Why is the Novorossiysk City Theater interesting for tourists? City theater of Novorossiysk Novorossiysk municipal theater.


When you come on vacation to the Western Caucasus, you immediately notice that many bright settlements are located where the Anapa "small mountains" are gradually turning into. For example, surrounding the Tsemess Bay with an amphitheater, a handsome metropolis, the hero city of Novorossiysk, is located on the Black Sea coast. The City Theater and Lenin Park are attractions of this kind, excursions to which are obligatory here! Even in summer, the theater season in the Novorossiysk District is open.

Where is the theater in Novorossiysk?

The institution is located in the center of the city limits - in. Nearby are found the stadium "Central", several kindergartens, the House of National Culture and shops.

On the map of Novorossiysk, the theater is located as follows:

Open map

Theatrical pages in history

The first page of the biography of the Novorossiysk City Theater is associated with its main creative team - NDT im. V. Amarbekyan. Now it already has the status of a municipality. Amarbekyan previously led Tbilisi puppeteers. It was for his actors that a "summer" stage was built in the specified park. It happened in 1943, when the city center was being cleared and rebuilt after the bombings.

For several decades, a professional troupe has been staging and performing on the stage of the NDT, which is gradually acquiring a modern look, exclusively classical works - plays by Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Stein. By that time, a mobile stage circle had appeared here, and the theater received the title of People's. The most famous playwright here was Vera Korchan, an actress from Kyiv. Speaking of classics. The described cultural institution has a theatrical blog (website page) dedicated exclusively to traditional vocals, choreography, dramaturgy, and music.

In 1977, the building became the site of the Albatross Theater for Young Spectators. Since then, he has repeatedly won (and wins) many professional competitions in the Kuban. Children's Youth Theater "Petrushki" was "born" relatively recently - in 2014. It can not only play children's performances, but also organize any holiday for local kids ...

The choreographic ensembles "Victoria", "Romale", "Latin Quarter", "La pasion flamenca" and "Astron" also trace their history back to the 21st century. However, they have already managed to catch the fancy of thousands of Novorossiysk residents and travelers. Some of the listed bands are also studios. NGT has become a platform for KVN games, which you can here.

Visit to the City Theater

Today, this "Temple of Terpsichore", which also plays the role of the Palace of Culture, is a multi-storey building with columns, built in the Stalinist Empire style. In the right wing of this house there are cash desks, on the side of the entrance there is a huge poster stand. The interior design of the premises is based on the use of wide gallery-type interiors. Photos of all the famous artists who performed on the local stage are hung on the walls of the lobby. Speaking of the stage. She's computerized!

The large hall of the theater can accommodate 711 seats. For those who got the distant rows, binoculars are provided for hire. The closet is big and chic. When you get to central Novorossiysk, you discover the city theater as quickly as a seaport or a battleship museum at its layover. Announcements of the spectacles taking place within its walls are posted on almost every pillar. Today, the building of this institution hosts not only performances, but also

  • classical music concerts;
  • performances by popular performers, including comedians;
  • battles of youthful rap groups;
  • choreographic shows;
  • holiday celebrations;
  • finals and semi-finals of the local, regional and all-Russian league of KVN;
  • comic performances;
  • circus performances;
  • organ concerts.

It remains to be added that the corridors and foyers of the institution are used as platforms for exhibitions of paintings, photographs, and even (most often on holidays) as a trade fair pavilion. Perhaps, while relaxing in Novorossiysk, you can buy here women's jewelry from India, fur coats from Pyatigorsk or knitwear from Belarusian manufacturing companies.

Already left the theater? Then go to see located in a minute walk. Hungry? You can have a bite to eat in a good cafe "Zvezdochka". It is located on the corner of the streets of the Revolution of 1905 and Engels.

How to get (get there)?

Just take public transport going through the Lenin Park stop. Many of its routes stop here.

By car, you can get to the desired cultural attraction in this way:

Open map

Contacts, poster, prices

  • Address: Sovetov Street, 53, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.715147, 37.778922.
  • Official site: http://novorosteatr.ru/
  • Phones: +7-8617-61-09-11, +7-8617-644-987.
  • Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Poster: look at office. site.
  • Ticket prices:

Such a miracle is the "universal" theater of Novorossiysk! Its poster, as you understand, is full of names not only of dramatic works, but also of dozens of entertainment programs, music and dance concerts, shows, as well as performances that are already close to circus ones. Reviews of tourists about this wonderful place, as well as photos of its interiors and exteriors, you will see here. You can also study the schedule on our Internet resource, as well as on the mentioned official page. Welcome!

