HSG of the fallopian tubes: preparation for the study, the procedure for conducting and the cost of diagnosis. HSG of the fallopian tubes: preparation, description of the procedure, indications and contraindications, consequences, reviews Hysterosalpingography of the uterus


The task of hysterosalpingography in gynecology is to determine the condition of the female reproductive organs. The procedure is non-invasive. But in rare cases, there are complications after.

Features of the procedure

Do a hysterosalpingography available in a medical clinic. Diagnostic rules:

    The woman lies on her back, bending her knees.

    A mirror is inserted into the vagina to separate the walls so that everything inside is visible.

    The cervix is ​​then cleaned and local anesthesia is administered.

    Next, a catheter with a balloon at the end is inserted into the vagina, which is inflated during hysterosalpingography. The catheter carries the dye into the uterus, fallopian tube, and abdomen. If the fallopian tubes are blocked, the fluid will try to stretch the tube.

    After that, the mirror is removed. The woman is placed under the x-ray machine. Images are taken with a fluoroscopy camera.

    If there are deviations and anomalies, you will have to wait about 30 minutes to receive a delayed image. They give clues about the presence of pathologies.

    Once the images are taken, the catheter is removed.

    X-rays are taken the next day of the procedure to check for scarring on the ovaries.

Watch a video on how hysterosalpingography is done:

When a potential anomaly is identified, hysterosalpingography of the uterus treatment begins immediately.

HSG of the fallopian tubes

Alarming symptoms and complications after hysterosalpingography

Women who undergo hysterosalpingography may experience minor discomfort after the procedure. Unpleasant symptoms include:

    slight vaginal bleeding;

    mild abdominal pain;

  • dizziness, in rare cases, fainting.

Attention! Do not use tampons after the examination. It is better to take a shower and avoid sexual intercourse for two days.

Uterine HSG is considered a non-invasive test with few risks. But some women may develop an infection or an allergic reaction to the contrast agent used during the procedure. You should immediately consult a doctor if symptoms appear:

  • severe abdominal pain or cramps;

  • smelly vaginal discharge;

    fever or chills

    severe vaginal bleeding;

    itching, rash or hives;

    difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Study Benefits

The benefits of hysterosalpingography are as follows:

    the procedure is less invasive, in most cases it passes without any complications;

    takes 30-45 minutes;

    helps to diagnose uterine anomalies and causes of infertility;

    opens blocked fallopian tubes;

    has no side effects.


The procedure has limitations:

    Does not detect abnormalities in the wall of the uterus, ovaries and pelvic structure.

    Not all causes of infertility are identified, such as the inability of a fertilized egg to attach to the uterine wall or an abnormal sperm count.

Alternative Methods

HSG alternatives are:

    Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia.

    Hysteroscopy - gives a detailed view of the inside of the uterus, but does not reveal a blockage in the fallopian tubes.

    Sonohysterography uses ultrasound to look at the inside of the uterus but does not see any abnormalities in the fallopian tube.

It should be remembered that hysterosalpingography is a relatively safe procedure and is often recommended, except in certain cases. If a woman has any questions about this, it is better to discuss this with the doctor in advance.

This method of studying the condition of the adnexal tubes and the uterine body in the medical language is called hysterosalpingography(from hystera - uterus (Greek) and salpinx - fallopian tube (Greek)).

The whole examination process consists in the fact that the body of the uterus and the lumen of the fallopian tubes are filled with a contrast solution, which is delivered to the body through a catheter through the vaginal passage.

After that, using such devices as: x-ray or, the gynecologist examines the state of the reproductive sphere (the contrast solution makes it possible to determine all kinds of neoplasms, adhesions, local pathological phenomena, etc.), in addition, the method allows you to determine whether the contrast passes through the tubes of the uterus to the area peritoneum.

If it passes, then the patency of the processes of the uterus without pathologies, their lumen is unobstructed.

In medical practice, there are two types of HSG - using an X-ray machine and echohysterosalpingoscopy (echo-HSG of the fallopian tubes):

  1. When operating X-ray equipment the contrast is introduced gradually, in small volumes, and the gynecologist takes a number of images one after the other.
  2. During ultrasound examination, saline solution is introduced into the uterine cavity, which performs an auxiliary therapeutic effect, for example, revealing minor adhesions. Largely due to this, after HSG ultrasound, the desired conception and pregnancy often occur, in the case when the difficulty was only in the presence of simple pathologies.

