Indoor bamboo. Home Care


- an integral part of the home interior of many houses and apartments. In the past few years, bamboo has been increasingly seen on the window sills of ornamental plant lovers. Of course, this is not that handsome giant under 40 m high, which grows in tropical conditions, and not even his close relative. Indoor culture belongs to the dracaena family, and it got its name for its resemblance to bamboo, which is also noticeable in the photo. In order for the plant, which is considered a harbinger of well-being, to develop well and be healthy, little is required: proper care and disease prevention.

Indoor bamboo is an unpretentious evergreen plant with a fleshy stem crowned with foliage. It rarely blooms, but serves as an exotic interior decoration due to its shape. The stem can be left straight or fancifully bent. The scientific name for house bamboo is Dracaena sander. But Feng Shui fans tend to call it more poetically - "the flower of happiness, prosperity, good luck." Sometimes - "happy" bamboo. It is believed that, among other things, the plant brings financial prosperity to the house.

Having created good conditions and provided the culture with proper care, you can admire it for a very long time, because it is a perennial. Depending on the variety, indoor bamboo can have different shades (for example, gray or golden), and also grow to certain sizes. There are dwarf varieties that do not overcome the bar of 0.4 m, but there are tall ones that reach a height of 2.5-3 m. Of course, a beautiful appearance and a good increase in growth are the result of taking care of the plant. Therefore, bringing “happy” bamboo into the house, you need to try to make it comfortable with you.

Decorative bamboo is a type of dracaena

The first thing you need to know about a representative of the dracaena family is that it is grown not only in soil, but also in water. There is no consensus on which method is better, but regardless of this, a few general points should be resolved first:

  1. Place. Free up a window sill on a west or east window for indoor bamboo. A light curtain should hang on it, then the plant will receive a sufficient amount of light, but will not suffer from excessive sun.
  2. Temperature regime. It is optimal if the room is from +18 to +25C, although bamboo can withstand temperatures up to +30C quite well. At the same time, the proximity to the heating radiator is undesirable for him because of the overdried air.

Advice. In order for bamboo to show its magical properties and attract good luck and prosperity to the house, Feng Shui supporters recommend placing it in the southeastern part of the room. Nearby it is worth placing a figurine of a toad with three paws.

The Basics of Lucky Bamboo Care

If you plan to grow a green talisman of happiness in an aquatic environment, pick up a glass vase with pebbles at the bottom. For a large plant, a bucket placed on the floor is suitable. Water must be melted or settled, but rain water is also suitable. You need to change it once a week, and every 2-3 months. mineral fertilizers should be added that will stimulate the growth of the plant.

For growing in the ground, buy a ready-made substrate or make your own by mixing soil with compost, peat, sand, and leaves. Drainage is required at the bottom of the pot. Fertilize once a month in summer, less often in winter. Watering should be moderate, but not scarce. In hot weather, its frequency and abundance should be increased. Make sure that the soil in the container does not dry out, and the water does not stagnate.

Attention! Chlorine found in tap water can kill a plant.

  • protect bamboo from strong winds and drafts;
  • in the summer, take the flowerpot with the plant outside;
  • regularly wipe the leaves from dust;
  • spray bamboo with a spray bottle if the air in the room has become very dry;
  • prune the side branches, shortening them at a distance of 4-5 cm from the main stem.

Bamboo can be planted in containers with water

Why indoor bamboo turns yellow: causes and solutions

There are several reasons why the leaves and trunk of bamboo acquire a yellowish color:

  • direct sunlight hitting the flower;
  • deficiency or, conversely, excess fertilizer;
  • dry air;
  • draft in the room;
  • poor water quality;
  • fungal attack.

bamboo diseases

If all care recommendations are followed, then the most likely cause of yellowing is a fungal infection. Its symptoms are the appearance of spots on the leaves. To combat the disease, pick up a special drug or treat bamboo with crushed charcoal. Remove diseased leaves.

Sometimes a flower grown in soil and not in water becomes stunted, yellow, underdeveloped and even sheds leaves due to too tight a flowerpot. Transplant the plant to a larger container. You can carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per year, best of all - in the spring. Carefully caring for indoor bamboo, you can save it from trouble and give the flower excellent health.

Caring for decorative bamboo: video

Bamboo is native to the humid subtropics of the South Asian region and the tropical forests of Brazil. Recently, he has become incredibly popular in the field of design. Compositions of green stems fit well into a modern interior. In this article, you will learn about the features of growing indoor bamboo at home.