Novorossiysk Drama Theater

Amateur theatrical art occupies a very special place in the spiritual and cultural life of Novorossiysk. Where this irresistible addiction appeared in the subconscious of the urban community, one can only guess. Perhaps something elusive was left in the urban atmosphere by the restless souls of more than one hundred Russian actors - favorites of the public from different cities of Russia, who, by the will of fate, ended up here at a turning point in the civil war. Perhaps the invisible spirit of the great Meyerhold, who in the difficult 1920s created miracles of theatrical action here, continues to hover in these places. Either the stunning handsome theater that turned into ashes in the terrible year 1942, which once hosted Sobinov, Kachalov, Bersenev, Yavorskaya and other celebrities, or something else, mysterious, not yet understood, influenced this extraordinary fact.

When the city park was cleared in post-war Novorossiysk, in the course of its improvement, it was decided to build a new summer theater. A two-day competition was announced for the development of the project, and on the third day people's construction began. Only in the early sixties the theater was reconstructed, equipped with a stage circle and other tricky devices, and the city amateur theater group had already managed to get the title of People's!

In 1959, the Soviet Union joined the world organization "International Theater Institute" under UNESCO. Therefore, it was no coincidence that the city committee of the party set the task: to collect, reunite all the amateur drama circles that were in almost every club into a single creative team. Ivan Kharlampievich Kuznetsov, who headed the department of culture of the city executive committee, was engaged in this business, and then worked as a director of the theater for many years. The staging part was entrusted to Vera Anatolyevna Korchan, a former actress of the Kiev Drama Theater, who was awarded combat medals for participating in concert activities at the front, who staged the first performance based on E. Bondareva's play "The Seagulls Over the Sea". The inhabitants of the city liked this poetic theatrical performance. Many people remember for small roles a very young, but very talented young man, somewhere engaged in carpentry, Valera Shcherbin and the pickler V.F. Artemenko. By the way, the future chief director of the theater, and then a modest cultural worker V.P. Amerbekyan also played one of the episodic roles in the play.
The director's baton from Vera Anatolyevna was intercepted first by Evgenia Mikhailovna Boyko, and with her - Irina Iosifovna Yakovleva and Valentina Fedorovna Karunas. By the way, it was Evgenia Mikhailovna and Valentina Fedorovna who first "swung" at staging performances on the "Lenin theme". Even then there was no need to complain about the lack of talent, but the experience of working with creative people was clearly lacking: the struggle for roles, resentment, jealousy and “slamming the door” were quite typical for the young theater. The situation in the team became more complicated. Apparently, to save the whole thing, the city authorities invited a pupil of the directing department of the theater school named after B.V. Shchukin, who had already worked in Temryuk, Pavel Yegorovich Shirshov - a daring, searching, talented director.

Theatrical activity gained in connection with his appearance even greater scope. The performances staged by Pavel Yegorovich were distinguished by the depth of content and the brightness of form. Possessing inexhaustible energy, booming voice, indefatigable imagination and undeniable charisma, he created an atmosphere of all-consuming collective creativity, while achieving exceptional diligence and discipline. Nurturing another creative idea, however, Shirshov became incredibly absent-minded, which served as an occasion for jokes. In the spring, he liked to climb mountains with his theater-goers, admiring Novorossiysk from there. In nature, he immediately transformed and, possessing a wonderful sense of humor, could, for example, like a child, excitedly, retell L. Gaidai's "Operation Y" to everyone who had not yet seen it, in turn reincarnating as all the characters.

The team formed by P. E. Shirshov was surprisingly efficient and selfless. It included people of various specialties: ship repairers, port workers, cement workers, foundry workers, artists, cabinet makers, doctors, teachers, taxi drivers, customs officers, lawyers, etc., as well as students, students, pensioners - more than 70 people in total.
It was very helpful that among the amateur actors there were many craftsmen who made all the props themselves: from furniture and weapons to fans and hats. These are Suroyegin K.I., Yurin I.F., Verevkin V.G., Turikin I.V., Lysenko I.I., Sakharchuk V.G. and others.

