Biography and personal life of Andrei Derzhavin. What is Andrei Derzhavin sick with? Andrey Derzhavin where is he now


Numerous fans of Andrei Derzhavin's work still enjoy listening to his hits, which were popular in the 90s. During his career, he pursued not only a singing career, but also wrote songs for television films and cartoons, and also has several acting jobs.

Now Derzhavin continues to perform and tour as part of the legendary Stalker group, delighting listeners with old and new compositions.

Brief biography

  • Place of birth - the city of Ukhta, Komi ASSR (USSR);
  • Date of birth - 1963, September 20;
  • Higher education. Graduated from the Industrial Institute of the city of Ukhta;
  • Height and weight - 179 cm, about 75 kg;
  • Marital status: Married; wife - Elena (Shakhutdinova) Derzhavina (born 1964); children: son - Vladislav Derzhavin (born 1986) - musician and creator of the Stinkie group; daughter - Anna Derzhavina (born 2005).

Andrei's childhood and youth

His father, Vladimir Dmitrievich, and mother, Galina Konstantinovna, were far from the musical world, having ordinary professions. His younger sister Natalya also grew up in the family. The future singer from childhood showed interest in music, thanks to which he studied at a music school. During that period, he not only learned to play the piano, but also composed his first musical creations. Having become older, the young man mastered the guitar and keyboards, and soon he took part in various amateur pop groups, however, he hid his hobby from his parents.

In the photo Andrei Derzhavin in his youth.

After leaving school, Andrey did not even think about where to go, since there was only one university for graduates in the city - the Industrial Institute, of which the future musician also became a student. It is not surprising that during his studies he did not give up music lessons, thanks to which, together with his friends, he created his own band called "Stalker". The aspiring musician then listened to music and sang songs by Secret Service, Pupo, and also learned a lot from the legendary singer Yuri Antonov, who had a great influence on his formation as a singer and composer.

The beginning of a career in the Stalker group

In 1985, such members as Sergey Kostrov, sound engineer, performed in the group; Alexander Chuvashev - drummer and backing vocalist; Vitaly Lichtenstein - keyboardist and backing vocalist. Their debut collection "Stars", which was released in 1986, immediately found its audience, who fell in love with the group's dance style. Then the musicians recorded two more albums, the songs for which were composed by Derzhavin and Kostrov.

The team performed not only in their homeland, but also traveled to many cities of the Soviet Union, performing such compositions as “Without You”, “Night City”, “I believe that the trouble is gone forever”, “When you leave”. Thanks to the acquired popularity of all-Union significance, the group members recorded video clips for the compositions “I Believe” and “Three Weeks”, and also took part in the filming of the “Morning Mail” program.

Solo singing career and participation in the "Time Machine"

However, already in the early 90s, Stalker broke up, and Andrei worked only with Vitaly Liechtenstein. It was during that period that such hits as “Don't cry, Alice”, “Sad girl”, “Someone else's wedding”, “Song about a brother”, “Katya-Katerina”, “Natasha” and others appeared. At the "Song of the Year" competition, he repeatedly received awards for his best hits, such as "Don't cry, Alice", "Someone else's wedding", "Brother" and others. In those dashing 90s, the former leader of Stalker made friends with Igor Talkov, who was soon shot dead at one of the concerts. In memory of a friend, he wrote the lyric song "Summer Rain", which resonated with the fans of the deceased musician, and also starred in a documentary about the talented singer "I'll be back." Derzhavin always took care of his friend's widow and son, helping them as much as possible.

While working on the solo albums "Best Songs" and "On Itself", at the same time he collaborated with other artists. So, with Alexander Kutikov, the disc "Dancing on the Roof" was recorded, where the musician acted as a keyboardist and arranger. Working with Evgeny Margulis for several years, the albums "7 + 1", "To be continued" and "Letters" were recorded. Andrey also tried himself as a TV presenter, agreeing to spend several seasons of the Wider Circle program, however, the artist’s further career on television did not work out.

In 2000, Andrey Makarevich called him and offered to join his musical group Time Machine. The singer, without hesitation, agreed, temporarily abandoning his solo career. Acting in the group as a keyboard player, he also composed music that can be heard in such films as "Dancer", "Gypsies", "Loser", "Marry a Millionaire". He also took part in the creation of 19, 20 episodes of the updated animated series "Well, you wait!", where the composer's melody sounds. In the course of this work, Derzhavin met and became friends with directors Alexei Kotenochkin and Alexander Kurlyandsky. He really liked working for children, thanks to which the composer composed music for cartoons for several years. In his creative biography, there are also shootings in the series "Big Bosses, Be Together" and "The Man in My Head", where the artist demonstrated his acting skills. For "Time Machine" Andrey wrote the song "These Rivers Don't Flow Anywhere", which the band members perform with pleasure. Speaking in a group, the singer did not forget his favorite hits from the Stalker era, which he sang at various retro festivals.