What does the plant look like?

The culture that we used to call bamboo is actually a type of shrubby dracaena. Namely, this is a representative of the Sander variety. Indoor bamboo is a perennial evergreen plant with a bare dense stem. The color of the trunk varies from dark green to light green. Due to the fact that the stem is plastic, although quite resilient, it twists in a spiral during growth, which allows it to be formed into a bonsai. The trunk is crowned with a miniature cap of leaves and shoots. At home, 2 varieties of bamboo are cultivated.

  • Undersized. Suitable for decoration of office sites and residential buildings. Natural habitat - Brazil. Likes cool, high humidity. Reaches a height of 1.5 m.
  • Medium height. Released in Japan. Can stretch up to 4 m in height. Likes abundant lighting, spacious tubs.
Bamboo can be grown from seeds or cuttings, with proper care the plant will be strong and beautiful

bamboo cultivation

Can you grow bamboo at home? Of course, yes. We will talk about the most popular ways of cultivating a plant.

from seeds

An option for experienced flower growers who are ready to spend time and effort on germinating planting material. The key to success is quality seeds. They can be ordered from a reliable supplier with good recommendations. Follow the standard algorithm for germinating bamboo from seed.

  • Buy a mini greenhouse. The set includes a cartridge with peat tablets, labels and a lid.
  • Fill the cells with peat with settled water at room temperature. Wait for the substrate to swell. This will take 5-10 minutes.
  • Drain excess water when you notice that the peat has stopped expanding in volume.
  • Soak the planting material in water for a day. You can wrap the seeds in damp gauze and put in a warm place. This will increase your chances of germination.
  • Place one seed in the center of each peat tablet. To make it more convenient, make a hole with a toothpick, put the planting material in the recess, then press it with your finger. Cover with a lid.
  • Put the greenhouse on the windowsill. The sun should shine on the seeds 14-16 hours a day. However, direct beams can burn them. If at this time of the year it is not possible to provide natural light, use phyto lamps.
  • Water the peat every day, not letting it dry out. All tablets absorb moisture differently. Adjust the amount of water individually.
  • Seedlings will appear in about 2 weeks. Remove the lid as soon as the shoots reach it.
  • A month later, when the young plants are strong enough, plant them in separate pots along with a peat tablet. The soil in the new container should be a mixture of universal flower soil and mulched bark.
  • Place the pots on a window sill on a south or east side, but out of direct sunlight. Bamboo needs at least 6 hours of light per day. If you notice that the trunk has begun to turn yellow, find a more suitable place for the seedlings. Yellowness indicates sunburn.

From the offshoot

Ask a friend or buy a strong layer with a healthy root system in the store. Long roots must be cut off before planting.

In water

This method allows you to get a lush plant with a powerful, flexible trunk. The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  • Choose the right container. Wash it thoroughly. Put pebbles disinfected with boiling water on the bottom.
  • Pour distilled water into the prepared container. The use of settled is allowed.
  • Lower the layers into the vessel, gently straightening the roots. Press them down with stones, so you create a support. Add the required amount of water.
  • Monitor the condition of the fluid. If cloudiness, an unpleasant, putrid odor is found, completely drain the water and change it to clean. Wash the stones if they have "settled" plaque.
  • Once a month, pour liquid nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer into the container to stimulate trunk growth.

in the ground

You can also grow bamboo at home from cuttings in the soil for dracaena. Choose a large container for planting. Dracaena sander roots develop rapidly in the nutrient mixture. Therefore, the larger the tub, the more comfortable the plant will be. Pour a drainage layer on the bottom of the container, add a little earth, place layers there, straightening the roots. Add soil, leaving 2 cm from the edge of the pot. In the first 2 weeks after planting, spray the stem to maintain high humidity. Move the seedling to a larger pot every year. Adults are transplanted 1 time in 3 years.

On hydrogel

The process is similar to growing in water. Instead of stones, hydrogel balls are used. They are granules of different shades. Just pour them into the prepared vase, fill with clean water. Place the layer there, straightening the roots. After a few hours, the balls will swell a little and turn into the color indicated on the package in which they were sold. This method of growing Sander's dracaena is decorative and does not require special skills from the grower. You just need to add fertilizer to the container at intervals of 1 time in 6 months, and as the water evaporates, pour it into the vessel.

