Ideal characteristic from the place of work sample. The concept of characteristics


Doing business is a process along the way, which an entrepreneur faces a million different nuances and issues not directly related to his main activity. Especially when it comes to small businesses, where you have to do everything yourself. There are many examples of such a combination, one of them is the preparation of a characteristic for an employee.

Let's take a look at what a characteristic for an employee is, why it is needed, and most importantly, how to draw it up correctly? To look like a worthy employer in the eyes of the surrounding business community.

What is an employee characteristic

A characteristic is a brief review (in our case, the employer) about a specific person (employee) with a specification of his professional, business, personal qualities, as well as a description of his work experience in a particular workplace.

It should be noted that the description from the place of work does not indicate the general biography or achievements and stages of labor activity outside the given enterprise. That is, we write only about work in a particular company, other stages of life are indicated in a resume or individual characteristics. A similar situation with indication of marital status or the presence of education.

In most cases, a characteristic is issued to an employee on the company's letterhead, if there is none, then the full details of the company or entrepreneur in the first section must be indicated. Such a paper is signed either directly by the head or by an authorized person with a wet seal.

How to write a job description for an employee

This document must necessarily consist of three main parts (minimum).

The first part is general

We indicate in it:

  • - surname, name, patronymic,
  • - date of birth
  • – in the absence of a letterhead, indicate the full details of the company
  • - work experience in a particular company of the employee

The second part - work experience

We paint in it

  • - stages of labor activity. Transfers, promotions, demotions, etc.
  • - we paint promotions, awards, reprimands (with the obligatory indication of the reasons)
  • - indicate the passage of advanced training courses, professional trainings, trainings.

The third part is a personal characteristic

We paint in it

  • - the presence of professional qualities;
  • – experience and skills of a specialist, quality and quickly perform tasks;
  • - communication skills;
  • - the relationship of the employee in the team;
  • - ability to work, etc.

Of course, this is a general layout for writing a description for an employee from the place of work and no one bothers to make adjustments or add information from oneself, for example, about additional skills or knowledge (not related to professional activity but used in the workplace)

Examples of characteristics per employee

Example one

Form for organizations (firms, enterprises, data of an individual entrepreneur)

Ref. No. ____ "______" _______________ 20___


Issued to Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich has been working at Sell Everything LLC since January 01, 2006. By ___________ (fill in if issued to a non-working employee)

The work experience at the enterprise is 10 years.

He was hired on January 1, 2006 as a sales consultant.

From 01.01.2010 he was transferred to the position of senior sales consultant.

On January 1, 2015, he was transferred to the position of head of the sales department.

10/10/2012 received the title of seller of the year, for the highest level of sales.

During his work, he was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which he successfully completed, in marketing and management programs.

Ivanov S.I. possesses a large amount of knowledge in the specialty, systematically improves his professional knowledge through self-study, uses the latest developments in the field of sales in his work. Possesses excellent business negotiation skills.

Personal qualities - punctuality, delicacy in dealing with clients, subordinates, respected in the team, has leadership qualities. Demanding of himself.

Position Full name Surname Signature

Example two

"______" _______________ 20___


This characteristic is issued by full name, date of birth: ___________________________, working in ______________________________________________.

(name of the organization and its details)

from "______" _______________ 20___ to the present in the position of _________________.

The employee is a professional with ___ work experience. During the time I did not go to advanced courses, I conducted advanced training on my own. Never subjected to disciplinary action.

With colleagues is on friendly terms, without bright leadership qualities. Friendly and restrained, always ready for a peaceful solution to the conflict, conflict-free. There are no bad habits. Life priorities and guidelines correspond to generally accepted moral principles. Systematically participates in the social life of the team.

This characteristic is issued for submission to ___________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position Full name Surname Signature

Sample characteristics from the place of work

positive sample

Characteristics of an employee from the place of work, how to write, download examples.

