How dangerous is swimming in a pond. Intestinal infections after bathing: a dangerous virus or bacteria


Although most of the summer is over, the whole of August is still ahead, which will bring traditional summer entertainment - swimming, relaxing by the ponds and barbecues.

According to folk signs, after Ilyin's Day (August 2) it is no longer possible to swim, but most often, it is by August that the water in rivers and lakes warms up so much that it is simply impossible not to swim. Just don't swim anywhere.

What threatens a bather in dirty water

A beach filled with people, joyful children's cries and heads emerging from a pond here and there - such a picture can be found on a hot day on any city and Moscow suburban beach. And it seems to us that if so many people trust this place, and even with children, then the water in the local pond is also safe. But the abundance of vacationers is by no means an indicator of the purity of the reservoir.

Often, even standing in front of the “Swimming is prohibited!” sign, swimming enthusiasts still dive into the water, especially without thinking that it was installed for a reason. So, what is the risk of contracting a negligent bather who ignores warnings.

Enteroviral infections. This is a group of acute infectious diseases caused by intestinal viruses. Perhaps the most common "infection" that can be picked up in a dirty pond. Viruses enter the human body with water. The best protection is to ensure that water does not get into your mouth while swimming. The main symptoms of infection are diarrhea, fever and nausea.

Many open resources on the Internet indicate in the list of possible diseases such a terrible disease as cholera. It seems that almost everyone was scared of her in childhood, so that children would in no case swallow water from the river. This is a dangerous intestinal infection that enters the body through an open wound or a sip of contaminated water. During illness, a person can lose up to 40 liters of fluid per day, which can lead to fatal dehydration. But do not panic too much - according to doctors, it is impossible to get cholera in an ordinary reservoir near Moscow.

When is it time to see a doctor

The doctors themselves say that in case of any ailment after a rest on the water, it is best not to risk your health and immediately contact a specialist. Some serious infections can be very harmless at first and can be confused with the common cold.

"In no case should you self-medicate. If you have any symptoms - sore throat, fever or nausea, you need to see a doctor," says Sofia Rusanova, deputy chief physician for the medical unit of the Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1.

These symptoms after swimming may indicate that an infection has entered the body:

  • Heat;
  • nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea;
  • Strong headache;
  • Itchy rashes on the skin;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • Stomach ache.

Signs of dirty water

  • A lake, river or pond exudes an unpleasant odor, and the banks of the reservoir are swampy;
  • Landfills, factories are located near the reservoir, pipes of unknown purpose are laid nearby;
  • Ducks swimming in the pond are a signal to refuse to swim in this place;
  • Be wary of stagnant ponds and lakes with stagnant, warm water;
  • Hoof prints on the shore are a sign that horses, cows and other livestock are drinking from the reservoir. They can be carriers of very serious diseases.

Where can you swim

Now, without risk to health, you can swim in ten metropolitan reservoirs. These places are checked and controlled by the department of Rospotrebnadzor:

  • "Big City Pond", "School Lake", "Black Lake" in Zelenograd;
  • "Troparevo" in the southwestern district;
  • "Meshcherskoye" in the western district;
  • "Serebryany Bor-2", "Serebryany Bor-3" in the Northwestern District.
In addition, there are 46 equipped recreation areas without swimming in the capital.

From itching to heart attacks, experts have named all the risks of swimming in open water.

With the advent of the warm season, millions of people rush to the shores of lakes, rivers and seas. It is there that many dangers lie in wait for our health, and we are not talking about drunk swimming, the sad consequences of which are obvious to almost everyone. For some people, swimming in fresh water can cause cold shock, and to restore body temperature, they will begin to breathe rapidly, which is fraught with cardiac arrest. Swimming in rivers can lead to Weil's disease, which is spread in rat urine. Lakes and rivers can infect us with norovirus or bacteria like E. coli. Experts from the British edition of The Daily Mail told how dangerous open water is.

Lakes, ponds and reservoirs

Perhaps the biggest danger here is the cold temperature in the depths of the water. Swimming in summer mornings is especially risky, because it is still very cold under the surface warm layer of water, already heated by the sun. People are threatened by cold shock, accelerated breathing and cardiac arrest in those who are not physically prepared for such stress. Cold water also weakens the legs and arms, and even experienced swimmers have a hard time.

Even in closed reservoirs, algae spread, from contact with which an allergic reaction can develop. But even swimming in the fresh waters of lakes and rivers carries the risk of contracting a virus or bacteria like E. coli that causes vomiting and diarrhea.

Rivers and canals

Swimming in rivers and canals can lead to the development of Weil's disease, or leptospirosis, a bacterial infection spread in rat urine. The canals are particularly dangerous because of their stagnant water, but sluggish rivers also pose a risk, passing through urban areas where there are large rat populations. Theoretically, the disease can be picked up in the lake. The disease enters the body through swallowed contaminated water or through open wounds, so any cuts to the skin must be covered with a waterproof plaster. However, in urban reservoirs it is better to never swim at all.


Jellyfish can sting a bather quite seriously, although most such stings are not dangerous. However, they cause severe pain and rashes. Tentacles that have stuck into the skin must be pulled out with tweezers. An ice compress will help with the pain.

