A study of Kaverin's novel “Two Captains. On the birthday of Veniamin Kaverin


I have already had the opportunity to answer your letters about my novel The Two Captains, but many of you must not have heard my answer (I spoke on the radio) because the letters keep coming. Leaving letters unanswered is impolite, and I take this opportunity to apologize to all my correspondents, young and old.
The questions that my correspondents ask concern primarily the two main characters of my novel - Sanya Grigoriev and Captain Tatarinov. Many guys ask: did I not tell my own life in The Two Captains? Others are interested: did I invent the story of Captain Tatarinov? Still others look for this surname in geographical books, in encyclopedic dictionaries - and are perplexed, convinced that the activities of Captain Tatarinov did not leave noticeable traces in the history of the conquest of the Arctic. Still others want to know where Sanya and Katya Tatarinova currently live and what military rank Sana was given after the war. Fifths share their impressions of the novel with me, adding that they closed the book with a feeling of cheerfulness, energy, thinking about the benefits and happiness of the Fatherland. These are the dearest letters that I could not read without joyful excitement. Finally, the sixths consult with the author on what cause to dedicate their lives to.
The mother of the most mischievous boy in the city, whose jokes sometimes bordered on hooliganism, wrote to me that after reading my novel her son had completely changed. The director of the Belarusian theater writes to me that the youthful oath of my heroes helped his troupe to restore the theater destroyed by the Germans with their own hands. An Indonesian youth who went to his homeland to defend it from the attack of the Dutch imperialists wrote to me that the "Two Captains" put a sharp weapon into his hands and this weapon is called "Fight and seek, find and not surrender."
I wrote the novel for about five years. When the first volume was completed, the war began, and only at the beginning of the forty-fourth year did I manage to return to my work. The first thought about the novel arose in 1937, when I met a man who, under the name of Sanya Grigoriev, was introduced in The Two Captains. This man told me his life, full of work, inspiration and love for his Motherland and his work.
From the first pages, I made it a rule not to invent anything or almost nothing. And indeed, even such extraordinary details as the dumbness of little Sanya were not invented by me. His mother and father, sister and comrades are written exactly as they first appeared to me in the story of my casual acquaintance, who later became my friend. About some of the heroes of the future book I learned very little from him; for example, Korablev was depicted in this story with only two or three features: a sharp, attentive look that invariably forced schoolchildren to tell the truth, a mustache, a cane, and the ability to sit up over a book until late at night. The rest had to be completed by the imagination of the author, who aspired to paint the figure of a Soviet teacher.
In essence, the story I heard was very simple. It was the story of a boy who had a difficult childhood and who was brought up by Soviet society - people who became his family and supported the dream that from an early age caught fire in his ardent and just heart.
Almost all the circumstances of the life of this boy, then a young man and an adult are preserved in The Two Captains. But his childhood passed on the Middle Volga, his school years - in Tashkent - places that I know relatively poorly. Therefore, I moved the scene to my hometown, calling it Anskom. It is not for nothing that my countrymen easily guess the true name of the city in which Sanya Grigoriev was born and raised! My school years (the last classes) passed in Moscow, and in my book I could draw the Moscow school of the early twenties with more fidelity than the Tashkent school, which I had no opportunity to draw from nature.
Here, by the way, it would be appropriate to recall another question that my correspondents ask me: to what extent is the novel "Two Captains" autobiographical? To a large extent, everything that Sanya Grigoriev saw from the first to the last page was seen by the author with his own eyes, whose life went parallel to the life of the hero. But when Sanya Grigoriev's profession entered the plot of the book, I had to leave the "personal" materials and start studying the life of a pilot, about which I knew very little before. That is why, dear guys, you can easily understand my pride when I received a radiogram from a plane that flew in 1940 under the command of Cherevichny to explore high latitudes, in which navigator Akkuratov welcomed my novel on behalf of the team.
I must note that Senior Lieutenant Samuil Yakovlevich Klebanov, who died a hero's death in 1943, rendered me enormous, invaluable help in studying flying. He was a talented pilot, a selfless officer and a wonderful, pure person. I was proud of his friendship.
It is difficult or even impossible to fully answer the question of how this or that figure of the hero of a literary work is created, especially if the story is told in the first person. In addition to those observations, memories, impressions that I wrote about, my book includes thousands of others that were not directly related to the story told to me and which served as the basis for The Two Captains. Of course, you know what a huge role the imagination plays in the work of a writer. It is about him that it is necessary to say first of all, moving on to the story of my second main character - Captain Tatarinov.
Do not look for this name, dear guys, in encyclopedic dictionaries! Do not try to prove, as one boy did in a geography lesson, that the Tatars, and not Vilkitsky, discovered Severnaya Zemlya. For my "senior captain" I used the story of two brave conquerors of the Far North. From one I took a courageous and clear character, purity of thought, clarity of purpose - everything that distinguishes a person of a great soul. It was Sedov. The other has the actual history of his journey. It was Brusilov. The drift of my "St. Mary" exactly repeats the drift of Brusilov's "St. Anna." The diary of the navigator Klimov, given in my novel, is completely based on the diary of the navigator “St. Anna", Albanov - one of the two surviving participants in this tragic expedition. However, only historical materials seemed insufficient to me. I knew that the artist and writer Nikolai Vasilievich Pinegin, a friend of Sedov, lives in Leningrad, one of those who, after his death, brought the schooner “St. Foka" to the mainland. We met - and Pinegin not only told me a lot of new things about Sedov, not only painted his face with extraordinary clarity, but explained the tragedy of his life - the life of a great explorer and traveler, who was not recognized and slandered by the reactionary sections of the society of Tsarist Russia.
In the summer of 1941, I worked hard on the second volume, in which I wanted to make extensive use of the story of the famous pilot Levanevsky. The plan was already finally thought over, the materials were studied, the first chapters were written. The well-known polar explorer Wiese approved the content of the future "Arctic" chapters and told me a lot of interesting things about the work of the search parties. But the war broke out, and for a long time I had to abandon the very thought of ending the novel. I wrote front-line correspondence, military essays, stories. However, the hope of returning to the "Two Captains" must not have completely abandoned me, otherwise I would not have turned to the editor of Izvestia with a request to send me to the Northern Fleet. It was there, among the pilots and submariners of the Northern Fleet, that I realized in which direction I needed to work on the second volume of the novel. I realized that the appearance of the heroes of my book would be vague, unclear if I did not tell about how they, together with the entire Soviet people, endured the hard trials of the war and won.
From books, from stories, from personal impressions, I knew what life in peacetime was like for those who, sparing no effort, selflessly worked to turn the Far North into a cheerful, hospitable land: discovered its innumerable riches beyond the Arctic Circle, built cities, wharves, mines, factories. Now, during the war, I saw how all this mighty energy was thrown into the defense of their native places, how the peaceful conquerors of the North became indomitable defenders of their conquests. It may be objected to me that the same thing has happened in every corner of our country. Of course, yes, but the harsh environment of the Far North gave this turn a special, deeply expressive character.
The unforgettable impressions of those years entered my novel only to a small extent, and when I leaf through my old notebooks, I want to start writing a long-planned book dedicated to the history of the Soviet sailor.
I re-read my letter and became convinced that I failed to answer the vast, overwhelming majority of your questions: who served as the prototype for Nikolai Antonovich? Where did I get Nina Kapitonovna from? To what extent is the love story of Sanya and Katya truthfully told?
In order to answer these questions, I should have at least approximately weighed the extent to which real life participated in the creation of this or that figure. But in relation to Nikolai Antonovich, for example, nothing will have to be weighed: only some features of his appearance are changed in my portrait, depicting exactly the director of that Moscow school, which I graduated in 1919. This also applies to Nina Kapitonovna, who until recently could be met on Sivtsev Vrazhek, in the same green sleeveless jacket and with the same wallet in her hand. As for the love of Sanya and Katya, I was told only the youthful period of this story. Using the right of a novelist, I drew my own conclusions from this story - natural, it seemed to me, for the heroes of my book.
Here is a case that, although indirectly, still answers the question of whether the love story of Sanya and Katya is true.
One day I received a letter from Ordzhonikidze. “After reading your novel,” a certain Irina N. wrote to me, “I am convinced that you are the person whom I have been looking for for eighteen years now. I am convinced of this not only by the details of my life mentioned in the novel, which could be known only to you, but by the places and even the dates of our meetings - on Triumfalnaya Square, near the Bolshoi Theater ... ”I replied that I had never met my correspondent either in Triumphal Square, not at the Bolshoi Theater, and that I can only make inquiries with that polar pilot who served as a prototype for my hero. The war began, and this strange correspondence was cut short.
Another incident came to my mind in connection with a letter from Irina N., who involuntarily put a complete equal sign between literature and life. During the blockade of Leningrad, in the harsh, forever memorable days of the late autumn of 1941, the Leningrad Radio Committee asked me to speak on behalf of Sanya Grigoriev with an appeal to the Komsomol members of the Baltic. I objected that although a certain person, a bomber pilot, who was operating at that time on the Central Front, was brought out in the person of Sanya Grigoriev, nevertheless, this is still a literary hero.
“We know that,” was the reply. “But that doesn't stop anything. Speak as if your literary hero's name could be found in a phone book.
I agreed. On behalf of Sanya Grigoriev, I wrote an appeal to the Komsomol members of Leningrad and the Baltic - and in response to the name of the "literary hero" letters rained down containing a promise to fight to the last drop of blood and breathing confidence in victory.
I would like to end my letter with the words with which, at the request of Moscow schoolchildren, I tried to define the main idea of ​​my novel: “Where did my captains go? Look at the tracks of their sleigh in the dazzling white snow! This is the railroad track of science that looks ahead. Remember that there is nothing more beautiful than this hard way. Remember that the most powerful forces of the soul are patience, courage and love for one's country, for one's work.

Before talking about the content of the novel, you need at least in general terms to imagine its author. Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin is a talented Soviet writer who became famous for his work "Two Captains", written in the period from 1938 to 1944. The real name of the writer is Zilber.

People who read this story, it usually sinks into the soul for a long time. Apparently, the fact is that it describes a life in which each of us can recognize himself. After all, everyone faced friendship and betrayal, grief and joy, love and hatred. In addition, this book tells about the polar expedition, the prototype of which was the sailing in 1912 of the missing Russian polar explorers on the schooner "Saint Anna", and wartime, which is also interesting from a historical point of view.

Two captains in this novel- this is Alexander Grigoriev, who is the main character of the work, and the leader of the missing expedition, Ivan Tatarinov, the circumstances of whose death the main character is trying to find out throughout the book. Both captains are united by loyalty and devotion, strength and honesty.

The beginning of the story

The action of the novel takes place in the city of Ensk, where a dead postman is found. With him, a bag full of letters is found, which never reached those to whom they were intended. Ensk is a city not rich in events, so such an incident becomes known everywhere. Since the letters were no longer destined to reach the addressees, they were opened and read by the whole city.

One of these readers is Aunt Dasha, who is listened to with great interest by the main character, Sanya Grigoriev. He is ready to listen for hours to stories described by strangers. And he especially likes stories about polar expeditions written for the unknown Maria Vasilievna.

Time passes, and a black streak begins in Sanya's life. His father is jailed for life on murder charges. The guy is sure that his dad is innocent, because he knows the real criminal, but he does not have the opportunity to speak and cannot help his beloved person in any way. The gift of speech will return later with the help of Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, who, by the will of fate, ended up in their house, but for now the family, consisting of Sanya, his mother and sister, is left without a breadwinner, plunging into ever greater poverty.

