Eldar: what does the name mean, good and bad character traits. The meaning of the name Eldar: character and fate


Like many other names, the name Eldar has not one, but several versions of the meaning and origin. About this and much more in our review article.

First we will name the more popular version, the Scandinavian one. According to this version, the name Eldar consists of two roots eld and arr, which translates as "fire" and "warrior". It is believed that the most accurate literary the meaning of the name Eldar will be - "fiery warrior". There are also similar meanings such as "warrior of fire" and so on.

The second version is the Greek version. Adhering to this version, experts argue that the name Eldar comes from the Greek name Iliodor. If so, then the meaning of the name Eldar is "gift of the sun". This is the meaning that the Greeks attached to this name.

The third version can be called the version of Turkic origin. It is very popular in Russia, and especially in Bashkiria and Tatarstan. According to this version, the name Eldar (Ildar) is a Turkic two-root name. It consists of the roots "Il" (country) and "Dar" (master). Like all two-root names, the name Eldar has many meanings close in variant. Most exact meanings can be considered "ruler", "head of state" and "having a homeland".

However, there is also a fourth version of the meaning of the name. According to this version, the name Eldar, or rather the root Il (Ildar), comes from Illa. It translates as "God is Allah". Fans of this version believe that the meaning of the name Eldar (Ildar) is "God's gift." Of course, this version is popular primarily among Muslims.

The meaning of the name Eldar (Ildar) for a child

Little Eldar already at preschool age is endowed with a seriousness unusual for children. The child is quite independent, but tries to avoid conflicts. Usually o agrees with adults, but does it in his own way. Already in childhood, the strong-willed qualities of Eldar become noticeable. Surprisingly, usually a strong will leads to a desire for leadership, but this is not about him. The boy does not have a particular desire to be a leader, although he loves praise. He rather needs the support and good attitude of others. At the same time, he tries to earn this attitude, but not to the detriment of himself. The boy will not agree to obviously unprofitable offers.

The child learns quite well. His independence and will allows him to achieve great results, but of course if he is interested in the subject itself. But if he is not interested in classes, then it is almost impossible to force Eldar to study. Here a lot will depend on the teachers and their preferences. Usually Eldar is more interested in technical (exact) sciences, but he also has creative abilities.

Unfortunately, Eldar's health cannot be called strong. Often a child suffers from various types of allergies, which is really well leveled by proper nutrition. It is dieting that will solve most of Eldar's health problems. However, if he has allergic reactions to plants, then medicines can no longer be dispensed with. In any case, be sure to consult with professionals.

Abbreviated name Eldar

Eldarka, El, Ellie, Elik, Dar, Dara, Dora, Il, Ilya.

Diminutive names

Eldarchik, Eldarushka, Eldarochka, Eldaronka, Elka, Eldashka, Eldushka, Darik, Darchik, Darushka, Darochka, Ilka, Ilchik.

Patronymic of children

Eldarovich and Eldarovna. The colloquial form of the male patronymic is Eldarych.

Eldar name in English

In English, the name Eldar is spelled as Eldar and Ildar.

Eldar name for passport- ELDAR or ILDAR

Translation of the name Eldar into other languages

in Icelandic - Eldar
in Norwegian - Eldar
in Swedish - Eldar

Church name Eldar(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain, this name is not in the calendar. It also does not appear in the Catholic calendar.

Characteristics of the name Eldar (Ildar)

Adult Eldar is still the same independent and serious as in childhood. At the same time, he is endowed with a great sense of humor and excellent manners. Also, an adult Eldar is characterized by a change in the level of activity. He is either relaxed and serene, or active and persistent. Eldar has many good comrades and loves to have fun and make noise. But he has few close friends. He is wary of letting strangers into his inner circle, although this is typical of most people.

Eldar loves and knows how to work, but he does it in terms of self-realization. Eldar will not work just for the sake of money, although they claim a high salary. He can connect his life with a technical profession, as this attracted him as a child. Pedagogy can become another successful direction for Eldar. From childhood, he is very demanding on the representatives of this profession and certainly knows what a good teacher is.

In family relationships, Eldar is more of a follower, because he doesn’t really understand why he needs marriage. Usually he marries rather unexpectedly even for himself. It should be noted that Eldar is a very domestic man. He takes care of the house and its comfort. But it is extremely difficult to get Eldar out into nature or for a walk. The same can be said about his attitude towards children. Eldar really goes to contact with children when they already grow up. Their relationship becomes a real friendship.

