Sephardi Jews genetic research. Genetic diseases of the Jews


Specific nationalities and ethnic groups are characterized by certain genetic diseases. This problem is characteristic of small nations living compactly in a small area. Carriers of characteristic genetic diseases are, for example, about 25% of Jews. These diseases can be passed directly to their children.

bad genes

The reason for the large number of genetic diseases of the Jews lies in closely related marriages, practiced for thousands of years. By tradition, Jews could only get close to Jews. And given that there are not so many Jews, sooner or later there were marriages among distant and close relatives. And this is a direct path to the accumulation of genetic defects. Now Jews are allowed to "dilute the blood" by giving birth to children from one of the parents of a different nationality. But it will take thousands of years to correct the situation.

The probability that a spouse can have a sick child is 25% if one of the parents is a carrier of a genetic disease. Up to 50% is the probability that the child will be a carrier of the "bad" gene, which he inherited from his parents, but will not get sick with it. There is only a 25% chance that a child has not inherited the defective gene.

In our time, very precise methods have been developed that allow you to determine whether the fetus has inherited the genetic diseases of the Jews. For example, at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, an analysis of chronal villi is performed. Amniocentesis is performed at 15-18 weeks of gestation.

Genetic diseases of Ashkenazi Jews

Jews who are planning to conceive a baby will benefit from knowing about genetic diseases that are often found in Ashkenazi Jews. Consider what genetic diseases are found. As a rule, one in 40 Ashkenazi Jews is a carrier of such a genetic disease as Canavan Syndrome. This disease manifests itself in children from 2 to 4 years of age. These children begin to forget the skills learned earlier. Unfortunately, most of them die before the age of 5.

One in 100 Jews is a carrier of such a disease as Bloom's Syndrome. Children suffering from this disease are born with low birth weight. These children have various disorders, pathologies, they are prone to infections, especially of the ears and respiratory tract. On the face they have red skin and it is very sensitive. These children are at increased risk for certain types of cancer. When growing up, they are small in stature.

A neurodegenerative disease in which harmful fat cells accumulate in various parts of the body is Niemann-Pick type A disease. In this disease, the spleen and liver enlarge, and brain function is lost. Every 90th Ashkenazi Jew is a carrier of this gene. The average life expectancy for these children is 2-3 years.

Cystic fibrosis is a disease in which the body produces mucus that accumulates primarily in the digestive tract and lungs. This contributes to the development of chronic lung infections, and is also a cause of growth retardation. Every 25th Ashkenazi Jew is a carrier of this genetic disease.

One in 1,000 Ashkenazi Jews suffers from Gaucher Syndrome Type 1. One in 12 is a carrier. With this disease, the skeletal system suffers. The risk of fractures and various pathologies increases. There are pains in the joints and bones. Usually, the symptoms of this genetic disease appear in adulthood. Also, these people are prone to poor blood clotting and anemia. Currently, this disease is curable.

One in 89 Ashkenazi Jews is a carrier of Fanconi Syndrome Type C. Those who suffer from this disease are predisposed to leukemia and other cancers. Bone marrow failure and short stature are associated with people suffering from this disease. Mental retardation, hearing problems can be observed in some children.

A disease such as hereditary dysautonomia occurs in 1 in 30 Ashkenazi Jews. With this disease, speech is confused, the function that is responsible for body temperature is disturbed. And also these people suffer from diseases of the digestive system, a violation of blood pressure. They are more prone to stressful situations. The function of motor coordination is impaired.

This is not the end of long-suffering Jews genetic diseases. One of the most common is Tay-Sachs disease. This disease affects 1 in 2,500 children. From about 4-6 months of age, their nervous system begins to change due to a lack of the necessary hormone. Children become dumb, blind and deaf, motor skills are lost. Death occurs approximately at 4 years of age. Rarely, this disease also occurs in adulthood, but the course of the disease is slower, the symptoms are less pronounced. The carrier of this disease is 1 in 25 Ashkenazi Jews.

A recently discovered disease is Mucolipidosis. In this disease, harmful substances accumulate throughout the body. Violated in people suffering from this disease, motor and mental function, which begins at about the age of 1 year. With this disease, strabismus, retinal dystrophy, corneal clouding can be observed. Currently, patients suffering from this disease occur at the age of about 30 years. The percentage of Jewish carriers of this disease is unknown. Also, the life expectancy of these people is not known.

Genetic diseases of Sephardic Jews

Sephardi Jews, whose ancestors come from Portugal, North Africa, Spain, from the Mediterranean areas, also have certain genetic diseases. These are diseases such as familial Mediterranean fever, lack of phosphate dehydrogenase, thalassemia and others. These diseases are not as terrible as the diseases of Ashkenazi Jews, but require treatment. They can cause serious harm to health without specific treatment.

The lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is one of the most common diseases of Sephardic Jews. Approximately 500 million people around the world suffer from this disease, which is inherited.

Ashkenazi Jews should definitely be tested for various genetic diseases, and Sephardim Jews should consult a doctor to pass the test.

Is it possible to verify the biblical story using DNA genealogy methods?

Somehow I was puzzled by the fact that Jewish populations (I am talking primarily about men, because I study mainly the DNA genealogy of Y-chromosome carriers, and these are men) in Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, which were quite numerous in the last centuries, all have common ancestors mainly in the middle of the 14th century AD. In other words, shtetl Jews in those regions date back to that time. Why is that?

An explanation has been found. The middle of the 14th century is the height of the plague in Europe (1346-1351), more than 25 million people died from the plague. There was a steady rumor that this was the work of the Jews, who allegedly contaminated the wells. Mass pogroms and massacres began, and the surviving Jews rushed to flee, but where to? They have already been expelled from many European countries, there is only one way left - to the east. The rulers of Poland, Russia, Lithuania reacted favorably to the acceptance of the fugitives, and it was then that the Jews who arrived in those lands became the first ancestors of the soon-expanded Jewish populations.

It is them, these first ancestors, that DNA genealogy identifies by the haplotypes of modern Jews. And their haplogroups turned out to be very different - E, G, I1, I2, J1, J2, N, R1a, R1b, T ... There were hard times. This is how the Ashkenazi, that is, European Jews, got a whole bunch of haplogroups.

But the common ancestors of the Jews of the Middle East are rooted far back in pre-Jewish times, in the time of the Bedouins, from whom, in particular, the Jews in their large part originated. The oldest haplogroups of Middle Eastern Jews are E1b, J1, J2, their common ancestors among modern Jews far back 10 thousand years. One of the main haplogroups of the modern Middle East, haplogroup J, was divided into haplogroups J1 and J2 about 20 thousand years ago.

Then, much later, the haplogroups R1b and R1a appeared in the Middle East, which transferred their haplogroups to the ancestors of modern Jews about 5500 and 4000 years ago, respectively. These were the Bedouins, and the Sumerians, and the Akkadians, and everyone who lived there then.

