Elatma history. Kasimovsky municipal district of the Ryazan region


The writer Mikhail Koltsov wrote in 1936: “In three days from Moscow you can get to Madrid, Sukhum, Novosibirsk, Constantinople. And it takes three days to get to the city of Elatma in its own Moscow region. She hid, this Elatma, in the wilderness, on the Oka, in the summer she is buried in gardens, and in spring and autumn she is buried in mud. Now from Moscow to Elatma about six hours by car on good and not very good roads. The writer Koltsov wrote about Elatma ... However, the story about Elatma should not begin from the thirty-sixth year, and not even from its foundation in the fourteenth century, but from the Jurassic period. It was then that a warm sea splashed in these places, and ammonites crawled along its bottom. They were small - only a dozen centimeters in diameter, but differed from other Jurassic ammonites in that they had a flatter umbilical wall, shorter and more oblique primary ribs. And that's not it. The navel itself is wider. An ordinary person, having found such an ammonite, will not pay attention to his navel, and even more so to the fact that his umbilical wall is more gentle, but the geologist S.N. Nikitin, studying the Jurassic outcrops in the Elatma region one hundred and forty years ago, drew and named the representatives of this species of ammonites Cadoceras elatmae or the Elatomsky ammonite. So for the first time Elatma appears not just in history, but in the history of the Jurassic period.
Then there was a break in the history of Elatma for one hundred and sixty-six and a half million years, then a glacier came, then it left, then mammoths died out, then forests grew, then they became dense, then tribes came there that had no name, but were stone axes, scrapers and axes. They were engaged in hunting, gathering and running away from wolves 1 and bears, when they happened to steal wild honey from under the noses of clubfoot. Following these tribes, others came, and then thirds, and the fourth or forty-fourth tribes were the Meshchera and Mordovians. At first, the Meshchers and Mordovians did not even think of building any cities for themselves with walls and ditches. They had enough dugouts, fenced with a wicker fence or, in extreme cases, a wooden palisade and guard dogs. Only with the advent of the Slavs in these parts, who began to crowd out the completely non-belligerent tribes of the Meshchera and Mordovians, did the latter begin to build fortified towns. One of these fortified towns was Elatma, which stood on the high bank of the Oka. From the land side, the fortress was surrounded by a three-hundred-meter shaft and a moat filled with water, through which drawbridges were thrown. Both ends of the moat were locked with locks. It was an impressive building for those times. The remains of this moat have been preserved in the center of Elatma to this day and represent a small pond fairly overgrown with sedge. The Slavs could not take the fortress by storm or siege. And they didn't take it. In the period between the late sixties and the early seventies of the fourteenth century, Dmitry Donskoy simply bought Elatma, which was then called the Mordovian town along with Gorodets Meshchersky, later renamed Kasimov, from Meshchersky Prince Alexander Ukovich. A contractual letter between Moscow and the Ryazan prince Oleg Ivanovich, dated 1381, has been preserved, which says that Meshchera, bought by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy from Meshchersky Prince Alexander Ukovich, remains with Moscow. After the purchase, the Mordovian town changed its name and became known as Elatma.
Before moving on, it is necessary to tell why, in fact, Elatma is called Elatma. It is clear that she, like any Russian city with a long history, has a full chest of versions, hypotheses and legends about the origin of its own name. The very first and most beautiful legend says that a Meshchera princess, whose name was Elatoma, lived in this place in ancient times. So the city was named after her. By the way, Elatma used to be called Elat, not Elatoma. God knows why. The second legend claims that in the place of Elatma in ancient times, even before Princess Elatoma, there was a dense spruce forest - in other words, the dark fir tree or Elatma grew here. According to the third legend, which can be classified as a variant of the second, the darkness was not the firs, but under them. On the fourth ... we’d better skip the fourth, which doesn’t climb into any gates of the Elatma fortress at all, and immediately move on to the eighth or even the ninth, along which Elatma, translated from Finno-Ugric ..., is just land, a place convenient for living. About the tenth, according to which Elatma was built not at all by the Meshchera with the Mordovians, but by the Tatars, and translated from the Tatar “elat” means the place where the danger signal comes from, we will not say a word at all.
One way or another, Yelatma, as it appeared at the end of the fourteenth century, has not disappeared since then. Her childhood ... However, it was already youth and even youth, since the childhood and youth of Elatma passed, most likely, even before 1381. In that year, the fortress, one might say, received a passport and the usual everyday life of a Moscow outpost on the southeastern borders of the Moscow principality began. Ordinary everyday life then included, at the end of the fourteenth, as well as the entire fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, regular raids by Kazan Tatars, Nogais and Crimean Tatars. Rather, these were the first on the list of attackers. From time to time these raiders were themselves taken prisoner. In 1539, a clerk from the Discharge Order came to Yelatma from Moscow and exchanged a group of captured Nogais for Prince Semyon Belsky. Eleven years later, the Elatom governor, Prince Konstantin Kurlyatev, together with the Ryazan governors, defeated the Nogai murzas who had come running and drove them for more than a hundred miles to Shatsk itself. A year later, "Prince Konstantin Ivanovich Kurlyatev and Semyon Sheremetev and Stepan Sidorov were also whipped in many places." A year later, Elatma took an active part in the Kazan campaign. The troops of Ivan the Terrible stopped on the way to Kazan in Elatma, where reinforcements approached and brought food and ammunition. Moreover, the Elatom warriors under the command of Prince Kurlyatev entered the advanced regiment. For participation in the Kazan campaign, the tsar allowed the people of Elatom to build a stone church instead of the wooden church of the Nativity of the Virgin. For its belfry, he presented a bell with the inscription "Gift of Tsar Ivan Vasilievich." It is unlikely that the inscription was exactly like that, but ... this is how it is written in all books and articles about Elatma, this is how they told me in the local museum of local lore. They also said that the bell had a high content of silver and therefore it rang not only throughout the Elatma, but also on the surrounding fields and meadows. It is no longer possible to check anything, since this bell has not reached us just a few steps - in the thirty-fifth year of the last century it was sent for remelting. The bell added a dozen and a half tractor gears or even a whole crankshaft to the national economy. In the belfry of the church, in addition to the bell, there was an old kettlebell clock. There was no silver in the cast-iron weights ... and the clock rang only for the whole of Elatma - there were not enough of them in the vicinity. The clock was also taken apart. Also, probably, they made useful spare parts for seeders and winnowers. In the fifty-eighth, the belfry itself was dismantled for spare parts for houses, and a food processing plant was placed in the church itself, producing jam, syrup for sparkling water, pear sparkling water, lemonade and canned vegetables. An employee of the museum, who visited this plant several times with her mother as a child, told me that the soda with double pear syrup, which she was then treated to ... Moët & Chandon simply cannot be compared. Even semi-sweet. The number of bubbles in the Elatom sparkling water was huge. In their pinching ability in children's and even adult noses, they were not inferior to French champagnes and even surpassed them. Not to mention Moscow. In the nineties, the food processing plant died and now the church building has a hardware store - washing powders, clothespins, cockroach remedies and enameled buckets. Before a thunderstorm, something will buzz in bass in the back room or in the backyard, but it’s not clear what. It passes quickly, but the saleswoman from this hum has anxiety all over her body and in her chest, everything is captured ... and does not let go for a long time. Or at midnight, as it starts to beat ...
