Can a Labrador get a banana? Fruits for dogs: what you can give and what not


Can dogs eat fruit? Of course you can, but in small quantities and only those that are safe for the animal.

The dog receives the necessary vitamins and minerals from food, in particular from vegetables and fruits. You can pamper your pet with fruits regardless of the type of feeding, but not in large quantities.

Fruits are a source of fiber, glucose and vitamins, so they should be included in the diet, especially with natural feeding. Of course, they should make up a small portion of the diet and do not have to be given every day. Another thing is that the owners give fruits and berries, because their pets eat them, and if they do, then why not give them? There will definitely be no harm, but this issue should also be approached wisely, because some fruits lead to health problems.

Many dogs eat fruits and berries with pleasure, some owners are even touched by the pleasure with which their pets pick berries from a bush in the country, beg for an apple or watermelon. But it is important to remember that not all of them are good for the pet. Some of the fruits and berries cause allergic reactions, digestive problems, severe poisoning.

Fruits that can be given to dogs

The safest and most affordable fruit is the unpeeled green apple, which improves digestion, is a source of vitamin C. A large dog can be given half a medium apple, and a small one a couple of slices.

Papaya is safe and healthy for dogs as long as it is peeled and pitted. Papaya is not recommended for animals with diabetes. The fruit helps to improve digestion, treat indigestion. Some pet stores even have papaya enzyme tablets available as a vitamin supplement. Overfeeding papaya leads to constipation.

Kiwi can be given in very small quantities, it is permissible to include non-sweet pears in the diet.

Bananas- the subject of controversy among dog breeders, some are in favor, while others are against. In terms of benefits, unripe bananas in principle will not cause harm in small quantities. But they should often not be given, especially overripe ones. Large dogs can be given half a banana 1-2 times a week, small dogs - a few small pieces.

melons safe for dogs, but do not bring tangible benefits, but they allow you to quench your thirst. Overfeeding melons has a laxative effect.

Persimmon- a favorite delicacy of many animals, but it is better to avoid this fruit, because. persimmon causes indigestion. It is permissible to give persimmons in small quantities, but only without seeds.

Among the berries there are no special restrictions, depending on the taste preferences of a particular dog, you can give currants, raspberries, strawberries, hawthorn, gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, watermelon. It is not recommended to give blackberries, because the benefits of it are doubtful.

If we talk about berries, then a few things are enough, again, the amount depends on the size of the fetus and the animal itself. For example, if currants, then 5-6 berries are enough, and if strawberries are 5 cm in size, then one berry is enough.

From dried fruits, you can give dried apricots. But raisins and prunes are not recommended.

What fruits and berries should not be given to dogs

It is not recommended to give citrus, but some owners feed their pets with oranges, tangerines without any consequences. Therefore, here you need to look at the reaction of the body, some dogs may experience individual intolerance to citrus fruits. In large quantities, citrus fruits give a laxative effect, cause vomiting. It is permissible to give citrus fruits occasionally.

Regular feeding of dogs grapes in large quantities leads to renal failure. Just 5 grapes or raisins can be toxic to a 9kg dog, causing vomiting, weakness, and diarrhea. Although some dog breeders may argue.

Pomegranate contraindicated in dogs. Despite the fact that pomegranate is very useful for humans, it causes digestive problems in dogs, because. their stomach is sensitive to acids, and bones are also dangerous. The fruit may cause vomiting. However, the body of some animals reacts normally to pomegranate in very small quantities.

Avocado contains a special substance that is harmful to the dog's body and can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, heart problems, pancreatitis.

Peaches lead to diarrhea, and eaten bones can lead to intestinal obstruction or poisoning, because. the bones contain cyanide, which accumulates in the body.

Quince causes vomiting, but it should be borne in mind that this fruit is sour and not every dog ​​will eat it.

No need to give to your pet cherry or cherries, since these fruits do not bring any benefit. Cherries in large quantities can lead to indigestion.

Fruits are not natural food for dogs, so they should not be given often, justifying that the animal loves and begs for them. Of course, a dog can eat with appetite many foods that the owner will give, but she, like a person without control and restrictions, can eat with appetite harmful, but tasty food.

