Remote lesson on literary reading on the topic: Kir Bulychev "Alice's Adventure" (lesson outline and presentation). Technological map of the literary reading lesson Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey" Grade 4 Reflection of educational activities


Good afternoon My name is Olga Sergeevna. And I will get to know you during the lesson.

Check that there should be a textbook, a diary, a pencil case with all accessories and nothing more on the desk.

I am pleased with your preparedness for the lesson, you are all very attentive.

I know that you have been given homework and want to see how you did it.

You needed…

I am pleased that everyone prepared their homework for the lesson.

Look at the blackboard. I have a crossword on the board. To find out which author we will meet today, you need to guess it. The crossword is called "Fairy-tale heroes". I will show you pictures, and you have to guess which fairy-tale hero is depicted on them. So the first picture...

See what we got?

As you probably guessed, today we will get acquainted with the work of Kira Bulychev.

Today I have prepared an exhibition of books for you. Let's get to know her. We read the titles of the books.

Why are these books interesting?

How are they similar?

What is the name of such an exhibition?

I really like your active work at the lesson.

Guys, now I'll tell you a little about this author.

Kira Bulychev's real name is Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko. Kir Bulychev is his fictitious name, with which the author signs his works. After graduating from school, Kir Bulychev entered the institute, where he studied as a translator. Then he began to study Oriental studies - this is the study of languages, peoples and countries of the East. Then he began to write articles for the magazine "Around the World". Soon the author wrote his first work - the story "Hospitality Duty". At the same time, the first stories about Alice began to appear - "The girl with whom nothing will happen."

Among the first works of the writer were fantastic stories about the girl Alice - a resident of the XXI century. With these stories, a fabulous-fantastic cycle of works under the general name "Girl from the Earth" begins. Some of the works have been filmed V movieand animations. For the script of the film "Through hardships to the stars" the writer was awarded the State Prize. This remarkable writer died quite recently, in 2003.The writer Kira Bulychev was known and loved by many. Russian literature, and science, too, has lost a very significant person. But Kir Bulychev left us a huge amount of his literary works and scientific works.

Guys, what did you learn about Kira Bulychev? Tell me.

And now we have replenished our vocabulary. Who knows what a wild is? Choose synonyms for this word.

The next word is era. Thisa long period of time during which significant events, phenomena, processes occurred in nature, society, science, art, this is a certain period, marked by one characteristic feature, a significant event that begins such a period.

A genetic engineer is a person who studies heredity, for example, he can find out what you and I inherited from our parents, any features of the body, or, for example, he can determine who you went to - dad or mom.

A conference is when different people come together to discuss some issue or problem.

The word "amazement" means "to be surprised."

I like that you listened carefully to me.

Turn to page 131 in your textbook. Now the story "Consilium" will be read to you by the master of the artistic word Tatyana Filippovna.

And you follow the text.

The teacher turns on the tape.

Did you like the story?

He's funny? Fantastic? Prove it.

Guys, now you will read the story yourself.

So let's start reading.

Guys, what is the name of the story? What is a "council"? Find the explanation of the word in the textbook and read it.

Look at the picture on page 132. What does it show? What are scientists doing?

What was the meeting about? Was he needed at all?

Why did Ivan Ivanovich Tsarevich eat cabbage? Who came to visit the Tsarevich?

What proposals for saving the prince did the professors put forward? What did Alice say? Why don't professors believe in witchcraft?

Well done boys. You understand the actions of the heroes.

Find the last paragraph on page 134. It begins with the words "And the room got darker ...". For the author will read ....

Let's start reading. Read slowly and expressively.

Who are the main characters of the story?

Well done, you worked well and actively at the lesson.

Extracurricular lesson in literary reading with a presentation, grade 4

Scenario of extracurricular activities for literary reading for grade 4. Kir Bulychev. A Million Adventure

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, secondary school №9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention the scenario of an extracurricular event on literary reading for grade 4 on the topic: “Kir Bulychev. A Million Adventures. This event is included in cycle "From the list of literature for the summer." Materials from the cycle can be used both in class and in extracurricular activities. The information will be useful for elementary school teachers, after-school educators, educators of children's health camps and sanatoriums. This extracurricular activity is aimed at fourth grade students.
Preliminary work: bring books by Kir Bulychev, prepare a story or presentation about your interesting hobby or hobby - collecting.
Target: acquaintance with the work of Kira Bulychev and his work "A Million Adventures".
- to clarify the knowledge of children about the work of Kira Bulychev;
- broaden the horizons of younger students;
- to develop skills of expressive reading;
- to develop cognitive interest and creative abilities of children;
- instill a love of reading in general;
- improve the culture of the younger student.

Event progress

Teacher: To find out which writer will be discussed today, I suggest you solve the following riddles. If you give the correct answers to all the riddles, you will be able to read the inscription on the board.
Note: Guessing riddles, the teacher in order opens the letters in the inscription on the board.
Sample riddles:
1. She speaks silently,
It's understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter. (Book).
The teacher opens the letter K.
2. You are given, and people use it. (Name).
The teacher opens the letter I.
3. In a snowy field on the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark. (Pen).
The teacher opens the letter R.
4. If you want to become smart,
You need to read a lot of books.
To find all the books of the century,
Come to... (Library).
The teacher opens the letter B.
5. Every student understands,
To draw, you need... (Square).
The teacher opens the letter U.
6. Who am I if directness
My main feature? (Ruler).
The teacher opens the letter L.
7. I don't know what the secret is
There are no words for this letter
Only letters are important
You know this letter. (Letter s).
The teacher opens the letter Y.
8. Walks the whole century, and not a person? (Watch).
The teacher opens the letter C.
9. No ears, no legs.
A ball in thorns is ... (Hedgehog).
The teacher opens the letter Y.
10. So that there is no trouble,
We can't live without... (Water).
The teacher opens the letter B.
The inscription opens on the board: Kir Bulychev.

Teacher: Well done boys! Today we will get acquainted with the work of Kir Bulychev. What do you think is his real name or pseudonym? And why do you think so?

Teacher: We already know what a pseudonym is. I suggest you remember.

Teacher: Right, alias translated from Greek - false name; a fictitious name or conventional sign with which the author signs his work. Name the writers who had pseudonyms.
(Children's answers follow.)
Teacher: Right. All pseudonyms, whatever they are, are divided into certain groups, which are based on the principle of their formation.
Here are some groups:
1. Joking alias, the purpose of which is to produce a comic effect on readers. For example, M. M. Zoshchenko- Nazar Sinebryukhov, Semyon Kurochkin and others.
2. Alias ​​linked with geographic features, most often with the place of birth or residence. It can serve as an addition to the real surname. For example, D. N. Mamin - Siberian(present - D. N. Mamin). In early childhood, his family moved to Siberia, with which he immediately and forever fell in love, hence the pseudonym - Sibiryak.
3. Aliases that are real names of other authors. Veniamin Kaverin. Real name - Zilber Veniamin Alexandrovich. The pseudonym "Kaverin" is taken from a hussar, a friend of the young Pushkin.
4. Alias ​​formed from the name of a close relative. These aliases are: Akhmatova, Garin-Mikhailovsky, Gogol, Mayakovsky, Pleshcheev and Kir Bulychev.
5. You can highlight the aliases formed from the name or surname of the mother author. Kir Bulychev.
Teacher: Thus, pseudonym Kir Bulychev belongs to two groups at once and is of interest. Real name - Mozheiko Igor Vsevolodovich The pseudonym is formed from the name of the writer's wife Kira Alekseevna Soshinskaya and the mother's maiden name, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva. Initially, the pseudonym of Igor Vsevolodovich was "Kirill Bulychev". Subsequently, the name "Kirill" on the covers of books began to be abbreviated - "Kir." There was also a combination of Kirill Vsevolodovich Bulychev, although for some reason many people turned to the science fiction writer "Kir Kirillovich".
Teacher: What do you think, do writers need pseudonyms? What is the reason that the writer takes a pseudonym?
(Following the reasoning of the children).
Teacher: Fine. The presentation will help to learn about the reasons of some famous and familiar writers.

