Year of birth of Nigina Amonkulov. Nigina Amonkulova: Father scolded me for doing frivolous things


The Tajik singer, who captivates not only with her voice and manner of performing folk and pop songs, but also with oriental beauty, was born in Penjikent, Leninabad region. looks no less attractive than in the make-up. Therefore, even going on stage or acting in videos, she uses a minimum of makeup. The singer's vocal data attracted the attention of the public and professional musicians after she took part in the Andalep competition, which became a springboard in her creative career.

In the photo, Nigina Amonkulova even with a slight make-up looks irresistible

Nigina never really wanted to perform on stage, although music and pop music always interested her. But the girl's dream has always been a career as a doctor, and her parents insisted on it. Therefore, immediately after school, she entered a medical school. Her fate was decided by her performance at the prom. When Nigina Amonkulova, without makeup, performed from the stage of the assembly hall of the school, the admiration of the audience was so great that she decided to seriously take up vocals. In her native Penjikent, Nigina had few opportunities to successfully develop a career as a professional singer, so she moved to Dushanbe.

Nigina chose a repertoire that was not too typical for a young contemporary artist - folk songs and retro music. Nevertheless, according to the singer, she considers this repertoire to be the closest for herself, and in folk songs she can express her feelings more fully. This especially attracted the attention of the audience, and soon the whole of Tajikistan learned about Nigina Amonkulova. For her performances, the singer chooses bright national costumes and looks simply stunning in them. When Nigina Amonkulova appears without makeup in a colorful skullcap and a traditional satin dress, everyone who sees her has an image of a real oriental beauty in her eyes.

© M. Dushanbeeva, Russia for All

Nigina Amonkulova: Father scolded me for doing frivolous things

09:00 23.10.2015

How it was possible, despite the prohibitions, to become a singer, is it true that she had to leave the stage under pressure and what new songs are waiting for fans, the popular singer in Tajikistan Nigina Amonkulova told in an interview with Russia for All.

Nigina Amonkulova is one of the brightest and most talented Tajik pop stars. Thanks to her beautiful voice, graceful performance and, most importantly, the high-quality content of songs in the national style, in a short time she was able not only to gain popular love, but also to find her own, unique, place on the modern stage. The sudden popularity did not have a negative impact on her, as it happens - she, as before, is modest, friendly and easy to communicate with.

About how, despite the prohibitions, she managed to become a singer, is it true that she left the stage under pressure, and what new songs await fans, Nigina Amonkulova told in an exclusive interview with the Internet portal "".

- Nigina, was it a childhood dream to perform on stage, to become a singer?

“It was in my heart, of course, but I probably didn’t realize it. Dad has a very good voice, my grandfather sang folk songs. My genre is not classical and not too pop. It's more from the heart. Rather, I'm still a performer of folk songs. But what I do, I really like - this is my job, and I'm happy that I have it in my life. I live it and will live it.

Did your parents immediately notice your artistry and zeal for singing? Supported?

“I won’t say that I was the center of attention. I remember that I always sang at home - when I worked, cleaned, cooked, sang along all the time. Mom and dad scolded me for this, told me not to be distracted. I regret that my parents did not send me to a music school then. I have no musical education, and I also do not know how to play musical instruments.

- What instrument would you like to play?

- On the piano. It is such an instrument that you can play and compose everything. It would be nice to sing and accompany yourself on the piano.

“But even now it’s not too late to learn this, the main thing is to find the time ...

- That's just the same time and not enough, because now there are a lot of things to do. And it seems to me that this still needs to be done from childhood, so that the foundation is strong.

Do you remember your first performance in front of a large audience?

- I sang my first song at the graduation ball at school. It was a song of his own composition "Alvido, maktab!" ("Goodbye, school"). We gathered with classmates, girlfriends, and decided to sing a song about school years. The musicians listened to us, they liked my voice, and they left only me. My friends were a little offended then.

