Outdoor games. My cheerful, sonorous ball


Card file of outdoor games for the first junior group.

"Here sits our dog Barbos"

Purpose: development of motor activity, coordination in children of early and younger preschool age.

An adult sit on a chair, he has a toy dog ​​in his hands, she is “sleeping”. Adult says:

Here sits our dog Barbos,

He hid his black nose in his paws.

(children approach the dog)

Well, Barbos, get up quickly!

And catch up with Natasha!

An adult runs after the children with the words “Bow-wow”.

"Cloud and sun"

Purpose: development of motor activity, coordination in children of early and younger preschool age, to cause pleasure from joint actions.

The cloud covered the sun

Wet our kids!

Come on, everyone run here,

I will cover you with an umbrella!

The teacher pronounces the words of the game, while opening the umbrella. Invites the baby to hide under it. Remove umbrella:

The cloud hid behind the forest,

The sun is watching from heaven

And so clean, warm, radiant.

Jump and run with the children around the room. Repeat this game 2-3 times.

Bear and children

Purpose: To teach to run in one direction, to act in accordance with the words of an adult; cause pleasure from joint actions; encourage children to be independent.

The teacher says the words:

The bear walked through the forest, He searched for a long, long time,

The bear was looking for children, He sat down on the grass, dozed off.

The bear walks around the group and pretends to be looking for the children. Then he sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and takes a nap. The teacher says:

The children began to dance

Bear, bear, get up

They started banging their feet.

Catch up with our kids.

Under these words, the children run around the room, stomp their feet, perform movements as they wish.


Purpose: To teach to move in a certain direction, to coordinate actions with other children; inspire a sense of confidence and opportunities; encourage independent action.

The game can be played while singing the following song:

Here is our train going, He took the guys

Wheels are knocking, Far, far away.

And in this train But here is the stop,

The guys are sitting. Who wants to get down?

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo! Get up guys

The locomotive is running Let's go for a walk!

Far, far away.

After these words, the children scatter around the group or area. At the signal of an adult, they stand one after another, depicting wagons.

I love my horse

Purpose: To learn to run at a gallop; develop attention, learn to act on a signal; develop imagination, imitation.

Game content. Children imitate riders. To the words from the poem by A. Barto “I love my horse, I will comb her hair smoothly, I will smooth the tail with a comb ...” they stroke, comb their horses. To the words “And I’ll go on horseback to visit ...” they gallop (if they still don’t know how, then how can they). The adult first acts with the children, and they imitate him. Then the children act independently, and the adult encourages them.

sun bunnies

Purpose: To increase motor activity, develop dexterity; evoke positive emotions from the actions taken.

Runaways are jumping - Jump, jump in the corners,

Sunny bunnies Were there - and they are not there.

We call them - they don't go. Where are the bunnies? Gone.

Were here - and they are not here. We didn't find them anywhere.

In accordance with the words of the text, children beckon bunnies, spread their arms to the sides, jump after the sun bunnies. An adult directs the bunnies in different directions of the room.


Goals: Enrich motor experience; encourage children to follow the elementary rules of the game; encourage independence; cause a feeling of pleasure from communicating with an adult and peers, as well as from performing movements.

Material. Caps or emblems with the image of birds.

Note. At first, the adult does all the actions with the children. When children remember the game, an adult can use words to guide the actions of children.

My cheerful, sonorous ball

Purpose: To teach children to jump on two legs; learn to listen carefully to the text, act on a signal; evoke a sense of joy from action.

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Don't chase you!

Children imitate the movements of the ball, jump on the spot. To the words "Do not keep up with you!" children run from an adult who is catching up with them. Children who cannot jump make a "spring".

Bunny in the house

Purpose: To exercise children in jumping, to encourage them to act on a signal.

Birds in nests

Purpose: To teach to jump from a small height, to run in all directions; develop attention.

The adult says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains.” Bird children jump or descend from elevations, fly, flap their wings, squat, peck grains. At the signal of an adult, "It's raining!" the birds fly to their nests.

When the children have mastered the game, instead of the words “It's raining!”, the adult opens the umbrella, and the bird children hide their nests at this signal.

At the bear in the forest

Target:. Improve running in one and different voltages; develop imagination; encourage independent action by the child.