Sample text:
Lewis Carroll- Charles Latuidzh Dozhon, the famous author of "Alice in Wonderland", an English writer, was a mathematician, photographer, logician, inventor. The pseudonym was not chosen by chance: the writer translated his name - Charles Latuidzh - into Latin, it turned out "Carolus Ludovicus", which in English sounds like Carroll Lewis. Then he changed the words. It was out of the question for a serious scientist to publish fairy tales under his own name. The real surname of the writer partially "manifested" in a fairy-tale character - a clumsy, but witty and resourceful Dodo bird, in which the storyteller portrayed himself.
Real name Mark Twain Samuel Lenghorne Clemens, American writer. For a pseudonym, he took the words that are pronounced when measuring the depths of the river, “measure - two” (mark - twen). “Measure - two” is the depth sufficient for the passage of ships, and young Clemens often heard these words while working as a machinist on a steamer.

Mark Twain - American writer (1835 - 1910)

Anna Akhmatova- Anna Andreevna Gorenko, a Russian poetess, owes her literary pseudonym to her grandmother, who descended from the Tatar Khan Akhmat. The surname of grandmother Akhmatova became the literary name of the young poetess.
Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko or Kir Bulychev, until 1982, he hid his real name, believing that the leadership of the Institute where he worked would consider his occupation frivolous and fire his employee.

Teacher: Would you like to give yourself a pseudonym? If so, which one? And why? Draw an emblem with your pseudonym.
(Followed by work in pairs and the children's answers).
Note: It will be better for children to complete this task, working in pairs. If it is difficult for a child to come up with a pseudonym, then a neighbor can help him, suggest, asking leading questions, etc.
Teacher: Kir Bulychev- this is not the only pseudonym of Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko. Turns out he had a lot. Here are some of them:
Igor Mozheiko
Igor Vsevolodovich Vsevolodov
Y. Lesorubnik
Sein G Main
Nikolai Lozhkin
Lev Khristoforovich Mints
Yuri Mitin
Sven Thomas Purkine
B. Tishinsky
S. Fan
and others.
Teacher: We can learn about Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, his family and work by watching the presentation.

Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko (1934 - 2003)

(View presentation with teacher's comments).
Sample text:
Teacher: Soviet science fiction writer, orientalist, falerist, screenwriter, laureate of the State Prize. Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko Born in 1934 in Moscow in the family of Vsevolod Nikolaevich Mozheiko and Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva. In the second marriage of the mother there is a sister - Natalia. In 1957 he graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. He met his future wife Kira in his student years in a common company. They were both in their early twenties at the time. Igor Vsevolodovich and Kira Alekseevna lived together all their lives - over forty years. And then, back in 1957, they got married and left for a year to Burma where a lot of construction was going on at the time.

Teacher: Kir Bulychev worked as a translator and correspondent by specialty - orientalist.
Oriental studies- a set of scientific disciplines that study history, economics, literature, languages, art, religion, philosophy, ethnography, monuments of material and spiritual culture of the countries of the East. Being in Burma for a short time, the family returned to Moscow. In 1959, Kir Bulychev entered the graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies. In 1960, daughter Alice is born. After the birth of their daughter, the family again goes to Burma for the second time, leaving their little daughter with their grandmother. The first story, Maung Jo Shall Live, was published in 1961. Since 1963, Kir Bulychev worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies, specializing in the history of Burma. He wrote popular science essays for the magazines Around the World and Asia and Africa Today, because he traveled a lot around the country. Kir Bulychev traveled a lot around the world.

Teacher: He visited China, the Philippines, European countries... The trip to India as an interpreter with the famous director Alexander Zguridi, the first host of the TV show "In the World of Animals", was especially memorable. Kir Bulychev was an orientalist, the author of many monographs, a doctor of historical sciences, and has scientific works on the history of Southeast Asia. He really traveled a lot - traveled almost the whole world. He brought home unusual sculptures, jewelry, Burmese lacquer boxes. Very fine, elegant work of local craftsmen.

Burmese lacquer boxes

Teacher: He worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies until the end of his days. And he began writing science fiction in his free time - at the age of 32. Although he published his works exclusively under a pseudonym, no one called him Kir Bulychev. In the family, friends, colleagues always addressed him by his first name. He began writing fiction in 1965. The first fantasy work, the story "The Debt of Hospitality", was published as a "translation of the story of the Burmese writer Maun Sein Ji". Subsequently, Bulychev used this name several more times, but most of the fantastic works were published under the pseudonym "Kirill Bulychev". The writer managed to keep his real name a secret until 1982, when he was awarded the State Prize for the scripts for the film Through Thorns to the Stars and the cartoon The Secret of the Third Planet. A scientist and a science fiction writer in one person - an unusual combination ... Kir Bulychev was interested in many things. He knew the history and current situation in Burma well, where he twice went on business trips and lived there for a total of more than two years.

Teacher: At the same time, Kir Bulychev felt the need to write science fiction. At all times, man has loved to dream. Terrible or cute fantasies about good and evil spirits, about incomprehensible natural phenomena fill all folk tales. Gradually, a person learned more and more about the world around him, and this world itself ceased to be incomprehensible, mysterious and gloomy. The man realized that he could reveal many mysteries of the world. With the help of science, he even tried to look into the future. He began to dream about what kind of life would come when humanity mastered all the forces of nature. This is how science fiction arose in literature, giving impetus to thought and scope for a person’s imagination. The first such works belong to the remarkable French writer of the last century Jules Verne. Others followed in his footsteps. The books of Soviet science fiction writers are full of faith in man, in his bright future, faith in the victory of justice and happiness.

Jules Verne (1828 - 1905) - French geographer and writer

Teacher: Look at the books of Kira Bulychev in your hands. What do you guys think, what attracts readers to them? Why is there no interest in them?
(Following the reasoning of the children).
Teacher: It is true that they are attracted by exciting events, extraordinary adventures in which human characters, dreams, experiences are revealed. After all, the main character of fantastic literature is our earthly man. The person on whom the future depends. Among the first works of the writer were fantastic stories about a girl Alice - a resident of the XXI century. From these stories, a fairy-tale-fantastic cycle of works under the general name "Girl from the Earth" began, which gained wide popularity and popularity in the 80-90s of the last century. The very first fantastic works were published in 1965 - these were fairy tales about Alice and the story "When the dinosaurs died out." Saving a number in the magazine "Iskatel", in which the cover had already been printed in circulation - a jar with a dinosaur on a chair was drawn on it, Kir Bulychev argued that he would write a story on the cover overnight. I wrote ... and since then I could not stop ...

Teacher: Igor Vsevolodovich and Kira Alekseevna named their daughter in honor of the heroine of Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". Since the name was memorable, and did not occur so infrequently at that moment. The prototype of Alisa Selezneva - the main character of Bulychev's works - was the daughter of a science fiction writer. And the surname Seleznev was the maiden name of the mother-in-law Kira Bulychev, the wife's mother. Kir Bulychev liked to "borrow" names for his heroes from relatives and friends. The reader's favorite character from the stories about Guslyar, Professor Lev Khristoforovich Mints, is very similar to the famous ethnographer Lev Mironovich Mints, a friend of Kir Bulychev. The hero of Bulychev is the space medic Pavlysh, whose prototype is Slava Pavlysh, the ship's doctor of the dry-cargo ship Segezha.

Teacher: Russian science fiction, literature and science cannot be imagined without Kir Bulychev. He was a witty and optimistic person. I wrote at night, lying on the floor. At this time of the day he worked well - he could concentrate. During the day he was distracted by endless phone calls. Kir Bulychev liked to watch sports programs, especially football. In his youth, he loved to go hiking. Wife - Kira Alekseevna Soshinskaya- science fiction writer, artist, illustrator of many of his books, translator, architect by education. Daughter - Alisa Lutomskaya (Mozheiko) - architect.

Teacher: In addition to literary creativity, Kir Bulychev had a whole "fan of interest". Guys, do you have interesting hobbies or hobbies? Which? Tell us about them?
(The children's stories follow, possibly with presentations.)

Collection of minerals 3 A class

Collection of crystals 3 A class

Teacher: As you can see, many of us collect something: stickers, postcards, magnets, car models, and so on. These items are among the most common collectibles. But there are memorabilia that are much stranger. We learn from the presentation.
(View presentation with teacher's comments).