The next test in the boy's life is the appearance of a stepfather in their family, who, instead of improving their unsweetened life, makes it even more unbearable. The mother dies, and they want to send the children to an orphanage against their will.

Then Sasha together with a friend named Petya Skovorodnikov escapes to Tashkent, giving each other the most serious oath in their lives: "Fight and seek, find and not give up!" But the guys were not destined to get to the coveted Tashkent. They ended up in Moscow.

Life in Moscow

Further, the narrator departs from the fate of Petya. The fact is that friends get lost in an unusually huge city, and Sasha ends up in a commune school alone. At first he loses heart, but then he realizes that this place can be useful and fateful for him.

And so it turns out. It is in the boarding school that he meets important people for later life:

  1. Faithful friend Valya Zhukov;
  2. The real enemy is Misha Romashov, nicknamed Chamomile;
  3. Geography teacher Ivan Pavlovich Korablev;
  4. School director Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov.

Subsequently, Sasha meets an elderly woman on the street with obviously heavy bags and volunteers to help her carry her burden home. During the conversation, Grigoriev realizes that the woman is a relative of Tatarinov, the director of his school. At the lady's house, the young man meets her granddaughter Katya, who, although she seems somewhat arrogant, still likes him. As it turned out, mutually.

Katya's mother's name is Maria Vasilievna. Sasha is surprised by how sad this woman constantly looks. It turns out that she experienced great grief - the loss of her beloved husband, who was at the head of the expedition when he went missing.

Since everyone considers Katya's mother a widow, the teacher Korablev and the director of the Tatarinov school show interest in her. The latter is also the cousin of Maria Vasilievna's missing husband. And Sasha often begins to appear at Katya's house in order to help with the housework.

Facing injustice

The geography teacher wants to bring something new into the life of his students and organizes a theatrical performance. The peculiarity of his idea is that the roles were given to hooligans, who were subsequently influenced in the best way.

After that, the geographer suggested to Katina mother to marry him. The woman had warm feelings for the teacher, but could not accept the offer, and it was rejected. The school director, jealous of Korableva for Maria Vasilyevna and envious of his success in raising children, commits a low deed: he gathers a pedagogical council, at which he announces his decision to remove the geographer from classes with schoolchildren.

By a coincidence, Grigoriev finds out about this conversation and tells Ivan Pavlovich about it. This leads to the fact that Tatarinov calls Sasha, accuses him of informing and forbids him to appear in Katya's apartment. Sanya has no choice but to think that it was the geography teacher who let it slip about who told him about the collective meeting.

Deeply wounded and disappointed, the young man decides to leave the school and the city. But he still does not know that he is sick with the flu, flowing into meningitis. The disease is so complicated that Sasha loses consciousness and ends up in the hospital. There he meets the same doctor who helped him start talking after his father's arrest. Then the geographer visits him. He explains to the student and says that he kept the secret told to him by Grigoriev. So it was not the teacher who handed it over to the principal.

School education

Sasha returns to school and continues to study. Once he was given the task - to draw a poster that would encourage the guys to enter the Society of Friends of the Air Fleet. In the process of creativity Grigoriev the idea came to him that he would like to become a pilot. This idea absorbed him so much that Sanya began to fully prepare to master this profession. He began to read special literature and prepare himself physically: to temper himself and go in for sports.

After some time, Sasha resumes communication with Katya. And then he learns more about her father, who was the captain of the Saint Mary. Grigoriev compares the facts and understands that it was Katya's father's letters about the polar expeditions that then ended up in Ensk. And it also turned out that it was equipped by the director of the school and part-time cousin of Katya's father.

Sasha realizes that she has strong feelings for Katya. At the school ball, unable to cope with the impulse, he kisses Katya. But she does not take this step of his seriously. However, their kiss had a witness - none other than Mikhail Romashov, an enemy of the protagonist. As it turned out, he had long been Ivan Antonovich's scammer and even kept notes about everything that could be of interest to the director.

Tatarinov, who does not like Grigoriev, again forbids Sasha to appear in Katya's house, and indeed to maintain any communication with her. In order to separate them for sure, he sends Katya to the city of Sasha's childhood - Ensk.

Grigoriev was not going to give up and decided to follow Katya. Meanwhile, the face of the one who was the culprit of his misadventures was revealed to him. Sasha caught Mikhail when he got into the guy's personal belongings. Not wanting to leave this offense unpunished, Grigoriev hit Romashov.

Sasha follows Katya to Ensk, where she visits Aunt Dasha. The woman kept the letters, and Grigoriev was able to read them again. Approaching the matter more consciously, the young man understood more of the new and was set on fire with a desire to find out how Katya's father disappeared, and what director Tatarinov could have had to do with this incident.

Grigoriev told Katya about the letters and his guesses, and she gave them to her mother upon her return to Moscow. Unable to survive the shock of the fact that the culprit of her husband's death was their relative Nikolai Antonovich, whom the family trusted, Maria Vasilievna committed suicide. Out of grief, Katya blamed Sanya for the death of her mother and refused to see or talk with him. Meanwhile, the director prepared documents that would justify his guilt in the incident. This evidence was presented to the geographer Korablev.

Sanya is hard going through separation from her beloved. He believes that they are never destined to be together, but he cannot forget Katya. Nevertheless, Grigoriev manages to pass the test exams and get the profession of a pilot. First of all, he goes to the place where the expedition of Katya's father disappeared.

New meeting

Sanya was lucky, and he found Katya's father's diaries about the expedition to the "St. Mary". After this, the guy decides to return to Moscow with two goals:

  1. Congratulate your teacher Korablev on his anniversary;
  2. To meet your beloved again.

As a result, both goals were achieved.

Meanwhile, things are going from bad to worse for the dastardly director. He is blackmailed by Romashov, who gets papers testifying to the betrayal of his brother by Tatarinov. With these documents, Mikhail hopes to achieve the following:

  1. Successfully defend a dissertation under the guidance of Nikolai Antonovich;
  2. Marry his niece Katya.

But Katya, who forgave Sasha after the meeting, believes the young man and leaves her uncle's house. Subsequently, she agrees to become Grigoriev's wife.

War years

The war that began in 1941 separated the spouses. Katya ended up in besieged Leningrad, Sanya ended up in the North. Nevertheless, the loving couple did not forget about each other, continued to believe and love. Sometimes they had the opportunity to receive news about each other that the dearest person was still alive.

However, this time does not pass in vain for the couple. During the war, Sana manages to find evidence of what he was sure of almost all the time. Tatarinov was really involved in the disappearance of the expedition. In addition, Romashov, an old enemy of Grigoriev, again showed his meanness by leaving the wounded Sanya to die in wartime. Michael was put on trial for this. At the end of the war, Katya and Sasha finally found each other and reunited, never to get lost again.

Moral of the book

The analysis of the novel leads to an understanding of the main idea of ​​the author, that the main thing in life is to be honest and faithful, to find and keep your love. After all, only this helped the heroes to cope with all the hardships and find happiness, even if it was not easy.

The above content is a very concise retelling of a voluminous book, which is not always enough time to read. However, if this story did not leave you indifferent, reading the full volume of the work will surely help you spend your time with pleasure and benefit.

“I never forgot about Pskov.

I happened to mention him more than once in essays and stories.

In the novel Two Captains, I called him Ansk. As about a close, beloved person,

I thought a lot about him during the war years, in the Leningrad blockade, in the Northern Fleet "

Kaverin V.A., 1970

We invite you to take a fascinating journey through the city, descended from the pages of the novel Two Captains.

Remembering his childhood, the main character Sanya Grigoriev describes the city where he passed. We see Mr. Ensk through the eyes of a boy.

The novel begins with Sanya's words: I remember a spacious dirty yard and low houses surrounded by a fence. The yard stood right next to the river, and in the spring, when the flood waters subsided, it was strewn with wood chips and shells, and sometimes with other, much more interesting things ... "

“... As a boy, I visited the Cathedral Garden a thousand times, but then it never occurred to me that it was so beautiful. It is located high on a mountain above the confluence of two rivers: Peschinka and Quiet, and is surrounded by a fortress wall.

“... On this day, mother took us with her - me and my sister. We went to the presence” and carried the petition. The Presence was a dark building behind the Market Square, behind a high iron fence.

“... The shops were closed, the streets were empty, we did not meet a single person behind Sergievskaya”

“The governor’s garden remains in memory, in which the little son of a fat bailiff rode a tricycle”

and the Cadet Corps.

“...we agreed to go to the city museum. Sanya wanted to show us this museum, which Ensk was very proud of. It was located in the Pagankin's Chambers, an old merchant's building, about which Petya Skovorodnikov once said that it was filled with gold, and the merchant Pagankin himself was walled up in the basement ... "

“The train is moving, and the dear Ensky Station is leaving me. Everything is faster! Another minute and the platform breaks off. Goodbye Ensk!

Literature used in the preparation of the material:

  • Kaverin, V.A. Two captains.
  • Levin, N.F. Pskov on old postcards /N.F. Levin. - Pskov, 2009.


mythological novel image

"Two captains" - adventure novel Sovietwriter Veniamin Kaverina, which was written by him in 1938-1944. The novel went through over a hundred reprints. For him, Kaverin was awarded Stalin Prizesecond degree (1946). The book has been translated into many foreign languages. First published: the first volume in the magazine "Koster", No. 8-12, 1938. The first separate edition - Kaverin V. Two captains. Drawings, binding, flyleaf and title by Y. Syrnev. Frontispiece by V. Konashevich. M.-L. Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, publishing house of children's literature in 1940. 464 p.

The book tells about the amazing fate of a mute from a provincial town Enska, who with honor goes through the trials of war and homelessness in order to win the heart of his girlfriend. After the unjust arrest of his father and the death of his mother, Alexander Grigoriev is sent to an orphanage. Having fled to Moscow, he first finds himself in a distribution center for homeless children, and then in a commune school. He is irresistibly attracted by the apartment of the director of the school, Nikolai Antonovich, where the latter's cousin, Katya Tatarinova, lives.

Katya's father, captain Ivan Tatarinov, who in 1912 led an expedition that discovered Severnaya Zemlya, went missing a few years ago. Sanya suspects that Nikolai Antonovich, who is in love with Katya's mother, Maria Vasilievna, contributed to this. Maria Vasilievna believes Sanya and commits suicide. Sanya is accused of slander and expelled from the Tatarinovs' house. And then he takes an oath to find an expedition and prove his case. He becomes a pilot and bit by bit collects information about the expedition.

After the start Great Patriotic WarSanya serves in air force. During one of the sorties, he discovers a ship with Captain Tatarinov's reports. The finds become the final touch and allow him to shed light on the circumstances of the death of the expedition and justify himself in the eyes of Katya, who had previously become his wife.

The motto of the novel - the words "Fight and seek, find and not give up" - is the final line from the textbook poem Lord Tennyson « Ulysses" (in original: To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield). This line is also engraved on the cross in memory of the deceased expeditions R. Scottto the South Pole, on Observation Hill.

The novel was filmed twice (in 1955 and in 1976), and in 2001 the musical Nord-Ost was created based on the novel. The heroes of the film, namely the two captains, were commemorated a yard in the homeland of the writer, in Psokov, which is indicated in the novel as the city of Ensk. In 2001, a museum of the novel was created in the Psokovo Children's Library.

