Clear speech without defects. Stage speech: features, simple exercises, effective teaching methods


The article explains what diction is and how to improve it.

In the modern world, it is quite easy for people with good, expressive diction to get used to most areas of our dynamically developing life. Excellent speakers are needed not only on the stage, but also in business, and on television, and in politics.

Steve Jobs is a great speaker

What is diction?

Diction is called a clear pronunciation of sounds in accordance with the phonetic norms of the language. Expressive diction is the most important characteristic of acting, singers, and performers.

Clear diction depends on the level of training of the active organs of speech - such organs include the tongue and lips. In this regard, the development of expressive diction should begin with muscle training - articulatory gymnastics.

Diction shows how a person pronounces words and syllables correctly, how clearly he pronounces sounds - all this can be trained, improved.

Fuzzy pronunciation of words interferes with their correct perception, and a poorly pronounced phrase sometimes even loses its meaning. Distortion of sounds can greatly distract the attention of the audience, forcing them to focus on the defects of the sound, and not on the meaning of the spoken phrase.

IMPORTANT: It is much easier for a person with expressive diction to interest and captivate the audience. Such a person is much easier to speak in public.

Work on diction and pronunciation

In order to get rid of the sharp “g”, whistling “s”, lisping “sh”, in order to improve the pronunciation of words and syllables, in order for the diction to become more expressive, you will have to work a little.

For a clear sounding speech, there are a huge number of exercises that have been helping people become interesting, exciting speakers for a long time. Some of the exercises were already known in Ancient Greece.

How to improve diction for an adult, a teenager?

To develop and improve diction, there are special exercises. This:

  • Breathing and posture

Not many people know how much beautifully delivered speech depends on breathing and posture. In this regard, there are even special exercises:

  1. You should stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands should be placed on the belt. After that, it is necessary to open your mouth slightly, and, supposedly overcoming resistance, exhale slowly. After training, you should complicate the exercise by reading a few lines of your favorite poem as you exhale.
  2. You should return to the starting position, and then slowly leaning forward to take a breath. The back should be kept straight, and as you exhale, begin to rise and pull “hmmm” for a long time.
  3. For posture exercises, stock up on a book. The book must be placed on the head, and slowly walk with it so that it does not fall. Then you should add gestures, squats, more dynamic walking.

Posture is the first step towards beautiful speech
  • Articulation. More details can be found in the section below.
  • Pronunciation of consonants and vowels. Examples of the correct pronunciation of sounds can be viewed in the following videos:

Video: Phonetics. Formation of consonants and vowels. Associate Professor Bitekhtina N.B.

Video: Staging whistling sounds in adults

Video: Correction of sound pronunciation in adults

  • Intonation

The best exercise for developing intonation is to read by roles.

Video: Intonation (training)

  • Tongue Twisters. A large list of tongue twisters can be found in the section below
  • acting methods. To train diction using acting methods, you should take walnuts or a pencil in your mouth, and then start to slowly, clearly pronounce tongue twisters or read the text

Exercises for diction and articulation

Expressive diction requires daily training of the muscles of the speech apparatus. To develop and strengthen the muscles of the mouth, jaw, lips and tongue, special articulatory gymnastics should be practiced.

You can choose some of the articulation exercises below, although for best and quickest results, it is better to do all the exercises in turn:

  • Standing, holding your hands on your chest, you should lean forward a little and pronounce lingering vowels, for example, “a”, “o”, “and” in the lowest possible voice as you exhale.
  • You should open your mouth wide and move your lower jaw in different directions, including back and forth
  • You should close your mouth, tighten the tip of your tongue, and then alternately touch it to your cheeks. This exercise can be done with your mouth open.
  • You should smile very widely, and then alternately touch the corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. It is important that the jaw remains motionless and the tongue does not touch the lips.
  • You should smile broadly with your mouth slightly open, and then count the teeth in the upper and lower rows, touching them with the tip of your tongue. The jaw in this exercise should be motionless.
  • Grit your teeth and smile broadly. It is important that two rows of teeth are visible when smiling.
  • You should close your teeth, and then fold your lips into a tube, stretching them in front and at the same time pull the sound "y"
  • You should open your mouth wide and stretch your sharp tongue as far as possible

  • You should open your mouth and put a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip.
  • You should open your mouth, and then lick the upper and lower lip alternately with the tip of the tongue, without moving the jaw.

IMPORTANT: All exercises from articulation gymnastics should be done for about ten seconds. After a short break, each exercise should be repeated several more times.

Exercises for diction and voice

There can be no expressive diction without the correct frequency of the voice and its emotional coloring. In order for the voice to sound bewitching, one should train diction, the very timbre of the voice.