Barbie doll collection

Collection of irons

Teacher: Kira Bulychev had such an interesting hobby phaleristics. How many of you know what it is?
(Children's answers follow.)
(View presentation with teacher's comments).
Sample text:
Phaleristics- has two meanings: 1. A scientific discipline that studies the history of orders, medals and other insignia. 2. Collecting badges, badges, souvenir, anniversary tokens, etc.
Kira Bulychev had a big service signs collection. He showed a great interest in history. In addition to official badges, he first collected vintage pistols, Then - sabers, military headgear: helmets, cocked hats, etc.

vintage pistol

In collection Kira Bulycheva was, for example, 19th century Venetian gondolier gaff a huge stick with a hook at the end, “encrusted” with exotic coins that were given to the owner. They were all nailed with small brass studs.

Moreover, he did not collect collections all at the same time. When the old passion was replaced by a new one, the collection was sold, the creation of the next one began. His collections were not very large and valuable. Kir Bulychev collected no more paraphernalia, but information about it. Then he wrote books about it. He considered himself a great connoisseur of phaleristics. popular Kir Bulychev's book "Conversations about phaleristics"(1990) on the history of phaleristics and award systems, where it is accessible to talk about the origin, history and traditions of awards and distinctions.

Teacher: Kir Bulychev made a great contribution to the development of Russian science fiction and science. If we talk about the work of Kira Bulychev, it should be noted that the total number of published works published under his real name is in the hundreds. For the most part, these are works on history, oriental studies, and literary criticism, published in special and popular journals. In addition, more than two hundred poems and several miniature stories came out from Bulychev's pen. What has this fantastic writer not come up with in his life!
Popular cycles: about the most unusual girl of the 80s Alisa Selezneva- "The Adventures of Alice", about the fictional city "Great Guslyar", about the fearless and noble "Doctor Pavlysh", about the super agent Andrei Bruce.
Kir Bulychev's works of different genres: adventure, biographical, popular science and scientific literature. Thus, the writer's talent was fully revealed, he wrote detective stories, poems, plays, and diverse novels and stories. His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.
Here are some works of Kir Bulychev:"The Cauldron" (1992), "Cinderella in the Market" (1999), "One Hundred Years Ahead", "Alice and Her Friends in the Labyrinths of History" and many others. In addition to creating his own works, Bulychev translated books by foreign authors into Russian.

In addition, Kir Bulychev is one of the first creators of literary series. The books of each cycle were written for many years, and not always the cross-cutting hero was the main one, sometimes he played an episodic role. The writer worked on the longest and multi-volume cycle about Alisa Selezneva all his life.
Teacher: Today we will get acquainted with one work of Kira Bulychev - "Million Adventure". This is a children's science fiction novel from the Alice's Adventures series. The novel was written in 1976. The full version was first published in 1982. The novel has been translated into Czech, Polish, Uzbek, Moldavian, and Mongolian.

Teacher:"A Million Adventures" is the third work about a girl from the future, Alisa Selezneva. First book- "Alice's Journey" - bright, but too childish, the story is told from the perspective of Alice's father. Second- "One Hundred Years Ahead" is heavy in content. Third- "A Million Adventures" - the writer succeeds well. This is where the most successful form of storytelling is. Fourth book- "Reserve of fairy tales".

Teacher: The book "A Million Adventures" has not yet been filmed, unlike the first two. In the late 1980s, Kir Bulychev wrote a screenplay for a TV movie, but, unfortunately, it was never made. In this film, one of the main characters, a desperate romantic and adventure lover Pavel Geraskin, was supposed to sing a song, the words to which Bulychev also wrote.
(The following is work on the book with reading some points).
Sample text:
The work consists of four parts-stories, little connected with each other. In fact, "Million Adventure" consists of three and a half parts. What stories are included in the first part? The first part is a series of stories. Where is the action taking place? The action takes place at the Moscow station of young biologists. Fascinating research and the exploits of the Pithecanthropus Hercules, only whet the appetite. What planet do Alice and her friends end up on? They are flying on a real expedition to the mysterious planet Penelope. Where is their first stop? In the city of tourists Zhangle, where a very strange person named Fuuks will throw Pashka and Alice into a real medieval world. What awaits the heroes in the third part? In the third part, young biologists set up camp in the jungle of the planet Penelope. However, in addition to exciting discoveries, they will have to face the cunning of a galactic criminal. What old friend does Alice meet? In the fourth part, Alice accepts the offer of her old friend, the cosmoarchologist Rrrr, "to visit, taste the skrruls." The restless Pashka cannot forgive her refusal to take him with her.
Note: Since the work is voluminous, you can give some time for independent reading at the choice and desire of the children.

Conclusions on the work: A fantastic story introduces us to scientific discoveries, hypotheses, ideas, the embodiment of which is a matter of the future. The heroes of the story, young biologists, travel to other planets. Alisa Selezneva and her friends get into amazing adventures. Alice is kind and cheerful - she does many extraordinary things and helps people. The captivating plot is beautifully conveyed through the rich yet light language of Kir Bulychev. The book is read in one breath.
Teacher: And now, guys, I will ask you to fulfill task - color pictures - illustrations to this work. And if anyone wishes, he can act as an artist himself and draw something of his own. We will work individually.
(Individual work with children is carried out).

(Next, an exhibition of creative children's works is created on the board).
Note: If time permits, then with commentary and discussion of the work performed, especially those who themselves drew illustrations for the work.
Teacher: Guys, can you imagine, when I was about the same age as you, the whole country read the books of Kir Bulychev, and the films based on his works were the most popular television series for children and teenagers. Learn more about this from the presentation.
(View presentation with teacher's comments).
Sample text:
Based on the works of Kir Bulychev, many feature and animated films were shot, comics were published, and filmstrips were also released.

Frame from the film "Chance", 1984

And all this despite the fact that the relationship between the writer and the cinema was very contradictory. For only ten years, the creative collaboration of screenwriter Kir Bulychev with cinema continued. The first and last film of the writer were created at the Gorky Film Studio. The first experience in cinema - "Through thorns to the stars"(director R. Viktorov, 1980) - turned out to be very successful and promising. The film was well received by the audience, received international prizes and was awarded the State Prize. In our time, given the popularity of the film, a technical restoration has been carried out, after which the film at a qualitatively new technical level once again pleases the audience. Last work Kira Bulycheva in the cinema became a film - "Dungeon of the Witches"(director Y. Moroz, 1990).
Kir Bulychev as an actor starred in two films - "Birthmark" according to your story.

Frame from the film "Birthmark"

And in a cameo role in the film "Hockey players". (Mosfilm, 1964, director R. Goldin).

Shot from the film "Hockey Players"

In addition, he was a screenwriter and host in the documentary "Date with the Comet". More than twenty works by Kira Bulychev were filmed. According to the story "One Hundred Years Ahead"(1977) five-episode filmed Film "Guest from the Future"- one of the most popular children's films of the mid-1980s. It was Alisa Selezneva who became the heroine of the popular film "Guest from the Future".
In 1982, Kir Bulychev became laureate of the State Prize per film "Through hardship to the stars" and cartoon "Secret of the third planet". In addition, he became Laureate of the science fiction award "Aelita-97".
Note: A complete list of feature films, short films, television, animated films, documentaries and films-performances in the application.
Teacher: Guys, tell us what you learned today? What information do you remember the most? What seemed the most interesting? Where can the information you receive be useful? What conclusions can be drawn?
(Children's answers follow.)
Teacher: Kir Bulychev- an amazing person who combined great erudition, versatile talent, artistic imagination, sincerity, goodwill and amazing modesty. Currently, A Million Adventures book is an example of the old, correct and good science fiction.
Kir Bulychev said that: “For children, you need to write the same way as for adults, but even better.” All his life he strived for this.
Thank you for your business!

Feature films
Throw, or It all started on Saturday
purple ball
Witch Dungeon
Abduction of the sorcerer
Tears dripped
Through hardship to the stars
Short films
In a familiar street
District domino competition
Television films and film plays
Guest from the future
A million adventures Rusty General's Island
May I ask Nina?
Glade of fairy tales
Abduction of the sorcerer
Snow Maiden
Ability to throw the ball
Two tickets to India
Well of wisdom
Money box
The secret of the third planet
Prisoners of "Yamagiri-maru"
Miracles in Guslyar
Apple tree
Rendezvous with the Comet

Summary of the final lesson with a presentation. Literary reading on the topic "What a charm these fairy tales are!", MBOU secondary school No. 15

Lesson summary

in literary reading

4th grade

Lesson topic:

« Kir Bulychev

"Alice's Journey"

Teacher: Fedorenko E.A.
Yelets 2012
Lesson topic: Kir Bulychev. "Alice's Journey"

Lesson Objectives:

  • to acquaint with the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev;

  • to interest students in his works;

  • read an excerpt from the story "Alice's Journey";

  • develop fluent expressive reading skills;

  • develop cognitive interest, memory, ingenuity,

  • instill an interest in reading fantasy literature.
Equipment: multimedia projector, cards with crossword puzzles, with individual tasks.