Children live on the opposite side of the forest. The teacher says: "Come on, children, go for a walk in the forest, pick mushrooms, pick berries." Children go to the forest, imitating picking mushrooms and berries. The teacher reads the poem:

In the bear's forest And the bear is sitting

I take mushrooms, berries, And growls at us.

When the teacher says the last line, the bear runs out of the den with a growl, and the children run home.

catch up with the ball

Purpose: To improve running in different directions; cause revival, joy in a child; encourage independence.


Purpose: To teach to navigate in space; develop the ability to run in different directions; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

Game content. An adult attracts the attention of children with the sound of a bell, shows it to the children, rings them and quickly hides them behind their backs (repeat this several times). Children can say: "Ding-ding." Then the adult runs in the opposite direction, ringing the bell and singing: "I'm running, running, running, I'm ringing the bell." Having reached the opposite side of the room, the adult quickly turns around, squats down, hides the bell behind him, spreads his arms wide and says: “Everyone run here to me, find my bell.”

The child, who came running earlier than the others and found the bell, rings and gives it to an adult. The game is repeated. An adult gives everyone the opportunity to ring the bell.


Goals:. Learn to move while maintaining direction; perform actions in different conditions; maintain interest in movements; develop attention, the ability to act in a team; consolidate ideas about the color, shape of the object; evoke a sense of joy from communicating with adults and peers.

Material. Breast emblems depicting cars (according to the number of players), tracks of various types, circles, squares, triangles made of cardboard (garage).

On a flat path

Objectives: To exercise children in walking on a limited surface; develop balance; strengthen the foot learn to act rhythmically, coordinating actions with the rhythm of the poem; encourage independence, maintain confidence in their actions.

Material. Tracks of different lengths (1-2.5 m) and widths (15-30-60 cm); soft, hard, winding path 2 m long, 30-40 cm wide.

1. On a flat path, (They walk along the path.)

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One-two, one-two.

2. By pebbles, by pebbles, (Jump.)

By pebbles, by pebbles

One-two, one-two.

3. On a flat path

On a flat path.

Our legs are tired

Our legs are tired.

Here is our home

We live in it.(They stop.)

Game variant. Instead of a flat path, you can take a winding, short, long, narrow, wide, soft, hard path. Then, in accordance with the quality of the track, the text changes, for example: “Our legs are walking along the soft track ...”, etc.

Snowflakes are spinning

Goals: Develop balance; evoke feelings of joy and pleasure.

Game content. Children depict snowflakes. The adult says: “Here the snowflakes descended from the sky to the ground.” Snowflakes fly around the group and squat down. To the words of an adult, “Suddenly the wind blew, lifted them into the air and whirled!” snowflakes rise and swirl slowly at first. The adult says: "But now the wind is blowing stronger and stronger." Children spin more strongly, but each at their own pace. At the signal of an adult, “Here the wind began to subside!” slow down and squat down.

Gingerbread man is rolling

Goals: Develop large muscles of the body; unload the spine; cause a feeling of pleasure from the movements performed.

Get into the hoop

Objectives: To teach to throw at a target, to maintain the direction of the throw; cause pleasure from the performed movement.


Objectives: Encourage children to act on words; learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children; develop imitation; encourage independence, initiative of children.

Game content. Children pretend to be cowardly mice. Not a word from an adult (children can repeat) “The mice came out somehow early, see what time it is” the mice walk around the group. “One-two, three-four, the mice pulled the weights” - the mice imitate the movement of their hands. “Suddenly there was a terrible ringing (you can ring the bell, hit the tambourine), the mice ran away” - the children run away. Children should try to act in accordance with the words of an adult.


Objectives: Improve running in combination with hand action; cause the need to imitate; enjoy collaborative activities.

Adult. Geese-geese!

Children. Ha-ha-ha!

Adult. Do you want to eat?

Children. Yes Yes Yes!


Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings!

Baby geese fly. Then the adult says:

Gray wolf under the mountain, he won't let you go home!

The geese run to their place.

Children pretending to be wolves are catching geese.

Target: teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Description. Children stand on one side of the playground, next to them is a teacher with a ball in his hands. He shows how easily and high the ball bounces if it is beaten off with the hand, accompanying the actions with the words:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you jump off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase after you.