The secret of the name Eldar (Ildar)

The secret of the Eldar can be called his self-sufficiency. It is characteristic of the owner of the name from early childhood. Already becoming an adult, he ceases to demonstrate it for no particular reason, although she does not disappear anywhere. He feels great in complete solitude and does not even get bored in case of a long separation. Eldar is completely independent even from the closest people, which can offend them. That's why he tries not to show it too much.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

totem animal- Lan.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Tulip.

Stone- Amethyst.

The meaning of the name Eldar in Arabic is “owning the country”, “God's gift”. This male name gives its owner a strong character. Throughout his life, a man named so proves more than once his cunning, will and endurance.

The meaning of the name for the boy is favorable in that the child has increased stress resistance, self-esteem, and friendliness. The kid has many friends from an early age and he is ready to spend days on end playing with them. The boy loves animals very much, so it is of great importance not to limit the child in caring for a pet - this will form kindness and compassion in the baby's personality.

The meaning of a name for a child in adolescence acquires such new character traits as ambition, heightened self-criticism and purposefulness. The boy grows up early and at a time when peers are not yet thinking about their future, he already knows exactly who he wants to become. A guy's teenage hobbies, as a rule, are the first step towards a future profession.

An adult Eldar is a person with clear goals in life, enthusiastic, achieving his own. He knows how to defend his opinion, prove his point of view and at the same time give in if he is wrong. The interpretation of the name as a whole gives our hero good health and a strong character.


Love relationships for our hero are of considerable importance in life. By nature, he is a temperamental and loving person. This means that he often falls in love and is constantly in search of his soul mate. Although Eldar's love is not always mutual, he does not suffer much from this - a man begins to experience deep feelings after prolonged communication with his chosen one.

He pays attention to attractive, beautiful women, but he will love only one and will be faithful and devoted to her. The ideal of a beloved woman is somewhat reminiscent of the image of his mother. He attaches great importance to the beauty, kindness and gentleness of the character of the future wife.

Early marriage is often unsuccessful for a man so named. Having fallen in love, and not having fallen in love with a woman, he subsequently faces the fact that his feelings cool down and he breaks off the marriage. Marriage at a more mature age will be prosperous and happy.


The family life of our hero develops safely. He tries to do all the men's housework on his own. Very responsible attitude to the choice of housing. This means that often the best option is a large, spacious house outside the city. This man's family usually has two or more children. As a rule, the spouse is engaged in the upbringing of the heirs, since Eldar practically does not have time for his family due to hard work.

There is always a pet in Eldar's house - the father of the family loves animals since childhood and instills this love in his children. Rest is important for a man. He truly relaxes in the circle of close people, for sincere conversations. Communication with the family, a trip with children and wife to the sea or to an amusement park, will also be a great opportunity to take a break from stress at work.

Relations with the wife's relatives are warm and friendly. He finds a common language both with his parents and with his wife's brothers and sisters. A man pays a lot of attention and care to his parents and, as a rule, in old age they remain in the care of their son and live with him.

Business and career

Our hero starts his career early. Often, while still a schoolboy, he is already looking for opportunities to earn money. This is due to the fact that the man named so has a “commercial streak” from a young age, which means that Eldar’s professional activity will be very successful if he becomes a manager, economist, broker, financier, banker.

After working for some time in one place, having gained valuable experience, the man begins to look for opportunities to earn money on his own. The success of a business will depend on the willingness to take risks. It is caution and fear of starting your own business that can cause missed opportunities.

Of no small importance for Eldar is the work team in which he works. Although he is a person with a stress-resistant psyche, conflicts with colleagues can cause sharp attacks and rude statements from the Eldar, which will negatively affect the reputation of our hero. However, with good relations with employees, he is the soul of the company. Ready to help, support and defend.

origin of the name Eldar

The origin of the name Eldar has Turkic roots. Translated from Arabic - "God's gift." There is another version of where it came from. The story is associated with the Greek name Iliodor, which in Islamic countries began to sound like Eldar. The meaning of the name in this case is "sunmaker". The etymology is also generalized with the name Ildar, which is translated as “ruler of the country”.