In Soviet times, a reference from a place of work or study was a very important document that determined the professional fate of an employee. Today, career growth depends more on the ability to prove yourself in an interview and show your skills in business. But sometimes it is required to provide just such a formal document as the characteristics of an employee.

A performance characteristic is usually needed in the following situations:

General requirements for the preparation of the document

The requirements for compiling production characteristics are not enshrined in legislative acts, but they correspond to the general traditions of business turnover. It is compiled on a sheet of A-4 format in printed form. It is advisable to draw up a document on the letterhead of the organization, and if there are no forms, then the details of the company must be indicated. After the details, the date of compilation is indicated (it can also be moved to the end). Then the name is put - "Characteristic", followed by the text. The document is certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization. It is most often compiled by the immediate supervisor of the employee or the personnel department, and signed by the director of the organization or the director of personnel.

The content of the employee's production characteristics

When compiling this paper, you must adhere to the official business style: third-person narration(worked, showed himself, etc.), lack of an emotional component (even if negative qualities are indicated). All information provided must be true.

The first paragraph contains personal information about the employee: Full name (in full), date of birth, marital status and information about the education received, indicating the specialization. Then it is necessary to reflect the main stages of a person's career path in the company. Here it is important to indicate the date of employment, successively held positions, main professional duties. If an employee has improved his qualifications or received additional education, this should be noted. It would be appropriate to talk about the projects in which he was involved and the most difficult tasks performed.

It is also important to highlight the qualities that the employee showed in the service. It can be like business character traits (initiative, stress-resistant, executive), as well as personal (sociable, friendly, quick-tempered, stubborn).

Sample characteristics from the place of work:

Download forms and examples of characteristics:

  1. ITU performance data sheet .doc
  2. Production characteristics from the place of work the head of the section.rtf
  3. Production characteristics from the place of work of the chief engineer.rtf
  4. Production characteristics from the place of work of the teacher.rtf

1. Characteristics from the place of work sample


Chaban Galina Sergeevna has been holding the position of a VDS master at the Zhilishchnik-1 utility company since November 01, 2016.

During her work, she showed herself as a competent specialist, skillfully applying her experience and striving for further self-improvement. She carried out her duties with great responsibility, performed conscientiously. Effectively resolved all issues related to the activities of the enterprise. He approaches solving non-standard problems competently and always achieves an effective solution.

Follows management instructions clearly and in a timely manner. Hardworking, proactive, principled in her work.

Galina Sergeevna is able to organize and direct the activities of her subordinates. Treats subordinates with respect, demanding, fair. Knows how to clearly set goals and interest employees. He is respected in the team and among his subordinates. Not conflict, always assists other employees in solving official issues.

During the period of work, Chaban G.S. was noted by the leadership for the better.

2. Description from the place of work of the executive director


on Stoyanov Dmitry Nikolaevich, 1976 R.

Executive Director of CJSC "Children's Medical Center "Chaika" from May 2007 to ***

Deputy Chairman of the Board of CJSC DMC "Chaika" from ***** to *****

Chairman of the Board of CJSC DMC "Chaika" since October 2008.

During the leadership of CJSC "Children's Medical Center "Chaika" Stoyanov Dmitry Nikolaevich proved himself to be an experienced leader, who knows the methods of enterprise management at a high level and effectively applies them in practice. Rationally uses all the resources of the enterprise, directing its activities to the most efficient work and profit. He strategically approaches the solution of the current affairs of the enterprise, directing the work towards promising further development and improvement. Always anticipates the possibility of crisis situations and develops actions to prevent and eliminate them. Competently and accurately conducts the policy of financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

During the period of the Center's work under the leadership of D. N. Stoyanov, financial indicators have increased significantly. Conditions were created for the further development of the enterprise.

DMC "Chaika" was awarded diplomas of the Association of Crimean resorts as the best ***** health resort in 2016 and 2017.

