Presentation day of the battle of Stalingrad. Battle of Stalingrad class hour (grade 2) on the topic


CHILDREN OF STALINGRAD Battle of Stalingrad (g. - g.)

The purpose of the class hour: - To show the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad (g. - g.) in the outcome of the Great Patriotic War and the role of children in protecting the city. - To instill love for the motherland, respect for the historical memory of the people. - Contribute to the formation of patriotism, the desire to know the history of their country and defend the historical truth of the events of 1941-1945.

The name of the pioneer hero Misha Romanov in 1958 was entered in the Book of Honor of the All-Union Pioneer Organization “On a quiet morning on a cold November day, the partisan detachment of the Kotelnikovites was surrounded by enemies. A boy of about 13 was sitting on the parapet of the trench; this was Misha. He fought with his father. In the detachment he was nicknamed "oak".

BAREFOOT GARRISON. Listen, people, a sad story. We used to have fascists. The inhabitants were robbed, tortured, beaten. Those bloodsuckers lived in our houses. Where there is a silo pit on the collective farm, a bloody drama broke out during the day. A bloody drama, a terrible drama: the silo pit has become a grave. Bandits killed ten boys. In the pit, like cats, the poor things were buried. Ten boys: Ivan, Semyon, Vasenka, Kolya, Emelya, Aksyon. The bandits tied their hands before execution, the bullets of the Nazis pierced the hearts. Their mothers sobbed bitterly. No! Do not forget us Averin drama.

The following were shot: Aksen Timonin (14 years old), Timofei Timonin (12 years old), Vasily Egorov (13 years old), Nikolai Egorov (12 years old), Semyon Manzhin (9 years old), Konstantin Golovlev (13 years old), Nikifor Nazarkin (12 years old) ), Emelyan Safonov (12 years old), Vasily Gorin (13 years old) and Ivan Makhin (11 years old).

Extra-curricular event in elementary school "Stalingrad will become the glory of centuries"

Target: Cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in their country; to expand students' understanding of the Battle of Stalingrad, the heroism of the people.
Teacher: 1942. The second year was the Great Patriotic War. The enemy was strong and dangerous. Our troops had to retreat temporarily, leaving our lands to be torn to pieces by the enemy. The Nazi soldiers wanted to take Moscow. We were already looking at our capital through binoculars... The day of the parade was appointed... Yes, the Soviet soldiers defeated the enemy troops near Moscow in the winter of 1941. And then it became clear that the Nazis would end.
Having suffered a defeat near Moscow, Hitler ordered his generals to break through to the Volga during the summer and capture Stalingrad. Access to the Volga and the capture of Stalingrad could ensure the successful advance of the Nazi troops to the Caucasus, to its oil wealth. In addition, the capture of Stalingrad would have divided the front in two, and most importantly, would have given the Nazis the opportunity to bypass Moscow from the east and take it.

No one could predict the outcome of this confrontation between the forces of good and evil. The attention of the whole Earth was riveted to Stalingrad: there was a great battle - the battle between the "Hitler horde" and the Soviet troops, who were saving not only their home, their loved ones, their children and their country. They saved Love, Childhood, Mankind, Earth.
1 reader.
Clouds have again gathered over Stalingrad.
Again fire, again thunder and smoke.
But do not break us - proud and mighty,
2 dude.
The enemy is advancing in a drunken horde,
But we look at him without fear.
We stood as an impregnable wall.
We will defeat the enemy, we will win!
3 dude.
I will not fall and I will not bend under the burden,
I will go forward through fire and smoke.
Look bolder, my good friend.
We will defeat the enemy, we will win!
(V. Kurbatov. “We will win.”)
Teacher:"We will win!". These words were written in the heart of every defender of Stalingrad_ after all, wars defended Life! And only in fascist Germany they waited for another news - the news that Stalingrad had fallen.
The whole country participated in the Battle of Stalingrad. It was here that the infantryman Pavlov turned the house into an impregnable fortress;

junior sergeant Serdyukov closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his body;

sniper Zaitsev destroyed several hundred Nazis;

sailor Panikaha, engulfed in flames, burned an enemy tank;

the signalman Titaev, dying, squeezed the ends of the cable with his teeth and thereby restored telephone communication;
pilot Abdirov repeated the feat of Gastello.