In the article, we told you how to grow bamboo at home. With a minimum of effort, you cultivate an unusual, spectacular plant that will decorate your interior.

Now no one can be surprised by unusual plants. Many people try to decorate their home with exotic compositions, of which bamboo is often an integral part. Vases with it look elegant and original. This article provides information on how to propagate bamboo and how to care for it.

indoor bamboo

Indoor bamboo plant has nothing to do with the plant that grows in the wild. If you look closely, you can clearly see it even in the photo. Real bamboo is considered grass and grows up to forty meters in height. But at home - this is nothing more than Dracaena Sander. It looks very unusual and adds style to any room.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the plant is called a flower of happiness or bamboo Lucky. How to propagate bamboo and take care of it in the future so that it pleases with its beauty for a long time?

It is worth noting that Dracaena Sander is an unpretentious plant. The compositions of its decorative plexuses will decorate any home or office. Under indoor conditions, bamboo can grow for a very long time, the main thing is to provide it with proper care. The plant can be grown not only in soil, but also in water.

Plant appearance

The plant looks very similar to bamboo. It consists of a bare stem, on top of which there are several shoots and leaves. Stems can grow straight or initially bent in a spiral. Usually indoor bamboo is painted bright green. However, straw-golden varieties can also be found. If during daylight hours the bamboo is in the bright sun, then it acquires a dark green hue. Decorative and unpretentiousness made the plant very popular.

Bamboo is a houseplant, the care of which will not cause much trouble. The only drawback is the lack of flowering. A plant can bloom at the age of forty years, and after that it often dies. However, this does not prevent the formation of interesting compositions from bamboo that look spectacular.

Growing Options

Before talking about how to propagate bamboo at home, you should pay attention to the fact that it can be grown both in water and in the ground. Both methods are good for home use.

Many housewives prefer growing in water. This method is very convenient and hassle-free. Water in a vase or other container can be changed only once a week - this is quite enough to create the necessary conditions for an unpretentious plant.

The water base allows the plant to fully develop. Bamboo even in room conditions grows up to 1-2 meters. By growing several plants, you can quickly increase their number, creating a whole tropical garden. How to propagate bamboo at home?

In conditions of growing a plant in water, it is very important to use fertilizers. Otherwise, the bamboo will take on a lighter shade and lose its foliage. Top dressing is applied directly to the water at the moment when it is changed to fresh. As a rule, one feeding is enough for two to three months. It is better to use mineral fertilizers intended for this species.

In one container, you can grow several stems. For decoration, the plants are tied together with a braid. For growing, you can use containers of different shapes. It can be not only pots and containers, but also glasses, glass vases, jugs. After the bamboo reaches a height of 50-80 centimeters, the growing containers are placed on the floor near the light source. To fill the vase, you must use soft water, settled for several days. Filtered and chlorinated water should not be used.

Growing in soil

If you are thinking about how to propagate bamboo at home, pay attention to the fact that the plant develops much better in the soil. The constant presence of roots in water is not to the liking of culture. Here, water does not stay in the soil for a long time.

Any soil is suitable for bamboo. You can even purchase a universal substrate. Caring for a plant in soil is much easier than in water, as no fluid change is even required.

Reproduction methods

Inexperienced flower growers probably do not know how to propagate Lucky bamboo. There are several ways to get new plants: cuttings, seeds (very rarely), apical shoots and offspring. It is worth noting that it takes a lot of time and effort to reproduce by tops and offspring. These methods are considered quite complex. Propagating bamboo at home using seeds is generally an unrealistic task. Sowing seeds, further emergence of seedlings and caring for them is a long and laborious process. Therefore, propagation of bamboo by cuttings is the best option. Flower growers believe that this method is the most optimal for an exotic plant.

Reproduction by cuttings

It is better to propagate bamboo by cuttings in the spring. As a material for planting, young shoots are used, which during this period appear on the stem of an adult plant. They are carefully cut off from the main stem and planted in the ground for rooting.

For rooting, you can use the same soil as for planting an adult plant. Bamboo grows very quickly, and this applies not only to the stems, but also to the roots, so the pot for the cutting must be spacious and tall. Even the smallest cuttings will grow quickly and fill the container with roots.


