The number of people at the moment. world population


Based on the data set out in the UN projections for the population of the world

Around 8000 BC, the world's population was approximately 5 million people. For the 8000-year period up to 1 AD. it has grown to 200 million people (300 million or even 600 million according to some estimates), with a growth rate of 0.05% per year. A huge change in population occurred with the advent of the industrial revolution:

  • In 1800, the world population reached one billion.
  • The second billion in population was reached in just 130 years in 1930.
  • The third billion was reached in less than 30 years in 1959.
  • Over the next 15 years, the fourth billion will be reached in 1974.
  • In just 13 years, in 1987 - the fifth billion.

During the 20th century alone, the world's population grew from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.

In 1970, the population was half what it is now. Due to declining population growth, it would take more than 200 years to double the population from today's data.

Table with population data by years and dynamics of population growth in the world by years until 2017

Pop% World population Growth in % compared to the previous year Absolute annual increase number of people Average age of the population Population density: number of people per 1 sq. km. Urbanization (urban population) in % of the total population Urban population
2017 7 515 284 153 1,11% 82 620 878 29,9 58 54,7% 4 110 778 369
2016 7 432 663 275 1,13% 83 191 176 29,9 57 54,3% 4 034 193 153
2015 7 349 472 099 1,18% 83 949 411 30 57 53,8% 3 957 285 013
2010 6 929 725 043 1,23% 82 017 839 29 53 51,5% 3 571 272 167
2005 6 519 635 850 1,25% 78 602 746 27 50 49,1% 3 199 013 076
2000 6 126 622 121 1,33% 78 299 807 26 47 46,6% 2 856 131 072
1995 5 735 123 084 1,55% 85 091 077 25 44 44,8% 2 568 062 984
1990 5 309 667 699 1,82% 91 425 426 24 41 43% 2 285 030 904
1985 4 852 540 569 1,79% 82 581 621 23 37 41,3% 2 003 049 795
1980 4 439 632 465 1,8% 75 646 647 23 34 39,4% 1 749 539 272
1975 4 061 399 228 1,98% 75 782 307 22 31 37,8% 1 534 721 238
1970 3 682 487 691 2,08% 71 998 514 22 28 36,7% 1 350 280 789
1965 3 322 495 121 1,94% 60 830 259 23 21 No data No data
1960 3 018 343 828 1,82% 52 005 861 23 23 33,8% 1 019 494 911
1955 2 758 314 525 1,78% 46 633 043 23 21 No data No data

The world population is currently (2017) growing at a rate of about 1.11% per year (up from 1.13% in 2016).

Currently, the average population growth per year is estimated at about 80 million people. The annual growth rate peaked in the late 1960s at 2% or more. The population growth rate peaked at 2.19 percent per year in 1963.

The annual growth rate is currently declining and is projected to continue declining in the coming years. Population growth is projected to be less than 1% per year by 2020 and less than 0.5% per year by 2050. This means that the world population will continue to grow in the 21st century, but at a slower rate than in the recent past.

The world population doubled (100% increase) within 40 years from 1959 (3 billion) to 1999 (6 billion). It is currently predicted that in 39 years the world's population will increase by another 50%, to 9 billion by 2038.

Forecast of the population of the Earth (all countries of the world) and demographic data for the period up to 2050:

date Population Number growth a % for 1 year Absolute growth for 1 year in the number of people The average age of the world's population Population density: number of people per 1 sq. km. Percentage of urbanization Total urban population
2020 7 758 156 792 1,09% 81 736 939 31 60 55,9% 4 338 014 924
2025 8 141 661 007 0,97% 76 700 843 32 63 57,8% 4 705 773 576
2030 8 500 766 052 0,87% 71 821 009 33 65 59,5% 5 058 158 460
2035 8 838 907 877 0,78% 67 628 365 34 68 61% 5 394 234 712
2040 9 157 233 976 0,71% 63 665 220 35 70 62,4% 5 715 413 029
2045 9 453 891 780 0,64% 59 331 561 35 73 63,8% 6 030 924 065
2050 9 725 147 994 0,57% 54 251 243 36 75 65,2% 6 338 611 492

The main stages of the growth of the world's population

10 billion (2056)

The United Nations projects a world population of 10 billion by 2056.

8 billion (2023)

The world population is expected to reach 8 billion in 2023 according to the United Nations (and in 2026 according to the US Census Bureau).

7.5 billion (2017)

The current world population is 7.5 billion as of January 2017, according to United Nations estimates.

7 billion (2011)

According to the United Nations, the world's population reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011. The US Census Bureau made a lower estimate - 7 billion was reached on March 12, 2012.

6 billion (1999)

According to the United Nations, on October 12, 1999, the world population was 6 billion. According to the US Census Bureau, this value was reached on July 22, 1999, at approximately 3:49 am GMT.