In the team (the staff of the enterprise is 120-430 people), he enjoys authority and respect. Demanding to himself and subordinates, effectively organizes the work of the team as a whole, for the benefit of the enterprise. Gives due attention to the problems of employees. He was not brought to administrative responsibility.

3. Characteristics for an employee from the place of work - a tourism manager


to Greshnova Natalya Vyacheslavovna 19 **** R.

Greshnova Natalya Vyacheslavovna held the position of tourism manager of CJSC Children's Medical Center Chaika from May 2015 to December 2017. During her work, she showed herself as a competent specialist, skillfully applying her experience and striving for further self-improvement. She carried out her duties with great responsibility, performed conscientiously. Effectively resolved all issues related to the activities of the enterprise in the direction of tourism. He approaches non-standard problems creatively and always achieves an effective solution.

Greshnova N.V. fulfills the instructions of the management clearly and in a timely manner. Hardworking, proactive, principled in her work.

Natalya Vyacheslavovna is a competent leader (5 people subordinate) who is able to organize and direct the activities of subordinates. He is respected in the team and among his subordinates. Not conflict, always assists other employees in solving official issues.

During the period of work, Greshnova N.V. managed to significantly increase the level of efficiency of the service subordinate to her and the entrusted direction of activity. She was repeatedly thanked by the management and awarded cash prizes. Not subject to administrative responsibility.

Chairman of the Board of CJSC DMC "Chaika" _______ D. N. Stoyanov

4. Positive reference from the place of work to the director


on Neradko Yuri Dmitrievich

working as director of KP "Zhilischnik-3"

Neradko Yuriy Dmitrievich has been working as a director since May 2011 to the present. During his work, he proved himself as a qualified specialist, able to solve production issues of any complexity. He performs his duties clearly, on time and at a high level.

Yury Dmitrievich is a competent leader, 60 people work in his direct subordination. Treats subordinates with respect, demanding, fair. Knows how to clearly set goals and interest employees.

In the team, Yuri Dmitrievich is respected by other employees. He is not conflicted, responsive, always assists in any issues within his competence.

Director of KP "Zhilischnik-3" _______ Yu. D. Neradko

Human Resources Department ________ T. Sivaeva

5. Ready-made characteristic from the place of work to the head of the personnel department


on Todorova Uliana Milcheva 1985 R.

Todorova Uliana Milcheva held the position of Head of the Human Resources Department of CJSC Children's Medical Center Chaika from May 2016 to December 2017. During the period of work, she proved herself to be a competent specialist. She performed her duties conscientiously. Constantly improves his knowledge in the field of legislation. Effectively copes with tasks of any level of complexity. He approaches problem solving creatively, finding a way out of non-standard situations.

He is respected in the team. In every possible way maintains a favorable atmosphere within the team. Able to convince, clearly and clearly stating his arguments. During her work, she created an effective personnel service with a high level of work. Awarded with diploma and cash prizes.

Characteristics from the place of work - samples - 4.0 out of 5 based on 3 votes

The characteristic from the place of work is no longer as popular as before, but does not completely lose its position. Many employers do not require it for employment, they prefer a resume. It is believed that the text in the description is too dry, unsuitable for understanding a person.

The characteristic does not differ in emotionality, this is only a brief assessment of the professional and business aspects of a person's personality.

What is a job description

Such a document is a brief description of the work, professional and personal components of the employee. An employee can be either active or retired. A characteristic may be necessary in different situations: to a bank for a mortgage, to many instances, to the judiciary. Certain types of characteristics may be required when traveling or transferring workers to other places.

How to write a job description for an employee

As a rule, it is either the director of the organization himself or a personnel specialist. Depending on the purpose of writing the characteristics, there are two types of composition:

Internal write (most often) for:

  • Transfer to other vacancies;
  • To encourage, punish a person;
  • At the time of receiving a rank, rank in order to determine whether he can perform official duties;
  • Help in defining new labor requirements;
  • Before going on a long, important business trip, etc.;

Such data per employee, intended for use within the organization, is collected according to a common model. At the same time, a bias is made towards labor detail. Based on the purpose of writing, you can evaluate the creative abilities of the employee, write what he aspires to, what he expects from a new day, from a new position, give information on how best to apply such qualities, etc.