Bamboo is a houseplant, the care of which will not cause much trouble. Experienced gardeners recommend combining it with an annual transplant to simplify the breeding process. The optimal time for transplantation is spring. At the same time, propagation by cuttings occurs. After planting, young shoots need some care, which consists in loosening the soil and regular watering. The soil needs to be moistened daily. To do this, use settled water, the temperature of which is at least 22-25 degrees. As a mandatory care procedure, there should be a wet wipe of the foliage from dust.

An equally important point is the loosening of the soil. Young plants need fresh air, which penetrates through the soil to them. Loosening optimizes the process and helps the cuttings take root.

Bamboo feels great in different conditions. An unpretentious plant grows rapidly and in a short period of time is able to decorate the house with tropical compositions.


Bamboo care is quite simple. Regular watering and fertilizing will keep the plant beautiful and green. If the foliage and stems have brightened, then it's time to fertilize.

Bamboo is very sensitive to light, it must be grown on the sunny side, but bright rays can harm the culture. It is better to provide the plant with diffused light.

Use in landscape design

Bamboo compositions are actively used not only for decorating home interiors, but also for landscaping balconies and greenhouses. No less actively used by landscape designers for landscaping areas is the so-called decorative bamboo. Reproduction in the country or in the backyard of such a plant will give a small piece of the tropics.

Designers use different types of plants to create compositions, decorative hedges and other structures.

For planting bamboo in the country, it is preferable to choose a place in partial shade. He loves daily watering. The rest of the culture is unpretentious.

Instead of an afterword

Dracaena Sandera is a beautiful and unusual plant that has long taken root in many apartments. The ease of reproduction and care will allow you to get new plants from the acquired cutting in a couple of years, from which you can independently build any composition that will decorate the house and add exotic to the interior.

If you have long dreamed of such a plant, but did not dare to purchase it, feel free to go to the store, because even a novice florist will cope with its maintenance.

An evergreen exotic stem at home is able to exist for a long time. With proper care, the indoor bamboo plant will bloom with beautiful small flowers. Periodicity, color size depends on the species. Any of them can be grown in the ground or placed in water. You can give even more decorativeness if you twist the elastic stems in time by fixing them on a guide object, by limiting space. Green shoots look good alone and in compositions.

About the plant

Another name for decorative bamboo is Sander's dracaena. In the 19th century, it was brought from China by the English florist Frederic Sandera. The plant has a bare stem with lanceolate leaves at the top. The greens are rapidly growing in size. After a few months, even dwarf varieties can reach 1 meter in height.

Indoor bamboo is used for decorative purposes. It will perfectly fit into any interior, will be an original decoration of a residential, office space. The ability of the stems to twist in different directions gives designers the opportunity to fantasize in any direction, creating original compositions.

Species and varieties

Indoor bamboo is a miniature plant. It is grown at home in pots of earth or special transparent containers covered with pebbles and filled with water. Bamboo care is minimal. The plant requires lighting, watering and periodic feeding. All varieties are united by a hollow stem. Various species qualify by size and are divided into the following groups:

  • Low. Plants grow up to 1 meter. Popular varieties - "Golden Lily", "Tsuboi";
  • Medium. Reach 3.5 meters in height. Beautiful varieties - "Shiroshima", "Mexican weeping";
  • High. A rarity for interiors, as they stretch up to 6 meters. Bright representatives of the group, similar to giants, are "Tropical Black", "Monastic".

When choosing a variety, it is necessary to clearly understand the purpose of planting. It is necessary to take into account the height of the plant and how it will look, the shape of the leaves, the type of root system. For some species, a solitary existence is more suitable, while others feel better in groups.

Conditions for keeping a plant

Creating a comfortable environment for bamboo can be very simple. A home plant needs good lighting and fresh air. The shoots are fed through the root system, so systematic watering and fertilizing is important. Depending on the type of planting (soil or water), certain care rules apply.

Lighting and location

Indoor bamboo does not tolerate direct sunlight. The place should be selected bright, but with dosed penetration of ultraviolet radiation. Darkening in the midday heat can be achieved with a curtain. In regions with a predominance of cloudy weather, during a period of reduced daylight hours, plants can be illuminated artificially with special lamps. The lack of light affects the appearance of greenery - the foliage falls off, the trunk turns yellow, growth slows down sharply.

It is better to place a pot of bamboo on the western, eastern windowsill. It should not be allowed to overcool, so in winter it is better to move the container to the center of the room, carefully ventilate it.