"The population of the world ... What associations do everyone who hears this phrase have?" asks author Irene N. in her article. Further, she claims that every 0.24 seconds another baby is born on our planet, and in an hour the world's population is replenished by more than 15 thousand newborns. And almost every minute (0.56 seconds) a person dies, and our world loses almost 6.5 thousand people per hour.
On this topic, I found it interesting that Ph.D. Monty White, who claims that the population of the Earth increased to seven billion during exactly the period indicated in the Bible. However, read below.

Everything is very simple - ordinary arithmetic speaks of the absolute mathematical reasonableness of the young age of the earth.

Creationists are often asked, "How could the earth's population reach 6.5 billion people if the earth is only about 6,000 years old, and if only two people lived on it at the very beginning?" Let's see what simple arithmetic tells us.

One plus one equals billions

Let's start from the beginning - with one man and one woman. Now suppose they get married and have kids, and then their kids get married and have kids too. Let's also assume that the population doubles every 150 years. Therefore, in 150 years, four people will live on earth, in another 150 years, eight people, and in another 150 years, sixteen people, and so on. It should be noted that this rate of population growth is actually very conservative. In fact, even accounting for disease, famine, and natural disasters, the population has recently doubled approximately every 40 years.1

After 32 times the population doubling, which is only 4800 years, the world population would reach almost 8.6 billion people. This is 2 billion more people than lives on earth today, namely 6.5 billion people. This figure was recorded on March 1, 2006 by the US Census Bureau.2 This simple calculation shows that if you start with Adam and Eve and take into account the standard population growth rate that we just noted above, then the modern population figure could perfectly be achieved for 6000 years.

Influence of the Flood

However, we know from the Bible that around 2500 BC (4,500 years ago) the global Flood reduced the number of people on earth to eight people.3 But if we assume that the population doubles every 150 years, we again see that if to start counting with Noah's family in 2500 BC, 4500 years would be more than enough for the current population to reach 6.5 billion.

From two people who were created 6,000 years ago, and then from eight people who were on board Noah's Ark approximately 4,500 years ago, the world's population could easily have grown to the figure we celebrate today - more than 6.5 billion people.

Evolutionists always tell us that humans have been on earth for hundreds of thousands of years. If we still assume that people have existed for about 50,000 years and use the above calculation method, the result would be that the population doubled 332 times, and the number of people on earth would be simply enormous - the number followed by one hundred zeros 100 ; that is:

10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000.

This number is actually simply impossible to imagine, since it is billions of times greater than the number of atoms in the entire universe! Such a calculation shows how meaningless is the statement that people have existed on earth for tens of thousands of years.

Everything is very simple - ordinary arithmetic speaks of the absolute mathematical reasonableness of the young age of the earth. From two people who were created 6,000 years ago, and then from eight people who were on board Noah's Ark approximately 4,500 years ago, the world's population could easily have grown to the figure we celebrate today - more than 6.5 billion people.

Many experts believe that at present there is a threat of overpopulation of the Earth, which will lead to mass starvation. It will be aggravated by a global ecological catastrophe. Therefore, urgent measures are needed, thanks to which it would be possible to regulate the number of people. But before you do anything, you need to ask yourself: how many people can live on Earth?

For all living organisms inhabiting our planet, the same ecological law works. It consists of the following phases, following each other - explosion, a crisis, collapse, stabilization. Any living species, once in a favorable environment, dramatically increase their numbers. This is the explosion. But a huge number of individuals begin to destroy the habitat. Therefore, a crisis occurs, followed by a collapse. It is expressed in a catastrophic decline in the population to a lower level than it was originally. During the period of collapse, the environment is restored, and the population increases to a reasonable level. This is followed by stabilization. Humanity is currently in a phase of crisis.

It should be noted that there are 3 periods of increase in the number of people. The first period refers to the end of the Pleistocene (2.6 million years - 11.7 thousand years ago). It was characterized by the resettlement of tribes engaged in hunting throughout the globe. The second period was observed 9 thousand years ago, when mankind mastered agriculture. The population of the Earth then increased 20 times. And the third period is associated with the industrial revolution. This process has not died out today, but is only gaining momentum. At the same time, the population of the Earth increased by 30 times. The area of ​​cultivated land has increased by 3 times, and the yield by 7 times.

10 million people lived on our planet 10 thousand years ago. By the beginning of our era, there were already 200 million people. By the middle of the 17th century, when the industrial revolution began, the planet was inhabited by 500 million people. At the beginning of the 19th century, there were already 1 billion, and at the beginning of the 20th century, 2 billion. At the beginning of 2016, 7.3 billion people lived on Earth. The population is growing by 2% every year. It took 200,000 years for humanity to reach the first billion. The second billion was achieved in 100 years, and the third in just 40. The fourth billion in 15 years, and the fifth in 10.

Humanity is now doubling every 35 years. And the amount of food doubles every 30 years. This is the main indicator of our existence. But it does not increase by itself, but due to the development of new lands. And every year it becomes more and more difficult to ensure the growth of the crop. We should also not forget about electricity and water, which are needed more and more. As a result, resources are being depleted and the natural environment is being destroyed. Stocks of coal, oil, gas, mineral raw materials are used to the limit. But these stocks are not renewed in any way.