However, we have somewhat digressed from the history of Elatma. Let's go back to her sixteenth century. Under Fyodor Ioannovich, the governors in Elatma were Ivan Petrovich Protasov, about whom almost nothing is known, and Evstafiy Mikhailovich Pushkin, about whom it is known that three years later, after he was appointed governor in Elatma, he conducted many years of negotiations with Sweden and achieved from her concessions to Karelia, then he signed an agreement with the Swedes, then he was present in the Golden Chamber during the reception of the ambassador of the German emperor by the tsar, then he signed a conciliar decree on the election of Boris Godunov to the kingdom, then he was exiled by the same Godunov to Tobolsk, in disgrace, the second governor and died there . In the intervals between all these cases, Efstafiy Mikhailovich still managed to become the ancestor of Alexander Sergeevich.
In the middle of the seventeenth century, Grigory Gavrilovich Pushkin 2, a skilled diplomat who took part in negotiations with Poland and Sweden, became the governor of the Elatom region. He was the first boyar and gunsmith in the Pushkin family, but he was not the ancestor of all of us, since he died childless.
In 1637, the Elatom Governor Prince Shakhovskoy went to Poland at the head of an embassy. An ordinary embassy that needed to discuss the belittling of the sovereign’s title in letters, land surveys and prisoners, but ... it was not the king, not the chancellor, but the sub-chancellor who wanted to take the credentials from the ambassador’s hands, which was such a belittling of the title of the Russian sovereign that Shakhovskaya could not afford could. The prince simply did not give it to the sub-chancellor and insisted that the king himself take it and remove the seals from it. Shakhovskoy then returned to Elatma at his place of work. It happened, when he had drunk, he would gather clerks, clerks, bailiffs, messengers and let them talk about how he put the sub-chancellor in his place. Well, naturally he starts with the sub-chancellor, and ends with the Polish king. It turned out that he stepped on them for two on seven legs. Or even eight.
Just at the very time when the disgraced Evstafy Mikhailovich Pushkin was dying in Tobolsk, Troubles came to Yelatma. You can't throw words out of a song, and therefore we must immediately honestly say that the people of Elatom 3 supported the Polish prince Vladislav. Then, of course, they repented and beat Vasily Shuisky with their foreheads, but while there was the Time of Troubles, they also managed to take an active part in the peasant uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov. Both the landowners and the monastic estates got it - the peasants tore boundary posts out of the ground, plowed the boundaries and burned the boundary lines on the trees. Not far from Elatma, the peasants seized Andreyanov Hermitage and burned all the royal charters that secured land rights to the desert. We wanted to go to Murom .... Well, and then, when the peasants were caught, they already got it ...
As soon as the Time of Troubles ended and Mikhail Romanov sat on the throne, as a new misfortune - the last Kasimov tsar Arslan Aleevich wanted to have Elatma for himself and began to ask the tsar about it. And he would have begged if the Elatomites had not written a petition to Michael's father, Patriarch Filaret, in which they wrote that "for centuries they have not been for anyone." Here, by the way, the reports of the Kasimov governors arrived in time that Arslan Aleevich prevented the spread of Orthodoxy by “busurmanil” the newly baptized Tatars and even Russians. Nothing came of the Kasimov king. The sovereign granted him "one Elatma tavern", and about Elatma it was written that "the Posak people were not given to him and will not give him." Arslan Aleevich did not refuse the tavern either.
Under Peter the Great, although Yelatma lost its military significance, it acquired an industrial one - sailing, rope and glass production arose and developed in it. The locals planted hemp with might and main, from which hemp was made. In Elatma itself, the rope factory of the merchant Gusev and the linen factory of the merchant Korzhevin worked. All their products went to St. Petersburg and Moscow. When under Catherine II the coats of arms of county towns were approved, the silver sail with golden ropes on a blue background became the coat of arms of Elatma. In addition to the production of sails, ropes and glass, the Elatom merchants traded in salt and bread. Elatom flour was whiter than others and was of high quality. In general, with regard to economic development, Yelatma in the first half of the eighteenth century was ahead of neighboring Kasimov and even looked better than him. The Dutchman Cornelis de Bruyne, who sailed past Elatma along the Oka at the beginning of the eighteenth century, wrote: “This city stands on the top of a mountain and moves significantly inland ... It is quite extensive, with eight churches, and several stone houses are located along the left bank of the river. It is surrounded by many villages, and partly by forest, and presents a rather beautiful view on both sides.
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Elatma was assigned to the Kazan province, then unsubscribed from Kazan and assigned to the Shatsk province of the Azov province, then the Azov province, together with Elatma, was transformed into Voronezh. In 1722, she was discharged from there and assigned to Kasimov, so that together with him she would be transferred to the Ryazan province. Just this year, Peter Alekseevich, on his way to the Persian campaign, passed through Yelatma. He stayed in the city for only one day. During this time, the tsar managed to receive several petitioners, among them the peasant Anton Ivanov from the nearby village of Bogdanov. Ivanov complained about the harassment by the headman Rodion Nikitin, who collected extra taxes and "repaired all sorts of grievances." Peter had no time to sort out the case, but he ordered the Shatsky governor to “search firmly” the facts cited in the petition, find the defendants, and “which of them are to blame for this, inflict a cruel punishment, which they will be worthy by decree, and which of them will more to blame, they went to hard labor in St. Petersburg forever. Nikitin and his accomplices were lucky - if the tsar had not rushed to the Persian campaign, they could not have reached hard labor in St. Petersburg alive.
The eighteenth century was not quiet in those places. There were almost more robbers from the main road than those passing along the roads of the Tambov province, to which Elatma was then assigned. There were no less river robbers who robbed ships sailing along the Oka. Just ten years before the Pugachev region, the burgomaster of the Elatom magistrate, the merchant Korzhevin, reported to the Shatsk provincial office that gangs of robbers were roaming around Elatma, attacking ships going along the Oka, and had robbed his glass factory more than once. In June 1760, the robbers were so unrestrained that they threatened not only to burn down the Korzhevin factory, but also to Elatma itself, and to take the life of the burgomaster. The Elatoms had to reinforce the guards and call in detective teams from Tambov, Ryazan and Voronezh to help.
When the first Pugachev detachments appeared in the district, the peasants had already baked bread and salt for their meeting. To the sound of bells they were met in every village. Under the ringing of bells, the nobles from the villages surrounding Elatma and from the city itself carried off their feet. The uprising program among the local insurgents was not new - first, as scheduled, robbery and arson of the ill-fated glass factory of the merchant Korzhevin, then an attack on ships passing along the Oka, then a robbery of everyone who came to hand and arson of landowners' estates. I must say that it was almost impossible to distinguish Pugachev's detachments from ordinary bandits. They wandered for a long time in the vicinity of Elatma and Kasimov after the Pugachev uprising had been crushed. The inhabitants of Elatma hoped for the authorities in the matter of protection from robbers, but they themselves did not make a mistake. For example, the merchant of the second guild Semizorov, the owner of the sulfur vitriol and paint factories, had three guns, two pistols and one blunderbuss in his house. By the way, the descendants of Semizorov still live in Elatma. True, they no longer own a sulfur vitriol plant or a paint and varnish plant.