And on graduation day, when I sang this song, all the graduates and teachers sobbed. After the performance, everyone came up, hugged and thanked me for the performance. When I entered the medical college, everyone already knew that I sing and I have a good voice - they began to offer to perform at various competitions. But then my parents scolded me for the fact that I sang at the graduation.

- That is, your parents did not like what you sang and the audience greeted you so warmly?

- My father scolded that I, an adult girl, was doing some frivolous things. Mom was also unhappy.

“Did anyone from the household come to your defense?”

- Yes, grandma. It seems to me that she is the person who supported me and put my parents in front of the fact that I would sing, and that's it. It was her decision, and no one would go against her word.

At Andaleb-2004 (Song contest. - Note ed.) I was supposed to perform at the city competition with the song “Muhabbat - bakhti khandon” (“Love is smiling happiness”). My parents did not know about it, but when they found out, they banned it. And I couldn’t let down the team that hoped so much for me. Well, I sang and they gave me 10 points.

The next round of "Andaleb" was republican and took place in Kulyab (200 km southeast of Dushanbe. - Note ed.). I sang the same song. They gave me 9 points, and inside me all hopes collapsed at once, all my mood deteriorated.

Two years later, when I had already graduated from the medical college, I was again invited to the republican competition "Andaleb" in Dushanbe. I was offered three songs to choose from - “Intizori” (“Waiting”), “Khonai mo on kadar ham dur nest” (“Our house is not so far away”) and another song that is more popular among the people as “Dar labi both” (“On the bank of the river”), but in fact it is called “Ranjida nigoram omad” (“My offended beloved has come”). I immediately chose this song - it was closer to me. Dad gave his consent only three days before leaving for Dushanbe - again, thanks to my beloved grandmother, who barely persuaded him.

And so I came to Kohi farhang (House of Culture), we rehearsed and flew to Dushanbe. On the day of the performance, I had some kind of problem, I don’t remember what it was, but, in my opinion, something was wrong with the costume. I was very worried about this and even cried before the performance. But when I went on stage, everything seemed to boil in my soul. And when I started to sing, I felt the sympathy and support of the audience and gave everything 100%. The jury gave me 10 points. ( The small homeland of the singer. — Note. ed.) won the Grand Prix.

Returned, means, home. Everything is fine, everything is quiet. And then suddenly on, “Shabakai avval” and “Safina”, probably every half an hour they show my performance. Dad got angry again - they say that they show you so often, you need to call them, tell them not to show you.

How did you feel when you saw it on TV?

- I remember, I was very shy, scolded myself for my facial expressions, thought why I did it, why I smiled.

- And what kind of person are you in life?

- I'm a closed person. I'm not as active as on stage. When I go on stage, I am directly reincarnated, I put all my strength, all my emotions into the performance of my song. And so I am a family, quiet person. I can't be friends with everyone.

— After Andaleb, were you already invited to work in Dushanbe?

- Yes. I studied at the Tursanzade Institute of Arts. True, my profession laughs). In 2007, I entered the conservatory, but I also worked as a soloist in the Daryo ensemble, and there was very little time, I could not combine my studies and work. When I went to study, they scolded me here, I worked - I skipped classes and received from teachers. Then she decided to go to distance learning and continued to work.

— Were there conditions in Dushanbe when you were invited?

- Yes, I was provided with housing. Now I live here.

- How do you combine home, work, family in such a busy touring schedule?

“It’s very difficult, but so far I’m coping. My family understands and supports me. My family knows that the stage is my calling.

- And who helps you take care of the child?

“My mom helps me with this.

Is there anyone else in the family who sings besides you?

— Yes, my younger brother, Khusrav Amonkulov. He is a singer and mainly performs in Khujand. Even before me, he began to study music, graduated from a music school.

— And how many of you are in the family?

— Five. My brother is older than me, and there are three more younger brothers after me. I am the only daughter.

- In your performances, you basically put on a national one. Who makes the sketches, comes up with the design?