But the most striking thing was, of course, the theatre's repertoire. In addition to the works of Soviet authors: V. Rozov, L. Mitrofanov, D. Kovalev, the team first encountered foreign drama during the rehearsals of B. Brecht's play "Fear and Despair in the Third Empire". This fact was reflected even in the all-Union press. The Theater Life magazine, giving an analysis of this work, noted a number of notable acting and directing successes, slightly scolded individual actors, calling the entire team unconditionally gifted. The article ended like this: "Novorossiysk together with director P. Shirshov, artist T. Menshikova and composer A. Shandarov created a publicistically sharp and bright performance." A very expressive photograph of the image created by actress Maria Sakharchuk was placed in the magazine. By the way, Maria Demidovna, having triumphantly returned to the theater several years ago, in March 2008 celebrated her 85th birthday.

Shirshov thought in the most ambitious and broad categories, not only completing the production of N. Pogodin's trilogy about Lenin: "A Man with a Gun", "Kremlin Chimes", "Third Pathetic", but also staged "The Sixth of July" by M. Shatrov. Not every professional theater could take a swing at this. Actors for the role of Lenin were approved at a very high party level. And in the “Leninian”, in addition, other major historical figures easily recognizable by the Soviet public appeared: Sverdlov and Dzerzhinsky. What were, for example, Podvoisky, Bonch-Bruevich, Tsyurupa, Chicherin, Latsis or Spiridonova was much more difficult to establish, but for Shirshov and the cast, all this was fundamentally important. And each time they achieved a striking portrait resemblance. Of course, the realization of such ambitions would hardly have been possible if there had not been an actor in the amateur troupe capable of playing V.I. Lenin. But there was such an actor! V.M. Kozlov was not only a very successful performer, but also a person outwardly very similar to the leader of the socialist revolution. And he always did his own make-up himself, more than two hours before the performance, coming to the dressing room.

And yet, one can imagine how Shirshov risked in 1965, having received an invitation to Moscow to the All-Union Review of Amateur Theaters, deciding to take Pogodin's "Man with a Gun" along with V. Rozov's drama "On the Wedding Day" there. But the risk turned out to be justified: the theater team became the winner of the review, and the performers of the main roles - V. M. Kozlov and V. A. Polyakov - became Honored Workers of Culture of the RSFSR. True, Vasily Matveyevich did not immediately receive his certificate: somewhere he was harsh with the city authorities, and while the corresponding educational work was being carried out with him, two years had passed! But then few people knew about it, but everyone had the opportunity to see in the Pravda newspaper (!) A close-up photo of V. Kozlov and V. Polyakov in a scene from the performance and read a short note that “more than 200 folk theaters of the RSFSR, participating in the All-Russian review, competed for the right to speak in the capital. Of the huge number of performances reviewed by the jury, only 7 were selected for the final show.

Before the start of the first performance... People's Artists of the USSR M. Tsarev, B. Chirkov, O. Giatsintova wish success to theater art enthusiasts.

Then the “word” was given to amateur artists from Novorossiysk, who showed the play “A Man with a Gun” .... The success of the performance among Muscovites is the victory of the entire team and the artist V. Kozlov, who plays the role of V.I. Lenin, who has been performing in amateur art groups for 27 years. The performance of the Novorossiysk Folk Theater is a good start to the review of amateur groups ... ". A photograph has been preserved: in the center - People's Artist of the USSR M. Tsarev - Chairman of the Board of the All-Union TO, V. Kozlov as Lenin, V. Polyakov as Ivan Shadrin, People's Artist of the USSR B. Zakhava and director of the Novorossiysk People's Theater P. Shirshov.

It is no coincidence that this finest hour played an important role in the choice of the life path of several young participants in the play: student Alexander Mikhailichenko entered GITIS, later becoming an actor in the Leningrad Theater. Lenin Komsomol, Honored Artist of the RSFSR; student Svetlana Sevastyanova (known today under the surname Livada) also later became a professional actress and now teaches acting at the Krasnodar University of Culture; SRZ sailor Sasha Ivashchenko soon changed his fate dramatically by entering the Literary Institute, later worked as head. the literary part of the Krasnodar Drama Theatre, the plays written by him were staged for a long time and with great success on the stage of the Simferopol Drama Theater and other stages of the Soviet Union, and now he, the winner of the Raevsky Prize in 2008, rightfully heads the association of writers of Novorossiysk.

