Biography of Leonid Panteleev. Stories and fairy tales by Leonid Panteleev


Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev


Koska had not eaten for two days; quilted only one water. Water is free. Drink it at least from morning to night: there is a fountain on every corner - bend down, turn the tap and blow as much as you like. Yes, that's the trouble - there is no real satiety from water. No matter how you drink, your belly still cramps from hunger.

For two days Koska endured, but on the third day he could not stand it. All morning he wandered around Sloboda, knocking at each window, whining:

Aunty... pretty... give me a bite!

But the windows slammed shut, the curtains moved, they answered Koska:

With God, lad, with God.

By noon, Koska's belly had cramped so much that you could even cry. Even worse. At least drown.

Koska went to the guys he knew. He had such acquaintances guys Kordonovo punks. These guys were thieves, they drove Koska away.

We, - they say, - do not serve arrows. You don't want to steal with us, well, go to hell for Christ's sake.

Koska sighed, said nothing, was not offended, and went back to the fountain to drink water. On the way he walks, collects cigarette butts: if you smoke, then you don’t want to eat like that. And suddenly he hears - the locomotive is buzzing. Koska remembered - he had not been at the station for a long time. How did he forget? After all, at the station you can shoot a penny, and help someone to demolish things.

Gathered the last strength - ran to the station. And the trains are waiting there. The stationmaster came out: he was standing by the lantern, he put out his leg, his white trousers were showing off his style. Passengers walk along the platform, the aunts fan themselves with white handkerchiefs from the heat.

Koska rather folded his hand like a boat, darted into the crowd, and bellowed:

Good citizens, feed the orphan...

People walk by, they pass by, they don't even want to look at Koska. And the other, if he is dressed cleaner, will take a look, and go around, grimacing in that way. Wouldn't get dirty.

Here Koska was lucky. He sees a girl coming. Kind face, laughing as if. And in her hands is a whole armful of bird cherry.

Kot to her:

Dear lady, be so kind. Give the orphan a piece.

She immediately stopped and started rummaging through her purse. He sees Koska pulling out a dime. And he stretched out his hand, and a dime bale-clunk - and onto the platform. He jumped once or twice, rolled - and into the gap.

Well, get it, - the girl laughs. - Your happiness.

As soon as Koska jumped off the platform, he just wanted to poke his head under the floor, he hears - a roar, a ringing, a locomotive is buzzing: the train is coming. No, we must hurry back - a dime won't run away, but here you miss more important things.

He jumped out, and what the hell is being done on the platform. Noise, ringing, smoke.

Koska quickly to the wagons. Now you can't ask for mercy. In such turmoil, the kindest person will not reach into his pocket for a wallet.

A pigtail on another bench. He can do this too. He grabs for things - for bags, chests, baskets - grabs.

Let me carry it, uncle.

And the uncles wave away:

We'll bring it ourselves. Go look for the bourgeoisie.

And the bourgeoisie is looking for porters with badges. Yes, and do not lift Koska their bourgeois suitcases.

Koska was offended. Got upset. And then nothing happened.

"Oh," he thinks, "I'd better run and look for a dime."

Got under the floor again. But where can you find it here, dime. He does not even remember the place where this dime fell.

Koska crawled, crawled, tore all his knees. I only found that there were several cigarette butts and an apple core not very small. He ate the stub, stuffed the cigarette butts behind his ears, wanted to get out. And suddenly he sees - a strap.

Hanging, dangling, hanging from the platform is a narrow rawhide strap. And the buckle on it shines with iron.

Even Koska did not think what kind of strap it was and where it came from. He grabbed, pulled, - and suddenly a wicker basket flew under his feet from the platform.

Koska cringed. He stopped breathing from fear. He thinks: now the owner of the basket will jump off the platform, he, Koska, will have a bath with a broom. But no, a minute has passed, another minute - no one climbs for a basket. Above Koska's head people walk, make noise, talk, but Koska sits like a mouse and is afraid to move.

Finally he grew bolder - he felt the braid, touched it: heavy. The basket was tied with a rawhide strap so that there was something to carry. A padlock hangs on splintered eyelets. Small. His five-year-old kid will squirm.

Koska took the braid in his hands, sniffed it: it doesn’t smell anything special. He slipped his finger under the lid, something soft, a shirt, probably.

And now Koska's head began to spin. Nauseated him. My stomach growled. Maybe he didn't eat a very fresh apple. He had no idea what he was doing.

The lock crunched a little, the strap fell off, the torch loops bounced off.

So it is: the shirt is at the top. White, striped. under the shirt of a book. Piece ten. Under the books, yellow boots, worn, a razor in a box, a remnant in a piece of paper. And at the very bottom there is some kind of picture, a portrait.

Koska didn't look at it, he stuffed it in all sorts of places: a shirt in his bosom, books and a portrait too, a razor and soap in his pocket, boots on his feet. He did not regret the braid, left it - you will make a sin with it.

Although Koska had not stolen before, he still had enough cunning: he did not get out here, but crawled to the very end of the platform. There he leaned out, looked around, jumped up and walked off without looking back.

He walks, and his heart beats like a fish. And he is ashamed and happy. Now he'll be full. Now we just need to drive the stolen goods.

And when I thought that it was stolen, again my ears are burning.

He thinks: “No, I didn’t steal it. After all, the basket itself fell, I just pulled the strap.”

"But why," he thinks, "are you running away? Why did you leave the wickerwork if it wasn't stolen?"

He thinks for himself, but he adds everything to the step. He knows where he needs to go now - to Cordon. One little man lives there, one-eyed Yashka Cain, he sells stolen goods.

Cain sat drunk in the garden, playing cards with little children. He thought Koska had come to shoot. Chased him away.

Go, he says, to hell! I'm tired of you, rukosui ... You need to work, and not be christian.