Therefore, the current unlimited well-being is finite in time. It will end as habitats are destroyed, food production drops, and then the population is reduced to a level that the remaining resources can provide.

Ecologists answer this question quite definitely, since the biosphere exists according to a simple law. He relates the size of organic food-consuming species to their abundance. The main role in the flows of energy and substances is assigned to small organisms. But the big ones play only a supporting role. Therefore, the main consumers in the biosphere are arthropods, molluscs, and worms. Wild vertebrates, which include amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, consume only 1% of the biosphere's production.

A person with pets must be part of the group of wild vertebrates, that is, consume less than 1%. But modern humanity consumes 7% of the production of the biosphere. That is much more than it should be. As a result, all biospheric patterns are violated. And how many people can live on Earth?

Here we must understand that the biosphere is a self-regulating system. Therefore, it seeks to return the population to normal levels. It is 25 times lower than modern, that is, it is about 300 million people. And this is for the entire planet. A maximum of 500 million people can live on Earth, but not 7, 8 or 10 billion. That is why the productivity of valuable ecosystems is falling, animals that people need are dying out, and necessary plants are disappearing. All this is connected with the self-regulation of the biosphere, which seeks to limit the number of mankind.

The population of the Earth in million people

What will the collapse be like?

A decrease in the population of the Earth will certainly occur, since the biosphere will not allow its destruction. But this can happen in different scenarios. First scenario which is still working in some countries is hunger. Today, only 500 million people on the planet are well-nourished, and 2 billion are regularly undernourished. Every year, 20 million people die of hunger, and the human population during the same time increases by an order of magnitude.

If there are 200 million people dying of hunger a year, then population growth will stop. And if the number of dying increases even more, then the population will begin to decline. But this is a terrible and inhuman process. He will bring so much grief that it is even scary to think.

Second scenario purely political. It is connected with a nuclear catastrophe. There will be a world conflict over non-renewable resources, and a nuclear war will break out. It is capable of destroying all of humanity altogether, leaving only a few intelligent beings on Earth. And then civilization will begin to revive in a new way. And this can take thousands of years.

Third scenario designed for human consciousness. The governments of the states will impose restrictions on the birth rate, which will lead to a decrease in the population. However, this development of events raises serious doubts, since so far birth control in some countries has not led to the desired results.

Fourth scenario connected directly with our planet. To save herself, she can weaken the Earth's magnetic field. In this case, we will be defenseless against the solar plasma. It will burn everything, but nature will quickly recover, but humanity will be almost completely destroyed. This scenario is similar to a nuclear war, only the Earth itself is the initiator here.

There are also fifth scenario. In this case, the biosphere will begin to give people signals at a subconscious level. They will act on the mechanisms responsible for fertility, and humanity will begin to respond to them. This will be expressed in a natural decrease in population growth, as occurs in many species of animals. But here it should be understood that a person has long been cut off from nature, and therefore may not perceive the corresponding signals entering the subconscious. Who knows, maybe they are already on the way, but only a few react to them.

In a word, the situation is not very rosy. We learned how many people can live on Earth, and also realized that the current population has long overcome all norms. It remains to wait for further developments, since this situation cannot continue forever. Let's hope that humanity will painlessly get out of such a sensitive and critical situation..

The counting of earthlings is not carried out out of simple curiosity. For a normal life, each of us needs a certain amount of water, air, minerals, food. In turn, each of the inhabitants of the Earth affects the environment. Therefore, it is very important to know how many people live on our planet.

In order to find out how many people live on Earth, you need to identify their number in individual countries and regions of the planet.

In most countries, the population is determined using a general population census. They are held regularly once every 5 or 10 years. But in some countries and regions of the world, censuses either did not take place at all, or were taken a very long time ago.

Therefore, the total population of the world is determined using special calculations.

How many people are there now?

Just under 7.4 billion people currently live on Earth.

For many millennia, the number of people on Earth was small and did not increase very quickly. But since the 19th century began a rapid population growth that continues to this day.

What influences population growth?

The growth of the human population depends on many reasons.

This is the level of development of the country, and the well-being of people, and national traditions. Until now, hunger, disease and war, as well as natural disasters, remain the reasons for the change in the number of inhabitants of the planet.

Population change is determined by the ratio of births and deaths.

Population in the world by years

There are currently 21 births and 18 deaths every second in the world. As a result, the world's population is growing by 250,000 people every day. But in different periods of human history and in different regions of the Earth, the magnitude of population growth is not the same.

The average age of the inhabitants of these countries also depends on the state of fertility and mortality in different countries. Countries with high population growth have many children and young people.

Countries with low growth have a high proportion of older people.

The age of the inhabitants of the country and population growth are largely determined by life expectancy, which, in turn, depends on the level of development of the country. In developed countries, life expectancy and average age are high, and population growth is generally low.

How many people live on Earth?

Site search:

Population growth

Population growth is very fast (Table 1).

Every year the world population is increasing by 60-80 million people.

Human. It is estimated that by 2024 the population will reach 8 billion and 2100-11 billion.