Temperature and humidity

With the change of seasons, the temperature preferences of indoor bamboo change. Increased values ​​are equally destructive for him, as well as lower ones. To maintain a good humidity regime, the temperature in summer should not exceed 35 ° C, in winter - 15 ° C. If the room is very hot, the pot with the plant should be temporarily rearranged in a room without windows (entrance hall, bathroom). The optimum temperature is 25-30 °C.

Humidity is not of great importance for the development of the plant. But since dracaena is a tropical plant, too dry air can harm it. It is not worth using a spray gun for spraying foliage; oversaturation with liquid will lead to rotting of the stem. If the air is warm and dry, you can place a plate of water next to the bamboo. Wiping the leaves regularly with a damp cloth will do more good than watering on a hot day.

Planting tank selection

The pot should match the size of the bamboo and the number of stems. Shoots should be at least 5 cm from the edge of the container. It is not necessary to place them strictly in the center. For planting in the ground, any flower pot with drainage holes is suitable. If you decide to grow a plant in ordinary water, hydrogel, it is better to use a beautiful transparent vase. You can hide the root system with the help of beads, pebble filler.

The deepening of the container should be twice the size of the rhizome. A flat, small flowerpot will not work. Plants planted in water will have to be cut periodically, as the root system is branched and grows rapidly. Each grower chooses the growing method for himself, after evaluating the pros and cons of each option.

Growing in the ground

The option of growing in the ground is more preferable for dracaena. Water is retained for a short time, which eliminates the decay of the roots. Any soil mixture for indoor plants, consisting of clay turf, peat, humus, is suitable. A drainage layer must be present - 5-6 cm of sand, small pebbles. After planting in the ground, the plant is watered and placed for several days in partial shade.

Bamboo grown with a closed root system must be fertilized. In spring and autumn, complex lawn mixtures saturated with nitrogen are used. The first flower transplant is carried out after 2 years. Then only the top layer of the earth is replaced. A shallow cut at the bottom of the stem will help stimulate root development.

At each transplant, it is necessary to carefully examine the roots of the bamboo. Rotten, old and damaged should be removed.

Growing bamboo in water

For a long and trouble-free existence of bamboo in a liquid medium, simply placing it in water is not enough. An unpretentious plant will need to create optimal conditions for rapid growth. By making group plantings, you can create your own tropical garden in a short time. The original way of growing will give the best result - a strong trunk, lush greenery, if the planting of bamboo in the house is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. The root system is inspected, too overgrown, weak roots are removed. You can safely cut up to 1/3 of the base;
  2. Select a container. It should be a low, wide vase. A transparent glass with decorative natural stones looks beautiful;
  3. Decor and container must be boiled in water before use;
  4. The bamboo stalk is lowered into a vase, the roots are carefully leveled and fixed with decor;
  5. Pour the plant with filtered, settled water 2 cm above the stones;
  6. Fluid should be changed at least once every two weeks. The first signs that the water needs to be replaced are a musty smell, blistering, turbidity, and the appearance of foam;
  7. Monthly, when watering, bamboo is fed with phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizers and their varieties.

How to properly care for a plant

Growing bamboo at home is not easy, despite its love of moisture and rapid growth in favorable conditions. Creating such an environment will require constant attention, the availability of prepared water, and certain skills in floriculture. A unique green perennial will be an excellent decor for a house or apartment, if you provide it with suitable growth conditions - choose the location correctly, moisten it in a timely manner, cut it off, protect it from pests and diseases, and properly care for it.

The soil

Any soil for bamboo can be used. A simple mixture of lawn soil and sand will do. But it is better if the soil is acidic, slightly acidic. Heavy soil contributes to the decay of the roots, slowing down growth. The role of drainage can be played by broken shards, expanded clay, small pieces of brick. The bottom layer should occupy 25% of the capacity.

The plant is placed in the center of the pot, the roots are lowered to the drainage. After filling the soil, it should be lightly pressed down to release air. The earth must always be moist. The top layer is checked daily by touch, loosened once a week.


The frequency of watering bamboo palms depends on the season. In spring and summer, moisture should be plentiful, in autumn and winter - moderate. With the advent of cold weather, the plant can be transferred to independent control of the need for moisture by transplanting it into a vase with water.

It is recommended to water bamboo through a pallet. The roots of the plant absorb liquid according to their needs. After a few hours, the water is poured out of the pan. The procedure is repeated when the topsoil is completely dry. You can not use a spray bottle and water under the root. Such methods of moistening can lead to the formation of rot on the roots.