There are some exercises for this:

  • You should hold a pen, pencil, etc. with your teeth, and then, clearly pronouncing words and sounds, read texts, poems.
  • Read texts, poems alternately quickly and slowly, loudly and quietly
  • You should not stop breathing, maintaining all the pauses, expressively read texts, poems, jumping rope or jogging.
  • You should pay attention to your neck during a conversation, because. when trying to feel it, the neck relaxes and the larynx descends.

  • You should, making different sounds, beat yourself in the chest.
  • While yawning, you should pronounce vowel sounds for a long time, or talk. It will also help to relax and lower the larynx.
  • You should start the morning with lowing, pronouncing "m-m-m-m-m-m" for a long time.
  • You should speak with a smile. The voice will noticeably change.

IMPORTANT: If the described exercises are repeated for 10-15 minutes daily, then you can quickly notice the changes in your voice that have occurred.

Video: The best voice exercise for the development of diction

Do I need to read aloud to develop diction?

Reading aloud can be an important, closing exercise for working on improving diction. Reading aloud, it is easier to understand where and what problems exist, what still needs to be worked on.

If at the next reading aloud all previous mistakes are taken into account, then you will notice that each time the speech will sound cleaner and cleaner.

IMPORTANT: For reading aloud, it is better to choose white verses, multi-foot verses, difficult-to-read passages of texts.

Reading aloud - an exercise for diction

Patter for the development of diction

And I don't feel sick.
Arkhip Osip, Osip hoarse.

White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
It wasn't even white.

Brit Klim brother,
Brit Ignat brother,
Brother Ignat is bearded.

Bombardier bombarded Brandenburg.

The sorcerer did magic in the barn with the Magi.

The raven raven crowed.

Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.

Like on a hill, on a hill
Thirty-three Yegorkas are standing.

The galley messenger was burned.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,
Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,
Two wood splitters sharpened their axes,
Axes are sharp for the time being,
For the time being, the axes are sharp, until the time.

Grandfather Dodon blew a tune,
Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe.

A woodpecker heals an ancient oak,
Good woodpecker oak love.

Tongue twisters - exercises for diction

Fedka eats radish with vodka,
Fedka eats radish with vodka.

A week for Emela to spin a box of tows,
And Emelina's daughter - to spin one night.

The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

Frost on a winter morning
Birch trees are ringing at dawn.

All lakes are mirrors
From green glass.

Sonya Zina brought an elderberry in a basket.

Intendant incident.

Donkey drove firewood to the village,
Donkey dumped firewood into the grass.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on a cuckoo hood.
How funny he is in the hood.

Karl stole coral from Clara,
Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.
Queen Clara severely punished
Carla for stealing coral.

The farrier forged the horse,
Conb with a farrier's hoof,
Farrier with a horse whip.

A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in a cap style,
A bell is poured, a bell is forged, but not in a bell-like way,
It is necessary to recap the cap, but recap it.
It is necessary to re-bell the bell, and re-bell it.

Have you washed the raspberries?
Washed, but not washed.

Soap Mila bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap.
Mila dropped the soap
I didn't wash the bear with soap.

Called Marina Galina for raspberries,
Galina Marina called for viburnum.

Didn't we catch burbot on the Nile?

Our Nahum is on his mind.

Pavel Pavlushka swaddled,
Swaddled, yes swaddled.

Peter was the first to go for a walk,
I caught a quail and went to sell it.

Changed Praskovya crucian
For three pairs of purebred piglets.
Pigs ran through the dew
Piglets caught a cold, but not all.

Snouted a pig, blunt, white-faced,
Half a yard with a snout from a snout,
I dug, I dug, I didn’t dig to the hole.
On that sow and snout, so that she dug.

Greek rode across the river,
He sees the Greek in the river cancer.
He put the Greek hand into the river,
Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.

The dry bough was carried by a badger.

Old Semyon said to his sons:
"Move the haystack."
The sons cut the haystack.
Old Semyon said to his sons: "Thank you."

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled;
Sledge clap, Sanka - sideways,
Sonya - lope, Senka off his feet.

Tongue twisters are a great way to practice speech

Only Tanya will get up in the morning.
Dance Tanyusha pulls.
What is there to explain?
Tanya loves to dance.

Under the black grouse tree, the black grouse met:
"Black grouse, black grouse! How are your cubs?"
Grouse grouse in response:
“My cubs are healthy guys,
Hello from them to your grouse!”

Three Magpies, Three Ratchets
Lost three brushes
Three today, three yesterday
Three more the day before yesterday.

The duck began to teach her ducklings on the pond,
Ducklings do not want to swim in front of their mother.
Terribly the duck is tormented:
“Well, what will come of them?”

Bring a coal to the corner,
Put out the coal in the corner!