Koska was not offended, he did not leave. He stood, raised his leg, the yellow boot showed:

Buy - sell.

Cain looked, felt. Apparently they liked it.

How many? - asks. And he shuffles greasy cards.

Come on, worm, and not a penny less.

Cain laughed.

Look what a lucky one! Do you want it in a factory way for the left product? Why don't you take timak?

PANTELEEV, LEONID(real name and surname Yeremeev Alexei Ivanovich) (1908–1988), Russian writer. Born on August 9 (22), 1908 in St. Petersburg. Father, a Cossack officer, participating in the Russian-Japanese war, distinguished himself, received the Order of St. Vladimir and hereditary nobility; mother from a Petersburg merchant family. In 1916 he entered the 2nd Petrograd Real School (he did not graduate, like many other educational institutions - from preparatory school to film actor courses). In 1918, the father went missing, the mother took the children away from starvation to the Yaroslavl province. In 1921, the boy returned to Petrograd - to petty trade, adventures with roulette and poverty, later described by him in an autobiographical story. Lenka Panteleev(1939; new version, 1952). In the same year, the commission on juvenile affairs was sent to the school. F.M.Dostoevsky (Shkid), where he received the nickname "Lenka Panteleev", named after the famous St. Petersburg "urki", and met his future co-author and friend Grigory Georgievich Belykh (1906-1938). After a two-year stay in Shkid, the friends made an unsuccessful trip to Kharkov, not having achieved the desired success in a new business - cinema; then they wandered, from the winter of 1924 they were gradually published in the magazines Begemot, Smena and Kinonedelya.

Panteleev tried to compose from the age of 8–9 (poems, a play, adventure stories, a treatise on love). Since 1925, he lived for several years in the Belykh family, where there were “Shkidites” and just friends - S.Ya. Marshak, E.L. Schwartz, V.V. Lebedev, N.M. Hedgehog”), and there a documentary (in the spirit of “literature of fact”) story was created. Republic of Shkid(1927), which brought a stunning success, wide literary acquaintances and enthusiastic support of A.M. Gorky. Without building a complex storyline, the authors truthfully described all the most striking and remarkable events of their school adolescence, where there was a lot of funny, ridiculous, dramatic, and sometimes tragic. For the first time in Russian literature, not only the topical topic of homelessness was discovered (which would then be continued Offenders L.N. Seifullina, Tashkent - the city of bread A.Neverova, On county ruins A.P. Gaidar), but also in a broader sense, the theme of "abnormal" childhood, with all the ensuing problems of learning and social adaptation of children who have passed the street school of theft, fraud and outsiderdom.

The story about the clash and mutual education (mutual correction) of the homeless elements (“buza”) and the “Chaldeans” (teachers and educators) also caused reproaches for insufficient respect for teachers and the entire camp of social “order”: N.K. Krupskaya’s review was negative, and after release in 1933–1936 Pedagogical poem– and A.S. Makarenko, who saw in the book “a picture of pedagogical failure”, including the activities of the director of the school, an outstanding teacher V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky, “Vikniksor” as such. However, a dynamic, convincing and humorous narrative about the school. F.M. Dostoevsky, for all the ugliness of many of the depicted facts of a “unfavorable” childhood, bribed with sincere optimism, fueled not by examples of the rapid transformation of “bad” children into “good”, but by the constantly felt joyful and energetic desire of the children to live “different”, meaningful and useful life. For 10 years, the story was reprinted annually, until Belykh was repressed in 1936. The publication of the book in 1960 caused a new wave of interest in it; in 1966, a film of the same name was created on its basis (dir. G.I. Poloka).

Panteleev returned to the topic of homelessness in his stories Karpushkin focus, Portrait and stories Watch(all 1928), where he created a colorful figure of a little "gentleman of fortune" - Petka Jack. Joint with Belykh Sat. stories american porridge(1932) and book. essays The last Chaldeans(1939) generally complete the theme of the "Republic of Shkid". Belykh, who is well acquainted with the pre-revolutionary life of the St. Petersburg workers, publishes stories House merry beggars(1930) and canvas aprons(1932), and Panteleev turns to the second significant theme of his work - stories about a feat ( Plastic bag, 1933, which became one of the best Soviet works about the Civil War; Night, 1939; Dolores, 1942, publ. in 1948; Guard Private, On a skiff, both 1943; Chief Engineer, 1944; Handkerchief, Indian Chubaty, both 1952, and others, many of which are inspired by the events of the Great Patriotic War), which, like the previous works, are addressed not only to an adult, but also to a children's audience. Emotional and simple, picturesque and artless language of Panteleev, an entertaining, uncomplicated and vigorously developing plot, the writer’s ability to penetrate deeply into child and adolescent psychology, conveying with understanding the intensity of the child’s experiences in the vicissitudes of his “small” child, which are insignificant for the “big”, but serious for him of life, the subtle and fearless ability to mix the “heroic” with the “naive”, shrewdly guessing what is common in an ingenuous and open view of the world, good humor that plastically resolves paradoxical situations - all this contributed to the long-term success of many of Panteleev’s works, which have become classics of Russian children's literature ( among the best - story Honestly, 1941, which became a textbook; new girl, 1943; cycle Squirrel and Tamarochka, 1940–1947, Letter« You", 1945).

A peculiar chronicle of the process of jointly with the child knowing himself and the world - in a book for parents Our Masha(1966), based on a diary that the writer kept for many years, watching his daughter. Author of books of blockade records In a besieged city(1964) and living monuments(1965), memoirs about Gorky, K.I. Chukovsky, Marshak, Schwartz and others. In the book. Tale« Lyonka Panteleev» and my true biography(published in 1994) the writer clarified the role of the autobiographical element in the named literary work. Some of Panteleev's novels and stories have been filmed (except for those named - Watch, Honestly, Big Wash, Plastic bag).