Then the teacher invites the children to jump, while hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he says: “Now I’ll catch up!” Children stop jumping and run away. The teacher pretends to catch them. The teacher, without using the ball, invites the children to perform jumps, while he himself raises and lowers his hand above the heads of the children, as if hitting the balls.

Mobile game "It's snowing"

Target: to teach to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; exercise children in running, making turns around themselves.

The teacher reads the poem:

White fluffy snow is spinning in the air,

And quietly falls to the ground, lies down.

Children run around in circles.

Mobile game "Sun and rain"

Target: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

Description. Children squat down behind the line indicated by the teacher. The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children run around the playground. To the signal: “Rain! Hurry home!” - run for the designated line and squat down. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk" and the game is repeated.

Mobile game "Airplanes"

Target: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving on the verbal signal.

Description. The teacher invites the children to prepare for the “flight”, having previously shown how to “start” the engine and how to “fly”. The teacher says: “Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!" - children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest and pronounce the sound: “Rrr”. After the teacher's signal: "Let's fly!" - children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and “fly” - scatter in different directions. At the signal of the educator: "To land!" - The children sit on the bench.

Mobile game "Bubble"

Target: to teach children to become in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Description. Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says:

Inflate, bubble, inflate, big,

Stay like this and don't break.

The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!”, Then they lower their hands and squat down, while saying: “Clap!” You can also invite the children after the words: “Bubble burst” to move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound: “Shhh” (air comes out). Then the children “inflate” the bubble again - they step back, forming a large circle.

Mobile game "Snowflakes and wind"

Target: development of children's imagination, attentiveness, ability to play in a team; exercise in running, making turns around yourself, in squats.

The teacher says the words:

Now I'll take a look:

Who knows how to have fun

Who is not afraid of frost.

The teacher - "wind" imitates the blow of the wind, and the children - "snowflakes" move around the site, depicting the flight of snowflakes. Children hide (sit down) when the teacher stops blowing.

Some tasks:

Summarize children's knowledge about different types of balls and their use in sports;
- to consolidate the technique of possession of different types of balls;
- to consolidate the ability to perform game actions with the ball in the team;
- to consolidate the ability to apply various movements with the ball in the game.

Materials and equipment:

Balls: basketball, volleyball, stuffed, football;
- two basketball hoops;
- two low gates;
- rubber balls;
- objects for landmarks (cubes, skittles, colored tape);
- minutes for the jury;
- medals for awarding.


Participants of the holiday stand at their starting positions.

Leading. Are the teams ready for the parade?

Children. Ready.

Leading. Parade open!

Under the sports march, the participants of the holiday go to their places according to the markings.


Guys, today we have a Ball Day. The ball is one of the favorite children's toys. That is why he became the hero of many poems. Let's remember them together. I'll start, and you help together.

My cheerful, sonorous ball,
Where did you jump off to?
Red, yellow, blue…
(Don't chase you!)


Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanechka, don't cry...
(The ball will not sink in the river.)

(A. Barto)

The ball, guys, appeared a very long time ago, in ancient times. At first, the ball was woven from grass and palm leaves, then it was made from the fruits of trees and animal hair. Later they began to sew from the skin of animals, and then they learned to make it from rubber.
Now it is a very popular sports equipment. What sports use a ball?

Children. They play football, basketball, volleyball, rugby with the ball.

Leading. Today you are expected to compete with the ball.

To the sports ground
The merry ball called us,
For everyone to be friends with him
And he became stronger and stronger.

Teams! Ready for the show?

Children. Ready!

Teams take turns going to the middle of the court and introducing themselves.

All team members. We are a team "…".

Team captain. Our motto - …

All team members say the motto.

Leading. Our competitions will be evaluated by a strict but fair jury. (Introduction by the senior referee of the competition, members of the jury.) The floor is given to the members of the jury. (Wishing good luck, success, etc.)

Leading. I declare the ball festival open. Any competition begins with a warm-up. Count on the first or second! Second numbers, three steps forward!

To the music, the children perform a warm-up.

Leading. The workout is over. We start the competition. Teams take their places according to the draw.

relay races

Relay "Jumping on hop balls"

Carlson meets the children.

