representative of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army.

“Real workaholic”

Actress Lyudmila Chursina called Burdonsky's death a huge loss for the theater.

“A man who knew everything about the theater left. Alexander Vasilyevich was a real workaholic. His rehearsals were not just professional pursuits, but also life reflections. He brought up a lot of young actors who adored him, ”Chursina told RIA Novosti.

“For me, this is a personal grief. When parents die, orphanhood sets in, and with the departure of Alexander Vasilyevich, actor's orphanhood has come, ”added the actress.

Chursina worked a lot with Bourdonsky. In particular, she played in the performances “Duet for a Soloist”, “Eleanor and Her Men” and “Playing the Keys of the Soul”, which were staged by the director.

“We had six joint performances, and have already started working on the seventh. But an illness happened, and he burned out in four to five months, ”said the actress.

People's Artist of the USSR Elina Bystritskaya called Bourdonsky a man of unique talent and iron will.

“This is a wonderful teacher, with whom I happened to teach for ten years at GITIS, and a very talented director. His departure is a great loss for the theater,” she said.

"Knight of the Theater"

Theater and film actress Anastasia Busygina called Alexander Burdonsky "a real knight of the theater."

“With him, we had a real theatrical life in its best manifestations,” the 360 ​​TV channel quotes Busygina as saying.

According to her, Bourdonsky was not only a great person, but also "a true servant of the theater."

Busygina first encountered Bourdonsky while staging Chekhov's The Seagull. She noted that the director was sometimes despotic in his work, but his “love rallied the actors into one team.”

How Stalin's grandson became a director

Alexander Burdonsky was born on October 14, 1941 in Kuibyshev. His father was Vasily Stalin, and his mother was Galina Burdonskaya.

The family of the leader's son broke up in 1944, but Bourdonsky's parents did not file a divorce. In addition to the future director, they had a common daughter - Nadezhda Stalina.

From birth, Burdonsky bore the surname Stalin, but in 1954 - after the death of his grandfather - he took his mother's, which he kept until the end of his life.

In one of the interviews, he admitted that he saw Joseph Stalin only from afar - on the podium, and only once with his own eyes - at the funeral in March 1953.

Alexander Burdonsky graduated from the Kalinin Suvorov School, after which he entered the directing department of GITIS. In addition, he studied at the acting course of Oleg Efremov at the studio at the Sovremennik Theater.

In 1971, the director was invited to the Central Theater of the Soviet Army, where he directed the play "The One Who Gets a Slap in the Face." After success, he was offered to stay in the theater.

During his work, Alexander Burdonsky staged on the stage of the Theater of the Russian Army the performances “The Lady of the Camellias”, Alexander Dumas-son, “The Snows Have Fallen” by Rodion Fedenev, “The Garden” by Vladimir Arro, “Orpheus Descending to Hell” by Tennessee Williams, “Vassa Zheleznova” by Maxim Gorky, “Your Sister and Captive” by Lyudmila Razumovskaya, “The Mandate” by Nikolai Erdman, “The Last Passionately Lover” by Neil Simon, “The Britannic” by Jean Racine, “Trees Die Standing” and “The One Who Is Not Waited For ...” by Alejandro Casona, “Harp Greetings” by Mikhail Bogomolny, “Invitation to the Castle” by Jean Anouilh, “Duel of the Queen” by John Marrell, “Silver Bells” by Henrik Ibsen and many others.

In addition, the director directed several performances in Japan. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun were able to see "The Seagull" by Anton Chekhov, "Vassa Zheleznova" by Maxim Gorky and "Orpheus Descending to Hell" by Tennessee Williams.

In 1985, Burdonsky received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1996 - People's Artist of Russia.

The director also actively participated in the theatrical life of the country. In 2012, he took part in a rally against the closure of the Gogol Moscow Drama Theater, which was reformatted into the Gogol Center.

