Daria Dontsova read the magic elixir. Magic elixir text


Daria Arkadievna Dontsova

Magic Elixir

© Dontsova D.A., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017

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Dedicated to my granddaughters Nastya and Arina Dontsov

Getting to know children

The more love you give to others, the more love grows in your soul.

- Oh, how pretty, - said a pretty girl of about eleven in pink jeans and a bright blue T-shirt, - Mishan, look, a monkey.

“You yourself, Ksyusha, a macaque,” ​​the boy laughed, looking a year older, “this is a dog.

- Is it true? Xenia was surprised. - I've never seen anything like it. What breed?

“Mongrel,” Misha answered confidently, “outbred!”

“But smart,” Ksyusha drawled, “she’s not sitting on the ground, she climbed onto a bench, she’s so cute!”

Pug Marshmallow, who was listening to the children's dialogue, smiled. She also liked the guys, it seems like brother and sister, but it doesn’t occur to them that dogs perfectly understand human speech and can talk to each other themselves. Moreover, almost all animals speak a universal language. For example, Marshmallow can perfectly chat with cats, and with hedgehogs, and with frogs, and with rabbits. And why? Because, living in her native country called Beautiful Valley, she studied at school. To be honest, in the sciences, Zephyrka did not really succeed. Here her older sister Fenya, a pug, was the pride of teachers, she deserved a gold medal. And Zephyrka was interrupted from three to four. And to be completely frank, she received good grades only because the teacher, Laura the dachshund, adored new things: dresses, hats, beautiful scarves. And Zephyrka, almost from the cradle, sews beautifully, knits, creates a boater with bouquets in the fields, she is a master of all paws, she will make a luxurious blouse with frills out of a torn handkerchief. Yes, there is a blouse, it is easy to tailor it. Marshmallow knows how to sew shoes, in the Beautiful Valley she was recognized as the best dressmaker. And Laura is an incredible fashionista. Is it necessary to explain further why the dachshund gave the student a B for eight mistakes in three sentences of the dictation? ..

“If I pet her, will she bite me?” Ksyusha asked.

“It’s better not to touch the yard dogs,” Misha stopped his sister, “perhaps they are contagious.”

The marshmallow snorted resentfully. Okay, let the boy have never seen pugs (although this is very strange), so he does not know what breed the dog is sitting on the bench. But doesn't Misha see that in front of him is a clean, shampoo-smelling puppy with a beautiful leather collar? Some children are not observant at all.

“She probably wants to eat,” Ksyusha fussed, opened her backpack, pulled out a bag from it, got out a chocolate gingerbread and put it in front of Marshmallow: “Eat, doggy, it’s completely fresh, sponsors handed them out at school today.

Misha laughed.

- Ksyu! Sausages, sausage, meatballs - that's what dogs love. It's funny you told her about the gingerbread. Dogs do not understand human speech.

Marshmallow lifted her right forepaw, carefully jabbed her claws into the soft, dizzyingly scented treat, lifted it up, and began to bite off small pieces. Misha, you are wrong again. A huge number of dogs will gladly treat themselves to a sweet bun, and a cupcake, and a piece of cake. And Marshmallow loves any pastries, all sweets and desserts. But, alas, from the absorption of curls with poppy seeds, cakes, caramels, marmalade, she is rapidly getting fat, and doctor Pasha the chipmunk constantly tells her to go on a diet. But now Zephyrka left the Beautiful Valley, moved to the world of people, became a puppy again, returned as a Guardian to the Kuznetsov family. The strict doctor temporarily lost sight of the sweet tooth patient, he is deprived of the opportunity to measure her with a centimeter and angrily say: “Marshmallow! Waist size should not be more than height. The guardian needs to eat right, because he has a very nervous job.

Who are the Guardians? When the first people appeared on Earth, they were weak and helpless, they did not know how to make fire, build houses, they died from hunger, cold, and disease. And then, in order to save humanity, guardian animals were assigned to each family. Cows and goats gave milk, chickens laid eggs, horses plowed the ground and pulled carts, dogs warned of danger, cats caught rodents and thus saved the crop from death. In order for a person to live well, animals worked hard, got tired and eventually died. And people became attached to four-legged family members and grieved at their death. But no one knew and still does not know that in fact, pets dear to the heart did not die. They returned to the Beautiful Valley to their home and lived happily. And another Guardian soon comes to the person who has lost his assistant and friend, and the owner is surprised: well, how the new puppy looks like a dog that he once had many years ago, even before the dog that recently died.