In our state, this is how the Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples call their sons. However, it is also popular in European countries. Here comes another meaning. Translated from Scandinavian - "warrior of fire."

A diverse history of origin makes it difficult to accurately determine whose name is Eldar. Perhaps the secret of the name lies in the diversity of etymology and international origin.

Characteristics of the name Eldar

The characterization of the name Eldar has its pros and cons. Willpower, a lively mind, ambition - help a man achieve his desired life goals. He has a kind, generous character, which characterizes our hero on the positive side. This is a person to whom you can always turn for help and he will help free of charge.

Despite the increased temperament, our hero has a stress-resistant and restrained character. In nature, men are dominated by positive aspects. However, negative features are also present.

At the slightest hint of humiliation of his personality or disrespect for him, he becomes very rude and harsh. When in a bad mood, it can be irritable and malicious. There is a tendency to take it out on loved ones, in case of trouble at work, failures.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: emerald, beryl, sapphire, chrysolite, aquamarine.
  • Name day: June 22, September 2, September 11, December 2 (Iliodor).
  • Name horoscope or zodiac sign: Taurus, Libra.

Famous people

  • Eldar Ryazanov - Russian, Soviet film director, screenwriter, actor, TV presenter. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Eldar Lebedev is a Russian film actor.
  • Eldar Dalgatov is a popular Dagestan singer.

Different languages

The translation of the name from Arabic is “God's gift”, “gift of Allah”. As translated into Japanese, according to its meaning: カリスマ (Karisuma). Writing and sounding in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:

  • Chinese: 埃爾達爾 (air-dar).
  • Japanese: エルダー (eru-da).
  • Arabic: إلدار (ile-dar).
  • Armenian: Էլդար (el-dar).

Name Forms

  • Full name: Eldar
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options: Darik, Dora, Dara, Elik, Elya.
  • Name declension: Eldara, Eldare.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy: baptized with the name Iliodor.

The meaning and origin of the name Eldar can be attributed to several ancient cultures at once. But, first of all, this name form is Old Norse. It is difficult to say what nationality the name Eldar belongs to. If we start from the version that it came from Scandinavian words, then literal translation of the name Eldar - "warrior of fire". But there are also several other origins.

One of them suggests that this male name belongs to Greek culture. They have it translated as "gift of the sun", or "gifted by the sun."

The most popular option in our time is that the name Eldar belongs to the Azerbaijani nationality. This people translates it as "supporter of the people."

  • Stone– Opal
  • patron planet– Mars and Venus
  • patronizing element- Air
  • totem animal– Wasp

Eldar Stone - Opal

  • Plant– Lily
  • Patronizing zodiac sign- Cancer
  • Lucky day of the week- Friday
  • Lucky season of the year- Summer

Character and personality traits

The meaning of the name in the character and fate of the Eldar plays a big role. It helps him find a way out of any life situation. He easily fits into any company and quickly becomes his own. His inner and outer self-confidence inspires those around him to take action. Therefore, he will never be alone. He is the favorite of the public, and not a single holiday or party can do without him.

Boy character

The name Eldar for the baby means that from childhood he is a person. Even from the cradle in it, you can see the persistent character and interesting qualities.

He does not tolerate screams and quarrels. He prefers to talk calmly and does not perceive adults if they are aggressive. Parents are authorities for him, but such a boy is more drawn to his father. Often he finds in him all the qualities that a real man should have and tries to adopt them as much as possible.

Actor Eldar Kalimulin

At a young age, this is already a little man who knows how to behave and has good manners. He knows his own worth and no one and does not allow himself to be undeservedly offended.

In his studies, he may not succeed in everything, but he compensates for this with creativity. Often parents support Eldar in his endeavors, and he realizes himself precisely in creative activity.

The character of a man

The meaning of the male name Eldar with age increases the influence on the personality. He becomes a balanced, calm and well-mannered man. Always sets goals and achieves them effortlessly. Surrounds himself with real, proven friends and tries not to let bad people into his life.

Russian video blogger Eldar Dzharakhov


The name Eldar means for its bearer that for almost all his life he will not have to take special care of his health. In childhood, he is a strong, active baby who is not exposed to infectious diseases. And only with some problems may appear with age with well-being. This does not mean that Eldar does not take care of his health, just that every organism undergoes age-related changes.

