Photos of playgrounds with their own hands. Playground decoration: the best DIY ideas


When a pack of little pranksters appears in a family, the question arises of what to do with children in their summer cottage during the summer. In addition to "socially useful" works and bicycles, kids can be offered a playground. You can break this right in your country yard. The new review presents examples of just such playgrounds.

1. Carousel

If the area of ​​​​the yard and finances allow, you should think about building a large children's carousel. To implement such a project, you will need wooden beams, a rotating mechanism, cables, strong wicker baskets and, of course, building skills. The main thing is to take care of the reliability and safety of the structure, and the joyful faces of the children will be a worthy payment for the efforts.

2. Territory of childhood

Fence off a small piece of the backyard and organize a playground there. It can be a very modest corner with bright paths, a table, a bungee and a makeshift house, or a full-fledged amusement park with swings, carousels and slides.

3. Mini-garden

Let your child feel like a real gardener. Separate a small piece of land with stones or wooden blocks, plant flowers, greens and any other plants there and teach your child how to care for them. Such a garden will teach the baby to work and responsibility, and the harvest grown by one's own hands will be an excellent reward for efforts.

4. Sports ground

Wooden stumps and bars are perfect for building a small sports ground in your own yard. Such uncomplicated attractions will definitely appeal to children and will not let you get bored during a family vacation in the country.

5. Slides

A wooden structure with slides is an idea that will suit those who have a rather big space. Slides can be bought, or you can make your own, but in any case, the children will be happy.

6. Trampoline

A trampoline is a wonderful attraction that will delight both children and adults. To do it yourself, unfortunately, it will not work out, but soon the costs will justify themselves.

7. Pointers

Come up with fabulous names for all the structures in the yard and make bright signs with your child. Such signs will help children better navigate the terrain and allow you to turn your stay in the country into a fun game.

8. Checkerboard

From wooden boards or plywood, you can build a beautiful chessboard that will appeal to adults and children, and will also become an original backyard decoration.

9. Swing

Unnecessary car tires can be turned into a charming swing. In addition, the creation of such an attraction does not require any special skills and special costs.

10. Slate board

So that the children do not get bored while their parents work in the garden or sunbathe in the sun, hang a large slate on the fence or on the facade of the house.

11. Bowling

An ordinary concrete path can easily be turned into a bowling alley, and plastic bottles make excellent skittles. Instead of a bowling ball, you can use a tennis ball or any other heavy ball.

12. Target

It turns out that noodle harnesses can come in handy not only in the pool. From them you can make a bright and colorful target for throwing balls. Such an attraction will not only amuse children, but will also contribute to the development of speed, agility and coordination.

13. Water mattress

From a plastic film, you can make a large cool mattress filled with water, which will give a lot of joy to adults and children.

14. Twister

Backyard obstacle course.

The backyard can be turned into a small obstacle course for active children's fun. From improvised materials you can make a rope labyrinth, islands, bungee, cable car and much more. Such a playground will not only be a field for fun games, but will also help to significantly improve the physical shape of children.

In continuation of the topic, we present more that must be implemented this summer.

So that the children in the country house or near the house do not explore the beds or any other places where they should not be, they need an interesting corner for them. As a rule, parents come to the idea of ​​the need to create a playground or a sports corner - it depends on the age and desire of the children. A self-made playground is good because during its construction it is possible to provide for the possibility of its gradual transformation. After all, what is suitable for 2-3 year olds is no longer liked by 5-6 year olds, and even more so for older children. And besides, a do-it-yourself playground is often built not so much for reasons of economy, but for the desire to please the child: who knows better than parents what your child likes ... Someone needs a pirate ship, but someone needs their own, real, house with a porch, a door and all the necessary attributes.

Do-it-yourself Danish playground - a place for your favorite offspring to play in the country or in the yard

Choose a location

It will be a difficult task to solve. Firstly, it is desirable that the playground be viewed from the house, and from the room in which someone is most of the time. Ideally, if the site is viewed from several rooms or points. Secondly, it should be located away from outbuildings with "aromas", if any. Thirdly, it is desirable to take into account the fertility of the soil: an infertile area or with complex geology can be allocated for the game complex: there is no need to dig into the ground, maximum - 30-40 cm bury pillars.

