Why does a bear sleep in winter? Why does a bear suck its paw? Why does a bear suck its paw in winter? Why does a bear suck its paw in a dream.


Everyone is well aware of one of the main features of bears hibernation. However, few people know why this happens. We offer to find out why the bear sleeps in winter and why it sucks its paw.

Bears hibernate because they have nothing to eat and nothing to replenish the expended energy reserves that are necessary for searching for food. Hibernation makes it possible to survive cold times without serious losses for the animal.

All bears that live in climatic zones from temperate to arctic have the ability to hibernate during the winter. This is due to the fact that the snow in these parts lies for a long time and tightly covers the ground cover, hiding most of the bears' diet under it. These predators are the largest on earth, their average weight is 150-350 kg, and in some cases 700 kg (Grizzly bears). Such a carcass needs to be fed with something all winter, but the snow cover makes this almost impossible, even taking into account the fact that these predators are omnivores and eat everything that even somehow looks like food.

In the article you will learn more interesting facts about the features of the wintering of these animals.

Does the bear suck its paw?

There is a myth among the people that bears suck their paws when they sleep. Actually it is not. This habit is observed only in small cubs that are born in captivity and lack a biological mother, so they are fed with an ordinary bottle. Bear cubs suck on their hind paw, as the skin on it is tender and reminds the baby of the mother's nipple.

The big ones don't do that. There are two versions that could mislead people in this way:

  1. When a bear sleeps in a den, it curls up into a ball, bending its hind legs and pressing its front legs against its muzzle. Therefore, it might seem to people that the bear is sucking its paw.
  2. The skin on the paws of a bear is incredibly durable, as it allows the animal to move painlessly over any rough and sharp surfaces. The formation of new skin occurs even in winter under a layer of old, which certainly causes severe itching and discomfort. Here the bear bites the old cover in a dream, but does not do this all the time.

Not all animals fall asleep in shelters for the winter. Find out which types of animals tend to hibernate here.

Hibernation at the bears

We all love animals since childhood. The bear is no exception. This animal has always captivated with its clumsiness and pretty appearance. The bear became the hero of Russian fairy tales and has always remained a symbol of Rus'. This beast has an impressive size and very thick fur. This animal is always associated with hibernation. It's hard to believe, but the bear really spends a third of his life in a dream. When children ask about the reason for such behavior, it is sometimes difficult for us to answer the simple question “why does the bear sleep in winter?”. The explanation for this phenomenon is very simple.

As you know, bears are omnivorous animals, in other words, they consume both animal and healthy plant foods in their diet. Winter hibernation always falls on the cold season, when nature goes into an economical mode and there is practically no plant food for the bear. Certainly? this animal could, with grief, eat only animals, but they are not so easy to catch.

Causes of hibernation in bears

The average weight of a bear is half a ton. These are very impressive dimensions. The clumsiness of a bear limits him in movement, it is sometimes incredibly difficult for him to catch a hare or other animal. You can try to find vegetation. But in winter, it practically does not remain, and therefore the bear has to choose a sleep mode. Why the bear sleeps in winter is explained in detail in popular science magazines. This is the so-called protective mode, which allows him to save his life and not die from the cold.

The main reason for bears is simple

Then you may have a completely logical question why the bear sleeps in winter, while other animals do not. Everything is quite simple. As they say, he can afford it. During the summer and early autumn, he is able to accumulate a huge amount of subcutaneous fat, which will become his salvation from hunger in sleep mode. Since it is very cold in winter, energy consumption increases several times. The bear cannot afford such a luxury. His fat is not enough for an active lifestyle, and therefore hibernation is the only correct solution in this situation.

Bears sleep in winter, a video that confirms this can be found in any nature program. It is worth saying a few words about hibernation itself. By its nature, this is a unique process that allows the animal to survive in the harsh conditions of winter. Sometimes it seems so incredible that it's even hard to believe. It’s worth starting with the fact that hibernation is a certain mode of existence, which is familiar to a bear. Hibernation can be delayed even for six months. But how to survive during this time and not die of hunger. Everything is very simple.

Features of hibernation in bears

Bears sleep in the winter in the video, you can see how the dormant animal just lies. But in fact, this is a very complex biochemical process in which the functioning of all the vital organs of the animal slows down to such a state that one might think that the animal is no longer breathing. This is the so-called power saving mode. This is the only chance for the bear to survive the hungry winter. His breathing is very slow.

Bear's den in the forest

In order for all organs to continue to work, fat is used as energy. For hibernation, an animal can spend half its weight. It could be 200 kg. Sufficiently large losses, which over the summer will again be replenished with interest. Often during hibernation bear cubs are born. They are born in a litter. Usually there are several. The most interesting thing is that their weight is so small compared to an adult that it is difficult to believe in their ability to survive.