Since Y-chromosomal markers and their alleles (the same numbers in haplotypes) are transmitted in a straight line, from father to son, then, naturally, all siblings should have had the same markers and alleles (that is, numbers in haplotypes) as theirs. father. So, if the genealogy is set out in the Bible correctly, then identical markers and alleles in the form of corresponding chains of numbers should be identical for all 12 tribes and their direct descendants until now, as well as for Ishmael and his descendants.

This must be so, since Ishmael is the son of Abraham and the brother (by father) of Isaac. And Isaac, let me remind you, is the father of Jacob and the grandfather of the ancestors of the 12 tribes (and the great-grandfather of Ephraim and Manasseh, who also headed the corresponding tribes of Israel).

In other words, if Ishmael really is in such a relationship as described in the Bible, then the Arabs - the direct descendants of Ishmael, and the Jews - the direct descendants of 12 tribes, including kohanim, direct descendants of Aaron, the great-grandson of Levi, should have identical haplotypes in our time.

The matter, however, is somewhat complicated by the fact that over the past 3600 years, mutations have definitely occurred in the markers of this haplotype. In six-digit haplotypes that researchers operated on 10-15 years ago, one mutation occurs on average every about three thousand years. This is a statistical estimate, no one will give an exact answer. This means that there will either be no mutations (in a minority of haplotypes), or there may be from one to five mutations, within 99% of haplotypes. This will shift the haplotype numbers up and down, different numbers in different ways. As a result, we get a whole cloud of haplotypes, at least several dozen.

Since, according to the Bible, Jews and Arabs descend from one common ancestor named Abraham, this should be verifiable by DNA genealogy methods. A few years ago, I did just that - I collected the available haplotypes of Jews and Arabs of the haplogroup J1, put everything into one file and launched a program for building a haplotype tree.

The program distributes haplotypes according to the principle of similarity and the formation of some haplotypes from others by mutations. Thus, related haplotypes go into one branch on the tree, lining up in the order of their formation, and the ancestral haplotype is automatically located at the base of the branch, or the ancestral one is obtained by extrapolation.

Haplotypes unrelated to the first branch are rebuilt into another branch, which also consists of a pyramid of their related haplotypes with their common branch ancestor.

So, the Jews and Arabs of haplogroup J1 formed a complex tree with many branches, mostly young, several centuries old, and what was characteristic of these branches was that they were either exclusively Arab or exclusively Jewish. There were no mixed branches up to two or three thousand years old. And this shows that the situation between Jews and Arabs is really complicated, centuries and millennia.

Let's say, on the tree of Slavic haplotypes, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians are mixed in the same branches, there is no antagonism between them - they easily marry and get married, ethnic differences do not interfere with them. Not so with Jews and Arabs - cases of mixed marriages are statistically very insignificant.

In short, only one branch on the tree of haplotypes of Jews and Arabs of haplogroup J1, the oldest, although it was double, that is, there were Jews in one half of it, and Arabs in the other, converged to one point, that is, to one common ancestor.

Calculations immediately showed that he lived about four thousand years ago. This is the time of the life of the biblical Abraham, although the haplotypes, of course, do not name him. That is, we showed that Abraham, or whatever his real name was, belonged to the J1 haplogroup, right?

No, not quite right. Because exactly the same picture - in principle - turned out with the haplotype tree of haplogroup J2. Again, non-mixing branches of Jews and Arabs, and again one common double branch, which converges to one common ancestor who lived the same 4000 years ago. What is especially interesting is that exactly the same picture turned out in the haplogroup R1a.

The age of these branches, calculated from mutations in them, is 1300±150 and 1075±160 years. There are 22 mutations between their ancestral haplotypes, as noted above (some mutations are counted according to special rules, for example, in the so-called multicopy markers), which gives 22/0.12 = 183 → 224 conditional generations, or approximately 5600 years between their common ancestors.

This means that the common ancestors of these branches of Jews and Arabs were formed from one of their common ancestor, who lived (5600+1300+1075)/2 = 3990 years ago. Again about 4000 years ago.

Ten years ago, data were published in the academic literature that among Ashkenazi Jews, approximately 10% have the R1a haplogroup (Behar et al., 2003). But Jews have many different haplogroups, so 10% is a relatively large amount for one haplogroup. Moreover, it turned out that the haplogroup R1a is mainly occupied by the Levites, the descendants of Levi, whose roots lead directly to Jacob, Isaac and Abraham.

At the end of 2013, a detailed article on the Levites was published (Rootsi et al, 2013), and it was made public that of all the “multi-tribal” Ashkenazim, 15% have the haplogroup R1a (87 people out of 600 Ashkenazim tested), and among Levites this percentage having haplogroup R1a, is already rising to 65%, that is, two-thirds of all.

In general, among popgeneticists, the belief still reigns that the haplogroup R1a is the Slavs. In their 2010 article (Atzmon et al, 2010), they, popgeneticists, write that “these impurities could have come from Ukrainians, Poles or Russians.” But the authors, talking about the haplogroup R1a among the Jews, did not bother to look at their haplotypes, which differ markedly from those of the Slavs of the haplogroup R1a. Let's take a look, and at the same time move on to more accurate 111-marker haplotypes.

There are 20 mutations between them (marked), which shows that their common ancestor, Slavs and Jews, diverges by 20/0.198 = 101 → 112 conditional generations of 25 years each, that is, 2800 years. This, in turn, places their common ancestor at (2800+4900+1300)/2 = 4500 years ago. These are Aryans, of course, haplogroup R1a.

Here, 0.198 is the mutation rate constant for 111-marker haplotypes, the arrow is the tabular correction for backmutations. Thus, the Slavs have nothing to do with it. The Aryans left the Russian Plain, one wave of them headed south, through the Caucasus to Mesopotamia, and there they came into close contact, in the literal sense of the word, with the ancestors of modern Jews. So haplogroup R1a entered the Jewish environment.

A little earlier, 1300 years ago, that is, already at the end of the 1st millennium AD, the carriers of the haplogroup R1a of the Jews passed the bottleneck of the population, to put it simply, they almost disappeared, and 1300 years ago their DNA line was revived. Almost all modern Jews of the haplogroup R1a are descendants of that surviving common ancestor 1300 years ago, who, by the will of fate, turned out to be a Levite.

The problematic definition of "Jewishness" lies in the fact that in Hebrew the term "יהדות" means religion, nationality, origin, ethnic community, culture, and in Israel also legal status. If even in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Jewishness in the eyes of the community was determined by halachic criteria (descent from a Jewish mother or adoption of Judaism), and in the eyes of non-Jews - by religion, then with the advent of the era of emancipation, religion gradually ceases to be the only and exclusive criterion for belonging to the Jews. For these reasons, the question of defining "Who is a Jew?" remains the subject of debate and controversy. Read more → Genetics has solved all the mysteries of the history of the Jews.