1 There is a stuffed wolf in the Elatom Museum of Local Lore. Not prehistoric, of course, but quite modern. The history of this wolf is amazing. A local forester found him as a small wounded wolf cub in the forest, brought him home, cured him and domesticated him. He lived with a wolf all his adult life. Lived like a dog. In the good sense of the word. After the wolf died, the forester ordered to make a stuffed animal out of it, which ended up in the museum. The kids who come to the museum like to take pictures with the wolf, and he predicts the weather for the museum staff. Before the rain, the scarecrow begins to smell more like a wolf. God knows why, but it's true.
2 Grigory Gavrilovich was appointed "comrade" to Prince Lvov, who headed the embassy to Poland. * Pushkin turned out to be arrogant and did not want to go because it was humiliating for him to be in "comrades" with seedy Lvov. Lvov did not become indebted and, in turn, dashed off a complaint against Pushkin, in which he wrote that he was "dishonoring" him. The tsar, without thinking twice, ordered Pushkin to be imprisoned, and there Grigory Gavrilovich quickly realized that Lvov was not so seedy and that the embassy ration was better than the prison one. The good-for-nothing Pushkin was just so bad with money ... In short, he accepted the appointment. From the treasury he was given 680 rubles for travel allowance, but this seemed not enough to Pushkin and he beat his forehead at the Posolsky order, tearfully complaining about his "thinness" and asking him to add at least a little. It must be said that the clerks in the Posolskoye were not so refused. They gave him forty rubles and told him to "secretly check" on Poland's relations with its neighbors for the same money. And so he went...
* In the instructions to Lvov, it was said: “And at the king’s table, if he calls, you will sit politely, decorously and cautiously ... and don’t balk too hard and don’t speak bad words among yourself and don’t enter into scolding ... and thugs and drunkards, who are led, to the royal court and do not imati at all. Or so ... “They have a better way of life for the time being, so that I don’t alienate the wrong one - he gave me to read the brochure as a mandate so that I wouldn’t think of living there foolishly, like ours.” Or so ... "There will be a debate with vodka - answer:" No, democrats, - only tea!
3 Namely, the Elatma people, and not the Elatma people, as the inhabitants of Elatma should be called according to the rules of the Russian language. This is due to the fact that before the time of Peter the Great, Elatma was called Elat. It is interesting that the residents of Elatma are still Elatom and everything they have is Elatom, including the Elatom Instrument Plant and the Elatom Psychoneurological Boarding School.