Well, it is impossible not to mention that V.P. Amerbekyan also acted then in Moscow as a sailor from the Aurora. It is absolutely clear that not all actors of the amateur group showed such a high level of play as V.M. Kozlov, V.A. Polyakov, merit. artist of the BASSR A.V. Gaaz or L.S. Poletaev (Popova), but the fact that the team was large enough, of different ages and varied, made it possible to solve very serious problems.

In 1967, the Novorossiysk Theater had the honor of performing at the opening of the All-Union Festival of Amateur Theater Groups in Moscow. The festival, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, was again held on the stage of the Kremlin Theater, and the performance based on the play by M. Shatrov "The Sixth of July" was shown live on All-Union television. (There was no record at the time.)

Therefore, the delight of the Novorossiysk people on this occasion was genuine, and the instantly famous theater troupe representing Novorossiysk at the festival included neither more nor less - 80 people. By the way, Vitold Yatskevich, who then worked for a long time as the director of the Maritime Cultural Center, and Nikolai Belimenko, who later became the director of the park named after. Lenin Komsomol, Lyudmila Kuznetsova, now the head of the city Youth Theater and even the famous photographer of the Novorossiysk Rabochy Nikolai Arkhangelsky.

Of course, the "All-Union Festival of Folk Art in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution" was held on a grand scale, and the fact that Novorossiysk was presented at it is very worthy and today allows residents of the city to feel pride. Especially when you consider that 11 million amateur artists took part in the festival, and about 30 thousand theater groups fought for the honor of showing their performances to Muscovites only in the RSFSR.

The decade of amateur theatrical art of the USSR was the first of the final screenings of the festival. “For 10 days, more than 30 folk theaters and drama groups from all the Union republics demonstrated their art on the best theater stages of the capital,” wrote Sovetskaya Kuban. “But for us, the Kuban people, the most memorable was the first day of the decade, when the Novorossiysk People's Theater was awarded a high honor on behalf of the amateur art of the Russian Federation to open the final show.” The newspaper also noted that “amateur artists from the city of Tskhakaya, Georgian SSR, who passed the baton of the decade on the stage of the Kremlin Theater and representatives of the working team of the Moscow Confectionery Factory named after M.V. Babaev. Secretary of the Novorossiysk City Committee of the CPSU V.I. Klepikov warmly thanked the Muscovites in his response. The official result of the performance turned into a diploma and a Grand Medal of the laureate of the festival of the 1st degree, presented to the theater team. Also, P. Shirshov, V. Kozlov, A. Gaaz, V. Lotosh, V. Verevkin and L. Poletaeva became laureates with the presentation of medals of the first degree. The rest of the participants were awarded certificates of honor and commemorative badges of the festival.

That's how triumphant was the first decade of the Novorossiysk folk theater. Many bright, wonderful pages were inscribed in its history in subsequent years, the 30-year management of the theater by V.P. Amerbekyan is a whole era that brought him new fame.

In the last year of P. E. Shirshov's work, the director of the Youth Theater of the city Palace of Pioneers V. Amerbekyan turned to the folk theater with a request to help make a graduation performance. Shirshov, who is working on V. Rozov's play "Traditional Gathering", offered creative cooperation. He defended his diploma V.P. Amerbekyan, already being the main director. It was very difficult for him at first.

But the collective in the "folk" did not consist of random people, and, no matter how difficult it was to "grind" to the new leader, most of them could not imagine life without the theater.

