Alisa Saltykova: biography, personal life, career. The sixth concert of the "New Star Factory": rap from Keti Topuria, Sobchak's provocations and the departure of Saltykov's daughter Moon whose daughter is a star factory


Svetlana Moroz 06.09.2018 13 views

Biography of Anya Moon

Anya Moon (Saltykova) is a Russian singer, participant in the show "New Star Factory" by Viktor Drobysh.

Childhood and youth of Ani Moon

Anya Saltykova was born on September 2, 1995 in Moscow, in the family of performer Viktor Saltykov and his second wife, linguist Irina Metlina. Anya has a brother Svyatoslav, who is 13 years younger than the girl.
Anya Moon - daughter of Viktor Saltykov The girl grew up in a creative atmosphere - as a child, Anya attended a theater studio, where she studied music and acting. However, classes in the studio did not inspire Anya too much, but she always liked to sing on stage.

At some point, Anya, perhaps wanting to go her own way and gain independence from her father's big name, decided to connect her life with fashion and entered the University of the Arts London. However, the girl soon hated studying at a fashionable university. “I didn’t have enough time to just pick up a guitar. Only then did I realize how much I miss what I used to do.” As a result, Anya gave up fashion and entered the University of Music. Her parents approved of her choice. In particular, Viktor Saltykov, who never understood Ani's passion for fashion, was glad of this step of his daughter, but did not dare to go against the girl's desire.
Anya Moon loved to sing since childhood. Anya lived in England for a total of four years. According to the girl, for the first 2.5 years she felt complete euphoria from what was happening, but then she really missed Russia. But the study allowed her to learn English perfectly and compose her own songs in this language.

Creativity Ani Moon

The girl began to acquaint viewers with her work back in 2015, with the help of blogs on her YouTube channel and Instagram page. Basically, the girl talked about her life in London and trips abroad, but sometimes she posted cover versions of famous songs, accompanying herself on the guitar.

Many covers performed by her eventually ended up in the popular community on YouTube "Best covers" - it was from there that netizens learned about Anna.

By that time, the girl had already performed under the pseudonym Moon. Later, Anya said that the idea of ​​a nickname came to her in a dream.

In the fall of 2015, Anna took part in the My Chance vocal competition, winning many hearts of fans of good music.

Anya Moon at the "Star Factory"

In mid-2017, Ani's friend told the girl about the casting for the New Star Factory vocal show. By a lucky chance, Moon had just arrived from England and did not yet understand what she was going to do next. As a child, Anya was a fan of the "Factory", so there was no doubt about whether to go or go to the casting. "New Star Factory". Anya Moon and Victor Saltykov - Leaves flew away Anya recalls that she almost did not prepare for the samples - she was subconsciously sure that she would pass the selection. As a result, Moon became one of the participants in the project, which started on September 2, 2017 on the MUZ-TV channel. Anya Moon is Taboo. New Star Factory At the first reporting concert, the girl had a number with her father. The Saltykovs sang the lyrical song "Leaves Have Flew". In the following weeks, Anya was lucky enough to perform with such famous performers as Ivanushki International, Emin, Denis Klyaver and Anna Sedokova. On October 14, Anya Moon, who was nominated for the second time, left the show: the audience saved Rada Boguslavskaya, and the participants saved Guzel Khasanova.

Anya Moon's personal life

In London, Anya had a young man named Josh. How their relationship developed after Anya returned to her homeland is unknown.
Anya Moon and Nikita Kuznetsov do not meet On the project, many viewers and the manufacturers themselves noticed that there is some sympathy between Anya and participant Nikita Kuznetsov. At the same time, many thought that Moon was flirting with Nikita for the sake of ratings. However, Nikita and Anya denied that there was something between them. It is very difficult for me to find like-minded people, because I have a specific taste - so, you know, intricate, “alternative.” Anya has a tattoo in the form of the letter “M”.

Anya Moon now

After dropping out of the show, the girl continues to actively perform - the very next day after the release of the last broadcast of the Factory, Moon performed at the MUZ-TV Party Zone party at the VEGAS shopping mall.
Anya Moon dropped out of the New Star Factory project A few days later, Anya appeared on the Very Karaochen show, the host of which, singer Stas Kostyushkin, drives famous artists in a musical car, and they sing and share details of their personal lives. Singer Oceana made a musical trip with Moon. "Very Karaochen." Oceana and Anya Moon

"Star Factory" is one of the most popular shows on domestic television. It first appeared on the air back in 2002. Then the whole country closely followed the life of young talents. And some of them eventually managed to prove themselves, having won the love of the audience and music lovers. And now, after 15 years, it was decided to revive the project. Several hundred of the most talented performers from all over Russia came to the casting. But only the best in the end managed to get the coveted place on the project. And one of the most striking participants in the restart was the young girl Anya Moon Wikipedia Star Factory, which will be discussed in our article.