"I'll plant you, the whole alley with flowers,
And I don’t have to ... a rose in a white glass ... "

Favorite thieves song Lenka Panteleev

E His real name was Pantelkin. It was the coolest St. Petersburg gangster of the mid-20s.
In the long history of the underworld of St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad - St. Petersburg there is no more famous character than Lenka Panteleev. We can safely say that the bandit Lenka has become a kind of St. Petersburg legend. He was so elusive and lucky that he was even credited with a mystic.

Lenka was born in 1902 in the city of Tikhvin, now the Leningrad Region. He graduated from elementary school and vocational courses, where he received the profession of a printer - typesetter, prestigious at that time, then worked in the printing house of the Kopeika newspaper.

In 1919, Panteleev, who had not yet reached military age, voluntarily joined the Red Army and was sent to the Narva Front. It is well known that he took a direct part in the battles with the army of Yudenich and the White Estonians, rose to the rank of commander of a machine-gun platoon.

What Panteleev did after demobilization was not exactly known. And just recently, a sensation struck! He served in the organs of the Cheka! A personal file No. 119135 on Pantelkin Leonid Ivanovich was found in the archives of the FSB.
It is clear from what considerations these facts were classified. A Chekist who has become a bandit is ideal ground for various speculations. Moreover, the reason for the dismissal of Panteleev from the bodies of the Cheka is still unclear.

Leonid Panteleev - active member of the Cheka (standing fourth from the right).

Nevertheless, at the beginning of 1922, Panteleev ended up in Petrograd, put together a small gang and began to rob. The composition of the gang was motley. It included Panteleev's colleague in the Pskov Cheka Varshulevich, Gavrikov, who during the civil war was a battalion commissar and a member of the RCP (b), as well as professional criminals such as Alexander Reintop (nickname Sashka-pan) and Mikhail Lisenkov (nickname Mishka-Koryaviy).

In the 1920s, there was not a person in Petrograd who would not have heard of Lenka Panteleev, nicknamed Fartovy. All of Petrograd was talking about the Panteleev gang. When making raids, Lenka first shot into the air, and then he always called his name. It was a psychological move - the bandits created authority for themselves, and at the same time suppressed the will of their victims, their ability to resist. Moreover, the raiders took only rich Nepmen to the "gop-stop", without touching the ordinary inhabitants. Moreover, Panteleev personally allocated small amounts of money to some pretty ragamuffins and homeless children.

The Chekists did not yet shine with professionalism, so Lenka became more and more impudent with each successful business ..

At first, Panteleev maintained a kind of romantic halo around his person, even managed without murders, dressed well and was emphatically polite with the ladies. They talked about him as a "noble robber" who robbed only the rich, but then Fartovy went berserk, and his gang began not only to rob, but also to kill.

The gang acted with humor, audacity and ingenuity. In one of the robberies, Panteleev bought a leather jacket and a cap at a flea market and impersonated a GPU officer. On forged warrants, the gang searched and requisitioned valuables from NEPmen Anikeev and Ishchens.
The next time, during the robbery of Dr. Levin's apartment, the raiders were dressed in the uniform of Baltic sailors.

After each raid, Lenka Panteleev used to leave his business card in the hallway of the robbed apartment, elegantly printed on chalk cardboard, with a laconic inscription: "Leonid Panteleev is a free artist-robber." On the back of a business card, he often gave various parting words to the Chekists, for example, on one he wrote: "
To the employees of the criminal investigation department with friendly greetings. Leonid ".

After especially successful raids, Lenka liked to transfer small amounts of money by mail to the university, the Institute of Technology and other universities. " Attaching one hundred chervonets, I ask you to distribute them among the most needy students. With respect to the sciences, Leonid Panteleev".
According to one of the legends he had several doppelgangers. When the GPU arrested one of them, he raided the department and, having killed everyone, released the double.

During one of the raids on the Kojtrest store, he was ambushed and arrested. He was stunned and therefore taken alive.

Nevsky Prospekt, house 20. It was here in September 1922 that the Kozhtrest store was located, in which the police detained Panteleev. Lower corner room on the first floor on the right. (now the House of Military Books).

Under heavy guard, the raiders were taken to the 1st correctional building - now the Kresta pre-trial detention center.
The GPU was afraid of an attack even on the Crosses! The guards were reinforced, sentries on the towers were armed with Colt or Lewis light machine guns.

Once in the dock, Panteleev behaved confidently and even arrogantly. He recited the poems of Sergei Yesenin by heart and even managed to start a "platonic" romance with his lawyer's fiancee, who regularly attended the process. In general, he made the most favorable impression on the audience.

Lenka answered the prosecutor's questions impudently and, in the end, declared: "Citizens of the judge, why all this farce? Anyway, I'll run away soon."

And indeed, on the night of November 10-11, Leonid Panteleev, with three accomplices, escaped from the strictly guarded Kresty prison. An employee of the Cheka authorities helped to escape. He pointed out to the arrested a weak spot on the outer wall, which was not far from the bathhouse adjoining Komsomol Street. There, firewood was piled up against the wall. Winter was approaching, and the prison was still heated in the old fashioned way - with stoves. It was easy to climb the wall along the stack.

According to some reports, Panteleev planned to raise an armed uprising in Kresty on November 7th. He intended to open the fireproof cabinet of the office of the Ispravdom, seize several rifles, a light machine gun, kill the guards and arrange a mass escape. But the criminals refused to get involved "in politics." Then the disappointed Panteleev played back and decided to run away only with his gang.