Energetic, cheerful, restless and infinitely responsible, they were in fact an extraordinary team. Several couples created a special moral mood: Vasily and Maria Sakharchuk, Ivan and Nina Yurina, Viktor Polyakov and Zoya Liferova, Vasily and Lydia Verevkin. The wonderful sweet and simple old man Konstantin Suroyegin remained a universal favorite (women called him Kostochka). Igor Turikin, Vasily Sakharchuk, Viktor Polikarpov, Vasily Taranenko, Lusya Kuznetsova shone with wit. Lidia Guminskaya radiated charm, creative inspiration and delicate artistic taste, the beautiful Liza Kuzmidi, Tanya Vasyutenko, Irina and Alla Glazovs delighted the eye, Ivan Lysenko fascinated with her natural voice and external data, Lyubov Popova (Poletaeva) amazed with her innate gift and stage intuition. Maria Sakharchuk, Tamara Volchenkova, Evgenia Leonova, Anastasia Litovchenko acted as the guardians of traditions, being an example of discipline and dedication. Grigory Derkachev, Nikolai Obukhov, Gennady Postnikov, Semyon Medvedev - so different in age, character, social status - invariably regularly attended all rehearsals, sometimes playing very minor roles, more often employed in extras. Tatyana Fursina, Lyubov Kalinina, Lyubov Okorokova - each in their own way, showed a typical feminine principle. (By the way, Fursina, having left for the Far East, had great success there in the amateur theater). Vasily Verevkin represented the type of a good-natured hero, Svetochka Sevastyanova talentedly played youthful roles (After one of the performances, she was “taken away” by the professional Taganrog Drama Theater touring in the city).

In the early 70s, a red-haired, self-confident Zhanna Kizilova appeared, who soon became a real prima. The professional actress Valentina Bykova, who came to the team, generously shared her rich stage experience, promising young people firmly took their place on the stage: Volodya Turushev, Anatoly Nilov, Gennady Elkin, Larisa Kononenko, Pyotr Kushnarev. Successfully graduated from the studio, full of the wildest hopes, Natasha Ilgunas, Lena Dotsenko, Natasha Tetenkina. And as always, the “pillars” of the theater set the tone: Anatoly Gaaz, Vasily Kozlov, Viktor Polyakov (the latter even managed to stage his own directorial productions twice during the period when the main directors changed in 1964 and 1968.)

Already in 1972, the theater was awarded the Kuban Komsomol Prize. N. Ostrovsky for the performances "The Young Guard", "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" and "Eternal Flame". In 1973, having staged a play based on F. Gladkov's novel "Cement", the theater got the opportunity to again appear before the Moscow audience. Participating in the All-Russian review of rural amateur performances in 1972-1973 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the USSR, the team was among the 19 best folk theaters in Russia. In the final show of the performances of the decade on the stage of the Central Children's Theater, the Novorossiysk "populists" received the highest praise. Here is what the magazine "Theater" wrote: "... The advantages of the performance" Cement "are immediately evident - this is its high professional level, vivid figurative solution, accurate rhythmic score. But it is "Cement" that makes you think about the prospects for the development of folk theaters. This performance is proof of the tangible professional growth of folk theatres. It is no coincidence that the Novorossiysk Folk Theater performs city functions in the city.

Vladimir Petrovich Amerbekyan closely followed the novelties in the theatrical life of the country, maintained, in a related way (his son married the daughter of G. Tovstonogov himself) contacts with the Leningrad Theater of Theater, the Krasnodar Institute of Culture and the Regional Drama Theatre, read all the newly released plays, constantly updating the repertoire. Here are just some of the names of the performances: “Thunderous Year”, “Yegor Bulychev and Others”, “In the Evening, After Work”, “They and Us”, “Our Debts”, “Lines Broken by a Bullet”, “Civil Affairs”, “If ”, “Country romance”. In 1978, the theater troupe went to the festival of Russian and Soviet drama in Czechoslovakia with the performance "Between Downpours" by A. Stein.

Meanwhile, the Novorossiysk People’s Theater, having celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1984, did not yet realize that the main of its recent “acquisitions” was Yevgeny Kushpel, who returned to his native city after receiving education outside of it and the “working out” after that, according to the distribution . By this time, having carried out several successful recruitment to the youth studio, the team consisted of 33 people. The soul of the team remained Igor Viktorovich Turikin, the conscience of the theater - such wonderful "old men" as Anatoly Gaaz, Viktor Polyakov, Maria Sakharchuk, Anastasia Litovchenko. Along with Zhanna Yakovlevna Kizilova, the very talented and hardworking Gennady Elkin and Larisa Kononenko became the leading actors, and among the promising young people, the charming Ira Zibel, the energetic Volodya Neplukhin, the colorful Oriental Nurdin Satuchiev and others managed to make themselves known. At the same time, assertive and very pretty Elena Shmelko, expressive Olya Ananyan, soulful Anechka Rybalko, elegant Elena Borodina were already making confident steps on the stage of the folk theater. The brightest, at a professional level, the performer of episodic roles and the favorite of the public for more than 20 years in a row was Viktor Polikarpov, who always remained in one pore. At the same time, he, like Anatoly Nilov, gained his first directing experience, although not completely independent.