→ The root of the concepts of Jews, Jews, Jews

Jews are always reborn like a Phoenix bird from the ashes, and they revive not only themselves and their families, but also their well-being, they seem to attract gold to themselves.

Jews are a hardworking people. It is rare to find a Jew lying on a couch, melancholy arguing that his talents are not needed in this world. Almost around the clock, these people either earn money or get an education in order to increase their capital later. But there is one day when all believing Jews stop any work in order to remember God, be with family and just relax. This day is Saturday. The Sabbath is completely dedicated to God.

We should also not forget the historical moments that made the Jewish people become much more enterprising, stubborn and purposeful than the nations around them. These times are long in the past, but the habit of completely devoting oneself to study and work, to use all one's own, even hidden talents, is still alive among the Jews.

Special attention should be paid to the sacred book of the Torah for every Jew. The Torah gives direct instructions for all believing Jews, which concern not only religious rites and issues of faith and human nature, but also absolutely all aspects of life. Living for more than 2000 years according to the teachings of the Talmud, the Jews have become so fused with its spirit that now they can think and act only in the Talmudic way, even if this book itself no longer existed!

Jews are an ancient people of Semitic origin, dating back to the population of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah, living in many countries of the world.

According to the Tanakh, the root of the Jews comes from the Mesopotamian family of the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The forefathers of the people Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The descendants of Jacob formed 12 tribes (tribes) of Israel, who lived in the second half of the 2nd millennium BC in Egypt. Around the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, they left Egypt and settled in the land of Canaan. See more → Where did the Jewish Freemasons come from?.

Geneticists have found out that the modern representatives of the Jewish people descend from common ancestors who lived 2.5 thousand years ago in the Middle East - in accordance with the way the Bible reports. Scholars have traced the roots of the Jewish people to their very beginnings. For this purpose, the genomes of representatives of the three most numerous Jewish populations - Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrach - were studied: the first are the Jews of Eastern and Central Europe, the second are Turkish, Italian and Greek Jews, the third are the Jews of Syria, Iraq and Iran.

The ancient Hebrew states that existed in the first millennium BC - the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were conquered: the first - by Assyria (722 BC), the second - by Babylonia (586 BC), which marked the beginning of the resettlement of Jews in the countries of the world.

After the conquests of Alexander the Great, Jews settled widely in his empire and in the states formed after its collapse, forming a large cultural center in Alexandria.

After the revolt of the Maccabees in 167 BC. the state of Judea was formed, from 63 BC. actually became a Roman province. The Jews created their own community in Rome and settled in other cities of the empire. After the Jewish War, the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem, the Romans imposed significant restrictions on the Jews in Judea, and the defeat of the Bar Kokhba rebellion in 135 ended with a ban on Jews from settling in Palestine.

Significant groups of Jews settled in the countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and in many other countries of Europe and Asia. The migration of Jews was also associated with the development of trade in European countries. They perceived the language and culture of the local population, but retained their religious and cultural features, which separated them from the surrounding population.

In total, the number of Jews, according to 2003 data, was 12.9 million people, including 5.15 million in the USA, 5.15 million in Israel, 500 thousand in France, 267 thousand in the UK, 180 thousand in Argentina, in Canada 370,000, Germany 120,000, Australia 100,000. According to 2002 data, 229.9 thousand Jews live in Russia, including 103.7 thousand in the Central Federal District.

As a result of the study, it turned out that all Jews, regardless of populations, are genetically almost the same. Jews are very different from non-Jews. Ashkenazim are an exception: they have “spoiled” the Jewish genome more than other populations - they have gained signs from the surrounding Europeans.

→ On the expulsion of the Jews

Historically, the division of a large part of the Jews into Ashkenazi and Sephardi.

The largest ethnic groups among the Jews are the Ashkenazi from Central and Eastern Europe (in particular, almost all the Jews of Russia) and the Safards (originally from Spain and Portugal, then scattered throughout the Mediterranean). Read more → Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jewish Communities. Other ethnic groups are: Arab Jews; lahluhs, Persian and Bukharan Jews; Georgian Jews; mountain Jews; Indian Jews, Romaniotes, Italianim (Romim), Falashas, ​​etc.

Geneticists returned the homeland of Ashkenazi Jews to Germany .

Ashkenazi Jews have a biological age of only 600-800 years. Age was established based on DNA analysis. Researchers have come to the conclusion that modern Ashkenazim descended from Jewish immigrants from the Middle East, who mixed with the Jews who inhabited Europe in the Middle Ages. The very word "Ashkenaz" in Hebrew means Germany. Medieval Germany, in which the emergence of a sub-ethnic group of Jews called "Ashkenazi" , was part of the Roman Empire. They had their own language, religion and culture. Read more → Ashkenazim.

Territory of the Holy Roman Empire from 962 to 1806: → see Wikipedia.

The share of the second branch of world Jewry - Sephardic Jews - accounts for, respectively, 20%. The word "Sephardic" also indicates the geographical origin of this tribe, translated from the Hebrew "Sephardic" - Spain. Read more → Sephardim.

What is important and remarkable in the publication "Ashkenazi Jews descended from 350 people"?

1. The results of the research of an international group of geneticists coincided with the fact that the Jewish Torah contains only 7 centuries of history of the Jewish people. Jewish geneticists claim that all modern Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a group of about 350 people who lived 600-800 years ago. There is virtually nothing to object to this dating.

2. The statement about the seven-century history of the Jews perfectly coincides with the hypothesis that two Jewish branches (communities) - Ashkenazi and Sephardi - appeared 7-8 centuries ago not somewhere in general in Europe, but specifically in Germany and Spain. Moreover, Germany, which gave birth to the Ashkenazim, was the main component of the Holy Roman Empire, which officially existed from 962 to 1806.

3. Given the ferocity and ruthlessness of the rulers of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire in relation to various "dissenters" and strangers, these two groups of Jews, clearly, could not appear there on the principle of "self-assembly" from some groups of refugees expelled from other regions of the world .

It is impossible to believe that at a time when the royal Habsburg dynasty, with the support of the Roman Catholic Church, organized "crusades" against "heretical peoples", and in Spain the Catholic Inquisitors declared a "hunt for witches and sorcerers", while people were destroyed by the thousands, at once two branches of world Jewry in the same place, on the same territory, calmly bred and multiplied, moreover, as a result of closely related incest, producing genetically diseased offspring.

Of course, the rulers of the states were aware of the peculiarities of the Jews, they were used, they regulated their settlement ..., or they were opposed.

Map of the Pale of Settlement (red line). .

In the past, many rulers of European and Asian countries knew this, especially those who created a rapidly growing colony of Ashkenazi Jews in Germany, who armed them with a special religion and who sent these Ashkenazi Jews to different parts of the world.