The werewolf released Lyonka and accomplices from the cells, and then de-energized the body. The prisoners strangled the guard, Lenka changed into the uniform overcoat of the murdered guard, put on his cap, put the revolver in the holster, and began to pretend to be a guard. The whole group managed to calmly get out of the building, cross the narrow prison yard at a run, and climb onto the pile of firewood and descend into the wild along the prepared ropes was already a matter of technique.

A car was waiting for the fugitives in the nearest lane. The guards on the tower did not notice anything, it was raining heavily with snow, and the searchlight (randomly) shone in the other direction.
Mikhail Lisenkov and Alexander Reintop (right) are gang members who escaped from prison together with Panteleev.

In the entire, more than a hundred-year history of the prison, only Panteleev's gang managed to make a successful group escape from the "Crosses". After the escape, the head of the prison and his deputy were removed from office, and in 1937 they were shot for their negligence.

The well-known television series "Born by the Revolution" states that Panteleev was shot dead in the hall of the Donon restaurant. But this is the creative fiction of the director and screenwriter. In fact, events unfolded differently and Lenka's criminal path is much longer.

Panteleev really celebrated his escape from the Crosses in the Donon restaurant on the Fontanka embankment.

There he quarreled with the Nepmen. The Metro-Hotel imperceptibly called the GPU. In the skirmish that ensued with the Chekists, several members of the gang were killed, but Lenka, wounded in the arm, was still able to leave. And this is despite the fact that they followed the trail with dogs and mounted police were involved.

After the injury, Lenka became more careful. He was afraid of betrayal and put together a new gang, even stronger than the old one. He had more than thirty new safe havens in different parts of the city. And the police lost track. And the gang committed new daring crimes. In the last month of his freedom alone, the gang committed 10 murders, 15 raids, 20 street robberies. But these are approximate figures, no one knows the exact statistics.

The raid on the apartment of engineer Romanchenko also turned out to be bloody. Bursting into the hallway, the bandits finished off the owner and his wife with knives, shot at point-blank range the dog that had rushed at them, and carried out everything of value.

Once Panteleev felt he was being followed. The young sailor followed him for two blocks without turning. Lyonka turned the corner, took out a Mauser, and when the "tail" appeared, he shot him. But he was mistaken - the sailor did not serve in the criminal investigation department, but simply went home on dismissal.

Panteleev was elusive, there were great suspicions that he had his own people in the Cheka, who helped him escape from ambushes. But the constant tension turned Panteleev into a neurotic who shot without warning at anyone who aroused the slightest suspicion in him, even his closest accomplices began to be afraid of him.

At the same time, Lenka continued to terrorize the Nepmen. He decided to "grab" the night! He wanted even the police to be afraid to take to the streets at night and unleashed terror against the Chekists, forcing other city gangs to pick up this idea. The bandits of Lenka's gang attacked policemen from ambushes and several times engaged in a firefight even with large patrols of mounted police. The inhabitants could not help but hear gunshots at night and the city was on the verge of panic.
On the streets of Petrograd appeared mocking inscriptions: "Until 10 pm the fur coat is yours, and after 10 pm it is ours!", the author of which was considered Pateleev.

The police stood by. The buffs didn't help. On one of the nights, twenty ambushes were set up in the places of his possible appearance, but in vain! From above mercilessly pressed! They demanded to liquidate the gang immediately and by any means!

In the photo, documents are being checked by employees of the Cheka.

Finally, fortune smiled on the Chekists. Through undercover channels, they received information that a "skhodnyak" would take place at Ligovka, at which Panteleev was supposed to be present. The operation to capture him was carefully planned. At the last moment, one of the Chekists found out that Panteleev's friend had a mistress living on Mozhayskaya Street, just in case they sent an ambush to her. But since Panteleev was expected at Ligovka, then Mozhayskaya was sent the youngest employee, still a boy, Ivan Brusko with two Red Army soldiers.

Lucky Panteleev ignored the "skhodnyak" and appeared on Mozhayskaya, but then luck suddenly betrayed him.

Mozhayskaya street, house 38. It was here, on the second floor, that the apartment was located, in which (on the night of March 12-13, 1923) an ambush was organized for Lenka Panteleev.

Panteleev did not expect an ambush, nor did the policemen expect him to appear. The more experienced Lenka Panteleev was the first to come to his senses. He took a step forward and in a stern but calm voice said:

What's the matter, comrades, whom are you waiting for here?

The Chekists could not clearly see the faces of those who entered. And they were supposed to be killed, but fate again presented a surprise - Fortune turned away from Lenka. Pulling a pistol out of his pocket, Panteleev accidentally hooked the trigger on his pocket ... an involuntary shot rang out. And then the operatives came to their senses and opened fire. They were shooting almost point-blank. Panteleev, shot through the head, collapsed dead on the floor. Lisenkov, wounded in the neck, tried to escape, but was detained.

Already in the morning in the Petrograd newspapers they wrote: “On the night of February 12-13, a strike group for combating banditry at the provincial department of the GPU, with the participation of the criminal investigation department, after a long search, caught a well-known bandit, who has recently become famous for his brutal murders and raids, Leonid Pantelkin, nicknamed "Lenka Panteleev". During the arrest, Lenka showed desperate armed resistance, during which he was KILLED."

In a strange way, in the headline of the newspaper it was written not about the liquidation, but about the detention of Panteleev. The fact that he was killed was only mentioned in the text.

The city did not believe that Lenka Panteleev was killed. Perhaps the policemen themselves did not believe much, especially since robberies and murders continued under his name. And then the authorities had to take an unprecedented step - to put his corpse on public display. The corpse (like Lenin) was demonstrated in the morgue of the Obukhov hospital.

Thousands of Petrograd residents came to see the legendary raider. But those who knew him personally were sure that this was not his corpse.