In 2003, the main square of the city of Polyarny, Murmansk region, was named the Square of Two Captains. It was from this place that the expeditions of seafarers Vladimir Rusanov and Georgy Brusilov set sail.

The relevance of the work.The theme "The mythological basis in the novel by V. Kaverin" Two Captains "" was chosen by me because of the high degree of its relevance and significance in modern conditions. This is due to the wide public outcry and active interest in this issue.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the topic of this work is of great educational and practical interest to me. The problem of the issue is very relevant in modern reality. From year to year, scientists and experts pay more and more attention to this topic. Here it is worth noting such names as Alekseev D.A., Begak B., Borisova V., who made a significant contribution to the study and development of the conceptual issues of this topic.

The amazing story of Sanya Grigoriev - one of the two captains in Kaverin's novel - begins with an equally amazing find: a bag stuffed with letters. Nevertheless, it turns out that these "worthless" letters of others are still quite suitable for the role of a fascinating "epistolary novel", the content of which soon becomes common property. The letter, which tells about the dramatic history of the Arctic expedition of Captain Tatarinov and addressed to his wife, acquires a fateful significance for Sanya Grigoriev: his entire further existence turns out to be subordinated to the search for the addressee, and subsequently to the search for the missing expedition. Guided by this high aspiration, Sanya literally breaks into someone else's life. Having turned into a polar pilot and a member of the Tatarinov family, Grigoriev essentially replaces and displaces the deceased hero-captain. So, from the appropriation of someone else's letter to the appropriation of someone else's fate, the logic of his life unfolds.

The theoretical basis of the course workserved as monographic sources, materials of scientific and industry periodicals directly related to the topic. Prototypes of the heroes of the work.

Object of study:plot and characters.

Subject of study:mythological motifs, plots, symbols in the work in the novel "Two Captains".

Purpose of the study:a comprehensive consideration of the issue of the influence of mythology on the novel by V. Kaverin.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

to reveal the attitude and frequency of Kaverin's appeal to mythology;

to study the main features of mythological heroes in the images of the novel "Two Captains";

determine the forms of penetration of mythological motifs and plots into the novel "Two Captains";

consider the main stages of Kaverin's appeal to mythological subjects.

To solve the tasks, methods such as descriptive, historical and comparative are used.

1. The concept of mythological themes and motifs

Myth stands at the origins of verbal art, mythological representations and plots occupy a significant place in the oral folklore tradition of various peoples. Mythological motifs played a big role in the genesis of literary plots, mythological themes, images, characters are used and rethought in literature almost throughout its history.

In the history of the epic, military strength and courage, a "violent" heroic character completely overshadow witchcraft and magic. The historical tradition is gradually pushing aside the myth, the mythical early time is being transformed into the glorious era of the early mighty statehood. However, individual features of the myth can be preserved in the most developed epics.

Due to the fact that in modern literary criticism there is no term "mythological elements", at the beginning of this work it is advisable to define this concept. For this, it is necessary to turn to works on mythology, which present opinions about the essence of myth, its properties, and functions. It would be much easier to define mythological elements as components of one or another myth (plots, heroes, images of animate and inanimate nature, etc.), but when giving such a definition, one should also take into account the subconscious appeal of the authors of works to archetypal constructions (as V. N. Toporov, "some features in the work of great writers could be understood as sometimes an unconscious appeal to elementary semantic oppositions, well known in mythology", B. Groys speaks of "archaic, regarding which one can say that it is also at the beginning of time , as well as in the depths of the human psyche as its unconscious beginning.

So, what is a myth, and after it - what can be called mythological elements?

The word "myth" μυ ̃ θοζ) - “word”, “story”, “speech” - comes from ancient Greek. Initially, it was understood as a set of absolute (sacred) value-worldview truths that oppose everyday empirical (profane) truths expressed by an ordinary “word” ( ε ̉ ποζ), notes prof. A.V. Semushkin. Starting from the 5th c. BC, writes J.-P. Vernan, in philosophy and history, “myth”, opposed to “logos”, with which they initially coincided in meaning (only later logos began to mean the ability of thinking, reason), acquired a derogatory connotation, denoting a fruitless, unfounded statement, devoid of reliance on rigorous evidence or reliable evidence (however, even in this case, it, disqualified from the point of view of truth, did not extend to sacred texts about gods and heroes).

The predominance of mythological consciousness refers mainly to the archaic (primitive) era and is associated primarily with its cultural life, in the system of semantic organization of which myth played a dominant role. The English ethnographer B. Malinovsky ascribed to the myth, first of all, the practical functions of maintaining

However, the main thing in the myth is the content, and not at all the correspondence with historical evidence. In myths, events are considered in time sequence, but often the specific time of the event does not matter and only the starting point for the beginning of the story is important.

In the 17th century English philosopher Francis Bacon in his essay “On the Wisdom of the Ancients” argued that myths in poetic form store the most ancient philosophy: moral maxims or scientific truths, the meaning of which is hidden under the cover of symbols and allegories. Free fantasy expressed in myth, according to the German philosopher Herder, is not something absurd, but is an expression of the childhood age of mankind, "the philosophical experience of the human soul, which dreams before it wakes up."

1.1 Signs and characteristics of a myth

Mythology as the science of myths has a rich and long history. The first attempts to rethink the mythological material were made in antiquity. But until now, there has not been a single generally accepted opinion about the myth. Of course, in the works of researchers there are points of contact. Starting precisely from these points, it seems possible for us to single out the main properties and signs of a myth.

Representatives of various scientific schools focus on different sides of the myth. So Raglan (Cambridge Ritual School) defines myths as ritual texts, Cassirer (a representative of the symbolic theory) speaks of their symbolism, Losev (the theory of mythopoeticism) - of the coincidence of the general idea and the sensual image in the myth, Afanasiev calls the myth the most ancient poetry, Bart - a communicative system . Existing theories are summarized in Meletinsky's book Poetics of Myth.

In the article by A.V. The Gulygs list the so-called "signs of a myth":

The fusion of the real and the ideal (thoughts and actions).

Unconscious level of thinking (mastering the meaning of the myth, we destroy the myth itself).

Syncretism of reflection (this includes: the inseparability of the subject and the object, the absence of differences between the natural and the supernatural).

Freidenberg notes the essential characteristics of myth, defining it in his book Myth and Literature of Antiquity: “A figurative representation in the form of several metaphors, where our logical, formal-logical thing, space, time are understood indivisibly and concretely, where a person and the world are subject-objectly united, - this special constructive system of figurative representations, when it is expressed in words, we call a myth. Based on this definition, it becomes clear that the main characteristics of a myth stem from the peculiarities of mythological thinking. Following the works of A.F. Loseva V.A. Markov argues that in mythological thinking there is no difference: object and subject, thing and its properties, name and object, word and action, society and space, man and the universe, natural and supernatural, and the universal principle of mythological thinking is the principle of participation (“everything is everything”, the logic of shape-shifting). Meletinsky is sure that mythological thinking is expressed in an indistinct division of subject and object, object and sign, thing and word, creature and its name, thing and its attributes, singular and plural, spatial and temporal relations, origin and essence.

In their works, various researchers note the following characteristics of the myth: the sacralization of the mythical "time of creation", in which lies the cause of the established world order (Eliade); inseparability of the image and meaning (Potebnya); universal animation and personalization (Losev); close connection with the ritual; cyclic model of time; metaphorical nature; symbolic meaning (Meletinsky).

In the article “On the Interpretation of Myth in the Literature of Russian Symbolism”, G. Shelogurova tries to draw preliminary conclusions about what is meant by myth in modern philological science:

The myth is unanimously recognized as a product of collective artistic creativity.

Myth is determined by the indistinguishability between the plane of expression and the plane of content.

Myth is considered as a universal model for constructing symbols.

Myths are the most important source of plots and images at all times in the development of art.

1.2 Functions of myth in works

Now it seems possible for us to define the functions of myth in symbolic works:

Myth is used by symbolists as a means to create symbols.

With the help of myth, it becomes possible to express some additional ideas in the work.

Myth is a means of generalizing literary material.

In some cases, the Symbolists resort to myth as an artistic device.

The myth plays the role of a visual example, rich in meanings.

Based on the above, the myth cannot but perform a structuring function (Meletinsky: “Mythologism has become a tool for structuring the narrative (with the help of mythological symbols)”). 1

In the next chapter, we will consider how fair our conclusions are for Bryusov's lyrical works. To do this, we study the cycles of different times of writing, entirely built on mythological and historical plots: "Favorites of the Ages" (1897-1901), "The Eternal Truth of Idols" (1904-1905), "The Eternal Truth of Idols" (1906-1908), "The Powerful shadows "(1911-1912)," In the mask "(1913-1914).

2. Mythologism of the images of the novel

The novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" is one of the most striking works of Russian adventure literature of the 20th century. This story of love and fidelity, courage and determination has not left indifferent either an adult or a young reader for many years.

The book was called "a novel of education", "an adventure novel", "an idyllic-sentimental novel", but was not accused of self-deception. And the writer himself said that "this is a novel about justice and that it is more interesting (he said so!) To be honest and courageous than a coward and a liar." And he also said that this is "a novel about the inevitability of truth."

On the motto of the heroes of "Two Captains" "Fight and seek, find and not give up!" more than one generation has grown up who adequately responded to all sorts of challenges of the time.

Fight and seek, find and never give up. From English: That strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. The primary source is the poem "Ulysses" by the English poet Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), whose 70 years of literary activity are devoted to valiant and happy heroes. These lines were carved on the grave of polar explorer Robert Scott (1868-1912). In an effort to reach the South Pole first, he nevertheless came to him second, three days after the Norwegian pioneer Roald Amundsen had been there. Robert Scott and his companions died on the way back.

In Russian, these words became popular after the publication of the novel "Two Captains" by Veniamin Kaverin (1902-1989). The protagonist of the novel, Sanya Grigoriev, who dreams of polar campaigns, makes these words the motto of his whole life. Quoted as a phrase-symbol of fidelity to one's purpose and one's principles. “Fighting” (including one’s own weaknesses) is the first task of a person. “To seek” means to have a humane goal in front of you. "Find" is to make the dream a reality. And if there are new difficulties, then "do not give up."

The novel is filled with symbols, which is part of the mythology. Every image, every action has a symbolic meaning.

This novel can be considered a hymn to friendship. Sanya Grigoriev carried this friendship through his whole life. The episode when Sanya and his friend Petka took a "blood oath of friendship". The words that the boys uttered were: "Fight and seek, find and not give up"; they turned into a symbol of their life as the heroes of the novel, determined the character.

Sanya could have died during the war, his profession in itself was dangerous. But against all odds, he survived and fulfilled his promise to find the missing expedition. What helped him in life? A high sense of duty, perseverance, perseverance, determination, honesty - all these character traits helped Sanya Grigoriev to survive in order to find traces of the expedition and Katya's love. “You have such love that the most terrible grief will recede before it: it will meet, look into your eyes and retreat. No one else seems to know how to love like that, only you and Sanya. So strong, so stubborn, all my life. Where is there to die when you are so loved? - says Peter Skovorodnikov.

In our time, the time of the Internet, technology, speed, such love may seem like a myth to many. And how you want it to touch everyone, provoke them to accomplish feats, discoveries.