Ducklings were taught by mother duck
Look for snails in the meadow.
Snails in the meadow without jokes
Learned to hide from ducks.

Fani has a sweatshirt,
Fedya has shoes.

Foka fantasized,
Fedor was a magician
Feofan fenced with Feoktist.

Filin Fili has two filins -
Filka and Filimonka.

Laughing letter X
Laughed: Ha ha ha!

crested laughter
They laughed with laughter: ha, ha, ha.

The braggart boasted, boasted,
Boasted, boasted, and boasted,
Yes, and boasted.

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

A bobcat fox in a chintz dress
He sows wheat flour through chintz.

Appreciates the chain mowing on the mower.

Four black grimy little imps
Drawn in black ink drawing.
Extremely clean!

Chok, choke, heel,
Jumped on a branch
Torn off, broken
Chock, chock, heel.

A goose rides on a stick.
Duck - on a pipe,
chicken on a chock,
Bunny on a wheelbarrow
A boy on a dog.

Six mixes from six baskets
And three laughs from a fluffy bag.

Proshkina Mongrel bit Pashka;
Pashka beats Proshkina Shavka with his hat.

Bristles at the pig, scales at the pike.

The goldfinch chirps over the thicket.

The goldfinch had a dandy.

Yulia Yulenka Yula,
Yulia was nimble,
Sit in place Yulka
I couldn't for a minute.

Lizard on a skiff
apples at the fair
Carried in a box.

My yacht is light and obedient,
I will plow the seas on it.

Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
Settled in Yaroslavl.
In Yaroslavl they live nicely
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

Video: How to work with tongue twisters Diction and Articulation // 24 VOCAL LESSON

Practice, train your diction, and then you will have no equal in oratory.

Perhaps everyone knows the story of the ancient Greek philosopher Demosthenes, who, while still a child, was delighted by chance with the speech of a certain speaker he heard, and after a while he himself decided to use the word as his main tool.

Stuffing his mouth with pebbles, Demosthenes in motion tried to achieve intelligible articulation of passages from poems he read from memory, thereby getting rid of the flaws in his speech. Daily training benefited him, giving him the opportunity to become famous as the best speaker of his era.

Good diction- this is an indicator of an enlightened person, his weighty dignity, which can be applied in many life cases. It may be easy to write a competent and visual text, but it will not be so easy to pronounce it. Fuzzy diction of speech can get in the way, interfere with well-learned performance.

In fact, all diction defects can be corrected if desired. How to improve speech diction quickly? This requires regular training.

Breathing training

Shortness of breath is without any doubt a problem that we encounter even in everyday life. Diaphragm training can fix this. Excellent work to improve diction is the singing of vowels on the exhale. At first, breathing will be enough for a short time, but with constant exercises, 20 seconds can be reached.

The next stage of training is voice pitch correction. You can train, practice breathing, as if blowing out the flame of a candle.

Exercises to improve diction

There are many useful exercises that can improve diction and speech clarity in a short time. Here are some of them:

Exercise number 1. Articulation charge.
  • open your mouth wide and slowly move your jaw forward and then back;
  • stand straight and, holding your hands on your chest, lean forward, as you exhale, speak in a low voice drawling vowels "o", "u", "s";
  • with your mouth closed and open, straining the tip of your tongue, alternately rest it on your right and left cheeks;
  • in an open-mouthed smile, run your tongue over your lower and upper teeth, and without moving your jaw, count each one.
Exercise number 2. Tongue twisters for the development of diction.

How to improve diction quickly? For this, tongue twisters are perfect. They combine different sounds. Think of the lumberjacks who chopped down the oaks, or the four turtles with four turtles. To improve diction, you can say tongue twisters by putting nuts in your mouth (from the movie "Carnival"). 5 tongue twisters with various consonances are enough to get rid of speech defects.

Exercise number 3. Listening to your own voice from dictaphone recordings.

The sound of our voice is not at all what we think. You need to read any poem, recording it on a voice recorder. The resulting recording must be listened to. Try to correct the flaws heard next time. You need to record until you get the perfect effect.

Video - How to improve speech and diction

Regularity of repetition

For exercises to work out good diction, spend 10-15 minutes a day.

It is necessary to transgress to the next task only after the previous one has been sufficiently clearly worked out. Regular exercises will save you from the question of how to improve diction and make speech clear and intelligible.

Many have heard speeches by speakers who did not need to attract the attention of the listeners with phrases: “Don't be distracted,” “Listen to me,” etc. What is this? Innate talent? Perhaps an incredibly interesting or relevant topic? Good speech construction? Probably both. In other words, ownership. There is no doubt that only a person with a clear, competent speech. Perhaps it will not cause disputes and the assertion that good diction is needed not only for media workers and public people, call center employees or consultants.