Often, characteristics for a particular organization become an element of a portfolio. Sometimes it is necessary to indicate the data of the executive person at whose request the characteristic was made.

The external characteristics of the employee will be written only when the employee leaves a request. Without such a characteristic, they may not be enrolled in an educational institution, they may not get a mortgage or a loan. The most unpleasant reason when such a characteristic may be needed is the suspicion or accusation of an employee of administrative / criminal offenses. In such matters, the financial situation of the employee, his personal qualities, how he manifests himself at work with superiors and colleagues, whether he is a good person or not, may be important. Marital status, relationships with clients/customers may be important. What information needs to be taken into account and displayed can be obtained from the employee himself or from the one who requested this characteristic.

Sample characteristics for a good employee

There is no legally approved form for writing a job description, but there is a generally accepted sample. It consists of three parts.

First part (personal information): full name;

  • Date of Birth;
  • Organization data, full details (not necessary when using letterhead);
  • The employee's length of service in the organization.

The second part (we describe the experience of the employee in more detail):

  • steps up the career ladder. (all transfers, downgrades, upgrades are important);
  • we write all encouragement, reprimands, letters of commendation;
  • specify for what specific measures were applied;
  • indicate what kind of training the employee underwent during work (training courses, seminars, etc.).

Third part (Personal characteristic):

  • what professional positive qualities does he have;
  • what types of work he has encountered, how he copes in stressful situations, how quickly he achieves work goals;
  • how to find a common language with clients;
  • How does he find a common language with colleagues; - ability to work, etc.

An example of filling in a positive characteristic


(name of the company, firm or organization)

(company address: zip code, city, street)

(company details)



to _____________________ for submission to ____________

(FULL NAME. employee), works in ( organization) (your position) With ( date of employment).

IN (date of) year received an education in the specialty ( your level of education), which certifies with a state diploma issued ( name of the educational institution) .

Served in the military with number » month year and by " number » month year in service unit No. ___. Upon graduation, he was enrolled in the reserve with the military rank of " rank ».

seed position: single /married /divorced , children No /It has age floor .

to work in ( organization) got a job in " number » month year . Employee ( FULL NAME.) performed well even in stressful situations while maintaining an optimistic attitude. Never ( FULL NAME.) was not seen in a stressful state, did not violate labor discipline. The team treated him very well, ( FULL NAME.) always come to the rescue and support colleagues even in the most difficult situation. Does not use alcohol or drugs. Avoids conflict. A very sociable and open person with high ambitions, able to make independent informed decisions.

Characteristics issued to provide _________.

Director ( signature) / (full name)

You can end here, but no one forbids you to add something from yourself to the characteristic.

Video on writing a characteristic

When writing characteristics from the place of residence, there are no strict restrictions. In the manner of writing, it has much in common with the performance. Mandatory requirements - an indication of the terms of residence at the named address and the collection of information from neighbors.

Below are possible samples.


On Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born in 1972
Address of residence: Samara, Lesnoy Avenue, 20, apt. 297
From Petr Petrovich Petrov.
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich and his wife Ivanova Ekaterina Alexandrovna have been living at the indicated address since 1990. For all this time Ivanov I.I. He has established himself as an exemplary citizen, maintaining good relations both in the family and in communication with neighbors. Takes part in public meetings and required work carried out in the house and in the surrounding areas. In conflict situations with neighbors, he is not noticed, but on the contrary, he is friendly and, if possible, helps them.

Sample characteristic from neighbors

on Afanasenko Pavel Ivanovich
date of birth: 04/25/1979
place of birth: Moscow
address of residence: Samara, st. Pervaya, d. 3, apt. 23

Afanasenko Pavel Ivanovich has been living at this address since 1993.