Hysterosalpingography- This is a medical manipulation that is performed to study the structure and content of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes and the presence of a lumen in the tubes.

Basically, gynecologists use hysterosalpingography to monitor the condition of the reproductive organs in such representatives of the female population who cannot become pregnant or who have previously undergone several episodes of involuntary abortion (miscarriage).

Indications for carrying out

The most important purpose of the hysterosalpingography procedure is to make an accurate diagnosis and get rid of a woman's infertility.

At the time of the GHA, the following is established:

  • Pipe permeability and the definition of the lumen, their structure is the main task of the study;
  • Identification of any abnormalities in the uterine body, including anomalies of its structure (bicornuate, saddle-shaped uterus, the presence of a septum);
  • Neoplasms, cysts, organs of the genitourinary and reproductive spheres.

In circumstances where a couple does not conceive within one year, or at much longer periods, hysterosalpingography becomes the most initial examination recommended by every gynecologist.

The absence of a lumen of the fallopian tubes occurs due to previously transferred sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation, congenital abnormalities. Hysterosalpingography also helps the gynecologist to assess the physical condition of the uterine body.


Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes

There are three ways in which .

The main one is hysterosalpingography. This study consists in x-ray - the study of the fallopian tubes.

At the beginning, a rubberized tip is introduced inside the uterine cervix, and with its help a thin rod called a cannula. A dye solution (blue) is injected through the cannula into the cavity.

After that, a picture is taken by means of the exploitation of X-rays. Which displays the general condition of the uterine body and tubes.

Other ways to study the reproductive sphere include:

  • Sonohysterosalpingography(similar methods are echohysterosalpingography, sono-, echo-, hydrosonography). This is a method with not so pronounced pain sensations as with HSG of the uterine tubes. The method is carried out by introducing a warm saline solution into the cavity of the uterine cervix using a catheter, and then visually examining the penetration of the solution through the ultrasound machine.
  • . As for diagnostic laparoscopy, this is the most inhumane and traumatic method for studying problems in the fallopian tubes. Almost always associated with getting rid of adhesions, and for this reason is not performed only for verification. It is carried out by performing a puncture of the abdominal tissues in order to introduce a special tool that makes it possible to visually study the organs and tissues of the reproductive system. Carrying out laparoscopy or blowing the tubes of the uterus. It is used when a woman has an allergic perception to the contrast component. It is carried out by artificially creating air pressure in the uterus, through a soft tube and a pressure gauge.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics, which makes it possible to accurately determine the state of the body of the uterus and the permeability of the fallopian tubes. Today, this method often becomes the initial stage in establishing the tubal root cause of infertility, since ultrasound hysterosalpingography is characterized by a fairly good percentage of information, along with HSG using X-rays (80-91%), and in addition, it is acceptable in terms of pain and less invasive event. Ehogisterosalpingography is performed under stationary conditions, in the initial phase of the menstrual cycle (when menstruation passes). A gynecological catheter is inserted inside the uterine cavity, after which a contrast solution of about 10 to 20 ml is introduced. (saline solution, liquid glucose, furatsilin, echovist, levovist, etc.). The substance being in the cavity provides a visual inspection of the uterine body and makes it possible to give a much more definite assessment of the features of its structure. The subsequent introduction of contrast implies its penetration into the tubes, and then into the abdominal location, which may indicate the presence of a lumen and patency of the tubes. If there is an impermeability of the fallopian tubes, the introduced fluid is not able to penetrate into the abdominal cavity, or accumulates in the tubes. A distinctive feature of ultrasonic HSG is its auxiliary therapeutic effect. The fluid injection formed during the procedure destroys minor adhesions in the pipes, thereby ensuring their permeability. Due to this, conception after HSG of the fallopian tubes becomes a very common result.
  • x-ray The peculiarity of this method of study is that a woman is injected with contrast into the uterine cavity through the thinnest tube. In the current realities for HSG of the fallopian tubes, only such components are used that dissolve in water: verografin, urotrast, cardiotrast. They have no side effect and are absolutely harmless to the mucous membranes of all organs of the reproductive system. After that, 3 X-ray photographs are taken:

HSG of the fallopian tubes under x-ray fixation lasts about 40 minutes. In the total volume during this time of the examination, 10-20 ml of contrast fluid is infused.

Through X-rays or HSG, the fallopian tubes are studied exclusively in women who are not in a state of pregnancy, since radiation is always harmful to the embryo. In such circumstances, other possible methods are used, i.e. echography.