Once in Moscow, Sanya meets the Tatarinov family. Why is he drawn to this house, what attracts him? The Tatarinovs' apartment becomes for the boy something like Ali-Baba's cave with its treasures, mysteries and dangers. Nina Kapitonovna, who feeds Sanya with dinners, is a “treasure”, Maria Vasilyevna, “neither a widow, nor a husband’s wife”, who always wears black and often plunges into melancholy, is a “mystery”, Nikolai Antonovich is a “danger”. In this house, he found many interesting books, which "fell ill" and the fate of Katya's father, Captain Tatarinov, excited and interested him.

It is hard to imagine how Sanya Grigoriev's life would have turned out if the amazing person Ivan Ivanovich Pavlov had not met on his way. One frosty winter evening, someone knocked on the window of the house where two small children lived. When the children opened the door, an exhausted frostbitten man burst into the room. This was Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, who had escaped from exile. He lived with the children for several days, showed the children tricks, taught them to bake potatoes on sticks, and most importantly, taught the dumb boy to talk. Who could have known then that these two people, a little mute boy and an adult who was hiding from all people, would be bound by a strong, faithful male friendship for life.

A few years will pass, and they will meet again, the doctor and the boy, in Moscow, in the hospital, and the doctor will fight for the boy's life for many months. A new meeting will take place in the Arctic, where Sanya will work. Together, the polar pilot Grigoriev and Dr. Pavlov will fly to save a man, get into a terrible snowstorm, and only thanks to the resourcefulness and skill of the young pilot will they be able to land a faulty plane and spend several days in the tundra among the Nenets. Here, in the harsh conditions of the North, the true qualities of both Sani Grigoriev and Dr. Pavlov will appear.

The three meetings between Sanya and the doctor also have a symbolic meaning. First, three is a fabulous number. This is the first number in a number of traditions (including ancient Chinese), or the first of odd numbers. Opens a number series and qualifies as a perfect number (an image of absolute perfection). The first number to which the word "all" is assigned. One of the most positive number-emblems in symbolism, religious thought, mythology and folklore. Sacred, lucky number 3. It carries the meaning of high quality or a high degree of expressiveness of the action. It shows mainly positive qualities: the sacredness of the perfect deed, courage and great strength, both physical and spiritual, the importance of something. In addition, the number 3 symbolizes the completeness and completeness of a certain sequence that has a beginning, middle and end. The number 3 symbolizes the integrity, the triple nature of the world, its versatility, the trinity of the creative, destroying and preserving forces of nature - reconciling and balancing their beginning, happy harmony, creative perfection and good luck.

Secondly, these meetings changed the life of the protagonist.

None of the disciples noticed when this red-haired and ugly Jew first appeared near Christ, but for a long time he relentlessly followed their path, intervened in conversations, rendered small services, bowed, smiled and fawned. And then it became completely habitual, deceiving tired eyesight, then it suddenly caught my eye and ears, irritating them, like something unprecedented, ugly, deceitful and disgusting.

A bright detail in Kaverin's portrait is a kind of accent that helps to demonstrate the essence of the person being portrayed. For example, Nikolai Antonovich’s thick fingers resembling “some hairy caterpillars, it seems, cabbages” (64) - a detail that adds negative connotations to the image of this person, as well as the “golden tooth” constantly emphasized in the portrait, which previously somehow illuminated everything face ”(64), and faded with age. The golden tooth will become a sign of the absolute falseness of the antagonist Sanya Grigoriev. Constantly "striking" incurable acne on the face of Sanya's stepfather is a sign of impurity of thoughts and dishonesty of behavior.

He was a good leader, and the pupils respected him. They came to him with different proposals, and he listened carefully to them. Sanya Grigoriev also liked him at first. But visiting them at home, he noticed that everyone treated him unimportantly, although he was very attentive to everyone. With all the guests who came to them, he was kind and cheerful. He did not like Sanya, and every time he visited them, he began to teach him. Despite his pleasant appearance, Nikolai Antonovich was a vile, low man. His actions speak for themselves. Nikolai Antonovich - he made it so that most of the equipment on Tatarinov's schooner turned out to be unusable. Through the fault of this man, almost the entire expedition perished! He persuaded Romashov to eavesdrop on everything they say about him at school and report to him. He arranged a whole conspiracy against Ivan Pavlovich Korablev, wanting to kick him out of school, because the guys loved and respected him, and because he asked for the hand of Marya Vasilievna, with whom he himself was deeply in love and whom he wanted to marry. It was Nikolai Antonovich who was to blame for the death of his brother Tatarinov: it was he who was engaged in equipping the expedition and did everything possible so that it would not return back. He interfered in every possible way with Grigoriev to investigate the case of the missing expedition. Moreover, he took advantage of the letters that Sanya Grigoriev found, and defended himself, became a professor. In an effort to avoid punishment and shame in the event of exposure, he jeopardized another person, von Vyshimirsky, when all the evidence proving his guilt was collected. These and other actions speak of him as a low, vile, dishonest, envious person. How much meanness he committed in his life, how many innocent people he killed, how many people he made unhappy. He deserves only contempt and condemnation.

What kind of person is Chamomile?

Sanya met Romashov at the 4th school - the commune, where Ivan Pavlovich Korablev took him. Their beds were next to each other. The boys became friends. Sana did not like Romashov, that he was always talking about money, saving it, lending money at interest. Very soon, Sanya was convinced of the meanness of this man. Sanya learned that, at the request of Nikolai Antonovich, Romashka overheard everything that was said about the head of the school, wrote it down in a separate book, and then reported it to Nikolai Antonovich for a fee. He also told him that Sanya had heard the conspiracy of the teachers' council against Korablev and wanted to tell his teacher about everything. On another occasion, he was gossiping dirtyly to Nikolai Antonovich about Katya and Sanya, for which Katya was sent on vacation to Ensk, and Sanya was no longer allowed into the Tatarinovs' house. The letter that Katya wrote to Sanya before her departure also did not reach Sanya, and this was also the work of Chamomile. Chamomile sank to the point that he was rummaging through Sanya's suitcase, wanting to find some compromising evidence on him. The older Chamomile got, the more his meanness became. He even went so far as to start collecting documents on Nikolai Antonovich, his beloved teacher and patron, proving his guilt in the death of Captain Tatarinov's expedition, and was ready to sell them to Sana in exchange for Katya, with whom he was in love. Why sell important papers, he was ready to kill a childhood friend in cold blood for the sake of fulfilling his dirty goals. All actions of Chamomile are low, vile, dishonorable.

What brings Romashka and Nikolai Antonovich closer, how are they similar?

These are low, vile, cowardly, envious people. To achieve their goals, they commit dishonorable acts. They stop at nothing. They have neither honor nor conscience. Ivan Pavlovich Korablev calls Nikolai Antonovich a terrible person, and Romashov a man who has absolutely no morality. These two people deserve each other. Even love doesn't make them prettier. In love, both are selfish. Achieving the goal, they put their interests, their feelings above all else! Ignoring the feelings and interests of the person they love, acting low and mean. Even the war did not change Chamomile. Katya thought: "He saw death, he became bored in this world of pretense and lies, which used to be his world." But she was deeply mistaken. Romashov was ready to kill Sanya, because no one would have known about this and he would have gone unpunished. But Sanya was lucky, fate favored him again, and again, giving chance after chance.

Comparing "Two Captains" with the canonical examples of the adventure genre, we can easily find that V. Kaverin skillfully uses a dynamically intense plot for a broad realistic narrative, during which the two main characters of the novel - Sanya Grigoriev and Katya Tatarinova - tell stories with great sincerity and excitement. "O time and about yourself.All sorts of adventures are by no means an end in themselves, because they do not determine the essence of the story of the two captains, they are only the circumstances of a real biography, which the author puts as the basis of the novel, eloquently indicating that the life of Soviet people is full of rich events, that our heroic time is full of exciting romance.

"Two Captains" is, in essence, a novel about truth and happiness. In the fate of the protagonist of the novel, these concepts are inseparable. Of course, Sanya Grigoriev wins a lot in our eyes because he accomplished many feats in his life - he fought in Spain against the Nazis, flew over the Arctic, fought heroically on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, for which he was awarded several military orders. But it is curious that for all his exceptional perseverance, rare diligence, composure and strong-willed determination, Captain Grigoriev does not perform exceptional feats, his chest is not adorned with the Star of the Hero, as many readers and sincere fans of Sanya would probably like. He performs such feats as every Soviet person who ardently loves his socialist motherland is able to accomplish. Does Sanya Grigoriev lose any of this in our eyes? Of course not!

We are conquered in the hero of the novel not only by his actions, but by his whole mental warehouse, his heroic character in its very essence. Have you noticed that Osome of the exploits of his hero, committed by him at the front, the writer simply keeps silent. The point, of course, is not the number of feats. Before us is not so much a desperately brave man, a sort of captain "break your head", - before us, first of all, a principled, convinced, ideological defender of the truth, before us is the image of a Soviet youth, "shocked by the idea of ​​justice",as the author himself points out. And this is the main thing in the appearance of Sanya Grigoriev, which captivated us in him from the very first meeting - even when we knew nothing about his participation in the Great Patriotic War.

We already knew that Sanya Grigoriev would grow up to be a courageous and brave person when we heard the boyish oath “Fight and seek, find and not give up.” Of course, throughout the novel, we are worried about the question of whether the main character will find traces of Captain Tatarinov, whether justice will prevail, but we are really captured by ourselves. processachieving the set goal. This process is difficult and complex, but that is why it is interesting and instructive for us.

For us, Sanya Grigoriev would not be a true hero if we only knew about his exploits and knew little about the formation of his character. In the fate of the hero of the novel, his difficult childhood is also important for us, and his bold clashes in his school years with the scoundrel and selfish Romashka, with the cleverly disguised careerist Nikolai Antonovich, and his pure love for Katya Tatarinova, and loyalty to whatever became a noble boyish oath. And how magnificently the purposefulness and perseverance in the character of the hero are revealed when we follow step by step how he achieves the intended goal - to become a polar pilot in order to be able to fly in the skies of the Arctic! We cannot pass by his passion for aviation and polar travel, which absorbed Sanya while still at school. That is why Sanya Grigoriev becomes a courageous and brave man, because he does not lose sight of the main goal of his life for a single day.

Happiness is won by work, the truth is affirmed in the struggle - such a conclusion can be drawn from all the trials of life that fell to the lot of Sanya Grigoriev. And there were, frankly, a lot of them. As soon as homelessness ended, clashes with strong and resourceful enemies began. Sometimes he suffered temporary setbacks, which he had to endure very painfully. But strong natures do not bend from this - they are tempered in severe trials.

2.1 Mythology of the novel's polar discoveries

Any writer has the right to fiction. But where does it pass, the line, the invisible line between truth and myth? Sometimes they are so closely intertwined, as, for example, in the novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" - a work of art that most reliably resembles the real events of 1912 in the development of the Arctic.

Three Russian polar expeditions entered the Northern Ocean in 1912, all three ended tragically: the expedition of Rusanov V.A. died entirely, the expedition of Brusilov G.L. - almost entirely, and in the expedition of Sedov G. I, three people died, including the head of the expedition. In general, the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century were interesting for through voyages along the Northern Sea Route, the Chelyuskin epic, and Papanin heroes.

The young, but already well-known writer V. Kaverin became interested in all this, became interested in people, bright personalities, whose deeds and characters aroused only respect. He reads literature, memoirs, collections of documents; listens to the stories of N.V. Pinegin, a friend and member of the expedition of the brave polar explorer Sedov; sees finds made in the mid-thirties on nameless islands in the Kara Sea. Also during the Great Patriotic War, he himself, being a correspondent for Izvestia, visited the North.