Population density

Population density shows the average number of inhabitants per square kilometer. Km. km. To determine the world's population density, the population must be divided by the area occupied by land.

In 2013, every square kilometer of land averages 52 people.

In terms of the number of countries with the highest population density, South Asia leads the way, followed by Europe.

There are no permanent residents in Antarctica.

Planet acceleration

Some scientists study the death of humanity from overpopulation. “Such a large number of inhabitants,” they say, “will not be able to feed the earth.”

Among them there are those who believe that humanity will save wars from overpopulation, epidemics of various diseases, they can take millions of human lives in a few minutes. Of course, humanity does not want wars, it will not allow an epidemic of diseases in our time. Material from this site

Modern scientists all over the world scientifically prove that the death of overgrowth is not endangered in the world, so that the earth can feed billions of people.

But in fact, at present, humanity processes only about 10% of the surface.

Population growth: from 10,000 years to our count. before 2100

But even if that 10% is now growing the area, if the increase in food supply has already been achieved in many developed countries, 9 billion worth of food can be obtained. Man, but if you change food and feed all vegetation, the annual yield of these crops can be stored for more than 50 billion people.

Even with modern technology, we can double the amount of land suitable for cultivation, and in the future, with the development of science and technology, there is practically no country suitable for agricultural use on our planet.

People leave the swamp, irrigate deserts, bring frost-resistant and fast-growing varieties of crops.

On this site you can find the following topics:

  • The population of the planet in 1300

  • World population in 2016 is always the answer

  • Relocation Summary

  • Number of country reports

  • world population

Questions for this article:

  • How to determine the average population density?

  • Will our country be able to provide food for such a rapidly growing population?

Material from the WikiWhat page

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How many people live on the planet?

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More than 107 billion people were born on Earth in the entire history of mankind, which began 162,000 years ago, Peter Grunwald, a statistician at the Dutch Center for Mathematics and Informatics, calculated.

According to his calculations, commissioned by the monthly Quest magazine, the 6.7 billion people living on our planet make up 6% of all people who have ever lived on it.

Earth population

Grunwald admits that this figure (107.5 billion people) cannot be absolutely certain, because little or nothing is known about population and birth rates in ancient periods of history. At the same time, the researcher considers incorrect the assertion of some scientists that more people now live on Earth than in the entire history of mankind.

The question "How many people were born on Earth in the entire history of mankind?" was voted the most interesting question of 2008 out of 101 questions proposed by Quest magazine.

This opinion was reached by the jury formed by the magazine, which, in particular, included the Dutch cosmonaut Andre Kuipers, who flew to the International Space Station on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft, RIA Novosti reports.

Helpful information

Many experts believe that at present there is a threat of overpopulation of the Earth, which will lead to mass starvation. It will be aggravated by a global ecological catastrophe. Therefore, urgent measures are needed, thanks to which it would be possible to regulate the number of people.

But before you do anything, you need to ask yourself: how many people can live on Earth?

For all living organisms inhabiting our planet, the same ecological law works. It consists of the following phases following one after another - explosion, crisis, collapse, stabilization. Any living species, once in a favorable environment, dramatically increase their numbers. This is the explosion. But a huge number of individuals begin to destroy the habitat.

Therefore, a crisis occurs, followed by a collapse. It is expressed in a catastrophic decline in the population to a lower level than it was originally. During the period of collapse, the environment is restored, and the population increases to a reasonable level.

This is followed by stabilization. Humanity is currently in a phase of crisis.

It should be noted that there are 3 periods of increase in the number of people. The first period refers to the end of the Pleistocene (2.6 million years ago).

years - 11.7 thousand years ago). It was characterized by the resettlement of tribes engaged in hunting throughout the globe. The second period was observed 9 thousand years ago, when mankind mastered agriculture. The population of the Earth then increased 20 times. And the third period is associated with the industrial revolution. This process has not died out today, but is only gaining momentum. At the same time, the population of the Earth increased by 30 times.

The area of ​​cultivated land has increased by 3 times, and the yield by 7 times.

10 million people lived on our planet 10 thousand years ago. By the beginning of our era, there were already 200 million people. By the middle of the 17th century, when the industrial revolution began, the planet was inhabited by 500 million people.

Human. At the beginning of the 19th century, there were already 1 billion, and at the beginning of the 20th century, 2 billion. At the beginning of 2016, 7.3 billion people lived on Earth. The population is growing by 2% every year. It took 200,000 years for humanity to reach the first billion. The second billion was achieved in 100 years, and the third in just 40. The fourth billion in 15 years, and the fifth in 10.

Humanity is now doubling every 35 years. And the amount of food doubles every 30 years.

This is the main indicator of our existence. But it does not increase by itself, but due to the development of new lands. And every year it becomes more and more difficult to ensure the growth of the crop. We should also not forget about electricity and water, which are needed more and more.

As a result, resources are being depleted and the natural environment is being destroyed. Stocks of coal, oil, gas, mineral raw materials are used to the limit. But these stocks are not renewed in any way.