Lesson type: learning new material.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time. slide 1
The bell rang for us

Everyone walked quietly into the classroom.

Everyone got up at their desks beautifully,

Greeted politely.

Sit quietly, back straight.

I see our class anywhere!

Well, let's start the lesson then!

  1. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson. slide 2
- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the life and work of the wonderful science fiction writer Kir Bulychev, recall the previously studied work from the "Fiction" section, get acquainted with the girl Alice, her friends, learn about her adventures. I hope you will be attentive, active in the lesson, and you will be interested in this work. So, the topic of the lesson: Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey"

  1. Speech workout. slide 3
They are visible, invisible

Don't count them!

And who only invented them -

Merry, blue?

Must have been torn off

A piece from the sky

Slightly conjured

And they made a flower.

(E. Serova)

Read the poem "bird market".

How do you know what flower they are talking about?

What helped her in this? (Fantasy.)

Read the first two lines with delight, the next two with surprise, and the rest with enigma.

  1. Checking homework. slide 4
1. Individual work. Solve the crossword .


2 e



3 C




4 C






6 D






5 m




























1. Surname of the professor, the creator of the robot boy.

2. The name of the robot boy

3. The name of the real boy that the robot looked like.

4. His name.

5. In what month did these amazing adventures begin?

6. The hotel where the professor stayed.

b) Reading syncwines.

3. Checking individual work.

What keyword did you get by solving the crossword puzzle? (Mozheiko)

  1. Acquaintance with the life and work of the writer.
1. Teacher's story. slide 5

Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko is the real name of Kir Bulychev. He was born in Moscow on October 18, 1934. slide 6

The Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko was always fond of something. As a child, he loved stories about scouts. At the age of ten, he wanted to become an artist and even entered an art school. True, he did not study there for long - he fell ill, missed a lot, and then was afraid to return. Probably, Igor was very worried and offended by his mother for not persuading him, not insisting, but soon he had new hobbies, completely different - geology and paleontology.

Igor was terribly anxious "travel, live in a tent, make scientific discoveries". Imagining himself a researcher, he walked along and across the Moscow region. He diligently studied the books of Ivan Efremov about paleontological expeditions to the Gobi Desert, collected extensive collections of minerals and, of course, imagined himself a real geologist with a courageous face and weathered hands...

It seemed that a direct road to the geological exploration institute was shining for him, but it so happened that Mozheiko entered the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, and, having graduated from the translation department there, he got a job in a distant Asian country - Burma ...

Sometimes it seemed to the young translator that he found himself in some fairy-tale world. From the window of the hotel he could see thousands of ancient Buddhist temples. Before dawn, they became blue, purple and somehow airy.

Shocked by what he saw, Igor Mozheiko, returning to his homeland, entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1966 defended a thesis on medieval Burma on the topic “Pagan State”.

Research began, work on monographs began. Life seemed to be going along a knurled track, but ... At the same time, Mozheiko's daughter Alice was growing up. She wasn't too interested in the history of Burma, but she really wanted her dad to forget about business and tell her something completely unusual.

And especially for his daughter, Igor Vsevolodovich gladly began to invent fantastic stories about a girl from the 21st century, whom, like his own child, he named Alice. slide 7

These stories, entitled "The Girl with whom Nothing Happens" were published in 1965 in the popular almanac "World of Adventures". And soon there was one amusing story with the magazine "Seeker", which printed detective stories and science fiction. Somehow a real emergency happened in the editorial office of this glorious publication. Before the delivery of materials to the printing house, it was decided not to publish one of the foreign fantastic stories. However, as if on purpose, the cover of the forthcoming issue with an illustration for this story had already been printed. From the cover, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked dejectedly at the upset editorial staff. slide 8

The drawing urgently demanded an explanation, and several people, saving the situation, decided to write a fantastic story, the best of which was to be included in the collection the next day. Orientalist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat all night at the typewriter, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editor. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When did the dinosaurs die out?”) seemed to the employees the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue. But how to sign such an unforeseen creation? "Igor Mozheiko" - it seems uncomfortable. Still, a historian, a scientist, and here are some dinosaurs in jars. Wife's name plus mother's maiden name- the author decided and wrote "Kir Bulychev" under the manuscript. And so one of the most popular modern science fiction writers appeared. slide 9

Be that as it may, the fact remains: a serious historian Mozheiko began to write "frivolous" fiction. And, apparently, he really liked this lesson, because after the first short stories that laid the foundation for the stories “about Alice”, real “big” books appeared: “The Girl from the Earth” (1974), “One Hundred Years Ahead” (1978 ), “A Million Adventures” (1982), “Fidget” (1985), “Alice’s New Adventures” (1990) ... And once Alisa Selezneva even became a movie star - the scripts for the animated film “The Secret of the Third Planet” and the five-episode feature film “Guest from the future". And each new meeting with a girl from the 21st century caused both readers and viewers a storm of delight.

But Kir Bulychev did not want to compose only about Alice. He wrote a great many completely different, completely different books: an ironic epic about the provincial town of Veliky Guslyar and its glorious resident Kornely Udalov, an “adult” cycle about space doctor Vladislav Pavlysh, and much, much more ...

At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich did not leave his scientific studies either. slide 10At the same time as the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. He published several monographs, popular science books “7 and 37 Wonders”, “Pirates, Corsairs, Raiders”, “1185. East-West". And yet - he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Buddhism in Burma."

One can only wonder how Igor Vsevolodovich had enough time and energy for everything. However, no, there was just not enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, most of all dreamed of somehow increasing the day ...

Igor Vsevolodovich died on September 5, 2003 after a long illness at the age of 69. Before his anniversary, he did not live 1.5 months. slide11

Based on the works of Kira Bulychev, films, cartoons were made, performances were staged.

2. Verification work. Mini test on the biography of the writer . slide12

1. The real name of Bulychev

a) Veltistov b) Mozheiko c) Gromov

2. Igor Vsevolodovich was born in

a) Moscow b) Yelets c) Petersburg

3. What did you not want to be as a child?

a) a geologist b) a mathematician c) an artist

3. Mutual verification.

  1. Fizkultminutka. slide13
And now we are with you, children,

We fly on a rocket.

Get up on your toes

And then hands down.

One two three four -

Here comes the rocket! (1-2 - stand on toes, arms up, palms form a "rocket dome"; 3-4 - main stand.)

And now a step is in place

And now a step is in place.

Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we drop them. (Raise and lower shoulders.)

Put your hands in front of your chest

And we do jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerking hands.)

From the heart we stretched, (Sipping - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to their place. (Children sit down)

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. Introduction to the topic. slide 14

Acquaintance with the heroes of the work (an excerpt from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet").

Read the title of the passage. slide 15

2. Vocabulary work.

a) explanation of difficult words slide 16

Dunes, hollow, hold, porthole, wardroom, enchanted, compartment, flamethrower

b) reading difficult words syllable by syllable. Choral reading. slide17

space boat, reconnaissance boat, sandy, silvery, euphonious,

3. Primary reading along the chain.

1 part With. 150 to the words "And at that moment we heard a soft, harmonious singing."

Where are the plants found?

What did they look like?

What did the heroes hear?

part 2 With. 151 to the words "Zeleny looked frightened, and his beard fluttered as if from the wind."

Who is Green?

Where did the singing come from? What did it portend?

part 3 With. 152 to the words "One by one the bushes followed their leader."

What frightened the Zeleny mechanic?

part 4 With. 154 to the words "... moved towards me in close formation."

How did people behave?

How did the plants behave?

How this story ended, you will find out by reading the text to the end on your own “buzzing” reading.

How did you manage to pacify the plants?

How did Alice guess what they needed?

What is the fantasy of this story? What is close to reality?