Arrested 17 people from the Panteleev gang were hastily shot on March 6, 1923, virtually without trial or investigation. The case of Lenka Panteleev's gang was closed. But the rush made people whisper that the authorities were trying to close the “case” as soon as possible and were carefully hiding something.

The corpse put on display indirectly testified to his death. Like, if Lenka were alive, he would even beat off his corpse. But many still did not believe in his death. There were rumors that Lenka went to Estonia (where he was going), and his double was shot, but it is already impossible to verify this.

The stolen treasures of Lenka Panteleev (the common fund of his gang) have not yet been found. They say that Lyonka also showed up at the entrance to the Rotunda on Gorokhovaya.

In the entrance to the Rotunda, he had one of the apartments on the 1st floor, where he hid from the Cheka. They say Lenka used the basement of the building as a portal and could miraculously move to another place in Petrograd. Allegedly, there were even numerous witnesses to such transfers. So he escaped surveillance and the Cheka. In Soviet times, Gorokhovaya was searched for his jewelry and gold coins (he did not recognize paper money). It was assumed that he hid his treasures in this very place (now the entrance to the basement from the entrance is walled up). Of course, they were carefully searched for, but alas ... Lenka Panteleev hid everything securely, and a very serious amount was stolen, even by today's standards. Vrochem, perhaps Lenka himself took the money and jewelry ... and far from THIS world.

It was after the destruction of Lenka Panteleyev that Petrograd was renamed Leningrad))) an era has passed ... albeit a coincidence, but significant.

In a strange way, the fate of the young security officer Ivan Busko, who shot Lenka in an ambush on Mozhayskaya street (on the left in the photo).

Instead of receiving a well-deserved reward and promotion, Busko was demoted to Sakhalin Island (!) and appointed assistant head of the border outpost. He stayed there until June 1941. During the Great Patriotic War, Busko served in SMERSH, retired from the authorities with the modest rank of lieutenant colonel, and returned to Leningrad only in 1956. He lived very modestly, categorically refusing to communicate with journalists and any public speaking. Busko died in 1994, in complete obscurity.

Approximately the same was done with S. Kondratiev- head of the special task force of the Petrograd GPU, which was hunting for the Panteleev gang. By the way, it was his biography that served as the basis for the script of the film "Born by the Revolution, with only one significant amendment - after the Panteleevsky" case "he was also prosecuted in the service.

S. Kondratiev was transferred from Leningrad to Petrozavodsk (and not at all to Moscow), where he headed the local criminal investigation department for a long time and lived after his retirement.

Subsequently, his the wife claimed that Lenka Panteleev in the spring and summer of 1922 came to their house several times(!), and had some conversations with her husband. Chekist, who led his search!

S. Kondratiev, head of the operational group of the GPU, who led the search for L. Panteleev

Another mystery is the fate of the other four Chekists who were part of the special group: Sushenkov, Shershevsky, Davydov and Dmitriev. They, in fact, caught the legendary raider, their signatures appear under the protocol for examining the body of the murdered L. Panteleev. All of them in the near future, under various pretexts, were dismissed from the "authorities", and their names are not mentioned even in serious historical and scientific literature. Including, in such a solid publication as "Chekists of Petrograd" (ed. 1987).

This fact is also interesting: in the early 1920s, many gangs were operating in Petrograd. But the most popular then, of all those published in the city, "Krasnaya Gazeta" from issue to issue depicted the adventures of only one gang of Panteleev. The party newspaper could do this only on instructions from above - in other words, The city administration of St. Petersburg intensively "promoted" Lenka, for some reason making him a criminal "star".

Peter was then led by Zinoviev, who really wanted to prove to Lenin the fallacy of the NEP and predicted great popular unrest. Perhaps it was beneficial for him to immerse the city in fear of crime and thus cause popular unrest. He almost succeeded.

There were even rumors that Lenka, having completed the special task of the authorities to destroy some of the Nemans, returned to serve in the authorities again. It was said that he was seen several times in the corridors of the Big House, in the form of an employee of the GPU.

And for a long time there was a legend around St. Petersburg that Panteleev’s head was kept in alcohol in the museum at Liteiny, 4. And this turned out to be true, even though it is no longer possible to recognize Lenka in it.

Not so long ago, this "exhibit" was accidentally discovered at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University...

Info and photo (C) different places on the Internet. Some material is published for the first time.

L. Panteleev(real name - Alexey Ivanovich Eremeev) is a Russian Soviet writer.

Leonid Panteleev was born on August 22 (9), 1908. He was a prose writer, publicist, poet, playwright, who miraculously escaped Stalin's repressions, one of the authors of the legendary book "The Republic of Shkid", survived the fall and rise, and was simply a man who lived a long and interesting life.

The real name of Leonid Panteleev is Alexei Ivanovich Eremeev. That was the name of the boy who was born on August 22 (9) in St. Petersburg in the family of a Cossack officer, a participant in the Russian-Japanese war, who received a title of nobility for his exploits.

In 1916, Alyosha was sent to the 2nd Petrograd Real School, which he did not graduate from. I must say, where he subsequently entered, he failed to graduate from any of the educational institutions. In general, he could not linger in one place for a long time, his adventurous nature constantly demanded something different, something more ... He never cheated on only one thing - literary creativity. His first "serious works" - poems, a play, stories and even a treatise on love - belong to the age of 8-9.

After the revolution, his father went missing, and his mother took the children to the Yaroslavl province, away from disaster and poverty. However, the boy could not stand it for a long time and in 1921 he returned to Petrograd again. Here he had to go through a lot: hunger, poverty, adventures with roulette. All these events formed the basis of the story "Lenka Panteleev".