The new work of geneticists sheds light on some aspects of the history of the migrations of the Jewish population. In the XIII-XV centuries, Jewish communities were expelled from many countries of Western Europe. The expulsion from Spain in 1492 was, although the most extensive, but not the only one in this series. In 1290 the Jews were evicted from England, in 1394 from France. Jewish refugees from these countries formed the core of the Ashkenazi community.

The Russian Empress Catherine II, being a German born in Prussia, knew perfectly well who the Ashkenazi Jews who spoke a dialect of German were, and why they were created as a people on the territory of the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation". Therefore, as a knowledgeable person, she took very radical measures - she defined the Pale of Settlement for Jews with a red line, created a kind of closed settlements in the outlying territories of the Russian Empire, from where only the elite were allowed to leave. See Map of the Pale of Settlement (red line).

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, the Jew and psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso wrote: “It is among the Jews that the greatest number of brilliant, talented and gifted people are found! But, along with this, the proportion of mentally retarded, among the Jews, is six times greater!”

In 1972, the Association of American Psychiatrists published an article, "Mental Illness: The Jewish Illness."

Genetic diseases of the Jews

Many genetic diseases are specific to specific ethnic groups or nationalities. For example, 25 percent of Jews whose ancestors come from Eastern Europe turn out to be carriers of certain genetic diseases that can be passed on to their children. If one of the partners is a carrier of a genetic disease, then there is a 25 percent chance that the spouses will have a sick child. There is also a 50 percent chance that the child will be a carrier of the defective gene, like the parents, and only a 25 percent chance that he will not inherit it at all.

However, precise methods have been developed to determine whether the fetus has inherited genetic diseases or not. This can be either an amniocentesis, performed at 15-18 weeks of gestation, or a hornal villus analysis, usually performed at 10-12 weeks of gestation.

Jews who are about to become parents will benefit greatly from learning about the genetic diseases that are common among Ashkenazi Jews. These diseases include:

Bloom Syndrome. Children suffering from this rare disease are born very small and rarely grow above 1.5 meters. They have red and very sensitive skin on their faces; various pathological disorders; they are more prone to respiratory and ear infections and have a higher risk of getting certain types of cancer. The carrier is about one in 100 Ashkenazi Jews.

Canavan syndrome. This disease usually appears in children between the ages of 2 and 4 months, and they begin to forget previously learned skills. Most children die before the age of 5. The carrier of this disease is one in 40 Ashkenazi Jews.

cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis causes the body to produce thick mucus that accumulates mainly in the lungs and digestive tract, which causes chronic lung infections and stunted growth. The carrier is every 25th Ashkenazi Jew.

hereditary dysautonomy. This disorder affects body temperature control, motor coordination, speech, blood pressure, stress responses, swallowing, the ability to produce tears, and digestive juices. Occurs in every 30th Ashkenazi Jew.

Fanconi syndrome - type C. Fanconi syndrome is associated with short stature, bone marrow failure, and a predisposition to leukemia and other cancers. Some children may have hearing problems or mental retardation. The carrier is one in 89 Ashkenazi Jews.

Gaucher syndrome- type 1. Every 1000th Ashkenazi Jew suffers from this disease. Its symptoms usually appear in adulthood. Patients suffer from pain in the bones and joints, are sensitive to fractures and other pathologies associated with the skeletal system. Subject to anemia, bruising and poor blood clotting. This disease can currently be effectively treated with enzyme replacement therapy. Every 12th Ashkenazi Jew is a carrier.

Mucolipidosis IV (ML IV). ML IV is one of the recently discovered genetic diseases of the Jews. It is caused by the accumulation of harmful substances throughout the body. Individuals with ML IV suffer from various progressive motor and mental deficiencies beginning at about 1 year of age. Early signs of the disease may include corneal clouding, strabismus, and retinal dystrophy. At the moment, patients with ML IV are known at the age of 1 to 30 years, but so far there is no data on the life expectancy of these patients. The percentage of people who are its carrier is also unknown.

Niemann-Pick disease - type A. Niemann-Pick disease is a neurodegenerative disease in which harmful amounts of fat cells accumulate in various parts of the body. Symptoms include loss of brain function and enlargement of the liver and spleen. The average life expectancy of children suffering from this disease is 2-3 years. Every 90th Ashkenazi Jew is a carrier.

Tay-Sachs disease (children's type). Tay-Sachs disease is the most famous Jewish genetic disorder, affecting approximately one in 2,500 newborns. Children with Tay-Sachs disease develop normally until 4-6 months of age, after which their central nervous system begins to degenerate due to a lack of an essential hormone. Affected children lose all motor skills and become blind, deaf and dumb. Death usually occurs at the age of 4 years. Late manifestation of Tay-Sachs disease is less common, then the disease progresses more slowly and the symptoms are less pronounced. The carrier is every 25th Ashkenazi Jew.

Ashekenazi Jews are the sickest people on earth

A joint study by Israeli and American scientists has identified a gene that increases the chances of Ashenazi Jews to develop mental disorders.

The study was conducted by Professor Ariel Darbasi of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Dr. Tod Lantz of the Feinstein Institute for Psychiatric Research in New York. This gene affects other populations to a lesser extent, according to Ido Efrati in the newspaper Haaretz. According to a study, the presence of this gene in Ashkenazi Jews increases their chances of getting schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar affective disorder by 40%. When the same gene is present in other populations, it increases their chances of developing mental disorders by only 15%.

Ideally, all parents who wish to have a child should be tested to determine if they are carriers of one of these conditions. In most cases, at least one of the parents will test negative, and their children will be born without these diseases. If the test results of both parents are positive, then they should contact the doctors to look for a solution to this problem.

It may be helpful to consult a rabbi before a difficult decision ahead. Many orthodox communities are pushing for pre-marital testing to cancel the wedding of two carriers of genetic diseases.

Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors come from Spain, Portugal, North Africa and parts of the Mediterranean, also suffer from certain genetic diseases. These include: beta-thalassemia, familial Mediterranean fever, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glycogenosis type III.

Although these genetic diseases are usually not as bad as those that Ashkenazi Jews suffer from, they can cause serious health problems and require treatment.

The beta-thalassemia gene occurs in one in 30 Mediterraneans, while one in five to seven Jews from North Africa, Iraq, Armenia and Turkey carries the gene for hereditary Mediterranean fever. The Type III glycogenosis gene occurs in 1 in 35 North African Jews and can only be inherited if both parents have it.

Unlike other Sephardi genetic diseases, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, the most common human disease caused by an enzyme deficiency, which affects about 500 million people worldwide, is transmitted from mother to son. There is currently no carrier test.

Evidence that Jews are carriers of schizophrenia has been presented​​ in documentprepared for the American Journal of Psychiatry by Dr.Arnold Hatchnecker (Arnold A. Hutschnecker), New York psychiatrist.

