What a high school prom. Prom


Thanks to the wave of anti-corruption rallies that began in March of this year, schoolchildren have now become perhaps the most important newsmakers: at a protest rally in Tomsk with a fiery speech a fifth grader spoke, a schoolboy from Vladikavkaz came to the E center because of a comment on VKontakte, a school director from the Bryansk region argued with students about geopolitics. The Village went to the citywide graduation in Gorky Park to anonymously talk with yesterday's schoolchildren about the agenda: about rallies, video bloggers and prohibition on the main day of the Moscow graduate.


The citywide graduation took place on the night from Friday to Saturday: a disco with the participation of Basta and Black Star label signers lasted until six in the morning. Alcohol during the farewell to the school was strictly prohibited, before the start of the holiday, the park, closed to the public, was searched several times: “The last check was at 18:00 today. Everyone who expects that some surprises could have been left here in advance - they are no longer here today. There are no problems to spend this evening in Gorky Park today in a fun and interesting way, ”Alexander Kibovsky, head of the Moscow Department of Culture, reported before the graduation ceremony.

In order to get to the territory of Gorky Park, I had to get accreditation, bypass several barricades, listen to the banter of bored riot police (“I don’t have such a beautiful bracelet”), obediently defend the briefing of a friendly employee of the park’s PR service (“You downloaded the application Graduation-2017 ?”) and finally it’s embarrassing to walk along the red carpet occupied by photographers all alone. Inside the park, a military band was waiting for me, which competed in volume with a straight barrel rumbling from the stage, volunteers with flags, clowns on stilts and, remembered from the recent Russia Day, knights with swords fighting to the sounds of the button accordion. Graduates were just starting to arrive. They were divided into groups, passed along the red carpet in portions and immediately led to a small stage where a forced interview took place: “So, what school do you represent?”

Deepening inside the still empty park, I find two schoolchildren in neat suits. Danila is interested in IT and does not want to “just sit in a closed room and stupidly earn money”, Andrey is going to enter a prestigious technical university, but he is already working - he launches airships at Dynamo Moscow hockey matches. I start talking about Navalny. "He is the best. We are looking forward to the rallies! No, of course, this is sarcasm, - Danila laughs. - We are apolitical. We know the guys who went. It’s a useless exercise, you can’t change anything anyway.”

I'm shifting the conversation to bloggers. I remember Sasha Spielberg, who recently spoke in the State Duma. "It is not normal. The country is already in a mess, why make it worse?” Daniel perks up. “Bloggers do not have any education, why do they climb into the Duma?” - adds his friend. “Well, about education, I would argue - there, Wylsacom graduated from the law faculty,” Danila replies. "And what? Khovansky won, too, was finishing something! Andrey sums up. At first, classmates refuse to answer questions about alcohol. I explain that the interview is anonymous. “Well, of course, we will drink, it’s a holiday. Is alcohol prohibited? How to say. In general, yes, but when we go for a walk further, in this regard it will become easier. And if there was an opportunity to carry it here, we would, of course, carry it. ”


It starts to get dark. I return to the main entrance, trying to go around the main stage. Buses continue to pull up to the park. Schoolchildren are noisily unloaded and for some reason are transferred to a limousine clumsily painted with a pink spray can. I run into three smiling graduates - Gleb, Ira and Katya. “Insanely waiting for Yegor Creed and Mot! And Basta is a serious uncle, but his songs are sad, - Ira rejoices. - It's cool that they offered us to vote and make a choice. They voted for Mot - he is a baby doll. "Drink? And where? We were searched. In general, we are already ready, ”friends laugh.

They watch bloggers with pleasure, but they are dissatisfied with the performance of Sasha Spielberg: “They have no place in the State Duma. Sasha Spielberg bathing in chips is not cool. She performed just awful.” Navalny also does not inspire enthusiasm: “None of our people went to rallies, this is absurd. Everything in the world is unfair, so even if I went and was not allowed to take the exam the next day, what's the point? In general, there are other problems: did they really think about children when they did the exam? We have a fairly strong, specialized class, but they failed everyone. Everyone knows mathematics well, but they wrote 45–50 points as best as they could. What is there: our teachers would not have passed the exam.

Nearby are two strong graduates - Ivan and Nikita. Vanya is wearing the obligatory white shirt and ribbon, but Nikita came to the prom in a large jacket and Adidas sneakers. Concerts? If something happens, then let's go,” Nikita squints. “We want bass! - his friend adds in a hollow bass. - Do you know "Slow"? I would like to listen to such a track. “What are we interested in? Yes so. Well, what can we be interested in ... ”- the graduate in sneakers argues. “Sport! - rescues his friend. - What? Everyone! He is a hockey player and I am a boxer. I try to defuse the situation: "Guys, this is an anonymous interview." Graduates exhale: “Oh, yes, they would swell already. But we will not be in the park: they are scurrying around. In general, it was possible to carry, but conscience began to play. Let's go for a walk in the courtyards of Moscow, to the district.