Carlson. Hello kids! You recognized me? I am Carlson, who lives on the roof. I love jumping balls. And you? Now let's check. You must jump to the line on the balls, and return back running (the ball is in your hands).

During the relay race, the judge evaluates the time for passing the distance and the quality of the jumps.

Carlson. Well done!

Relay race "Throwing the ball"

Children are met by Dunno. The children of each team stand in a column one after the other.

Dunno. Hello guys! You recognized me? Me and my shorty friends in Flower City love to play volleyball. In this game, the most important thing is to throw the ball correctly and catch the ball deftly. Can you do that? This is how we will play: the team captain stands in a hoop (distance 2 m) and throws the ball to you from below with both hands. You catch the ball and throw it back to the captain. The one who caught and threw the ball to the captain stands at the end of the column. And the captain throws the ball to the next player on the team.

The referee evaluates the time for passing the distance and the quality of throwing and catching the ball.

Dunno. Well done! You did an excellent job with my task. The next stage of the competition is waiting for you.

Relay "Bouncing the ball"

Baba Yaga meets children.

Baba Yaga. Choo-choo-choo! It smelled of Russian spirit. Good fellows and red girls came to me. Aren't you afraid to please my oven? Well, if you are so brave, do my task. Hitting the ball on the floor, you need to reach the line, and return back running.

The referee evaluates the time for passing the distance and the quality of hitting the ball.

Baba Yaga. Well done! You have completed my difficult task. The next stage of the competition is waiting for you.

Relay "Jumping with the ball between the knees"

Petrushka meets the children.

Parsley. Hello guys! I am Petrushka, a fun toy! I like to run and play like a kangaroo, jump with a ball. Can you do that?

Parsley explains the rules of the relay. Children, holding the ball with their knees, jump to the line (5 m) and run back.
The judge evaluates the time of passing the distance and the quality of the task.

Parsley. Well done! You have completed the task. The next stage of the competition is waiting for you.

Relay "Roll the ball with a snake and hit the goal"

Doctor Aibolit meets children.

Aibolit. Hello guys! You are healthy? Are there any sick people among you? Perhaps you are friends with sports? I invite you to play my favorite game - football. You must roll the ball between the pins (4 pieces), stop at the line, aim and score the ball into the goal.

The distance from the line to the goal is 2 m. An adult assistant stands behind the goal, catches the ball and gives it to the player, and he runs back with the ball and passes the ball to the next player. The referee evaluates the time of passing the distance and the number of hits on the goal.

Aibolit. Well done! You did great. The next stage of the competition is waiting for you.

After completing all the relay races, the competitors return to their starting positions. The judges sum up.

Leading. Well done boys! You have completed all the tasks! The tasks were not only interesting, but also very useful, because you went in for sports! And our cheerful, sonorous ball helped us in this! Let's play another game, this time a word game.

Word game yes or no

The leader calls a sports game. If a ball is needed for it, then the children say “yes”, if the ball is not used in this sport, the children say “no”.

Leading. The word for summing up is given to the judges.

Teams are awarded in three categories:

    The fastest team

    The smartest team

    The most accurate team.

Leading. The ball festival is over. Dear children and respected adults, go in for sports and be healthy!

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Photo from the archive of the education department of Kolomna

The most common form of eye pathology in preschool children is strabismus and amblyopia. They are characterized by varying degrees of visual impairment.

Searching for effective ways to develop the mobility of the visual analyzer in children with strabismus and amblyopia, we drew attention to the fact that a ball is a favorite toy for many children. Preschoolers are happy to follow his movements, participating in various games. There are no special outdoor games and exercises with a ball for visually impaired children. The guys play the same games as normal-seeing preschoolers, but the organization of games has certain specifics.

We bring to your attention a card file of outdoor games and exercises with a ball that can be used in the joint activities of teachers with children suffering from strabismus and amblyopia. These games can be recommended for physical education instructors, typhoid teachers, educators and parents.

The card index is easy to use in work: it must be printed and cut into cards that are convenient to take with you for a walk or to the gym.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. To improve the skill of repulsing the ball, to learn to navigate in space, to develop gaze fixation, to activate the tracing function of the eye.