An X-ray examination can provide more information, and it is much easier to assess the existing picture of the state of the organs of the reproductive function.

However, the analysis also has some disadvantages. They are expressed in: irradiation, albeit in a very small dose; probable allergic manifestations on the contrast liquid; physical violations of the integrity of the surface of tissues, leading to bleeding.

How is the patency of the fallopian tubes checked?

At the time of the HSG, the patient is placed on the couch. When the procedure is carried out using an x-ray, the equipment is located above it.

When an ultrasound is performed, the specialist uses a vaginal sensor.

Until the introduction of the catheter, the doctor applies an antiseptic to the vulva, vagina and cervix.

As usual, HSG is performed without pain, however, a woman will still have to feel minor inconvenience: during the introduction of the tube into the vaginal cavity and during the achievement of fluid pressure.

The pain feeling is very similar to the pulling manifestations in the initial days of menstruation. The examination is more difficult for nulliparous patients, since their uterine cervix is ​​still dense, possibly obstructing the introduction of the catheter.

Analyzes for HSG

Prior to the time of the study, it is required to provide biomaterials (blood, urine) for analysis and in addition. If pathogenic microorganisms are present, the implementation of HSG can be dangerous, since the disease can "rise" inside the uterine body.

Preparation for the GHA

Hysterosalpingography is best done in the first part of the cycle, preferably in the initial few days, immediately after the end of menstruation.

At this time, the uterus is still very thin, the uterine cervix is ​​more pliable, for this reason the gynecologist has a greater overview and the introduction of a fluid supply device is not difficult.

For this procedure, vaginal discharge must be completed without fail, otherwise blood clots can change the image seen by a specialist.

Preparatory actions for the HSG of the fallopian tubes are related to the method by which the test will be performed.

HSG with x-ray

This examination is performed in the first part of the cycle of critical days, while the endometrium is quite thin and does not change the visual image. The most suitable time is the interval between the first "clean" days immediately after menstruation and ovulation. With a 28-day cycle, this is 6-12 days.

When the referral for the HSG is issued in advance, the woman is informed that from the time of the first bleeding until the day of the study, restrictions on sexual contacts (their exclusion) are required.

For the procedure, the patient needs to prepare and pass the following tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood for diseases such as AIDS, jaundice, gonorrhea.
  • In addition, a general urine test is provided, and the level of cleanliness of the vaginal cavity is determined.

On the eve of the morning when the study is performed, it is required to do an enema and empty the intestines through Fortrans.

On the day of the HSG, you need to wash yourself very cleanly, shave off your pubic hair. The survey is carried out in the morning. You can’t eat anything, you are allowed to drink no more than 1 glass of water 1.5 hours before the analysis.

Preparation for the HSG of the fallopian tubes right before the procedure, consists in the fact that the woman empties the bladder and removes all metal objects and clothing that enters the area of ​​​​the x-ray image.

Consequences and complications

The aggravation of the condition during the HSG of the fallopian tubes is very rare.

The most important of which are:

So, we can say that side effects from HSG of the fallopian tubes are associated, firstly, with careful preparation for the procedure - the establishment of all negative indications.

Even the harmlessness of the HSG procedure cannot promise the absence of difficulties and consequences:

  1. The initial line in this list may be an allergic manifestation to contrast components. This occurrence is typical for women who have previously had similar "answers" on other tests. An allergic reaction may also appear in women with severe diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, tuberculosis).
  2. Bleeding, disease or damage to the uterus is still infrequently observed.

An x-ray examination does not pose any threat to the patient at all, since its dose is 0.4-5.5 mGy, which is much lower than that which could lead to a violation of the epithelium.

Research results

On x-ray images, if there are no adhesions, the outline of the uterus filled with solution, thin tube ducts and contrast flowing into the abdominal location are clearly visible. With such a picture, a specialist can talk about the permeability of the fallopian tubes.

However, when the liquid stops on any fragment of the pipe, accordingly, there is an assumption about its impermeability.

Based on the results of the HSG, it becomes possible to establish not only the presence of a lumen in the fallopian tubes, but also the identification of such pathologies as: polyps in the uterine body, uterine, hydrosalpinx, exerting pressure on the outside of the tube, or adhesions in the uterus itself.