Therefore, the current unlimited well-being is finite in time.

It will end as habitats are destroyed, food production drops, and then the population is reduced to a level that the remaining resources can provide.

How many people can live on Earth?

Ecologists answer this question quite definitely, since the biosphere exists according to a simple law. He relates the size of organic food-consuming species to their abundance.

How many people can the planet Earth support?

The main role in the flows of energy and substances is assigned to small organisms. But the big ones play only a supporting role. Therefore, the main consumers in the biosphere are arthropods, molluscs, and worms.

Wild vertebrates, which include amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, consume only 1% of the biosphere's production.

A person with pets must be part of the group of wild vertebrates, that is, consume less than 1%. But modern humanity consumes 7% of the production of the biosphere. That is much more than it should be. As a result, all biospheric patterns are violated. And how many people can live on Earth?

Here we must understand that the biosphere is a self-regulating system. Therefore, it seeks to return the population to normal levels. It is 25 times lower than modern, that is, it is about 300 million people. And this is for the entire planet. A maximum of 500 million people can live on Earth, but not 7, 8 or 10 billion. That is why the productivity of valuable ecosystems is falling, animals that people need are dying out, and necessary plants are disappearing. All this is connected with the self-regulation of the biosphere, which seeks to limit the number of mankind.

The population of the Earth in million people

What will the collapse be like?

A decrease in the population of the Earth will certainly occur, since the biosphere will not allow its destruction. But this can happen in different scenarios. First scenario which is still working in some countries is hunger. Today, only 500 million people on the planet are well-nourished, and 2 billion are regularly undernourished.

Every year, 20 million people die of hunger, and the human population during the same time increases by an order of magnitude.

If there are 200 million people dying of hunger a year, then population growth will stop. And if the number of dying increases even more, then the population will begin to decline.

But this is a terrible and inhuman process. He will bring so much grief that it is even scary to think.

Second scenario purely political. It is connected with a nuclear catastrophe. There will be a world conflict over non-renewable resources, and a nuclear war will break out. It is capable of destroying all of humanity altogether, leaving only a few intelligent beings on Earth. And then civilization will begin to revive in a new way.

And this can take thousands of years.

Third scenario designed for human consciousness. The governments of the states will impose restrictions on the birth rate, which will lead to a decrease in the population.

However, this development of events raises serious doubts, since so far birth control in some countries has not led to the desired results.

Fourth scenario connected directly with our planet. To save herself, she can weaken the Earth's magnetic field. In this case, we will be defenseless against the solar plasma. It will burn everything, but nature will quickly recover, but humanity will be almost completely destroyed. This scenario is similar to a nuclear war, only the Earth itself is the initiator here.

There are also fifth scenario. In this case, the biosphere will begin to give people signals at a subconscious level. They will act on the mechanisms responsible for fertility, and humanity will begin to respond to them.

This will be expressed in a natural decrease in population growth, as occurs in many species of animals. But here it should be understood that a person has long been cut off from nature, and therefore may not perceive the corresponding signals entering the subconscious. Who knows, maybe they are already on the way, but only a few react to them.

In a word, the situation is not very rosy. We learned how many people can live on Earth, and also realized that the current population has long overcome all norms.

It remains to wait for further developments, since this situation cannot continue forever. Let's hope that humanity will painlessly get out of such a sensitive and critical situation.

Vitaly Zvonky

The population of the globe is the total number of people living on Earth and continuously renewing their numbers through the process of reproduction. Today, the planet is inhabited by more than seven billion people.

According to the calculations of a statistician from the Netherlands (Center for Informatics and Mathematics), Peter Grunwald, during the course of the entire history of human development, equal to more than 162 thousand years, more than one hundred and seven and a half billion people were born on Earth. Based on his calculations, it can be assumed that approximately 6% of all people living on the planet before our time are equal to 6.7 billion people living today (2008 data). Grunwald also admits that in the 107.5 billion people born in all time on Earth, one cannot be completely sure, since practically nothing is known about the population and the percentage of births in antiquity. At the same time, the researcher considers it incorrect that some scientists claim that more people live on Earth at the present time than during the entire period of the formation of human history.

Based on estimates of the Earth's agro-natural potential, the planet is able to feed more than 80 billion people, and historically the population could not exceed 100 million people. Before the Neolithic Revolution took place, the Earth could not support more than 3 million people. The UN has set an approximate population limit of 8 billion, at the moment of reaching which, the population of each country will begin to promote the maximum possible birth control, as well as fertility equal to two births per healthy woman.

Demographic projections

The most accurate forecast regarding the population was made by D. Huxley, a biologist from England. Based on his calculations, in 1964 he made a conclusion that states that the world's population will reach 6 billion by the year 2000. The UN Foundation announced that by 1999 the number of people living on Earth had reached 6 billion, and in 2011 - seven billion. The UN predicts a significant population decline from 2015 to 2050 for the following countries: Russia, Germany, China, Poland, Romania, Thailand, Ukraine, Serbia, Japan, as well as for the countries of Western, Southeast and East Asia.