© Dontsova D.A., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017

Dedicated to my granddaughters Nastya and Arina Dontsov

Getting to know children

The more love you give to others, the more love grows in your soul.

- Oh, how pretty, - said a pretty girl of about eleven in pink jeans and a bright blue T-shirt, - Mishan, look, a monkey.

“You yourself, Ksyusha, a macaque,” ​​the boy laughed, looking a year older, “this is a dog.

- Is it true? Xenia was surprised. - I've never seen anything like it. What breed?

“Mongrel,” Misha answered confidently, “outbred!”

“But smart,” Ksyusha drawled, “she’s not sitting on the ground, she climbed onto a bench, she’s so cute!”

Pug Marshmallow, who was listening to the children's dialogue, smiled. She also liked the guys, it seems like brother and sister, but it doesn’t occur to them that dogs perfectly understand human speech and can talk to each other themselves. Moreover, almost all animals speak a universal language. For example, Marshmallow can perfectly chat with cats, and with hedgehogs, and with frogs, and with rabbits. And why? Because, living in her native country called Beautiful Valley, she studied at school. To be honest, in the sciences, Zephyrka did not really succeed. Here her older sister Fenya, a pug, was the pride of teachers, she deserved a gold medal. And Zephyrka was interrupted from three to four. And to be completely frank, she received good grades only because the teacher, Laura the dachshund, adored new things: dresses, hats, beautiful scarves. And Zephyrka, almost from the cradle, sews beautifully, knits, creates a boater with bouquets in the fields, she is a master of all paws, she will make a luxurious blouse with frills out of a torn handkerchief. Yes, there is a blouse, it is easy to tailor it. Marshmallow knows how to sew shoes, in the Beautiful Valley she was recognized as the best dressmaker. And Laura is an incredible fashionista. Is it necessary to explain further why the dachshund gave the student a B for eight mistakes in three sentences of the dictation? ..

“If I pet her, will she bite me?” Ksyusha asked.

“It’s better not to touch the yard dogs,” Misha stopped his sister, “perhaps they are contagious.”

The marshmallow snorted resentfully. Okay, let the boy have never seen pugs (although this is very strange), so he does not know what breed the dog is sitting on the bench. But doesn't Misha see that in front of him is a clean, shampoo-smelling puppy with a beautiful leather collar? Some children are not observant at all.

“She probably wants to eat,” Ksyusha fussed, opened her backpack, pulled out a bag from it, got out a chocolate gingerbread and put it in front of Marshmallow: “Eat, doggy, it’s completely fresh, sponsors handed them out at school today.

Misha laughed.

- Ksyu! Sausages, sausage, meatballs - that's what dogs love. It's funny you told her about the gingerbread. Dogs do not understand human speech.

Marshmallow lifted her right forepaw, carefully jabbed her claws into the soft, dizzyingly scented treat, lifted it up, and began to bite off small pieces. Misha, you are wrong again. A huge number of dogs will gladly treat themselves to a sweet bun, and a cupcake, and a piece of cake. And Marshmallow loves any pastries, all sweets and desserts. But, alas, from the absorption of curls with poppy seeds, cakes, caramels, marmalade, she is rapidly getting fat, and doctor Pasha the chipmunk constantly tells her to go on a diet. But now Zephyrka left the Beautiful Valley, moved to the world of people, became a puppy again, returned as a Guardian to the Kuznetsov family. The strict doctor temporarily lost sight of the sweet tooth patient, he is deprived of the opportunity to measure her with a centimeter and angrily say: “Marshmallow! Waist size should not be more than height. The guardian needs to eat right, because he has a very nervous job.