“The ice is melting” is playing for the third time in the evening, the DJ turns off the sound on the chorus, the schoolchildren happily pick up. The host announces a break: “Thank you guys! Well, we continue to raise the degree ... uh, musical degree! I'm walking along the waterfront. The path to the Neskuchny Garden is blocked, I'm coming to a dead end. I meet Dima, a freckled curly graduate in a bow tie. “I'm waiting for Basta's concert. The rest is not necessary. Lineup is not relevant for young people - why call Lazarev in 2017? Dima picks up the conversation about politics with pleasure: he is going to enter the Moscow State University for political science and even went to the rally on June 12. “My friend was then detained - they just took him from the crowd and took him to a paddy wagon. Fortunately or unfortunately, at that moment I moved away a little, so I remained at large and calmly wrote exams. The desire to go to rallies has not disappeared, but why? Our constitution guarantees the right to calmly go out into the street.” The flushed graduate admits: “Well, of course, we have already drunk. It's simple: you take Coca-Cola, you add everything else there.

It's already dark in the park. I meet Dasha and Katya - girlfriends in chokers. “Here video bloggers will congratulate us - I won’t go to them, no! I don't watch them and generally consider them stupid people. The dumber their videos are, the more popular they are. This is wrong: people are deprived of values! They are already speaking in the State Duma - is this generally normal? - Dasha is indignant. Katya picks up: “And who listens to Glucose? We're not listening." Both graduates are apolitical, and they are not going to drink today: “I want to remember this day. In general, we are for a healthy lifestyle.”

Near the volleyball court sit two teenagers in style: one in a yellow The North Face and Air Max jacket, the other in a snapback and ripped jeans through which tattoos show through. “Do you want to talk about Navalny? Won't they take us? friends laugh. - We have a positive attitude towards him. Now they act not according to the Constitution in the country. Why the hell is she even needed?” I ask if they have heard about the rallies. “Of course you heard. My brother went there. He says that there were a lot of people and these people were, let’s say, confident.”

The guys are waiting for the performances of Basta, Mot and Creed. Then they'll drive to the club in Red October, "next to Gypsy." “Well, of course, we drank a little today, graduation. This year they're being hard at work - it's sad. But in any case, you can always have fun without alcohol,” they say.

Graduation ball at school happens once in a lifetime. Any student is waiting for this day with some trepidation and a sense of transition into adulthood. Graduation party in the 11th grade is the last step in the life of a child, which leads to the next flight of stairs - the student's already almost independent life. This evening should be spent in such a way that it will be remembered for a lifetime.

In this article, you will find some practical tips that will help you avoid the most common mistakes parents often make when preparing for high school graduation.

Goodbye, school!

So 11 school years have flown by, rushed by like one day. Ahead of the graduates is a new adult life, in which, of course, there will be not only joys, but also worries, problems, disappointments. That's why you don't want to part with a carefree childhood.

The farewell school ball is intended to be the last chord of childhood memories that each of us cherishes all our lives.

There are already quite adult difficulties ahead: admission to a university, a recruiting office for a military registration and enlistment office, and a job. And behind the first love, strict but fair teachers, the most loyal friends and fun school discos. It is with them that we have to say goodbye at the last school holiday - graduation party.

A school ball is a day of parting with your beloved teachers and classmates. It must pass brightly and enchantingly, because there will be no second such chance to say goodbye to childhood memories. This day can be compared with a birthday, a wedding or the birth of a child, it is the one and only.

Proms in different countries

The main Australian prom feature the transport by which the participants arrive for the evening is considered. The more original the car, the more popular the person who arrived on it. Limousines are the last century, but a convertible or an ambulance is what you need.

France has the most disciplined students, therefore, on this joyful day, they are ready to tear and throw, throwing eggs and tomatoes at the school building, and splashing water on the teachers. Anyone who gets in their way will be a target.

The Swedes are a little different. From early morning, the girls dress up in white robes, and the boys in strict suits. They go to the ball, where they can drink champagne in peace, after which the teachers and the director give a pre-prepared speech. Graduates must purchase or make their own white hats with congratulatory inscriptions. After the solemn part, they are loaded into one big car and ride around the city, happily waving their hands around and drinking the rest of the alcohol. It is customary for parents to give their children useful and functional gifts on the holiday. This is done for the reason that from the age of 18, when the child graduated from school, he moves out from his parents and begins to live his own life. As a rule, some kind of kitchen utensils or appliances become such gifts.

Japan is a country of strictness and discipline. No dance parties and receptions with songs. Only ceremonial congratulations from the director of the school. At the same time, students dress up in school uniforms and immediately after receiving a certificate are sent straight to a new life.