What is still left of the moat that surrounded the Elatom fortress.

Dead malls.

Also shopping malls, but half-dead.

The area in front of the shopping arcade.

The field on which the city's cathedral stood.

Elatma is located on the steep bank of the Oka at the utmost distance from the regional center. From Ryazan two hundred miles through Spas-Klepiki, Tuma, Gus-Zhelezny and Kasimov. There was a time when they got there by air, when an airfield operated in the village. The modern economy, of course, is hampered by the lack of a railway. This is partly the fault of the Kasimov merchants and officials of the 19th century, who did not want to change the chosen course for the development of river transport.

Modern Yelatma on the economic map is a major center of Russian instrumentation. The local factory of the European level of certification produces about 5% of medical equipment nationwide. Elatomsk almags and other devices from the “home doctor” series for the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, fractures, ulcers and a dozen other diseases are known far beyond the region. The food industry is not far behind. Butter, milk, cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir and other products of the Elatom Butter and Cheese Plant are in high demand. Mentions require a secondary school with a century of work experience, a vocational school, a utility plant, a district hospital and a children's music school. Life in Elatma boils, albeit on a slow fire. Remoteness from the regional center, as well as from Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod, slows down the pace of development, and the very appearance of Elatma is more like that of a district town of the 19th century, which seems to have not changed at all since then. Such an impression is fleeting: asphalt, signs on shops and torn domes of beaten temples noticeably dilute the landscape with elements of the heritage of the twentieth century. A walk along Elatma and its environs allows you to plunge into the world of the era of dinosaurs, and during the Time of Troubles, and in the era of the Great Moscow Plague, and into Soviet reality.

How old is Elatma is not an easy question. The town was first mentioned in a contract charter in 1381. The document testified to the act of buying the town by the victor of the Battle of Kulikovo - Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy. The city was founded by the Meshcheryak and Mordovians and acquired by the Moscow princes from the local Meshchersky prince Alexander Ukovich. In those days, Elatma served as a military fortress, from the south and north-west it had a moat and a rampart, and from the side of the river the city was protected by an impregnable slope of the Oka valley. However, 1381 is only the year of the first mention. The settlement itself is much older, which is hinted at by toponymists - researchers of the origin of names. Authoritative scientists look for the roots of the name of the town in Finno-Ugric dictionaries. First of all, the Mari “yulaltyms” suggests itself, that is, “scorched”, “a place cleared of the forest”. The Finns also have their own trump cards, where the word “elama” is translated as “life”. Yes, and among the related Saami, the word "elet" is perceived as "residential" or "inhabited". The Tatar version with the translation "brisk place" is close. These versions are considered much more scientific than the consonance with the Russian “uncle of darkness”, and even more so with the name of the mythical princess Elatoma, whose existence has not been found at all.

According to Tian-Shansky, three versts from Elatma upstream of the Oka River, there used to be the village of Adrianov Pustyn, where, under Ivan the Terrible, a men's hermitage was founded, which existed until 1764: in some places near the village not so long ago in the steep slopes of the local ravines and the Oka valley one could see the entrances to the man-made caves dug by the monks. The entrance to them was fenced and locked with a door due to landslides, and before, according to the old-timers, it was possible to walk into the cave for more than a mile.

In 1426, Grand Duke Vasily II gave Elatma, along with Kadom, to Protasyev's estates, and so governors and governors appeared in the city. In the Time of Troubles, the authorities of Elatma, together with the Shatsk and Kasimovs, turned out to be collaborators - they showed loyalty to the Polish interventionist, the usurper of the Russian throne, False Dmitry. This went on for about a year, until August 1608, when the troops loyal to the Fatherland under the leadership of Fyodor Sheremetyev swept away the foreigners. In the middle of the 17th century, a relative of the future great Russian poet, Grigory Gavrilovich Pushkin, became the Elato governor, whom Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich included in the embassy to the Polish King Vladislav, and for the successful fulfillment of the order he was promoted from duma nobles to roundabouts.

Elatma was strongly affected by administrative reforms, which repeatedly redrawn the grid of Russian regions. Since the time of Peter I, the town managed to be part of the Kazan, Azov, Voronezh, Tambov and Ryazan provinces, and each time Elatma was at the utmost distance from the control center. First, in 1708, Peter signed the Decree on the creation of provinces, of which there were only eight for the entire empire (and this is from St. Petersburg to the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk), and Elatma ended up as part of the Kazan province, the prototype of present-day Tatarstan. Then, in 1719, the borders were redrawn, and Elatma already became part of the Shatsk province of the Azov province, which united the central strip of Russia with the Black Sea region. In 1725, the Azov province was renamed Voronezh, and the country developed in this form for more than half a century. And in the reign of Catherine II, when the governor-general districts and governorships with counties were established, for the first time since the time of the Ryazan principality, something Ryazan took shape. The Ryazan governorship appeared on the maps, and Elatma and the city of Kasimov were added to it. And as soon as the Elomites began to develop ties with the leadership in Ryazan, as just a year later, in October 1779, they were transferred to the governorship of Tambov. Then in 1796, under Paul I, the governorships were transformed into provinces, and Elatma lost the status of a county town. In 1802, having retained the names of provinces for the former viceroyalties, Alexander I returned their former divisions into counties. In the same year, Elatma was again promoted to the county town of the Tambov province, and it remained so until 1923, and since then it has become a full part of the Ryazan region. That is why there is so little information about Elatma in the Ryazan funds - it should be collected bit by bit in the archives of Kazan, Voronezh and Tambov.