Anya Moon was born in Moscow on September 2, 1995. Her parents were former famous musicians Viktor Saltykov and Irina Metlina. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that the daughter followed in the footsteps of her father and mother. Anya also has a younger brother, Svyatoslav.

From a young age, Anya dreamed of matching her parents, as a result of which she even began to compose her own poems, which she sang from time to time. Even then, her incredible creative potential was noticeable, which brought the young talent to the local theater studio. But the girl attended courses without much enthusiasm.


After leaving school, Anya Moon received a unique chance to move to London to get a higher education. Everyone, without exception, was sure that the girl would decide to connect her life with creative activity. But. unexpectedly for many, she entered the specialty of a fashion designer, which was not close to her. The reason could be that that university is in the top 30 in the world. At one time, many celebrities, now known to millions of people, managed to graduate from it.

But, over time, Anna nevertheless realized that she left her homeland in vain at such an early age. After living for some time in Britain, she still returns to the capital. Here she finally found herself and entered the music school. Being an incredibly talented singer, she was quickly able to impress the teachers and get valuable advice from them, which allowed the girl to develop.


As we wrote earlier, Anya connected her life with music at a young age. And every year she became more and more convinced that this was not just a hobby, but a real life calling. Working hard on her vocals, Anya was able to get into the casting of the popular show "New Star Factory", beating many competitors on her way.

It was there that she was able to win an army of fans who are confident that Anya will have a brilliant career ahead of her. The aspiring singer made her debut with the song "Taboo", which the jury rated quite highly. Then Anya amazed everyone by performing the song "Universe" together with Anna Sedokova. Well, in the end, Ivanushek International's hit called "Fog" followed, which finally turned Anya Moon into the main star of the project.

Personal life

Unlike many other young stars, Anya tries not to advertise her personal life. So the details about it are almost unknown. The reason for this is also the fact that Anya did not live part of her life in Russia. However, this does not prevent millions of fans from puzzling over whether Ani has a young man or not. On social networks, the girl posts photos exclusively with her colleagues at the Star Factory. At the moment, this is all the information available.

Anya Moon now

As we wrote above, the girl returned from London only in 2017. And almost immediately she managed to get on the show "New Star Factory", which was broadcast on the Muz-TV channel. The reason why Anya Moon nevertheless agreed to try her hand at television was the desire to become famous. Moreover, she planned to become famous not at the expense of star duets, but solely thanks to her own creativity. In her own final victory, Moon did not doubt for a second.

As it is not difficult to guess, Ani's last name is actually a pseudonym that she took before passing the casting. The singer did this in order not to be associated with her star parents, whose work is still well-known to many. Anna wanted to achieve success on her own, without any outside help.

At this point in time, the girl continues to be a permanent participant in the show and lives in a country house along with other young talents. There they work every day on their own vocals and choreography, hoping to achieve perfection. Almost 24 hours a day, they are forced to be under the lenses of television cameras. This is something that not everyone can bear. By her own admission, Anna copes with such stress due to the fact that back in 2002 she dreamed of someday being at the Star Factory.

Despite being constantly busy, Anya Moon continues to work on her own work and write poetry. Living conditions in the house allow her to do what she really likes. At the same time, participants may not be distracted by such trifles as cooking, manicures, and the like. All this for them is kindly done by the respective workers. And the only thing that Anya had a hard time adjusting to was constant lighting. The rest - being on the show was for her the most joyful event in her life.

Well, we can only hope that this talented singer will repeatedly please us with excellent duets and solo songs. She definitely has a great career ahead of her.

  • during her studies in the UK, Anya Moon lived in an ordinary hostel without renting her own housing;
  • sang together with her father Viktor Saltykov the lyric song "Leaves Have Flew", which became a hit. Also, this performance is notable for the fact that Anya accompanied her father on the piano;
  • the girl decided to take part in the show solely on the advice of her friend.

What do you think of Anna Moon? Write your answers below!