Watering should be stopped if the earth begins to exude a putrid odor. If the top layer of soil is covered with a gray, white coating, it must be replaced, the bamboo roots should be washed and disinfected.


The hardest and fastest growing grass can be transplanted when it has sufficiently developed the root system, up to 4-5 cm. To do this, the cutting is placed in water and left in a lit place. Roots that are too long must be shortened to at least 7 cm, otherwise they can get tangled and break at the very base. The transplant procedure is as follows:

  1. Before planting, the cutting is removed from the germination medium, the still wet roots are treated with a rooting agent;
  2. They lower the sprout into the hole or onto the drainage, pour it in portions and tamp the soil together with the mixture for root growth;
  3. The earth should reach the top edge of the pot, if it has settled during watering, it should be added.

It is better to transplant bamboo in early spring, so that the root system has time to strengthen, and its leaves do not fall off with the onset of cold weather. The pot should be deeper and wider than the previous one. During the growth period, the plant should not touch the roots with the walls of the container.

During the entire growing season, bamboo can be replanted several times. Promotes the movement of rapid growth, the desire to propagate the plant.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Indoor bamboo grows much better in a nutrient medium, although it can be in ordinary water for a long time, content only with its renewal. The main thing when working with fertilizers is not to overdo it. An abundance of nutrients, especially in the first weeks after transplantation, will only cause harm.

All ground types of bamboo are strengthened once a month, starting in spring. In the summer, during the period of active growth, the dosage can be reduced, and the time interval between sets can be reduced. You can use universal fertilizers specially designed for palm trees or decorative deciduous perennials.

A herbaceous plant growing in water must be fertilized regularly, even in winter, since such an environment contains much less nutrients than soil. For this, liquid compositions based on nitrogen and phosphorus are used. The recommended dose on the package must be reduced by at least 5 times in order not to provoke rapid growth. You can also use foliar top dressing instead of root, strictly following the rules of spraying.

pruning bamboo

From bamboo, you can form any shape. A flexible, unpretentious plant tolerates pruning with good rooting and in the absence of the slightest disease. First of all, they get rid of dry excess stems located at the base of the plant. Then a branching point is selected, if necessary, the shoots are connected with a tape, cut off below the marked node. Such herbaceous specimens will no longer grow upwards.

For beautiful vertical growth, you need to regularly prune the branches. Thinning is necessary for both straight and spiral types of bamboo lacquers. Places of cuts are sprinkled with ash or smeared with wax. Cut cuttings are used for rooting. Small cuts at the bottom of the stem will help speed up the process of root formation.

Bamboo Propagation Methods

There are several ways to get several plants from one stem of Sandera dracaena. It is necessary to choose the optimal propagation method at home after evaluating many factors that may affect the further development of bamboo. It is necessary to take into account the humidity in the room, temperature, lighting. More often, cuttings are separated from a healthy plant during transplantation, but seeds can also be used. Each of the options has its own characteristics.

Reproduction by cuttings

The most popular way to propagate bamboo. It is often used at home, since its implementation requires a minimum of effort. For an exotic plant - this is the best option. There are several options for cutting bamboo:

  • Apical. To obtain suitable cuttings from the mother plant, cut off the top. The segment should be at least 15 cm long. Then the cutting is placed in water, a root stimulator is added. So that in the process of root growth, part of the stem does not rot, all cuts are smeared with liquid wax.
  • Stem. Rooting occurs by the standard method in water with a growth stimulator solution. The mother plant is divided into parts and each segment is processed. The method is relevant if the top has not taken root, rotted, affected by diseases or pests.
  • Reproduction by knees. The method is rarely used in floriculture, but this does not make it less effective. Use cranked propagation if it is necessary to save an old, weakened plant. The roots on the stem grow at the junctions of the segments. They are separated, rooted and dug into the ground.


Growing bamboo from seeds is not an easy task, it takes a lot of time and effort. At home, this method of reproduction is practically not used. From planting to germination, at least 2 weeks will pass.

Before transferring the seeds to the soil, they should be soaked in purified water for a day. This time is enough for the embryo to wake up inside. They are planted in a special substrate from surface soil, ash, wood shavings. All components must be mixed and sieved to remove debris, small pebbles.