During this time, rope production was developed in Elatma - shipbuilding and rafting along rivers in the 18th century caused a great demand for hemp, which was made from hemp, so the peasants willingly sowed it. Hemp fiber was among the hot goods, and the Elatom factory worked to export goods to the capitals. The Elatom people were also distinguished by the production of flour, which was famous for its special whiteness.

Once the town was decorated with 13 churches, one Jewish prayer house and two mosques. If you enter Elatma from the village of Inkino, then on Volodarsky Street you will see the dilapidated bell tower of the Ascension Church, which was erected in 1795 by the merchants Akulina and Elizaveta Vinokhodova. From the inside, the dome of the temple was decorated with images of the figures of God the Father and God the Son, at whose feet there was a globe. Since then, there are no paintings, no bells, no spiers. Elias Church, built in 1747, also turns into ruins. It differed from other local churches in its interior decoration: the iconostases in it were of an ancient form, with figured carvings and durable gilding. In its sacristy, a gospel was kept in a copper frame with silver-gilded images of Christ and the evangelists minted in 1730, a silver chalice dated 1741. Under the Soviet regime, icons and valuables were requisitioned, the iconostasis was destroyed, church books were burned, the bells were removed, the temple was decapitated and the high bell tower was rebuilt into a water tower, while breaking the upper tier of the belfry. Later, a new water tower was erected next to the bell tower. In the late 70s of the XX century, they tried to dismantle the church into bricks, but strong lime mortar prevented it.

Along Yanina Street stands the wooden merchant house of the Popovs, built in the 19th century. His mistress was Maria Andreevna Popova, nee Princess Kildisheva. She maintained churches in Elatma, orphanages, was a trustee of schools, allocated funds for road repairs. Old-timers recalled how Popova brought felt boots to first-grader girls in winter, and outside the gates of her house there was always a table with bread for poor people. At the same time, Popova ran a profitable business: she took steamships as a pledge, giving 70% of the cost of the ships, and in case of non-payment of money on time, she kept them. That is how Popova became the owner of the ships "Avraam" and "Brothers Lyakhov", renaming the latter to "Children of Popov".

Further along the street is the Elatomsky House of Culture, one of the premises of which is occupied by the Museum of Local Lore. Before the revolution, the building housed a real school, and after - the People's House. Nearby is Kozikha Pond. In the middle of the last millennium, it was a fortress moat, behind which rose brick watchtowers and double wooden walls. Behind the pond is the territory of the ancient settlement. Here is a former prison castle, or just a prison. According to archival data, the Elatom prison castle was built by the tsarist government in 1853 for 22,000 rubles. Stone, two-story with a semi-basement (basement) residential floor, two residential outbuildings, the castle was surrounded by a high stone fence. It had common cells for 58 people and two single cells. Under Soviet rule, from 1918 to the 1950s, first “class enemies”, and then “enemies of the people”, convicted under the infamous Article 58, were imprisoned here. After Stalin's death, all the buildings of the prison castle were converted and used for housing, as well as for educational laboratories and workshops of the Elatom vocational school.

And the central part of the settlement was once decorated with the oldest church in the city of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which once belonged to the monastery. In honor of the victory of the Russian troops during the capture of Kazan, a belfry tower was built near the church, and a bell with the inscription "Gift of Tsar John Vasilyevich" was hung from it. In 1958, the belfry was dismantled, and the bell was melted down for the needs of the national economy. All that remains today is a nondescript building that hides behind the trees near the Victory Monument.

At the end of the boulevard stands a two-story white building on the bank of a pond. This is the former Zemskaya administration. Now there is a boarding school for orphans. And if you walk along the alley along the park, then it will lead to the red brick building of the former women's gymnasium, which opened in Elatma in 1901. She went from a fourth grade to an eighth grade. In the courtyard between the building of the former women's gymnasium and the House of Culture, several century-old lindens remained. This is all that remains of the square, which was once planted by high school students.

On a parallel street, which under the Soviet regime was named after Apollon Ivanovich Grave, and then was renamed Lunacharsky Street, stands the so-called gray school. The name Grave was given to the street after the chairman of the school council of the Yelatomsky district managed to open a gymnasium in Yelatma. It took Apollon Grave six years to do this. In the year of the beginning of the first global financial crisis, later called the "Long Depression", a four-year gymnasium was opened in Elatma. In 1873, similar ones appear in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow, and other large cities of the Russian state. One of the graduates of the gymnasium will be the aviator Alexander Vasiliev, who will be the first to set the all-Russian altitude record of a thousand meters. After graduating from high school, passing the exam, it was possible to enter the university. Most of the students at the gymnasium, according to the memoirs of old-timers, were visitors. For in none of the cities closest to Elatma - Kasimov, Murom, Vyksa, Kadoma, Shatsk, Temnikov - there were no gymnasiums. Gymnasium students, like the military, were forbidden to keep their hands in their pockets, violate the established dress code and change into civilian clothes. Under pain of expulsion from the gymnasium, they were forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol, and also to appear on the street after 19.00. It was possible to go to evening cultural events and performances only accompanied by parents. For serious misconduct, the students were supposed to sit in the punishment cell for a whole day. A narrow room served as a punishment cell, in which there was a bed with a straw mattress, a blanket and a pillow, a table, a stool, a kerosene lamp on the table, and a warm stove. The window was high, about two meters from the floor.