Move. Children squat on the floor in a circle. The teacher (adult) gives one of the participants in the game a ball-Kolobok (eyes, nose, mouth are drawn or glued on it) and reads a poem.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

You have a rosy side.

You roll on the floor

And Katyusha (guys) smile!

At the request of the teacher (adult) (“Katya, roll the ball to Dima”), the girl rolls the ball with both hands to the named participant. He, having received the ball, rolls it to another child, who was called by name, etc.

Rules: the ball must be pushed harder so that it reaches the other participant in the game, and the ball that has rolled out of the circle must be served.

Dosage: each child rolls the ball 2-3 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. To learn to roll the ball in a straight direction, to repel it vigorously, to develop the ability to navigate in space, to activate the tracing function of the eye.

Move. A child with a ball in his hands comes to the designated place (cord, strip of plaster, colored circle) and performs actions in accordance with the poetic text.

Our cheerful, sonorous ball(pushing the ball with both hands)

We'll drive far(looks where he went)

And now let's catch him. (runs after the ball, catches up with him.)

This is easy for us to do!(raises the ball over his head: “Caught!”)

Depending on the diameter of the ball, the child can roll it with one hand, alternating the right and left hands if the ball is small (5-8 cm in diameter) or with both hands if it is large (18-20 cm in diameter).

Rules: the child looks ahead before rolling the ball. Does not run after the ball immediately, but waits for a speech signal.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-5 years old

Target. To develop elementary skills of hitting the ball on the target, the ability to vigorously push the ball in a given direction, to develop gaze fixation.

Move. The teacher (adult) puts two or three skittles at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the child, gives him a big ball.

The child squats, leans over, puts his feet slightly wider than his shoulders in the place indicated by the adult (colored circle or cord), rolls the ball forward with both hands, trying to knock down the skittles. Then he follows him, picks him up and returns.

The teacher (adult) accompanies his show with the following words:

Look at the skittles.(teacher points to skittles)

They stand exactly in a row!

We will send the ball to them skillfully(pushing the ball with both hands)

And they are already there!(points to knocked down skittles)

Rules: vigorously push the ball away with both hands, look ahead - at the pins.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. Develop dexterity, visual-motor coordination.

Move. Children take balls of different colors and freely position themselves around the room. An adult with children says:

These are not crackers:

The guns fired.

People dance and sing.

Fireworks in the sky!(children throw balls and catch them).

At the signal of an adult: “The fireworks are over!” children stop throwing balls up.

Rules: you can throw the ball up only after the command "Salute".

Dosage: 3-4 times.

THEM. Votolkina "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"


for children 3 - 5 years old

Target. Develop speed of reaction, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination.

Move. Children with balls in their hands line up on the starting line in a line. The teacher says the words:

All the balls rolled, rolled. Children throw balls over their heads and run after them.

Here the balls jumped, played out They jump on two legs in place with balls in their hands.

Our bright balls, colorful balls.

Balls run into the corner, run away. Children run to the starting line.

Balls are hidden there, they are resting. They squat down.

Rules: act according to the text of the poem.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. Develop orientation in space, expand the visual field.

Move. Children stand at one end of the hall facing the teacher. The teacher shows the ball and says that they must find it. The one who finds it should go up to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and move back to his place, and the game will continue until all the children find the ball.

Then the teacher invites everyone to turn their faces to the wall and close their eyes, and at this time he hides the ball. At the signal "Done!" children open their eyes and spread around the room in search of a ball. At the end of the game, the one who first saw the ball is noted, as well as those children who showed the greatest restraint, observation, and quick wit.

Option: whoever finds the ball first with the teacher hides it, and the children look for it.

Rules: the one who finds it should go up to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and move back to his place.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

L.I. Penzulaeva "Physical training with children 3 - 4 years old".


for children 4-6 years old

Target. Develop dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

Move. The adult says:

Kach, kach, kach. Children take balls and stand in a circle.

We want to play ball

From the basket where the toys are

Get him quickly

And play with everyone get up

Kach, kach, kach. Children throw the ball with both hands

Let's throw the ball high! up and catch him .

And then we'll catch him

And let's throw it up again.

Just hold on to our ball.

Kach, kach, kach. Throw the ball with both hands on the floor

We'll hit the ball on the floor! and they catch him.

And then we'll catch him

And let's hit the bottom again.