The first planting of soaked seeds is done in a large, solid container. They are placed one at a time to a depth of 2-5 mm, covered with earth, without tamping. Seedlings need fresh air, metered sunlight, daily watering.

A feature of bamboo seeds is the initial formation of a root, not a sprout. A few months later, as soon as the first shoots form, the plants are planted in pots in a peat mixture.

Features of care in the winter

With the onset of cold weather, the plant slows down its growth, enters a state of rest. During this period, it is necessary to make certain changes in care. First of all, reduce watering. Now it is necessary to moisten the soil once a week, combining the procedure with rubbing the leaves and spraying.

It is necessary to install the plant for wintering in a warm place where the temperature does not fall below +18 ° C, and the humidity is below 40%. With the help of a special lamp, you can organize additional lighting. In winter, it is better not to loosen the soil or do it very rarely.

Diseases and pests

Bamboo has a good immunity to diseases, so the most common problem is the formation of yellow leaves, the dullness of the stem. Often the cause of color loss is poor-quality care. Strong and constant lighting, watering with dirty tap water, and insufficient drainage can harm the plant and lead to similar consequences. Excessive moisture will cause the appearance of rot, fungus, and the development of bacteria.

Having found even small spots on the leaves, they must be cut off. After drying, the removal sites are treated with coal, a few hours after disinfection they are covered with wax.

Pests infect indoor bamboo rarely. But, as with all home flowers, spider mites can be found on Sander dracaena. The treatment of all its sections with a soapy solution will save the plant from insects.

Bamboo in the house: signs, superstitions and Feng Shui

All the signs associated with bamboo in the house are extremely positive. Resistant, hardy plant has a beneficial effect on human life. It is given and received as a gift with the desire to improve well-being, attract good luck, and harmonize all life processes. According to the sign, each section of bamboo is responsible for a certain stage in life.

A powerful energy plant can both improve and worsen the situation in the house, so you should know the rules for its location. By placing the "tree of happiness" in a certain place in the house, you can adjust the necessary areas of life. Of great importance, according to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, is the number of stems. They have the following effect:

  • 2 stems - a symbol of love and a strong marriage union;
  • 3 - family well-being, happiness;
  • 4 - a symbol of death, you can not keep such compositions at home and present to friends;
  • 5 - wealth, financial success;
  • 7 - improving well-being, strengthening health;
  • 8 - success in any endeavor;
  • 9 - successful work, career growth;
  • 20 - "Tower of Love" will strengthen friendship, renew love, warm family relationships.


Bamboo grown at home is no worse than garden exotic specimens. Curved whimsical twigs in the form of a spiral will be an original gift that can stay in the water for a long time even without a developed root system. Moving into the ground will extend the life of the evergreen for several more years, and will make it possible to see more than one snow-white flower.

Indoor bamboo, or Sander's dracaena (Dracaena brauniic) is an unpretentious evergreen exotic plant, decorative species of which will perfectly fit into any home or office interior. In room conditions, the plant is able to grow for a long time, the main thing is proper care, in compliance with all recommendations and requirements. Decorative bamboo refers to varieties of dracaena. It can be grown not only in soil, but also in water. It grows both as a single plant and in group compositions. Representatives of the art of Feng Shui consider bamboo a symbol of well-being, happiness and good luck.

Ornamental bamboo consists of a green or yellow-green bare or leafy stem and bright green leaves at its top. Plant care is not difficult. It must be grown in conditions close to its natural environment.

Care rules are slightly different depending on where the flower is grown - in soil or in water, but some of them are suitable for both growing methods.

Location and lighting

Bamboo prefers diffused lighting without direct sunlight, which can be created with a light translucent curtain on the windowsill on the west or east side of the room. If you take into account the recommendations of the teachings of Feng Shui, then the place of decorative bamboo should be in the southeastern part of the room.

With a lack of lighting, the plant will lose the leaf part, and its development will slow down. The lack of light will immediately affect the decorative qualities of the indoor flower.


The ideal temperature for growing bamboo is from 18 to 25 degrees, but the plant will withstand the thirty-degree mark in the summer season without negative consequences.

Air humidity

The level of air humidity for a flower does not matter much, but wet care in the form of wiping the leaves from dust is very necessary for the plant. Such water procedures are recommended to be carried out regularly.