General growth trend

In the works of many scientists (H. Foerster, A.V. Korotaev, S.P. Kapitsa, M. Kremer) it is said that the increase in the earth's population over the past six thousand years followed the law of hyperbole, that is, the entire increase in human numbers was equal to proportional to its square. But, judging by the historical chronicle, the population of the planet throughout its history, not only increased dramatically, but also became smaller, which was facilitated by destructive wars, long-term conflicts, the latest developments in technology and their development. For example, the population of the Middle East over the past 4,000 years has grown at a slow pace (slower than ten times, in general, on the planet).

By the beginning of the 1960s, the main rate of increase in human numbers began to slow down gradually, and another type of population increase, logistical, appeared instead. The rate of natural increase in the number of people inhabiting the world, since 1989, began to decline, which is a consequence of a sharp jump in demographics.

The dynamics of the growth of the population of the entire globe in billions of people from 1000 to the 2000s of our era

At the beginning of our era, there were already 300 million people on the planet, by the end of the first millennium - 400 million, 500 million - 1500, one billion - 1820, 1.6 billion - 1900, three billion - 1960, 5.65 billion - 1993 . At the end of October 1999, the number of people inhabiting the globe reached 6 billion people, 6.3 - in 2003, 6.5 - in 2006, 6.8 - in 2010, at the beginning of November 2011 - 7 billion. In 2015, the population of the earth should be more than 7 billion people.

According to the UN forecast, the world population will be 8.1 billion by 2025, 9 billion by 2050, and 10 billion by 2100.

Until the seventies, the number of people inhabiting the Earth grew, according to the law of hyperbole, today the growth rate has noticeably decreased. According to demographic studies, the population is still growing rapidly, despite the fact that its growth has already become half as much as in 1963 (at which time the peak value of growth was reached).

Over the past 11 years (from 1994 to 2015), the number of elderly people has doubled, worldwide there are significantly more of them than children under the age of 5 (according to the latest data provided by the UN).

For the first time, during the formation of all human history, the number of people living in the city became equal to the number living in villages and villages, which amounted to 3.4 billion. It is also predicted that the largest part of the population living on the globe will be city dwellers, which is confirmed by the latest data.

By 2050, more of the world's population will live in Asia, ¼ in Africa, 8.2% in Latin America, 7.4% in Europe, 4.7% in North America.

The largest state in terms of population is China, but, guided by UN forecasts, India will also reach overpopulation by 2025. Until the beginning of 1991, the USSR occupied the third place in terms of population, after it collapsed, this place was taken by the United States (at the end of 2006, the population was equal to 300 million people), the fourth place was occupied by Indonesia, the fifth by Brazil, the sixth by Pakistan, seventh - Bangladesh, eighth - Nigeria, ninth - Russia.

According to CIA estimates, in mid-summer 2013, the number of people inhabiting the planet was 7,095,217,980.

The population of planet Earth in 2015

At the beginning of 2014, the UN Commission made a statement, which spoke of the achievement of the earth's population of 7.2 billion people, and in 2015 the population of the earth is planned to be about 7.3 - 7.4 billion people.