And in 1944, the novel "Two Captains" was published. The author was literally bombarded with questions about the prototypes of the main characters - Captain Tatarinov and Captain Grigoriev. He took advantage of the history of two brave conquerors of the Far North. From one he took a courageous and clear character, purity of thought, clarity of purpose - everything that distinguishes a person of a great soul. It was Sedov. The other has the actual history of his journey. It was Brusilov. These heroes became the prototypes of Captain Tatarinov.

Let's try to figure out what is true, what is a myth, how the writer Kaverin managed to combine the realities of the expeditions of Sedov and Brusilov in the history of the expedition of Captain Tatarinov. And although the writer himself did not mention the name of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Rusanov among the prototypes of the hero Captain Tatarinov, some facts claim that the realities of Rusanov's expedition were also reflected in the novel "Two Captains".

Lieutenant Georgy Lvovich Brusilov, a hereditary sailor, in 1912 led an expedition on the steam-sailing schooner "Saint Anna". He intended to go with one wintering from St. Petersburg around Scandinavia and further along the Northern Sea Route to Vladivostok. But "Saint Anna" did not come to Vladivostok either a year later or in subsequent years. Off the western coast of the Yamal Peninsula, the schooner was covered with ice, she began to drift north, to high latitudes. The ship failed to break out of ice captivity in the summer of 1913. During the longest drift in the history of Russian Arctic research (1,575 kilometers in a year and a half), the Brusilov expedition conducted meteorological observations, measured depths, studied currents and ice conditions in the northern part of the Kara Sea, until then completely unknown to science. Almost two years of ice captivity passed.

(10) April 1914, when "Saint Anna" was at 830 north latitude and 60 0 east longitude, with the consent of Brusilov, eleven crew members left the schooner, led by navigator Valerian Ivanovich Albanov. The group hoped to get to the nearest coast, to Franz Josef Land, in order to deliver expedition materials, which allowed scientists to characterize the underwater relief of the northern part of the Kara Sea and identify a meridional depression at the bottom about 500 kilometers long (the St. Anna trench). Only a few people reached the Franz Josef archipelago, but only two of them, Albanov himself and sailor A. Konrad, were lucky enough to escape. They were discovered quite by accident at Cape Flora by members of another Russian expedition under the command of G. Sedov (Sedov himself had already died by this time).

The schooner with G. Brusilov himself, sister of mercy E. Zhdanko, the first woman participating in the high-latitude drift, and eleven crew members disappeared without a trace.

The geographical result of the campaign of the navigator Albanov's group, which cost the lives of nine sailors, was the assertion that King Oscar and Peterman, previously noted on maps of the Earth, do not actually exist.

We know the drama of "Saint Anna" and her crew in general terms thanks to Albanov's diary, which was published in 1917 under the title "South to Franz Josef Land". Why were only two saved? This is quite clear from the diary. The people in the group that left the schooner were very diverse: strong and weak, reckless and weak in spirit, disciplined and dishonorable. Those who had more chances survived. Albanov from the ship "Saint Anna" mail was transferred to the mainland. Albanov reached, but none of those to whom they were intended received the letters. Where did they go? It still remains a mystery.

And now let's turn to Kaverin's novel "Two Captains". Of the members of the expedition of Captain Tatarinov, only the long-distance navigator I. Klimov returned. Here is what he writes to Maria Vasilievna, the wife of Captain Tatarinov: “I hasten to inform you that Ivan Lvovich is alive and well. Four months ago, in accordance with his instructions, I left the schooner and with me thirteen members of the crew. I will not talk about our difficult journey to Franz Josef Land on floating ice. I can only say that from our group I alone safely (except for frostbitten legs) reached Cape Flora. "Saint Foka" of Lieutenant Sedov's expedition picked me up and delivered me to Arkhangelsk. "Holy Mary" froze back in the Kara Sea and since October 1913 has been constantly moving north along with the polar ice. When we left, the schooner was at latitude 820 55 . She stands quietly in the middle of the ice field, or rather, she stood from the autumn of 1913 until my departure.

Almost twenty years later, in 1932, Sanya Grigoriev's senior friend, Dr. Ivan Ivanovich Pavlov, explained to Sanya that the group photograph of Captain Tatarinov's expedition members "was presented by the navigator of the" St. Mary "Ivan Dmitrievich Klimov. In 1914, he was brought to Arkhangelsk with frostbitten legs, and he died in the city hospital from blood poisoning. After Klimov's death, two notebooks and letters remained. The hospital sent these letters to the addresses, and Ivan Ivanych kept the notebooks and photographs. Persistent Sanya Grigoriev once told Nikolai Antonych Tatarinov, cousin of the missing captain Tatarinov, that he would find the expedition: "I don't believe that she disappeared without a trace."

And so in 1935, Sanya Grigoriev, day after day, analyzes Klimov's diaries, among which he finds an interesting map - a map of the drift of "Saint Mary" "from October 1912 to April 1914, and the drift was shown in those places where the so-called Earth lay Peterman. “But who knows that this fact was first established by Captain Tatarinov on the schooner “Saint Maria”?” - exclaims Sanya Grigoriev.

Captain Tatarinov had to go from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. From the captain's letter to his wife: “It's been about two years since I sent you a letter through a telegraph expedition to Yugorsky Shar. We walked freely along the intended course, and since October 1913 we have been slowly moving north along with the polar ice. Thus, willy-nilly, we had to abandon the original intention to go to Vladivostok along the coast of Siberia. But there is no evil without good. A completely different thought now occupies me. I hope she does not seem to you - as to some of my companions - childish or reckless.

What is this thought? Sanya finds the answer to this in the notes of Captain Tatarinov: “The human mind was so absorbed in this task that its solution, despite the harsh grave that travelers mostly found there, became a continuous national competition. Almost all civilized countries participated in this competition, and only there were no Russians, and meanwhile the Russian people's hot impulses for the discovery of the North Pole manifested themselves even in the time of Lomonosov and have not faded to this day. Amundsen wants at all costs to leave behind Norway the honor of discovering the North Pole, and we will go this year and prove to the whole world that the Russians are capable of this feat. (From a letter to the head of the Main Hydrographic Department, April 17, 1911). So, this is where Captain Tatarinov was aiming! "He wanted, like Nansen, to go as far north as possible with drifting ice, and then get to the pole on dogs."

Tatarinov's expedition failed. Even Amundsen said: "The success of any expedition depends entirely on its equipment." Indeed, a disservice in the preparation and equipment of Tatarinov's expedition was rendered by his brother Nikolai Antonych. Tatarinov's expedition, for reasons of failure, was similar to the expedition of G.Ya. Sedov, who in 1912 tried to penetrate to the North Pole. After 352 days of ice captivity off the northwestern coast of Novaya Zemlya in August 1913, Sedov brought the ship "The Holy Great Martyr Fok" out of the bay and sent it to Franz Josef Land. The place of the second wintering of Foka was Tikhaya Bay on Hooker Island. On February 2, 1914, Sedov, despite complete exhaustion, accompanied by two sailors - volunteers A. Pustoshny and G. Linnik, headed for the Pole on three dog teams. After a severe cold, he died on February 20 and was buried by his companions at Cape Auk (Rudolf Island). The expedition was poorly prepared. G. Sedov was not well acquainted with the history of the exploration of the Franz Josef Land archipelago, he did not know well the latest maps of the section of the ocean along which he was going to reach the North Pole. He himself had not carefully checked the equipment. His temperament, his desire to conquer the North Pole at all costs prevailed over the precise organization of the expedition. So these are important reasons for the outcome of the expedition and the tragic death of G. Sedov.

Previously, Kaverin's meetings with Pinegin were mentioned. Nikolai Vasilievich Pinegin is not only an artist and writer, but also an explorer of the Arctic. During the last expedition of Sedov in 1912, Pinegin made the first documentary film about the Arctic, the footage of which, together with the artist’s personal recollections, helped Kaverin to present a picture of the events of that time more vividly.

Let's return to Kaverin's novel. From a letter from Captain Tatarinov to his wife: “I am also writing to you about our discovery: there are no lands to the north of the Taimyr Peninsula on the maps. Meanwhile, being at latitude 790 35 , east of Greenwich, we noticed a sharp silvery stripe, slightly convex, extending from the very horizon. I am convinced that this is the earth. Until I called her by your name." Sanya Grigoriev finds out that it was Severnaya Zemlya, discovered in 1913 by Lieutenant B.A. Vilkitsky.

After the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, Russia needed to have its own way of escorting ships to the Great Ocean so as not to depend on the Suez or other channels of warm countries. The authorities decided to create a Hydrographic Expedition and carefully survey the least difficult section from the Bering Strait to the mouth of the Lena, so that they could go from east to west, from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk or St. Petersburg. The head of the expedition was at first A.I. Vilkitsky, and after his death, since 1913 - his son, Boris Andreevich Vilkitsky. It was he who, in the navigation of 1913, dispelled the legend of the existence of Sannikov Land, but discovered a new archipelago. On August 21 (September 3), 1913, a huge archipelago covered with eternal snow was seen north of Cape Chelyuskin. Consequently, from Cape Chelyuskin to the north is not an open ocean, but a strait, later called the B. Vilkitsky Strait. The archipelago was originally called the Land of Emperor Nicholas II. It has been called Severnaya Zemlya since 1926.

In March 1935, pilot Alexander Grigoriev, having made an emergency landing on the Taimyr Peninsula, accidentally discovered an old brass hook, green with time, with the inscription "Schooner" Holy Mary ". Nenets Ivan Vylko explains that local residents found a boat with a hook and a man on the coast of Taimyr, the closest coast to Severnaya Zemlya. By the way, there is reason to believe that it was no coincidence that the author of the novel gave the Nenets hero the surname Vylko. A close friend of the Arctic explorer Rusanov, a member of his 1911 expedition, was the Nenets artist Vylko Ilya Konstantinovich, who later became the chairman of the council of Novaya Zemlya (“President of Novaya Zemlya”).

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Rusanov was a polar geologist and navigator. His last expedition on the Hercules, a motor-sailing ship, entered the Arctic Ocean in 1912. The expedition reached the Svalbard archipelago and discovered four new coal deposits there. Rusanov then made an attempt to pass through the Northeast Passage. Having reached Cape Desire on Novaya Zemlya, the expedition went missing.

Where the Hercules died is not exactly known. But it is known that the expedition not only sailed, but also walked for some part, because the Hercules almost certainly died, as evidenced by objects found in the mid-30s on the islands near the Taimyr coast. In 1934, on one of the islands, hydrographers discovered a wooden pole with the inscription "Hercules" - 1913. Traces of the expedition were found in the Minin skerries off the western coast of the Taimyr Peninsula and on Bolshevik Island (Severnaya Zemlya). And in the seventies, the expedition of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper led the search for Rusanov's expedition. Two gaffs were found in the same area, as if to confirm the intuitive guess of the writer Kaverin. According to experts, they belonged to the “Rusanovites”.