What exactly was said in the study of psychiatrist Arnold Hatchnecker

It should be noted that Hatchnecker, who was born in Berlin, comes from a Jewish background. He wasn't shy about saying what he thought. After graduating in psychiatry, he began working as an SS concentration camp doctor, while publicly calling Hitler a "pig". He emigrated with his family in 1936 to the United States. Arnold Hutchnecker was a physician to US President Richard Nixon

In his study entitled "Mental Illness: The Jewish Disease", Dr. Hutchnecker said that while all Jews are not mentally ill, mental illness is highly contagious and Jews are the main source of infection ("Mental Illness: The Jewish Disease", Psychiatric News, published by the American Psychiatric Association, Oct. 25, 1972).

Dr. Hatchnecker stated that every Jew is born with the seeds of schizophrenia and that this fact is the reason for the worldwide persecution of the Jews, but he explained that "the world would be more compassionate towards the Jews if it was at all understood that the Jews were not responsible for their condition," and "schizophrenia itself is the cause that causes the Jews to compulsively desire persecution."

Dr. Hutchnecker noted that the specific mental illness inherent in this ethno-religious group is manifested in their inability to distinguish between right and wrong. And while Jewish canon law recognizes the virtues of patience, humility, and honesty, its followers are aggressive, vengeful, and dishonest: "While Jews accuse non-Jews of racism, Israel is the most racist country in the world."

The Jews, according to Dr. Hutchnecker, manifest their mental illness through paranoia. He explained that the paranoid not only imagines that he is being persecuted, but also consciously creates situations that make the persecution a reality.

Dr. Hutchnecker explained that in order to see the manifestation of Jewish paranoia, you need to ride the New York subway. Nine times out of ten, he says, the one pushing you along the way will be a Jew: "The Jew hopes you will retaliate, and when you do what he can tell himself, you are an anti-Semite."

During World War II, Dr. Hutchnecker said, Jewish leaders in England and the United States were aware of the horrific massacre of Jews by the Nazis. But when the State Department wanted to speak out against the massacre, organized Jewry silenced it. The Jewish organizations, the doctor said, wanted to continue the slaughter in order to arouse the sympathy of the world (it seems that the reality is even worse than the doctor of psychiatry could have imagined in 1972 - according to recently released documents, she was in the United States during the Second World Future Premier Israel Golda Meer lobbied the White House for the bombing of Auschwitz, knowing that Jews were being held there; thereby fitting the situation into the myth of the "Holocaust", a project that the Jewish press had been running since 1902).

Dr. Hutchnecker compared the Jewish need to be persecuted to a kind of insanity in which a person mutilates himself (apotemnophilia or the desire to amputate limbs, a condition that the English psychiatrist researcher Russell Reid calls "complete insanity" - ed.). The American psychiatrist Hutchnecker believes that those who do this want to arouse sympathy for themselves. But, he added, such people act out their folly in ways that evoke disgust rather than sympathy.

At the same time, Dr. Hutchnecker noted that the incidence of mental illness increased in the United States in direct proportion to the increase in the Jewish population: “The great Jewish migration to the United States began at the end of the twentieth century. In 1900 there were 1,058,135 Jews in the USA, and in 1970 there were already 5,868,555, an increase of 454.8%. In 1900, there were 62,112 inmates in public mental hospitals in the United States; in 1970 - 339,027, an increase of 445.7%. During the same period, the US population increased from 76212368 to 203211926, an increase of 166.6%. Before the influx of Jews from Europe, the US was a mentally healthy nation. But that's not the case anymore."

Dr. Hatchnecker substantiated the claim that the United States is no longer a mentally healthy nation by quoting Dr. David Rosenthal, head of the psychology laboratory at the National Institute of Mental Health, who estimates that more than 60 million people in the United States suffer from some form of "schizophrenic disorder." spectrum". Noting that Dr. Rosenthal is Jewish, Dr. Hutschnecker said that Jews seem to take a perverse pride in the spread of mental illness.

The term "schizophrenia" was given to mental illness in 1911 by the Swiss psychiatrist Dr. Eugen Blueler. Until that time, the disease was known under the name "dementia praecox", used by its discoverer, Dr. Emil Kraepelin.

Dr. Hutchnecker said research by Dr. Jacques S. Gottlieb of Wayne State University has shown that schizophrenia is caused by a deformity in the alpha-2-globulin protein, which in schizophrenic patients takes on a corkscrew shape. The malformed proteins appear to be caused by a virus that Dr. Hutschnecker believes Jews pass on to non-Jews they come into contact with. He said this because Western European nations are not immune to the virus and are therefore particularly vulnerable to the disease. Read more → .

“There is not a single doubt,” said Dr. Hutchnecker, “that the Jews have infected the American people with schizophrenia. The Jews are the carriers of the disease and it will reach epidemic proportions if science does not develop a vaccine to combat it.”

We can assume that the followers of Judaism fell into the so-called. "negative selection trap". The ideology of Judaism preached self-segregation of the "chosen by God" from the "unchosen", while giving racist instructions. And thus spreading spiritual disease. As a result of close intermarriages, the most serious genetic diseases (which we spoke about earlier) began to multiply. At the same time, mental illnesses begin to multiply, having spiritual and moral causes, which Judaism began to justify ideologically, since its task is to justify and “protect” the “chosen ones” in every possible way.

At the same time, the religion of pride and "chosenness" - Judaism - gave rise to many different occult sects - Kabbalism, gnosis, Freemasonry - justifying and multiplying spiritual and social diseases, such as pederasty, which only worsens the overall genetic background.

Many representatives of the Jews were in the ranks of the Bolshevik revolutionaries. After the seizure of power in 1917, some of these representatives took responsible positions in most government agencies. This can be seen from some of the above lists of the composition of the commissariats of those 1917-1921.

At the same time, those affected by the disease refuse to recognize it, deny treatment, and, thereby, multiplying the epidemic, leading humanity to death. ...

The Jews themselves are unconsciously trying to find a way out in the transition from diseased bodies to various technical devices (the “transhumanism” movement), dragging not only means ... but all of us into this crazy project.

These diseases were told to the world by a Jew, Dr. Richard Goodman of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, in his 494-page book Genetic Disorders Among The Jewish People.
All Jewish diseases, which many of the women who marry a Jew are not even aware of, primarily affect the brain and central nervous system of their joint child. Dr. Goodman describes 102 diseases, I will give just a dozen examples:

Kosher disease. Begins in adolescence. It affects the spleen, liver and bones. Bones break, especially pelvic and femoral. Patients are tormented by fierce bone pains that last for days and even weeks. The skin is covered with a yellow coating. This disease affects every one of the two and a half thousand Jews. They die from this disease before reaching the age of 45.

Abetalipoproteinemea. It affects Jewish children in the first year of life. They stop growing, gain weight, suffer from diarrhea, diarrhea, vomiting, visual defects, gradually turning into blindness. They move unsteadily, suffer from muscle weakness. Most of them die of heart failure before reaching their 30s.