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24 / 05 / 2017

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"Tonight, Alexander Vasilievich died," Interfax was told at the theater where the director worked. Alexander Burdonsky served in the Theater of the Russian Army since 1972. Here he received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1985) and People's Artist of Russia (1996).


Colleagues express their condolences over the bitter event. The first to speak was People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Chursina.

"A man who knew everything about the theater left. Alexander Vasilyevich was a real workaholic. His rehearsals were not just professional activities, but also life reflections. He brought up a lot of young actors who adored him. Bourdonsky's departure is a huge loss for the theater, but for me this is a personal grief. When parents die, orphanhood sets in, and with the departure of Alexander Vasilyevich, acting orphanhood has come, "RIA Novosti quotes Chursina.

As they wrote, Alexander Vasilievich Burdonsky was born on October 14, 1941 in Kuibyshev (now Samara). In 1951-1953 he studied at the Kalinin Suvorov Military School. After completing an acting course at the Sovremennik Theater with Oleg Efremov, in 1966 he entered the directing department of GITIS with Maria Knebel.

Alexander Burdonsky died on the evening of May 23 in the hospital after a serious illness. The cause of death was heart problems.

Alexander Vasilievich Burdonsky direct grandson of I. V. Stalin, eldest son of Vasily Stalin.

He is the only one of Stalin's descendants who published his DNA.

Joseph Stalin's grandson Alexander Burdonsky: "Grandfather was a real tyrant. I can't see how someone is trying to invent angel wings for him, denying the crimes he committed."

Joseph Stalin's grandson Alexander Burdonsky: "Grandfather was a real tyrant. I can't see how someone is trying to invent angel wings for him, denying the crimes he committed."

After the death of Vasily Iosifovich, seven children remained: four of his own and three adopted. Now, of his own children, only 75-year-old Alexander Burdonsky is alive - the son of Vasily Stalin from his first wife Galina Burdonskaya. He is a director, People's Artist of Russia - lives in Moscow and heads the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army.

Alexander Burdonsky met his grandfather the only time - at the funeral. And before that, I saw him, like other pioneers, only at demonstrations: on Victory Day and on the October anniversary. The eternally busy head of state did not express any desire to communicate with his grandson closer. And the grandson was not too eager. At the age of 13, he basically took his mother's surname (many relatives of Galina Burdonskaya died in the Stalinist camps).

- Is it true that your father - "a man of crazy courage" - recaptured your mother from the famous hockey player Vladimir Menshikov in the past?

Yes, they were 19 at the time. When my father took care of my mother, he was like Paratov from "Dowry". What were his flights on a small plane over the Kirovskaya metro station, near which she lived ... He knew how to show off! In 1940, the parents got married.
My mother was cheerful, loved the color red. She even made a red wedding dress. It turned out to be a bad omen...

- In the book "Around Stalin" it is written that your grandfather did not come to this wedding. In a letter to his son, he sharply wrote: "Married - to hell with you. I pity her that she married such a fool." But after all, your parents looked like an ideal couple, even outwardly they were so similar that they were mistaken for brother and sister ...

- It seems to me that my mother loved him until the end of her days, but they had to leave ... She was just a rare person - she could not pretend to be someone and never dissembled (maybe this was her misfortune) ...

- According to the official version, Galina Alexandrovna left, unable to withstand the constant drinking, assault and betrayal. For example, the fleeting connection between Vasily Stalin and the wife of the famous cameraman Roman Karmen Nina ...

- Among other things, my mother did not know how to make friends in this circle. The head of security, Nikolai Vlasik (who raised Vasily after the death of his mother in 1932), an eternal intriguer, tried to use her: "Tick, you have to tell me what Vasya's friends are talking about." His mother is a mother! He hissed, "You'll pay for this."

Quite possibly, the divorce from his father was the price. In order for the leader's son to take a wife from his circle, Vlasik twisted an intrigue and slipped him Katya Timoshenko, the daughter of Marshal Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko.