  1. Consolidation of what has been learned.
1. Conversation

On whose behalf is the story being told? Name the rest of the characters in the story.

What did you like and remember about the story? What was the funniest, most exciting, most intense moment?

2. Independent work. Compilation of syncwine. slide 18

Curious, smart.

Flies, meets, learns.

Alice is exploring outer space.


3. Checking independent work. (students read their work)

  1. Summing up the lesson.
1. Viewing an excerpt from the cartoon. slide 19

2. Conversation.

Mechanic Green considered his trip unsuccessful, but for Alice it was successful - a lot of new experiences and friends. What do you think of the lesson? Have you acquired new knowledge?

3. Commenting and grading.

  1. Homework. slide20
Read an excerpt from 150 - 156, compose a cinquain characterizing one of the characters, or prepare an illustration for the text.

  1. Reflection. slide 21
Rate your work in the lesson by the number of handclaps.

Many people like to sing and clap their hands, especially children, teenagers and young people. And Israeli scientists from Ben Gurion University managed to prove that singing and clapping is good for health.

state budgetary professional educational institution

Rostov region

"Zernograd Pedagogical College"


literary reading lesson

held on 18. 04. 2017 in 4 "A" class

MBOU secondary school UIOP of the city of Zernograd

student of GBPOU RO "ZernPK"

Tereshchenko Daria Dmitrievna

Teacher: Lavrentsova N.A.

Methodist: Reznikova A. A.




Class: 4 "A"

Lesson topic: « »

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Target: to acquaint with the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev; to interest him in works; read an excerpt from the story "Alice's Journey";

Learning objectives:

aimed at achieving personal results : The teacher will have:

    manifestation of a careful attitude to the textbook, accuracy in use, awareness of the benefits of books and reading for oneself, for one's personal growth, justified* motives for visiting the library and choosing books of one's interest

    develop motives for learning activities and form the personal meaning of learning.

aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes: the student will learn:

    to master the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

    active use of speech means for solving communicative and cognitive tasks;

    readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize different points of view and the right of everyone to have and express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events;

aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes: students will learn:

    predicting the content of a work,

    determination of the features of fantastic stories, the talent of the reader, the reader's imagination in the process of reading fantastic works, independent compilation of fantastic

Lesson equipment:

Materials for students: textbook"Literary reading", writing materials, cards with the text of speech warm-up

Teacher Resources (equipment): textbook"Literary Reading" presentation, technological map, : video projector, video materials from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet".

During the classes

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities


Teaching methods

1. Motivation for learning activities

Hello children. My name is Daria Dmitrievna, today I will give you a lesson in literary reading.

Students listen to the poem and answer the questions at the end. (Slide 1)

What is it about?

How did you understand it?

Read the poem with different intonations sad, cunning, joyful, neutral (4-5 people listen)

    Name the objects that act as if they were alive. (Tongue, peephole, neck, chair.)

Find an ambiguous word. (Tongue.)

Welcome teachers

Listen and answer questions

They read cards with different intonations (sad, cunning, joyful, neutral)

They are called: tongue, eye, neck, chair.

L: self-determination to activity

Formation of readiness for the perception of educational material

2. Actualization of basic knowledge

I suggest you watch the cartoon

(Viewing video footage from the cartoon "The Mystery of the Third Planet.")

    Guys, how many of you are familiar with this cartoon?

    What is the name of his heroine?

    What do you know about her?

    Have any of you seen a movie about her?

    Who wrote the story about Alisa Selezneva? (Kir Bulychev.)

    Define lesson objectives.

    Read on p. 150 of the textbook is the title of the passage we are going to read today. Didn't it seem strange to you?

    What do you think this piece might be about?

Alisa Selezneva

She is from the future, loves animals, her dad - cosmologist, director of the space zoo - studies and collects animals throughout the galaxy.

Kir Bulychev

TO: the student's use of adequate speech utterances

R: make the necessary adjustments to the

repetition method,

oral questioning

3.Organization of cognitive activity

3.1. goal setting

3.2. Discovery of new knowledge.

3.3.Primary fastening

3.4. Independent work

Acquaintance with the life and work of Kira Bulychev

    Decipher what is written here, and you will find out the real name of the writer. (Igor Vsevolodov and Mozheiko.)


Guys listen to his biography


Guys in the text you will meet difficult words, let's analyze their meaning. What do you think this word means?

Work on an excerpt from the story "Alice's Journey"

Guys listen to an excerpt from the story

Asks questions about a snippet

What was the name of the ship they traveled on?

What was so interesting, strange they saw?

What were those bushes and what did they do with them?

What happened to them?

    What adventure of Alice did you read about?

    What is the fantasticness, the unusualness of what happened in the story?

Decipher Igor Vsevolodov and Mozheiko

Listen to the teacher's story

Express their opinion, look at the slide

Answer questions

Read the text on their own

R: plan your actions in accordance with the task

TO: the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication

R: correction

R: determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher; plan your action in accordance with the task

P: apply basic knowledge to solve a given problem

P: knowledge structuring

P: use different types of reading

P: semantic reading, analysis and synthesis

TO: possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech

Narrative, method of illustration


Working with a book

4. Reflection of educational activity

Summing up the lesson

    Continue with suggestions.

    Today in class I learned...

    In this lesson, I would commend myself for..

    After class I wanted...

    Today I managed...

VIII. Summing up the lesson

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

Answer questions

Write down homework



To form self-esteem, the ability to analyze their actions and manage them; introspection



1. The topic of the lesson: « Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey". Features of the fantasy genre »

2. The class is active, efficient.

3. A lesson in discovering new knowledge.

4. Purpose: to introduce the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev; to interest him in works; read an excerpt from Alice's Journey

5. Tasks aimed at achieving personal learning outcomes were solved at the stages of motivation, reflection of educational activities, using methods: conversations, creating situations of success.

6.- Tasks aimed at achieving substantive results were solved at the stage of organizing cognitive activity using methods: work on a textbook, conversation, work with a textbook, practical work.

Tasks aimed at achieving communicative learning outcomes were solved at the following stages: actualization of basic knowledge, organization of cognitive activity, reflection of activities in the classroom, using conversation methods, encouragement, practical work, reading, work from the textbook.

Tasks aimed at achieving cognitive learning outcomes were solved at the stage of organizing cognitive activity, using methods: conversation, practical work, observation, generalization, storytelling, work with a textbook.

Tasks aimed at achieving regulative learning outcomes were solved at the following stages: actualization of basic knowledge, organization of cognitive activity, reflection of activity in the lesson, using methods: conversation, practical work, work with a textbook.

7. I tried to include children in the planned activities at all stages of the lesson. I believe that the lesson has achieved its goal, the criterion for this assessment is the mastered demonstrated knowledge.

Kir Bulychev "A Million Adventures"

Genre: fantasy story

The main characters of the story "A Million Adventures" and their characteristics

  1. Alisa Selezneva is a smart, kind, determined girl. He loves all living things very much, very neat and prudent. resourceful and fearless.
  2. Pashka Geraskin. A romantic and adventurer, he constantly gets into different ridiculous situations because of his passion for adventure. At the same time, it's a little cowardly.
  3. Arkasha, Masha, Natasha, Javad - guys, young biologists.
  4. Svetlana. Biologist from Penelope, a very beautiful and intelligent woman
  5. Savage. Space Rogue, greedy and unscrupulous.
  6. Rat. Space Pirate. Can take on any form. Greedy and cowardly.
  7. Mommy Rat. Pirate leader. Cruel and ruthless, very greedy.
  8. Rrrr, an archeology professor who looks like a kitten.

The shortest content of the story "A Million Adventures" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences

  1. Alisa Selezneva studies biology, almost dies while diving into the Mediterranean Sea at the hands of a space robber
  2. On the planet Penelope, Alice is looking for Pashka and finds herself in a world of knights and adventures.
  3. She miraculously manages to save Pashka from execution by declaring herself his bride.
  4. The guys get acquainted with the Savage, who turns out to be a space robber and almost kidnaps Pashka Geraskin.
  5. Alice and Pashka find themselves on the planet Brastak, captured by space pirates.
  6. They flee the planet and miraculously capture space pirates.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe story "A Million Adventures"
In life there is always a place for adventure, but you should not specifically look for them.