Bloom Syndrome. Makes children dwarfs, Affects a huge number of Jews and those who are only with a living. Israeli Prime Minister Shamir himself is almost a dwarf.
His height is 1m. 55 cm. (Remember Lenin, Hitler, Stalin - the same dwarfs).

hereditary dysautonomia. Only affects Jews. Makes them dwarfs. Frequent vomiting, difficulty swallowing, difficulty walking, cramps when moving arms and head. Unintelligible (swallowing words), monotonous speech, disgusting snottyness. Frequent pains all over the body. Increased mobility (hysterical gestures, etc.). 2% of Jews are carriers of this disease, and every ten thousandth is sick.

Mucolipidosis type IV. Mental and psychic degeneration. Children can only speak a few words and have difficulty understanding what adults are saying to them. They cannot walk or eat on their own. Rarely live past ten years.

Niemann-Pick disease. Brown plague. It is characterized by frequent vomiting, skin lesions. The skin becomes brown-yellow. Loss of mental and mental functions. They usually die at the age of 4 years. The disease affects one in twenty thousand Jews, and the inherited predisposition affects one in a hundred.

Convulsive dystonia. Begins at about ten years of age. One foot is dragged. Strange, involuntary twitching of arms, legs and torso. The disease affects one in 17,000 Jews. The inherited predisposition is one in 130. The disease is not fatal, but few of those suffering from it are able to lead a normal life. Comedian Jerry Lewis parodied these twitches very well. Later, at the request of the Jews, his performances were banned.

RTA failure. Abundant bleeding with the slightest cuts, damage to the gums, injuries. There are bleeding without any external damage. One in 12,000 Jews suffers from the disease, and one in 56 has a hereditary predisposition.

Spongy. Degeneration of the central nervous system. Begins in the third month of life. The victim cannot hold his head, suffers from seizures, convulsions. The head is enlarged. Blindness begins. Most die by the age of four. While it is not known whether this disease is inherited,
but 80% of the sick are Jews.

Tay-Sachs disease. The most famous of all Jewish diseases.
Jews who want to marry even undergo a special check by a doctor to check if they have a hereditary predisposition. The disease proceeds as follows: The child appears normal until six months of age. Then it becomes quiet, calm, apathetic. Movements are accompanied by convulsions until the child loses the ability to hold his head. The gaze becomes fixed. By the age of one and a half, blindness sets in. The skull becomes too large and the palms become thick. Jews make up 90% of all those suffering from this disease. It affects one in 3,600 newborn Jews. One in 20 Jews has a hereditary predisposition to the disease. Every pregnant woman in all US hospitals without exception is asked the same question: is the child expected to be Jewish; with a positive answer, she is given a special vaccination.
But is it possible to neutralize the poison that struck genetics with one injection?

With this posting, I finish enlightenment in this topic, believing that I have given sufficient arguments on the topic of anti-Semitism, racism, Nazism, in which
Jews blame the whole world. Note that I cite only Jewish sources, because no one can tell about the crime better than the criminal himself. You can get more facts by visiting the Israeli site where Jews in the heat of civil strife lose their vigilance and reveal to the world the secrets of their war crimes, thieves and fraudulent machinations in many countries of their residence. Read, analyze, compare. And do not get involved in a discussion with the Jews - a lie was born along with the first of them.

I have already written, said and I will repeat again: the so-called "holocaust" is a fake tragedy.

Jewish organizations have been fooling humanity with the "holocaust of six million Jews" since at least 1869, as evidenced by publications on the subject in American newspapers particularly in the New York Times.

The real tragedy of the Jews is their genetic diseases sometimes scary and monstrous. How big is this Jewish tragedy, is evidenced by the fact that in the United States, where several million Jews live, several state medical institutes at once are engaged in the study of exclusively "Jewish diseases".

I will say right away that genetic diseases are inherent in any nation. Degeneration is generally inherent in all types of living beings, not only in humans. However, here is a special case.

By the standards of doctors, when one genetic freak is born in one or another nation per 1 million people, this is normal. If genetic anomalies are found in every one hundred thousandth member of society, this is already an alarming signal indicating that there is some kind of anomaly with environmental pollution, with people's nutrition, etc., etc. And if a genetic congenital disease has every fourth Jew(!), it's already national disaster on a planetary scale!

They say it's better to see something once than hear about it a hundred times. I completely agree with this. A visual image reaches consciousness much better, especially when a person is not accustomed to think. Therefore, before continuing my story, I will give a clear example so that readers understand how difficult and serious the topic I am raising.

VIDEO: "Sam Burns":

The film is aboutprogeria (ancient Greek προσ- - over, γέρων - old man) - a genetic defect that causes premature aging of the body. Childhood progeria (Hutchinson (Hutchinson)-Gilford syndrome) and adult progeria (Werner syndrome) are classified.

This disease can be classified as the rarest.

And here is the list often found among the Jews genetic diseases.

Genetic diseases of the Jews


Many genetic diseases are specific to specific ethnic groups or nationalities. For example, 25 percent of Jews whose ancestors come from Eastern Europe turn out to be carriers of certain genetic diseases that can be passed on to their children. If one of the partners is a carrier of a genetic disease, then there is a 25 percent chance that the spouses will have a sick child. There is also a 50 percent chance that the child will be a carrier of the defective gene, like the parents, and only a 25 percent chance that he will not inherit it at all.

Fortunately, very accurate methods have been developed to determine whether a fetus has inherited genetic diseases or not. This can be either an amniocentesis, performed at 15-18 weeks of gestation, or a hornal villus analysis, usually performed at 10-12 weeks of gestation.

Jews who are about to become parents will benefit greatly from learning about the genetic diseases that are common among Ashkenazi Jews. These diseases include:

Bloom Syndrome. Children suffering from this rare disease are born very small and rarely grow above 1.5 meters. They have red and very sensitive skin on their faces; various pathological disorders; they are more prone to respiratory and ear infections and have a higher risk of getting certain types of cancer. The carrier is about one in 100 Ashkenazi Jews.

Canavan syndrome. This disease usually appears in children between the ages of 2 and 4 months, and they begin to forget previously learned skills. Most children die before the age of 5. The carrier of this disease is one in 40 Ashkenazi Jews.

cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis causes the body to produce thick mucus that accumulates mainly in the lungs and digestive tract, which causes chronic lung infections and stunted growth. The carrier is every 25th Ashkenazi Jew.

hereditary dysautonomy. This disorder affects body temperature control, motor coordination, speech, blood pressure, stress responses, swallowing, the ability to produce tears, and digestive juices. Occurs in every 30th Ashkenazi Jew.

Fanconi syndrome - type C. Fanconi syndrome is associated with short stature, bone marrow failure, and a predisposition to leukemia and other cancers. Some children may have hearing problems or mental retardation. The carrier is one in 89 Ashkenazi Jews.