4 dude. From birth, the earth has not seen
No siege, no battle,
The earth shook
And the fields turned red
Everything was burning over the Volga - the river.
5 dude. In the heat of factories, houses, station,
Dust on a steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland said to him:
Do not hand over the city to the enemy.
Faithful to the oath Russian soldier,
He defended Stalingrad.
The time will come - the smoke will dissipate,
The war thunder will be silent.
Taking off his hat when meeting him,
The people will say about him:
This is an iron Russian soldier,
He defended Stalingrad.
Teacher: The German divisions at Stalingrad met a force they could not overcome. On October 11, 1942, Radio London broadcast: “In 28 days the Germans conquered Poland. In Stalingrad, they took several houses in 28 days. France was conquered in 38 days. In Stalingrad, in 38 days, the Germans advanced from one side of the street to the other. More and more dates for the capture of the city on the Volga were appointed by Hitler. But he stood like a granite rock, and the hour of retribution was already close.
6 dude. Don't forget those terrible years
When the Volga water boiled,
But that iron soldier withstood
But the immortal Stalingrad survived.
Let's bow to those great years.
To all our commanders and fighters,
To all marshals of the country and privates,
Let's worship both the dead and the living.
To all those we can't forget
Let's bow, bow, friends.
By the whole world
All the people, all the earth
Bow down for that great fight.
Teacher: The Chronicle of the Battle of Stalingrad is a book written with blood and sweat, pain and anger about the high courage of Soviet soldiers and their stamina, which shocked, amazed the whole world, about love for the Motherland, which cannot be given to a stranger for desecration. Every street, every house, the ruins of houses became fortresses in Stalingrad, invincible for the enemy.
7 dude. A quarter of a century ago
The battles have died down.
Got sick, tired
your wounds,
But distant courage
keeping fidelity,
You stand and are silent
By the holy fire
You survived, soldier!
At least a hundred times died.
Though friends buried
And at least he stood to death.
Why are you frozen
Hand on the heart

And in the eyes, as in streams,
Reflected fire?
They say that a soldier does not cry:
He is a soldier.
And that old wounds
They hurt badly.
But yesterday it was sunny!
And the sun in the morning...
Why are you crying, soldier
By the holy fire?...
Teacher: The history of the war did not know such a fierce battle. Fights went on for every street, house, floor, for every workshop and span. And although it was still far from the final defeat, it was on the ruins of Stalingrad, stained with the blood of its defenders, that history pronounced its final verdict on fascism.
The Great Patriotic War continued for more than two more years, but the defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad gave the Soviet people confidence that the enemy would be defeated. Victory will be ours!
And I, Petrushka,
vintage toy,
Had no doubt
At the end of the battle.
Hitler is a bastard
Went to Stalingrad
But on the Volga and Don
The army has gone to the bottom!
Teacher: Yes, there was always a place for a joke at the front, even in the moments of the most difficult battles. And Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was right when he said:
You can live without food for days
You can do more, but sometimes
In a one minute war
Can't live without a joke
Jokes of the most unwise.
(A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin").
Fritz walked, blue from the cold,
And towards that time,
Shaking off the frost from the uniform,
The second Fritz made his way.
The first Fritz sighed dejectedly,
Full of sadness and longing
He said:
It was,
It was by the river...

And the second said, hiccuping:

My entire platoon died completely,
The river is so formidable
There is only one in the whole world!
The shelves are melting there like candles ...

And they both sighed.

The name of this Russian river
Even speaking out loud is scary.
Turning pale, they were silent for a long time,
Finally, under a heavy groan
The first Fritz exclaimed:
And the second exclaimed:
Hitler ditties
Scared like guns
Especially if
They are from "katyushka".
Elsa sang to Fritz
I wanted him to live long.
And the "Katyusha" will start
Fritz won't live a day.

In Stalingrad our guns
The Germans are hit with well-aimed fire.
Stalingrad ditties
We will sing to you today.

Separately, the Nazis ran
Through the beams, through the ditches.
Like hares, they attacked
They fled like lions.

Fees Fritz short-lived,
If they hit him on the neck,
And from mother from the Volga
Fritz flee in panic.

Lots of good news
In our reports we found:
Three Fascist Generals
With a brisk step ... they went into captivity.