Even a successfully performed procedure can sometimes mislead specialists. Studies that were carried out in order to identify the ability to qualitatively detect abnormalities in the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes are 65%, and the specificity is 80%, which means identifying a certain disease from the probable ones. To examine the state of the uterine body, hysteroscopy is prescribed as an additional diagnosis.

Pregnancy after the study

Currently available medical information indicates that hysterosalpingography can actually increase a woman's chances of a long-awaited conception, even in those episodes when an oily contrast fluid is used for the purpose of the procedure.

No one can say about the specific reasons for such an effect of HSG on the possibility of pregnancy.

If you believe the existing assumptions of gynecologists, then the interaction of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ with a contrast solution containing oils increases its ability to support the formation of an embryo in the initial trimesters of gestation.

Doctors do not have a definite scientific assumption for what reason conception occurs after the HSG. Medical evidence also confirms that this manipulation actually increases the percentage of a woman's ability to become pregnant. In particular, this is often done in situations where the procedure is performed with the inclusion of oils in the contrast fluid.

Therefore, any after the HSG may indicate not only the stress to which the woman was subjected, but also a probable pregnancy, which must be verified without fail.

Cost of the procedure

With regards to the price of conducting an HSG analysis of the fallopian tubes, it is always associated with the method being carried out. In every institution that is on the balance of the state, any event of this kind will be completely unpaid.

In private clinics and medical centers, the cost of an x-ray - the examination may be in the area from 1500 to 5000 rubles. , and on the ECHO-HSG - from 5000 to 8000 rubles . There is also a variation in prices depending on the classification of this analysis.

The maximum cost includes other services:

  • specialist advice;
  • implementation of the study with painkillers (anesthesia);
  • participation of the spouse in the analysis.

One common cause of infertility is blocked fallopian tubes. There are several ways to diagnose this condition. However, the most used of them is the consequences of which are not very pleasant, but quite tolerable.

This study can be carried out on different days of the menstrual cycle as prescribed by the doctor. On the eve of the evening you can not eat up, on the day of the study, eat and drink. Before the HSG, it is necessary to give an enema, empty the bladder and shave off the pubic hair.

HSG, the consequences of which can be minimized by passing the necessary examination before it, is usually performed without anesthesia, however, if the patient wishes, light anesthesia can be used. A week before the study, you need to take urine and blood tests, make swabs from the vagina and check for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis.

One of the most unpleasant, but possible consequences of HSG, is the inflammatory process. Therefore, after the procedure, you need to carefully consider your health. Temperature, pain and after HSG for more than three days - a reason to consult a gynecologist.

It is impossible to conduct a study in the presence of an inflammatory process in the genital tract or if it has recently been transferred. Exacerbation of a general disease is a contraindication to the procedure (pyelonephritis, influenza, pneumonia).

The radiopaque substance can cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the reaction to the drug used, as a rule, it contains iodine.

In a cycle in which HSG is performed, the consequences of which can be pleasant, it is imperative to protect yourself, even if pregnancy has not occurred for a long time. This is due to the fact that after the study, the likelihood of its onset increases significantly due to the flushing effect.

A contrast agent injected into the tubes eliminates small adhesions that previously prevented the onset of conception. This is indeed an established fact, which is why many women have high hopes for this procedure.

HSG, the results of which are of great value for finding out the causes of infertility, is carried out in the X-ray room on a special chair. After a two-handed examination, several pictures are inserted into the uterus and taken.

This procedure is tolerated by patients in different ways. Some note only discomfort, others complain of a sharp soreness. Most likely this is due to the threshold of sensitivity, which is individual for each person.

After the HSG, light bleeding is possible, so it is necessary to bring a sanitary napkin with you. It usually goes away after a couple of hours.

After the study, there are painful sensations resembling the onset of menstruation. They are especially pronounced in a sitting position. A slight rise in temperature and not abundant is also possible. These phenomena are the norm in the first few days.

As a result of the HSG, the patient receives images in her hands, which can be used to see if they are passable and if not, in which department. In addition, they can be used to diagnose diseases such as endometriosis, tuberculosis of the reproductive system, various pathologies, including congenital (bicorn, saddle).

It is important to remember that in 20% of cases, HSG gives a false diagnosis of tubal obstruction. This can happen if a woman has them long and narrow. Then the contrast agent simply does not have time to get into the abdominal cavity.

In addition, due to stress and anxiety, spasm of the tubes can occur. Therefore, it is imperative to drink no-shpu before the study. To prevent the inflammatory process, the doctor may prescribe a course of suppositories, tampons or antibiotics.