Gaucher syndrome - type 1. Every 1000th Ashkenazi Jew suffers from this disease. Its symptoms usually appear in adulthood. Patients suffer from pain in the bones and joints, are sensitive to fractures and other pathologies associated with the skeletal system. Subject to anemia, bruising and poor blood clotting. This disease can currently be effectively treated with enzyme replacement therapy. Every 12th Ashkenazi Jew is a carrier.

Mucolipidosis IV (ML IV). ML IV is one of the recently discovered genetic diseases of the Jews. It is caused by the accumulation of harmful substances throughout the body. Individuals with ML IV suffer from various progressive motor and mental deficiencies beginning at about 1 year of age. Early signs of the disease may include corneal clouding, strabismus, and retinal dystrophy. At the moment, patients with ML IV are known at the age of 1 to 30 years, but so far there is no data on the life expectancy of these patients. The percentage of people who are its carrier is also unknown.

Niemann-Pick disease - type A. Niemann-Pick disease is a neurodegenerative disease in which harmful amounts of fat cells accumulate in various parts of the body. Symptoms include loss of brain function and enlargement of the liver and spleen. The average life expectancy of children suffering from this disease is 2-3 years. Every 90th Ashkenazi Jew is a carrier.

Tay-Sachs disease (children's type). Tay-Sachs disease is the most famous Jewish genetic disorder, affecting approximately one in 2,500 newborns. Children with Tay-Sachs disease develop normally until 4-6 months of age, after which their central nervous system begins to degenerate due to a lack of an essential hormone. Affected children lose all motor skills and become blind, deaf and dumb. Death usually occurs at the age of 4 years. Late manifestation of Tay-Sachs disease is less common, then the disease progresses more slowly and the symptoms are less pronounced. The carrier is every 25th Ashkenazi Jew.

Ideally, all parents who wish to have a child should be tested to determine if they are carriers of one of these conditions. In most cases, at least one of the parents will test negative, and their children will be born without these diseases. If the test results of both parents are positive, then they should contact the doctors to look for a solution to this problem.

It may be helpful to consult a rabbi before a difficult decision ahead. Many orthodox communities are pushing for pre-marital testing to cancel the wedding of two carriers of genetic diseases.

Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors come from Spain, Portugal, North Africa and parts of the Mediterranean, also suffer from certain genetic diseases. These include: beta-thalassemia, familial Mediterranean fever, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glycogenosis type III.

Although these genetic diseases are usually not as bad as those that Ashkenazi Jews suffer from, they can cause serious health problems and require treatment.

The beta-thalassemia gene occurs in one in 30 Mediterraneans, while one in five to seven Jews from North Africa, Iraq, Armenia and Turkey carries the gene for hereditary Mediterranean fever. The Type III glycogenosis gene occurs in 1 in 35 North African Jews and can only be inherited if both parents have it.

Unlike other Sephardi genetic diseases, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, the most common human disease caused by an enzyme deficiency, which affects about 500 million people worldwide, is transmitted from mother to son. There is currently no carrier test.

As a result, the Jewish people were sickest people on the planet?

I tried to answer this question in my previous article: "The Sensational Truth About the Origins of the Jews" .

Someone can believe or not believe me, this is the personal right of everyone. However, my further story will go in a completely different direction.

I want to remind everyone that the so-called "Christianity", which the biblical Jews fooled everyone's heads with (as well as the fake "Jewish Holocaust"), was originally associated with aspiration Christ and his disciples - "apostles" - SAVE Jews from their genetic diseases.

Think into it! Consider the words of Christ: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matthew 15:24).

If you thoughtfully read the four Gospels of Mark, Matthew, James and John, you can see and understand that the main problem Jewish people lay not in himself, but in the fact that the Jews were subject to the so-called Jews capitalized.

About the fact that some Jews carefully guarded Jews from someone else's "ideological influence", testifies to the law found in the Torah and the Bible, which orders to kill anyone who dares to call the Jews to believe in some other God than some Lord, and thereby push the Jews to get out of subjection to the Jews.

Here is the law:

"If a prophet or a dreamer arises among you and presents you with a sign or a miracle, and the sign or miracle that he spoke to you about comes true, and he says, "Let us follow other gods, which you do not know, and we will serve them" then listen not to the words of this prophet, or this dreamer, for [by] [this] the Lord your God tempts you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. yours, follow and fear Him, keep His commandments, and listen to His voice, and serve Him, and cling to Him; but that prophet or that dreamer should be put to death because he persuaded you to depart from the Lord your God ... If your brother secretly persuades you, your mother's son, or your son, or your daughter, or your wife in your bosom, or your friend who is for you, like your soul, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods, which you and your fathers did not know," the gods of those peoples who are around you, close to you or far from you, from one end of the earth to the other, then do not agree with him and do not listen to him; and yes will not spare his eye is yours, do not pity him and do not cover him, but kill him; your hand before [all] should be on him, to kill him and then the hands of all the people..."(Bible, Deuteronomy, ch. 13: 1-9).

That the Jews were not at all interested in Christ saved Jews from their genetic diseases, from which the Jews suffered from ancient times, due to "original sin" of their parents, all the four gospels in the Bible testify.

When Jews learned from their informants that Christ again healed some Jew they had no other feelings for the Savior than hate. Moreover, all the time that Christ was among the Jews, the Jews were looking for any opportunity to arrest and kill Jesus!

To testify to what I have said, I will cite a small fragment from the Gospel of John, chapter 5:

1 It was a Jewish feast, and Jesus came to Jerusalem.
2 And there is in Jerusalem at the Sheep [Gate] a pool, called in Hebrew Bethesda, in which there were five porches.
3 In them lay a great multitude of the sick, the blind, the lame, the withered, waiting for the movement of the waters,
4 For the angel of the Lord went down from time to time into the pool and stirred up the water, and whoever first entered [into it] after the disturbance of the water, he recovered, no matter what disease he was possessed.
5 There was a man here that had been sick for thirty-eight years.
6 When Jesus saw him lying down, and knowing that he had been lying for a long time, he said to him, Do you want to be well?
7 The sick man answered him, Yes, Lord; but I have no man to lower me into the pool when the waters are troubled; but when I arrive, another is already descending before me.
8 Jesus said to him, Get up, take up your bed and walk.
9 And immediately he recovered, and took up his bed and went. It was on the Sabbath day.
10 Therefore Jews they said to the healed man: today is Saturday; you shouldn't take beds.
11 He answered them: He who healed me said to me, Take up your bed and walk.
12 They asked him, Who is the man who said to you, Take up your bed and walk?
13 He who was healed did not know who he was, for Jesus hid himself among the people that were in that place.
14 Then Jesus met him in the temple and said to him: behold, thou hast recovered; sin no more, lest something worse happen to you.
15 This man went and announced to the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.
16 And they became Jews persecute Jesus and searched kill Him for doing such things on the Sabbath.
17 But Jesus said to them: My Father is working until now, and I am working.
18 And they searched even more kill His Jews because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also called God His Father, making Himself equal with God.