Who are the Guardians? When the first people appeared on Earth, they were weak and helpless, they did not know how to make fire, build houses, they died from hunger, cold, and disease. And then, in order to save humanity, guardian animals were assigned to each family. Cows and goats gave milk, chickens laid eggs, horses plowed the ground and pulled carts, dogs warned of danger, cats caught rodents and thus saved the crop from death. In order for a person to live well, animals worked hard, got tired and eventually died. And people became attached to four-legged family members and grieved at their death. But no one knew and still does not know that in fact, pets dear to the heart did not die. They returned to the Beautiful Valley to their home and lived happily. And another Guardian soon comes to the person who has lost his assistant and friend, and the owner is surprised: well, how the new puppy looks like a dog that he once had many years ago, even before the dog that recently died.

The guardians know the language of people very well, but the Council of Elders of the Beautiful Valley strictly forbids its citizens from telling people the truth. Therefore, not a single dog will whisper in the owner's ear: “Don't cry. We always work in pairs. I will leave you now, but after a while you will have another adorable puppy. Do you know who he is? Do you remember Martin, who died six months before I came to you? The puppy is Martin, it's just that he has a different body, his old one has worn out, he had to change the shell, but Martin's soul has remained the same. We serve your family together, he leaves - I come, I leave - he will come, and so for centuries. Do not Cry. I love you and I'll be back." Such words could comfort a person, but they cannot be spoken. Why? Zefirka does not know the answer to this question.

Centuries passed, humanity grew wiser, it coped with terrible diseases - plague, smallpox, cholera, made millions of scientific discoveries, easily flies from one country to another in a matter of hours, even conquered space. But surprisingly, none of the people, even the smartest, have yet guessed that the same pets always return to them. Here, for example, Zephyrka. She has a family in Beautiful Valley. The main ones in her are mother Mulya and aunt Ada, besides them, there are older sisters Kapitolina and Fenya and younger ones Marcia, Cookie and Zephyrka. They are all beige pugs. Only Marshmallow has absolutely black fur. Not so long ago, Mafi joined the family of pugs, it just so happens that she is only half a pug. Fenya spoke with inspiration about how Mafusia ended up in the Beautiful Valley and how she, along with her relatives and friends, had to save the Magic Land from death. After all the trials were over, Fenechka, the smartest and most educated in the family, wrote a book.

Mopsyha Zefirka, the best dressmaker of the Beautiful Valley, temporarily left her home and became the Guardian of Viktor Kuznetsov in the world of people. But the unexpected happened! Two kind guys Ksyusha and Misha saw Zefirka in the park, thought she was lost, and took her home. Entering the Povarovs' apartment, the dog realized that the family urgently needed help... Zefirushka and her friends from the Beautiful Valley have to overcome many obstacles so that Misha, Ksyusha and their mother find happiness. Is it worth it to forgive the traitor? Will the evil done return to the one who committed it? Is it necessary to help someone who lies a lot? Marshmallow will have to find answers to these and other difficult questions. Having passed many trials, Marshmallow and all the characters in this book will become more cordial and understand: the more kindness, attention and love you give to others, the more love blooms in your soul!

Magic elixir - description and summary, author Daria Dontsova, read for free online on the website of the electronic library site

Daria Arkadievna Dontsova

Magic Elixir

© Dontsova D.A., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017

* * *

Dedicated to my granddaughters Nastya and Arina Dontsov

Getting to know children

The more love you give to others, the more love grows in your soul.

- Oh, how pretty, - said a pretty girl of about eleven in pink jeans and a bright blue T-shirt, - Mishan, look, a monkey.

“You yourself, Ksyusha, a macaque,” ​​the boy laughed, looking a year older, “this is a dog.

- Is it true? Xenia was surprised. - I've never seen anything like it. What breed?

“Mongrel,” Misha answered confidently, “outbred!”

“But smart,” Ksyusha drawled, “she’s not sitting on the ground, she climbed onto a bench, she’s so cute!”