Unlike Russia, where the graduation party is hosted by parents, in America, this burden of responsibility falls on the pre-selected most popular students of the school. They choose the style of the ball, who to invite, and other organizational issues. The biggest problem for Americans is having a couple. If it is not there, it means that a person has nothing to do at this celebration of life. Therefore, for a long time before the start, everyone is in a wild search for their chosen one for the last school evening. The prom dress is the second problem, so the girls go shopping in search of it. The main thing is that no one else comes in the same outfit, otherwise the evening will be ruined. At the very end of the ball, the king and queen of the ball are chosen. The celebration lasts about 3-4 hours, after which the participants disperse to a more secluded place, for example, to someone's house, where they can drink and have fun in peace.

Polish proms are just as discreet and cultured like the Japanese ones. There is practically no alcohol on the tables, and after the headmaster's speech, everyone goes to dance the Polish polonaise dance.

In Russia, the first graduation party took place under Peter I in 1718. Since then, traditions have been established to dress in chic outfits, sing songs and dance to the music. At present, this holiday is divided into two parts.

  • First- this is the last bell at which the director reads a solemn speech, the students perform amateur performances on the stage, and at the end they turn on the traditional song about graduation, put a pre-prepared little girl on the shoulder of a high school student, and she rings the bell, telling that childhood is finally in the past.
  • Second part takes place either within the walls of the school, or is organized in some public place. Prohibited alcoholic drinks suddenly appear, as if by magic, and tipsy boys and girls go to continue their celebration of life in the park or somewhere else.

Parents' contribution to the prom

Of course, all parents want to make prom night at school unforgettable for their children. After all, we all love our children and try, where possible, to contribute to the arrangement of their happiness.

The organization of graduation at school usually begins with several parent-teacher meetings. Enterprising mothers are actively discussing the banquet menu, the decoration of the ceremonial hall.

Often not without a "fight". Some parents in their hearts arrange indecent "call fights."

More quiet and modest mothers and fathers do not risk interfering and making their own adjustments to the proposed options, although they cannot always afford the royal menu that other parents choose. However, trusting their more advanced "colleagues" in matters of organizing and holding a celebration, they are ready to pay the last penny, if only their children were well. After all, the first and main task of loving parents is to protect their children from the hassle and troubles associated with preparing for the prom.

Children have been waiting for this event for a whole year, they are also preparing, discussing the details, deciding how best to organize everything. Although, of course, most of the organizational issues fall on the shoulders of the parents. The procedure for holding graduation balls has changed a lot in recent years.

From a strict official evening, the prom turned into a real show, and, in fact, began to resemble a high-quality corporate party.

The times of Pinocchio sparkling water, buckets of Olivier salad, a large number of tangerines and many loud and sad toasts are in the distant past. A modern prom is sure to be fun, loud, on a grand scale and always with some kind of zest. At the same time, it should be noted that the quality of a holiday does not always depend on the presence of a multi-thousandth budget. If you approach the organization of the holiday in advance and creatively, then you can get by with a very modest amount.

If all organizational aspects are thought out to the smallest detail, all the necessary preparatory activities take place on time and according to plan, then you can be sure that this evening will succeed and really become unforgettable for your child.

Where to hold a high school graduation?

So, the official part of the graduation party at the school came to an end, the graduates received the long-awaited certificates, solemn words were heard. It seems that it is time to disperse, but everything is just beginning. After all, classmates will not gather in such a complete composition for a long time. How to spend the rest of the prom at school?

As a rule, a room is rented for this celebration: a restaurant, cafe or other institution of this kind, which can accommodate a large number of people.

On such holidays, it is customary to have fun and chat, choose the most beautiful couple of the evening and dance, participate in competitions and remember the past years of school life, as well as take farewell photos.

You can rent a club. In a special room, graduates can dance all night. You can hire a host who will provide an incendiary program and competitions.

If not everyone likes to go clubbing, you can offer to rent a pleasure boat. Fresh air, cool breeze, starry sky - this is a wonderful evening for graduates, which will leave an unforgettable experience. However, there are some nuances here as well. Renting a boat will cost more than renting a room. In addition, not everyone calmly endure pitching.

The most budgetary option is a graduation party on the school grounds, of course, if the school management allows it to be held at an educational institution.

A feast for the whole world with your own hands

Starring mothers-activists. The location is the school. The time of day is noon. Now it is fashionable to arrange school proms in chic restaurants or banquet halls. But in some schools, graduates still adhere to the good old traditions and choose the school assembly hall as the venue for the banquet.

This option is much cheaper and is associated with nostalgia for school celebrations, discos and first kisses.

It is important to remember that by 21.00 you need to have time to prepare all the snacks, salads, rolls, cut fruit, decorate the tables and the hall itself. Moreover, after all this, it is necessary to return home, “exhaust” your husband, your child and yourself - to have time to do a beautiful hairstyle and makeup. After all, you should look like your children - beautiful and elegant. And, if there is still a little time left, allow yourself a little rest.