- Is it true that the stepmother, who grew up in an orphanage after her mother ran away from her husband, offended you, almost starved you?

- Ekaterina Semyonovna was a domineering and cruel woman. We, other people's children, apparently annoyed her. Perhaps that period of life was the most difficult. We lacked not only warmth, but also elementary care. They forgot to feed us for three or four days, some were locked in a room. Our stepmother treated us terribly. She beat her sister Nadya in the most cruel way - her kidneys were beaten off.

Before leaving for Germany, our family lived in the country in the winter. I remember how we, small children, crept into the cellar at night in the dark, stuffed beets and carrots into our pants, brushed unwashed vegetables with our teeth and gnawed them. Just a scene from a horror movie. The cook Isaevna got a great deal when she brought us something ....

Catherine's life with her father is full of scandals. I don't think he loved her. Most likely, there were no special feelings on both sides. Very prudent, she, like everything else in her life, simply calculated this marriage. You need to know what she was up to. If well-being, then the goal can be said to have been achieved. Catherine brought a huge amount of junk from Germany. All this was stored in a shed at our dacha, where Nadya and I were starving... And when my father sent my stepmother out in 1949, it took her several cars to take out the trophy goods. Nadia and I heard a noise in the yard and rushed to the window. We see: "Studebakers" are walking in a chain "...

- Stalin's adopted son Artem Sergeev recalled that when he saw your father pour himself another portion of alcohol, he told him: "Vasya, that's enough." He answered: “I have only two options: a bullet or a glass. After all, I am alive while my father is alive. And as soon as he closes his eyes, Beria will tear me to pieces the next day, and Khrushchev and Malenkov will help him, and Bulganin will go there They won't tolerate such a witness. Do you know what it's like to live under an ax? So I'm getting away from these thoughts "...

- I was with my father in the Vladimir prison and in Lefortovo. I saw a man driven into a corner who could not stand up for himself and justify himself. And his conversation was mainly, of course, about how to get out. He understood that neither I nor my sister (she died eight years ago) could help with this. He was tormented by a sense of injustice done to him.

- You and your cousin Evgeny Dzhugashvili are fantastically different people. You speak in a low voice and love poetry, he is a loud-voiced military man, regretting the good old days and wondering why "the ashes of this Klaas do not knock on your heart" ...

“I don’t like fanatics, and Yevgeny is a fanatic who lives in the name of Stalin. I cannot see how someone adores the leader and denies the crimes he committed.

- A year ago, another of your relatives along the line of Yevgeny - 33-year-old artist Yakov Dzhugashvili - turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to investigate the circumstances of the death of his great-grandfather Joseph Stalin. Your cousin-nephew claims in his letter that Stalin died a violent death and this "made possible the coming to power of Khrushchev, who imagines himself a statesman, whose so-called activities turned out to be nothing more than a betrayal of state interests." Being sure that a coup d'etat took place in March 1953, Yakov Dzhugashvili asks Vladimir Putin "to determine the degree of responsibility of all persons involved in the coup."

- I do not support this idea. It seems to me that such things can only be done because there is nothing to do ... What happened, happened. People have already passed away, why stir up the past?

- According to legend, Stalin refused to exchange his eldest son Yakov for Field Marshal Paulus, saying: "I do not change a soldier for a field marshal." Relatively recently, the Pentagon handed over to Stalin's granddaughter, Galina Yakovlevna Dzhugashvili, materials about the death of her father in Nazi captivity ...

It's never too late to take a noble step. I would be lying if I said that I shuddered or my soul ached when these documents were handed over. All this is a thing of the distant past. And it is primarily important for Yasha's daughter Galina, because she lives in the memory of her father, who loved her very much.

It is important to put an end to it, because the more time passes after all the events related to the Stalin family, the more difficult it is to reach the truth ...

Is it true that Stalin was the son of Nikolai Przhevalsky? The well-known traveler allegedly stayed in Gori in the house where Dzhugashvili's mother, Ekaterina Geladze, worked as a maid. These rumors were fueled by the amazing external resemblance of Przhevalsky and Stalin ...