The average weight of a bear cub is about 200 g. You know how bears sleep in winter, but how cubs manage to survive in winter is not yet known. The answer to this question is the natural feeding of offspring of mammals. Just like humans, teddy bears feed on their mother's milk. It is so fat that it guarantees its survival in the winter.
In popular science magazines, you can see how a bear sleeps in winter, it is very risky to take such photos, because, despite the hibernation of the animal, his sleep is very sensitive.

Bear in hibernation

There are cases when packs of animals woke up a bear, and he could no longer fall into his natural state in winter - hibernation. For a bear, this is very bad. He cannot feed himself. There is very little food in the forest and therefore it begins to devastate the villages. before falling into hibernation, the animal carefully equips its lair. This is very important, since he will have to exist in it for half a year.

Very wonderful animal bear

A bear is a very large animal and therefore, when you see him for a walk with your offspring. It pays to be extremely careful. The she-bear reacts very sharply to people, especially when her weak offspring are nearby, so an attack can become a defensive reaction and then you will not have a chance to survive, you should know that an attack on a person by a bear is in most cases the fault of a person.

Bears are very funny animals

The animal is simply protecting its offspring. This is an unconditioned reflex. The bear is the protagonist of numerous fairy tales, films and legends. It is customary to depict this animal sucking its paw. Not everyone can answer with complete certainty whether such behavior is really observed for the specified animal. In fact, this is so, but the explanation for this behavior lies in the fact that the upper layer of the paws of the animal is very rough.

Why does a bear suck its paw?

For a bear, the process of molting is accompanied by itching, and therefore sometimes he simply gnaws the skin on his paw, and from the outside it looks like he is sucking it. It is worth saying a few more words about hibernation. You should be aware that not all bear species hibernate. The polar bear has always been considered the most beautiful species of bears. It has snow-white fur, which perfectly disguises it as white snow, representatives of this species can do without hibernation, but this only applies to males. The females still go into hibernation.

Paw sucking is the same as sleeping

This is due to the fact that they are responsible for caring for offspring. She-bears must give fat milk to cubs, only then they will be able to survive the harsh winter. That's the only reason they hibernate. Male polar bears hibernate well, while eating fish. This is an excellent diet for this animal. Bears are unique animals. This is the most popular animal found in Russian folk art.

The bear loves his hut

The song bear sleeps in winter is a work that has long been loved by everyone. The lyrics of the song can be found online. This is a great option for karaoke performance. No one will deny that a bear is a very beautiful animal, which sometimes itself needs protection from human beings from extermination by poachers. You should always remember that at the moment of hibernation this animal is most vulnerable, so you can not use it and kill a defenseless animal. Love nature and she will love you back.


The bear is a formidable forest predator that belongs to the family of mammals, but has the stockiest physique. A special phenomenon is the winter bear hibernation, the causes and features of which we will examine in detail today.

Which bears hibernate?

There is a nomadic spirit in bears, and many species move all year round, with the exception of the brown and Himalayan bear, just these species go to a cozy den for the winter and refuse to wander around the world, preferring a measured sleep to them. Female polar bears also sleep, falling asleep while carrying offspring.

Causes of hibernation in bears

The reasons why bears hibernate are as follows:

  • Serious difficulties with subsistence in the cold season. It is not difficult for bears to provide themselves with food of animal origin in winter, but such a diet will not be complete and sufficient for their survival. True, the sense of smell of this predator allows him to easily find berries and fruits in snowdrifts, but all the same, these finds are too scarce for wintering. That is why there is no better way out than to plunge into a long and healthy sleep.
  • Bear size plays a role in this important biological process. The average weight of a clubfoot is about half a ton. Just imagine how much provisions are needed to keep this hulk fed all winter. There is practically no vegetation, and catching a hare, a fox or a fish on an ice-bound river is not an easy task. And in winter, like in any living organism, energy consumption is much higher than in summer - a lot of energy is spent on maintaining the optimal body temperature in the cold.

Hibernation and its features

In terms of duration, hibernation can stretch up to six months, so you need to stock up on energy for the future. During sleep, the body will extract it from subcutaneous fat, carefully deposited in bear bins in the summer.

During the sleepy period of the year, the body begins to function differently - in the scientific literature, such a restructuring is called the process suspended animation , in which the heart rate slows down and breathing becomes more rare. This mode contributes to the reasonable consumption of the oxygen supply in the bear den and saves the most valuable nutritious subcutaneous fat - these two important resources stretch for months.