Forbidden forever to us
Entrance to uninvited guests.
Let's turn, beat
And send to hell.
Teacher: But not only the joke warmed the fighters in the days of heavy battles. The song kept them warm.
Who said you have to quit
Song in the war
After the fight, the heart asks
Music doubly.
We will get acquainted with the songs of the war years and learn the history of their creation.
War and song, what can be in common? It would seem that the burden and suffering of wartime leave no room for songs. Nevertheless, the song always accompanied the soldier on a campaign and at a halt, and sometimes even in battle.
And the song goes to war
Rumble around rumbles.
About home, about silence
The soldiers loved to sing.
The mortar irons the song,
And the song, know yourself, sings!
A cloud will not hide her
She is alive like a light!
Leading. From the first harsh days of the Great Patriotic War, the song fought together with the Red Army, together with the people. The song was created by the Red Army and political workers, writers and composers, professionals and amateurs.
Leading. But the first song of the war was "Holy War" by Vasily Lebedev_Kumach and composer Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov. On July 24, 1941, the text of the song was published in the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda, and on the 25th the composer wrote the music. And on the sixth day, "Holy War" sounded on the radio.
The song sounds.
Leading. With this song at the stations, relatives and friends escorted the soldiers to a mortal battle with the Nazis. The penetrating words and the majestic melody sounded almost like a military oath.
Leading. In the song "Holy War" one can hear the voice of people's anger and that rightness, before which a cruel enemy is powerless. This song became, as it were, a national anthem that united all forces in the fight against fascism.
War was sacred.
Even the one who
Who, having arrived from another planet,
Earth will read history.
Read about how under the moon
The country lived in retribution.
War is sacred if Zoya
Without flinching, she walked to the gallows.
War is sacred, and Matrosov
With all my heart I lay down on the machine gun.
Oh, how many fair-haired and snub-nosed
In the name of life, death will take.
They went to the damp earth,
In the dawn, in the grass, in the green,
Until death, believing, listening
All your rightness, Moscow!
Leading. The songs were necessary for the soldiers in the war. Therefore, many fighters in the pockets of their tunics, at the very heart, along with a soldier's book and photographs of their relatives, kept notebooks with front-line songs. People knew that war is an abyss - it is death ... But mothers, wives, sisters were waiting for their front-line soldiers. They waited, hoped and wrote letters.
Leading. During the war, a song by Konstantin Listov appeared on the verses of Alexei Surkov “In the dugout”. Surkov did not write the song on purpose. He wrote a letter to his wife in verse in November 1941 in a dugout near the observation post of the Western Front, on the 2nd kilometer of the Minsk highway. Words became his talisman, his comrades in writing and fighting. Written by hand, passed from mouth to mouth. When (already at the beginning of 1942) the composer Konstantin Listov was in Moscow on his way to the front, he wrote a melody to these verses.
The song "Zemlyanka" sounds.
Leading. This song, as it were, was “finished” by nameless front-line poets, as if the girl was answering her beloved.
Wind, blizzard sweeps and sweeps,
The frosty night looks out the window,
And in the cold dugout sings
My saddened happiness.
I hear your sad voice.
I hear the song of your two-row.
Do not be sad, my dear, dear,
Play something more fun.
In snow-white fields of cold,
Smoke curls, swirling over the dugout.
Do not be sad, my dear, dear:
I love you as before.
Leading. The poems are simple, naive, but how much hope and love they contain! Such letters were necessary for the soldier. It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song by Matvey Blanter to the verses of Mikhail Isakovsky became a symbol of loyalty and reliability.
The song "Katyusha" sounds
Leading. This song was written in the late 30s, when no one thought about the war. Spring, blooming gardens, love and fidelity... "Katyusha" personified all the best things in life - everything that the merciless fascist is trying to destroy. Let's not forget that in the days of the war, the fighters called the Guards multi-barreled mortar “Katyusha”, a formidable weapon that the Nazis were terribly afraid of.
Leading. At the fronts, in partisan detachments, behind enemy lines, in factories, in the fields, at machine tools, day and night, people forged victory. Who could. It was a nationwide war and victory.
The song "Victory Day" sounds.
Teacher: The Battle of Stalingrad has long died down. For some it has become a distant memory, for others it is history. But even today, neither an adult nor a child remains indifferent when they hear about those significant events. We will keep the grateful memory of those who defended us, saved us from fascism, brought peace to the peoples. We learn from them resilience and loyalty to the Motherland. The Light of Victory will never go out in our hearts.

Target : acquaintance with an important historical date of the hero city of Volgograd

Tasks: 1. Clarify and expand students' knowledge of the Battle of Stalingrad, its significance during the Great Patriotic War.