When choosing a place, it’s a good idea to place a children’s play area near a wall or a solid fence. These zones can sharply be fully used, and in this case they can be used for games. For example, make a mini climbing wall on the wall, fix rope ladders, a slate board and other devices no less interesting for children. You probably know what your children like, and if you don’t know, you can find out: there are enough fences and walls, place different devices in different areas and watch where your child stays longer. So find out which games he is more drawn to, you will know in which direction to move on.

Slate board on the fence - children entertainment and development of fine motor skills of hands

Lighting must also be taken into account. The place for children to play should not be constantly in the shade, but the sun is also not needed. Approximately 2/3 of the site should be in the shade (, swing), and 1/3 - in the sun - if any, an active play area. If there is no shade on the site, you will have to come up with a canopy or put up a large umbrella.

At the same time, please note that there is no constant draft in the area of ​​the proposed site. Children, of course, need to be tempered, but not in this way. Even when choosing a place for a children's play area, pay attention to the fact that electrical appliances or any shields, machines and other similar devices are not located nearby. Children are curious and inventive, so it's better not to risk it.

What area is needed

A little about the area that needs to be taken away for a children's playground. Small children don't need much space - a sandbox, a few very simple projectiles, a small pool if you think possible. It's nice to have a lawn, or a flat, smooth piece with some kind of suitable surface, where you can lie down to your heart's content. That's all. For all this, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b4-5 square meters is enough. meters.

For small children, it is desirable to enclose the area. This will give you the opportunity not to be constantly nearby, but to do your own business nearby: children in sight and safe. The fence can be any - it's all about your imagination, desire and possibilities. The main requirement is that it must be safe and durable or completely inaccessible to children. For example, like the chain-link mesh that you see in the photo above. It comes with a plastic coating of bright colors and does not look as harsh as usual.

PVC-coated chain-link mesh is a good option for fencing playgrounds

If for some reason you don’t like this option, you can put a picket fence, which will be about the height of the children somewhere on the shoulders, the distance between adjacent planks should be such that the head does not crawl there. Fences can be painted with different colors.

Picket fence - a familiar fence in an unusual design

Just pay attention that the tops are rounded and do not have sharp corners, they are well processed: splinters are very frustrating for children. The fence must be firmly attached. With the expectation that the children will definitely hang on them and jump.

Rope fencing is rarely used, but it looks good, it performs its functions perfectly: durable, safe, aesthetically attractive.

Rope fence for a playground - durable, inexpensive, reliable and safe

For older children, the fence is a relic. For them, the field of activity is the entire site, and only something really interesting can distract them. More space is also needed here. If possible, give children under 7 years old 8-9 m 2, from 7 to 12 years old - up to 12 m 2. Here the set of shells is already more serious, which is why large areas are required.

Playground cover

This is a complex topic with a very difficult choice. While the children are small, they are great (there is a special composition of herbs with high abrasion resistance). He is not so attractive in appearance, but is able to endure little pranksters with almost no damage. The disadvantage of lawns is the need for regular care: watering, mowing, etc.

For small children, the ideal playground surface is lawn grass

The lawn can no longer cope with the load from the games of grown children. Especially in the zone of active games: near slides, swings. These are the most problematic areas. If you leave these areas "as is", then during the rain a puddle forms under them, after a couple of "races", turning into a swamp. There is a good solution: make a drainage pad out of crushed stone, and fill it with sand or lay a rubber coating like that used in stadiums. It is durable and strong.

To remove moisture from the area of ​​​​the playground, they remove the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm, fall asleep and ram the rubble, pour it on top and also ram the sand. Both layers are approximately 10-15 cm each. During construction, you can already stop at this: landing on such a site is already not bad. But the sand is gradually pulled apart, and it will have to be periodically updated. You can spread a rubber mat. This is already more serious, only it will be necessary to make a slight slope so that the water rolls off it during the rain. Someone just lays rubber mats, which are replaced as they wear out.