Captain Alexander Grigoriev, following his motto "Fight and seek, find and not give up", in 1942 nevertheless found the expedition of Captain Tatarinov, or rather, what was left of it. He calculated the path that Captain Tatarinov had to take, if we consider it indisputable that he returned to Severnaya Zemlya, which he called "Mary's Land": from 790 35 latitude, between the 86th and 87th meridians, to the Russian Islands and to the Nordenskiöld archipelago. Then, probably after many wanderings from Cape Sterlegov to the mouth of the Pyasina, where the old Nenets Vylko found a boat on a sled. Then to the Yenisei, because the Yenisei was the only hope for Tatarinov to meet people and help. He walked along the seaward side of the coastal islands, as straight as possible. Sanya found the last camp of Captain Tatarinov, found his farewell letters, photographic films, found his remains. Captain Grigoriev conveyed to the people the farewell words of Captain Tatarinov: “It is bitter for me to think about all the things that I could do if they didn’t help me, but at least didn’t interfere. What to do? One consolation is that by my labors new vast lands have been discovered and annexed to Russia.

At the end of the novel we read: “The ships entering the Yenisei Bay from afar see the grave of Captain Tatarinov. They pass by her with their flags at half mast, and the mourning salute rumbles from the cannons, and a long echo rolls without ceasing.

The grave was built of white stone, and it sparkles dazzlingly under the rays of the never-setting polar sun.

At the height of human growth, the following words are carved:

“Here lies the body of Captain I.L. Tatarinov, who made one of the most courageous journeys and died on the way back from Severnaya Zemlya discovered by him in June 1915. Fight and seek, find and not give up!

Reading these lines of Kaverin's novel, one involuntarily recalls the obelisk erected in 1912 in the eternal snows of Antarctica in honor of Robert Scott and his four comrades. It has an inscription on it. And the final words of the poem "Ulysses" by Alfred Tennyson, a classic of British poetry of the 19th century: "To strive, to seek, to find and not yield" (which in English means: "Struggle and seek, find and not give up!"). Much later, with the publication of Veniamin Kaverin's novel "Two Captains", these very words became the life motto of millions of readers, a loud appeal for Soviet polar explorers of different generations.

Probably, the literary critic N. Likhacheva was wrong when she attacked The Two Captains when the novel had not yet been fully published. After all, the image of Captain Tatarinov is generalized, collective, fictional. The right to fiction gives the author an artistic style, not a scientific one. The best character traits of Arctic explorers, as well as mistakes, miscalculations, historical realities of the expeditions of Brusilov, Sedov, Rusanov - all this is connected with the hero Kaverin.

And Sanya Grigoriev, like Captain Tatarinov, is an artistic fiction of the writer. But this hero also has its prototypes. One of them is professor-geneticist M.I. Lobashov.

In 1936, in a sanatorium near Leningrad, Kaverin met the silent, always inwardly concentrated young scientist Lobashov. “He was a man in whom ardor was combined with straightforwardness, and perseverance - with amazing definiteness of purpose. He knew how to succeed in any business. A clear mind and a capacity for deep feeling were visible in his every judgment. In everything, the character traits of Sani Grigoriev are guessed. Yes, and many of the specific circumstances of Sanya's life were directly borrowed by the author from Lobashov's biography. These are, for example, Sanya's muteness, the death of his father, homelessness, the school-commune of the 20s, types of teachers and students, falling in love with the daughter of a school teacher. Talking about the history of the creation of "Two Captains", Kaverin noticed that, unlike the parents, sister, comrades of the hero, whom the prototype of Sanya told about, only separate strokes were outlined in the teacher Korablev, so that the image of the teacher was completely created by the writer.

Lobashov, who became the prototype of Sanya Grigoriev, who told the writer about his life, immediately aroused the active interest of Kaverin, who decided not to give free rein to his imagination, but to follow the story he heard. But in order for the hero's life to be perceived naturally and vividly, he must be in conditions personally known to the writer. And unlike the prototype, born on the Volga, and graduated from school in Tashkent, Sanya was born in Ensk (Pskov), and graduated from school in Moscow, and she absorbed much of what happened at the school where Kaverin studied. And the state of Sanya the young man also turned out to be close to the writer. He was not an orphanage, but during the Moscow period of his life he was left completely alone in vast, hungry and deserted Moscow. And, of course, I had to spend a lot of energy and will not to get confused.

And the love for Katya, which Sanya carries through his whole life, is not invented or embellished by the author; Kaverin is here next to his hero: having married a twenty-year-old youth to Lidochka Tynyanov, he remained true to his love forever. And how much in common is the mood of Veniamin Alexandrovich and Sanya Grigoriev when they write to their wives from the front, when they are looking for them, taken out of besieged Leningrad. And Sanya is fighting in the North, also because Kaverin was a TASS military commander, and then Izvestia was in the Northern Fleet and knew firsthand Murmansk, and Polyarnoye, and the specifics of the war in the Far North, and its people.

Another person who was well acquainted with aviation and knew the North well, the talented pilot S.L. Klebanov, a fine, honest man, whose advice in the study of the flying business by the author was invaluable. From the biography of Klebanov, the story of a flight to the remote camp of Vanokan entered the life of Sanya Grigoriev, when a catastrophe broke out on the way.

In general, according to Kaverin, both prototypes of Sanya Grigoriev resembled each other not only by their stubbornness of character and extraordinary determination. Klebanov even outwardly resembled Lobashov - short, dense, stocky.

The artist's great skill lies in creating such a portrait in which everything that is his own and everything that is not his will become his own, deeply original, individual.

Kaverin has a remarkable property: he gives the heroes not only his own impressions, but also his habits, and relatives and friends. And this cute touch makes the characters closer to the reader. With the desire of his older brother Sasha to cultivate the power of his gaze, looking for a long time at the black circle painted on the ceiling, the writer endowed Valya Zhukov in the novel. Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, during a conversation, suddenly throws a chair to the interlocutor, which must certainly be caught - this was not invented by Veniamin Alexandrovich: K.I. liked to talk so much. Chukovsky.

The hero of the novel "Two Captains" Sanya Grigoriev lived his own unique life. Readers seriously believed in him. And for more than sixty years, this image has been understandable and close to readers of several generations. Readers bow before his personal qualities of character: willpower, thirst for knowledge and search, loyalty to the given word, dedication, perseverance in achieving the goal, love for the motherland and love for his work - all that helped Sanya to solve the mystery of Tatarinov's expedition.


In every literary work written after the Nativity of Christ, one way or another, religious, biblical, and at the same time mythological motifs can be traced.

Why is this happening? After all, the writer does not always write specifically about the relationship of our light with the "mountainous" one, which we cannot see. Such penetration of religious motifs into secular literature occurs because our whole life is subconsciously saturated with Christian culture; from the first centuries of the adoption of Christianity by Byzantium, it has become an indivisible part of our existence, regardless of what worldly positions a person stands on. In literature, we see the same desires, it seems in the most, at first glance, non-Christian writings.

Soviet literary criticism deliberately hid, and most readers did not want to think about these ideas. They really need to be seen, they become clear not at first sight.

In my opinion, Veniamin Kaverin managed to create a work in which the realities of the real expeditions of Brusilov, Sedov, Rusanov and the fictional expedition of Captain Tatarinov were skillfully intertwined. He also managed to create images of people seeking, resolute, courageous, such as Captain Tatarinov and Captain Grigoriev.

The novel "Two Captains" is a complex modernist structure, which is based on cultural archetypes that reflect the traditions of world literature and folklore. The game paradigm as an internal regularity of the novel space is represented by a wide range of artistic techniques.

V.A. Kaverin modifies the rite of initiation, but there is no change of generations, which was the condition of the heroic myth. In the syncretic Kaverin consciousness, two renewed destinies, like two epochs, converge in a single temporal space.

Several aspects testify to the mythological basis of the novel "Two Captains".

The novel is full of symbolic objects. Each of them emphasizes the greatness of positive human images, or the baseness of negative ones. Each of them plays a decisive role in the fate of the heroes.

The letters of the deceased captain Tatarinov, found by the guys in the river, had a symbolic meaning. They determined the fate of Sanya Grigoriev.

Equally important was the airplane hovering in the sky over Ensk. These are the dreams of the guys about their future. This is a sign for the reader, a hint of who the hero will become, in what field of activity he will find himself.

Each hero goes through their circles of hell on the way to heaven. Sanya, like Hercules, overcomes obstacles one after another to his dream. He performs feats, grows and strengthens like a man. He does not betray his ideas, he sacrifices himself in the name of this idea.


1.Ivanov V.V. Metamorphoses // Myths of the peoples of the world. - M.: Sov.encyclopedia, 1988. - V.2. - S. 148-149.

2.Levinton G.A. Initiation and myths // Myths of the peoples of the world. - M.: Sov.encyclopedia, 1988. - T.1. - S. 543-544.

3.Kaverin V.A. Two captains: A novel in 2 books. - K .: Glad. school, 1981. - p. 528

.Medinska Yu. Mythology and mythological discourse // Psychology and Suspіlstvo. - 2006. - 32. - S. 115-122.

5.Meletinsky.M. Epos and myths // Myths of the peoples of the world. - M.: Sov.encyclopedia, 1988. - V.2. - S. 664-666.


mythological novel image

"Two captains" - adventure novel Soviet writer Veniamin Kaverina, which was written by him in 1938-1944. The novel went through over a hundred reprints. For him, Kaverin was awarded Stalin Prize second degree (1946). The book has been translated into many foreign languages. First published: the first volume in the magazine "Koster", No. 8-12, 1938. The first separate edition - Kaverin V. Two captains. Drawings, binding, flyleaf and title by Y. Syrnev. Frontispiece by V. Konashevich. M.-L. Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, publishing house of children's literature in 1940. 464 p.

The book tells about the amazing fate of a mute from a provincial town Enska, who with honor goes through the trials of war and homelessness in order to win the heart of his girlfriend. After the unjust arrest of his father and the death of his mother, Alexander Grigoriev is sent to an orphanage. Having fled to Moscow, he first finds himself in a distribution center for homeless children, and then in a commune school. He is irresistibly attracted by the apartment of the director of the school, Nikolai Antonovich, where the latter's cousin, Katya Tatarinova, lives.

Katya's father, captain Ivan Tatarinov, who in 1912 led an expedition that discovered Severnaya Zemlya, went missing a few years ago. Sanya suspects that Nikolai Antonovich, who is in love with Katya's mother, Maria Vasilievna, contributed to this. Maria Vasilievna believes Sanya and commits suicide. Sanya is accused of slander and expelled from the Tatarinovs' house. And then he takes an oath to find an expedition and prove his case. He becomes a pilot and bit by bit collects information about the expedition.

After the start Great Patriotic War Sanya serves in air force. During one of the sorties, he discovers a ship with Captain Tatarinov's reports. The finds become the final touch and allow him to shed light on the circumstances of the death of the expedition and justify himself in the eyes of Katya, who had previously become his wife.

The motto of the novel - the words "Fight and seek, find and not give up" - is the final line from the textbook poem Lord Tennyson « Ulysses" (in original: To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield). This line is also engraved on the cross in memory of the deceased expeditions R. Scott to the South Pole, on Observation Hill.

The novel was filmed twice (in 1955 and in 1976), and in 2001 the musical Nord-Ost was created based on the novel. The heroes of the film, namely the two captains, were erected a monument in the homeland of the writer, in Psokov, which is indicated in the novel as the city of Ensk. In 2001, a museum of the novel was created in the Psokov Children's Library.

In 2003, the main square of the city of Polyarny, Murmansk region, was named the Square of Two Captains. It was from this place that the expeditions of seafarers Vladimir Rusanov and Georgy Brusilov set sail.