The heiress of the famous singer spoke about everyday life in a star house and the reaction of her parents to her participation in a television project. Aspiring performer Anna Moon also spoke about why she took such an unusual pseudonym.

One of the participants in the "New Star Factory" was the 22-year-old daughter of Viktor Saltykov, Anna Moon. The girl, who lived in London for a long time and studied at a prestigious British university, decided to try her hand at a TV project. Anna chose to use a pseudonym, hiding her relationship with a famous performer. StarHit found out from the aspiring performer why she sent an application for casting and how relatives relate to her activities.

Anya, why did you decide to go to the New Star Factory project?

I got to the casting quite by accident. A friend who saw my music video wrote to me and asked: “Listen, the casting of the New Star Factory is taking place on MUZ-TV, would you like to go?” Then I just flew home from England and did not know what I would do next. I thought: “Well, then this is a sign of fate, I’ll go and try myself, why not.” And she went. And passed. To be honest, I didn't expect. Went there in complete relaxation. You know, people dream, dream, prepare, and I walked without thinking much about this ... Somewhere on a subconscious level, I had an inner confidence that I would get there, although I was not very worried about the results of the casting. Although I am very glad that in the end I ended up here ... I went with a clear goal that I was not just going to sing a duet with the stars, but to show my creativity.

What did you feel during the casting?

I was worried only at the moment when I was already inside and went on stage. Before the first note, something changes inside me all the time, and I cannot calm myself, but then everything returns to normal. I didn’t worry anymore, although the atmosphere was, of course, conducive to this: everyone was worried, discussing what song to sing ... Then I immediately met some guys who ended up with me on the project. We met with Elman and Martha in the corridor, and with Guzel too. She was very worried. I tried to calm her down: “Why are you soaring? Do not worry". It's the only thing I ever said to her. I continue to communicate with the guys, we managed to make friends thanks to rehearsals and gatherings that were held even before the first reporting concert ... By the way, Vova was also with me at the casting. As soon as I saw him, I thought: "He will pass anyway." He was so funny, I didn’t even hear him sing, but his image and character… It seemed to me that he was very interesting, charismatic.

Aren't you afraid to live under the guns of cameras when the whole country is watching you?

As a child, I was a fan of the Star Factory, I watched all the issues. Of course, I wanted to try myself in the project! According to my calculations, I was supposed to become a participant in the seventeenth season, but, unfortunately, the program was closed. After we launched the New Star Factory, I can say that my dream has come true. In fact, when you watch a TV show, you don't think it's that difficult. You think: “Well, what, they were settled in the house, they are fed, watered there, everything is fine.” In fact, it's really very difficult - morally and psychologically, because you live with strangers and you are not given time to relax.

Are you constantly doing something?

I don’t even have time to sleep for a couple of hours and “sit” on the phone - everything was taken away. We have different activities all the time. We wake up and immediately go to fitness. When this occurs, thoughts like: “God, am I here? Why? And why am I exercising at 9 o'clock in the morning? After intense physical activity we have a short break for breakfast, and then we have rehearsals, master classes, vocal lessons... Actually, it's all very interesting, but hard. It happens that you want to go home and think: “God, how I want to lie on the bed and do nothing.”

Do you easily get along with other people?

Yes, I lived in a hostel when I studied in London. Therefore, I have already got used to it, but there are guys who find it very difficult due to, for example, age. Girls who are 14-17 years old cry and worry.

What difficulties did you face in the star house?

It feels like you are living in a photography studio. For me, the light is the worst thing, because it is everywhere from 9 am to 11 pm, even in the bathroom and bedroom. Of course, at first such moments are very annoying, but over time you get used to it... In general, the standard of living in the house, of course, is amazing, they cook food for us, and even girls get manicures. In addition to us, there are 40 more people there - operators and those who are watching us.

Do you have any rules?

They are informed by a voice from outside. For example, the other day the girls and I had a brilliant idea: “Why are we going to talk? Let's write to each other. You won't see anything anyway." But we were told: “Girls, you are breaking the rules. You can be expelled for this." In general, everything is strict. But extremely interesting.

Do you write music and lyrics yourself?

Yes... Thanks to the project, I met those who like the same thing as me. It is very difficult for me to find like-minded people, because I have a specific taste - such, you know, intricate, “alternative”. I can't call myself a big fan of pop music. Therefore, for me, by the way, it was a problem to sing in a duet with Anna Sedokova. Just because it's not mine at all. I remember how Viktor Drobysh told me then: “Well, they don’t change you. You can also contribute a part of yourself. And you develop more outside your comfort zone.” After the concert, I realized that I agree with him.