Interestingly, during hibernation, a bear can lose weight by almost 2 times.

The animal sleeps quite sensitively - you can confidently say that he just dozes for a long time. Therefore, if a flock of hungry, howling predators rush past the lair, this can easily wake up the bear. As you know, there is nothing worse than waking up a sleepy sleeper, and even more so a bear - he is angry and hungry, so he can go to the nearest village for food to open a couple of warehouses there.

Often female bears do not waste time in winter and give birth to cubs in the den, sometimes up to 5 pieces per litter. The weight of a newborn clubfoot is only a few hundred grams. Bear cubs are born as blind helpless silly babies and their food for the first months is mother's milk. Babies spend up to 1.5 years of their lives with a bear.

Probably everyone knows that stumbling upon a bear with a cub is a dangerous sight, which is even scary to wish on the worst enemy, because when you meet a bear it can be very bad - the maternal instinct of a bear will make you tear the threat to shreds.

Why suck a paw in hibernation: interesting versions

People say that a bear in hibernation sucks its own paw, they say, thanks to this it is easier for him to survive the harsh Russian cold. True, few people can say for sure what kind of paw they are actually talking about. And having opened a search engine, finding a photo with this spectacle is almost impossible - the photos come across strange and at odds with expectations, given that today even hunters and foresters have mobile phones with a camera. How then to know the truth?

Version one

Everything is extremely simple:

  1. Scientists say that the bear's paw is covered with a thick layer of skin, thanks to which they easily overcome rocky ledges without experiencing discomfort.
  2. During hibernation, new skin grows, preparing the paws for the new summer season.
  3. To make the process faster, the bear places its paw closer to the muzzle and bites off unnecessary skin. This process is unpleasant, because the sole itches during molting.

Version two

The second interesting hypothesis is related to bear cubs, which can suck their paws, not living in the wild. This is due to the fact that the baby in nature, as we have already said, feeds on mother's milk for a long time, and the bear's nipples are not on the stomach - but in the armpits and in the groin. If a little bear grows up in fatherlessness and without a mother, then he is fed with a pacifier, like a child. But instincts take their toll: the bear cub is sorely lacking contact with its mother, so it begins to suck on its paw, considering it to be the mother's nipple. By the way, in nature, such a phenomenon occurs infrequently.

Bear after hibernation: what is it like?

In the video below, you can see unique footage captured by random eyewitnesses, in which the bear just got out of the den after a long hibernation - its hair does not shine, but hangs in tatters, and nothing is left of its impressive size, the bear is still sleepy and a little confused . As soon as the bear eats the first berries, digs up someone's food supplies in last year's grass and catches fish hurrying along the stormy rivers to spawn, it will very soon regain its impressive size.

Nature is ingenious and prudent, proof of which is the hibernation of bears. Thanks to this phenomenon, they successfully survive the winter, consuming the fat that they have accumulated for this period.

According to biologists, in the winter period, bears fall into a winter sleep, in common people - into hibernation. Detailed information about this interesting phenomenon is not so much. It is known that bears prepare for this process thoroughly from the end of August, when the day begins to decrease, and there is still enough food.

The amount of food absorbed is surprising, an animal can eat up to 20 thousand kcal per day. At the same time, the accumulated fat on the body of a bear can be up to 15 cm. This is not only ordinary white fat, but also brown, which contains fatty acids. They support the body for a long time without nutrients. Why does a bear suck its paw during hibernation?

Features of the body of a bear in hibernation

Before the period of hibernation, some changes occur in the body of the animal:

  • In the internal organs and in the adipose tissue of the animal there is a substance - tocopherol, which stops the metabolic processes;
  • The metabolism decreases, the processes of heat generation in the body slow down, which causes a decrease in body temperature, the activity of the central nervous system of organs is suspended, due to increased serotonin in the brain, which has a vasoconstrictive effect;
  • When a bear has chosen a place for hibernation, the amount of oxygen around it decreases, the content of carbon dioxide rises, the temperature of the entire space in the den drops, which also encourages the body to hibernate.

In hibernation, the activity of the bear's body decreases, body temperature by 3-7 degrees, metabolic rate by 55 - 75%. Due to the large supply of fats of different composition, animals are able to hibernate for several months. Under these conditions, the processes of tissue repair and hair growth do not stop, all wounds and hair will be restored by the end of sleep.

In order to maintain life in hibernation, the body of a bear consumes a small amount of energy. Energy now comes not from the food eaten, as it was in the summer, but due to the slow burning of accumulated fat. Burning fat leaves carbon dioxide and liquid. A sleeping animal does not have the opportunity to urinate, so the body practically does not lose water, which is necessary for many internal processes. During the entire period of hibernation, the bear will lose up to 27% of fat.

paw sucking bear

In our time, there are practically no secrets in relation to the animal world. Now zoologists have all sorts of devices for tracking different periods of animal life. Scientists explain this situation by the fact that bears during hibernation take a “kalachik” position. Finding a bear in this position, the hunters might think that he really sucks his paw.