Pug Marshmallow, who was listening to the children's dialogue, smiled. She also liked the guys, it seems like brother and sister, but it doesn’t occur to them that dogs perfectly understand human speech and can talk to each other themselves. Moreover, almost all animals speak a universal language. For example, Marshmallow can perfectly chat with cats, and with hedgehogs, and with frogs, and with rabbits. And why? Because, living in her native country called Beautiful Valley, she studied at school. To be honest, in the sciences, Zephyrka did not really succeed. Here her older sister Fenya, a pug, was the pride of teachers, she deserved a gold medal. And Zephyrka was interrupted from three to four. And to be completely frank, she received good grades only because the teacher, Laura the dachshund, adored new things: dresses, hats, beautiful scarves. And Zephyrka, almost from the cradle, sews beautifully, knits, creates a boater with bouquets in the fields, she is a master of all paws, she will make a luxurious blouse with frills out of a torn handkerchief. Yes, there is a blouse, it is easy to tailor it. Marshmallow knows how to sew shoes, in the Beautiful Valley she was recognized as the best dressmaker. And Laura is an incredible fashionista. Is it necessary to explain further why the dachshund gave the student a B for eight mistakes in three sentences of the dictation? ..

“If I pet her, will she bite me?” Ksyusha asked.

“It’s better not to touch the yard dogs,” Misha stopped his sister, “perhaps they are contagious.”

The marshmallow snorted resentfully. Okay, let the boy have never seen pugs (although this is very strange), so he does not know what breed the dog is sitting on the bench. But doesn't Misha see that in front of him is a clean, shampoo-smelling puppy with a beautiful leather collar? Some children are not observant at all.

“She probably wants to eat,” Ksyusha fussed, opened her backpack, pulled out a bag from it, got out a chocolate gingerbread and put it in front of Marshmallow: “Eat, doggy, it’s completely fresh, sponsors handed them out at school today.

Misha laughed.

- Ksyu! Sausages, sausage, meatballs - that's what dogs love. It's funny you told her about the gingerbread. Dogs do not understand human speech.

Marshmallow lifted her right forepaw, carefully jabbed her claws into the soft, dizzyingly scented treat, lifted it up, and began to bite off small pieces. Misha, you are wrong again. A huge number of dogs will gladly treat themselves to a sweet bun, and a cupcake, and a piece of cake. And Marshmallow loves any pastries, all sweets and desserts. But, alas, from the absorption of curls with poppy seeds, cakes, caramels, marmalade, she is rapidly getting fat, and doctor Pasha the chipmunk constantly tells her to go on a diet. But now Zephyrka left the Beautiful Valley, moved to the world of people, became a puppy again, returned as a Guardian to the Kuznetsov family. The strict doctor temporarily lost sight of the sweet tooth patient, he is deprived of the opportunity to measure her with a centimeter and angrily say: “Marshmallow! Waist size should not be more than height. The guardian needs to eat right, because he has a very nervous job.

Who are the Guardians? When the first people appeared on Earth, they were weak and helpless, they did not know how to make fire, build houses, they died from hunger, cold, and disease. And then, in order to save humanity, guardian animals were assigned to each family. Cows and goats gave milk, chickens laid eggs, horses plowed the ground and pulled carts, dogs warned of danger, cats caught rodents and thus saved the crop from death. In order for a person to live well, animals worked hard, got tired and eventually died. And people became attached to four-legged family members and grieved at their death. But no one knew and still does not know that in fact, pets dear to the heart did not die. They returned to the Beautiful Valley to their home and lived happily. And another Guardian soon comes to the person who has lost his assistant and friend, and the owner is surprised: well, how the new puppy looks like a dog that he once had many years ago, even before the dog that recently died.

The guardians know the language of people very well, but the Council of Elders of the Beautiful Valley strictly forbids its citizens from telling people the truth. Therefore, not a single dog will whisper in the owner's ear: “Don't cry. We always work in pairs. I will leave you now, but after a while you will have another adorable puppy. Do you know who he is? Do you remember Martin, who died six months before I came to you? The puppy is Martin, it's just that he has a different body, his old one has worn out, he had to change the shell, but Martin's soul has remained the same. We serve your family together, he leaves - I come, I leave - he will come, and so for centuries. Do not Cry. I love you and I'll be back." Such words could comfort a person, but they cannot be spoken. Why? Zefirka does not know the answer to this question.