Strong family and interests outside of work

Derzhavin was always surrounded by many beauties, however, he made his choice while still a student. With his future wife Elena, he studied at the same university, and the very acquaintance of young people took place at a rehearsal, when students were preparing to celebrate Faculty Day. Soon the lovers got married, and in 1986 the son Vladislav was born. 9 years after this event, their family was replenished with a daughter, Anna. The son followed in the footsteps of the star father, taking up musical activities.

In the photo Andrei Derzhavin with his wife Elena.

Andrei is happy in his personal life, considering his wife a wonderful and wise person. Thanks to her, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love flourishes in the family, which the musician himself greatly appreciates. In summer, the singer with his wife and children often relax at sea, and in winter they go skiing with their friends.

Singer with son Vlad. Photo Instagram andrey_derzhavin.

He does not forget about his physical form, devoting time to sports training, as well as visiting the pool. Derzhavin loves gatherings with friends and cannot be alone for long. Now the artist rarely comes to his hometown, since almost all of his friends have left those places.

  1. In the early 1990s, he worked for some time as a music editor for the Komsomolskaya Zhizn magazine, which later became known as Pulse.
  2. In order to buy a synthesizer from visiting musicians, Derzhavin not only had to pay a large sum of money, but also gave away his warm Alaska jacket. The young man himself then went into the cold under -40 in one sweater, but with the coveted "MOOG" synthesizer for the group.
  3. Few people know that the song "Natasha" appeared after Andrei and his friend Sergei Kostrov were relaxing at sea with their wives. One evening, Sergei suggested to his wife Natasha: "Let's drink, Natasha, dry wine ...". And so the first line from the chorus was born, after which the musicians came up with and recorded the whole song. Many famous Natashas were filmed in the video for this composition: Krachkovskaya, Egorova, Gvozdikova, Selezneva and others.
  4. At the Industrial Institute of the city of Ukhta, Roman Abramovich also studied with the singer, with whom he has remained on good friendly terms to this day.
  5. After Andrey became the keyboard player of the Time Machine group, he changed his role, having lost his thick hair. According to the artist himself, it was a completely impulsive decision. Having shaved his head, he experienced great benefits from this and elementary conveniences.

Andrei Derzhavin once broke the hearts of many girls. His beautiful and fashionable appearance, the soft timbre of his voice and love songs did not leave indifferent either youth or women of age. .

Andrey Derzhavin 30 years ago

For the first time, fans of the Soviet stage heard the name of a musician, songwriter and performer of real hits in 1985. It was during this period that the Stalker group, popular in those days, was formed. Andrei Derzhavin played in it the role of the author of music, vocalist, played keyboards and arranged. It was during the time of Stalker that Derzhavin performed one of his most popular hits - the song "Don't Cry, Alice."

In the 1990s, Derzhavin decided to leave for "free bread" and took up a solo career. For success, he had all the ingredients - his name was already known, and the songs written by him were very popular with the public. It is Andrei who is the author of the compositions beloved by everyone - "Cranes" and "Someone else's wedding".

In the late 1990s, Derzhavin suddenly disappeared from the field of view of his fans. Many wondered if something had happened to him, but it turned out that they worried in vain. From 2000 to 2017, Andrey was part of the popular rock band Time Machine, where he played keyboards.

Andrey Derzhavin at present

About a year ago, the musician decided to resume his solo career and revive the Stalker group. Of course, the artist failed to return to his former popularity, but a narrow circle of admirers listens with pleasure to his idol.

What does Andrei Derzhavin look like now?

Now the musician is 54 years old. He is happily married to his wife, enjoys the success of his children and is raising his grandchildren. The musician's appearance has changed quite significantly since his stardom!

The editors of JoInfoMedia offer a look at the new photos of the musician, which he often publishes on his Instagram.

Earlier we talked about how the singer looks now. Fans simply did not recognize the chanson star in her new photos!

Who is Andrey Derzhavin- a famous pop artist and an exemplary family man.