When giving a new fruit or berry, it is important to monitor the reaction of the pet's body; if allergic reactions or digestive problems occur, the product should be excluded from the diet.

Before feeding fruits or berries to a dog (especially those bought in a store or on the market), you should wash them and remove the bones, if any, remove the inedible skin.

Fruits are given in small quantities cut into pieces convenient for the animal, separately from the main food, without mixing with other products, especially with fermented milk. It is recommended to give fruits to dogs half an hour before the main feeding or two hours after feeding.

Remember that fruits and berries can be given to dogs as a treat, the main thing is not to overfeed. As a result of overfeeding, the animal may begin diarrhea, vomiting.

If a dog is not accustomed to eat fruits and berries from puppyhood, then as an adult, it may refuse them altogether. In this case, you should not insist, it is better to give vegetables instead of fruits.

Some owners put their overweight pets on a fruit diet, which is absurd in itself. In order to help the pet lose weight, she needs physical activity and balanced proper nutrition in strictly defined proportions based on the weight of the dog. A veterinarian can help with this.

Compiling a pet's diet is a complex and responsible event. It becomes even more difficult if the four-legged loves foods rich in taste. Usually, dogs prefer to eat 5-6 familiar foods and not “exchange” for new items in the diet, but this is not an iron rule, and owners often want to pamper their pets. If everything is logically clear with vegetables - everything is possible that does not have a detrimental effect on the digestive system, then many questions arise about fruits. Watching how the ward with bliss eats something red, orange or sweet, the owner involuntarily wonders if these delicacies can be given to the pet and whether they should be given at all. Dogs need fruits, they are useful, but you need to treat them carefully, because our wards are not so omnivorous.

Many owners avoid a fruit-based pet diet simply because they don't understand the basic principles of selecting foods for a dog's diet. For example, tailed ones cannot have sweets, but can sweet apples be? Plum can weaken the intestines, but many four-legged people love it. Some robbers can't be pulled off by the ears with watermelons or tangerines, and many experts do not recommend giving animals berries and citrus fruits.

Advice: avoid buying too beautiful (literally) fruits. Ideal twin apples, odorless pears, watermelons without a yellow spot on the side are artificially grown and ripened products.

The next risk group is fruits that are “slippery” in texture, do not confuse them with juicy ones. Plums, persimmons, apricots and similar foods can weaken the intestines. This does not mean that treats should be excluded from the diet. If the dog loves plums, then pamper your pet, but watch the amount eaten. By the way, many dogs love only fruits “with a smell”, that is, overripe. The reason lies in the alkaloids that are formed during the fermentation of sweet juice. At first, the dog greedily eats the treat, and then behaves a little strange. This is a natural intoxication, and although it is considered as a negative phenomenon, there is nothing dangerous in it. In the wild, canines, primates and even elephants are not averse to indulging in "brazhka" and then making a fuss. It is believed that this process is associated with the natural discharge of the nervous system. The only caveat is the need for control, because the dog can become addicted to "alcohol".

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Citrus fruits that frighten everyone are not prohibited, but if the animal really loves the product, and you do not observe an acute reaction, but again, it is normalized! If the dog loves tangerines, then you can give her 1-2 slices. You need to understand that the ward does not strive to get enough of fruit, but only to bring down the “taste of the mouth”. The analogy is as follows, imagine that you don’t want cheese for a very long time, but really want it. You are tormented and waiting for when it will be possible. And so it happened, you have half a kilo of cheese in front of you and you can eat it all, but which pieces will be the most desirable and tasty? That's right, the first few, but whether to eat everything up is already a personal matter.