Another way out is to fill the entire site with fine, sifted sand. It will periodically need to be leveled and topped up, but this is perhaps the most practical way out.

Sand playground cover - from the category of "quickly and without much hassle"

Another option is to pour crushed bark. Another question is that not everyone has the opportunity to take this bark. But if there is, try it. The covering is soft and not traumatic. Only it is necessary to grind it well and remove the chips that may be there.

Of the more technologically advanced, we can offer the following:

  • Regupol. Factory rubber coating, laid on a flat concrete or asphalt base. The cost is $25-70 per square meter.
  • Coating of crumb rubber with the addition of a binder. It is poured onto a prepared leveled area (it is possible on compacted sand laid on top of crushed stone). The price is $25-80 per square meter.
  • Modular high density PVC systems. Plates that are connected according to the principle of puzzles. The price of a "square" is $50-70.
  • artificial grass. It is laid on a prepared base of quartz sand and crumb rubber, requires water drainage. Depending on the height of the pile, it costs from $40 to $80.

It's hard to choose. There are too many mutually exclusive requirements and desires, but something will have to be chosen. The most common option is lawn, the second most popular is sand. The remaining coatings are applied only in places - in the most "loaded" parts.

The choice of equipment for the playground

Planning the elements of the playground is best with children. After all, it is for them that you are going to build a playing area, and it is their desires that you need to listen to. Often we try to reproduce what, in our understanding, should be interesting for them, and then we are surprised that the children play anywhere, but not on the site, which they built with such love. All because you embodied your desires and expectations, not children's. Listen to what the child wants, walk around the guests who already have similar facilities, see where the child spends more time. On this basis, it is already possible to build something.

For kids, there must be a sandbox on the playground. This develops their coordination, allows them to develop faster. The usual design - four boards - is not a problem to knock down, but I want it to be also beautiful. For the boys, the sandbox-machine will be interesting. It is made of two-color painted moisture-resistant laminated plywood.

Under the hood is a toy box. Inside in the cockpit, there is also an “entrance” to this box.

In general, wooden cars for boys are great fun. They are passionate about it. another option from an old barrel.

Behind, by the way, you can also arrange a sandbox ...

Another interesting idea is how to make a shadow over the playing area: fix a rod at a height, throw an awning over it, making a kind of tent. And it's not hot, and there is shade.

Almost a ship...

Children's houses

The most popular part of the play corner with children is your own house, where you can hide from the all-seeing eye of adults, set your own rules. For children, it does not matter what their house is built of. They play well in a fabric tent, a hut made of branches. There are many designs that are quickly and easily "built". Moreover, even the smallest can be involved in this construction: it will be even more interesting to play in a house built with your own hands.

For example, a hut. Watch children play. This is exactly the building that they erect most often. In different regions they call it differently: someone is their “headquarters”, someone is “home”, a hut, a halabuda. They usually use sticks, bedspreads, other improvised material. Based on this "chalabudostroenie", several of the following designs of houses for children were made.

The cheapest way to build a summer house for children is to put a few poles in a hut, plant them around the bindweed and wait a couple of weeks for them to grow. The shape of this living hut can be any: in the form of a cone, as in the photo, a traditional hut, more like a house, etc. Tie the poles together with twine, plastic clamps, or something similar. It is only important to ensure a sufficiently stable frame, otherwise naughty children can overwhelm the structure.

In general, it is not necessary to wait until the plants grow. You can sew a fabric cover, make an entrance, like in a wigwam ... There are a lot of opportunities for using fantasy.

A quick and absolutely safe way to build a children's hut is to fix fabric panels on the hoop. Hang this design, for example, on a tree. Under it, lay out the mats, attach the panels to the edges. It will turn out an excellent summer house in which children will be cool and cozy.

A hoop and fabric hut - fast, cheap, safe

Moreover, this design is suitable not only for girls. Hang a camouflage net or camouflage fabric on the hoop. The boys will definitely make their headquarters in it.