During this period, the following are staged: “Profitable Place”, “An Evening of the Old Russian Vaudeville”, “Dear Elena Sergeevna”, “The Thirteenth Chairman”, “Duel”, “The Bride from Imereti”, “Private”, “House”.

In the late 80s - 90s, the composition of the troupe and the repertoire of the folk theater changed greatly. During this period, “Heart of a Dog” by M. Bulgakov, “Blow” by V. Rozov, “Stars in the Morning Sky” by A. Galin, “Tribunal” by V. Voinovich, “Mother of Jesus” by A. Volodin, “Forget Herostratus” by G .Gorina, "The Trap" by E. Zola, "Ah, Monsieur Paris is a dangerous city", "The Lizard" by A. Volodin. Yevgeny Kushpel and Olga Grindzhak played the leading roles along with the inflexible Anatoly Vasilyevich Gaaz. Oleg Beredin, Nina Burzhinskaya, Vladimir Tebenko, Natalya Parasicheva, the young Lena Dmitrieva (who soon became Beredina), as well as a wonderful poet and person - the gray-haired Avenir Donskoy, came to the troupe. The main merit of Amerbekyan during this period was that he not only preserved the folk theater, but also brought up a whole galaxy of young directors. At the beginning of the 21st century, the troupe included six professional directors at once.

In this regard, it is impossible not to mention the diploma work of the graduate of the Krasnodar Academy of Culture Oleg Gennadievich Beredin “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” based on the story of the same name by B. Vasiliev, which left a particularly vivid impression.

The onset of the new millennium was overshadowed for the populists by the death of V.P. Amerbekyan (whose name the theater now bears) and soon - A.V. Haas. The team was headed by a former theater actor Anatoly Nilov - a constant director of theatrical programs, city holidays, official celebrations and music festivals - a graduate of the Samara State Institute of Culture. Anatoly Nikolayevich immediately staged a performance based on G. Gorin's play "Kin-IV" with Yevgeny Kushpel and Sergey Bludov in the central roles, which quickly became a favorite with the audience.

Together with the magnificent costumes made according to the sketches of Marina Suvorova, the work turned out to be so brilliant that at the All-Russian Festival of Amateur Theaters in Taganrog in 2002 she had no equal. At the same time, he took on the most complex drama of V. Rasputin with a colossal moral implication "Deadline", inviting the elderly actresses Maria Sakharchuk and Nina Yurina to play the main roles of unclaimed recent years. This performance has taken a fairly prominent place in the repertoire: the staging of the soul makes the audience laugh and cry throughout the action, leaving no one indifferent.

After the departure of A. Nilov to work in the city department of culture, the most notable production, noted by the theater community, was the restored by the new artistic director of the folk theater, E.L. Kushpel performance "The Bride from Imereti" with Elena Shmelko in the title role. In 2008, the performance was twice awarded the title of laureate: at the All-Russian Festival of Folk Theaters and at the Compliment International Festival of Professional Theaters in Novocherkassk. Yevgeny Leonidovich also staged a number of completely new performances, the last of which are The Taming of the Shrew based on the famous work of W. Shakespeare and Warsaw Melody, based on the play by Zorin, which had great success back in Soviet times. These works, of course, continue the traditions of previous years. At the same time, the young director Sergei Bludov managed to make himself known with his original thesis work “Toys” and a performance based on the play “Bad Boys” by the English playwright Ray Cooney.