In the last year of his life, Vasily Stalin began his day with a glass of wine and a glass of vodka.

— I don't think so. Rather, it's something else. Stalin was fond of the teachings of the religious mystic Gurdjieff, and it suggests that a person should hide his real origin and even envelop the date of his birth with a certain veil. The legend of Przhevalsky, of course, poured water on this mill. And what is similar in appearance, so please, there are still rumors that Saddam Hussein was the son of Stalin ...

- Alexander Vasilyevich, have you ever heard suggestions that you inherited your talent as a director from your grandfather?

- Yes, they sometimes told me: "It is clear why the Bourdon director. Stalin was also a director" ... Grandfather was a tyrant. Let someone really want to attach angel wings to him - they won’t stay on him ... When Stalin died, I was terribly ashamed that everyone around was crying, but I wasn’t. I sat near the coffin and saw crowds of sobbing people. I was rather frightened by it, even shocked. What good could I have for him? Thank you for what? For the crippled childhood I had? I don't wish this on anyone... Being Stalin's grandson is a heavy cross. Never for any money will I go to play Stalin in the cinema, although they promised huge profits.

What do you think about Radzinsky's sensational book "Stalin"?

- Radzinsky, apparently, wanted in me as a director to find some other key to the character of Stalin. He allegedly came to listen to me, but he himself spoke for four hours. I enjoyed sitting and listening to his monologue. But he did not understand the true Stalin, it seems to me ....

- The artistic director of the Taganka Theater Yuri Lyubimov said that Iosif Vissarionovich ate and then wiped his hands on a starched tablecloth - he is a dictator, why should he be ashamed? But your grandmother Nadezhda Alliluyeva, they say, was a very well-mannered and modest woman ...

- Once in the 50s, grandmother's sister Anna Sergeevna Alliluyeva gave us a chest where Nadezhda Sergeevna's things were kept. I was struck by the modesty of her dresses. An old jacket darned under the arm, a worn skirt of dark wool, and patched on the inside. And it was worn by a young woman who was said to love beautiful clothes...

Alexander Vasilievich Burdonsky(born October 14, Kuibyshev, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian director of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, People's Artist of Russia (), Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1985).

Grandson of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR I. V. Stalin, eldest son of Lieutenant General of Aviation V. I. Stalin.


For ten years, together with Elina Bystritskaya, he taught at GITIS.

Childless widower. He was married to his classmate Dalia Tumalyavichuta, who worked as the chief director of the Youth Theater.



Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army

  • "The one who receives a slap" by Leonid Andreev
  • "The Lady of the Camellias" by A. Dumas son
  • "Snows have fallen" R. Fedenev
  • "Garden" by V. Arro
  • "Orpheus Descends to Hell" by T. Williams
  • Vassa Zheleznova by Maxim Gorky
  • "Your sister and captive" L. Razumovskaya
  • "Mandate" by Nikolai Erdman
  • "The Lady Dictates the Terms" by E. Alice and R. Reese
  • "The last passionately in love" N. Simon
  • Britannic J. Racine
  • "Trees Die Standing" by Alejandro Casona
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An excerpt characterizing Burdonsky, Alexander Vasilyevich

She stopped. She so needed him to say that word, which would explain to her what had happened and to which she would answer him.
“Nathalie, un mot, un seul,” he repeated everything, apparently not knowing what to say, and repeated it until Helen approached them.
Helen went out into the living room again with Natasha. Not staying for supper, the Rostovs left.
Returning home, Natasha did not sleep all night: she was tormented by the insoluble question of whom she loved, Anatole or Prince Andrei. She loved Prince Andrei—she remembered clearly how much she loved him. But she loved Anatole too, that was beyond doubt. “Otherwise, how could all this be?” she thought. “If after that I could, after saying goodbye to him, answer his smile with a smile, if I could allow it to happen, it means that I fell in love with him from the first minute. It means that he is kind, noble and beautiful, and it was impossible not to love him. What should I do when I love him and love another? she said to herself, finding no answers to these terrible questions.