If your child dreams of a house like yours, there are even more options. It is usually built using frame technology: pillars are buried in the corners, the lower and upper trims are attached to them. The lower trim is the basis for the floor, the upper one is the ceiling. If the house is planned high, a sandbox is often placed below. The house located on top closes it from rain and sun.

If the house is planned at ground level, construction can be started in a different way. Set the blocks on which it will stand level, lay a beam (80 * 80 mm or 100 * 100 mm) on them, connect it into a rectangle, fasten the corners with metal patch plates. After already attach to the bottom frame in the corners of the rack, which will become a support for the walls and roof.

Some children like to have a house, just like adults have: with a porch, a real door and a window, a sofa ... This is also what parents have done more than once. The basis is the same: a beam from which the frame of the building is assembled, and it is sheathed depending on the desire. Faster to work with sheet material, such as waterproof plywood, longer - with boards or clapboard.

House, as from a fairy tale - carved, on a stump

Slides for children

Slides are no less popular with children. The fast descent is a lot of fun. This is where parents get in trouble. What to make a children's slide? The traditional coating - a sheet of stainless steel - has now become very expensive, and it is dangerous to leave it on the street unattended - they will carry it away. Ordinary steel will not work - it rusts very quickly, so you have to look for a replacement. There are several options:

And only a hill in the country or near the house is very rarely done. Usually this is only part of the game complex, which includes various shells: rope and ordinary ladders with different angles of inclination, hanging paths, nets, swings on chains or ropes, poles with crossbars and, in general, everything you can think of. You will find a few ideas below in the photo gallery.

Wooden slide - only part of the play area for children in the country


Suspended are popular not only among children, but also among adults. There are many different options - from models for toddlers to older children. Some of them you saw in the photo above. To create such entertainment, not many materials are needed: chains or ropes on which the seat will be attached.

If you use ropes, you must regularly check their condition: they become less durable from exposure to the sun and can fray. Chains are more reliable in this regard: they can withstand heavy loads, but they pose another danger: moving chain links can pinch the skin. It is very painful, and large hematomas are obtained. But there is a way out. To keep it safe, hoses are put on the chains in those places where they are taken by hand. Their shell protects the hands of children and adults who swing the swing (or ride themselves).

Only bad luck - curious kids love to pick pipes, so check them periodically. Sometimes covers made of very dense fabric such as tarpaulin are used as a protective layer.

Often there are questions about how to attach chains or ropes to the crossbar. The most popular solution is the carbine. But they have two drawbacks: when rocking, they creak quite strongly, and besides, they gradually wear out. The rate of wear depends on the mass of the swinging children (they do not always sit on the swing one at a time) and on the intensity of use. Both problems can be partially solved by periodic lubrication, but only partially. The second option is to use bearings, but welding is indispensable here. See the photo below for a few options on how to attach a swing to the crossbar.

Where to get such devices? In shops selling rigging. You may find other ideas there.

Often the question arises: how and from what to make a seat. Yes, from anything. Even from a tire or from a piece of tarp, an old chair - wooden or plastic, just a piece of board. Craftsmen manage to use the old chair.

A circle tied with ropes is a great option

Old swing chair - why not?

Having slightly modified them and hung them only slightly above the ground, we teach not a swing, but a simulator for developing balance. Of particular interest to the boys will be the option with a board from a skateboard. And on a wide platform you can swing while sitting ...

Stairs and walkways

Ladders are one of the key elements that connects all the disparate parts into a single whole, allowing you to move from one projectile to another. They are made from well-crafted wood. The steps should be round (at least 5 cm in diameter, so that it is convenient to take it with your hands) and straight. You can make rope steps: they are harder to climb, but they develop coordination well.

Rope climb - difficult, but very interesting to overcome

Hang a rope net on one side, make a rope ladder. Rope shells are not in vain present in all extreme shows. They are safe, but require well-developed coordination and dexterity. At first, it’s hard for the kids, but it’s precisely for such “shells” that they are drawn.

A rope wall and ladder is a great way to make the playground more interesting to play with.