Does Victor Drobysh somehow help the guys?

He very competently selects songs for all the participants, which, in principle, suit them more or less in style. For example, I did not sing with the Fabrika group, and as for Anna Sedokova, in this case there was a pleasant lyrical composition ... I even looked at her from the other side. In fact, I really liked Anna. She was very friendly with me and even, as I was told, posted something from that concert on Instagram.

How did your passion for music start? It is clear that you are from a creative family, but not everyone follows in the footsteps of their parents.

I have been fond of music since childhood. We can say that she surrounded me everywhere, and it was in my blood ... She began to sing when they brought me to some theater studio. I didn’t really want to study there, but in the end everything somehow dragged on. But then, when it came time to choose a university, I suddenly decided to study fashion in England.

However, you still decided to return to music again ...

I studied there for a year and devoted time to my hobby. There was a moment when I completely immersed myself in the world of fashion, which seemed so ephemeral, interesting to me ... But I didn’t have enough time to just pick up a guitar. It was only then that I realized how much I miss what I used to do. In the end, I decided that life is one, and I'd rather follow in the footsteps of my parents by enrolling in another university. My father was very supportive in this. He did not understand my passion for fashion at all and was skeptical about it, but preferred not to go against his daughter.

Have you regretted it?

No, when I started studying at a music university, I was constantly among musicians, it inspires me. You start thinking about what an artist is... I think I'm only at the beginning of my journey. It is interesting for me to bend my own line and not to perform other people's songs. I would like to create my own little world and make it cool.

Ever since your dad found out you were cast, has he given you any advice?

He didn't know I was going to the casting because I didn't take it that seriously. Then, when I passed, I called and told about everything. Dad was very happy, even, it seems, more than me ... Before the start of the project, I had a couple of days of corrals about the fact that I would be “locked up” in some kind of framework. Then I even thought about giving up. But dad said: “No, you have to go, because this is not a program where you just sing, like in a billion other programs, but this is a project where you “cook” in this whole industry. And when you are not the only one, but there are 16 of you.” He was not mistaken ... I thought that I was the only one like that, and no one would understand me, but in fact there were a lot of such people on the project, and it's nice.

Was it easy for you to return to Moscow?

Not really. When I moved to London, I was sure that I was leaving for the rest of my life. For some reason, I have never been comfortable in the Russian musical and creative environment. It seemed to me that it was cooler there, it was such a childish view of the world. You see a beautiful picture, you say: “But I want like this, not like this” ... I did not return because something didn’t work out for me. I decided, on the contrary, to achieve something here, and then abroad.

How much time did you spend in England?

Four years. When I arrived there, it was very easy for me to adapt, because I dreamed of this dream for two years. My parents were against the move. But I, of course, persuaded my mother to pay me for a tutor, but my father strongly objected. Therefore, we did not initiate him at all, and then, when I had already entered, I put him before the fact. Since he is a very kind person, loyal, he did not interfere.

What subject did you have a tutor in?

In English, I had to pass a serious exam. When I moved there, I lived for the first two and a half years in complete euphoria, I generally liked everything. Every day was like a movie for me. And then, in the last year, it grew very much, it seems to me, inside. I began to look at things differently and realized that I didn’t create anything myself, didn’t do anything. And when I started doing creative work, I had a great desire to do something for people who speak Russian and share my views on the world. who have the same mentality as me. By the way, I had a video channel on YouTube, which was watched by a Russian-speaking audience.

Are you not doing it anymore?

No, but I really want to again, because I miss the channel. I deleted it, believing it was not serious. I led it for a year, and I had an audience of 10-15 thousand subscribers. I had videos and musical orientation, and just about life.

How did you come up with an unusual pseudonym?

I did not want to hide my last name, although for the casting, this was probably also a factor in order to evaluate me objectively. I initially wanted to have some kind of pseudonym so that I could have a brand that I could develop. I had a dream, as if my friend was saying: "And you name yourself like a star." I woke up, it was at night, I looked at the moon. The idea I drew a parallel and wrote my name, Anna, in English. I liked the symmetry, because two "n" and two "o". And in Russian I like it when Anya Moon is written.

Are you comfortable with this name?