What does the story "A Million Adventures" teach?
This story teaches friendship and responsibility. Learns to help a friend, even if he is wrong. Learn to protect and love nature. It teaches you to face danger fearlessly and not to lose your head. Teaches always finds a way out of any situation. It teaches you to believe in miracles and not be surprised at anything.

Review of the story "A Million Adventures"
I really liked the story of Kira Bulychev, the main character of which was the girl Alice. Alice is a very smart and kind girl. she always helps everyone, she has a good character and she never reminds others of their mistakes. It was these qualities of Alice that I liked the most.
And in this book, as promised, we read about a million adventures, very different, and often dangerous. But the good thing is that they all end well.

Proverbs to the story "A Million Adventures"
If you want to know a person, take a trip with him.
Intelligence gives strength, and strength gives courage.
You don't know a friend until you need his help.

Summary, a brief retelling of the story "A Million Adventures" chapter by chapter
Part 1. New exploits of Hercules.
Augean laboratory.
At the biological station, work is in full swing in the morning. Arkasha grows flowers, Javad feeds the animals, Pithecanthrope Hercules plays with dogs, twins Masha and Natasha work with dolphins.
Alisa Selezneva was late and when she came to the laboratory she saw mountains of garbage. This is Pashka Geraskin, as always, did not clean up after himself.
Pashka had to clean up the garbage in the laboratory and he quickly got tired. Therefore, he contracted Hercules to clean up Hercules' garbage, for two bananas.
Hercules was also lazy and so he connected the hose and washed all the garbage, along with valuable appliances.
Appearance of Hercules.
Once Alice and her friends were able to get permission to go into the past, to look at the ancestors of people - Pithecanthropes. They went a million years ago to the island of Java, where a herd of Pithecanthropes was grazing.
But unexpectedly, a saber-toothed tiger attacked the pithecanthropes and one baby pithecanthropus ran to the time machine. he was picked up by Pashka Geraskin, and while an employee of the Institute of Time was trying to force him to let the baby go, the time machine worked.
So Pithecanthropus appeared in our time.
The second birthday.
On Arkasha Sapozhkov's garden, alien weeds sprouted and completely drowned out the shoots of the apple apples from Penelope.
Arkasha decided to use the time screen to rejuvenate the garden and fight weeds while they are still small.
The device was brought by a technician from the Institute of Time and warned that no one climbed under the action of the field.
But when the technician turned on the screen, he was frightened by the pet python Archimedes. The technician was distracted and a rooster crawled under the screen, which wanted to peck the spikelets of apple apples.
The rooster quickly became younger and turned into an egg. Hercules saw the egg and also wanted to eat it. Hercules also threw himself under the screen. Hercules was saved by Alice, who quickly pulled him out from under the screen.
The plantings of Arkasha disappeared, the rooster disappeared, Hercules rejuvenated for six months, and Alice for a couple of weeks.
So she began to celebrate her second birthday.
Have pity on the oil.
Arkasha had an emotion-stimulating powder for plants, and he secretly sprinkled them on oil plants in the forest. After all, he did not want the guys to pick mushrooms.
Therefore, when the rest of the guys went to the forest, thorny branches and a double row of fly agarics blocked their path to the butterflies. All plants were protected by suffering butterflies.
The guys could not get oil that day, but went for them two days later, when the action of the powder ended.
Where do the comgus go?
Pashka decided to solve the global problem of mankind - to get rid of mosquitoes, making them migratory. To do this, he decided to cross mosquitoes with geese so that they fly north for the summer.
The experiment was successful and a huge komgoose appeared in the laboratory, which immediately wanted to drink blood. While the guys were escaping from a lumpy goose in the water, a huge bloodsucker was killed by Hercules the Pithecanthropus with a club.
Genie in the ship.
One day, Alice and her friends went in search of the fleet of the tyrant Diostura in the Mediterranean. They were invited by the archaeologist Stas.
Alice was an excellent swimmer, especially since she always had dolphins with her. Therefore, she boldly went down to the bottom of the sea and suddenly found an alien ship. Alice got inside and turned on the suspended animation chamber, in which the sleeping alien swam.
But the alien turned out to be a cruel tyrant. He dreamed of conquering the Earth, and therefore wanted to kill Alice and take on her appearance.
But the dolphins raised the alarm and Stas entered the starship. The stranger was captured.
Part 2. Foreign princess.
We're flying into the jungle of Penelope!
Alice brought good news to the children - they were allowed to go to the planet Penelope for all the holidays, to study local animals and plants.
There were no dangers on the planet, but Pashka dreamed of exploits and wanted to arm himself.
Penelope and Jangle-ellipsis.
The planet Penelope was discovered by accident. The expedition of Polugus Zemfirsky found a beautiful planet and for half a year the astronauts rested and sunbathed. There were no predators on the planet, the climate was excellent.
They decided to make Penelope a tourist planet and built a city on it. Difficulties arose with the choice of a name for the city.
They decided to call the city Gangle, but every poet who came up with a slogan for advertising added something of his own to this name, for rhyme. Therefore, they decided that you can call the city whatever you like, as long as the name begins with Zhangle ...
All troubles from romance.
On the way to Penelope, the guys stopped at Pluto and Pashka decided to catch the elusive Snowman - an inhabitant of Pluto. He cut the cable and went to the shadow side of the planet. It's good that he was quickly caught.
When the guys arrived at Penelope and were waiting for the biologist Svetlana, who was supposed to work with them, Pashka disappeared again. Alice went looking for him.
Snya street.
Alice found a pointer ball in the square and the robot said that the boy went to where Svnya ula appeared on the ball, and the rest of the letters were obscured by numerous butterflies.
But no one knew what that meant.
Finally, one boy threw a sandwich at the butterflies and it turned out that Souvenir Street was written under them.
All for a spy.
Alice came to Souvenir Street and got into a conversation with the lamplighter, who turned out to be a chimney sweep. He told her to look for Pashka in the shop of his friend Fuuks, because no one lived on the street except them. Only the lamplighter-chimney sweeper advised not to believe Fuuks.
Alice walked down the street and found the Spy's All Store, run by Fooks.
Two faces of Fuuks
At first there was no one in the shop, but then a small bald man appeared. A little boy ran after him, roaring. Fuuks noticed Alice and tried to take the boy away, and he himself changed into a mantle and cap.
As soon as he began to talk to Alice, a roar was heard again and it turned out that the little girl got her head into the vase and could not get out.
While Fuuks ran after the hammer, Alice pulled out the girl Pamila.
Fuuks broke the vase anyway, to the delight of numerous children.
Where is Pashka Geraskin
At first, Fuuks refused to tell Alice where Pashka had gone, referring to professional secrecy, but, having learned about the expedition and the boy's parents, he was horrified.
It turns out that he sent Pashka to another planet, to the world of knights and adventures. For this, Pashka gave Fuuks badges from the biological station.
Alice was very worried and Fuuks suggested that she immediately go for Pashka.
Documents for the princess.
Fuuks gave Alice a wooden cube - a pass to the city, and a pink leaflet with a coat of arms - now Alice was a princess and even a relative of the queen.
Fuuks hurried Alice and in the backyard the girl saw an old rocket. Already getting into the rocket, Alice heard Pamila yelling at her not to believe her dad.
Scrap armor.
The rocket quickly took off and quickly hyperjumped and landed again.
Alice put on a princess dress and exited the rocket. She went along the path through the forest and saw a man with a cart in which armor and armor were folded.
The man said that he had Pashka, and exchanged a dozen badges for armor and a sword. That he is now a Knight of the Red Arrow.
The man introduced himself as a royal jester, checked Alice's papers and led her into the city. Moreover, referring to back pain, he forced Alice to push a heavy wheelbarrow.
Offended marquis.
The cart was overtaken by a fat, angry knight who was looking for the Knight of the Red Arrow. It turns out that Pashka managed to free his slaves.
Recognizing the princess in Alice, the knight introduced himself as a marquis and left his squire Griko to help Alice.
Another Zhangle...
Alice, Griko and the jester went into the city, and the guards immediately let Alice through, recognizing the princess in her. They filled the city with Zhanglepup.
The jester soon left to hand over scrap metal, and Griko took Alice to the palace.
Room with a bath for a princess.
In the palace, Alice was supposed to have a room with a bath, but the bath turned out to be a simple wooden vat. Alice laughed, but there was nothing to be done.
Griko admitted that he dreams of becoming a knight and does not love his master, the Marquis.
Then the jester appeared and invited Alice to dinner, at which Queen Isabella, Alice's relative, was supposed to be.
Royal dinner.
The bearded king greeted Alice cordially and invited her to eat whatever she wanted, saying that everything was simple with them.
An unusually beautiful woman turned out to be Queen Isabella, and she asked Alice for a long time about her relatives, and then said that this was really her niece.
Complaints about the knight.
After dinner, the king expressed his desire to hear complaints. The first complained to the Marquis, who accused the Knight of the Red Arrow of letting the slaves go. But the jester and the queen managed to hush up the matter. Other knights, and even the bishop, got up further, and everyone blamed the knight of the Red Arrow - he took the horse, hit the knight with a stick, and saved a three-year-old witch from the fire.