First Name Last Name: Andrey Derzhavin
Year, month, birthday: September 20, 1963
Where he was born: Russia, Ukhta

The nineties have passed, but the songs performed by Derzhavin are remembered to this day. The idol of youth broke many girls' hearts. Fans carefully studied his personal life, looking for flaws. How does he live now and what kind of person is he?

Singer biography

54 years ago, in a provincial town, almost at the end of September, Andrei Derzhavin was born. The zodiac sign of Virgo - endowed him with patience, diligence and amazing talent. The future artist was born in a simple family. Later, dad and mom gave him a sister, Natasha, who became a friend for many years.

From an early age, Andrei was interested in music. He excelled at the piano and taught himself to play the guitar. Gradually, unexpectedly for himself, he began to write music. After graduating from school, he became a student of the only institute in the city, Industrial.

First steps to the musical Olympus

Student years were not wasted. Andrei and his friend created the Stalker group. At the time of searching, trial and error, the singer acted as a vocalist and immediately charmed all the girls.

The guys performed so successfully that they became famous throughout the USSR. They began to be invited to various venues, and later to Moscow. Acquaintance with the composer Alexander Kutikov opened the way for them into show business. He was considered the master of the stage and wrote songs for the Time Machine.

The debut song "First-Hand News" immediately hits the top and the guys are invited to television broadcasts. Video clips for the songs “I Believe” and “Three Weeks” are coming out very soon.

On the way to becoming a personality, Andrey decides to leave the team.

Solo career

In 1990, Andrey Derzhavin presents the song "Don't Cry, Alice" to the audience and instantly wins the hearts of young girls. This song sounds in every cafe, shop and disco.

Unexpectedly for Andrey, in 1994, he was offered a job at Komsomolskaya Pravda, becoming a music editor and host of the popular Wider Circle program. It would seem that there is no time for songs. But Derzhavin continues his solo career and is a resounding success.

In 1994, Andrei Derzhavin received the title of count for his contribution to musical culture.

Talkov and Derzhavin

Such different personalities, but they maintained friendly relations until the death of the legendary Talkov. After a ridiculous death, Andrei supports Igor's family and helps in any way he can.

Career in the Time Machine

Reading the facts from the biography of Derzhavin, one is amazed at the twists of fate. In 2000, Andrei was invited to work in the Time Machine group. And there he manifests himself in keyboard performance and backing vocals. It was a difficult decision, but the right one.

In the same period, he acted in films and wrote music for films.


Derzhavin hides his personal life and protects his family from publicity. Yet it is known that he became a grandfather and devotes a lot of time to his granddaughter. Andrey's wife became a student friend, they are happy and love each other.

Andrei Derzhavin continues his creative path and shares his successes with fans on Instagram.

In the 1990s performer of hits "Katya-Katerina", "Don't cry, Alice", "Someone else's wedding", "Brother"

Andrey Derzhavin was one of the most popular singers. And in the early 2000s, he suddenly disappeared from the screens and stopped communicating with the press, which gave rise to rumors about the decline of his musical career. However, in fact, the singer continued to do what he loved all this time, although he changed his field of activity.

Star of the 1990s Andrey Derzhavin

The first composition of the group *Stalker*: Vitaly Liechtenstein, Sergey Kostrov, Andrey Derzhavin and Alexander Chuvashev

His parents had nothing to do with music - they worked as geophysicists, but Andrei Derzhavin dreamed of making music from childhood and learned to play the piano and guitar. While studying at the Industrial Institute in Ukhta, where he lived, Derzhavin, together with his friend Sergei Kostrov, created the Stalker group. At first they did not have a soloist, and since 1985 he began to sing songs himself. They were not professional musicians, but by the end of the 1980s. the group was already quite popular, gave several concerts a day and toured throughout the Union. And after their song “Don't Cry, Alice” sounded on the air on New Year's Eve in 1990, Derzhavin had thousands of fans.

Andrey Derzhavin (in the center) and the group *Stalker*

Star of the 1990s Andrey Derzhavin

In 1992, the Stalker group broke up, a year later they performed together on Song of the Year, and after that Andrei Derzhavin took up solo activities. In parallel, he worked on central television in the Wider Circle program. In the mid 1990s. his songs "Someone else's wedding" and "Brother" occupied the first lines of musical charts and sounded in all corners of the country. The singer released 4 albums, and all of them were incredibly successful. Posters and postcards with photographs of the singer were sold in all kiosks and underground passages.