We figured out the theory and the conclusion is the following, you should not rely on the opinions of "self-made" experts, especially if they are categorical and base their opinion on personal experience of keeping one dog. However, it is worth considering the prohibitions that are empirically justified and confirmed by veterinary medicine. Now, in order Let's start with neutral fruits and berries that a dog can eat in any desired quantities:

  • Apples- preferably green, not too juicy and sweet. A very healthy and tasty dish for dogs is an apple grated with carrots.
  • Not juicy pears- cleaned and crushed.
  • watermelons- both pulp and rinds are possible (if you are sure that the watermelon is grown naturally).
  • unripe bananas- do not carry much benefit, but contain potassium.
  • Papaya(only peeled) - a useful, but exotic fruit. Before buying, you need to make sure that the delicacy has not been lying on the supermarket shelf for months, has been checked by the sanitary service, is not coated with wax and has no third-party smell.
  • Rowan(sweet and ripe) - a source of vitamins and a delicacy, no contraindications.
  • Gooseberry- without restrictions, if you are sure of the origin of the berries.
  • Blueberry- useful and has a rather strong taste, which means that the dog itself will not eat a lot of berries.

Read also: How and what to feed a pooch puppy: menu by age

Permitted fruits and berries, but in limited quantities:

  • Kiwi.
  • Very juicy or sweet pears.
  • Ripe bananas.
  • melons- do not bring much benefit, but dilute the taste menu and allow you to quickly quench your thirst. In large quantities, melon can lead to diarrhea or vice versa, to stagnation of food in the intestines. If the dog has no allergies, then melon can be mixed with a little honey - this is a really healthy treat.
  • Strawberry.
  • Persimmon without pits.
  • Apricot and dried apricots be sure to destone, can cause intestinal upset and severe diarrhea.
  • Cherries and cherries.
  • Raspberries- a healthy berry, but the amount eaten is worth controlling. If the dog loves raspberries very much, it can be rubbed with carrots in a small amount, but given more often.
  • Currant- Watch your pet's reaction. If the dog does not itch, sneezes or show other signs of allergy, you can not limit the amount eaten.

The diet of a modern dog is not as monotonous as the menu of its ancestors. Veterinarians confirm that the pet should receive not only meat, offal and dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits are also important components. The attitude towards the last component is ambiguous - there are many nuances and prohibitions that should be taken into account. The owner needs to know which fruits can be used by a dog and which ones can harm the health of a four-legged friend.

There is a widespread belief that wolves, the direct ancestors of dogs, feed exclusively on meat. However, this is not quite true. Of course, meat is the basis of the diet, but, in addition, these animals eat wild berries and fruits falling from trees. Also, the source of fiber is the plant contents of the stomach of herbivores, which are the prey of predators.

Like it or not, wolves and their closest relatives need plant foods. It is not surprising that pets often literally beg for a slice of an apple or begin to eat berries with pleasure right from the bush. Fruits for quadrupeds are a real delicacy, rich in natural vitamins and sugars.

But you need to be careful with such food - the digestive system of dogs functions differently than in humans, and it cannot digest certain substances. In addition, a number of components contained in fruits are very harmful to animals, because when they enter the body, they become poisonous.

List of fruits that can be included in the diet of dogs

What fruits will be not only tasty for a pet, but also a beneficial delicacy?

What fruits and berries should not be included in the pet's diet

There are both permitted products in this category and prohibited ones that should not be given to dogs. The pet must not be fed:

  • grapes (the ban also applies to raisins)- experts believe that an unfortunate combination of substances contained in berries causes serious disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, up to failure and severe poisoning;
  • cherry- in her bones there is a high dose of cyanide, which destroys blood cells that transport oxygen. A dog that has eaten cherries has obvious symptoms - the pupils dilate, breathing becomes difficult, the gums become red;
  • pomegranate- if for a person its nuclei are extremely useful, then in dogs eating them provokes problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that pomegranates contain a lot of acids, to which dogs are hypersensitive;
  • avocado- even a slice of this exotic fruit can cause diarrhea, difficulty breathing, heart problems and pancreatitis. It is strictly forbidden to give it to dogs.

Video about what fruits you can give your dog

Feeding tips for your four-legged pet

The organisms of a dog and a person are strikingly different, and what is useful for the owner, the pet can provoke a serious deterioration in health. Therefore, the owner of the animal should carefully monitor what and in what quantities the dog eats, and it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  1. A new product is introduced into the dog's menu gradually, starting with a small piece - after that, it is necessary to observe the condition and behavior of the dog for 2 days. And if there are no noticeable changes, you can gradually increase the portion.
  2. If the pet does not show interest in a new yummy and flatly refuses to eat it, you cannot force it. Perhaps he feels that this product is of poor quality or contains components that are unpleasant for the animal.
  3. Fruit goes well with cereals, so you can add pieces and berries to a warm dish, which will make the main food more healthy and palatable.
  4. If the dog "became attached" to certain products of this category, and they are really useful for him, then you should not save on a pet. You should buy ripe, high-quality fruits and regularly introduce them into the diet.