The last point, of course, is very important, from the point of view that if your head is buzzing with fatigue all evening, the solemn program will pass you by. As a result, you will not even have the strength to take a few photos of your child with friends and with your favorite teachers. Moreover, it will be difficult for you to smile broadly all evening, talk with teachers and maintain conversations at the table with other parents.

Banquet is for parents

When the solemn part of the program ends, the heroes of the occasion are invited to the table. Mothers, smiling nervously, surreptitiously evaluate the results of their labors. The tables gleam gratefully with polished glasses and cutlery. On huge trays - mouth-watering canapes, ruddy fruits and even caviar. The guys quickly flock to cold snacks and, without waiting for the hot dishes to be served, they rush to the dance floor.

As practice shows, hot stuff usually has to be taken home in bags.

In the morning - a mandatory meeting of the dawn, but this secret celebration is already taking place without the participation of parents. If at the beginning of the evening you were thinking about how to organize a graduation at school and set the tables so that the children would remember them, then towards the end of it, you will understand how unimportant all this is for them. After many years, they will not even remember caviar and overseas delicacies, but they will definitely remember the sun that slowly rose over the city and farewell kisses - hugs with their classmates. Therefore, when preparing a buffet table, it is better to replace hard-to-digest hot dishes and cakes with light, mouth-watering treats like canapes, salads, meat sandwiches and fruits. Buy more fruit juices and mineral water, which are always in short supply. Then your children will be full, and the leftover food will not have to be taken home.

Alumni Ball in the Kremlin

Now many people dream of holding a graduation ball in the Kremlin. Of course, this pleasure is not cheap, but if you want your child to remember this evening for a lifetime, then this option is perfect. To hold a graduation ball there is a dream of many schoolchildren, but, unfortunately, not everyone manages to go there.

School Graduation Ceremony

In order for the graduation party in the 11th grade to become a bright and unique event in life, it is necessary to organize it correctly. First, you need to make a plan for the holiday. There are several main points, observing which, all guests will be provided with positive emotions.

graduation script

The graduation ball scenario can be completely different. Most often, either the schoolchildren themselves or their parents come up with it, but sometimes it happens that the celebration is held without any script, everyone relaxes, has fun and does not bother with phrases from the memorized text.

If this is not your option, then you should carefully consider not only the script, but also the text of congratulations on graduation at school - parting words - an important part of this first adult event for yesterday's children.


Parents must be sure to participate in the entertainment program and competitions. After all, it always causes a flurry of positive emotions in their children. Everyone has the opportunity to sing a song, make their own original gift to the school, or just say warm words. The main thing is that during the evening there was a lot of laughter and positive. And for this you must show maximum originality and resourcefulness. This is exactly what your children expect from you and for which they will remain forever grateful to you.


In many ways, the mood of the evening depends on its leader. If you really want to properly organize a graduation at school, then invite an experienced DJ or toastmaster to hold the event.

Since graduates are a youth audience, they are unlikely to like an aged man playing the harmonica. The host of the prom should understand the desires of young people, be with them, so to speak, on the same wavelength.

Sometimes it can even be found in the ranks of the graduates themselves, who arrange all kinds of competitions for their classmates and their parents, sing songs and tell jokes. However, in order to let the kids enjoy the prom, still invite an experienced organizer of the celebrations. Today, there are many agencies where you can order such a service. Willingly perform the role of toastmaster cultural workers for a small fee. A professional presenter will come up with a script and do everything to ensure that the graduation party at the school goes smoothly.


Naturally, prom at school without dancing is not prom. Be sure to take care of the choice of music for the school graduation. The most relevant is the fashionable music for the time of the ball, because the holiday is held for children, and the music must correspond to their worldview and hobbies. It can be burned to a disc or downloaded directly from the Internet to a computer so that you can play it without problems at the most crucial moment.

But it is better to entrust the musical mood to a professional DJ. Young people will love all kinds of special effects, light and laser shows and, of course, high-power speakers. Turn dancing into a real disco.


Important is the design of the hall for graduation. Drawn posters are a thing of the past. It is better to decorate the hall with balloons. The main thing is that there are a lot of them. Balloons filled with helium look quite original. The hall, decorated with flowers, looks beautiful, not only living, but also artificial.

Photo and video recording

You can hire a professional photographer who will accurately notice and capture the most unusual and interesting moments of the evening. In addition, we recommend inviting a videographer to shoot the prom. Such bright moments must be captured on video frames. After all, the memory of farewell to the school is priceless.

Outfit for the ball

The organization of graduation in the 11th grade is not the only headache, parents will have to take care of the outfits for their graduates and themselves, because both the graduates and their parents should look elegant on this day. It is better to start looking at dresses and suits long before the day of the celebration. Young ladies sew or choose beautiful prom dresses from catalogs in advance, and young people look for tailcoats to look “adult”, that is, respectable.

Remember that the trousers of a boy's suit should not be too short. It is considered bad manners when light socks peek out from under dark trousers and vice versa.