However, jellyfish are by no means the only living creatures in the sea that can sting. Sea dragons are small fish that bury themselves in the sand. They have venomous spines and gills that can sting, causing pain and subsequent numbness. It is better to place the stung leg in a container of hot water, as heat destroys the action of the poison. After 30 minutes of such a compress, the pain disappears. If the sting of the sea dragon is broken and not removed from under the skin, then it can cause an infection. If you can't get it out yourself, see a doctor.

Despite all the risks listed above, the more you swim in open water, the stronger your immunity becomes - at least this is very good news.

On hot summer days, when asphalt and stone buildings in Moscow heat up, people seek salvation from the heat, and fountains often turn out to be such salvation. Some people not only bathe in them themselves, but also bathe their children. So, swimming in fountains and drinking water from them is strictly prohibited. There are several reasons for this. The water in the fountain is changed once every few days and, although this is done more often on hot days, the water in the fountain is nevertheless quite dirty, and there is no control and supervision over the quality of the water. For example, the water in the VDNKh fountains changes every day, but only 5% of the total volume. When the water circulates in the fountain, it is cleaned by ordinary grating filters from large objects and nothing more. That is, water is not purified from small contaminants, chemicals, various viruses and bacteria. With the constant operation of the fountain, a plaque of rust, algae, salt and calcium deposits forms in it, which contributes to the spread of infections, even when changing the water. The high temperature water environment is an ideal place for their reproduction. Moreover, the infection is more easily transmitted through water than through the air.

It's no secret that dogs bathe in the fountains, the homeless wash their clothes, birds that can carry the infection walk in abundance near the fountains. Therefore, having a dip in the fountain and cooling off on a hot day, you can catch a serious illness.

So what can you "catch" in the fountain? The list of infections that live there is quite extensive, these are herpes, enteroviruses, coronoviruses, psittacosis (meningopneumonia, serous meningitis) carried by birds, various fungi, hepatitis virus, skin infections, typhoid fever, zoonoses transmitted by dogs (leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis) and many other. Also, the water in the fountains can be saturated with oil products and other chemical pollutants. In addition, fountains can get mechanical damage (from broken glass, protruding sharp parts) and electric shock. So think twice before entering the fountain.

On hot days in the city, it is worth appearing less in the open sun. Instead of bathing in the fountain, you can buy mineral water and pour it over your head and wash yourself. Don't forget about hats.

Swimming in this lake is not worth it.

The danger of stagnant water

In the summer, people often go to rest in nature. They find some kind of lake, cook barbecue, swim. But no one thinks about what this reservoir can teem with. Microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye, this is not a wolf or a bear, so there is no danger. But in fact, freshwater bodies of stagnant water can be dangerous, especially in urban areas. Waterlogging, lack of circulation, warm water create ideal conditions for the development of various harmful microorganisms.

For example, in such reservoirs, although very rare, one can find Negleria Fowler's amoeba, which through the nose, eating the flesh of the movement, penetrates the brain and feeds on its cells. No cure has yet been found for it.

In a lake with stagnant water, you can easily catch an intestinal infection, worms, enterobiasis, streptococci, dysentery, hepatitis, cystitis, coccidia (cause colitis), otitis externa, skin fungi, worms, helminths and other unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Also, a lot of infection lives in the sand, especially there are a lot of them in the coastal strip near the water. To rest on the sand, you should spread a blanket.

After all, ponds with stagnant water carry many dangers, namely the possible infection of people with various infectious diseases. Elena KONCHENKOVA, an infectious disease specialist of the highest qualification category of the regional center for specialized types of medical care, spoke about the dangers lurking in the water.

- Fresh water, especially during prolonged heat, is an ideal breeding ground for many microorganisms: pathogens of enterovirus infections, dysentery, leptospirosis, legionellosis, salmonellosis, viral hepatitis A, E, mycobacteria. There are known cases of mass diseases of people with cholera and typhoid fever after swimming in water bodies contaminated with non-disinfected domestic wastewater containing pathogens of infectious diseases. Also, bathing is dangerous due to chemical contamination with mineral fertilizer residues and pesticides, as well as their decomposition products, which can lead to allergic reactions, skin diseases, diseases of internal organs, - said Elena Aleksandrovna.

Often, cows, horses, and small livestock come to water bodies located near villages for watering. In this case, the water is contaminated with animal feces and there is a high probability of getting an intestinal infection or helminthiasis.

Not only fresh water is dangerous, but also sand at a depth of 5-6 cm. You should not dig into the sand on the beach and allow children to sand castles if the purity of the water and the coast leaves much to be desired.

- The main reason for infection when swimming in water bodies is ignoring the most obvious hygiene rules. Very often, vacationers know that swimming in this reservoir is prohibited, but this does not stop them. If you still went into such water, try not to swallow it in any case, and after bathing, take a shower. Do not eat on the beaches after swimming in open water, the expert concluded the story.

Crowded beaches should be avoided. The more people, the higher the risk of contracting infections. It is best to swim where there are specially equipped beaches, and the water meets sanitary requirements.

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