Fruits and berries can bring both benefits to the dog's body and harm. Therefore, the owner of a four-legged friend should find out what is suitable for feeding a dog, and what should be avoided.

Most pet owners can't resist their pet's pleading gaze. We can say with confidence that a pet will get almost everything he wants. Dog owners consider them full members of the family and feed animals with human food, including bananas. At the same time, responsible dog breeders are wondering: is it safe to feed bananas to dogs?

Dogs, descended from wolves, are predators by nature, but as a result of evolution and domestication by man, they turned into omnivores, eating both plant foods and meat. Technically, the digestive organs of dogs are able to digest and absorb bananas without any harm. On the other hand, bananas do not contain any substances harmful to pets. On the contrary, a banana is a good source of energy-giving sugars, as well as potassium, sodium, and vitamins. The enzymes and antioxidants present in bananas will help keep your pet's coat healthy and beautiful.

There are certain fruits and vegetables that are not ideal dog food. On the contrary, bananas are completely safe for dogs, however, the measure must be observed. Compared to humans, dogs have a shorter digestive tract and thus different digestion abilities. If you feed your dog too many bananas, you can provoke diarrhea in the animal. Dogs overeating bananas can experience stomach upset due to the extreme fluctuations in pH levels. The high sugar content of bananas can lead to obesity in dogs when consumed in large quantities. Bananas should rather be a delicacy for a four-legged friend, and not a means of feeding. They can be successfully used as a reward for training or as a reward for good behavior.

How to feed your dog bananas.

It is necessary to correlate the number of bananas for a dog with its size. So a mastiff can eat a whole bunch of bananas without consequences, and for example, a small poodle's bowl should be filled with only small pieces. At the same time, monitor the condition of your pet, after all, the body of each animal is individual.

Do not give your dog a whole banana with the skin on to prevent your dog from being poisoned by the chemicals in the banana skin. You can pamper your dog with mashed bananas with cottage cheese. In addition to being easy to digest, cottage cheese is also high in protein and calcium. That is why veterinarians recommend including it in a dog's diet.

Most puppies are ready to trustingly eat everything from the hands of the owner, no matter what he offers. Therefore, the latter is responsible for healthy and healthy nutrition for babies.

And if everything is more or less clear with meat and cereals, then vegetables and fruits raise questions. In the article we will tell you whether it is possible to give bananas to puppies, from what age to give them and what to do if the pet has eaten an overseas fruit without asking.

Let's say right away: bananas are not only possible for a puppy, but also necessary. This is a healthy fruit that contains a large amount of vitamins C and B6, as well as trace elements - copper, potassium, sodium and manganese.

Vitamin C boosts immunity, which will be especially useful for a puppy who has recently separated from his mother. His fragile body will gratefully accept such feeding.

Bananas also contain:

  • amino acids are indispensable for normal development;
  • carbohydrates and natural sugars that give the body energy. All puppies are restless, and such feeding is necessary for their active games;
  • enzymes and antioxidants that improve the appearance and quality of the coat: it becomes thick and shiny.

Regular consumption of bananas in small doses will help get rid of stomach problems. Due to the fibrous structure and high content of pectin, banana helps with diarrhea and constipation, and normalizes bowel function. It will be especially useful for a small puppy who has not yet mastered the new food, which is different from mother's milk.

Bananas have another significant advantage: they are one of the few sugary foods that dogs can eat. What puppy will refuse a treat from the hands of his beloved owner? It's especially wonderful when it's harmless.

You can treat your baby with bananas as a reward for completing the first commands in life (“Place”, “Come to me”), or feed them just like that. The latter is no less important for the puppy's psychological comfort: he must understand that the owner loves him and takes care of him regularly.

From what age?