Well-delivered, competent speech is one of the necessary components of career growth in those areas where communication with people cannot be avoided. Everyone needs it.

How to develop diction?

How to develop good diction? Of course, as in any business, several components are needed to achieve a successful result: desire, time and patience. The development of diction in adults can be carried out independently - it is enough to set aside time every day and practice. There is a large number relatively simple exercises that affect the improvement of speech technique and the development of diction. A method known to everyone since childhood -. By repeating these small rhythmic phrases as often as possible, you can achieve noticeable results in just a few weeks. How to quickly improve the diction of people with minor speech defects? In this case, attention should be paid to tongue twisters that contribute to solving a specific problem.

For example, in case of problems with hissing and whistling sounds, it is more common to pronounce phrases where there are a lot of such sounds, for example: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.”

It is also quite possible to correct diction in adults, or develop it in adolescents on their own, depending on the requirements for timing and results. For independent work, it is recommended to pronounce tongue twisters by placing one walnut on each side in the mouth (on the cheek). Progress will be noticeable fairly quickly.

How to improve diction and speech through breath control?

This is a very important aspect in improving diction and speech. There are quite a few different exercises that mainly help to teach a person to pronounce as long texts as possible, without interrupting them with breaths or pauses in those places where this would violate the semantic or emotional load of the text. very important to the speaker.

How to correct diction by spending time reading your favorite books? Need to read aloud, clearly articulating all sounds, paying attention to the emotionality of the text. Starting with well-known works, you can move on to completely unfamiliar texts. A good exercise, which is aimed not only at developing diction, but also at the ability to stay in front of a large audience and improve memory, are poetic works.

You can learn several poems, gradually increasing their size, and tell them to your family or friends. It is important to follow the diction, not upset by possible flaws, but carefully fixing them.

In this situation, the help of specialists is required. As in the case when it is required to eliminate a serious speech defect, it is better to turn to professionals - on an individual basis or to group specialized courses, where they will help to identify all speech defects that the listener could not pay attention to. People for whom speech production is a profession will select individual exercises and suggest how to correct diction in your particular case.

The most complete list of the most useful and effective, at the same time simple and understandable, diction exercises.

Exercise thirty. Exercises for diction.

Once in Hollywood they began to shoot a film called "The King's Speech!" (actually "The King's Speech"). All teachers of rhetoric were inspired, because they hoped to see a worthy piece of cinema about oratory. With great actors. With a quality story. With powerful directing.

And all this happened - directing, plot, actors, everything was fine, the film collected an excellent box office, rave reviews, a bunch of awards and four Oscars, but it turned out not to be about rhetoric, but about speech therapists. Speech therapists! Excellent film. And about speech therapists.

Since then, and the film was released in 2010, every person who decides to engage in rhetoric wants to engage in his own diction at the same time. Is not that great?

Diction, part one.

The well-known Demosthenes, who successfully corrected his diction with the help of stones in his mouth, would remain a role model in our time, if not for modern prices for dentistry. Therefore, instead of stones, they now use a wine cork, either holding it with their front teeth, or simply holding it in their mouth. Find the plug, you'll need it now.

Below are the lines, each of which should be said aloud in one breath. The first time the line must be read slowly, the second time in a whisper, the third time with a cork, the fourth time without a cork at normal speed, the fifth time quickly.

11. Lie
12. zhrli, zhrle, zhrla
30. LIE

If you think that this exercise is bullying you, you think correctly. But if you think that this is the only point of this exercise, you are mistaken. It is real and very effective. CHTFYO, CHTFYu.

It is advisable to do it every day for two months in a row.

Diction, part two.

We clearly and clearly pronounce aloud all the disgrace that is printed below.

and, uh, a, o, y, s, e, i, yo, u

i-e, i-a, i-o, i-u
uh, uh, uh, uh
ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

a, uh, uh, uh, uh
uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
and, oh, u, s, ah, uh
oh, uh, s, a, uh, and
u, s, a, uh, i, oh
u, uh, uh, uh, uh

pi, pe, pa, po, pu, py
bi, bae, ba, bo, boo, would
p-bbi, p-bbe, pa-bba
bbo, po-bbo, po-bbo
pe, pya, pyo, pyu, be, bya, byo, byu

ki, ke, ka, ko, ku, ky
ik, ek, ak, ok, uk, yk
gee, gee, ga, go, gu, gee
ig, eg, ag, og, ug, ig

ty, te, ta, that, tu, you
it, at, at, from, ut, yt
di, de, yes, do, do, do
id, ed, hell, od, ud, id