Here is the basic set of elements from which children's playgrounds are assembled. For older boys, you can add a horizontal bar and rings. They already need to develop not only coordination, but also muscle strength. In general, there can be a lot of ideas. Some of them are in the photo below. We hope that the playground made by your efforts will bring joy to children, and pleasure to you: it is always nice to look at what you have done with your own hands.

Photo of playgrounds and elements

A water mattress in the heat is the best place to relax

Getting off the platform from the ropes - for coordination of movements

Playground with a house on high legs - drawing with dimensions

One of the options for a children's house with a sandbox under one roof

Hemp - a handy projectile

Children's corner - pirate ship

Metal complex - for those who know how to cook metal

If there are small children in the family, they definitely need to build and subsequently equip an outdoor playground. Such play areas are an indispensable object on the territory of a private house or cottage.

While the kids are playing outdoors, adults can relax or do housework. As soon as the parents are free, they can always join the children.

An open play area can be made much more interesting, more fun and colorful if you make crafts for the playground. It is not necessary to buy ready-made garden decorations, because there are a lot of exciting ideas that can be easily implemented.

Tire dinosaur

Bottle palms and a plastic zoo

Perfect for making crafts and decorations for the playground.

If you collect bottles of different shapes and sizes, you can make very interesting compositions: palm trees, animal figurines, flowers and other objects. Try making an exotic palm tree corner or a fun menagerie.

It is very easy to make, for example, a piglet: a five-liter bottle is suitable for the body, and two-liter bottles for the limbs. The ears and tail are also cut out of plastic.

The bottle flower garden looks original: cut the necks in the form of bells and other flowers, and the leaves will be bases without a bottom, cut into several parts.

Decorate the bottles with paints and fix in the right places. Such decorations are very practical: they will not deteriorate either from rain or from the sun.

The palm tree is made as follows: the bottom is cut out from the bottles, after which the blanks are strung on top of each other. A metal rod is placed inside the bottles - the base of the tree. The crown consists of one or more bottles, cut from the bases to the necks into strips-leaves.

The strips need to be cut obliquely so that they look like real palm leaves. The crown bottle is inserted with the neck into the barrel. To do without paint, you can use brown and green bottles.

Plywood is an ideal material for making flat figures. On it you can draw everything that your imagination tells you: heroes from films, characters from cartoons, etc. The figures are cut out, painted and placed on the site.

You can create a whole composition from individual elements or paint a bright picture on a large white piece of plywood. Such a picture can be used as a demarcation fence for areas in the garden.

Mounting foam is not used as often as plastic or plywood for playground decoration, but, nevertheless, very interesting compositions can be made from it.

Foam figures look like toys, they look great and kids love them. From foam, you can make any shape, which is then decorated.

Animal figurines from boulders

Large boulders and pebbles are a suitable find for decorating a playground. Round stones are decorated with bright colors, resulting in funny bugs, hedgehogs and other animals.

For stones, it is better to take acrylic paints, which are then covered with a transparent varnish. Pictures with clear contours look interesting.

The outline is first drawn in pencil, then in black or white. The space between the lines is filled with colored paints. From several boulders, you can make a whole family of hedgehogs or ladybugs.

Combining materials - a flight of fancy

Logs of various shapes and sizes are great for decorating children's play corners. Many materials go well with each other: logs or tires and bottles.

From bottles you can make a beautiful fence for a lawn or flower bed in the form of animals, plants and insects. Try to involve the child in the creative process: children always have several original ideas and solutions ready.

If there was an old sawn tree in the garden, do not rush to uproot the stump. A funny figure or a whole house with a door, a roof and windows will come out of it. It is not only fun for children, but also a wonderful decorative element for the garden.

A bright, positive composition can be made from bottles and a small tire. Nail bottle caps around the tire, then screw bottles into them - you get a cheerful sun.

Do not rush to get rid of unused building materials after repair. So, for example, ornate paths or the space around the figures can be laid out with pieces of ceramic tiles. Broken tiles are useful for laying out mosaics and depicting fairy-tale characters.

Draw the outline of the shape on the path, then lay it out with tile pieces. In order for the composition to be durable, it must be laid out on a cement composition. Do not forget to wipe the seams after drying.