Banana puppy begin to give along with the rest of the vegetables and fruits, at 1.5 months. Even if at first the baby is naughty and refuses unusual food, it is worth insisting: this is an indispensable source of vitamins and minerals. The only rule is that you can only offer one new fruit at a time, as the puppy is likely to be allergic.

How to feed?

For the first feeding, a couple of pieces of banana are enough for the baby. Usually fruits and vegetables are mixed into the main food, but since the banana is sweet, the dog may agree to eat it anyway - experiment.

When treating a puppy with a banana, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • fruit is selected a little immature. Overripe bananas can provoke an upset stomach in a pet;
  • banana stands wash and peel. It accumulates toxic substances that are quite capable of poisoning a pet. In addition, the skin is not so tasty and very viscous. Having tried it, the puppy may categorically refuse to eat bananas;
  • then it is necessary cut it into small pieces. To some, such a thorough preparation of fruit for a dog may seem strange, but these are necessary precautions. A large piece of banana, especially for miniature breeds, can cause intestinal obstruction;
  • treat size corresponds to the size of the puppy. For small breeds, one and a half bananas a week and a few pieces at a time will be the norm. Large breeds are able to eat a whole banana two to three times a week.

Advice: If the pet refuses to eat a banana like this, try mixing it with cottage cheese. This delicacy is easy to digest. The option with sweet porridge with the addition of a banana is not excluded.

What to do if it becomes bad?

Theory often breaks into practice: while you were googling whether your pet can have a banana, he has already managed to pull it off the table, eat it and lick it. And now what i can do?

First of all, do not start to panic: with a high degree of probability, nothing will happen to the baby. You need to be wary if the puppy:

Sluggish or, on the contrary, overexcited, periodically vomits. This may be an individual food intolerance, or poisoning with harmful substances that have accumulated in a banana. In this situation, it is important to wash the stomach.

For this, the puppy is given a warm, weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda-salt solution (1 tsp per 1 glass of water). Next, you need to provide access to drink, feed with activated charcoal and, if possible, promptly show the veterinarian.

He began to suffer from previously uncharacteristic constipation and diarrhea, increased gas formation. If other foods were not introduced into the diet at this time, then most likely a banana is simply not suitable for your puppy. Remove it from the menu. Also, such a reaction can be caused by an overly large portion of the sweet fruit.

Acquired a reddened nose, eyes, paw tips. Rashes appeared on the body in the form of flat blisters, acne. The skin is flaky, the hair falls out, it flows from the eyes. It looks like an allergy, but only a veterinarian can accurately determine the allergen, tell if it is from a banana and prescribe a treatment regimen.

Until the verdict is passed, it is worth returning the puppy to the usual feeding, not giving anything new and not allowing the rashes to be combed. It is not worth delaying a visit to the veterinary clinic: with severe allergies, respiratory disorders and even death are possible.

Important: the body of each puppy is individual, so after the treat, watch the pet for several hours. If any warning signs appear, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Also, do not give other unusual treats along with a banana or a couple of hours after that.

Other fruits

All dogs are divided into two categories: those that love banana, or those that categorically refuse it. If your puppy belongs to the latter, you can pick up other healthy fruits for him:

Green. Another indispensable source of vitamin C. An apple, like a banana, improves digestion, while it can not be peeled. Please note that, despite the combination of apple and pear familiar to humans, it is undesirable to give a pear to dogs.

Papaya. Harmless sweet (if the puppy does not have diabetes). It will have to be prepared: cleaned and removed bones. By the way, in veterinary stores there are even special vitamin supplements with papaya extract.

In general, they are useless for dogs, but they perfectly quench their thirst.

Persimmon. Liked by many animals, but in large quantities causes stomach upset. You can give a little bit, removing the bones.


So, if your puppy shows an interest in a banana, you should not deny him this pleasure.

If the baby has not yet tasted the fruits, you need to introduce him to them - one by one, in a playful order and not really insisting, so as not to instill disgust. Remember that the main role in the puppy's diet should be given to meat, and fruits and vegetables are given a little bit.

Sweet bananas are liked by almost all dogs. Try it - perhaps your four-legged friend will be happy to enjoy this fruit for its own benefit.

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