Centuries passed, humanity grew wiser, it coped with terrible diseases - plague, smallpox, cholera, made millions of scientific discoveries, easily flies from one country to another in a matter of hours, even conquered space. But surprisingly, none of the people, even the smartest, have yet guessed that the same pets always return to them. Here, for example, Zephyrka. She has a family in Beautiful Valley. The main ones in her are mother Mulya and aunt Ada, besides them, there are older sisters Kapitolina and Fenya and younger ones Marcia, Cookie and Zephyrka. They are all beige pugs. Only Marshmallow has absolutely black fur. Not so long ago, Mafi joined the family of pugs, it just so happens that she is only half a pug. Fenya spoke with inspiration about how Mafusia ended up in the Beautiful Valley and how she, along with her relatives and friends, had to save the Magic Land from death. After all the trials were over, Fenechka, the smartest and most educated in the family, wrote a book.

The Zefirka family has been keeping the Kuznetsovs and their relatives since time immemorial. They always lived in turn either Marisia or Kapitolina. When Vita, the son of the Kuznetsovs, was seven years old, his aunt Maria Alekseevna gave him her black pug. So Zefirka, who used to keep her aunt, got to the boy, and Cookie settled with Maria Alekseevna after a while. For many years Zefirka helped Vita, oh, and the playful boy drank her blood! You couldn't take your eyes off him. It was easier for Marcia, who replaced her sister thirteen years later, the guy was already studying to be a doctor, he stopped fooling around, although in his student years he played tricks and Marcia also got away from him. Then Vitya became quite an adult, and it was time for Marcia to return to the Beautiful Valley. Three months ago, Marshmallow took the baton from her sister. Now Marshmallow is a puppy, but her mind is an adult. Vitya does not realize that his adored childhood dog has returned to him. He immediately fell in love with the puppy and often says:

“How you look like the late Marshmallow, the best pug in the world. Both outwardly and in character, you even sleep like her, under my blanket. And you also love marshmallows. That's why I decided to name you as my first favorite. But now I won’t often treat a pug with sweets. Your predecessor, Marshmallow First, constantly got candy from me, but I was a child then, I didn’t understand that I was harming the dog’s health. And now he became a doctor and wised up.

Marshmallow licked her lips and looked at her empty paw. Well, while she was reminiscing, the gingerbread was over. It was very tasty, but not enough. It's good, of course, that Vitya became reasonable, turned into an adult, an excellent doctor. But Marshmallow would not be upset at all if she found out that one of his childhood stupidities remained in the owner’s head, namely, giving sweets from the buffet to the pug. This Vityushino disgrace Zefirka liked very much ...

- Mishan, did you see how she ate? Ksyusha gasped. - It was like working with a fork with a paw.

The marshmallow yawned. So what? She perfectly uses both a knife and a spoon, she knows what to hold in which paw, but in the world of people it is impossible to demonstrate the good upbringing given by mother Mulya. Now Marshmallow will have to eat not at a table covered with a tablecloth, but to eat food from a bowl that is on the floor. And in a good way, she now had to eat the gingerbread right from the bench, without lifting it with her paw, but the autopilot worked. Oh, you need to be more careful.

Mopsyha Zefirka, the best dressmaker of the Beautiful Valley, temporarily left her home and became the Guardian of Viktor Kuznetsov in the world of people. But the unexpected happened! Two kind guys Ksyusha and Misha saw Zefirka in the park, thought she was lost, and took her home. Entering the Povarovs' apartment, the dog realized that the family urgently needed help... Zefirushka and her friends from the Beautiful Valley have to overcome many obstacles so that Misha, Ksyusha and their mother find happiness.

Is it worth it to forgive a traitor? Will the evil done return to the one who committed it? Is it necessary to help someone who lies a lot? Marshmallow will have to find answers to these and other difficult questions. Having passed many trials, Marshmallow and all the characters in this book will become more cordial and understand: the more kindness, attention and love you give to others, the more love blooms in your soul!

The work belongs to the genre Books for children: other. It was published in 2017 by the Eksmo publishing house. The book is part of the Tales of the Beautiful Valley series. On our site you can download the book "Magic Elixir" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 5 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

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