In the video, interesting ideas for decorating a playground with your own hands:

This is an essential element of any children's play area. Babies like to have their own corner to hide in. are log and frame. The interior design depends on the imagination of the parents and the child.

Pergolas from climbing plants

If it is not possible to build a wooden house, you can take note of an alternative option: a frame is made of wire, and any climbing plants (bindweeds, grapes, etc.) start around it. Such an arbor pleases the eye of both adults and kids.

Stump decoration

All ideas for the design of stumps can not be counted. Here are the most popular of them: the old forest man and the fly agaric mushroom.

When the bells ring back under a gust of wind, an unusual, fabulous feeling immediately arises. You can make them from iron bottle caps and unnecessary keys.

Make a cozy nest of branches with your baby and place a decorative bird or butterfly in it. Fix the composition on the tree.

A butterfly made together with a child contributes to the development of motor skills and creative abilities. You can make it from beads, clothespins and thick threads.

If you attach a pin to the back of the butterfly, it can be used as a decoration for clothes or curtains.

How else can you decorate a playground or a country yard - a photo selection:

Boxes and baby shoes

A wonderful pirate ship will come out of a cardboard box. You can also make decorative fences and dividers from boxes and unnecessary shoes.

Materials for decorating a children's play area can be very different: from trees and stumps, to old shoes and empty bottles. The main thing is to show imagination and desire.


As a result of the implementation of our project, a children's playground will be built, the problem of employment of children of preschool and primary school age will be solved.

Project name: " Children's playground "Gorodok".

Organization - performer: Initiative group

Applicant organization: Administration of the Parfyonovsky settlement

Project Manager

FULL NAME. Chernykh Evgeny Valerievich

Place of work: Sports instructor Parfenovsky village eniya

Address: 665434 p. Parfyonovo st. Dolgikh, 16


Project geography: With. Parfyonovo, Cheremkhovsky district

The adjacent territory to the house number 2 st. Youth

Project completion time May - June 2011

Amount requested 20338 rubles.

Funds available - 5000 rub.

Total cost of the project- 25338 rubles.

Project name: creation of a children's playground "Gorodok".

Project applicant: initiative group

Residents of house number 2

st. Youth village Parfyonovo

Project Manager: sports instructor of the Parfenovsky settlement Chernykh Evgeny Valerievich


Creation of the Gorodok playground for the purpose of organizing leisure activities for children of preschool and primary school age, developing and improving the physical qualities of children, instilling interest in a healthy lifestyle and sports.

It is important to understand that the physical development of preschool children is the key to the formation of a successful personality of a future athlete.

The relevance of the project lies in the fact that as a result of the creation of a children's playground in the village of Parfyonovo, a number of important tasks will be solved:

  • organization of leisure activities for children of preschool and primary school age;

It should be noted the important role of the children's playground for parents engaged in subsidiary farming. 90% of the villagers are engaged in the cultivation of personal subsidiary plots, since for many this is the only source of income, and they most often do not have enough time for the full development of the child, and children are sometimes left to their own devices. This site will operate year-round. Summer is a playground with a sandbox, two types of swings, a hand walker, a mini-basketball court and equipment for the development of children's general motor skills, and in winter there is an ice slide and snow figures.

Threatening statistics of deaths of children on roads, water bodies in autumn and spring, children's pranks with fire make us think about the safety of young children. A children's playground will be located in an open area opposite the apartment building, allowing adults to supervise the children.

The site will allow children to be occupied and protected from dangerous rash acts and situations that threaten their health.

Information about performers

  • works as a teacher of physical culture and life safety in the secondary school with.