Population of the countries of the world and Russia in 2015

A country population % of total population
1 PRC 1 369 723 215 19,013%
2 India 1 263 419 215 17,537%
3 USA 319 078 215 4,429%
4 Indonesia 253 276 460 3,516%
5 Brazil 203 724 463 2,828%
6 Pakistan 188 546 242 2,617%
7 Nigeria 178 981 119 2,484%
8 Bangladesh 157 967 552 2,193%
9 Russia 146 497 215 2,033%
10 Japan 127 304 215 1,767%
11 Mexico 119 977 418 1,665%
12 Philippines 100 481 263 1,395%
13 Vietnam 89 973 115 1,249%
14 Ethiopia 88 217 206 1,225%
15 Egypt 87 528 932 1,215%
16 Germany 81 044 215 1,125%
17 Iran 77 813 220 1,080%
18 Türkiye 76 932 079 1,068%
19 DR Congo 69 624 333 0,966%
20 Thailand 65 135 215 0,904%
21 Great Britain 64 572 476 0,896%
22 France 64 192 823 0,891%
23 Italy 61 046 883 0,847%
24 South Africa 54 266 215 0,753%
25 Myanmar 53 983 173 0,749%
26 The Republic of Korea 50 268 656 0,698%
27 Colombia 48 104 215 0,668%
28 Tanzania 47 686 001 0,662%
29 Spain 46 771 975 0,649%
30 Kenya 45 810 195 0,636%
31 Ukraine 43 068 274 0,598%
32 Argentina 42 933 715 0,596%
33 Algeria 40 193 162 0,558%
34 Uganda 39 108 839 0,543%
35 Sudan 39 028 305 0,542%
36 Poland 38 759 874 0,538%
37 Iraq 35 032 976 0,486%
38 Canada 34 525 215 0,479%
39 Morocco 33 674 215 0,467%
40 Afghanistan 31 544 733 0,438%
41 Uzbekistan 30 752 815 0,427%
42 Peru 30 739 359 0,427%
43 Venezuela 30 591 215 0,425%
44 Malaysia 29 841 390 0,414%
45 Saudi Arabia 29 633 643 0,411%
46 Nepal 28 384 955 0,394%
47 Mozambique 26 737 192 0,371%
48 Ghana 26 706 393 0,371%
49 North Korea 25 290 803 0,351%
50 Yemen 25 232 723 0,350%
51 Australia 24 525 215 0,340%
52 Madagascar 23 836 177 0,331%
53 Republic of China 23 674 495 0,329%
54 Cameroon 22 982 847 0,319%
55 Angola 22 301 476 0,310%
56 Syria 22 150 830 0,307%
57 Sri Lanka 21 609 990 0,300%
58 Ivory Coast 20 968 989 0,291%
59 Romania 20 106 857 0,279%
60 Niger 18 699 017 0,260%
61 Chile 17 987 215 0,250%
62 Burkina Faso 17 583 830 0,244%
63 Kazakhstan 17 494 709 0,243%
64 Netherlands 17 076 890 0,237%
65 Malawi 16 993 359 0,236%
66 Guatemala 16 023 929 0,222%
67 Mali 15 932 442 0,221%
68 Cambodia 15 572 485 0,216%
69 Ecuador 15 245 215 0,212%
70 Zambia 15 185 217 0,211%
71 Zimbabwe 14 763 540 0,205%
72 Senegal 14 712 386 0,2042%
73 Chad 13 375 361 0,1857%
74 Guinea 12 208 113 0,1695%
75 South Sudan 11 902 933 0,1652%
76 Cuba 11 422 812 0,1586%
77 Belgium 11 368 207 0,1578%
78 Greece 11 156 804 0,1549%
79 Tunisia 11 050 715 0,1534%
80 Bolivia 11 011 879 0,1529%
81 Somalia 10 969 866 0,1523%
82 Benin 10 763 725 0,1494%
83 Rwanda 10 701 437 0,1485%
84 Dominican Republic 10 693 169 0,1484%
85 Czech 10 676 634 0,1482%
86 Burundi 10 586 967 0,1470%
87 Haiti 10 565 624 0,1467%
88 Portugal 10 531 516 0,1462%
89 Hungary 9 983 215 0,1386%
90 Sweden 9 749 079 0,1353%
91 Azerbaijan 9 581 315 0,1330%
92 Belarus 9 579 315 0,1330%
93 Serbia 9 572 593 0,1329%
94 Austria 8 612 001 0,1195%
95 Tajikistan 8 309 615 0,1153%
96 Switzerland 8 240 904 0,1144%
97 Israel 8 236 215 0,1143%
98 Papua New Guinea 7 580 323 0,1052%
99 Honduras 7 522 215 0,1044%
100 Bulgaria 7 301 892 0,1014%
101 Hong Kong (PRC) 7 192 515 0,0998%
102 Paraguay 6 728 846 0,0934%
103 Jordan 6 699 315 0,0930%
104 Eritrea 6 592 391 0,0915%
105 Salvador 6 439 967 0,0894%
106 Laos 6 405 015 0,0889%
107 Libya 6 309 667 0,0876%
108 Sierra Leone 6 261 597 0,0869%
109 Togo 6 247 370 0,0867%
110 Nicaragua 6 127 260 0,0850%
111 Kyrgyzstan 5 919 315 0,0822%
112 Denmark 5 683 450 0,0789%
113 Finland 5 528 715 0,0767%
114 Slovakia 5 468 223 0,0759%
115 Singapore 5 368 615 0,0745%
116 Turkmenistan 5 363 386 0,0744%
117 Norway 5 222 115 0,0725%
118 Lebanon 5 022 129 0,0697%
119 UAE 4 856 465 0,0674%
120 CAR 4 765 418 0,0661%
121 Ireland 4 660 244 0,0647%
122 Republic of the Congo 4 581 809 0,0636%
123 New Zealand 4 562 615 0,0633%
124 Georgia 4 513 715 0,0627%
125 State of Palestine 4 443 764 0,0617%
126 Costa Rica 4 324 927 0,0600%
127 Croatia 4 269 915 0,0593%
128 Liberia 4 213 215 0,0585%
129 Mauritania 3 913 215 0,0543%
130 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 859 592 0,0536%
131 Puerto Rico (USA) 3 749 004 0,0520%