The morning came with its worries and vanity. Everyone got up, moved, started talking, the milliners came again, again Marya Dmitrievna came out and called for tea. Natasha, with wide eyes, as if she wanted to catch every glance directed at her, looked around uneasily at everyone and tried to appear the same as she had always been.
After breakfast, Marya Dmitrievna (it was her best time), sitting down on her armchair, called Natasha and the old count to her.
“Well, my friends, now I have thought the whole thing over and here is my advice to you,” she began. - Yesterday, as you know, I was with Prince Nikolai; Well, I talked to him... He wanted to scream. Don't shout down on me! I drank everything to him!
– Yes, what is he? asked the Count.
- What is he? madman ... does not want to hear; Well, what can I say, and so we exhausted the poor girl, ”said Marya Dmitrievna. - And my advice to you is to finish things and go home to Otradnoye ... and wait there ...
- Oh, no! Natasha screamed.
“No, go,” said Marya Dmitrievna. - And wait there. - If the groom comes here now, he won’t do without a quarrel, but he’ll talk everything over with the old man one on one and then come to you.
Ilya Andreich approved this proposal, immediately realizing its full rationality. If the old man softens, then it will be all the better to come to him in Moscow or the Bald Mountains, after that; if not, then it will be possible to get married against his will only in Otradnoye.
“And the real truth,” he said. “I regret that I went to him and drove her,” said the old count.
- No, why be sorry? Being here, it was impossible not to do respect. Well, if he doesn’t want to, that’s his business,” said Marya Dmitrievna, looking for something in her reticule. - Yes, and the dowry is ready, what else can you expect; and what is not ready, I will send it to you. Although I feel sorry for you, but better go with God. - Having found in the reticule what she was looking for, she handed it to Natasha. It was a letter from Princess Marya. - He writes to you. How he suffers, poor thing! She's afraid you'll think she doesn't love you.
“Yes, she doesn’t love me,” said Natasha.
"Nonsense, don't talk," cried Marya Dmitrievna.
- I will not believe anyone; I know that she doesn’t love me,” Natasha said boldly, taking the letter, and her face expressed a dry and spiteful determination, which made Marya Dmitrievna look at her more closely and frown.
“You, mother, don’t answer like that,” she said. - What I say is true. Write an answer.
Natasha did not answer and went to her room to read Princess Marya's letter.
Princess Marya wrote that she was in despair over the misunderstanding that had taken place between them. Whatever her father's feelings, Princess Mary wrote, she asked Natasha to believe that she could not help but love her as the one chosen by her brother, for whose happiness she was ready to sacrifice everything.
“However, she wrote, do not think that my father was ill disposed towards you. He is a sick and old man who must be excused; but he is kind, generous, and will love the one who will make his son happy.” Princess Mary further requested that Natasha appoint a time when she could see her again.
After reading the letter, Natasha sat down at the writing table to write an answer: "Chere princesse," [Dear princess,] she wrote quickly, mechanically and stopped. “What else could she write after everything that happened yesterday? Yes, yes, it was all that, and now everything is different, ”she thought, sitting over the letter she had begun. "Should I refuse him? Is it really necessary? It’s terrible! ”... And in order not to think these terrible thoughts, she went to Sonya and together with her began to sort out the patterns.
After dinner, Natasha went to her room, and again took Princess Mary's letter. “Is it all over already? she thought. Did it all happen so soon and destroy everything that had gone before? She recalled her love for Prince Andrei with all her former strength, and at the same time she felt that she loved Kuragin. She vividly imagined herself the wife of Prince Andrei, imagined the picture of happiness with him repeated by her imagination so many times, and at the same time, flaring up with excitement, imagined all the details of her meeting with Anatole yesterday.

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