Finally, he ended up in a school for homeless children, where he met his future friend and co-author, G. G. Belykh. (Together they will later write one of the most famous books in the Soviet Union, The Republic of Shkid, about life in this school. And then a series of essays on this topic, under the general title The Last Chaldeans, the stories Karlushkin Focus, Portrait ”, “Clock”, etc.) In Shkida, friends also did not stay long. They went to Kharkov, where they enrolled in courses for film actors, but then left this occupation too - for the sake of the romance of wandering. For some time they were engaged in real vagrancy.

Finally, in 1925, friends returned to St. Petersburg, and L. Panteleev settled with G. Belykh in an annex to the house along Izmailovsky Proezd. Here they write "The Republic of Shkid", communicate with other writers: S. Marshak, E. Schwartz, V. Lebedev, N. Oleinikov. Their humorous stories and feuilletons are published by the magazines Begemot, Smena, Kinonedelya. In 1927, the "Republic of Shkid" was published, which immediately won the hearts of readers. She was noticed and approved by M. Gorky: "A pre-original book, funny, creepy." It was she who contributed to the emergence of authors in great literature.

Encouraged by success, friends continue to create. In 1933, L. Panteleev wrote the story "Package", dedicated to the civil war. Its main character, Petya Trofimov, was recognized by criticism as the "literary brother" of Terkin.

However, this cloudless period did not last long. G. Belykh was repressed in 1938. L. Panteleev was lucky: he survived. But his name was not mentioned anywhere else. The writer was forced to starve in besieged Leningrad, more than once finding himself on the verge of death. But he did not leave literature. During the years of oblivion, Leonid wrote (and later still published) the stories “Honest Word”, “On the Skiff”, “Marinka”, “Guards Private”, “About Squirrel and Tamarochka”, “The Letter“ You ”, the books“ Living Monuments ” (“January 1944”), “In a besieged city”, memoirs about writers - M. Gorky, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, E. Schwartz, N. Tyrsa.

Prose writer, publicist, poet, playwright and screenwriter

Twice holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (for services to the development of children's literature)

Alexei Yeremeev was born on August 22, 1908 in St. Petersburg in the family of a Cossack officer, a participant in the Russo-Japanese War, who received the nobility for his exploits.

As a child, the family called Alexei "bookcase" for his love of reading. At the age of 9, he began writing poetry, plays and adventure stories. Recalling later his ro-di-te-lei, pi-sa-tel admitted that he didn’t have spiritual closeness with his father was. “About some kind of closeness, you can talk,” Aleksey explained, “if, turning to my father, I -val it to "you". But this does not mean that Eremeev was ashamed of his father. He under-black-ki-val: “But I carried the image of the father with mountains-to-with-tew and love-view in my pa-my-ty and in my heart - cut for life. To say a bright image once - it would not be right. Rather - dark, as in black-nev-neck se-re-b-ro. Knight-royal - that's my exact word."

A strong influence on Yereme-e-va in childhood was the eye-for-la of his mother. She, as the pi-sa-tel confessed, became the first to-become-no one of her children in the faith.

In 1916, Alexei was sent to study at the 2nd Petrograd Real School, which he never graduated from. In 1919, the Cheka arrested Yeremeyev's father. He was kept in the Kholmogory detention center and was shot there. Alexei's mother, Alexandra Vasilievna, trying to save the life and health of three children, went with them from St. Petersburg to the depths of Russia. The family lived in Yaroslavl, later - in Menzelinsk.

In his wanderings, in search of quick money, Alexei learned to steal. Such a pastime often ended with a meeting with criminal investigation officers and policemen. It was then that his peers nicknamed him for his desperate disposition Lenka Panteleev, comparing him with the famous St. Petersburg raider.

But in the 1920s, it was safer to bear the name of a bandit than to indicate that your father was a Cossack officer, and your mother was the daughter of a merchant of the first guild, even if from Arkhangelsk-Kholmogory peasants. At the end of 1921, Alexei ended up in the Petrograd Commission for Juvenile Affairs, and from there he was sent to the Dostoevsky School of Social and Individual Education, the famous Shkida.

This amazing institution was later compared either with the pre-revolutionary bursa, or with the Pushkin Lyceum. Homeless children studied at school, wrote poetry, learned foreign languages, staged plays, published their own newspapers and magazines. “Who will believe now,” it was written later in one of the chapters of the Republic of Shkid, “that during the years of the war, the hunger strike and the paper crisis in the small Shkid republic with a population of sixty people, sixty periodicals were published - of all sorts, types and directions.”

Eremeev did not spend much time in Shkid, only two years, but subsequently he said more than once that it was here that he received energy for restoration in life.

In Shki-de, fate for the first time collided-well-la Ereme-e-va with his future co-author Gri-go-ri-em Be-lykh. He, like Alexei, was left without a father. Mother for life for-ra-ba-you-va-la wash-coy white-lya. The son of the eye-has-sya without supervision. Throw-siv school, boy-chish-ka us-t-ro-il-sya to the train station but-strong-shchi-com. But de-neg ka-ta-st-ro-fi-che-s-ki is not hva-ta-lo, and steam-nish-ka became under-in-ro-you-wat.

The friends did not stay long in Shkida either. They went to Kharkov, where they entered the courses of film actors, but then left this occupation as well, and for some time were engaged in vagrancy.

In 1925, friends returned to Leningrad, where Alexei lived with the Belykhs in an annex to the house on Izmailovsky Prospekt. In 1926, Belykh offered to write a book about his native school.

The future Shkidy chroniclers bought shag, millet, sugar, tea and got down to business. A narrow room with a window overlooking the backyard, two bunks and a small table, they didn't need anything else.

They conceived 32 stories and divided them in half. Each author had to write 16 chapters. Since Eremeev got to school later than Belykh, the first ten chapters fell on Grigory. Subsequently, Alexey Ivanovich willingly attributed the success of the book to his co-author: it was the first chapters that concentrated all the brightest, unexpected, conflicting and explosive things that Shkida was distinguished for, and riveted the reader's attention.