Just hold on to our ball.

Kach, kach, kach.

Tired poor ball. The children put the balls in the basket.

Rolled into a corner.

And quietly fell silent.

Rules: perform movements according to the text.

Dosage: 2-3 times.


for children 3-5 years old

Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, fixation of the gaze.

Move. Children stand in a circle, an adult in the center. He throws the ball and catches it back, saying: “Catch, throw, don’t fall!”.

The text is pronounced slowly in order to have time to catch and throw the ball. The distance gradually increases: from 1 to 2 m or more.

Rules: catch the ball without pressing it to the chest; throw accurately to an adult with both hands in accordance with the rhythm of the spoken words.

Complication: Children stand in pairs and throw the ball to each other.

Dosage: 30 sec.


for children 4-5 years old


Move. The ball school is a system of exercises. Exercises are selected simple, affordable. Children perform them in a certain sequence.

1. Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

2. Throw the ball up, clap your hands and then catch it.

3. Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands.

4. Hit the ball on the ground, clap your hands and then catch it.

5. Hit the ball against the wall (or shield) and catch it with both hands (see picture)

6. Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and then catch it.

7. Hit the ball against the wall. After he falls to the ground and bounces, catch him with both hands.

8. Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and, when the ball hits the ground, bounces, catch it.

T.I. Osokin "Games and entertainment for childrenon air"


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, fixation of the gaze.

Move. The players stand in a circle, throw, catch and hit the balls, reading verses:

Multicolored fast ball Children throw the ball up and catch it.

Without hesitation jumps, jumps.

Often, often, low, low. They hit the ground.

From the ground to the hand so close.

SkokAndjump, jumpAndlope, Throw up and catch.

Notget the ceiling.

SkokAndjump, knockAndknock, They hit the ground.

You will not leavefrom our hands.

Rules: throw, hit and catch the ball rhythmically, in accordance with the text of the verse.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

E.N. Vavilova "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw"


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.

Exercise group 1.

1) Throw the ball up and catch with both hands.

2) Throw the ball up and catch with one right hand.

3) Throw the ball up and catch with one left hand.

4) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with both hands (fig)

5) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with one right hand.

6) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with one left hand.

If the child, while doing the exercises, drops the ball, he passes it to another player and waits for his turn. If he completes all these exercises, then he repeats them with claps.

Exercise group 2(near the wall).

1) Hit the ball against the wall and catch it with both hands.

2) Hit the ball against the wall and catch with one hand.

3) Hit the ball against the wall and catch with one left hand.

4) Hit the ball against the wall; after he falls to the ground and bounces, catch him with both hands.

5) Hit the ball against the wall; after he falls and bounces, catch him with one right, then left hand.

All of these exercises can be done with claps.

T.I. Osokin "Games and entertainment for children in the air"


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. One of the players has a ball in his hands. At the command of the teacher, the child begins to throw the ball, calling by name the person to whom he throws the ball. The ball must be caught. Whoever dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and performs any exercise with the ball.

Rules: The ball is thrown through the center of the circle. If the player drops the ball during the exercise, he is given an additional task.

Dosage: 2 - 3 min.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, visual-motor coordination, touch.

Move. The players form a circle. The leader is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle, and the rest move tightly towards each other, hands behind everyone.

An adult gives someone a ball (diameter 6-8 cm), and the children pass it around behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: "Hands!" - and the one being addressed should put forward both hands, palms up, as if showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver has guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the one who has the ball starts to drive.

Rules: try to pass the ball behind your back so that the driver does not guess; to whom the driver is addressing must show his hands.

Dosage: 2- 3 times.

L.I. Penzulaeva "Physical training with children 5-6 years old"


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop speed qualities, orientation in space, fixation of the gaze, eye.

Move. Children stand in a circle, pass the ball from hand to hand, saying: One, two, three - take the ball as soon as possible!

Four, five, six - here he is, here he is!

Seven, eight, nine - throw who knows how.

The last one to whom the ball hit says: “I!”, goes into the middle and throws the ball, trying to knock down the children running to the sides.

Rules: pass the ball, precisely coordinating the movements with the rhythm of the spoken words; the one who is stained by the ball misses one round of the game; throw the ball, aiming at the legs.