fi, fe, fa, fo, fu, fu
wee, wee, wa, wo, woo, you
fivi, feve, fava, fowo, fuvu, fuvy
wifi, vefe, vafa, vofo, woofu, vyfy

ri, re, ra, ro, ru, ry
ir, er, ar, op, ur, yr
trry, trre, trra, trro, trry, trry
drry, drre, drra, drro, drru, drr

li, le, la, lo, lu, ly
silt, el, al, ol, st, yl
li, le, la, le, lu, ly
lill, lill, lill, loll, lull, lill

three, three, three, three, three, three
dre, dre, dre, dre, dre, dre
length, length, length, length, length, length
aphids, aphids, aphids, aphids, aphids, aphids

si, se, sa, so, su, sy
zi, ze, for, zo, zu, zy
sti, ste, sta, sta, sta, sta
hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

si, si, si, si, si, sy
zi, ze, ze, ze, ze, ze
stu, stu, stu, stu, stu, stu
hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

shi, she, sha, sho, shu
Lshi, Lsh, Lsh, Lsh, Lsh
lie, lie, lie, lie, lie

hee, hee, ha, ho, hee, hee
them, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
hwee, hwee, hwa, hwo, hwoo, hwee
huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh

uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
uu, uu, uu, uu, uu
chi, che, cha, cho, cho
ich, ech, ach, och, uch, ich

Diction, part three.

Tongue Twisters. You can pronounce them with a cork in your mouth, you can without. Although they are tongue twisters, they should be read slowly, pronouncing each sound as clearly as possible. Remember to open your mouth on vowels and pay attention to the final syllables of words.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds b, p, c, f, g, k, d, t, x:

Got the beans. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid. A cap on a cap, a cap under the cap. Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork. Near the stake of the bell, near the gate there is a bell. The jackal walked, the jackal galloped. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of fluff. The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's scarf. The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply. Our head over your head over your head, over your head. In one, Klim, prick a wedge. There is a mop with a podprikopyonochkom. In the field, Frosya is flying millet, Frosya is carrying out weeds. The crab made the rake to the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab: hay with a rake, crab, rob! The tree has needles. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood, how funny he is in a hood! All beavers are kind to their beavers. Beavers take beans for their cubs. Beavers sometimes excite beavers by giving them beans. Pankrat Kondratov forgot the jack, and without a jack Pankrat cannot lift a tractor on the highway. There is a honey cake on the honey, but I have no time for the honey cake. Prokop came, dill boiled, Prokop left, dill boiled: just as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boiled without Prokop. The sorcerer worked in a barn with the Magi. The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres. Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych. Our guest took the cane. Pharaonic favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade. Rhododendrons from the arboretum were given by parents. To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg. A grouse sat on a tree, and a grouse with grouse cubs on a branch. Brit Klim brother, Brit Gleb brother, brother Ignat bearded. I praise halva.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds r, l, m, n:

Shot on quails and black grouse. In our backyard, the weather got wet. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters were talking about the Stall, about Varka, about Marina's wife. Klara-kralya sneaked with a crocodile to Lara. The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, but he said nothing about the lieutenant. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard. The Elector compromised the Landsknecht. He reported and under-reported, under-reported and reported. Snouted a white-faced pig, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with a snout, dug, undermined. The fellow ate thirty-three pies with a pie, and all with cottage cheese. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch. Carl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl. Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing the coral. Karl put the bow on the chest. Clara was stealing an onion from the chest. You can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters. Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt. Tell me about shopping. About what about purchases? About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases. A cap is sewn, but not in a cap style; a bell is poured, but not in a bell-like way. It is necessary to re-cap the cap, re-cap, it is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell. The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol. Was at Frol's, Frol lied to Lavr. I'll go to the Lavra, to the Frol Lavra Navra. The king is an eagle. The courier overtakes the courier in the quarry. Malanya chattered milk, blurted out, but did not blurt out. Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered the lily, saw Lydia. The galley messenger was burned. Go to the army, so take the reed. Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped, but Baikal did not grow shallow. We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce, we barely ate them. Mom did not regret washing. Milu's mother washed soap with soap. Mila did not like soap, Mila dropped the soap. In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight. Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. Mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather. The city of Nerl on the Nerl River. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes. From under Kostroma, from under the Kostroma region, four men were walking. A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain. The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains. Do not smoke, Turk, pipe, do not peck, trigger, grits. And I don't feel sick.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds s, s, sh, f, h, u, c:

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets. The wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse. He doesn’t want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe. The net caught on a knot. But seven sat in the sleigh themselves. From body to body there was an overload of watermelons. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed. The flute whistler whistles with a flute. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry. Forty mice walked, found forty pennies, two worse mice found two pennies each. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies. A quarter of a quarter of a pea without a wormhole. Intendant incident. Challenger Precedent. Konstantin stated. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake. It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner. The pike tries in vain to infringe on the bream. The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin. Jasper in suede is mossy.