I'm just not the most confident person. Sometimes. And I was still scared at first, but when everyone started calling me Anya Moon here, at the Factory, I somehow got bored, that's all. From that moment on, a new life began for me. I think everything is going right.

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Irina Saltykova - until now, despite the fact that her age has exceeded fifty, is an interesting personality for the people, ambiguous, extraordinary, sometimes absurd and explosive, sharp-tongued, vindictive, but undoubtedly beautiful. This telediva has business acumen, her singing voice– ordinary, unstarry, but the figure and face are beyond praise. Irina Saltykova is a sex symbol of the 90s, by the way. I remember the times when the first clip of Irina Saltykova appeared on TV screens, it was called “Gray Eyes”, although at first I heard this song on a cassette with a collection of hits from popular and emerging artists. Not to say that I immediately fell in love with the uncomplicated melody of "Grey Eyes" and became a fan of her performer, but this composition definitely did not cause rejection in me, since in fact I was a teenager, and my musical taste at that time had not yet formed , but when I saw who sings this hit, I realized that the singer is going to be a huge success among teenagers and young people. In those days, there were not so many sexy beauties like Irina Saltykova, but the time for “X” has come, and those who shine with panties and deep cleavages poured onto the stage as if from a cornucopia, these girls began to appear in packs on the Russian stage, but it is unlikely that any of them could outshine Irina Saltykova with their sexuality.

Almost everyone liked Irina Saltykova, especially men - and regardless of age: children, teenagers, adults, respectable machos, mustachioed engineers, even gray-haired grandfathers. Still, appearance is very important for a woman, no matter what they say, you can’t hook a man with your soul and intellect if you don’t come out with a muzzle, guys will always prefer a good, docile simpleton to a pretty, busty, slender, smiling girl like Irina Saltykova. And Irishka she is also playful. But when this singer began to sing, she was already 29 years old! At that time, she was already considered an adult aunt. After all, then marriage at the age of 25 was considered as the last chance for a worthy, full-fledged arrangement of one's destiny. And Irina Saltykova already had a seven-year-old daughter by that time, she had a divorce from singer Viktor Saltykov, by the way, unlike Irina, he has a unique voice, very beautiful, strong, sonorous, bright, there is an individuality in performance, and the songs are excellent, to this day you can still listen to them with great pleasure.

In this photo, the ex-husband of Irina Saltykova is Victor. It was this man who gave her his last name, previously she was Irina Sapronova.

Especially before writing this article, I reviewed and listened to the clips of both Saltykovs, and also reviewed a huge number of programs with their participation. The fact is that Irina Saltykova cannot forgive her ex-husband for the fact that he devoted very little time to his daughter Alice, he practically did not call her, was not interested in her life, and the girl was waiting for a call, she felt deprived of her father's love, because she always loved dad very much. Viktor Saltykov started a new family, in which he became a happy man.

In this photo, Viktor Saltykov and his second wife Irina Metlina

After all, what does a man need? To be loved, not to be taken out of his brain, not to be humiliated, not insulted, to be cherished, cherished. The marriage of Victor and Irina Saltykov is not the first to break up due to the fact that the wife saws her husband. Of course, men fall in love with bitches, they suffer, dedicate poems and songs to them, cut their veins, start drinking bitter because of their fault, but such relationships are called destructive, you can’t live in them forever, and now, having plunged into the whirlpool of scandals and Shakespearean passions, men start looking for a safe haven. For Viktor Saltykov, Irina Metlina became such an outlet. When he met his second wife, she was only seventeen years old.

Viktor Saltykov knew that his first wife wanted to go on stage, but he did not take her words seriously, because he understood that she had neither hearing nor voice, she sang in the way that each of us can sing while washing in the shower, with such vocal data, you can sometimes sing in karaoke, but nothing more. But Victor did not take into account the fact that his wife is a very beautiful and sexy young lady, outwardly she looks like Pamela Anderson. After the divorce, Irina Saltykova sought to become independent, this woman knows how to make money, she graduated not only from a construction college, but also received a higher education with a diploma in economics! And all this was before her singing career. Of course, Irina Saltykova starred in very explicit clips, such beauty could not but cause a stir among the audience. Thus, thanks to his ingenuity, chic appearance, diligence

Irina Saltykova earned herself and her daughter Alice a beautiful, high-quality life, of course - this is much better than asking for handouts from her ex-husband for the rest of her life. Irina Saltykova raised her daughter Alice alone from the age of six. She completely refused the help of her husband. Irina and Victor still have not been able to find a common language, although many years have passed since their divorce, moreover, insults have accumulated, they have not become smaller, Irina’s wound is still bleeding, the ex-wife cannot look at the calmness of her only father daughter, she always wants to kick him, prick, humiliate and insult him, let the audience know what a scoundrel their idol is.