Special attention should be paid to the state of the heart and blood vessels. Timely treatment to the doctor will allow you to maintain excellent health for many years.

The health of a man with that name directly depends on the state of his psyche and nervous system. If he can maintain balance in his mental state, then there will be no problems with physical health.

Eldar Ronning - Norwegian skier, three-time world champion, winner of the World Cup

Marriage and family

If we consider the meaning of the name Eldar in terms of personal life and family relations, then for the owner of this name form this means that love is an important part of a fulfilling life. He gets inspiration from sincere, reciprocal relationships. When he has that girl who gives him these emotions, then for her sake he is ready to move mountains.

In his youth, this guy is not limited to one girl. He likes the opposite sex and enjoys it. But over time, there comes the realization that you need to find the one that can give him what he wants.

His significant other should be able to support him at any moment. Eldar appreciates calmness and understanding in relationships. Therefore, as a spouse, he chooses a girl who can provide comfort and peace. The house for this man is a refuge from all troubles and problems. He comes there to take a breath and get inspired.

Actor Eldar Lebedev with his wife

Often he even promotes family values ​​among his friends and acquaintances. He does everything only for the sake of the family and its well-being. From his wife, he expects round-the-clock support and admiration for his activities. If Eldar decides to engage in creativity, then his the wife should become not only a muse for him, but also the most devoted fan. He also needs constant praise. If the spouse does not praise him, then he may decide that his efforts are not appreciated.

The family of such a person is necessarily large. He finds a common language not only with all his blood relatives, but also with his wife's relatives.
His father will be great. Eldar will always explain to his children everything they ask. He always finds time to play and spend time with his children. Children in such a family grow up as father's daughters and sons.

The well-being of children is the main thing for Eldar, he wants them not to need anything, so he often pampers them with gifts.

Career and hobbies

Eldar is an excellent performer and has excellent organizational skills. Therefore, if he is engaged in the business where you need to organize something, then there will be no price for him. He is not rushing to the top of the career ladder, because he does not particularly like to take on a lot of responsibility. But that doesn't mean he's irresponsible. The management loves and appreciates him.

Often he gets on the board "the best worker." And all because Eldar not only puts all his knowledge and skills into the performance of his duties, but also works with pleasure. He will not work where he is not appreciated. The team for him is also an important component of the work process. If the relationship is not friendly, then he does not linger in such work. He loves comfort and wants to come to work like a second home.

Eldar knows how to make money. But it is better for him to transfer family budget planning to his wife, because, having received a large amount of money, he is able to spend everything at once on gifts and unnecessary things.

From childhood, the owner of this name has creative abilities. If he focuses on developing his talents, he can achieve certain goals in creative activity. He has a good imagination and artistic data. Therefore, choosing this path, he can make an excellent artist and cultural figure.

If his main work activity is not related to creativity, then he will definitely make it his hobby. His hobby is a part of life, just like playing sports. He is not a professional athlete, but enjoys playing football, basketball, tennis. He also loves team competitions. He believes that this is a good discharge for the mind and body.

Famous name bearers

  • Eldar Alexandrovich Ryazanov- Russian film director and playwright, People's Artist of the USSR

Eldar Ryazanov

  • Eldar Yunis oglu Salaev- physicist, academician and president of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
  • Eldar Nikolaevich Shengelaya- Georgian film director, People's Artist of the USSR
  • Eldar Izmitdinovich Salavatov- director and screenwriter
  • Eldar Rönning- Norwegian skier, three-time world champion, winner of the World Cup

Eldar Shengelaya

  • Eldar Valerievich Lebedev- Russian actor
  • Eldar Rinatovich Kalimulin- actor
  • Eldar Dzharakhov- Russian video blogger

name day

  • 22.06 . – Iliodor
  • 02.09. - Martyr Iliodor
  • 11.10. - Martyr Heliodor of Claudiopolis
  • 02.12 . - Martyr Iliodor of Magid

Each name carries a lot of information. It is a storehouse of knowledge and secrets. Knowing the smallest part of this information, you can learn to find an approach even to the most difficult people. So why not take advantage of this opportunity? Today we learned a lot of interesting things about the people who bear the name Eldar.

Do you know anyone named Eldar? Perhaps you have something to add? Write in the comments and we will be happy to discuss it!