Roto-pharyngeal gymnastics

Exercise challenge- activate the work of the muscles of the soft palate and pharynx, strengthen their neuromuscular base, release the neck and neck muscles from muscle clamping.

A good effect in the development of phonation breathing, the education of a speech voice is given by a speech uttered to oneself. It can be used not only in breathing exercises and exercises with texts, but above all in intrapharyngeal articulation (exercise 10–13).

Very useful exercises with the pronunciation of nasal consonants with a pinched nose. They reflexively cause a strong raising of the palatine curtain, activate it, eliminate stagnation, because the air wave that has encountered an obstacle (pinched nose) during normal pronunciation of the text involuntarily “throws” the sound forward and relieves tension from the larynx. During the initial training, it is more convenient to speak only the first half of the tongue twister with a pinched nose, immediately pronounce it freely, then pronounce the second half of the text with the same techniques (Ex. 14–15).


1. “I want to yawn, but I don’t yawn.”

Become straight, legs slightly apart, body position - “on a peg”. The beginning of a yawn: I want to yawn, but I do not yawn. The tongue lies flat against the lower front teeth; slightly opening your mouth, pull in the air, widely opening the pharynx; during a yawn, the tongue, strongly bending down, is pulled back and tenses; the palatine curtain at the same time is raised, forming smooth edges of the vault. Hold the larynx in such a tense position for 4-5 seconds, then lower the palatine curtain, relaxing the muscles of the larynx. Repeat 3-4 times. This exercise strengthens the soft palate, expands the larynx, is the prevention of acute respiratory infections.

2. Examine the cavity of the pharynx in front of the mirror, while exhaling to “AH - AH - AH, OH - OH - OH, EC - EC - EC", while the vowels are articulated without a sound, while the sound “X” should be heard distinctly.

3. "I want to pronounce the sound" A ", but I can not."

The starting position is the same; the lower jaw is lowered down as when pronouncing the sound "A"; the tongue lies flat on the bottom of the mouth, pulling back. The palatine curtain is strongly raised and tense, (silent articulation of the sound "A"). Hold the larynx in this position for 4-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

4. "I want to pronounce the sound" P ", but I can not."

The starting position is the same; the lips are tightly closed and tense, the teeth are open, the tongue lies below, strongly pulled back by the root of the tongue, while the pharynx opens. The velum of the palate is actively raised and tense, forming an even vault and a high dome. Trying to pronounce the sound “P” with a strong tension of the lips, as if to break through the barrier, but not to perform this movement.

5. Rinsing the larynx with vowel sounds - E - A - OU - Y - I. The starting position is the same. Only the muscles of the larynx take part in articulation, the lips remain motionless. Mentally follow the work of the pharynx.

6. The starting position is the same. Lower your head down and try to open the pharynx as wide as possible. Repeat 5 times.

7. The starting position is the same. Quietly tilt your head back, while not pulling your neck (feeling of a “thick neck”), and try to open your pharynx wider. Repeat 5 times.

8. The starting position is the same. Turn your head to the right and left, trying to open the pharynx as wide as possible. Repeat 5 times.

9. The starting position is the same. Tilt the body body forward and backward, trying to open the pharynx as wide as possible. Repeat 5 times.

10. Stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms hang freely along the body (body position “on a peg”): several times in a row, slowly and quietly pronounce explosive consonants k-g, k-g, k-g... g-k, g-k, g-k... Then mentally pronounce the vowels a-uh-oh. During the mental pronunciation of vowels, focus all attention on the work of the pharynx. Repeat 4-6 times.

11. The starting position is the same; repeat the previous exercise, but during the mental pronunciation of vowels, tilt your head down until the chin touches the sternum; return to starting position (head straight).

12. Do the same exercise, mentally pronouncing the vowels uh-oh slightly tilting the head back, as well as while tilting the head to the right and left shoulder, then return to the starting position. It is useful to do these and similar exercises after hygienic and vibrational massages in the neck and chest area.

13. The starting position is the same; make soft, free, slow circular movements of the head from right to left and left to right, pronouncing in turn the following combinations of consonants with vowels: gmi - gma - gmo - gmu; zmi - zma - zmo - zmu; bma - bmo - bzhu; vmi - vma - vmo - to him; rot - gna - gno - wildebeest; know - know - know - know; bni - bna - bno - bnu; vni - vna - vno - vnu.

Repeat 5 times. In the future, you can use the texts of tongue twisters and proverbs in these and similar exercises.