“I do all of this myself. I have no designer, no director, no producer. I make sketches myself, I give them to the dressmaker, and she sews.

- In the last clips you have a brighter make-up, European clothes. Don't want to be remembered only in the atlas?

- No, why not, on the contrary. I want to be remembered like this, because the satin is so diverse, beautiful and makes any girl even more feminine, tender. But there are times when I choose outfits for a song.

— Do you mainly shoot your videos in Tajikistan or abroad?

- I do not yet have the opportunity to shoot videos abroad. Everything was filmed here in Dushanbe. Of course, I would like to shoot them abroad, more professionally, with high quality, but so far there are no financial opportunities. Let's be content with what we have.

- And what did your name and success bring you in material terms?

I have everything, thank God. I have a car and an apartment. My wealth is my songs, videos. This is all I did myself.

- From the moment you performed in the Andaleb competition to the present day, you probably have amassed a whole army of fans. Do not torment?

- No, my parents were very protective of me, and there was never such a problem that they attacked me. But, as we say, “ҷavchiho beads budand” (there were enough matchmakers).

- You are quite a famous singer in the country, and there are a lot of rumors about you. One of them, for example, is that you were pressured, and therefore you left the stage. Is it so?

— No, it is, of course, rumors. No problems, thank God. I have performed and worked, and continue to work.

- What are you working on now? What do you plan to please fans in the near future?

- I, as I already said, do everything myself and therefore I can’t release a song every month. Sometimes, of course, it happens that in one month I will release 2-3 songs, but sometimes it can last up to three months. Now I have a couple of new songs on the way. I'm currently working on completing them.

— Do you have any plans to perform in Moscow, Russia?

- Yes, sure. This year there were many proposals from Moscow for concerts. I was also supposed to be there, but since we are a government agency, there are a lot of performances and events that we have to perform at here. But I really hope that this year I will finally go and perform in Moscow.

— Have you performed in Russia before?

- No, I'm not familiar with the Russian public yet.

What countries have you performed in? Where did you like it more?

— We often travel with different countries. I was in China, traveled around Europe, visited Arab countries, India. Almost everywhere we are met very well, I will even say with a bang - after all, these are national Tajik songs.

- When you have free time, where do you like to relax?

- I would like to visit Italy. I liked it very much in Paris. Although we were passing through there, I will never forget this city - it is actually fabulous. In Germany, life seemed kind of gray to me, but Paris is full of life, although I didn’t really have time to see anything.

Do you also buy clothes on these trips?

- European - yes. But I very rarely wear European clothes on stage, and I sew national clothes here.

- How do you like to spend your free time?

- If such time falls out, which happens very rarely, I try to spend it with the child, because he always misses me.

- Do you cook at home? What is your signature dish that you pamper your family with?

Yes, I'm cooking. My child loves spaghetti very much. They work well for me.

- And what do you like to cook from national dishes?

- I don’t know how to cook much from national ones, but, to be honest, I myself really like to eat delicious food ( laughs). Of course, I understand that this is harmful for the figure, but when I see that I have already gone too far, I go on a diet, but not on a rigid one. I just eat fruits, dairy products, vegetables. And I'm not picky about food at all. I'm always interested in trying new food, different ones. When we were in China on tour, no one ate traditional Chinese food, but I tried everything.

— Do you often get recognized on the streets in Dushanbe, on tour?

— Yes, it happens often. At first I somehow complexed, but now I'm used to it. They approached for an autograph, asked to be photographed together. This is me now by car, and before I went by public transport.

- Do you feel like a star?

No, I never considered myself a star. The star is Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov. I have people's love, but this does not make me feel like a star. “Mahbubi khalq budan” (to be the favorite of the people) is good. I always say that my sponsor is my people, because I often go to events, weddings. My people support me, and I am grateful to them for that. I will never leave Tajikistan and go to some other country.

— Were there such proposals, and if so, from which countries?