The name Eldar is an ancient male name, which, due to its origin, has an incredibly strong energy. Well suited to independent, brave men with an unbending inner core.

The origin of the name is revealed in several cultures at once, and in each of them the name means a strong and favored man. Formed from the name Iliodor, Eldar has Greek roots and is translated as "gift of the sun."

The peoples of Sweden, Denmark and Iceland also call their sons by this name. In Old Norse, "eldr" means "fire", and "arr" in translation sounds like "warrior", so the literal meaning of the name Eldar is "fiery warrior".

The Turkic peoples use the name Eldar in a slightly different form - Ildar. Ildar is of Persian origin and is translated as "ruler", "patriot", "God's gift".

Name forms: Iliodor, Dora, Ildar, Ilya, Dara, Ellar, Elli, Elik, Liodor.

  • Symbols-patrons of the name:
  • Zodiac sign - .
  • The tree is cypress.
  • The sacred animal is the deer.
  • The planet is Jupiter.
  • The stone is an amethyst.
  • Color - purple.

Character and fate

This name is loved by many nations for its sonority and strength, so Eldar can be found in many parts of the world. The meaning of the name Eldar is revealed in the qualities of a real man. The owner of such a name is endowed with nobility, courage and poise from an early age.

Little Eldar is a kind and open child. The kid easily makes friends, loves animals and loves nature. The boy is doing well in school. He loves to learn new things, diligent and hardworking, respectful of teachers and peers and does not tolerate any other attitude towards himself. Often the child has a predisposition to various allergies, so it is important to identify it in time.

An adult Eldar is distinguished by peacefulness and steadfastness. The following features predominate in his character:

  • Leadership.
  • Equilibrium.
  • Strength of character.
  • Quick response and resourcefulness.
  • openness and artistry.
  • Cleanliness and discipline.

Eldar knows how to win the trust of others. Strength of mind and determination are fascinating, it is even pleasant to follow such a man. He perfectly knows how to organize a team, his charismatic character will help to find an approach to each of his subordinates. At work, he is loved for justice and responsibility. A man pays great attention to his duties and does not tolerate negligence in any work from himself and from others.

He reacts with lightning speed in emergency situations, knows how to turn off unnecessary emotions when you need to urgently make a decision. His strong character will resist any pressure from outside. This man cannot be manipulated or forced to submit to someone else's will.

He is an excellent diplomat and easily comes to a compromise in seemingly intractable situations. His peaceful and calm nature has an amazingly calming effect on others, which is incredibly useful in tense discussions. A man is well versed in people, acutely feels lies. It is impossible to convince him in controversial situations, because he learns only from his mistakes.

Eldar has all the qualities of a successful leader or businessman, but does not often strive for heights in his career. Ambitious plans are not for him, he is content with little and modest in his aspirations.

He is naturally charming. An open and artistic character, an excellent sense of humor allow him to easily find friends and join any team. The soul of the company, he is always full of ideas, he will always find how to stir up others. He likes to be the center of attention, and praise from the Eldar is perceived as a gift from heaven.

A sunny, positive character does not prevent him from being strict if necessary. Attaching great importance to discipline, the Eldar can be harsh towards unassembled people. He is annoyed by carelessness and untidiness, and his natural nobility will not allow rudeness and vulgarity to condone.

Love and Compatibility

His masculinity and self-confidence are very attractive, so Eldar is very popular with women. He does not tolerate loneliness, and he needs communication. An open and sociable girl is well suited for a man. Eldar loves cheerful and cheerful women who are "on the same wavelength" with him and appreciate his peaceful, non-conflict character.

Eldar's destiny is to be an exemplary husband. He will become a real support for his half, and she will never have to do a man's job. Eldar has golden hands, he is pleased to take care of the house - he will not have to be asked to fix the tap for years, he will do it without any requests.

Romantic and temperamental, he will surprise his chosen one more than once with an unusual gift or surprise. He rests best with his family, he likes family walks and trips with his wife and children. She loves children and takes their upbringing seriously.

The name Eldar is well compatible with the names:

Eldar celebrates the day of the angel several times a year: April 9, July 3, October 11, November 21, December 2. Author: Julia Bibik

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: Form of the name Iliodor, "Gift of the Sun" (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: Eldar is a joyful and bright name, but its natural balance implies not only serenity and positive emotions: try to show rigidity or harshness towards the Eldar - and you will quickly be able to feel all his strength and firmness.