A solid two-story white building with 14 windows along the facade of the second floor was given to the Elatom gymnasium. A large two-story red brick building with spacious assembly and sports halls was attached to it. At the beginning of the 20th century, the building with the gymnasium church was plastered and whitewashed, most of the two-story educational building was demolished, and a more spacious, bright, two-story gray educational building was built on the site of the demolished part of the building. The people of Elatom called it “the gray school”.

Through the pond and the park, bypassing Victory Square, the road will lead to the main square of the town - Bazarnaya. In 1810, according to the project of the "architect's assistant" Grigoriev, which was signed by the architects Visconti and Russko, shopping arcades were built here. Before the revolution, the building of the mall housed five shops. Rubber galoshes were in great demand. And today the malls continue to fulfill their function. Once the square had a single historical style - the facades of the buildings were in harmony and nothing distracted the eye. Today, in addition to the fact that the malls suffer from local vandalism, the square itself has lost its former image. The former Market Square, and now Lenin, as evidenced by the monument to the leader, was called Cathedral Square before the revolution, since nearby in the city garden was the largest temple of Elatma - the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in 1748. Under Soviet rule, the cathedral was demolished. In its place, a flat area was arranged, where children currently play football. Today, the only thing that catches the eye next to the city park where the temple stood is the building of the rural library - brick and gray, with a crosshair of a hammer and sickle that never goes out.

If you go down from the square to the Oka, the road will pass by the ruins of the Church of the Resurrection. It was built in 1773 in memory of the miraculous rescue of Elatma from the plague of 1770-1772. The Trinity Church is also in ruins - one of the oldest, built in 1631. The Church of the Holy Spirit, built in 1834, was more fortunate than the others - it was completely renovated, and today divine services are held within its walls. But many churches of Elatma have not been preserved at all. About them, as well as about other historical monuments, historians in the local museum of local lore will tell you best of all: there are many archival documents and photographs about the history of the town.

The customs of the inhabitants of Elatma at the end of the 19th century became the subject of research by A.P. Zvonkov. His work "Modern marriage and weddings among the peasants of the Tambov province of the Elatom district" was published in 1889. Reading it for modern youth means arming yourself with arguments in the eternal conversation with parents on the topic “We weren’t like that in our youth.” Here is what Zvonkov wrote about the morality of the peasant youth. “In the Elatom district, if it was noticed at gatherings that any of their participants likes to“ rush from one to the other, ”she acquired a reputation as“ misguided ”and lost“ all her charm in the eyes of the youth. Her friends avoided her, and the guys laughed at her. To fall in love with a girl with such a reputation was "ashamed in front of her comrades," and to marry her was "shame in front of her parents, a shame in front of the world." To an even greater extent, all this applied to a girl who went far in her relationship with a guy; neither he nor anyone else in the village married her. Even a widower will disdain such a girl, as he will consider that she will be a bad mother and an unreliable hostess. A lot of endurance and prudence is required from a girl - otherwise her share will be unenviable. A rather high degree of frankness in expressing the inclinations of young people of both sexes, salty jokes, rude and sometimes immodest caresses - all this was quite organically included in peasant ideas about what was permissible, but at the same time, public opinion approved of the constancy of couples and the preservation of a certain limit in the degree of intimacy, beyond which crossed, as a rule, only after the wedding.

Elatma and its environs will no doubt be of interest to nature lovers and researchers. Two kilometers north of the village, on the slope of the Oka valley, cut by ravines, a relict forest massif has been preserved. "Forest Panika" - horse oak forest with maple, elm, ash, linden and black alder - hides the habitats of the rarest northern orchid - the lady's slipper. This plant in the Ryazan region has not caught the eye of anyone since the mid-1970s, despite numerous attempts to find it. A strange orchid slowly develops underground, and produces the first flowers only in the 17th year of life. The mystery of the disappearance of the lady's slipper contrasts especially with the stories of Elatma old-timers about how, as schoolchildren, in the pre-war years they gave bouquets of orchids to teachers for graduation. But the majority of both local residents and guests of Elatma today go to Panika for a completely different reason - for the purest water to the spring. The water pressure is low, and on weekends a whole line of people line up on the slope, the pace of advancement of which is exclusively slowed down by hunters to water with 20-30-liter flasks. For those who are waiting, a bench and a gazebo are equipped.

The seepage of spring water is confined to the bottoms of ravines, where a layer of clay is exposed, which acts as a water-resistant layer. Black oily clay - sediments of the Jurassic seabed - can be seen not only in ravines, where it, saturated with water, floats underfoot, but also on the banks of the Oka, especially south of Elatma. Back in the middle of the 19th century, Nikolai Petrovich Vishnyakov, a well-known collector, wrote: “To my greatest joy, I found that real Murchison Jurassic formation in the ravines to the right of Elatma ... An abyss of fossils, we do not have time to collect ... Anyuta (wife) and I collected fossils, and yet they haven't chosen everything that comes across. An abyss of griffeas and ammonites cover the shore and everything is in magnificent specimens, especially ammonites ... What we have collected near Elatma far exceeds everything that I saw in the University Museum and at Trautshold. In these clays, paleontologists in 1878 discovered a species of extinct creatures previously unknown to science - ammonites, the ancestors of modern octopuses, and the name was given according to the place of the find - cadoceras elatmae - the Elatoma ammonite. Information about the location of the bones of a sea lizard, an ichthyosaur, is required to be verified.