Dosage: 3-4 times.

E.N. Vavilova "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw"


for children 5-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, visual-motor coordination.

Move. They play together. Two players are located opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m and throw the ball between them. The third one stands between them and tries to catch the ball or at least touch it with his hand. If this succeeds, he changes places with the one who threw the ball. You can invite children to perform some movement before throwing: throw the ball up, down, catch it, dribble in place, etc.


Dosage: 2-3 times.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. To form ball possession skills, dexterity, fine motor skills of hands.

Move. The children are on the playground. Everyone plays with the ball, performing actions of their choice: throws up and on the ground, hits the ball on the spot and in motion; throws the ball against the wall, into the basket. After the teacher's signal, everyone must quickly raise the ball up.

Rules: play with the ball without interfering with comrades, find a free place on the court; A player who fails to pick up the ball at the signal receives a penalty point.

Dosage: 2-3 min.

E.N. Vavilova "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw"


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop speed qualities, orientation in space, eye.

Move. On the site (in the gym) a circle is indicated. The players are divided into two teams: "hunters" and "animals". The animals stand in a circle, and the hunters are distributed around the circle. One of the hunters has a ball. On a signal, the hunters “shoot” - they throw the ball at the animals (at the feet of the children). The animals in the circle dodge the ball (step aside, jump, etc.). Hunters catch the ball and continue to throw it at the animals. On a signal, the hunt stops and the number of animals caught is counted. Then the teams change places.

Rules: those animals who have been “shot down” step aside.

Dosage: 4 times.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. The players are divided into two teams. Teams are placed on different sides of the site. A net or cord is stretched in the middle of the site. Each player has a ball in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the balls with their right and left hands over the net or cord. After the second signal, the throwing of balls stops and the number of balls on the playing field for both teams is counted. Whoever has fewer balls, that team won.

Rules: throw the balls over the top of the cord, after the signal, finish throwing the balls.

Dosage: 4 times.

A.I. Fomina "Physical training and sports games in kindergarten"


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop auditory attention, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination.

Move. The players become in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle with a small ball. He tosses the ball up (or hits it hard on the ground) and says someone's name. The child who was named runs after the ball, the rest scatter in different directions. As soon as the named child picks up the ball, he shouts: “Stop!”. All players must stop and stand still where the team found them. The driver tries to hit someone with the ball. The one to whom the ball is thrown can dodge, squat, bounce without leaving the spot. If the driver misses, then he runs after the ball again, and everyone scatters. Taking the ball, the driver again shouts: “Stop!” - and tries to overpower one of the players. Salted becomes the new driver, the game continues.

Rules: the one at whom the ball is thrown must dodge, squat, bounce without leaving the spot.

Dosage: 1-2 min.

A.I. Fomina "Physical training and sports games in kindergarten"


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction to a signal.

Move. Children walk or run around the playground. An adult holds a ball in his hands. He calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. The named one must catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name of one of the children. Throw the ball should not be too high and in the direction of the child, whose name is called.

Rules: listen to the signal.

Dosage: 2-3 min.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sport games and exercises in kindergarten".


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. Children are united in 2-3 groups, each forms its own circle with a diameter of 4-5 m. In the center of each circle is the leader with the ball. At the signal of the teacher, the presenters alternately throw the ball to their players, trying not to drop it, and get it back.

When the ball goes around all the players in the circle, the leader lifts it up. The team that drops the ball the fewest times wins.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sport games and exercises in kindergarten".


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop gross motor skills, visual attention, eye.

Move. Children become in a circle. An adult gives two children standing in different places a ball. Then he says: "The ball is in pursuit!" - and the children simultaneously begin to pass them on to their comrades. If one ball catches up with the other, that is, both are in the hands of one child, then he leaves the game for a while. The teacher gives the balls to other children and the game continues.

Rules: the ball is passed on a signal, without passing the players.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sport games and exercises in kindergarten".


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop coordination skills, dexterity, eye.

Move. Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 1.5 m from one another. For one of them, players become one by one in a column (5 - 6 people). Behind the other line, in front of them, the driver becomes. He throws the ball to the first child in the column; he, having caught the ball, returns it to the driver and runs to the end of the column. At this time, the second child moves to the line and repeats the same movements. If the child standing in the column did not catch the ball, the driver throws the ball to him again until he catches it. When all the children throw the ball, a new driver is selected.