Thus, HSG, the consequences of which can be both negative (inflammation) and positive (long-awaited pregnancy), is a very informative procedure. It allows you to check the patency of the fallopian tubes, to detect their pathology, as well as the uterus. To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the gynecologist.

If problems with conception are caused by obstruction of one of the fallopian tubes, which can be determined by the results of hysterosalpingography (in the conclusion it will be written that partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes), then the woman, in principle, is not deprived of the opportunity to have a child.

Such a diagnosis is not a sentence and does not indicate complete infertility.

With partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes, appropriate treatment will help to get pregnant. Most often, therapy consists in performing a surgical operation to excise scars and adhesions that prevent the advancement of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

After gynecological intervention, it is necessary to wait until the damaged tissues are completely restored, and the menstrual cycle and the functioning of the fallopian tubes are normal.

A whole range of therapeutic measures contributes to the speedy recovery after surgery: additional physiotherapy, certain medications, the optimal regimen for which the doctor will prescribe, and other procedures on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

It is possible to make attempts to conceive a child only after the permission of the doctor who observes the patient.

The diagnosis of "complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes" is also not a final verdict and does not deprive a woman of the opportunity to have children. Of course, a natural pregnancy in this case is very unlikely and even practically impossible.

Numerous online testimonials talk about how quickly women got pregnant after the HSG. And although there are no specific statistics, doctors note that pregnancy after HSG occurs quite often.

Doctors attribute this fact to the "cleansing" of the pipes from small obstacles during the diagnosis. HSG and pregnancy in the same cycle is a common situation.

However, it is not safe if performed using X-rays. Conception, which occurs in the same cycle, will “take away” the radiation received by the woman.

This will negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Doctors believe that it is possible to plan a pregnancy as early as next month.

Checking the patency of the tubes using hysterosalpingography requires preliminary preparation. A week before the procedure, examinations and the use of sprays, vaginal suppositories, tablets and other intimate hygiene products should be abandoned.

X-rays negatively affect the fetus, so make sure you are not pregnant.

Modern medicine includes many ways that allow up to the mark examine the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. All of them are combined in one large group called salpingography. Their main purpose is to diagnose tubal infertility, tumor formations and various deficiencies in the development of the reproductive organs.

Salpingography, in turn, includes several separate groups that differ in the method of achieving the required test results. Hysterosalpingography (HSG) and metrosalpingography, for example, are characterized by filling of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes special liquid.

The composition of its substance allows for fluoroscopy, and to determine the degree of patency of the fallopian tubes, to detect the presence of neoplasms, as well as various defects in the genital area.

In contact with

Hysterosalpingography - what is it

Hsg is one of the oldest methods x-ray diagnostic examination of the female pelvic organs in order to detect various diseases.

The ionizing substance is used in relatively small doses, so it does not cause significant harm to the body.

Salpingographic methods also allow diagnosing the causes of female infertility, as well as problems in the process of bearing a fetus.

Hysterosalpingorphia and metrosalpingography allow for absolutely safe ultrasound diagnostics. Here no radiopaque fluids, characterized by the presence of a radiation background. They are replaced with saline solutions, which practically do not cause allergic reactions.

Tests for hysterosalpingography

This method provides injection of a radiopaque agent into the uterine cavity for subsequent X-ray imaging. This is an invasive procedure, during which, with the help of medical instrumental devices, the parts of the organ being examined are reached. To do this, some analysis is required.

Hysterosalpingography not carried out without results:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • smear on the state of the flora of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.
  • in addition, the patient's body is prepared by conducting a cleansing enema and emptying the bladder.

The invasiveness of hysterosalpingography is characterized by the presence of complications after the procedure. They are early and late.

Accordingly, early complications after HSG are based on their direct manifestation during the procedure, or for several hours after it has ended. Late complications after the procedure appear a few days after the manipulations.

Medical research

Early Complications appear in the form:

  • vascular reflux (a radiopaque substance appears in the veins and capillaries of the uterus) .;
  • lymphatic reflux (a radiopaque substance appears in the uterine tube lymphatic vessels, or in the wide ligament of the uterus, which is located in the peritoneum);
  • perforation of the uterine wall (occurs due to the rupture of any of the areas of the walls of the organ under study by the instruments used);
  • rupture of the fallopian tube (radiocontrast fluid is pumped under pressure);
  • allergic reactions (possible incompatibility with the substance of the liquid).