2. To develop interest in the history of the Fatherland, the history of their native land; observation, curiosity.

3. Cultivate a sense of patriotism, solidarity, responsibility.

Equipment : multimedia presentation "February 2 - Battle of Stalingrad", poems about the war, recording "Minute of Silence".

During the classes .

1. Organizing moment.

2. Conversation.

Guys, today, February 2, we have an unusual class hour. ( slide 1 ) On this day in 1943, the last volleys of one of the most important battles of the Great Patriotic War, Stalingrad, sounded.(Slide 2)

Homeland, harsh and sweet,

Remembers all the fierce fights

Groves grow over the graves,

Nightingales glorify life in the groves.

Slowly the story is turning

Chronicle becomes heavier syllable.

Everything is getting old

Motherland does not age

Does not let old age on the threshold.

This battle began on July 17, 1942. ( slide 3 ) Heavy bloody battles began under the city. All the men went to the front, and the children, women and old people helped in the rear - they worked in factories, went to the partisans.

Wait for me and I will come back,

Just wait a lot

Wait for sadness

Gray rain.

Wait for the snow to come

Wait when it's hot

Wait when others are not expected

Forgetting yesterday.

The battle for Stalingrad was very difficult. It was a matter of honor to defend the city. Indeed, with the capture of such a large center of industry as Stalingrad was, the Nazis would not only have been able to weaken the country, but also approach the capital of our country, Moscow, and also surround Leningrad. Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Army I.V. Stalin issued an order - "Not a step back." ( slide 4)

From birth, the earth has not seen

No siege, no battle,

The earth shook

And the fields turned red

Everything was aflame over the Volga River.

In the heat of factories, houses, station,

Dust on a steep bank.

Do not hand over the city to the enemy.

Faithful to the oath Russian soldier,

He defended Stalingrad.

The time will come - the smoke will dissipate,

War thunder will be silent,

Taking off his hat when meeting him,

The people will say about him:

This is an iron Russian soldier,

He defended Stalingrad.

Soviet soldiers fought for every street, for every house, every floor, for every pebble of their native land. The Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights. One of the terrible days for the inhabitants of the city is August 23, 1942. ( slide 5 ) Then back in 1942, German military aviation intended to wipe Stalingrad off the face of the Earth. Several thousand bombs were dropped on the houses of the townspeople, destroying most of Stalingrad, killing more than 40 thousand people, thereby turning the city into a vast territory covered with burning ruins. A stunning picture of the legendary military photojournalist Emmanuil Evzerikhin has survived to this day - the Children's fountain, preserved during the bombing, against the backdrop of incinerated Stalingrad. The official name of the photo is: "August 23, 1942. After a massive raid by Nazi aircraft."

What's his name, I forgot to ask.

Ten or twelve years old. troublesome,

Of those that are the leaders of children,

Of those in the front-line towns

They greet us like honored guests.

The car is surrounded in parking lots,

Carrying water in buckets for them is not difficult,

They bring soap with a towel to the tank

And unripe plums pop...

There was a fight outside. The fire of the enemy was terrible,

We broke through to the square ahead.

And he nails - do not look out of the towers -

And the devil will understand where it hits from.

Here, guess what house

He perched - so many holes,

And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:

Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander!

I know where their gun is. I unraveled...

I crawled up, they're over there in the garden...

But where, where? .. - Let me go

On the tank with you. I'll bring it straight.

Well, the fight doesn't wait. - Get in here, buddy! -

And here we are rolling to the place four of us.

There is a boy - mines, bullets whistle,

And only a shirt with a bubble.

We drove up. - Here. - And with a turn

We go to the rear and give full throttle.

And this gun, along with the calculation,

We sank into loose, greasy black earth.

I wiped off the sweat. Suffocated fumes and soot:

There was a big fire going from house to house.

And, I remember, I said: - Thank you, lad! -

And shook his hand like a friend...

It was a difficult fight. Everything now, as if awake,

And I just can't forgive myself

Of the thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,

But what's his name, I forgot to ask him.

At the cost of incredible efforts, our troops were able not only to repel the offensive of the Nazi troops on November 19, 1942 ( slide 6 ), but also to surround the advanced units of the German army, led by Field Marshal Paulus - February 2, 1943. ( slide 7)

Don't forget those terrible years

When the Volga water boiled,

But that iron soldier withstood

But the immortal Stalingrad survived.