  1. If you want to have all eyes on you and your princess at the graduation party at school, check out and take into account the fashion trends of the current year. The first place among all the outfits, as a rule, is annually occupied by a feminine, elegant look.
  2. In no case should you wear a pantsuit - only a dress!
  3. Graduation dresses of yesterday's schoolgirls should not resemble wedding dresses. Usually graduates make a very big mistake - they wear puffy dresses that look like wedding dresses. Why is this a mistake? This is because girls want to look bright, emphasize their individuality, but in the end everything turns out exactly the opposite: girls become like each other.
  4. A prom dress should not only be beautiful, but also not cause discomfort, because you will have to spend more than one hour in it. The official part is followed by a party where a dress that is too tight or too long can play a trick on its owner.
  5. It is advisable to choose a dress with a wide belt, which is the best way to emphasize the waist.
  6. There are no restrictions on the length: you can choose a dress with a floor-length skirt, you can choose a super mini outfit. Everything to your taste.
  7. If you want to add some zest to your farewell to school day outfit, pay attention to dresses with an asymmetrical cut, with bare shoulders or a "torn" hem.
  8. Since farewell to school takes place in the summer, it is better to give preference to natural fabrics. A dress made of 100% synthetic fabrics is poorly breathable, which can cause skin irritation.
  9. There is also a huge selection of colors: from classic black, white, gold to lemon, scarlet or pink. We recommend that you pay attention to outfits with peas and stripes, as well as floral motifs.
  10. As for jewelry, we advise you to pay attention to narrow or wide bracelets and all kinds of hair bands. As for the color solutions of accessories, we advise you to pay attention to the combination of pink and gold, as well as the cold range of shades.
  11. Heel height in shoes remains important. Choose a high, but at the same time comfortable heel. After all, you don’t want to suffer from pain in your legs for the entire graduation party.
  12. And if, after the official part, you plan to take a walk or meet the dawn on the shore, then you should think about a backup version of clothing: not only comfortable, but also warm enough, because June nights, as a rule, do not indulge in high temperatures yet.

What to wear to prom 2020? The best trends!

Hairstyles for the school graduation party

Not for everyone, the school prom is held as a magnificent celebration of life, and the reason for this may be an inappropriate prom dress or an unsuccessful haircut. Yes, a lot depends on what image the girl chooses for herself on this day.

Particular attention should be paid to the main success factor - the choice of hairstyles for graduation.

In May-June, beauty salons are filled with queues of girls eager to be the most beautiful on such an important day. However, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to get into an expensive workshop. And what then, to remain without a cool hairstyle on such an important day? No, better to do it yourself!

You can bring beauty to your head in many ways. Of course, the hairstyle should be liked first of all by its owner, however, there is such an important selection criterion as the length of the hair.

Often girls are upset because of the lack of a lush mane, but even with short hair, you can look like a queen if you choose the right styling.

The hairstyle style for the ball directly depends on the dress. There must be a balance between the outfit of the body and the splendor of the head. The more voluminous the prom dress, the less pretentious the styling should be. If your outfit is a classic black dress, then boldness in your hair will only be a plus. A high hairstyle will suit a dress with an open back. Perfect styling and beautifully lying hair is also a good option for prom hairstyles. Do not overdo it so as not to look ridiculous and too defiant at the holiday. Show a sense of style, then your image will appeal to everyone present.

So, let's look at several options for hairstyles for school prom.

20 Beautiful and Quick Prom Hairstyles 2020

Prom hairstyles for short hair

A short haircut is very popular among girls, because such hair dries quickly and is easy to style. However, when it comes to the holiday, it seems that the choice of hairstyles is limited to the usual styling. In fact, it all depends on your imagination and skills. A variety of styling products are now being produced, with which you can create a smooth or voluminous hairstyle, retro or asymmetric, etc.

As a hairstyle for prom, you can make the original "wet" styling: we go to the store and buy a gel to create a “wet hair effect”, apply it to slightly moistened hair. Then, with a slight movement of the hand, we make a side parting, on the one hand we remove the hair behind the ear, and on the other, we create a magnificent head of hair. Elegant and stylish styling is ready! At the ends of the strands, you can make graceful curls.

Another option: lay the curls parallel to each other towards the back of the head and secure the resulting waves with hairpins or combs. It is advisable to choose hair accessories to match the dress, so as not to create a stylistic “vinaigrette”. Sometimes just attaching a live flower to your hair is enough to make your look sparkle with bright colors.

Prom hairstyles for medium hair

Medium length hair is versatile - it's easy enough to style plus it's the right length for intricate hairstyles. For example, you can curl your hair, spray it with glitter and attach a beautiful accessory to look great. Nevertheless, if you turn on your imagination, then an interesting hairstyle will easily distinguish you from a motley crowd of elegant graduates.

For example, you can try this option: we make two tails symmetrical to each other, and divide them into small strands. We curl the resulting strands and stack them with the help of invisibility around the base of each tail.