The game can be played with an element of competition. In this case, it is convenient for the players to stand in two columns and choose two leaders. Success depends on children's ability to throw and catch the ball. If the player drops the ball, the driver throws it again, but because of this, the column loses time and may lose.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sport games and exercises in kindergarten".


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, develop the speed of reaction to a signal, train visual concentration on a given subject.

Move. Children form several teams, each team chooses a captain. Teams stand in columns behind the start line. The captain of each team with the ball in his hands stands opposite his team at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from it.

At the signal of the teacher, the captain passes the ball to the first player in the column, who catches it, passes it back to the captain and crouches. The captain in the same way passes the ball to the second, then to the third and all other players. Each player, after passing the ball to the captain, crouches. When the ball is passed to the captain by the last player, the captain lifts the ball up over his head and the whole team quickly stands up. The team that completes the task first wins. If the player did not catch the ball, then he is obliged to run after it, return to his place and pass the ball to the captain.

colossus love
Sports game "My cheerful sonorous ball!" (middle group)

Mahina L. L.

Educator MBDOU MO Krasnodar

"Center - Kindergarten No. 23"


1. Introduce children to skills in ball games;

2. To develop positive emotions in children from playing with the ball;

3. Cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle, strengthening one's health, active ball games.


whistle, shell with balls (red and yellow, two baskets, large balls sports.


Guys, today we have gathered for sports game, and her name "My fun ringing ball» . We will be with you today play in a variety of ball games.

Today, all the children of the garden have gathered on the site

Let's run, jump with balls from the heart.

We start the warm-up standing in place.

Warm up:

Children stand in front of the leader and say the words "Like this!" and show movements in accordance with the text that the presenter pronounces.

Text Children pronounce and show

How are you? Like this! (show thumb)

How are you swimming? Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you going? Like this! (walking in place)

Are you looking into the distance? Like this! (put hand to forehead)

Are you following? Like this! (waving hand)

How are you kidding? Like this! (hitting fists on puffed cheeks)


Now coming out first to play with balls children 2 junior groups:

A game"Who is more likely to collect the balls?"

Now we will see how fast, agile and attentive you are. Listen carefully to the rules of the game. I have balls of two colors (red, yellow). What color is the ball? What color is this ball? At the whistle of the leader, the girls collect red balls in one basket, and the boys collect yellow balls in another basket. Let's see who can do it faster.


And now I will tell you puzzles:

1. Not offended, but inflated,

They lead him across the field.

And if they hit - you can’t keep up with (ball)

2. Hit the wall - and I will bounce.

Throw it on the ground and I'll jump.

I'm flying from palm to palm -

I don't want to lie still (ball)

3. He does not want to lie down at all,

if you drop it, it will jump.

Throw again - he will go galloping.

Did you guess? - It's a ball!


And now to play children of preparatory school are invited with balls groups:

A game"Brook with a ball"

Children line up in two columns, legs apart, pass the ball between their legs from hand to hand. The latter runs forward and transmits again. The game is on repeat until it returns to the beginning.


And now guys, our school graduates will read poems about ball:

1. My funny ball

Jumping and jumping:

Jump-jump - into the corner,

And then back.

That's how we party

Had a nice time! (N. Radchenko)

2. Multi-colored ball

Jumping along the path.

Jumping, not beating

Not in hand (T. Prokusheva)

3. The ball is jumping, jumping and jumping,

The ball jumps on the threshold.

Rides ten times in a row

From the palm and back. (G. Kuznets)


A to play children are invited with balls middle group:

A game"The ball is flying"

Children stand in a large circle, the leader from the center throws the ball in a circle. To the music, the children pass the ball, when the leader finishes the poem, the child with the ball comes out and jumps.

You roll funny ball, quickly, quickly on the hands.

Who funny ball, he bounces himself.


Senior guys groups come out to play with the ball:

A game"Catch faster"

Children line up in a column, the leader begins to throw the ball to the first one standing, the child catches and sits down, the leader throws it to another, and so on until the last child.


Guys, I urge all of you to exercise - to love, and to be friends with the ball and keep your health! On this our sports game over.

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