This method of growing decorative bamboo is the most suitable and does not take much time for care. The water in the tank is changed once a week. For an unpretentious plant, this is quite enough to create optimal conditions for development. Such a water base contributes to the rapid and harmonious growth of indoor bamboo. Even at room conditions, exotic bamboo reaches a height of one to two meters. By growing a group of plants in a short time, you can create your own tropical garden.

In the absence of fertilizers, the plant will lose the leaf part or the stem will turn yellow. Fertilization is a very important element in the care of indoor bamboo. Top dressing is introduced directly into the water, at the time of its replacement with fresh water. One top dressing in 2-3 months will be enough. Fertilizer is recommended to use mineral, intended for plants of this type.

In one flower container, you can grow several bamboo stalks at once. For convenience and decoration, all plants are tied together with a braid of any contrasting color. As a container, you can use not only traditional flower pots or containers, but also glass vases or glasses, and as the bamboo grows, buckets and deep jugs. With a plant height of more than 50-80 centimeters, the growing vessels are placed only on the floor in close proximity to a light source or window.

Water for irrigation and cultivation of decorative bamboo should be soft. It is advisable to use settled for several days or melted water. This evergreen plant should not be watered with tap and filtered water.

Preparation of melt water:

  • Fill a plastic container with water.
  • Put in the freezer for 2 days.
  • Defrost and use as directed.

The soil

Ornamental bamboo or sander's dracaena develops much better in soil than in water. Plants do not like the constant presence of the root part in a humid environment, and water does not linger in the soil for long. Any soil mixture is suitable for growing. You can purchase the most common, designed for most indoor flowers. This method of growing and somewhat simplifies the care of the plant itself. Soil, like water, does not need to be changed every week.


A significant difference in care is regular and timely watering. The soil in the container with the plant should always be slightly moist, it should not be allowed to dry out. If Dracaena Sander was transferred from water to soil, then it is very important to constantly water it and carefully monitor the general condition and development until the bamboo finally takes root in a new place.

Watering in the autumn-winter period should be significantly reduced. It is important to prevent stagnant water in the soil. This can lead to the formation of mold, which is one of the main enemies of decorative bamboo. In order to prevent this disease, it is recommended that when planting, do not forget about the drainage layer and drainage holes in the flower pot.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Bamboo grown in the ground also needs timely top dressing in the form of fertilizers intended for various types of dracaena. They are introduced at intervals of 2-3 months along with irrigation water.

Indoor bamboo can be propagated in several different ways: seeds (in rare cases), cuttings, offspring and top shoots. It will take a lot of time and effort to propagate by offspring and tops. Such methods are considered difficult. Growing bamboo from seeds is even more difficult, and indoors is almost impossible. Sowing seeds, the appearance of seedlings and long-term care for them is a laborious and long process. Therefore, most often flower growers use one method - cuttings. It is considered the most affordable and suitable for this exotic specimen.

Reproduction of indoor bamboo cuttings

It is recommended to propagate indoor bamboo cuttings in the spring. As planting material, young shoots are used, which just at this time appear on a mature plant. They must be carefully separated or cut from the main stem and planted in the ground for rooting.

The soil for germinating the root part is the same as for an adult plant. Bamboo is a fast growing plant. This quality extends not only to its stem, but also to the root system. Therefore, the container for the handle must be selected spacious and medium in height. Even with small cuttings, the pot will very quickly become bamboo in size.

You can simplify the breeding procedure by combining it with the next transplant of a houseplant, which experienced flower growers recommend once a year or every two years. Spring is also a favorable time for transplanting, as is propagation by cuttings. It is very important to pay great attention to the newly transplanted plant and young cuttings, in order to avoid various difficulties and problems with their growth and development in a new place and in a new status.

The main care is regular watering and loosening the soil. Watering is carried out daily and only with settled irrigation water with a temperature of not less than 22-25 degrees Celsius. A mandatory water procedure is the wet wiping of the leaf part of the plant from dust.

Loosening the soil is also very important for the development of indoor flower. Young cuttings, or rather their root part, will be able to get the necessary amount of fresh air, which will contribute to better root formation and rooting in new conditions.

Decorative bamboo or Sander's dracaena can feel great and fully develop in various conditions. This unpretentious indoor plant does not differ in its external qualities depending on the place of cultivation. It develops equally favorably in both water and soil. With proper care, bamboo will turn an ordinary home or work space into a cozy tropical corner. The rapid growth of this exotic representative is able to create home comfort and a pleasant atmosphere in a short time.

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