He is married and has a daughter (born in 2002), who also live with him at this address.

During his stay, he did not create any difficulties and was not seen in any conflicts with his neighbors. Neighbors are characterized only positively, in communication with elders he is courteous, in general we can characterize him as a polite, sociable and kind person.

Afanasenko Pavel Ivanovich maintains good relations with neighbors, can always help retired neighbors in a difficult situation, never refuses to help.

He takes an active part in public affairs, in the public life of the court, actively participates in subbotniks.

He also has good family relationships. Takes an active part in the upbringing of the child, walks with him.

Date of:

How to write a household characteristic for a person

A household characteristic is important in cases of initiating a criminal case, when the opinions of other people can affect the future fate of a person. In other cases, such a characterization may be needed when considering custody and adoption rights. In the absence of a sample, a household characteristic can be written independently.

When writing, the following rules should be observed:

  1. The characteristic should be written on behalf of the people living in the neighborhood. The minimum number of neighbors who agree to sign must be three. First you need to write down their exact addresses and passport data.
  2. You will need a standard sheet of paper, as well as a pen with blue or black ink. Fields should be provided, since in the future the characteristic will be filed to the case. On the left side, you need to retreat at least 2 centimeters, from above, below and from the left edge - about 1.5.
  3. The title is in the middle. The word "Characteristic", then the full name of the person. Further, filling in the line indicating the address, you need to write the full surname with initials. You also need to enter your date of birth.
  4. The phrase with which you should start writing the text of the characteristic itself is standard - “We, the undersigned” ...
  5. Next, you need to indicate the names with initials belonging to your neighbors. When writing the semantic part of the text, general characteristics should be mentioned (kind, neat, responsible, etc.). It should be mentioned whether there were cases related to violation of the rules and excessive consumption of alcohol. It is also very important to indicate whether the person was active in relation to public works (subbotniks, meetings).
  6. In cases where the case concerns parole, or guardianship or adoption, it would not be superfluous to express an opinion about the family condition - whether this family is able to provide appropriate support to the one who is given the characteristic.
  7. In conclusion, you must indicate the exact name of the body for which the characteristic is intended. The names of the neighbors, as well as their exact addresses and data, must be given in the same order as they appear in the characteristic itself. The signature of each mentioned neighbor is obligatory. You should also certify the characteristics of the district inspector. A seal from a local HOA or housing office may be required.

Every citizen at least once in his life may need characteristic from the place of residence. This requested document can be requested by educational institutions, the court, law enforcement agencies, and this is not the whole list of organizations for which you will have to bring a testimonial.

How to correctly draw up a characteristic of a domestic nature, why it is needed, whether it should be certified in some way - in this article you will receive answers to all your questions.

Why do you need a household characteristic from the place of residence from the neighbors

There are many situations in life when a characteristic from neighbors is needed. Among them:

  1. Obtaining and hunting weapons.
  2. Participation in the criminal process. Characteristics from the place of residence can be claimed both in relation to the accused person, but also to the victim. For example, it is customary to collect household characteristics for victims in case of opening cases of causing bodily harm.
  3. When applying for a job. In particular, when a citizen gets a job in private security structures or enters the service in military and paramilitary organizations.
  4. During . For example, when cases of deprivation of parental rights (or restoration in them), or adoption are considered. The document will be needed in cases of parole from prison, etc.
  5. When entering an educational institution, when it comes to educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments of a similar plan.

How can write a characteristic from the place of residence

Depending on the destination of the characteristics indicated above, the following persons have the right to compile it:

  • District Police Inspector.
  • Representatives of the committee of self-organization of the population.
  • ZhEK employees.

A characteristic from the place of residence is drawn up in the presence of the neighbors of the person in respect of whom the characteristic is drawn up.