This text indicates the following:

1. Christ directly bound diseases of the Jews with their sins which were apparently serious.
2. Christ sought first to be healer and only in the last place - enlightener Jews.
3. Jews created for Jews so amazing religion that, according to its laws, even for the smallest offense, as in this case - just for "violating the Sabbath" (you can’t work on Saturday, you can only rest), the violator was supposed to death!

What struck me personally in the gospel narrative is that the ability to heal even the seriously ill in some miraculous way was not the monopoly of Christ alone, who "He called God his father." Christ taught this sacrament to other people as well, in particular to his apostle disciples, who were ordinary mortals.

Moreover, the intention of the Savior was precisely that teach Jews and non-Jews too mystery of medicine, which was completely unfamiliar (!) to the Jews and which could literally create miracles by force "Holy Spirit".

(By the way, you, the reader, do not think that the Jews and here they deceived everyone by spreading the word that Jesus Christ was a Jew! If he possessed a healing technique that the Jews had never even heard of, then how could he be a Jew?!).

Here is an important piece of evidence indicating that Christ did not have a monopoly on miracle medicine. He taught (passed on the secrets) a special technology of healing to his apostle disciples.

1 Calling his twelve disciples, he gave them power over unclean spirits to drive them out and heal every disease and every weakness.
2 And these are the names of the Twelve Apostles: the first is Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, James Zebedee, and John his brother,
3 Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, Jacob Alpheus and Leoway, surnamed Thaddeus,
4 Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him.
5 Jesus sent these twelve, and commanded them, saying, Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter into the city of the Samaritans;
6 go ahead to the lost sheep of the house of Israel;
7 As you go, preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand;
8 heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons; for nothing got, for nothing Let's.
9 Do not take with you gold or silver or copper in your belts,
10 Not a bag for the journey, not two robes, not shoes, not a staff, for the worker is worthy of his sustenance.
11 Whatever city or village you enter, see who is worthy in it, and stay there until you go out;
12 but when you enter a house, greet him, saying: peace to this house; (Gospel of Matthew, 10: 1-8).

This story, retold by Matthew, gives us a fairly clear picture: Christ was well aware of the existence of the so-called "pagans" who lived in the North, who, by the way, called themselves sun worshipers. It is also obvious that these pagan sun worshipers, who called the Sun their "Father in Heaven", like Christ, led a completely healthy lifestyle, and did not need any salvation, like the Jews. Therefore, Christ commanded his disciples not to go to them, but to go "especially to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" and to heal their sick bodies and their sinful souls.

And here we come to a very interesting contradiction, which exists between the texts of the Gospels and modern so-called Christianity.

To begin with, I will say about the phrase of the Evangelist Matthew: "for nothing got, for nothing Let's". Now you will understand that Matthew interpreted the words of Christ in a somewhat peculiar way, and solely for the reason that earlier he was publican - Collector of taxes and taxes. This left its mark on his story. Obviously about "resurrection of the dead"He also lied. Matthew interpreted Christ's words about "gifts" as "received for free", i.e. as a free gift, which, accordingly should be distributed to everyone for free(once received as a gift!). However, he contradicts himself in the following sentence: "Take neither gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, nor a bag for your journey, nor two robes, nor sandals, nor a staff, for the laborer is worthy of his sustenance". I should also note that in Christ's teaching the word "gift" was used not in the sense of "freebie", but in the sense of "talent". Judge for yourself, here is the story of another evangelist - Paul. Here everything is already clear and unambiguous:

4 Gifts different, but Spirit the same;
5 and the ministries are different, but the Lord is one and the same;
6 and the actions are different, but God is one and the same, working everything in everyone.
7 But to each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the benefit.
8 To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit;
9 faith to another, by the same Spirit; otherwise healing gifts, by the same Spirit;
10 miracles to another, prophecy to another, discernment of spirits to another, tongues to another, interpretation of tongues to another.
11 All these things are done by one and the same Spirit, distributing to each one individually, as He pleases. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).

Notice a very important thought in the teaching of Christ the Savior: all the talents in man are from the Spirit, and "gifts of healing" are given "by the same Spirit" . I ask once again to pay very close attention to this idea in the teaching of Christ, because the so-called modern "Christianity" does not practice that practical medicine, which Christ the Savior and his disciples were engaged in. Moreover, the so-called priests who call themselves Christians, starting from the 13th century, began the total physical destruction of all people who were engaged in such medicine. First of all, Catholic priests began to do this, and from the 17th century, after the reform of Nikon, Orthodox priests also took part in this matter. The words "witch", "sorcerer", "heretic" were introduced into use, and for people with talents "of the Spirit" hunting was declared as wild animals.

The need for this merciless struggle with the true followers of Christ, the priests, who also called themselves followers of Christ, explained that the talent of healers, psychics, clairvoyants and other extraordinary people is not at all from the Spirit, but from devil!

However, as we see, in the story of the Evangelist Paul about "talents from the devil" there is not a word. And this is not surprising, because in ancient times, even in the time of King Solomon, people were sure that only slander, envy, temptation , So what "Death entered the world through the envy of the devil" (Wisdom 2:24).

Well... if "the devil is the one who leads to death", then who could think of saying that "gifts of healing" people may have "of the devil"?

Obviously such heresy could only be composed by those in whom this very devil sat. However, such "wise men" still exist.

Agree that hearing this from an Orthodox priest is simply amazing: "I have been living in the world for a long time, and I have never met a psychic from God".

Meanwhile, the Gospel clearly says: "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24).

It's just a ridiculous situation. Those who, by status, are supposed to be engaged healing with the help of the Holy Spirit the most sick people on earth - the Jews, they don’t know how to do this and even have no idea how it’s done, but at the same time they call themselves followers of Christ and even wear a cross with a crucifix on their belly! At the same time, the situation with hereditary diseases among the Jews is such that it is just right to declare it a national catastrophe! It's incomprehensible to the mind every fourth Jew of European origin already has a congenital genetic disease!

Which of all this I see a way out, I wrote 2 months ago in my article "CURRENT CHRISTIANITY IS LIKE THE CORSE OF LENIN Kept IN A MAUSOLEUM" .

There are people in Russia who have the same practices as the apostles of Christ the Savior. They, of course, are forced to disguise themselves, to be in the shadows, so as not to provoke those in power to arrange another "hunt for witches and sorcerers" for them.

But if our state, represented by Putin, thought about this and invested in the creation of schools in which these people with rare talents could awaken in children and adults through their spiritual practices dormant talents, then two big problems would be solved at once.

Firstly, Russia would immediately become a world spiritual center, preparing specialists of the rarest professions! Secondly, the Jewish people could receive from Russian specialists the same help that they received a long time ago from Christ the Savior and his disciples.

In the meantime, our state is spending colossal funds and forces on the resurrection of the long-dead Russian Orthodox Church, whose "a body without a spirit is dead" (James 2:26).

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