    Modern playground project


  • engaged in social activities of the village;
  • deputy of the Duma of the Parfyonovsky settlement;
  • is a member of the United Russia party, as well as a member of the Youth Parliament of the Cheremkhovsky district;
  • Diploma winner of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year - 2009", "Teacher of the Year - 2010".
  • Winner of the grant “Let's Restore the Rural Stadium” of the public fund “Revival of the Siberian Land” - 2007

Initiative group:

  • Chernykh E.V. - resident of house No. 2, teacher, sports instructor;
  • Chernykh N.A - resident of house No. 2, speech therapist of MDOU s. Parfyonovo;
  • Sukharev D.A. - Resident of house No. 2, temporarily unemployed;
  • Tagintseva N.V. - resident of house number 2, teacher;
  • Tagintsev D. - resident of house No. 2, student of grade 9;
  • Holosha E.G. - resident of house No. 2, housewife, mother of 3 children;
  • Boltenkova N.N. - resident of house number 2, teacher;
  • Balabanova L.V. — resident of house No. 2, social worker;
  • Ryzhkov E.P. - a resident of the village, a worker of the MOU SOSH with. Parfyonovo.
  • Luzanenko A.V. - a resident of the village, a stoker at the District Hospital No. 2 with. Parfyonovo.

Formulation of the problem

The increased birth rate of recent years, actively supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, makes us think about the employment and leisure of our young children. In large cities of the region, programs for the construction of children's playgrounds and kindergartens are being actively implemented, but unfortunately, officials did not remember rural children, so the question is to create a playground for children in the fresh air, under the sun, where every child can come and spend their free time. Not every parent can afford to rest in health-improving institutions with small children, and younger schoolchildren can rest in a children's institution outside the village. And the playground will be a local island of children's recreation, fun and laughter, every child of the village will be able to come there. Moreover, this project will be used all year round. In winter, it will be a corner of children's creativity, where children will be able to build snow figures and ice slides under the guidance of adults.

Goals and objectives of the project

aim The project is the organization of leisure activities for children of preschool and primary school age in the village. Parfyonovo.


  • Development and improvement of the physical and spiritual qualities of the child's personality;
  • promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  • the formation of a sense of collectivism, joint gaming activities;
  • holding various competitions, such as "The Best Snow Figure", and outdoor games.

Achieving the set goals, the mechanism for implementing the project.

At the beginning of the project implementation, a meeting of the initiative group will be held, where the work plan for the project is negotiated and adopted.

The area where the playground will be located is littered with garbage and is in an unsanitary condition. During the implementation of the project, the area will be cleared of debris and weeds, flower beds will be laid out, benches for parents to rest will be laid out, and it will acquire a proper aesthetic appearance. Two support towers will be built with a transition, a ladder for climbing and various built-in structures: a metal handle for developing and training hands, two metal Swedish ladders for coordinating the upper and lower limbs, a small metal horizontal bar, a swing with a rigid suspension for developing coordination abilities, a metal slide . And also on the territory adjacent to the main structure there will be a square-shaped sandbox with an area of ​​3 m2 and a swing "Horse" for two swingers.

Behind all this are the specific heads of children's institutions, the director of the MOU SOSH Tarabrina O.A. , head of MDOU Martynova I.I., author of the project Chernykh E.V., initiative group, local governments headed by Bashkirov A.N.

The grand opening will be timed to coincide with the All-Russian holiday "Children's Day" and guests of the CRMO, youth politics and sports, representatives of the Charitable Foundation "Revival of the Siberian Land" will be invited.

Project Implementation Work Plan

  1. Holding a meeting of the participants of the initiative group, which adopts a work plan for a project to create a playground for children - 1st week of May (responsible: Chernykh E.V.)
  2. Formation of groups for the construction of basic structures - 1st week of May (responsible Chernykh E.V., initiative group)
  3. Purchase of building materials - 1-2 weeks of May (responsible Chernykh E.V.)
  4. Site planning and construction of the main structures - 2-4 weeks of May (Chernykh E.V., initiative group)
  5. Meeting of the initiative group together with the administration of the settlement to sum up the results of the implementation of the project "Playground" Gorodok "- 1st week of June
  6. Grand opening of the playground with elements of tea drinking - June 1
  7. Writing an article in the newspaper "My Village" about the project "Creation of a playground" Gorodok "" in the village of Parfyonovo - June (responsible: Chernykh N.A.)