The relevance of the work. The theme "The mythological basis in the novel by V. Kaverin" Two Captains "" was chosen by me because of the high degree of its relevance and significance in modern conditions. This is due to the wide public outcry and active interest in this issue.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the topic of this work is of great educational and practical interest to me. The problem of the issue is very relevant in modern reality. From year to year, scientists and experts pay more and more attention to this topic. Here it is worth noting such names as Alekseev D.A., Begak B., Borisova V., who made a significant contribution to the study and development of the conceptual issues of this topic.

The amazing story of Sanya Grigoriev - one of the two captains in Kaverin's novel - begins with an equally amazing find: a bag stuffed with letters. Nevertheless, it turns out that these "worthless" letters of others are still quite suitable for the role of a fascinating "epistolary novel", the content of which soon becomes common property. The letter, which tells about the dramatic history of the Arctic expedition of Captain Tatarinov and addressed to his wife, acquires a fateful significance for Sanya Grigoriev: his entire further existence turns out to be subordinated to the search for the addressee, and subsequently to the search for the missing expedition. Guided by this high aspiration, Sanya literally breaks into someone else's life. Having turned into a polar pilot and a member of the Tatarinov family, Grigoriev essentially replaces and displaces the deceased hero-captain. So, from the appropriation of someone else's letter to the appropriation of someone else's fate, the logic of his life unfolds.

The theoretical basis of the course work served as monographic sources, materials of scientific and industry periodicals directly related to the topic. Prototypes of the heroes of the work.

Object of study: plot and characters.

Subject of study: mythological motifs, plots, symbols in the work in the novel "Two Captains".

Purpose of the study: a comprehensive consideration of the issue of the influence of mythology on the novel by V. Kaverin.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

To reveal the attitude and frequency of Kaverin's appeal to mythology;

To study the main features of mythological heroes in the images of the novel "Two Captains";

Determine the forms of penetration of mythological motifs and plots into the novel "Two Captains";

Consider the main stages of Kaverin's appeal to mythological subjects.

To solve the tasks, methods such as descriptive, historical and comparative are used.

1. The concept of mythological themes and motifs

Myth stands at the origins of verbal art, mythological representations and plots occupy a significant place in the oral folklore tradition of various peoples. Mythological motifs played a big role in the genesis of literary plots, mythological themes, images, characters are used and rethought in literature almost throughout its history.

In the history of the epic, military strength and courage, a "violent" heroic character completely overshadow witchcraft and magic. The historical tradition is gradually pushing aside the myth, the mythical early time is being transformed into the glorious era of the early mighty statehood. However, individual features of the myth can be preserved in the most developed epics.

Due to the fact that in modern literary criticism there is no term "mythological elements", at the beginning of this work it is advisable to define this concept. For this, it is necessary to turn to works on mythology, which present opinions about the essence of myth, its properties, and functions. It would be much easier to define mythological elements as components of one or another myth (plots, heroes, images of animate and inanimate nature, etc.), but when giving such a definition, one should also take into account the subconscious appeal of the authors of works to archetypal constructions (as V. N. Toporov, "some features in the work of great writers could be understood as sometimes an unconscious appeal to elementary semantic oppositions, well known in mythology", B. Groys speaks of "archaic, regarding which one can say that it is also at the beginning of time , as well as in the depths of the human psyche as its unconscious beginning.

So, what is a myth, and after it - what can be called mythological elements?

The word "myth" (mkhYuipzh) - "word", "story", "speech" - comes from ancient Greek. Initially, it was understood as a set of absolute (sacred) value-worldview truths that oppose everyday empirical (profane) truths expressed by an ordinary “word” (еТрпж), notes prof. A.V. Semushkin. Starting from the 5th c. BC, writes J.-P. Vernan, in philosophy and history, “myth”, opposed to “logos”, with which they initially coincided in meaning (only later logos began to mean the ability of thinking, reason), acquired a derogatory connotation, denoting a fruitless, unfounded statement, devoid of reliance on rigorous evidence or reliable evidence (however, even in this case, it, disqualified from the point of view of truth, did not extend to sacred texts about gods and heroes).

The predominance of mythological consciousness refers mainly to the archaic (primitive) era and is associated primarily with its cultural life, in the system of semantic organization of which myth played a dominant role. The English ethnographer B. Malinovsky ascribed to the myth, first of all, the practical functions of maintaining

However, the main thing in the myth is the content, and not at all the correspondence with historical evidence. In myths, events are considered in time sequence, but often the specific time of the event does not matter and only the starting point for the beginning of the story is important.

In the 17th century English philosopher Francis Bacon in his essay “On the Wisdom of the Ancients” argued that myths in poetic form store the most ancient philosophy: moral maxims or scientific truths, the meaning of which is hidden under the cover of symbols and allegories. Free fantasy expressed in myth, according to the German philosopher Herder, is not something absurd, but is an expression of the childhood age of mankind, "the philosophical experience of the human soul, which dreams before it wakes up."

1.1 Signs and characteristics of a myth

Mythology as the science of myths has a rich and long history. The first attempts to rethink the mythological material were made in antiquity. But until now, there has not been a single generally accepted opinion about the myth. Of course, in the works of researchers there are points of contact. Starting precisely from these points, it seems possible for us to single out the main properties and signs of a myth.

Representatives of various scientific schools focus on different sides of the myth. So Raglan (Cambridge Ritual School) defines myths as ritual texts, Cassirer (a representative of the symbolic theory) speaks of their symbolism, Losev (the theory of mythopoeticism) - of the coincidence of the general idea and the sensual image in the myth, Afanasiev calls the myth the most ancient poetry, Bart - a communicative system . Existing theories are summarized in Meletinsky's book Poetics of Myth.

In the article by A.V. The Gulygs list the so-called "signs of a myth":

1. Merging the real and the ideal (thoughts and actions).

2. Unconscious level of thinking (mastering the meaning of the myth, we destroy the myth itself).

3. Syncretism of reflection (this includes: the inseparability of the subject and the object, the absence of differences between the natural and the supernatural).

Freidenberg notes the essential characteristics of myth, defining it in his book Myth and Literature of Antiquity: “A figurative representation in the form of several metaphors, where our logical, formal-logical thing, space, time are understood indivisibly and concretely, where a person and the world are subject-objectly united, - this special constructive system of figurative representations, when it is expressed in words, we call a myth. Based on this definition, it becomes clear that the main characteristics of a myth stem from the peculiarities of mythological thinking. Following the works of A.F. Loseva V.A. Markov argues that in mythological thinking there is no difference: object and subject, thing and its properties, name and object, word and action, society and space, man and the universe, natural and supernatural, and the universal principle of mythological thinking is the principle of participation (“everything is everything”, the logic of shape-shifting). Meletinsky is sure that mythological thinking is expressed in an indistinct division of subject and object, object and sign, thing and word, creature and its name, thing and its attributes, singular and plural, spatial and temporal relations, origin and essence.

In their works, various researchers note the following characteristics of the myth: the sacralization of the mythical "time of creation", in which lies the cause of the established world order (Eliade); inseparability of the image and meaning (Potebnya); universal animation and personalization (Losev); close connection with the ritual; cyclic model of time; metaphorical nature; symbolic meaning (Meletinsky).

In the article “On the Interpretation of Myth in the Literature of Russian Symbolism”, G. Shelogurova tries to draw preliminary conclusions about what is meant by myth in modern philological science:

1. The myth is unanimously recognized as a product of collective artistic creativity.

2. Myth is determined by the indistinguishability between the plane of expression and the plane of content.

3. Myth is considered as a universal model for constructing symbols.

4. Myths are the most important source of plots and images at all times in the development of art.

1.2 Functions of myth in works

Now it seems possible for us to define the functions of myth in symbolic works:

1. Myth is used by symbolists as a means of creating symbols.

2. With the help of myth, it becomes possible to express some additional ideas in a work.

3. Myth is a means of generalizing literary material.

4. In some cases, the Symbolists resort to myth as an artistic device.

5. Myth plays the role of a visual example, rich in meanings.

6. Based on the above, the myth cannot but perform a structuring function (Meletinsky: “Mythologism has become a tool for structuring the narrative (with the help of mythological symbols)”). 1

In the next chapter, we will consider how fair our conclusions are for Bryusov's lyrical works. To do this, we study the cycles of different times of writing, entirely built on mythological and historical plots: "Favorites of the Ages" (1897-1901), "The Eternal Truth of Idols" (1904-1905), "The Eternal Truth of Idols" (1906-1908), "The Powerful shadows "(1911-1912)," In the mask "(1913-1914).

2. Mythologism of the images of the novel

The novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" is one of the most striking works of Russian adventure literature of the 20th century. This story of love and fidelity, courage and determination has not left indifferent either an adult or a young reader for many years.

The book was called "a novel of education", "an adventure novel", "an idyllic-sentimental novel", but was not accused of self-deception. And the writer himself said that "this is a novel about justice and that it is more interesting (he said so!) To be honest and courageous than a coward and a liar." And he also said that this is "a novel about the inevitability of truth."

On the motto of the heroes of "Two Captains" "Fight and seek, find and not give up!" more than one generation has grown up who adequately responded to all sorts of challenges of the time.

Fight and seek, find and never give up. From English: That strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. The primary source is the poem "Ulysses" by the English poet Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), whose 70 years of literary activity are devoted to valiant and happy heroes. These lines were carved on the grave of polar explorer Robert Scott (1868-1912). In an effort to reach the South Pole first, he nevertheless came to him second, three days after the Norwegian pioneer Roald Amundsen had been there. Robert Scott and his companions died on the way back.

In Russian, these words became popular after the publication of the novel "Two Captains" by Veniamin Kaverin (1902-1989). The protagonist of the novel, Sanya Grigoriev, who dreams of polar campaigns, makes these words the motto of his whole life. Quoted as a phrase-symbol of fidelity to one's purpose and one's principles. “Fighting” (including one’s own weaknesses) is the first task of a person. “To seek” means to have a humane goal in front of you. "Find" is to make the dream a reality. And if there are new difficulties, then "do not give up."

The novel is filled with symbols, which is part of the mythology. Every image, every action has a symbolic meaning.

This novel can be considered a hymn to friendship. Sanya Grigoriev carried this friendship through his whole life. The episode when Sanya and his friend Petka took a "blood oath of friendship". The words that the boys uttered were: "Fight and seek, find and not give up"; they turned into a symbol of their life as the heroes of the novel, determined the character.

Sanya could have died during the war, his profession in itself was dangerous. But against all odds, he survived and fulfilled his promise to find the missing expedition. What helped him in life? A high sense of duty, perseverance, perseverance, determination, honesty - all these character traits helped Sanya Grigoriev to survive in order to find traces of the expedition and Katya's love. “You have such love that the most terrible grief will recede before it: it will meet, look into your eyes and retreat. No one else seems to know how to love like that, only you and Sanya. So strong, so stubborn, all my life. Where is there to die when you are so loved? - says Peter Skovorodnikov.

In our time, the time of the Internet, technology, speed, such love may seem like a myth to many. And how you want it to touch everyone, provoke them to accomplish feats, discoveries.

Once in Moscow, Sanya meets the Tatarinov family. Why is he drawn to this house, what attracts him? The Tatarinovs' apartment becomes for the boy something like Ali-Baba's cave with its treasures, mysteries and dangers. Nina Kapitonovna, who feeds Sanya with dinners, is a “treasure”, Maria Vasilyevna, “neither a widow, nor a husband’s wife”, who always wears black and often plunges into melancholy, is a “mystery”, Nikolai Antonovich is a “danger”. In this house, he found many interesting books, which "fell ill" and the fate of Katya's father, Captain Tatarinov, excited and interested him.