In general, people with this name have a rather independent character, they rarely feel the desire for leadership and prefer to do their job in such a way that they do not impose anything on anyone, but they also do not tolerate any dictate towards themselves. Here, by the way, Eldar's balance affects, and therefore the desire for independence and independence usually does not complicate Eldar's life - in his soul, emotions rarely prevail over logic, and this makes it easier to solve difficult or conflict situations by compromise with others. The only thing he really can't stand is rough pressure.

With such a character, Eldar has every chance to achieve success in life and make a good career, it is only a pity that many bearers of this name are not familiar with ambition. In most cases, the Eldar grows up as a purely earthly person, preferring material goods and simple pleasures to all sorts of dreams of glory. Moreover, in some cases, the Eldar simply turns into a surprisingly lazy, albeit contented with life person, but this, as they say, is the result of bad upbringing and pampering. If the parents themselves have any ambitious plans for their son, then it is advisable for them to bring up sufficient ambition in the Eldar or, even better, to instill in him an interest in some profession. In this case, a truly extraordinary personality can turn out from Eldar.

Secrets of communication: Most often, communication with the Eldar is not particularly difficult, he himself has and appreciates a sense of humor in people, knows how to be diplomatic, and his character is distinguished by good-naturedness and optimism. Nevertheless, if you still managed to come into conflict with him, then you can correct the situation with the help of a good joke and a willingness to come to a fair compromise.

The trace of a name in history:

Eldar Ryazanov

For decades now, it has been hard to imagine a New Year's holiday without Eldar Ryazanov's (born 1927) lyrical comedy The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath. And the whole country enjoys watching other films of the brilliant director not only for the second, but also for the third, fourth, tenth time. This is not surprising, because the basis of Ryazanov's films is not only and not so much the plot. In these films there is both a magnificent play of actors, revealing the full depth of human relationships, and that "densification" of time and space, when the picture is viewed in one breath, and in a couple of hours the viewer manages to live several years, several lives. In a word, Eldar Ryazanov's films are the very optimal combination of all the necessary conditions, when a work of art turns out from a seemingly ordinary plot, and behind the scenes the hand of a real Master is felt.

The facts of the creative biography of Eldar Ryazanov - director, writer and screenwriter - are uncomplicated, as if he had been moving towards a clearly defined goal since childhood. Born in Samara, at the age of twenty-three he graduated from the acting department of VGIK and, after working for five years at the Central Documentary Film Studio, finally switched to Mosfilm. Heeding the wise advice of the director Pyryev, Eldar Ryazanov began working in the comedy genre, and his very first feature film "Carnival Night" became his first big success.

All further paintings by Ryazanov, such as "Beware of the Car", "Hussar Ballad", "Garage", "Say a Word About the Poor Hussar", and many, many others automatically became a major event in the life of the country, entering the classics of Russian cinema. The most important thing in these films is the all-conquering kindness and good-naturedness, and therefore they are unlikely to ever become obsolete, except perhaps with the final loss of these "not the most useful" qualities by humanity in our modern age.

By Higiru

Turkish name.

These boys from early childhood are distinguished by an independent character, although they seem to be obedient and complaisant. Self-esteem is already familiar to the little Eldar - he inherited this quality from his mother, whom he looks like in appearance. He has many friends: he will always stand up for the weak, even if it threatens him with trouble and bruises, he will not laugh at a stuttering comrade. Despite such attractive character traits, the life of the Eldar is not easy. Their marriages are not always successful either.

For the "winter" Eldar, the main thing in life is work, they are fanatically devoted to it, and everything else is relegated to the background. There are multiple marriages. When choosing friends, be extremely careful; they are vulnerable and acutely experience disappointments in people. "Winter" Eldar more often than others are successful.

“Summers”, having lived their lives, may never realize their talents, but it seems that they do not care too much. They love hunting, fishing, long trips. They make successful, sober-minded businessmen. They never take anything for granted, they must form their own opinion about everything.

Eldar is little influenced by others, although he is always among people - he does not like loneliness. By nature, this is an introvert, he is not so much interested in external events as what he thinks about them. Such people are not bound by the impressions of the moment, they always take into account their life experience and are able to make a correct judgment about people.

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