132 Moldova 3 580 815 0,0497%
133 Kuwait 3 502 586 0,0486%
134 Panama 3 429 028 0,0476%
135 Uruguay 3 227 007 0,0448%
136 Armenia 3 128 764 0,0434%
137 Lithuania 2 954 075 0,0410%
138 Albania 2 854 956 0,0396%
139 Oman 2 796 694 0,0388%
140 Mongolia 2 760 015 0,0383%
141 Jamaica 2 729 015 0,0379%
142 Namibia 2 371 203 0,0329%
143 Lesotho 2 120 726 0,0294%
144 Slovenia 2 098 085 0,0291%
145 Macedonia 2 088 984 0,0290%
146 Botswana 2 061 802 0,0286%
147 Latvia 2 013 515 0,0279%
148 Gambia 1 932 169 0,0268%
149 Guinea-Bissau 1 769 013 0,0246%
150 Gabon 1 720 509 0,0239%
151 Qatar 1 708 650 0,0237%
152 Trinidad and Tobago 1 326 929 0,01842%
153 Estonia 1 318 034 0,01830%
154 Mauritius 1 298 004 0,01802%
155 Swaziland 1 269 919 0,01763%
156 Bahrain 1 236 786 0,01717%
157 East Timor 1 068 624 0,01483%
158 Fiji 889 242 0,01234%
159 Djibouti 888 528 0,01233%
160 Cyprus 860 215 0,01194%
161 Reunion (France) 830 796 0,01153%
162 Equatorial Guinea 780 276 0,01083%
163 Butane 767 767 0,01066%
164 Comoros 753 653 0,01046%
165 Guyana 736 769 0,01023%
166 Montenegro 625 550 0,008683%
167 Macau (PRC) 608 715 0,008449%
168 SADR 586 861 0,008146%
169 Solomon islands 574 080 0,007969%
170 Luxembourg 550 895 0,007647%
171 Suriname 545 140 0,007567%
172 Cape Verde 504 852 0,007008%
173 Malta 426 599 0,005921%
174 Brunei 424 420 0,005891%
175 Guadeloupe (France) 405 850 0,005633%
176 Martinique (France) 393 506 0,005462%
177 Bahamas 383 786 0,005327%
178 Maldives 352 787 0,004897%
179 Iceland 326 886 0,004537%
180 Belize 323 668 0,004493%
181 Barbados 287 281 0,003988%
182 French Polynesia (France) 281 050 0,003901%
183 New Caledonia (France) 261 039 0,003623%
184 Vanuatu 259 516 0,003602%
185 Guiana (France) 238 764 0,003314%
186 Mayotte (France) 229 285 0,003183%
187 Sao Tome and Principe 199 097 0,002764%
188 Samoa 193 046 0,002680%
189 Saint Lucia 184 813 0,002565%
190 Guam (USA) 168 761 0,002343%
191 Curaçao (Nida) 150 894 0,002094%
192 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 110 586 0,001535%
193 Virgin Islands (US) 108 007 0,001499%
194 Grenada 107 518 0,001492%
195 Tonga 106 997 0,001485%
196 Kiribati 104 657 0,001453%
197 micronesia 104 618 0,001452%
198 Aruba (Nid.) 104 146 0,001446%
199 Jersey (UK) 98 572 0,001368%
200 Seychelles 94 021 0,001305%
201 Antigua and Barbuda 91 618 0,001272%
202 Isle of Man (UK) 87 190 0,001210%
203 Andorra 76 813 0,001066%
204 Dominica 73 056 0,001014%
205 Bermuda (UK) 66 176 0,000919%
206 Guernsey (UK) 63 800 0,000886%
207 Cayman Islands (UK) 59 941 0,000832%
208 Greenland (Denmark) 57 679 0,000801%
209 American Samoa (USA) 55 835 0,000775%
210 Saint Kitts and Nevis 55 304 0,000768%
211 Northern Mariana Islands (USA) 55 046 0,000764%
212 Marshall Islands 53 287 0,000740%
213 Faroe Islands (Denmark) 48 674 0,000676%
214 Monaco 38 581 0,000536%
215 Sint Maarten (Nid.) 37 944 0,000527%
216 Liechtenstein 37 644 0,000523%
217 Saint Martin (France) 36 801 0,000511%
218 Turks and Caicos (UK) 34 251 0,000475%
219 San Marino 32 152 0,000446%
220 Gibraltar (UK) 30 516 0,000424%
221 Virgin Islands (Brit.) 29 077 0,000404%
222 Aland Islands (Finland) 28 717 0,000399%
223 Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (Nid.) 23 511 0,000326%
224 Palau 21 312 0,000296%
225 Cook Islands (New Zealand) 20 947 0,000291%
226 Anguilla (UK) 14 675 0,000204%
227 Wallis and Futuna (France) 13 421 0,000186%
228 Nauru 10 296 0,000143%
229 Tuvalu 9 989 0,000139%
230 Saint Barthelemy (France) 9 130 0,000127%
231 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) 6 175 0,0000857%
232 Montserrat (UK) 5 230 0,0000726%
233 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 4 155 0,0000577%
234 Falkland Islands (UK) 3 087 0,0000428%
235 Svalbard (Norway) 2 690 0,0000373%
236 Norfolk Island (Australia) 2 337 0,0000324%
237 Christmas Island (Australia) 2 087 0,0000290%
238 Tokelau (New Zealand) 1 426 0,0000198%
239 Niue (New Zealand) 1 317 0,0000183%
240 Vatican 803 0,0000111%
241 Cocos Islands (Australia) 560 0,0000078%
242 Pitcairn Islands (UK) 60 0,00000083%

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