The forests near Elatma are predominantly coniferous. Zaoksky forests, into which the ferry crossing will help to penetrate, are visible for many kilometers. They stretch as an endless ocean to the east to Kadom and Nizhny Novgorod, and to the north to Murom. These forests hide the sandy hills of the Vyansky Hillocks, which, with heroic efforts, once managed to be planted with pine trees, but the fire of 2010 shattered all the hopes of the forest workers to smithereens. The pine holds the lead. On the soils wetter and richer, an admixture of spruce appears. There has never been a problem with the collection of mushrooms. In the undergrowth grow juniper and viburnum, mountain ash and wild rose, hazel and wild raspberry, and in the floodplain - bird cherry and prickly blackberry. It is worth stopping by these places to get acquainted with black grouse and capercaillie, sandpipers nest in water meadows, and cranes, bean goose, and even whooper swans are found on the migration. In the backwaters, oxbows and lakes near Elatma there are a lot of roach, bream, pike, pike perch, perch, ide and sterlet, which is why fishermen are a dime a dozen here at any time of the year.

Elatma - a village on the Oka, in the Kasimovsky district of the Ryazan region. Before the revolution, Elatma was a district town of the Tambov province, in which it was the extreme northern point, and in the Ryazan region it is somewhere on the outskirts. Over the past 110 years, the city has become a village, and the population has decreased by a quarter. The well-preserved public buildings of the beginning of the 20th century testify to the former county status, and the development in the last 90 years is evidenced by somehow laid asphalt, the ruins of churches, two for some reason black Ilyichs and colorful store signs.

The first stop is at the ruins of the Ascension Church of the 19th century. I remembered the Serpukhov Zanarye.

The street is closer to the edge. The tricolors on the poles are truly patriotic - the dog will not reach to spoil.

Trinity Church. They write that the XVII century, I do not know.

What is left of the Elias Church of the middle of the 18th century.

There is another church in the city, a cemetery one. I have not seen it, but it seems to be the only one in operation and in fair condition. But it is enough - judging by the appearance of most of the locals, they do not need anything at all, except for the wine department.

And once Heroes were born in Yelatma...

We move to the central square. The most stylish building is the shopping arcade (beginning of the 19th century).

Behind the rows are later commercial buildings.

Trade is strictly supervised by the black Lukich Ilyich.

Pre-revolutionary three-story building - something like a local business center.

Good shop.

Next to the trade is a library with a colorful hammer and sickle. The folk trail to it can not be traced, and the truth is - what for the goat boyan?

Let's continue to explore the area. Iron house with a cafe.

There was little time, but I turned a little to the neighboring streets. This modest house houses the village administration.

Another street. All sorts of modest, but solid houses.

Ex. land administration.

In a small lane - two educational buildings of the early twentieth century. Before that - Cherny Lukich-2.

Stylish building from the 1910s obviously.

The most beautiful residential building of Elatma is the house of the merchant Popova.

Near Popova's house - a good view of the Oka. Judging by the satellite map, there is a sophisticated system of oxbow lakes in this place, and now, moreover, there is a flood.

Ex. prison castle.

In order not to end up in prison - another public building. From the car, I saw a few more good buildings, but there was no time to stop every time.

Now a little neighborhood, on the road between Elatma and Kasimov. I photographed two Assumption churches from the car window. This one is in the village of Yermolovo (late 18th century).

This one is in Kotorovo.

Some villages are also interesting, primarily with stone sheds overlooking the street. These are the villages of Bolshoi Kusmor and Kurmysh. I thought about the Tatars, but I sat near the churches, and I did not find these Kasimov Tatars in the list of villages. If anyone knows why there is such a feature in this area, please share.

Dear visitors of EtoRetro.ru, you have a collection old photographs of the city of Elatma? Join us, post your photos, rate and comment on photos of other members. If you recognize a place in an old photo, an address, or recognize people in a photo, please share this information in the comments. Project participants, as well as ordinary visitors will be grateful to you.

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What can be considered an old photo worthy of publication on our project? These are absolutely any photos, starting from the moment of the invention of photography (the history of photography begins in 1839) and ending with the end of the last century, everything that is now considered history. And specifically, it's:

  • photographs of the city of Elatma of the middle and end of the 19th century (usually of the 1870s, 1880s, 1890s) - the so-called. very old photographs (you can also call old ones);
  • Soviet photography (photos of the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, early 90s);
  • pre-revolutionary photograph of the city of Elatma (until 1917);
  • military retro photographs - or photos of the war - this is the First World War (1914-1918), the Civil War (1917-1922 / 1923), the Second World War (1939-1945) or in relation to our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) , or WWII;
Please note: retro photographs can be both black and white and color (for later periods) photographs.

What should be in the photo?

Anything, be it streets, buildings, houses, squares, bridges and other architectural structures. It can be both, and another type of transport of the past, from to wagons. These are the people (men, women and children) who lived at that time (including old family photographs). All this is of great value and interest to EtoRetro.ru visitors.

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Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2014 No. 709 approved the criteria for classifying municipalities of the Russian Federation as single-industry towns. In the Kasimovsky district of the Ryazan region, the Elatomsk urban settlement meets the established criteria (the city-forming enterprise is JSC Elatomsk Instrument Plant, medical devices).

At the suggestion of the Government of the Ryazan Region, this municipality is included in the list of single-industry towns of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2014 No. 1398-r. In total, this list includes 319 single-industry towns of the Russian Federation.

Monoprofile municipal formation - Elatomsk urban settlement is an independent municipal formation as part of the Kasimovsky municipal district.

The structure of the urban settlement includes 5 settlements: the working settlement of Elatma, the state farm "Mayak", the settlement of Lasinsky, the settlement of Marsevsky, the settlement of Chernovsky. The administrative center of the settlement is r.p. Yelatma.

The distance to the city of Kasimov is 23 km, to the regional center - the urban district of the city of Ryazan - 206 km.

