Secrets of making biscuits

Baking your own airy, light biscuit is not an easy task. It requires skill, experience, and most importantly, you need to learn how to feel the dough. The more you practice making biscuit, the better it will turn out. Well, of course, you need to know some general recipes and rules.
1. Of course, the products must be fresh and of the highest quality, and the dishes (whisk, plates or mixer) must be clean and without traces of liquid and fat.
2. A biscuit baking dish - best of all detachable - must be prepared in advance: line it with special paper or smear with soft butter and sprinkle with a little flour.
3. The order in which all the ingredients are mixed is very important. First, eggs are beaten (they should be at room temperature!), then granulated sugar is added, and at the very last moment flour (wheat is best).
4. To obtain a greater splendor of the biscuit, the flour should be sifted through a sieve and mixed with starch.
5. It is best to beat the eggs for making a biscuit with a mixer. If there is no mixer, then with a whisk, but be patient, because it will take a very long time to knock down. The egg mass should increase in volume by as much as three times, become white and resemble well-whipped cream in texture.
6. Sugar is pre-mixed with vanilla sugar and gradually added to the egg mixture. A mixture of eggs and sugar is knocked down for at least ten minutes.
7. Flour is also added gradually, reducing the speed of the mixer to the very minimum. It is necessary to knead the dough for no more than fifteen to twenty seconds so that the biscuit does not turn out to be very dense. Skilled confectioners recommend stirring the flour with your hands, but this requires skill, otherwise the dough will lose its airiness and lightness.
8. If you want to use zest during the preparation of a biscuit, then this is best done after the flour has already been stirred. Already prepared dough should never stand. It must be immediately poured into a baking dish and carefully placed in the oven. At the same time, it must be remembered that the biscuit is very afraid of shaking and can “settle” even from a sharp slam of the door in the oven. For this reason, be very careful: no unnecessary movements!
9. In the first thirty minutes of baking, do not approach the oven at all and in no case open the door. Otherwise, instead of a biscuit, you will get a regular omelet. The biscuit oven is best in convection mode. The first half hour - at one hundred and eighty degrees, then reduce the temperature to one hundred and sixty degrees.
10. If the dough begins to rise like a "hump", it means that your oven is heating unevenly. Place an extra baking sheet on the top shelf next time. If the biscuit burns at the bottom, put down a small heat-resistant container with liquid.
11. The finished biscuit must be left in the oven for another ten to fifteen minutes. Then take it out and carefully remove it from the mold. It is necessary to cut the biscuit into cakes using a special string.
12. If you are preparing a biscuit for a roll, then just before adding flour, you need to put butter chilled and melted to room temperature in the dough. Biscuit dough to create a roll is baked on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Ten minutes after the completion of baking, the biscuit must be removed from the oven, removed from the baking sheet, while leaving it on parchment. Without cooling, smear with jam or jam and roll up, carefully freeing from paper.
13. If you want to make a chocolate sponge cake, mix the flour with cocoa powder in advance. The readiness of the biscuit is very easy to determine: it becomes ruddy on top, when lightly pressed with a finger, dents remain on it, and a wooden stick remains absolutely dry when pierced.
14. For biscuit dough you will need: two hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar, ten eggs, two teaspoons of vanilla sugar, two hundred and fifty grams of flour and one tablespoon of starch. For the roll - about another five hundred grams of butter.