All early complications are treated and are not dangerous to the health of the patient.

Late complications:

  • exacerbated chronic infectious process in the genitals;
  • infected uterine cavity, fallopian tube or ovaries being examined due to the use of contaminated instruments.

HSG on what day of the cycle is done? One of the important points for the effective conduct of the HSG is the day of the patient's menstrual cycle, that is, which day of the cycle is the most suitable for the procedure It is important to fit into a certain period of time, which is determined from the seventh to the nineteenth day menstrual cycle.

Adverse reactions HSG

These are rather natural physiological reactions of the female body to the forced penetration of foreign tools and substances.

After HSG, spotting (not too strong) is characterized by a period of one to seven days.

Important! In case of prolonged and severe bleeding, the patient should immediately contact the attending physician.

Many are interested in the question: hysterosalpingography, does it hurt? Slight pain appears as a result of the introduction of a radiopaque substance into the genitals.

They are more like regular menstrual cramps. The period of their continuation lasts no more than a day from the beginning of the procedure. Pulling sensations are localized in the abdomen. More precisely, at the bottom of it.

Pain that does not go away on its own for two days after the procedure requires the attention of a specialist.

In addition to minor pain, the patient may feel mild nausea or dizziness from the fluid injection process. They disappear almost immediately after the end of the procedure.

Advice! One or two days after hysterosalpingography, it is not recommended to play sports. Rest as much as possible from physical activity.

How is hysterosalpingography performed?

The vagina and cervix before the procedure should be treated with an alcohol solution of iodine. Then, following the principles of the method, it is necessary to introduce the solution into the uterine cavity.

Substance characteristics:

  • ten to twelve milliliters;
  • thirty-six to thirty-seven degrees;
  • sixty-sixty-seven percent solution.

HSG on what day of the cycle do

Organs are examined using x-rays after they are completely filled with fluid. After three to five minutes, the result should appear. Not always the primary process gives the required level of quality of the procedure, so it is repeated again after twenty to twenty-five minutes after the completion of the primary.

Other research methods

One of the methods of hydrotubation is chromosalpingoscopy. What is this? This is the filling of the fallopian tubes with fluid by introducing a special instrument into the uterine cavity. With the help of chromosalpingoscopy, the degree of patency of the lumen of the fallopian tubes is assessed if tubal infertility is diagnosed. Also, this procedure is used as a type of monitoring the results of a laparoscopic operation.

The fallopian tube is not considered to be passable if the process of chromosalpingoscopy did not end with the fact that the coloring matter was in the abdominal cavity through the fimbrial end of the fallopian tube. Such a substance is a sterile saline solution, which includes indigo carmine or methylene blue. On what day of the cycle do they do it? The procedure is carried out in the period from the eighth to the twenty-fourth day of the female calendar under the influence of local anesthesia.

Another fairly effective method for examining the condition of the fallopian tubes is echosalpingography.

What it is? ECSH is characterized by pain during the procedure for patients who have signs of impaired patency, due to adhesions in them, or the presence of spasm.

The injected solution passes painlessly through the fallopian tubes, if they are passable. The patient experiences discomfort for only a few seconds due to the catheter inserted into the uterine cavity through its canal.

Thanks to ultrasound, the location of the fallopian tubes and ovaries is also established, which important for planning.

For patients with a high pain threshold, the possibility of pain is minimized by local or intravenous anesthesia.

After the procedure, it is considered normal the presence of minor bleeding over the course of one or two days.

Preparation for ECSH includes the following tests:

  • smears from the pelvic organs for an infectious and inflammatory disease;
  • a blood test for the presence of hepatitis, and HIV infections.

Sonohysterosalpingoscopy of the pelvic organs lasts about twenty minutes, so already a couple of hours after the manipulations, the patient can go home.

Complications after HSG

Thanks to, sonohysterosalpingography you can get complete information about the condition of the fallopian tubes. What it is?

This is one of the medical procedures during which ultrasound equipment is used. The results of this study helps to find out the cause of infertility, as well as to study the uterine cavity for each individual case individually.

Benefits of Sonohysterosalpingography compared with similar research methods:

  • high level of safety and minimum complex of interventions;
  • high level of information content and accuracy due to the possibility of obtaining results in real time;
  • no complications in the process of preparing for the study;
  • the ability to carry out the procedure repeatedly to control the quality of treatment, without affecting the patient's body in a negative way;

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