The king decided to catch the knight, and then decide what to do with him.
The tournament starts.
Alice and Isabella settled in the queen's box and the queen said that she realized that Alice was not her relative, because she was a brunette, and Alice was blonde, and Alice mixed everything up with her relatives.
Then the tournament began and the knights began to collide.
Soon the jester came and said that Pashka decided to take part in the tournament and it was not possible to dissuade him.
At this time, the Knight of the Black Wolf challenged anyone who wished to a mortal duel. The challenge was accepted by the Marquis Fafifax. The king announced that the winner would receive a cup, which would be presented to him by Princess Alice.
At this time, the Knight of the Red Arrow rode into the field.
Fatal duel.
After some disputes, the king allowed the duel and the Marquis and Pashka were the first to fight.
After the collision, Pashka flew out of the saddle, but the Marquis also collapsed to the ground - someone cut his girth.
Pashka got up faster than the overweight marquis and put his sword to his throat. The Marquis surrendered.
The second was the knight of the Black Wolf. Pashka dodged the attack and the knight ran into the wall. However, he got up and drew his sword. With the first blow, the knight cut Pashka's sword.
But Pashka took out his penknife and when the knight missed, he cut the ties on his armor. The knight got entangled in the fallen armor and fell too. Pashka was declared the winner. Alice handed him the goblet, and the people rejoiced.
The winner will not escape punishment.
Satisfied, Pashka wanted to immediately go home with Alice, but the king said that he was obliged to stay for dinner, at which he was to be poisoned. Pashka agreed, because he did not know about the poisoning.
The queen was preparing an escape and the jester warned Alice that as soon as they reached the stairs, they had to run.
Court in the palace.
However, even before Alice reached the stairs, the guards took Pashka and took him to the court.
The bishop accused him and demanded a fire. But the king decided that it would be enough to cut off the knight's head, along with the witch, whom he freed. Therefore, the king even left the conquered cup to the knight of the Red Arrow.
The executioner confirms.
Pashka and the witch girl were taken to execution. The queen reminds Alice of the custom when a girl can declare the accused her fiancé and then he should be released.
Alice bursts into the place of execution and announces Pashka as her fiancé. The bishop says that this custom has long been abolished, but the executioner confirms Alice's right, because he is an honest executioner.
Alice is in a hurry to take Pashka away from the square, and Pashka is dragging the witch girl behind her.
Escape from the city.
Alice and Pashka in Isabella's map are in a hurry to leave the city. Near the gate, the queen remains to delay the pursuit, ordering Griko to drive. Alice breaks out of the city.
Farewell, jester!
The chase approaches and the jester tells Alice to get ready. On a narrow path, he overturns the carriage and hurries Alice. Griko remains to detain the pursuers. He fights like a knight.
The jester manages to bring Alice and Pashka to the rocket and put the ill-fated cup into Pashka's hands.
The witch girl also climbs into the rocket. The jester waves his hat with bells to Alice.
Fuks again.
The rocket quickly delivers Alice and Pashka to Penelope.
The witch breaks out and runs to the house, saying that she is funny.
The guys are met by Fuuks in an astrologer's robe, but he is hurried by the angry voice of his wife and on the run his robe swings open, revealing the costume of a medieval jester.
Pamila looked out of the window and shouted that she was a witch.
You won't believe where we've been!
Alice and Pashka return to the rest of the guys and they scold them for their long absence. But then Queen Isabella says that the guys do not swear strictly. Alice looks at Isabella with her mouth open, and she says that her name is Svetlana and she is a biologist at the forest station.
In the evening, Alice talks to Svetlana, and she admits that she does not understand what Alice is talking about, that she was in the forest at her station all day.
Part 3. Vacation on Penelope.
Half horned dog.
The guys live in the forest on the shore of the lake near the biological station in two tents. Every morning they bathe in the lake. That morning, Arkasha suddenly saw a large animal, like a dog, with a horn on its head. But only the front part of the body of the beast. The second one just didn't exist. Arkasha called the guys, but the dog quickly disappeared into the forest.
The guys do not believe Arkasha, but he sees the other half of the dog.
The savage fishes.
After lunch, Masha Belaya descends to the bottom of the lake in a bathyscaphe to observe the life of fish. Suddenly she sees how the net is raking in the fish, and terrible toothy fish are sliding from the depths to the net. They tear the net and tear the shell of the bathyscaphe. Masha swims ashore and sees a young man in a skin and swimming trunks. She scolds him, but the man replies that he was just fishing and that he is a free savage.
The savage drinks tea.
The guys tell Svetlana about the huge fish and she is surprised.
Then the Savage comes and is invited to drink tea. The savage avoids answering questions about his name and where he came from. In parting, the Savage calls the guys to visit him.
There was a city there.
The next day, Svetlana, Pashka and Alice go to the forest. They see a bird that is hammering eggs and Pashka wants to drive her away, but it turns out that this caring mother helps her chicks hatch.
Suddenly, the guys find an old overgrown road, and then the ruins of houses. It turns out that there were once cities on Penelope and this surprises them.
A Savage emerges from one of the ruined houses.
Savage in the city.
The savage sits down with the guys for dinner and confesses his love for Svetlana.
He says that he did not find anything in the city, but it is obvious that the city was destroyed during the war. The savage admits that he had a difficult childhood and participated in wars.
The guys and Svetlana are going to return, and the Savage volunteers to see them off.
Tigers on the road to the house.
The savage takes a club just in case, and Pashka prepares a knife. The guys are walking through the forest and suddenly a tiger rat appears in front of them.
Pashka immediately jumps into the water and escapes in the lake. The tiger rushes at the Savage, but he jumps back. Svetlana puts the tiger to sleep with a pistol.
News from the city.
In the camp, Arkash meets the guys and shows the killed half of the dog.
Svetlana does not know what to do and calls the city, but no one answers her. Savage assumes that everyone is at the carnival.
Finally, the old inspector calls and reports that the city has been destroyed by an earthquake. Communication is also suddenly interrupted.
The Savage shrugs his shoulders and goes into the woods. The guys notice he has a small gun.
They love each other!
At night, the inspector calls again and says that tourists from Penelope will be taken out. Pashka decides to visit the Savage and secretly goes to him. Suddenly, a snake blocks his way, which begins to grow heads. Then the Savage appears and shoots the snake.
The savage brings Pashka to his tent and tells the boy about his love for Svetlana. According to the Savage, Svetlana has also been in love with him for four years, but the old inspector prevents them from being together. Therefore, the Savage asks Pashka to help him escape with Svetlana. Pashka agrees. The savage gives Pashka a hat and a knife.
Where does the dog live?
Pashka returns to the camp and Arkasha sees the cap. He shouts that the Savage is a robber, because the tail of a horned dog is on his hat, which means the Savage killed her. Pashka stands up for the Savage and does not want to believe that he is a robber.
The inspector arrives and is going to pick up the guys and Svetlana from the station. Pashka secretly breaks Svetlana's mobile.
Arkasha tells about the secret of horned dogs. He believes that half of the dog is walking in today, and the back half is still in yesterday.
The Inspector discovers a broken mobile and sets off into town in his own, only to return in a large mobile.
Looking for the Savage.
Pashka goes to the Savage in the rain to warn him. There is no Savage in the tent, but Pashka finds a powerful transmitter, dog tails and a blaster. However, he still does not believe that Savage is bad.
Pashka runs through the forest, sees a flock of halves of dogs and hears a thud in the forest.
Pashka disappeared.
Alice discovers that Pashka is missing and goes looking for him. She, too, finds the Savage's tent and sees the weapons. Alice hears a thud and realizes that the sound is coming from the direction of the ruined city. She goes to him to find Pashka.
Talking tiger rat.
Alice runs and hears a second explosion, then a strong blow throws her to the ground. Alice gets up and asks who is afraid of earthquakes. And the tiger rat answers her "You".
Tiger Rat talks to Alice and gives her three days to leave the planet. Tiger Rat leaves, and Alice runs after him.
She catches up with the tigerrat and he stops to talk to her. Tiger Rat is surprised when Alice says no one will believe her. And finds out that people may not approve of what one of them does. The surprised tiger rat leaves.
Alice comes out to the ruins and is surprised. Then a bird starts talking to her and is also surprised that Alice did not know who set off the explosions. The bird informs Alice that the Savage has left with the boy.
The savage was about to fly away.
When Pashka finds the Savage, he is dissatisfied. He says that he deceived Pashka so that he would not interfere with him. The savage almost perishes under a collapse, but Pashka saves him.
Pashka sees a bag of tails of horned dogs and the Savage says that these tails are worth a fortune.
Pashka understands that Savage is a space robber. Then Alice appears and the Savage grabs Pashka and takes off on a spaceship.
"I'm counting to ten..."
Alice is found in the forest by an inspector. Having learned about Pashka, he immediately informs Captain Simon about the Savage, and he announces the alarm.
The snake speaks to Alice and finds out that people did not know anything about the tricks of the Savage. It turns out that this is the intelligent planet Penelope that talks to people like that.
The Savage ship was intercepted in space and Pashka returned to the guys.
The planet Penelope began to speak to the people and allowed them to stay.