In the Battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet Army defeated 5 armies of the enemy, captured 91 thousand people. But even among the Soviet soldiers there were many losses. ( slide 8)

Lines lie flat in a notebook ...

Let hundreds of times

The snow will fall from the slopes

Still the heart will stop

With this figure - 20 million.

Yes, many Soviet soldiers died in the Battle of Stalingrad. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence. (Moment of silence.)

For outstanding services to the Motherland, our city was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. (Display images of awards.) ( slide 9)

In memory of the Battle of Stalingrad, there are many monuments in our city. And what monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad do you know? (Children's answers.)

One of the most famous monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad all over the world is the complex of monuments "Mamaev Kurgan". ( slide 10)

Student Message: Mamaev Kurgan, a hill in the central part of Volgograd (north of the Central Station), dominating the city, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich during the Battle of Stalingrad 1942-43 stubborn battles took place. In 1963-67, a monument-ensemble was created on Mamaev Kurgan to commemorate the victory at Stalingrad (a group of authors led by sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and architect Ya. B. Belopolsky; Lenin Prize, 1970). In the center of the ensemble is a monument to the Motherland (height 52 m). At the foot of the mound there is a monument “To stand to the death”, under it are the ruins of two walls with relief compositions revealing the theme of heroic struggle.

Another memorable place of the Battle of Stalingrad is the Square of Fallen Fighters. ( slide 11)

Student Message: In the summer of 1942, the Square of the Fallen Fighters became the place where militia units and regular units of the Red Army left to defend the city. When the enemy entered the city, the Square of the Fallen Fighters became the scene of fierce fighting. The 13th Guards Division of General Rodimtsev fought here, there was a cemetery of German officers, here, in the basement of a department store, on January 31, 1943, Field Marshal Paulus was captured. More than 100 Soviet soldiers were buried in a mass grave, next to the defenders of the red Tsaritsyn. To commemorate the end of the Battle of Stalingrad on February 4, 1943, a crowded rally of victorious soldiers and residents of the city took place on the Square of the Fallen Fighters. Army commanders V. I. Chuikov, M. S. Shumilov, commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Division A. I. Rodimtsev spoke at the rally. The secretary of the regional party committee A. S. Chuyanov, pointing to the ruins of the city, said: “In the battles with the hated enemy - the Nazi invaders - our city was turned into piles of ruins. Today we swear to our Motherland, the party and the government that we will revive our beloved city.” And the city was reborn.

People did not spare themselves in this war. They fought to the last, performed feats, sacrificing their lives. Such a feat was accomplished by the Red Army soldier Mikhail Panikakha, whose monument is located in the Krasnooktyabrsky district of the city of Volgograd. ( slide 12)

Student message:On October 2, 1942, the Red Army soldier Panikakha went to the lead tank with a grenade and Molotov cocktails. When one of the bottles was broken by a fragment of an enemy shell, and the clothes ignited, Panikaha rushed to the enemy tank and, breaking another bottle on his armor, set it on fire and died himself. The rest of the tanks turned back. The place of the feat of Panikakha was marked for a long time with a memorial sign with a commemorative plate. On May 8, 1975, a modern monument was opened at the place of the feat. He depicts a sailor at the time of the throw to the fascist tank. The authors of the project are the sculptor R. P. Kharitonov and the architect Yu. I. Belousov. The sculpture is made of forged copper and mounted on a reinforced concrete pedestal measuring 8×13 meters and 0.8 meters high. The sculpture itself is 6.3 meters high.

3. Bottom line.

Guys, many years have passed since the Battle of Stalingrad, but we honor the memory of the fallen, bow to the living. ( slide 13)

Let's bow to those great years,

To all our commanders and fighters,

State public educational institution of the Rostov region special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities special (correctional) general education

boarding school of the VIII type of the village of Orlovsky

Educational lesson for students of the extended day group"Battle of Stalingrad"

Completed by: Shkurina Yulia Sergeevna

day care teacher

Topic: "Battle of Stalingrad"


- To expand students' understanding of the Battle of Stalingrad (07/17/1942 - 02/02/1943),

- to form a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one's country on the example of the heroic deeds of people during the war years,

- to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation, towards the monuments of the war.