The young co-authors did not suspect that they would be successful. Having written the book, they had no idea where to carry it. The only "literary" figure whom the guys knew personally was Comrade Lilina, head of the department of public education. She attended the gala evenings in Shkida a couple of times. Eremeev well remembered the look of horror on Comrade Lilina's face when she saw the chubby manuscript that two former orphans brought to her, and realized that she would have to read it. “Of course, only out of the kindness of her heart, out of pity, she agreed to keep this colossus.”

The co-authors were lucky twice. Lilina didn't just read the story as promised. But she also turned out to be the head of the Leningrad State Publishing House, where Samuil Marshak, Evgeny Schwartz and Boris Zhitkov worked at that time. She immediately handed over the manuscript to professionals.

…They were searched all over the city. Belykh and Eremeev did not even bother to leave their addresses, moreover, when they left Lilina's office, they had a strong quarrel. Belykh said that the idea of ​​bringing the manuscript here was idiotic from beginning to end, and he did not even intend to embarrass himself and learn about the results. Eremeev, however, could not stand it, and a month later, secretly from Grisha, he nevertheless came to Narobraz. The secretary, seeing him, yelled: “He! He! Finally arrived! Where did you disappear to! Where is your co-author? For a whole hour, Lilina took him up and down the corridor, telling him how good the book was. Unthinking with excitement, Eremeev mechanically put a lit match into the box, and the box exploded noisily, singing his hand, which was then treated with all the Narobraz.

“All the editorial staff read and reread this voluminous manuscript both silently and aloud,” Marshak recalled. - Following the manuscript, the authors themselves came to the editorial office, at first taciturn and gloomy. They were, of course, glad of the friendly reception, but they were not too willing to agree to make any changes to their text.

Soon, information began to come from the libraries that the story was read avidly, taken like hot cakes. We wrote “Republic of ShKiD” cheerfully, without thinking about how God would put it on our souls ... - Eremeev recalled. - Grisha and I wrote it in two and a half months. We didn't have to write anything. We simply remembered and wrote down what our boyish memory still kept so vividly. After all, very little time has passed since we left the walls of Shkida.”

When the book came out, Gorky read it - and got so carried away that he began to tell his colleagues about it: “Read it for sure!”. Gorky also saw what the debutants may have portrayed, willy-nilly, the director of the school, Viktor Nikolaevich Soroka-Rosinsky, Vikniksor. He will soon call him "a new type of teacher", "a monumental and heroic figure." And in a letter to the teacher Makarenko, Gorky will say that Vikniksor is “the same hero and passion-bearer” as Makarenko himself.

However, Anton Semenovich Makarenko, who then took the leading place in Soviet pedagogy, did not like the “Republic of Shkid”. He read it not as a work of art, but as a documentary, and saw in it only a "conscientiously painted picture of pedagogical failure", weakness in the work of Soroka-Rosinsky.

Together with Belykh, Eremeev will write a number of essays under the general title "The Last Chaldeans", the stories "Karlushkin Focus", "Portrait", "Hours" and other works.

When Alexei began to look for a topic for the second book, he got the idea to write the story "Package". In it, Alexei recalled a story that happened to his father: “As a volunteer, or, as it was customary to say then, he went to the front of the Russo-Japanese War. And then one day a young officer with an important report was sent from combat positions to the command headquarters. On the way, he had to evade pursuit, he fought off a Japanese cavalry patrol, and was wounded through the chest. He bled, but he delivered a message... For this feat he received the Order of St. Vladimir with swords and a bow and hereditary nobility... It was on Easter 1904... And here I am, knowing this story so close to me since childhood, as if I had forgotten it for many years, until my memory slipped it into my head. And then, in 1931, not myself understanding where the plot of my story “The Package” came from, I, with cavalry dashing, allowed my imagination to freely and unceremoniously deal with the facts of life. From 1904, events are thrown fifteen years ahead - from the Russo-Japanese War to the Civil War. The cornet of the Siberian Cossack regiment turned into an ordinary soldier of the Budyonnovsk Cavalry Army. The Japanese - in the White Cossacks. The headquarters of General Kuropatkin - to the headquarters of Budyonny. Vladimir cross with swords and a bow - to the Order of the Red Banner. Accordingly, everything else, the whole entourage, coloring, vocabulary, phraseology and - most importantly - the ideological background of the feat became different ... ".

But later, not only writing a story, but also making a script about the adventures of a former Budennovite in peacetime, after seeing two adaptations of the "Package", Alexei Ivanovich Eremeev realized that his father's feat did not really fit in with the new circumstances in which his character acted.

“This whole masquerade could only take place and be crowned with some kind of success because the author did not know and did not understand where everything came from ... Consciously, I simply would not have dared to do this, it would have seemed to me blasphemy - both in relation to my father and to relation to the hero.

The illiterate Petya Trofimov, unlike his father Alyosha Eremeev, did not really understand what was happening. And his adventures, despite the military situation, turned out to be tragicomic. He, a peasant son and a peasant himself, managed to drown the horse. He was captured by the enemy. Only by coincidence, the package did not end up on the table of the Mammoth Cossacks. But he did not take him to Budyonny either. Ate. And he would have laid down his head too, if the quick-witted Zykov, whose economy was ruined by the Civil War, had not helped Trofimov. The hero of the First World War turned into an idiot, activated by the Bolshevik ideology. “Where you smell of bread, you crawl there” - his sincere confession.

Eremeev fought for the faith, the tsar and the Fatherland with foreign soldiers. And Trofimov - with his compatriots. The "package" did not bring satisfaction to Alexei Ivanovich.