Part 4. Box of a pirate mother.
Come to Brastak for the Skrrrul.
The holidays on Penelope are over, and Alice received a letter from her friend, Professor Rrrr, who invited the girl to a holiday on the planet Brastak, to eat Skrrrul. Alice's parents did not mind and she decided to fly. Pashka asked to go with her, but Alice refused to take him.
"Take me with you"
At the Penelope Spaceport, Alice boards a ship from Pylageia. Pilageian tourists look amazing - tall, in long skirts and wide hats and with baskets.
Alice sees a tourist arguing with a robot flight attendant.
Alice goes to her cabin, and then a tourist from Pilageya appears - this is, of course, Pashka in disguise, in a dress and on stilts.
Nobody met them.
Alice and Pashka land on Brastak but no one meets them. Pashka remains in his fancy dress.
The planet is in quarantine.
Finally, a little kitten appears, called Mmmm, and announces that the guys must urgently leave the planet, because there is an epidemic on it.
Alice announces that she has arrived at the invitation of Professor Rrrr, and Mmmm decides that the guys will have to wait for the next ship at the inn.
Hotel for honored guests.
Alice and Pashka are brought to a hotel and locked in the same room. The guys decide to talk in whispers so that they won't be overheard. They try to order some food from the food delivery service, but instead of food, a note flies out.
The note tells the guys that the planet is captured by pirates, but there is no quarantine. At this time, shots are heard on the street and the guys see how the men in black are chasing some kind of brass.
Alice invites Pashka to introduce herself as the cousin of the keeper of the state basket on Pilageya.
A rustle is heard from the food delivery and Alice discovers a bloody kitten there - this is Professor Rrrr. At this time, there is a loud knock on the door.
Where did you hide it?
Pashka hides the professor in his basket. A big mustachioed man in black and Mmmm burst into the room. They say they are looking for a patient who escaped from quarantine and search the room. No one guesses to look in the basket that Pashka waves in front of their noses.
How did it happen.
Rrrr told how, a few days ago, men in black appeared all over the planet and immediately captured it. The Brastaks wanted to start a rebellion, but among them were traitors whose eyes were orange.
The Brastaks were herded into camps, where they starve and die. Rrrr wanted Alice to wait for the ship and report what had happened to the Galactic Council.
In the evening Rrrr left through the delivery window.
The Return of the Archaeologist
In the morning Pashka and Alice were very hungry and Pashka began to knock on the door with stilts. Mmmm soon showed up and promised to fix the food supply.
Next came a brastak with a blue eye in his forehead. He called himself the archaeologist Rrrr, but Alice immediately realized that it was a fake. She asked him about various things that he did not know.
But Alice got carried away with the interrogation, and then something rustled in the delivery. There was a note from the real Rrrr.
False-Rrrr got angry and soon the guys heard a certain Rat ordering Alice to be taken away. Alice told Pashka to sit quietly and they took her away.
The tourist loves jewelry.
Soon, Mmmm came to the imaginary tourist from Pilageya and handed over a gift - a large blue stone. Pashka proudly said that his cousin, the keeper of the state basket, had a lot of such trinkets.
Mmmm went out and Pashka overheard him telling someone that the tourist did not want to take the stone. But then it turned out that the stone was fake and the Rat decided that the tourist was just well versed in stones.
He tells Mmmm to take the real stone.
This time, Pashka happily accepts the sapphire and says that he collects jewelry. He then overhears Mmmm the Rat's report and learns that he can turn into anyone. Soon, Rat comes to Pashka disguised as a boy and calls him to his mother, also a collector of jewelry.
Pirate mom.
Pashka was brought to the palace, where he saw a young woman in a golden crown - the mother of pirates. They have a nice conversation and Pashka admits that now only breakfast is carried in the state basket.
Mother tells Pashka that the Rat needs to urgently fly to Earth and she wants him, under the guise of Alice, together with Pashka, to board the ship, which is about to arrive.
Pashka drinks strong water, because the Pilageya rivers are made of alcohol. The Pirate Queen promises him a jewelry box and shows him Alice in the park - actually the Rat.
Little prison.
At this time, Alice is in prison. She talks with the pirate Duch and he tells that he was once a librarian, and then he got to the cannibal savages.
But the planet of the savages was captured by pirates and Mother of the Pirates saved Ducha, so now he is a pirate. Dutch tells Alice that they have looted so many jewels that they cannot take everything away on their ship, so they want to take another ship with the help of Pashka.
The pirate falls asleep, and Alice finds out that Rrrr is sitting in the next cell.
Rrrr gives Alice the key and she opens her cell. But she definitely wants to save the brastaks as well. She tries to get to their cell, but the passage is so small and narrow that Alice gets stuck. Then it rises along with the roof of the prison.
Alice runs away with brastaks, and pirates chase after her and shoot from blasters.
Dramatic events at the spaceport.
Pashka wakes up Mmmm and he almost forgets the jewelry box.
Rat sees that Pashka takes Alice's bag and begins to suspect him. But Pashka reports that his principle is to grab everything that lies badly.
Rat and Pashka come to the liner. The rat turns back into Alice.
The robot stewardess greets Pashka and the Rat, but then Alice comes running. Together they find themselves in a space boat and go up to the ship. Alice and Pashka tell the captain that the girl with them is the Pirate Rats. Pashka reveals his masquerade and Rat surrenders.
It seems that everything worked out.
The captain reported to the Galactic Council and was ordered to keep watch near the planet until a patrol ship arrived. Pashka told how he met a pirate mother, and Rat showed how he can transform. Then the Rat was put in a cell.
Pashka sees a cockroach running across the floor.
Suddenly a pirate with a blaster appears at the door.
Box full of pirates.
The pirate queen entered the cabin and began to beat Pashka with a whip. Pashka endured in silence. The queen said that the jewelry box had a second bottom, in which pirates reduced to the size of a nut hid. Therefore, when the Rat turned into a cockroach, the first thing he did was open the box and free the pirates.
The doctor demanded that he be allowed to bandage Pashka, threatening that he would not treat the rheumatism of the pirate queen.
Pirate remedy.
The doctor bandaged Pashka and thought how he would cope with the pirates. Suddenly he remembered one remedy. He took the atomizer and returned to the wardroom. There the doctor began to spray the agent in the air and all the pirates suddenly became very lazy. They just fell asleep and couldn't do anything.
The doctor said that the drug causes an irresistible attack of laziness, and the only cure for it is work.
Pirates are locked up in the wardroom.
On the field of the Moscow Cosmodrome, Pashka saw Pilagian tourists and ran up to them. He wanted to know what they were carrying in their baskets. It turned out that tourists need baskets just in case one of them lays an egg.

Drawings and illustrations for the story "A Million Adventures"

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