Awaken in students the desire to know and get closer to highly moral concepts - Motherland, patriotism, feat, heroism;

Event progress

Educator: May day, 1945 … Familiar and unfamiliar people hugged each other, gave each other flowers, sang, danced right on the streets. It seemed that for the first time millions of adults and children raised their eyes to the sun, for the first time enjoyed the colors, sounds, smells of life.

It was a universal holiday of all our people, all mankind. It was a holiday for everyone. Because the victory over fascism marked the victory of life over death, reason over madness, happiness over suffering.

1418 days of struggle for the Victory, the expectation of the Victory, the inextinguishable faith that it will come.

This class hour is dedicated to the memory of our great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers, the memory of soldiers and officers who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.




(music plays)

Educator: Today we will go on a journey to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War, to the unique beauty and grandeur of the city - Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad). There are events forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of our country. One of these is the Battle of Stalingrad. The battle lasted 200 days and nights - from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943. This history has never known.

slide "Station"(music plays)

Educator: Our train (sounds of train wheels) arrives in Volgograd. We get off at the station platform (shows a photo). The building, destroyed by enemy bombing, has been restored. And now - the most beautiful in the city. There is a place in Volgograd that is most closely connected with the events of the Second World War, with the great Battle of Stalingrad.

slide " Historical -memorial complex" (slide show)

Educator: (against the background of music). This is the famous Mamaev Kurgan with the historical and memorial complex "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" (shows a photo). There is an inscription on the wall of the memorial: “The iron wind hit them in the face, and they went forward, and again a feeling of superstitious fear seized the enemy - people went on the attack, were they mortal ...” It was here on February 2, 1943 that the Battle of Stalingrad ended ...

slide "Stand to the death"

Educator: Mamaev Kurgan - height 102, dominating the main part of the city. This height was the main link in the general defense system of the Stalingrad Front. It was Mamaev Kurgan that became a key position in the struggle for the Volga banks. Here, in the last months of 1942, fierce battles took place. The slopes of the mound were plowed with bombs, shells, and mines. The soil was mixed with shards of metal. Mamaev Kurgan is a place of huge human losses.

slide “Hall of Military Glory. Eternal flame"(music plays)

Student 1:


Through the centuries, through the years, -


About those who will never come again


Do not Cry!

Hold back the moans in your throat.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Forever Worthy!

Bread and song, dream and poetry,

Spacious life, every second,

Every breath Be worthy!


Educator: To capture a city on the Volga, the enemy had to overcome only 10 km in battle. But then something happened that no one expected. The fascist army could not overcome these 10 km. The whole world watched this battle with bated breath. The whole world called the Battle of Stalingrad a miracle...


Educator:(music plays) For a month of heavy fighting, the enemy advanced 70-80 km. On his way was Stalingrad - a city located on the main waterway of the country - on the Volga. On August 23, German tanks broke into Stalingrad. On the same day, his bombardment from the air began.

The song “We need one victory” sounds (music and lyrics by B. Okudzhava)


Educator: The entire city was on fire.

“The flames of the fires rose several hundred meters. Fascist planes flew overhead. Not only the earth, but also the sky trembled from the explosions. Clouds of smoke and dust hurt my eyes. Buildings collapsed, walls fell, iron warped ... ”So Colonel General, twice Hero of the USSR Alexander Rodimtsev recalled these days.

On September 12, the Nazis came close to the city. From September 13, fierce battles unfolded at the very walls of Stalingrad. The enemy captured the dominant heights, including Mamaev Kurgan, which gave him the opportunity to view and fire at the area far ahead.


Educator:“We will storm Stalingrad and take it,” Hitler boasted. In vain! "Survive and win" - this commandment has firmly entered the minds of the defenders of the Volga land.


Educator: It is impossible not to be amazed at the courage of people who fought in the monstrous chaos of fire and hot metal, when the earth itself literally reared up. "For the Motherland - not a step back" - with these words the glorious defenders of Stalingrad went into battle. "To die, but not to surrender Stalingrad" - that was the motto of its defenders.


Educator: It was decided to keep the city at any cost. Each house turned into a fortress. There were fights on every floor. Every basement. Every step. Every street.


Student 2 Dedicated to all participants in the war ...

As long as hearts are beating - Remember!

At what cost is happiness won - Remember!

Sending your song in flight - Remember!

About those who will never sing - Remember!

Tell your children about them, so that they also remember,

At all times of the immortal land - Remember!