New bright names of actors today delight Novorossiysk citizens with their creativity: Vladimir Shvaiko, Igor Ryabov, Lyudmila Kozino, Alexander Lugovskoy, Maria Bautkina, Vartan Tovmasyan, Evgeny Osmukha, Ilya Ragazinsky and others. Performances with their participation, along with those performers whom the audience has loved and known for decades: Maria Sakharchuk, Nina Yurina, Elena Shmelko, Evgeny Kushpel, Olga Grindzhak, Vladimir Tebenko, Natalya Parasicheva, are waiting for thousands of lovers of dramatic art, for whom the Novorossiysk Folk Theater has long replaced the professional troupe and is an integral part of the spiritual life.

Diverse repertoire, convenient location in the city center, proximity to other interesting sights make visiting the theater popular among city residents and numerous travelers.

The stage of the city theater is home to several creative teams, the main one is the Novorossiysk Municipal Drama Theater named after V.P. Amerbekyan. The theater of the young spectator, children's and youth theater and other groups also perform here. The poster of the institution is also full of touring events - performances, choreographic performances, musical concerts and other performances.

Panorama of the road to the theater (turn from Sovetov street) on Google Maps

Poster of the city theater of Novorossiysk

The Municipal Drama Theater named after V.P. Amerbekyan has a long and glorious history, its directors and actors have received high awards for their work. The audience has the opportunity to see the performances of this creative team on the stage of the theater. The repertoire of the Drama Theater is constantly updated, it also creates new productions in cooperation with other theaters.

The Albatross Folk Theater for Young Spectators pleases children and their parents with its performances. On the eve of the New Year holidays and during the New Year holidays, all creative teams prepare a special program for the audience.

Also in the city Novorossiysk theater you can go to classical music concerts and performances of dance groups. The theater is a venue for such theatrical events as the "Festival of Theaters of Small Towns of Russia", the international theater festival "Theater Harbor".

The Novorossiysk theater is often visited by various groups on tour. Spectators can attend performances of famous Russian theaters, concerts of Russian pop stars, shows of dance groups and humorous performances. Even in summer, tourists have the opportunity to diversify their vacation by going to the theater for a tour program.

The plan of the auditorium can be seen on official website of the city theater of Novorossiysk.

It is convenient to track the news of the tour poster in theater group VKontakte.

Theater history

During the Great Patriotic War the building of the city theater was destroyed. With the end of hostilities, the inhabitants began to restore the significantly damaged city. It was decided to build a summer theater in the city park, which was built only by the beginning of the 1960s. During the construction, an amateur theater was formed, which brought together talented people striving for creative realization.

Over time, an energetic and gifted director Pavel Shirshov joined the team, he was able to introduce discipline that contributed to efficiency and the formation of a healthy atmosphere inside the theater. The repertoire also expanded significantly - productions based on foreign works appeared. The team brought together amateur actors of various professions, among them there were many working people who could make props for performances themselves. During this period, the theater participated in festivals, the team and individual actors received high awards.

The theater helped reveal the talent of the still young Vladimir Amerbekyan, who, over time, led it and led to new achievements. He discovered many new talented actors and brought up young directors. His contribution to the development of the team was so tangible that the drama theater still bears his name. Over time, the theater was updated, there were experiments with the repertoire, now the troupe has many talented actors who are trying to please the audience with their performance.

How to get there

The City Theater of Novorossiysk is located in the center of the city, so it is convenient to get to it - a large number of public transport routes stop here. The bus stops closest to it "Lenin Park" And "College", buses, trolleybuses and fixed-route taxis stop here.

From Novorossiysk bus station to the theater a little less than 2 km, from the bus stop "Bus Station" you can get to the sights by shuttle bus number 28, from the stop "Central Market (Soviet Street)" by bus number 23 m, 27v, 27 m, 41 m, from the stop " Central market (trolleybus)" on trolleybuses No. 1, 6, 7, 12, 14 and fixed-route taxi No. 12a. Get off at the College stop.

Train Station The resort town is located about 5 km from the theater, you need to walk from the station to the "Magistralnaya" stop and take the routes that go to the "College" stop. Buses No. 23 m, 27v, 27 m, fixed-route taxis No. 10, 11, 15a, 20, 23, 25, 27, 31, 32, trolleybuses No. 6, 12, 14 are suitable.

You can also take a taxi to the place, you can call it using the applications: Yandex. Taxi, taxi "Maxim", Gett and others.

Video, concert in the theater of Novorossiysk:

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