14. "Our Polkan from Baikal lakal."

Pronounce this text, holding your nose with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, then pronounce it freely, without clamping; do the same with the second half of the text: "Polkan lapped, Baikal did not shallow."

15. “On the shallows we lazily caught burbot, / on the shallows we caught tench.

Didn't you kindly pray for love / and beckoned me into the fogs of the estuary.

It is performed similarly to the previous exercise. This exercise is especially useful for frequent colds or for a bad habit of speaking through the nose.

Setting the correct sound position

16. "Moan".

Starting position: lie down with your body on the table, relax, hang your hands like whips from the table top down; the head lies on the table cheek down; legs bent at the knees are also relaxed touching the floor; the lower abdomen rests against the edge of the table top.

Imagine that everything hurts you: your head, your throat ... You need to call someone from your relatives who are in the same room, draw their attention to yourself. The vocal effort, especially associated with the physical tension of the larynx, causes pain. Say: “mmmm…mmmmmm….mmm…” The groan should be similar to a slight lowing that arose at the “tips” of the covered lips. Breathing should be active enough. Do not strain the larynx, only the respiratory muscles and lips are active.

17. "Cradle"

Sit comfortably and freely, maintaining the correct posture. Imagine that you are lulling a baby. You are tired, you yourself want to sleep, but the baby still does not fall asleep. Lull him with a quiet moo through closed lips: “mmmm…mmm…. Mmm…" but don't sing. The sound is born at the "tips" of the lips. Swing a little to the beat of the cradle.

Then complicate the exercise by releasing the vowel sound "a" at the end of each consonance: “mmmm…mmm…mmm…”. Vowel sounds seem to be blown out through slightly collected lips, as if for a whistle.

18. "Roll call in the forest."

Imagine that you are in a forest. Call friends nearby: "Aaaah-ayyyl" The voice should sound softly, without tension, resembling a distant echo on the echo. Do not open your mouth too wide, sounds should not occur in the oral cavity, but at the “tips” of the lips. No one answered ... Call a little more actively: “Hey-hey-hey!» No one again... Call even louder: "Oooh-hoo-hoo!" Make sure that the sound remains on the lips.

19. "Coal miners".

Imagine that you are selling coals. At first, quietly, without tension, monotonously, on one note, draw the word “uuuu-gliiiiiii, uuuuu-gliiiiiii, uuuuu-gliiiiiiiiii…”. Sounds should appear at the “tips” of the lips, then you can increase the strength of the sound, gradually bringing it to the loudest sound, and vice versa, evenly reducing the sound, bring it to a quiet sound. Make sure that the sound remains on the lips. Feel how, leaning on the diaphragm, it forms a sound wave, where the strength of the sound depends on the density of the diaphragm tension and the ability to keep the chest in an expanded position for as long as possible.

Exercises to relieve tension in the occipital muscles:

20. Stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms hanging freely along the body: tilting your head back with a slight movement, pronounce the following sound combinations: GAI, MAI, NAI, WAI, GIVE.

21. The starting position is the same; raising your shoulders up, pronounce sound combinations: AMBA, AN DA, AVDA, AL GA.

22. The starting position is the same: “rolling” the thrown back head to the right, then to the left, pronounce the following sounds: MMMMM, NNNN, LLLL, RRRR.

Exercises to remove clamps of the lower jaw

23. Become straight, legs slightly apart. The position of the body is “on a peg”, with the right hand, support the elbow of the left hand, so that the left fist rests on the lower jaw, creating resistance to it.

24. Gently lowering the lower jaw, pronounce the following sound combinations: AAAM, AAAN, AAAL.

25. Stand straight, legs slightly apart, grab the lower jaw with the chin with the right hand, put the palm of the left hand on the back of the head: pronounce the words with the shock "A", while creating and relieving pressure while pronouncing the words steam, gift, heat, card, school desk, stick, fortune teller etc.

26. Sitting on a chair at the table, put your chin on the table, hands lie freely on your knees. Without lifting your chin from the table, pronounce the following sound combinations as if upward: AMBA, AN DA, AR DA, ARBA, ALGA.

27. Become straight, the position of the body is “on a peg”, hands hang freely along the body; check the freedom of the neck muscles by turning the head to the right, to the left, tilting the head up, down.

28. Say aloud, trying to speak quietly, the following sound combinations:








While pronouncing these combinations, lightly stroke the neck and upper chest (straight or to the sides to the armpits) either with the left or with the right hand from top to bottom.

Articulation gymnastics for lips.

29. Pull the lips into a tube, stretch in a smile - the corners of the lips up (repeat 5-6 times).

30. Pull the lips into a tube, stretch in a smile - the corners of the lips down (repeat 5-6 times).

31. Pull lips into a tube - movement of the tube to the right, left, up, down, circular movements of the tube clockwise and counterclockwise (the lower jaw is motionless).