Star of the 1990s Andrey Derzhavin

In 1994, Adrey Derzhavin dedicated the song "Summer Rain" to his deceased friend Igor Talkov. After his tragic death, he took care of his family and still supports his widow and son - the musician was one of his closest friends, and Derzhavin experienced his loss very hard.

Andrey Derzhavin, Juna and Igor Talkov

Singer, musician, composer Andrey Derzhavin

Andrey Derzhavin

At the peak of his popularity, the singer suddenly disappeared from the screens. However, his musical career did not end there. The fact is that in 2000 he was offered a position as a keyboard player in the Time Machine group, and he could not refuse such an offer. Derzhavin had known the musicians since the late 1980s, when he recorded two of his albums in Alexander Kutikov's studio, and considered this a happy turn in his fate.

Star of the 1990s Andrey Derzhavin

Singer, musician, composer Andrey Derzhavin

He stopped performing on stage as a solo artist, but continued to tour with the group both in the country and abroad. Andrey Derzhavin continued to write music, created soundtracks for films and TV shows (“Dancer”, “Loser”, “Gypsies”, “Marry a Millionaire”), recently he even wrote music for the new series “Well, wait a minute!”. In addition, the singer tried his hand as an actor: he starred in the TV series “Vorotyli. To be together” and “The man in my head”.

Singer, musician, composer Andrey Derzhavin

Andrey Derzhavin with a group *Time Machine*

Due to the fact that Andrei Derzhavin disappeared from the screens, many of his fans thought that he suffered the fate of many stars of the 1990s. - the decline of a career and complete oblivion after a resounding success and full stadiums. However, in his case, this was not at all the case - all this time he continued to do what he loved, music. And rumors that his star went out also appeared due to the fact that Andrei Derzhavin avoided publicity for more than 10 years, refused to communicate with journalists and give interviews - too often his words were misrepresented and too much dirt was poured on him at one time . The only gossip that amused him was that he was the son of Mikhail Derzhavin. He sincerely had fun when the famous artist told him about how girls from different cities asked him to say hello to "son Andryusha."

Andrei Derzhavin with his wife

Andrei Derzhavin with his wife

His personal life also developed very happily: all this time the musician was married to Elena Shakhutdinova, whom he met in his student years. On this occasion, the singer jokes: “I have a feeling that I was born married right away.” The couple has two children, and son Vladislav followed in the footsteps of Andrei Derzhavin, taking up music. In 2016, the son gave him two grandchildren - Alice and Gerasim.

Andrey Derzhavin is still a successful musician and singer

In 2013, Andrei Derzhavin again took up solo activities. He left the "Time Machine" and in the wake of interest in the music of the 1980-1990s. decided to revive the Stalker group. From the former composition, it included Sergei Kostrov and Derzhavin himself. They decided not to make remakes and leave the songs with the old sound, because it was in this form that they became all-Union hits.

The first walk of the soloist of "Stalker" with a newborn son almost ended in tragedy

Singer and composer Andrei Derzhavin in the early 90s gained immense popularity with the pop group Stalker he created. His songs "Don't cry, Alice!", "Someone else's wedding", "Katya-Katerina", "Are you my brother or not my brother", "Natasha", "Cranes" became truly popular hits. But at the beginning of the 2000s, he unexpectedly left his solo career and became the keyboardist of the legendary rock band Time Machine. We met with Andrei Vladimirovich and talked about the ups and downs of his creative and personal life.

- Why after school you did not go to study music, but entered a technical university?

I was born and lived in the small northern town of Ukhta. And there was the only higher educational institution - the Ukhta Industrial Institute. Of course, I had dreams of going to Moscow or St. Petersburg, to get a musical education there. From the 4th - 5th grade, I really wanted to do only music, play in a group. Somehow I plucked up courage and went into a closet in the attic, where an ensemble of tenth graders was rehearsing. Seeing how I was fascinated looking at their instruments, which made, as it seemed then, magical sounds, the girls allowed me to play the Yunost-70 electric organ. My performance impressed them so much that they offered to perform with them at the school party. After that, it became clear to me that study is study, and real life passes by. And a month later my friends and I gathered our first group.

And in high school, I already played professionally on dance floors and in restaurants, I got good money for it. But when the parents became aware of this, we had a serious conflict. Work as a musician, especially a restaurant one, was not part of the concept of beauty in our family. My parents worked as geophysicists and had two higher educations. They insisted that I also get a serious specialty. And they did it right! I am still grateful to them for this. Studying at a university disciplines, structures the way of thinking and in many ways shapes the personality.