How to write a characteristic from the place of residence

There is no definite form on how to write a characterization from neighbors, but there is a main point - the document must contain basic information about the personality of the person in respect of whom the characterization is being drawn up. When compiling paper, it is recommended to use the following structure:


In the upper right corner, according to generally accepted business rules, the addressee's data is written. Therefore, the characteristic from the place of residence must also contain certain information, such as the name of the head, the full name of the institution.

Data about the citizen in respect of whom the characteristic is written

This section contains the data of the person being characterized: full name, date of birth, place of residence. Sometimes a person's age is indicated.

Information about the identity of the characterized citizen

This section is the main one in the characteristic, as it contains the information for which this paper is requested. It is necessary to make a brief description of the lifestyle of the characterized citizen, character traits, marital status, behavioral characteristics. Important: in the descriptive part of the paper, the emphasis is placed depending on the purpose of the document. For example, if the conversation is about the adoption of a baby, then in the description it is recommended to write about whether the citizen knows how to find a common language with children, how he behaves with them, and so on.

Conclusion Characteristics

This part of the paper indicates the names of all neighbors, the number of apartments in which they live. Neighbors must put personal signatures. If a person lives in the private sector, then the neighbors' house numbers, full name and mandatory signature of each neighbor are indicated. The full address can be omitted.

Sample characteristics from the place of residence of neighbors

Head of Police Department No. 5
Russian MIA Administration for Sevastopol
Police Lieutenant Colonel
N.M. Bergs

Household characteristics from the place of residence from the neighbors. Sample

To Anatoly Dmitrievich Vasilenko, born on March 12, 1977, living at the address: Sevastopol, st. Marshal Krylov, 15 apt. 5.
Vasilenko Anatoly Dmitrievich has been living at the specified address since 1990. During the period of residence, he proved himself on the good side, no negative situations were noticed. He is married and has a son, Peter, born in 2002.
Relations with the family are trusting, friendly. With neighbors kind, friendly, polite. Attitude courteous, attentive, respectful. In the abuse of alcohol is not noticed, always has a neat appearance.

Palkin A.G. sq. 15 - Signature
Oleinikova O.L. sq. 16 - Signature
Yarygin V. N. apt. 7 - Signature.

We draw your attention to the fact that the sample characteristics from neighbors discussed above contains sections that are most often used in practice. It is recommended to describe in paper those features of human behavior and character traits that actually exist. For example: “he never refuses to help, he is always responsive and friendly, takes an active part in subbotniks.”

So, if you need a sample of characteristics from the place of residence, then the above example can be used as an approximate (but not the only) sample.

Characteristics from the place of residence - a sample to the court

When documents are collected for the court, the characteristic from the place of residence must be drawn up with special care, because the court decision often depends on its content. Practice shows that the fate of the defendant can be mitigated by positive feedback from neighbors and a positive reference left.

Let's see what the text of the characteristic for the court should be in addition to describing the personality. The description should contain information that is directly related to the case under consideration. For example, if a case of deprivation of parental rights is being considered, then the paper should indicate how the characterized citizen relates to his own child, what educational methods he uses, and so on.

It is clear that such information about the person being characterized will not be relevant if the court is considering a case of deprivation of a driver's license for driving a vehicle while intoxicated. In this case, it would be appropriate in the description to write about the citizen's propensity to use alcohol and drugs.

Trial in a criminal case

Vasilenko A.G. was not seen in the use of drugs and alcohol abuse. He communicates with neighbors and enters their apartments - after the visits, no items were found missing.

Process for termination of parental rights

Vasilenko A.G. drives a GAZ-2410 car, state number A785AA89 RUS. During the period of driving the vehicle in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication, he was not noticed. Vasilenko A.G also does not violate the parking rules.

The process of adopting a child

Vasilenko A.G. is legally married and has two minor children. With children, he is always attentive, calm, caring. In everyday life, it is characterized on the positive side.

An important point: when you send a reference from your neighbors to the courts or other official institutions, it must be certified accordingly. This can be done by a representative of the homeowners association or an employee of the management company. The characteristic is sealed with the seal of the organization.

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