The basis of the economy of the settlement is formed by the city-forming enterprise JSC Elatomsky Instrument Plant (production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment), JSC Elatomsky Butter and Cheese Plant (production of cheeses, butter, whole milk products).

City-forming enterprise JSC "Elatomsky Instrument Plant"

JSC "Elatomsky instrument plant" is a diversified, but the main type of products - medical devices from the "Home Doctor" series, equipment and furniture for medical institutions. The range of manufactured products includes more than 110 items: portable physiotherapy equipment, sophisticated medical and diagnostic equipment, medical furniture, ultrasonic cleaners, polymer products to combat nosocomial infections, and much more.

In 1999, the city-forming enterprise was the first among Russian medical industry enterprises to introduce an international quality system and was certified for compliance with the international standard ISO 9002.

JSC Elatomsky Instrument Plant is one of the leading domestic manufacturers of medical equipment and medical products.

Over the past 6 years, 2 major investment projects have been implemented:

Organization of production of medical metal frame furniture, magnetotherapy devices in the village of Melenki, Vladimir region;

Organization of production of plastic parts for medical furniture, body parts for magnetic therapy devices, medical polymer containers and containers;

In 2016, Elatomsky Instrument Plant JSC signed an agreement with South Korean partners for the supply of process equipment for

Legal Framework

Priority program "Integrated development of single-industry towns"

In 2016, the federal priority program "Integrated development of single-industry towns" was approved.

Within the framework of the priority program, measures are envisaged in the field of healthcare, education, quality of roads, housing and communal services and the urban environment, in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses.

In order to implement these activities of the priority program in the Ryazan region, the Managing Council of the single-industry town was created and the program for the integrated development of the single-industry town Elatma was approved.

In 2017, the following activities were carried out:

in the field of health:

The current repair of the registration and waiting area in the clinic was carried out

An ambulance car (UAZ) was handed over to the Elatom hospital;

In accordance with the established quotas for the targeted admission of specialists with higher medical education, the selection of graduate students was carried out (Yelatma - 2 people);

in the field of education:

In the Elatomsky kindergarten, work was completed to equip the entrance group, ramp, handrail, technical equipment was purchased and installed, and facilities were arranged to provide conditions for children with disabilities

in the field of road quality:

The main (central) street was repaired

in the field of housing and communal services and the urban environment:

Measures were taken to improve urban public spaces and courtyards

The construction of a road and engineering networks for a complex residential development was carried out (44 individual residential buildings)

In order to improve the quality of the urban environment, subbotniks were held to clean up garbage from the territories of abandoned churches; "Round tables" and meetings were held with the Youth Council and the youth of the Yelatma single-industry town on the topic: "History and architecture of the native land"

in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses:

Granted subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses to compensate for the costs of leasing contracts;

On an ongoing basis, work is carried out to widely inform SMEs about the financial support provided by SME Corporation JSC. Information is posted on the official websites of the Ministry of Industry and Economic Development of the Ryazan Region, municipalities of the Ryazan Region, SME support infrastructure organizations in the Ryazan Region, on the regional portal for small and medium-sized businesses, through territorially separate structural divisions of the MFC of the Ryazan Region, at seminars, meetings , round tables, etc.;

Lists of municipal property were approved, as well as the procedures for the formation, maintenance and mandatory publication of lists of property for SMEs.

It should also be noted that in 2016, at the expense of the Monocities Development Fund, the team managing the development projects of the monotown Elatma was trained. The team included representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Economic Development of the Ryazan Region, the administrations of the Kasimovsky municipal district and the monotown of Elatma.


On the part of the Non-profit Organization "Fund for the Development of Monotowns", support for monotowns is carried out in financial and non-financial forms.

Unified list of support measures

In pursuance of the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, a unified list of measures to support single-industry municipalities of the Russian Federation (single-industry towns) has been formed (hereinafter referred to as the Unified List).

The administrators of the Unified List measures include 20 federal executive bodies, organizations and development institutions:

Measures to support SMEs

Primary package of documents for consideration of projects of SME Corporation JSC;

Presentation materials;

property support.

Primary package of documents for consideration of projects of SME Corporation JSC

What needs to be done to get project support?

STEP 1. Before applying for support, you need to know for sure whether your company is a small and medium-sized business. This can be found by the TIN number in the Unified Register of SMEs on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

If your enterprise is included in the Unified Register of SMEs, then you can apply for support. In order for the Corporation, SME Bank and other partner banks to be able to start considering your project, you must:

STEP 2. Download application forms, questionnaires, checklist and project summary:

Presentation materials

In order to involve wide groups of citizens in entrepreneurial activities and increase the level of support availability in single-industry towns, the SME Corporation is implementing a set of measures, which include: financial, property, information and marketing support, expanding the access of SMEs to the purchases of the largest customers. The SME Corporation and SME Bank provide credit and guarantee support to SMEs in single-industry towns within the framework of the National Guarantee System and the SME Lending Incentive Program using the following specially designed products:

1. Warranty product - a direct guarantee for single-industry towns, issued together with the guarantee of the Russian Geographical Society (Co-guarantee for single-industry towns).

2. Credit product - provision of credit support to SMEs - residents of single-industry towns.

In order to reduce the costs of doing business and improve the legal literacy of small enterprises, SME Corporation JSC organizes legal (legal) support measures for SMEs by creating the necessary mechanisms and tools for such support.

Based on the analysis of the practice of creating and running a business of SME Corporation JSC, typical problem situations have been developed that arise when SMEs implement business projects, as well as a description of the legal mechanisms for getting out of them (hereinafter referred to as cases) in the following areas:

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