- Yes they were. Mostly Iranian, Afghan diasporas who live in America, Canada, but I cannot imagine myself without Tajikistan.

- What are you striving for now? Have you achieved everything you wanted?

- Don't know. It seems to me that I have not yet done something important, I have not achieved much yet. I feel like I haven't sung my main song yet, it's still to come. I still have to grow and learn, gain experience and professionalism. Recently I found out that I already have 80 songs: I came to a friend and saw her disk, in which they collected all the songs in a collection - both those that I sang alone, and a duet.

Tajik pop singer, performer of Tajik folk songs and songs in the style of "retro"


Nigina Amonkulova was born in the city of Penjikent in the very west of Tajikistan. Despite the fact that her parents, especially her father, were not indifferent to music, Nigina herself dreamed of becoming a doctor all her conscious childhood. To achieve her goal, she even entered a medical school. However, after one successful performance at the graduation party, Nigina decided to seriously take up music.

The next step on the way to a singing career was participation in the Andaleb festival in the capital. Nigina arrived in Dushanbe as part of the Penjikent ensemble and received the main prize. And her song “Ranchida nigoram omad” (“Beloved came offended”) made her name famous not only in her native Penjikent, but also in the capital. From that moment began her stage career.

Nigina moved to Dushanbe and began to perform Tajik folk and retro songs. In a short time, the singer became famous throughout Tajikistan, which was facilitated by the folk, "non-pop" nature of her songs. The singer usually performs in colorful costumes made on the basis of Tajik national costumes, which makes her performances even more charming.

Nigina Amonkulova is a national Tajik singer, performer of folk songs. The future pop artist was born on January 30, 1986 in Penjikent, Tajik SSR, in a large family of a taxi driver and an accountant. Nigina has four brothers. The elder Khurshed is engaged in business, the younger Khusrav studied at the College of Music.

The third brother of the singer Hayem is engaged in woodcarving, the last Hamijon is getting an education. Nigina did not study at a music school, but her love for music and singing talent were inherited from her great-grandfather, who was a singer and performer on the national instrument rubob.

As a child, Nigina sang only for her own pleasure. When the girl was finishing school, she first appeared before the public with a song of her own composition “Alvido, maktab!” ("Goodbye, school"). The performance of the aspiring singer made a splash on the audience. But Nigina, following her own dream of becoming a doctor, entered a medical school after a decade.


During all the years of training as a nurse, Nigina was invited to city holidays as a performer of folk songs. The girl happily participated in the events. Even then, Nigina created her own style, inventing outfits for concerts. The turning point in the singer's creative biography was her participation in the Andaleb-2006 festival in the capital, where the artist performed together with the Panjakent Ensemble. The girl performed the musical composition "Dar labi obe" ("On the river bank") and won the Grand Prix.

In the same year, Nigina graduated from college and, at the invitation, entered the Tursanzade Institute of Arts with a degree in stage director. Parents were unhappy with the choice of their daughter, as they considered art to be a frivolous matter. But the girl insisted on her. In many ways, Nigina was helped to convince her father by her grandmother, who had been on the side of her granddaughter all this time.

A year later, Nigina became a student of the Tajik Conservatory and a soloist of the Darya ensemble. The artist received an apartment for personal use, got a car. But the girl could not combine work and full-time education, so she had to transfer to part-time. The teachers of the talented student were Muzaffar Mukhiddinov, Mastona Ergasheva and Asliddin Nizomov.

During her musical career, 7 albums of the singer were released. Among them, the most popular discs are "Retro", "Dar Oghushi Tu Memiram - Single", "Soddadil - Single". Among Nigina's songs, listeners especially highlight the musical compositions "Vatan", "Arusi", "Gift" (gush that memiram). The Tajik singer mainly performs in her homeland, as well as in Asia and Europe.

Composer Sirojiddin Fozilov wrote music for most of Nigina's songs. The singer also collaborates with Saidkul Bilolov and Sharif Bedakov. The girl shoots clips at home.