Option number two: we will make a parting going from the left temple to the right, dividing the hair into back and front parts. Apply varnish to the front strands and comb them on one of the sides; we will collect the back hair in a ponytail, twist it into a tourniquet and attach it to the head with a beautiful hairpin. Loose ends can be laid on the top of the head to taste.

Prom hairstyles for long hair

Long hair in itself is very beautiful and does not need decorations - you can simply curl elastic curls and tie a silk ribbon to match the color of the dress. If you turn on your imagination and give free rein to your hands, then the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

Classics of the genre - "high-rise" version. Many girls face an amazing combination of curls, strands and curls. To create such a composition, we need hair styling products and many, many invisibility. We will collect all the hair in a high tail, separate several strands from it and curl them into large curls. After spraying them with varnish, lay the curls around the tail and fix the result on the crown with hairpins. For fidelity, once again sprinkle the hair with varnish and add rhinestones or fresh flowers for beauty.

Another popular styling option is the “Greek” hairstyle. Here the main role is played by the bezel (made of iron, plastic or fabric). We style the hair with varnish or mousse, creating large curls, and put on the vending headband just above the hairline. This hairstyle is distinguished by its special lightness and sophistication.

And finally, the third hair styling option under the interesting name "soft effect". He gained particular popularity thanks to Hollywood stars, who often appeared at pretentious parties with such styling. Why not feel like a star for at least one evening? We wind the hair on large curlers or curlers, put the resulting curls back, combing the curls from the forehead to the back of the head. Although the last point is not necessary - the "soft effect" will look interesting on the right or left side of the head.

Summing up

What needs to be done in order for the graduation at the school to take place:

  1. rent a place for a holiday or prepare a school building;
  2. come up with a script
  3. make a thematic design of the room where the evening will be held;
  4. choose a musical arrangement for a disco;
  5. discuss the menu
  6. find a photographer and videographer;
  7. participants to choose an outfit and think about their festive image (hairstyle, makeup).

For a bright end to the evening, you can organize a salute in honor of schoolchildren who are finally moving into a new stage in their lives. This ending is sure to please all the children and their parents, as well as school teachers.

May and June are the traditional time for graduations, the wave of which rolls around the world. For now former schoolchildren, this is an important moment, and they all strive to celebrate the holiday in a big way, symbolizing their transition to adulthood.
In this article, you will find a selection of the brightest traditions of graduates from around the world.


In Denmark, the last school day is celebrated on a truly national scale, and they prepare for it much in advance. Firstly, graduates choose their carnival costumes. Secondly, in every city, a bright and crowded parade is held in honor of yesterday's schoolchildren.

Another unusual tradition is wild rides through city streets in large open trucks. Graduates are loaded into the truck and noisily and cheerfully drive around their homes so that the parents of each student also celebrate the end of school with them.


Swedish graduates without exception put on the traditional white cap on the last day of school, on the lining of which their classmates and teachers leave commemorative inscriptions.
And after the solemn part, former schoolchildren change into bright overalls, travel around in open rented buses and vans in the company of classmates and arrange mass pedestrian processions.


In Russia, the organization of graduation celebrations was approached on a large scale: every year in St. Petersburg, for graduates from all over the country, the Scarlet Sails holiday is held, which includes a concert on the main square of the city, a grandiose fireworks show in the Neva and - the highlight of the program - a passage along the embankments of the ship with scarlet sails, which symbolizes hope.
And it’s also customary for Russian graduates to wear Soviet-era retro uniforms for the last bell: a brown dress with a white collar, a smart apron and bows.


In Germany, there is a tradition according to which the students of each graduating class come up with an anthem and emblem for themselves (or, alternatively, they beat the paraphernalia from their favorite movie).


In Italy, namely in Venice, in recent years it has become fashionable to launch paper lanterns into the sky at the end of the graduation ball.


The apogee of graduation events in the United States is a ball in honor of the end of the school year. For graduates, this is a whole event for which they prepare for a long time and carefully, including choosing a couple and outfit for themselves. At the same time, according to tradition, young people give their companions a bracelet in the form of a bouquet, which must necessarily match the dress.


Malaysian graduates came up with the idea to sprinkle and douse each other with colored paints in honor of their holiday, as at the Holi festival. According to belief, the more a person is sprinkled with colored powders, the more blessings he receives from others, and schoolchildren rightly believe that such a blessing will be useful to them in adulthood.


In Argentina, graduates are also poured abundantly, but not with paint, but with syrups, yogurts, ketchup and other liquid products. And they cut their clothes with scissors. It is not surprising that everyone comes to the holiday not in expensive outfits, but in ordinary jeans and T-shirts!


Vietnamese graduates celebrate the last day of school by launching colorful balloons into the sky. Of course, such symbolic entertainment is also practiced in other countries, but it is in Vietnam that it looks the most colorful and large-scale, since not only the graduating class directly participates in the ceremony, but the entire school.
And regardless of the country of residence, all graduates of the world on their last call say goodbye touchingly and sign albums, postcards and even shirts and T-shirts as a keepsake for each other.