Well, Viktor Saltykov is calm itself, this is a balanced, wise head of the family, he is successfully married to Irina Metlina, who gave birth to his daughter Anna (1995) and son Svyatoslav (2008). Naturally, Viktor Saltykov is madly in love with his children from a new marriage, he raised them, he did not divorce his wife, the family is in harmony, and for a man it is very important that the children are nearby, if the connection is lost, it is difficult to love offspring until you lose your pulse just because that they are of the same blood as you. Naturally, Viktor Saltykov also loves his daughter Alice, but he himself admits to the public that this is a different love, it is different from the one he feels for his younger children. It is possible that Alice has already accepted this whole situation, analyzed it and does not hold a grudge against her father, because he is a good person. Irina Saltykova demanded some kind of ideality from him, but look around. A bunch of fathers who don’t worry about their children at all, who never tried to build bridges with them, in this situation Viktor Saltykov is almost perfect. He is a simple person, despite his singing talent, and all people have weaknesses and, in essence, they cannot be sinless. But Victor is working on himself, he is striving.

And again a photo of Viktor Saltykov, so he was in his youth.

The daughter of Viktor Saltykov and Irina Saltykova is called Alice, the girl is very similar to her mother.

In this photo, the singer with her daughter Alice.

Alice dyed her hair brown, she likes to be different.

Anya Moon is a famous Russian performer, as well as a participant in the popular music show "Star Factory", which was broadcast on the Muz-TV channel.

  • Real name: Anna Saltykova
  • Date of birth: September 2, 1995
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Place of birth: Moscow (Russia)
  • Height: 167 centimeters
  • Weight: 50 kilograms

Before popularity

Anna was born and raised in a rather creative family, since her father was a very famous and talented performer Viktor Saltykov, who from the very birth of his daughter instilled in her a love of music. It is for this reason that Anna's parents ultimately decide to send their daughter to a music studio, where she studied all the intricacies of playing musical instruments, vocal development, and acting. True, as Anna later admitted, she did not like studying at the studio at all, since the theory was very tiring and was not as interesting as practice. She enjoyed performing on stage much more than studying music in class.

Ultimately, Anna decided to take a completely different path and enter the University of the Arts London as a fashion designer. The girl was very fond of fashion and wanted to do something of her own and, to some extent, get away from the big name of her own father in order to achieve everything on her own. True, after a while Anna comes to the conclusion that she likes making music much more than studying fashion, so she decides to return to the world of sounds and rhythms again. So, Anna is transferred to the appropriate faculty, to the delight of her father, who did not understand her daughter's desire to study fashion at all, and not to develop excellent vocal abilities. As a result, she spent four years in England, where she was able to bring her English to perfection in order to write songs in this language in the future.


Anna Saltykova was able to get the first rays of fame during her stay in London. Then the young girl simply posted some videos with stories about the city itself in England, as well as about her trips to Instagram and YouTube. True, there were moments when Anna posted small videos where she performed cover songs by popular artists. With each new video, Anna gained more and more fame, until she eventually got into the popular community on YouTube "Best covers".

So, many netizens began to know the girl, which helped her gain more confidence. Thus, she decides to take part in a music competition called "My Chance", where she was able to achieve quite a bit of success and win the hearts of many viewers. As for her pseudonym Anya Moon, she had a dream about it, and she decided to use it as a kind of talisman for good luck.

In 2017, Anya Moon took part in the new season of Star Factory, the qualifying round of which was held without much difficulty. At her first performance, she was able to sing with her own father a song called "The Leaves Have Flew". After that, she was able to perform with many famous and talented performers, until she eventually left the project without reaching the final. But, despite this, she continued her solo career and was able to perform at many events and take part in some music programs.

Personal life

When Anna was living in England, she had some relationship with a young man named Josh. True, after she returned to her homeland, communication with this person was eventually interrupted. On the Star Factory project, many suspected that she had a romantic relationship with show participant Nikita Kuznetsov, with whom, according to Anna herself, she maintained absolutely friendly relations, which did not at all correspond to the opinion of viewers.


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