32. Slide the upper lip over the upper teeth, exposing the teeth, while the lip is pressed tightly against the teeth (repeat 5-6 times).

33. Slide the lower lip over the lower teeth, exposing the teeth, while the lip is pressed tightly against the teeth without protruding (repeat 5-6 times).

34. Variable sliding of the upper and lower lips over the upper and lower teeth (repeat 5–6 times).

35. Simultaneous sliding of the upper and lower lips over the upper and lower teeth (repeat 5-6 times).

36. Make a sound on the exhale P-P-P-P-P...

37. Make a sound on the exhale B-B-B-B-B…

38. Exhale alternately sounds P And B: P-B-P-B-P-B-P-B-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB…(track, so that the lips are pressed to the teeth, and the cheeks do not swell).

Articulatory gymnastics for the tongue.

39. Tongue lies flat on the lower lip (mouth slightly open); pull the root of the tongue as far back as possible, return to its original position (repeat 5-6 times).

40. Massage with the tip of the tongue of the hard palate along and across, with circular movements of the tongue to the right and left sides (the lower jaw is motionless).

41. Mouth closed, teeth open; the tongue moves to the right, to the left, resting with the tip on the right and left cheeks (the lower jaw is motionless).

42. Tongue lies flat on the lower lip (mouth slightly open); touch the upper alveoli with the tip of the tongue, take the starting position; touch the tip of the tongue to the middle part of the hard palate, take the starting position; touch the back of the hard palate with the tip of the tongue, take the starting position (repeat 5-6 times).

43. Mouth closed; touch, barely touching with the tip of the tongue, the upper front teeth - I.P .; strongly rest with the tip of the tongue on the upper front teeth - I.P. (repeat 5-6 times).

44. Massage the outer side of the gums with the tongue clockwise and counterclockwise; the lower jaw is motionless (repeated 5-6 times in one and the other side).

45. Mouth ajar; touch the tip of the tongue to the upper lip, right corner of the mouth, lower lip, left corner of the mouth; the same in reverse; the lower jaw is immobile (repeated 5–6 times).

46. ​​Mouth open to sound A, the distance between the teeth is 2 fingers, stick out the tongue with a sting (make sure that it does not lie on the lower lip, but is on weight); the tongue moves to the right, to the left, as if trying to reach the right and left ears; the tongue moves up and down, as if trying to reach the tip of the nose and chin; circular movements of the tongue to the right and left sides.

47. Stick out the tongue spatulate as far as possible, roll it into a tube and pull it into the oral cavity with the root of the tongue as deep as possible, drawing in air (repeat 5-6 times).

48. Pronounce deaf sounds without the participation of the voice, and voiced sounds with the participation of the vocal folds: T-T-T-T-T; D-D-D-D-D; DDDDDDD…; T-T-T-T-T-T; D-D-D-D-D; TR-TR-TR-TR-TR; DR-DR-DR-DR-DR; TR-DR, TR-DR, TR-DR, TR-DR, TR-DR; RRRRRRRRR… RrRrRrRrRr..; RRRRR-RrRrRrRrRi, RRRRR-RiRrRiRiRi, RRRRR-RiRiRiRiRi; C-C-CCC; 3-3-3-3-3; P-3, P-3, P-3, P-3, P-3; SSSSS, 33333..; H-H-H-H-H; Shch-shch-shch-shch; Ch-Sch, Ch-Sch, Ch-Sch, Ch-Sch, Ch-Sch; SHCHSHCHSHCH..; F-F-F-F-F; Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh; SH-F, SH-F, SH-F, SH-F, SH-F; K-K-K-K-K; Y-Y-Y-Y-Y; X-X-X-X-X; K-G-X, K-G-X, K-G-X, E-A-O; K-G-X, K-G-X, K-G-X, E-A-O; K-G-X, K-G-X, K-G-X, E-A-O.

Articulation gymnastics for the lower jaw:

49. Mouth closed, lips closed; lower the lower jaw down to the distance of the sound A, take the starting position (repeat 5-6 times).

50. The lower jaw is slightly lowered down; smooth movement of the lower jaw to the right, left, forward, backward; circular movements of the lower jaw to the right and to the left (avoid sudden movements).

51. Take the left hand under the elbow with the right hand, and support the lower jaw with the fist of the left hand. Lower the lower jaw down against the resistance of the fist without sound and with sound combinations: ON, ON, HA; YES, YES, YES; MAY, MAY, MAY; GUY, GUY, GUY; GIVE, GIVE, GIVE(these exercises are good for removing the submandibular clamp).

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