The tradition of celebrating graduation with classmates in Russia was founded by a well-known reformer who, during his reign, managed to turn the usual life of Russians upside down - Peter I.

The first Russian graduates were students of mathematical and navigation schools, as well as military schools. In 1718, students of the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow celebrated the first graduation in Russian history.

Yesterday's schoolchildren of that year were young people of completely different ages, since "children" from 11 to 23 years old were accepted into the institution, and education could last 10-15 years.

In 1719, the holiday was held in St. Petersburg. Then the first graduates of the Naval Academy were carousing in the capital of the empire. At that time, graduation parties were combined with the ceremony, which is now called the last bell: first, graduates were given certificates of graduation from the educational institution, teachers and the director admonished them with solemn speeches, and then a festive banquet began for already former students and teachers.

Gradually, the ceremonial dinner turned into a real bachelor party: the graduates fraternized with teachers, drank champagne, sang songs in chorus, and also arranged fistfights to show valiant prowess.

Over time, another tradition appeared: to order the same rings, which became a symbol of belonging to a kind of alumni club. In adulthood, thanks to these rings, graduates of the same educational institution of different years could recognize brothers in each other.

The director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum presented the first graduates of the institution, among whom was Alexander Pushkin, cast-iron rings made from fragments of the bell of the lyceum church in the form of entwined hands.

According to tradition, after the graduation ceremony (that was what this holiday was called at that time), the bell, which had been gathering students for classes for several years, was broken.

The rings became a symbol of strong, brotherly love between lyceum students, who since then began to call themselves "cast iron".

At the farewell ball, friends-lyceum students promised to meet each other every year on the day of the founding of the lyceum, October 19th. And they kept their promise. Alexander Gorchakov became the last lyceum student of the first graduation, who in 1882 celebrated a memorable day alone.

Milk rivers, muslin banks

In the 19th century, the tradition of graduation-bachelor parties changed radically, because now girls began to appear at the holidays. This was not due to the fact that girls received diplomas, because at that time education, especially higher education, was available mainly to men. Parents brought their daughters to graduations in order to find a suitable groom.

For the sake of such a serious matter - marriage, and not getting a certificate - parents did not skimp. In order to equip their daughter for the first voyage at a secular ball, the fathers spent thousands of rubles, unprecedented money at that time, which was available only to the richest nobles. On average, up to 3 thousand rubles were spent on one trip of a beautiful daughter, the amount could be more - 10-20 thousand rubles. It is terrible to imagine how the heads of families where there were daughters-weather were ruined.

With the advent of girls at graduation came the tradition of balls and dances, as well as innocent flirting and flirting. Of course, the parents were on the alert, and vigilantly watched the children. At that time, young people at graduation balls danced the mazurka and the cotillon. Later, in times II, graduates with young ladies began to dance the polka and the waltz.

The last dance was considered more intimate, since the gentleman hugged his partner by the waist, and their hands touched, which, by the way, allowed them to exchange notes.

In the 19th century, cadets and cadets started another peculiar graduation tradition - to bathe in fountains on warm June evenings, climb on monuments and pour paint over them.

At that time, graduation balls were also held in women's educational institutions, for example, at the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, but one could get to such evenings only by invitation. Young graduates wanted to impress each other and gentlemen on the main holiday, and therefore ordered themselves dresses made of expensive and light translucent fabric - muslin, which is why the girls, many of whom were infantile and overly emotional, began to be called "muslin young ladies."

While the metropolitan graduates had fun at the balls, young people in the provinces celebrated graduation in their own way. For example, we owe the tradition of celebrating the onset of the first day of adult life on the ship to graduates of the Men's Gymnasium in Krasnoyarsk. The students' parents chipped in and rented a steamboat for their children, which took them along the Yenisei.

By the way, only three graduates could enjoy the river walk.

Of the 70 people in the first intake, only six made it to the last course. Half of them failed the exams, so those three chosen ones deserved not only a river walk and a sunrise, but also that we would mention them as pioneer graduates.

If in the 19th century they tried to make graduation balls as luxurious and rich as possible, then at the beginning of the next century, the holidays became more modest. Most likely this was due to the fact that education became available not only to the richest nobles and noblewomen, but also to representatives of other classes. Gymnasium students and cadets wore the festive uniform of their educational institution for graduation parties. Gymnasium girls also dressed up in the same and rather modest dresses. In addition, during these years, the institutes of noble maidens for the first time began to independently pay for "banquets with music." Prior to this, all material costs fell on the shoulders of the parents of graduates.

Tomorrow was a war

After the October Revolution of 1917, graduation holidays became even more modest and strict. Needless to say, even the word "ball" was considered too old-fashioned and bourgeois and was replaced by "evening". Until the mid-1930s, graduation parties were held in the form of solemn rulers, at which the headmaster handed certificates to former students. However, over time, the desire of young people to properly celebrate the beginning of a new life took its toll and graduations began to take place with dance evenings.