Personal life

In 2007, Nigina married her own cousin Firuz. The young man works as an entrepreneur. He is not against his wife's creative career, he is proud of Nigina's success and, if possible, helps her in her work. In 2008, the first-born Azamat was born to the young. When Nigina goes on tour or gives concerts, her mother helps to look after her son.

Being at home, the girl likes to cook dishes of national and European cuisine for her relatives. But Nigina herself prefers light salads. IN "Instagram" the singer has her own account, the official groups of Nigina fans work on the VKontakte and Odnoklassniki networks.

Nigina Amonkulova now

At the beginning of 2016, the next album of the singer called "Boron" (Rain) went on sale. In the same year, the songs of the artist "Modar", "Oshik Shudam", "Navruz", the clip "Yori Musofir" were released.

The novelty of 2017 was the song "Bekaroram". With new songs, the singer plans to perform at home, as well as in concerts of the Tajik mission in Europe and Asia.

In 2016, a video for the song of the singer "Sharmande" was posted on the network, in which the artist appeared in front of the camera in a short dress, so that her underwear was visible. This appearance of the singer was condemned in Tajik society.

In an interview, the singer spoke more than once about her intention to visit Russia with solo concerts. Now Nigina's fans and compatriots living in the Russian Federation hope that the performer's concert tour will take place in 2017.


The name of Nigina during her musical career was overgrown with rumors. The Tajik media attributed to the singer a relationship with her early career, a divorce from her husband, and an attack by ill-wishers, during which Nigina was chemically burned with sulfuric acid.

The singer in her own interviews refutes these rumors, claiming that these are speculations and lies. Nigina Amonkulova has been married for a long time, and the artist has no health problems.


  • "Retro" - 2013
  • "Dar Oghushi Tu Memiram - Single" - 2014
  • "Sodda dil - Single" - 2015
  • "Boron" - 2016

Amonkulova Nigina.

Nigina Amonkulova(taj. Nigina Amonkulova, genus. January 30, 1986, Penjikent, Leninabad region, Tajik SSR) - Tajik pop singer, performer of Tajik folk songs and songs in the "retro" style. It is distinguished by a very bright national appearance and vocal abilities. She was first seen at the Andaleb competition and after that her career soared up.


Nigina Amonkulova was born in the city of Penjikent in the very west of Tajikistan. Despite the fact that her parents, especially her father, were not indifferent to music, Nigina herself dreamed of becoming a doctor all her conscious childhood. To achieve her goal, she even entered a medical school. However, after one successful performance at the graduation party, Nigina decided to seriously take up music.

The next step on the way to a singing career was participation in the Andaleb festival in the capital. Nigina arrived in Dushanbe as part of the Penjikent ensemble and received the main prize. And her song “Ranchida nigoram omad” (“Beloved came offended”) made her name famous not only in her native Penjikent, but also in the capital. From that moment began her stage career.

Nigina moved to Dushanbe and began to perform Tajik folk and retro songs. In a short time, the singer became famous throughout Tajikistan, which was facilitated by the folk, "non-pop" nature of her songs. The singer usually performs in colorful costumes made on the basis of Tajik national costumes, which makes her performances even more charming.

Singer about herself

Pop is not my genre. And not because I find it bad or unworthy. Just folk art, “old songs about the main thing” are much closer to me. Probably, only in them you can express your feelings with all sincerity.

One day one of my ustods gave me a chic compliment. He said that the songs that I now perform were not as popular among the people as they are now.

  • Nigina Amonkulova - Rafty (2012)
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Vatan
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Gift of ogushi tu (2014)
  • Nigina Amonkulova Az chi metarsad (2014)
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Oftobaki Man
  • Nigina Amonkulova Fan Club
  • Nigina Amonkulova all clips
  • Songs of Nigina Amonkulova on YouTube
  • An asterisk from the past named Nigina
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Official site
  • Nigina Amonkulova all clips

Partially used materials from the site

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