- What do you remember about your student years?

I studied in the specialty "Heat and gas supply and ventilation" at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Those were wonderful years. What did one construction team cost! Ukhta has a Bulgarian sister city - Lovech. And we, 18 students, were sent as part of a construction team to Bulgaria. Within a month, using formwork, we built a four-story building, which later housed the library. For shock work, they were awarded vouchers to Sunny Beach. Can you imagine what it was like for us?!

Group "Stalker" sample 1987: Sergei Kostrov, Andrei Derzhavin, Sergei Terentiev and Vitaly Liechtenstein. Image: Personal archive

- How did the Stalker group appear?

While studying at the institute, I met Sergei Kostrov. He studied at a different faculty and was one of the coolest DJs in town. A thousand people gathered at his discos in the Central Park of Culture. And I also worked part-time in the ensemble, and we had a common closet where the equipment was stored. Having found out that Sergey writes poetry, and I write music, we decided to try to do something together. The first song was recorded at my house on a two-channel Sony tape recorder, which allowed for overdubs. Then the name "Stalker" appeared. We had to present our project somehow on the record. And this word, familiar to everyone from the film, flew off my tongue Andrei Tarkovsky. In the evening, Sergei played this record in his disco. And the next day there were rumors that a new awesome band appeared in the city.

A week later, the whole Komi Republic already knew about us. And after two - they were summoned to the relevant authorities. The reason was the lack of “Lithuanian” in our song, that is, permission from censorship. No, we did not sing anything bad in terms of ideology. All our songs were about love. Apparently, responsible comrades were afraid of any manifestations of youth creativity that they did not control. It was early 1985. Then across the country there were persecutions of "underground" groups. "Black" lists were made. And most of all we were afraid that we would not be allowed to perform. But the head of the ideology department of the city party committee found a brilliant way out of the situation. So that we would not harm the country, they decided not to ban us, but, on the contrary, to place us in a prominent place. And they offered to give concerts in the youth center built by the Bulgarians, which was the coolest club in Ukhta.

- Were the performances free?

No, they sold tickets. Every evening in our center there was nowhere for an apple to fall. There was a line outside. I think the money was decent. And we were officially registered for work in the department of culture of the city executive committee and received a salary. To be honest, it was much less than what I was earning playing in a restaurant. But we were inspired by the very opportunity to perform in front of the public with our songs.

- Did you have a chance to work in the institute specialty?

Not a single day. We didn't even get our diplomas. There was very little left to finish my studies when Stalker was invited to work in the Komi Republican Philharmonic. It turned our lives upside down. It was necessary to make a choice - to continue to be provincial stars or try to enter the big stage. We preferred the second option. At the Philharmonic, we were assigned a rate of 7 rubles 50 kopecks per concert and sent on tour. They gave me equipment that brought tears to my eyes. With her, perhaps, it was possible to spend only children's matinees.

I had to buy a lot and do it myself. With our program, we traveled across the country several times. Performed in the most remote corners. Such as the village of Gremikha near Murmansk or Khalmer Yu, to which only one train, consisting of one car, went from Vorkuta. There was no hotel there. We spent the night in the private sector. And at night a blizzard passed, and the door to the street was so covered with snow that in the morning we could not go outside. But I'm sure we made the right choice. We were given a chance to go through trials to become stronger. And we took advantage of it.

With wife Elena and their son Vladik. Image: Personal archive

Invaluable experience

- Is it true that you started a family very early?

My wife Lena and I signed in the first year of the institute. At first they lived with my parents. Four years later, a son was born, and we were given a room in a hostel. I remember walking with a baby in a stroller, we reached a furniture store. The stroller, as was customary then, was left at the entrance on the street. But they were so carried away by the choice of furniture for their new home that, having left the store, they forgot about the child and went home. Soon they felt that something was missing. Like scalded rushed back. Thank God, the stroller with a peacefully sleeping son was still standing at the store.

- How did you manage to move from Ukhta to Moscow?

At the end of 1988, fate decreed that we were left without our philharmonic administrator right on tour. The last 15 concerts of the tour took place in Vladivostok and nearby villages. Getting out of there home to Ukhta with four tons of equipment was problematic. And shortly before that, in Sverdlovsk, we got acquainted with the Time Machine group. We lived in the same hotel and met every evening after concerts. Chatting, drinking. AND Sasha Kutikov invited us to Moscow to record new songs at his studio. "Must go!" - we decided. They sold out our equipment in Vladivostok. And in January 1989 they were already in Moscow. The first three months lived luxuriously. We rented suites at Intourist. Then the money ran out. I had to move to rented apartments with cockroaches and other "charms" of temporary housing. But by that time my wife and son had already moved in from Ukhta. And it was much easier to overcome difficulties together.