In 1936, Eremeev's co-author Grigory Belykh was arrested without guilt. The husband of Grigory's sister snitched on the "organs". Belykh, due to poverty, did not pay him for an apartment, and the relative decided to teach the “scribbler” a lesson, passing the notebook with poems to the right place. Then it was in the order of things: to solve minor everyday problems with the help of denunciations to the NKVD. White was given three years. He left behind his wife and two-year-old daughter.

Eremeev tried to petition for him, wrote telegrams to Stalin, sent money and parcels to prison. They corresponded all three years. “It will be difficult for me to poke my head in Leningrad. People like me, even with a muzzle, are not ordered to be allowed near the triumphal arches of St. Petersburg ... Well, it’s better to laugh than to hang yourself, ”wrote Belykh.

Belykh's wife, who managed to meet him, wrote to Yeremeev: “I'm afraid he won't make it out alive. In my opinion, he simply has nothing to eat, although he hides it from me. Belykh concealed the fact that the doctors had discovered the second stage of tuberculosis in him. His last letter to Yeremeev: “There is no need to write to Stalin, nothing will come of it, the time is not right ... I was hoping for a date with you. I would like to sit on a stool and talk to you about the simplest things ... Isn’t there anything we can say about what we have planned, about spoiled, about bad and good, what is in the air ... ”.

The last phrase was written in clumsy jumping letters: "It's all over ...". Grigory Belykh died in 1938 in a prison hospital, barely 30 years old. And the Republic of ShKiD was taken out of use for a long time.

In subsequent years, Alexei Ivanovich was repeatedly offered to republish The Republic of Shkid without the name of the co-author, who was declared an enemy of the people, but he invariably refused. His name was not mentioned anywhere else in connection with this refusal. And in the OGPU, Yeremeev himself was also marked as the son of an enemy of the people.

After several years of literary silence, Alexei Ivanovich returned to childhood impressions: “In the winter of 1941, the editor of the Koster magazine asked me to write “on a moral topic”: about honesty, about honesty. I used to think that nothing worthwhile would be invented or written. But on the same day or even an hour, on the way home, something began to seem: the wide squat dome of the Church of the Intercession in St. Petersburg Kolomna, the garden behind this church ... I remembered how as a boy I was walking with a nanny in this garden and how the boys ran up to me older than me and offered to play "war" with them. They said that I was a sentry, they put me on a post near some gatehouse, they took the word that I would not leave, but they themselves left and forgot about me. And the sentry continued to stand, because he gave his word of honor. He stood and cried and suffered until the frightened nanny found him and took him home.

So the textbook story "Honest Word" was written. The story was greeted with caution by the communist guardians of class morality. Their accusations boiled down to the fact that the hero from Panteleev's story, in his ideas about what is good and what is bad, relies on his own understanding of honor and honesty, and not on how they are interpreted in communist ideology.

The writer himself did not pay attention to these accusations. He found the key to self-expression. When the war started, Eremeev fell into the list of not-good-on-reliable ones. In the na-cha-le of September 1941, the mi-li-tion ho-te-la wanted to send him out of Le-nin-gra-da. Pi-sa-te-lu is-por-ti-whether pa-s-port, cross-string-well-into a stamp about pro-pi-s-ke, and yes-whether pre-pi-sa-nie urgent- but from-right-to-twist to the Fin-lyand-sky railway station. Ereme-ev, you-need-den was re-rei-tee in his native city-ro-de on a non-le-gale-noe-lo-same. But it soon became clear that he couldn’t survive without product cards. By March 1942, he was completely obsessed. The doctor "Sko-swarm" put-vil pi-sa-te-lu di-a-gnoz - dys-trophy of the III degree and par-rez ko-nech-no-s-tey. From starvation, Alexei was saved by the head doctor of the hospital on the island Ka-men-ny, whose family turned out to be his readers.

Sam-mu-il Mar-shak learned about all these circumstances. He went to Alec-san-d-ru Fa-de-e-vu and did-beat-sya, so that it would hurt-but-go pi-sa-te-la you-would-be-carried from the block-cad -but-go-ro-yes to the rear. Later, on the basis of your diaries, Yereme-ev, you-pu-s-til the books “In the besieged-den-no-go-ro-de” and “Living pa- mint-no-ki "(" Jan-var 1944 ").

The writer said: “Then there, on Kamenny Island, not far from the hospital, there was a boat transport. A boy of fourteen or fifteen worked at the ferry. And soon I wrote the story "On the Skiff" - about a boy who took the place of a carrier-father, who died from a fragment of a Nazi bomb. And I didn’t immediately realize that the story was very intricately intertwined, combined the impressions of 1942 and the impressions of the year 1913, that is, even before the start of the First World War. I was not even six years old, we lived in a dacha twenty miles from Shlisselburg, on the Neva. At the end of August, the young carrier Kapiton drowned, leaving children - a boy and a girl - orphans. It was the first encounter with death in my life, and these early childhood impressions and experiences, the bitterness of these experiences, mixed with impressions and experiences of others, blockade, and incited, excited my imagination when I wrote the story "On the skiff". My memory even told me the name of the little carrier: I named him Matvey Kapitonovich. And the Neva, with its smells, with its black water, I painted not the one that I saw in front of me during the blockade summer, but the one that my memory preserved from childhood.

During the years of oblivion, Eremeev wrote and subsequently published the stories “Marinka”, “Guards Private”, “About Belochka and Tamarochka”, “The Letter“ You ”,“ In the Besieged City ”, memories of Gorky, Chukovsky, Marshak, Schwartz and Tyrsa . Panteleev decides to rework his pre-war story "Lenka Panteleev", which he took up, deciding to tell the backstory of the hero of the "Republic of Shkid". But the rework didn't work. The book "Lenka Panteleev" was published in the early 1950s and was called by the author an autobiographical story, for which he later publicly repented more than once.

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