The bear, due to its large body weight, has a rough layer of skin on the soles of its paws, which does not even crack. This allows the animal to cross rocky terrain painlessly. In winter, when the bear is in hibernation, a new layer continues to grow under the rough old layer of skin. This causes him some inconvenience, perhaps even itching. Thus, the animal gnaws off the coarsened crust to allow young skin to grow. In spring, sometimes you can see a bear with tattered skin on the soles of its paws.

Why do bear cubs suck their paws?

There is another phenomenon when little bear cubs, who do not live their natural way of life - in the forest, suck their paw. For some period, the cubs feed exclusively on mother's milk. In a she-bear, the nipples are located in secluded and warm places. When the cub sucks its mother's milk, it often falls asleep in the process and may lose it. But in the zoo, such cubs are often fed with a pacifier. After feeding, the cubs fall asleep, and due to the fact that the bear is often not around, the cub begins to suck its paw, because it is warm and partly replaces the mother's warmth. With age, the bears leave this habit, but some bears still do not leave it in the adult period. Psychologists call this phenomenon behavioral psychology.

According to biologists, in the winter period, bears fall into a winter sleep, in common people - into hibernation. Detailed information about this interesting phenomenon is not so much. It is known that bears prepare for this process thoroughly from the end of August, when the day begins to decrease, and there is still enough food.

The amount of food absorbed is surprising, an animal can eat up to 20 thousand kcal per day. At the same time, the accumulated fat on the body of a bear can be up to 15 cm. This is not only ordinary white fat, but also brown, which contains fatty acids. They support the body for a long time without nutrients. Why does a bear suck its paw during hibernation?

Features of the body of a bear in hibernation

Before the period of hibernation, some changes occur in the body of the animal:

  • In the internal organs and in the adipose tissue of the animal there is a substance - tocopherol, which stops the metabolic processes;
  • The metabolism decreases, the processes of heat generation in the body slow down, which causes a decrease in body temperature, the activity of the central nervous system of organs is suspended, due to increased serotonin in the brain, which has a vasoconstrictive effect;
  • When a bear has chosen a place for hibernation, the amount of oxygen around it decreases, the content of carbon dioxide rises, the temperature of the entire space in the den drops, which also encourages the body to hibernate.

In hibernation, the activity of the bear's body decreases, body temperature by 3-7 degrees, metabolic rate by 55 - 75%. Due to the large supply of fats of different composition, animals are able to hibernate for several months. Under these conditions, the processes of tissue repair and hair growth do not stop, all wounds and hair will be restored by the end of sleep.

In order to maintain life in hibernation, the body of a bear consumes a small amount of energy. Energy now comes not from the food eaten, as it was in the summer, but due to the slow burning of accumulated fat. Burning fat leaves carbon dioxide and liquid. A sleeping animal does not have the opportunity to urinate, so the body practically does not lose water, which is necessary for many internal processes. During the entire period of hibernation, the bear will lose up to 27% of fat.

paw sucking bear

In our time, there are practically no secrets in relation to the animal world. Now zoologists have all sorts of devices for tracking different periods of animal life. Scientists explain this situation by the fact that bears during hibernation take a “kalachik” position. Finding a bear in this position, the hunters might think that he really sucks his paw.

The bear, due to its large body weight, has a rough layer of skin on the soles of its paws, which does not even crack. This allows the animal to cross rocky terrain painlessly. In winter, when the bear is in hibernation, a new layer continues to grow under the rough old layer of skin. This causes him some inconvenience, perhaps even itching. Thus, the animal gnaws off the coarsened crust to allow young skin to grow. In spring, sometimes you can see a bear with tattered skin on the soles of its paws.

Why do bear cubs suck their paws?

There is another phenomenon when little bear cubs, who do not live their natural way of life - in the forest, suck their paw. For some period, the cubs feed exclusively on mother's milk. In a she-bear, the nipples are located in secluded and warm places. When the cub sucks its mother's milk, it often falls asleep in the process and may lose it. But in the zoo, such cubs are often fed with a pacifier. After feeding, the cubs fall asleep, and due to the fact that the bear is often not around, the cub begins to suck its paw, because it is warm and partly replaces the mother's warmth. With age, the bears leave this habit, but some bears still do not leave it in the adult period. Psychologists call this phenomenon behavioral psychology.

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