Andrei with little Christian Tskhadaya. Image: Personal archive

- How in the late 80s did a little boy play the keyboards in the Stalker?

When Stalker was first shown on television, it became clear that soon we would become great, and we would be applauded by New York, London and Paris. There was a question that we need a new administrator. They agreed to be my old friend Boris Tskhadaya, with whom we played in the Ukhta restaurant "Rus". Our sons are almost the same age. Once, at a concert in the Sochi Festival Hall, Boris suggested: “Let my son Christian come on stage with you and perform something!” I didn't object. He sang "O sole mio" from the repertoire Robertino Loretti. He had an amazingly clear high voice. After that, Christian became our "son of the regiment." When he was at our concerts, we took him on stage with us. Naturally, there is no need to perform “On salt myo” every time. Often the concerts were combined, where we sang one or two of our most hit songs. And we decided to use him as a keyboardist.

In 1989, Christian starred with us in "Song of the Year", where, not without the help of the head of "Gems" Yuri Malikov for the first time sounded "Don't cry, Alice!". Then I was flooded with letters: “Who is this boy? Is your son?". Christian's talent manifested itself not only in music. He played football professionally. He was the goalkeeper of the Sochi "Pearl". And in 2003 he successfully participated in the "Star Factory" Maxim Fadeev. I sincerely wish him good luck and new victories!

Is it true that producer Olga Molchanova, who in the early 90s invited you to host the Wider Circle TV program, cursed at the fans who constantly distracted Andrei Derzhavin from filming?

Well what can I say? Yes, Olga Borisovna was right. A couple of times it happened that, signing autographs and being carried away by communication with fans, I was almost late for my exit. But, in spite of everything, I always had the program script with me, and I only thought about it. Coming to the shooting of Wider Circle, I felt a great responsibility. I had to be on stage with the text for four hours. And, without such: “Stop! Let's shoot again!" There was a concert, to which the public came by tickets. For me, this is an invaluable experience, for which I am very grateful to Olga Borisovna.

- How did you, being surrounded by a huge number of women in love, manage to save your family?

This is a huge merit of my wife. The desire to please the opposite sex is a powerful motivation for any creative person. This is the force that makes you write songs, draw pictures, make scientific discoveries. This is how the world works. If I had come across some hysterical woman instead of Lena, it is not known whether we would be talking with you now or not. Maybe she would have killed me with a frying pan out of jealousy. But I am very lucky with my wife. Lena is not only a beauty who gave me wonderful children - a son and a daughter. Most importantly, she is a very wise and patient person. Therefore, we are still together with her.

What the hell

- How did it happen that you became a member of the "Time Machine"?

My decision to try myself as a musician of "Machine" was conscious, although I accepted it almost instantly. The guys called me right from the tour, and without hesitation, I answered: “Why not?”

- What happened to the Stalker group?

The team in its first composition lasted until 1992. One day our keyboardist called me Vitaly Lichtenstein and said: “Listen, I have decided to leave Russia.” What the hell was going on in the country then. This affected the mood of the people. And it was pointless to persuade Vitalik to stay. He moved to the USA, to Miami. So the group ceased to exist. Then I gathered new musicians under the same name and toured with them until the end of the 90s. And not so long ago I decided to revive Stalker again. I was told many times: “When will you start performing solo?” But I felt that internally I was not ready for this.

And a couple of years ago I had an idea - to recreate the original sound of "Stalker" of the 80s - 90s using the current technology. In my studio, the equipment with which the first Stalker went on tour has been preserved in working order. We were one of the first to use sequencers at concerts - the forerunners of modern musical computers. I figured out how to “make friends” with the old technique with the new one. It turned out to be amazingly interesting stuff. And I wanted to go on stage with this project. There were so many offers for concerts that last year I had to part with The Time Machine. Our schedules started to overlap. Letting down friends is not my thing. And the “engineers” and I decided that it was time to look for a replacement for me. Now I am fully focused on working with the new Stalker. He made a full-fledged concert program that combines hits familiar to everyone, forgotten songs from the group's first magnetic albums, and completely new works.

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