On June 20 and 21, 1941, the country of the Soviets celebrated its last peaceful graduations before the Great Patriotic War.

“On June 21, 1941, we had a graduation party, we finished school ... the holiday was very cheerful, joyful, we were all very beautiful. Although the times were difficult, we put on the most beautiful dresses. When we received our certificates, the whole class went to Red Square. One boy had a portable radio, he turned on the music, and we danced a waltz on Red Square. It lasted quite a long time, we laughed happily, dreamed ... And when we danced to our heart's content, one boy went to accompany me along the embankment.

He's been in love with me since second grade. If he had survived, he probably would have become a great scientist later, he was such an interesting boy! .. ”, recalls one of the graduates of the Moscow school.

For the next three years, Soviet graduates had no time for big holidays. At that time, only girls studied in high school classes - the boys went to the front. Therefore, in school photographs of the war years, you usually do not see male faces.

The tradition of farewell to school returned to the Soviet Union after the war. Even in those difficult years, graduates tried to dress up for prom dances. So, for example, collars with lace ruffles came into fashion, which schoolgirls could sew on their own to the dress.

At the same time, the students of those years were much more mature than modern schoolchildren. Former front-line soldiers who did not have time to get a certificate during the war returned to school again and completed their studies.

At the same time, in addition to the certificate, graduates began to receive commemorative sheets of thick cardboard with photographs of all teachers and lecturers. This is how albums appeared, which are now a mandatory attribute of graduation, and not only from 11, but also from 9 and 4 classes.

Graduation parties were held at schools, while policemen were on duty at the door, who did not let former students out of the building until six in the morning.

In addition to dancing, there was another entertainment for graduates - skits. The guys staged excerpts from plays and humorous sketches of their own composition. And there were also so-called "sweet tables": the participants of the holiday could treat themselves to pies, sweets and soda, but no alcohol was allowed.

Interestingly, the school issued the characteristics necessary for every Komsomol member only the next morning after graduation. Apparently, this way the schoolchildren had another incentive to keep themselves in control even at graduation.

Do you want to know what graduation traditions are in the USA, Japan, Norway and other parts of the world? Adukar will tell you how graduation is celebrated in different countries.

American Graduation

In the United States, a decent amount of money is spent on graduation celebrations, as Americans consider graduation to be a significant event. Both boys and girls dress chic on this day. A limousine is rented, in which happy graduates go to the main event - the prom. It is customary to come in pairs: according to tradition, at the end of the evening, the headmaster chooses the king and queen of the ball.

After the official part, the celebration is transferred to restaurants and hotels, where graduates walk until the morning. The party is held in a non-alcoholic format: drinking alcohol in America is allowed from the age of 21.

Americans are masters of creativity at prom

If our girls come to the last call in the form of the USSR, then young American women pick up another fashion trend and put on the dresses of their mothers, and even grandmothers, for graduation. Ellie Johnson's spectacular outfit (right) is over 22 years old. And you won't tell, right?

Graduation in German

Graduation celebrations in Germany begin informally and even before final exams. At this time, students make fun of teachers in a friendly way, come to class in funny costumes and play pranks in every possible way at school.

After the final exams, the official part of the graduation takes place: a gala dinner and a graduation ball. The Germans spend the festival glamorous and with chic. It is attended by families of graduates, grandparents - a must.

Graduation in Japanese

School graduation in Japan is celebrated modestly. The graduation ceremony takes place in a large assembly hall, where Japanese graduates come in everyday school uniforms. After the certificates are presented, they are divided into small companies and continue the celebration in a cafe, or return home and celebrate graduation with their families.

Graduation in Chinese

There is an unusual tradition at the end of exams in China. To get rid of memories of difficult exams, Chinese schoolchildren throw everything related to their studies out of the windows: books, notebooks, pens, pencil cases.

Graduation in Polish

In Poland, the graduation ball is held 100 days before graduation, it is called Studniowka. A luxurious hall is chosen for the celebration, the guys put on tuxedos and suits, the girls - elegant dresses and red garters. The ceremony begins with a polonaise - a solemn dance procession - led by the director paired with one of the graduates.

Graduation in Norwegian

Who-who, but Norwegian graduates know how to have fun! The school graduation celebration starts on the night of May 1st and lasts 17 days until Norwegian Constitution Day. At this time, graduates walk around the city in a special "uniform", which usually includes a T-shirt and a sweatshirt with the school's logo, caps, and overalls, often red. On it, classmates write different wishes to each other.

It is interesting that the graduation celebration in Norway is organized by the students themselves at their own expense, the school administration has nothing to do with these events.

Among Norwegian graduates, the tradition of renting or even buying a bus, decorating it in street art style, ordering a driver and traveling around the city is gaining popularity.

Perhaps the graduation in Norwegian is the most insane!

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