Specific expected results

The social significance of the project lies in the fact that it contributes to the activity of the population, establishes a close relationship between the villagers and self-government bodies. The effectiveness of the project is undeniable:

  • every child will have the opportunity to study, play and develop;
  • organization of children's leisure;
  • we are heading for the mass character, for the general interest of children and adults;
  • attracting children from disadvantaged families;
  • inculcation and formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children;
  • increasing group coherence and collectivism among children of primary school and preschool age.

The head of the settlement is interested in the implementation of the project, a lot of children and their parents will be involved in the implementation of the project and will help its implementation with their voluntary unpaid work.

The experience gained in the creation of the Gorodok Playground can be extended to the entire territory of the Cheremkhovo district.

Evaluation of results

  1. The cultural level in the countryside will rise.
  2. Joint activities of children and their parents will help to establish contact and lead to emotional balance.
  3. A cultural object will appear in the village, attractively aesthetically designed.

Further development of the project

The safety and operation of the facility will be ensured by the residents of the house No. 2 st.

Youth from among the initiative group, villagers. It is planned to hold children's competitions and holidays with the involvement of the largest number of children from the village. And in winter, a joint event for the construction of a snow town and participation in the annual competition "The best snow figure of the village" will be organized for children and adults. All this contributes to the year-round involvement of this children's playground.

Childhood is the most beautiful time in a person's life, when every minute he learns the world, thanks to this he develops comprehensively. Parents should provide safe and beautiful conditions for growth and development. Including by equipping the territory of children's games with safe materials - a playground with swings, carousels, stairs. Moreover, the ideal solution is already available to everyone - a crumb rubber coating. Children's playground drawing for every taste.

Loving moms and dads know exactly what their baby needs while walking on the street. The kid does not just play and frolic, riding a swing, running with friends, playing in the sandbox or choosing active outdoor fun. At this moment, he makes acquaintance with the world around him.

But what were they until recently? They were far from the ideals of their parents. On the one hand, they could not be called beautiful - gray asphalt, monotonous attractions in a minimal amount. On the other hand, adults could not vouch for children's safety: there is a very hard floor under their feet, and swings-carousels are not the most thoughtful design.

A wonderful and exciting world for your baby!

Fortunately, there are many opportunities for adults today. They can offer their beloved child the very best that mankind has come up with. It can be the most intricate and unimaginable - an ordinary playground: the pattern on the floor surface will decorate it, and the base will pleasantly spring under your feet, holding back blows. And for this it is enough to buy an inexpensive durable material - plates based on crumb rubber.

This solution is surprisingly simple and ingenious. And it’s hard to believe now that until recently, parents didn’t have much choice. They had to either let the child go for a walk in the yard, where he came from, at best, with bumps and bruises, or look for a “good playground” - with sand or gravel. However, the rubber material is incomparably better than all the above solutions. The first thing that distinguishes it is a soft surface that holds back all blows.

Manufacturers are ready to offer a solution for a specific area with certain swing-ladders, taking into account the maximum height from which a child can fall. And such a fall is guaranteed to end without injury! Rubber is not a bulk material, which means that it will not present other unpleasant surprises. Therefore, it wins in comparison with sand or gravel crumbs. But the new coating opens up another interesting opportunity - it is really possible to make highly artistic playgrounds out of it! After all, the material is made with the addition of dyes. Therefore, the territory can be in any color, and even on the floor it is possible to draw any picture.

Spectacular playground drawing and more.

Rubber material is the ideal choice for grandiose projects. From it you can make a coating for a vast territory, dividing the zones visually. For example, in one color you can lay a corner for kids, where there is a safe swing for them, a sandbox. Separately allocate a territory for the games of more adult children. Another area is the place where the fitness equipment is located. A huge playing space will look interesting and extraordinary with the use of such a solution.

The Eastimpex company will be happy to implement a large-scale project to equip a children's playground. They will also offer materials for laying in an ordinary yard and for building a playground for a child on a personal plot. An important plus of the product under the Magness brand is that you can actually lay it yourself if you buy ready-made rubber plates. And in the case of working on a daring project, you can invite specialists who will make a seamless floor on the territory of any area and configuration.

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