Leading ships to the twinkling stars - Remember the dead!


Educator: All the buildings on the square were destroyed, and only a small house survived.

slide "Pavlov's House after the end of the war"

Before us is the house of Sergeant Pavlov (shows a photo). During the defense of Stalingrad in September 1942, Pavlov, with a garrison of 24 people, recaptured from the enemy and held for three days a four-story building - the most ordinary residential building. The house was restored in peacetime, and now it bears the name of Sergeant Pavlov.

slide "Modern Pavlov's House"

Educator: Thousands of privates, sergeants, officers, generals participated in the battle on the Volga ... From all the cities, towns, villages and villages of the vast Soviet Union - from Moscow, Nalchik, Tbilisi, Kislovodsk, Murmansk, Leningrad, Kiev and other places. Infantrymen, gunners, pilots, tankers, sailors, signalmen, medical workers... Whole formations, whole armies...


Student 3. Now you can’t hug them, don’t shake their hand.

But an unquenchable fire arose from the earth -

Mournful fire, proud fire, bright fire.

It is the fallen hearts that are given to the end

Its bright flame to the living.


Educator: The whole country came to the aid of the defenders of Stalingrad. New units and formations of all types of troops were formed. Echelons with weapons and ammunition were going to the front in a continuous stream.


Educator: That day came - November 19, 1942 - when the troops of the fronts went on the offensive. It unfolded with invisible force over a vast area. The enemy could not withstand the onslaught of the Soviet troops and began to retreat. Hitler demanded that the Nazi soldiers hold out to the last. The largest German grouping, the 6th Army under the command of Field Marshal Paulus, was surrounded and destroyed.

slide "Soldier's Field" (Memorial)

Educator: The route of glory on the Volgograd land includes a soldier's field. This memorial is located 20 km from Volgograd. In the field there is a monument - a bronze figurine of a girl with a cornflower in her clutched hand, a symbol of saved childhood (shows a photo). At her feet is a soldier's letter - a triangle. It has the text of a letter that was sent to his daughter by the regimental commissar Major Dmitry Petrakov during the war...

Educator: « My black-eyed Mila! I am sending you a cornflower... Imagine - there is a battle going on, enemy shells are bursting all around, funnels are all around, and a flower is growing here... And suddenly another explosion... The cornflower is torn off. I picked it up and put it in my tunic pocket. The flower grew, reached for the sun, but it was torn off by an explosive wave, and if I had not picked it up, they would have trampled it ... Mila! Papa Dima will fight the fascists to the last drop of blood, to the last breath, so that the fascists do not treat you the way they treat this flower ... "


Pupil 4 Wherever you go, wherever you go,

But stop here

Tomb this road

Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you are: a fisherman, a miner,

A scientist or a shepherd, -

Forever remember: here lies

Your very best friend.

And for you and for me

He did everything he could:

I did not spare myself in battle

And saved the Motherland.


Student 5. On February 2, 1943, the Nazis capitulated. Never before had they suffered such a brutal defeat. This was a long-awaited, joyful victory. It was a hard-won victory. Victory... The victory of a great people.

The song “Victory Day” sounds (music by Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov).

slide "Destroyed Stalingrad"

Educator: The word "Stalingrad" has forever entered the vocabulary of all languages ​​of the world. When foreign tourists or delegations visit Russia, among the routes there is one that leads to the city on the lower Volga, at its sharp bend. Pilgrimage here is not just curiosity. This city is a witness and participant of our victories. The city, which for a long time was the center of fierce and bloody battles, here non-stop days and nights explosions of bombs and shells thundered (he tells to the sound of exploding shells), buildings smoked, asphalt of squares and streets melted, fire raged on the river covered with oil gushing from the destroyed storages.

Student 6. Each of the participants in the defense of Stalingrad realized that it was here, on the banks of the Volga, that the outcome of not only the Patriotic War, but also the Second World War was decided.

slide "Modern Volgograd"

slide "Eternal Flame"


Educator: The soldiers of Stalingrad survived. They crowned the Battle of Stalingrad with their great victory. So let's stand up now and honor the memory of all those who died then ... And gave us a bright future now ...

slide "Station"

Educator: On this, our excursion to the memorable places of the Battle of Stalingrad came to an end.

slide Epigraph

Epigraph: Do not forget

bloody sunsets,

When the native land was in ruins,

And how the soldiers fell to the ground


Live, don't forget!

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