It is hard to imagine how Sanya Grigoriev's life would have turned out if the amazing person Ivan Ivanovich Pavlov had not met on his way. One frosty winter evening, someone knocked on the window of the house where two small children lived. When the children opened the door, an exhausted frostbitten man burst into the room. This was Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, who had escaped from exile. He lived with the children for several days, showed the children tricks, taught them to bake potatoes on sticks, and most importantly, taught the dumb boy to talk. Who could have known then that these two people, a little mute boy and an adult who was hiding from all people, would be bound by a strong, faithful male friendship for life.

A few years will pass, and they will meet again, the doctor and the boy, in Moscow, in the hospital, and the doctor will fight for the boy's life for many months. A new meeting will take place in the Arctic, where Sanya will work. Together, the polar pilot Grigoriev and Dr. Pavlov will fly to save a man, get into a terrible snowstorm, and only thanks to the resourcefulness and skill of the young pilot will they be able to land a faulty plane and spend several days in the tundra among the Nenets. Here, in the harsh conditions of the North, the true qualities of both Sani Grigoriev and Dr. Pavlov will appear.

The three meetings between Sanya and the doctor also have a symbolic meaning. First, three is a fabulous number. This is the first number in a number of traditions (including ancient Chinese), or the first of odd numbers. Opens a number series and qualifies as a perfect number (an image of absolute perfection). The first number to which the word "all" is assigned. One of the most positive number-emblems in symbolism, religious thought, mythology and folklore. Sacred, lucky number 3. It carries the meaning of high quality or a high degree of expressiveness of the action. It shows mainly positive qualities: the sacredness of the perfect deed, courage and great strength, both physical and spiritual, the importance of something. In addition, the number 3 symbolizes the completeness and completeness of a certain sequence that has a beginning, middle and end. The number 3 symbolizes the integrity, the triple nature of the world, its versatility, the trinity of the creative, destroying and preserving forces of nature - reconciling and balancing their beginning, happy harmony, creative perfection and good luck.

Secondly, these meetings changed the life of the protagonist.

As for the image of Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov, it is very reminiscent of the mythological biblical image of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed his mentor, brother in Christ Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Nikolai Antonovich also betrayed his cousin, sending his expedition to certain death. Portrait and actions of N.A. Tatarinov is also very close to the image of Judas.

None of the disciples noticed when this red-haired and ugly Jew first appeared near Christ, but for a long time he relentlessly followed their path, intervened in conversations, rendered small services, bowed, smiled and fawned. And then it became completely habitual, deceiving tired eyesight, then it suddenly caught my eye and ears, irritating them, like something unprecedented, ugly, deceitful and disgusting.

A bright detail in Kaverin's portrait is a kind of accent that helps to demonstrate the essence of the person being portrayed. For example, Nikolai Antonovich’s thick fingers resembling “some hairy caterpillars, it seems, cabbages” (64) - a detail that adds negative connotations to the image of this person, as well as the “golden tooth” constantly emphasized in the portrait, which previously somehow illuminated everything face ”(64), and faded with age. The golden tooth will become a sign of the absolute falseness of the antagonist Sanya Grigoriev. Constantly "striking" incurable acne on the face of Sanya's stepfather is a sign of impurity of thoughts and dishonesty of behavior.

He was a good leader, and the pupils respected him. They came to him with different proposals, and he listened carefully to them. Sanya Grigoriev also liked him at first. But visiting them at home, he noticed that everyone treated him unimportantly, although he was very attentive to everyone. With all the guests who came to them, he was kind and cheerful. He did not like Sanya, and every time he visited them, he began to teach him. Despite his pleasant appearance, Nikolai Antonovich was a vile, low man. His actions speak for themselves. Nikolai Antonovich - he made it so that most of the equipment on Tatarinov's schooner turned out to be unusable. Through the fault of this man, almost the entire expedition perished! He persuaded Romashov to eavesdrop on everything they say about him at school and report to him. He arranged a whole conspiracy against Ivan Pavlovich Korablev, wanting to kick him out of school, because the guys loved and respected him, and because he asked for the hand of Marya Vasilievna, with whom he himself was deeply in love and whom he wanted to marry. It was Nikolai Antonovich who was to blame for the death of his brother Tatarinov: it was he who was engaged in equipping the expedition and did everything possible so that it would not return back. He interfered in every possible way with Grigoriev to investigate the case of the missing expedition. Moreover, he took advantage of the letters that Sanya Grigoriev found, and defended himself, became a professor. In an effort to avoid punishment and shame in the event of exposure, he jeopardized another person, von Vyshimirsky, when all the evidence proving his guilt was collected. These and other actions speak of him as a low, vile, dishonest, envious person. How much meanness he committed in his life, how many innocent people he killed, how many people he made unhappy. He deserves only contempt and condemnation.

What kind of person is Chamomile?

Sanya met Romashov at the 4th school - the commune, where Ivan Pavlovich Korablev took him. Their beds were next to each other. The boys became friends. Sana did not like Romashov, that he was always talking about money, saving it, lending money at interest. Very soon, Sanya was convinced of the meanness of this man. Sanya learned that, at the request of Nikolai Antonovich, Romashka overheard everything that was said about the head of the school, wrote it down in a separate book, and then reported it to Nikolai Antonovich for a fee. He also told him that Sanya had heard the conspiracy of the teachers' council against Korablev and wanted to tell his teacher about everything. On another occasion, he was gossiping dirtyly to Nikolai Antonovich about Katya and Sanya, for which Katya was sent on vacation to Ensk, and Sanya was no longer allowed into the Tatarinovs' house. The letter that Katya wrote to Sanya before her departure also did not reach Sanya, and this was also the work of Chamomile. Chamomile sank to the point that he was rummaging through Sanya's suitcase, wanting to find some compromising evidence on him. The older Chamomile got, the more his meanness became. He even went so far as to start collecting documents on Nikolai Antonovich, his beloved teacher and patron, proving his guilt in the death of Captain Tatarinov's expedition, and was ready to sell them to Sana in exchange for Katya, with whom he was in love. Why sell important papers, he was ready to kill a childhood friend in cold blood for the sake of fulfilling his dirty goals. All actions of Chamomile are low, vile, dishonorable.

* What brings Romashka and Nikolai Antonovich closer, how are they similar?

These are low, vile, cowardly, envious people. To achieve their goals, they commit dishonorable acts. They stop at nothing. They have neither honor nor conscience. Ivan Pavlovich Korablev calls Nikolai Antonovich a terrible person, and Romashov a man who has absolutely no morality. These two people deserve each other. Even love doesn't make them prettier. In love, both are selfish. Achieving the goal, they put their interests, their feelings above all else! Ignoring the feelings and interests of the person they love, acting low and mean. Even the war did not change Chamomile. Katya thought: "He saw death, he became bored in this world of pretense and lies, which used to be his world." But she was deeply mistaken. Romashov was ready to kill Sanya, because no one would have known about this and he would have gone unpunished. But Sanya was lucky, fate favored him again, and again, giving chance after chance.

Comparing "Two Captains" with the canonical examples of the adventure genre, we can easily find that V. Kaverin skillfully uses a dynamically intense plot for a broad realistic narrative, during which the two main characters of the novel - Sanya Grigoriev and Katya Tatarinova - tell stories with great sincerity and excitement. "O time and about yourself. All sorts of adventures are by no means an end in themselves, because they do not determine the essence of the story of the two captains, they are only the circumstances of a real biography, which the author puts as the basis of the novel, eloquently indicating that the life of Soviet people is full of rich events, that our heroic time is full of exciting romance.

"Two Captains" is, in essence, a novel about truth and happiness. In the fate of the protagonist of the novel, these concepts are inseparable. Of course, Sanya Grigoriev wins a lot in our eyes because he accomplished many feats in his life - he fought in Spain against the Nazis, flew over the Arctic, fought heroically on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, for which he was awarded several military orders. But it is curious that for all his exceptional perseverance, rare diligence, composure and strong-willed determination, Captain Grigoriev does not perform exceptional feats, his chest is not adorned with the Star of the Hero, as many readers and sincere fans of Sanya would probably like. He performs such feats as every Soviet person who ardently loves his socialist motherland is able to accomplish. Does Sanya Grigoriev lose any of this in our eyes? Of course not!

We are conquered in the hero of the novel not only by his actions, but by his whole mental warehouse, his heroic character in its very essence. Have you noticed that O some of the exploits of his hero, committed by him at the front, the writer simply keeps silent. The point, of course, is not the number of feats. Before us is not so much a desperately brave man, a sort of captain "break your head", - before us, first of all, a principled, convinced, ideological defender of the truth, before us is the image of a Soviet youth, "shocked by the idea of ​​justice", as the author himself points out. And this is the main thing in the appearance of Sanya Grigoriev, which captivated us in him from the very first meeting - even when we knew nothing about his participation in the Great Patriotic War.

We already knew that Sanya Grigoriev would grow up to be a courageous and brave person when we heard the boyish oath “Fight and seek, find and not give up.” Of course, throughout the novel, we are worried about the question of whether the main character will find traces of Captain Tatarinov, whether justice will prevail, but we are really captured by ourselves. process achieving the set goal. This process is difficult and complex, but that is why it is interesting and instructive for us.

For us, Sanya Grigoriev would not be a true hero if we only knew about his exploits and knew little about the formation of his character. In the fate of the hero of the novel, his difficult childhood is also important for us, and his bold clashes in his school years with the scoundrel and selfish Romashka, with the cleverly disguised careerist Nikolai Antonovich, and his pure love for Katya Tatarinova, and loyalty to whatever became a noble boyish oath. And how magnificently the purposefulness and perseverance in the character of the hero are revealed when we follow step by step how he achieves the intended goal - to become a polar pilot in order to be able to fly in the skies of the Arctic! We cannot pass by his passion for aviation and polar travel, which absorbed Sanya while still at school. That is why Sanya Grigoriev becomes a courageous and brave man, because he does not lose sight of the main goal of his life for a single day.

Happiness is won by work, the truth is affirmed in the struggle - such a conclusion can be drawn from all the trials of life that fell to the lot of Sanya Grigoriev. And there were, frankly, a lot of them. As soon as homelessness ended, clashes with strong and resourceful enemies began. Sometimes he suffered temporary setbacks, which he had to endure very painfully. But strong natures do not bend from this - they are tempered in severe trials.

2.1 Mythology of the novel's polar discoveries

Any writer has the right to fiction. But where does it pass, the line, the invisible line between truth and myth? Sometimes they are so closely intertwined, as, for example, in the novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" - a work of art that most reliably resembles the real events of 1912 in the development of the Arctic.

Three Russian polar expeditions entered the Northern Ocean in 1912, all three ended tragically: the expedition of Rusanov V.A. died entirely, the expedition of Brusilov G.L. - almost entirely, and in the expedition of Sedov G. I, three people died, including the head of the expedition. In general, the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century were interesting for through voyages along the Northern Sea Route, the Chelyuskin epic, and Papanin heroes.

The young, but already well-known writer V. Kaverin became interested in all this, became interested in people, bright personalities, whose deeds and characters aroused only respect. He reads literature, memoirs, collections of documents; listens to the stories of N.V. Pinegin, a friend and member of the expedition of the brave polar explorer Sedov; sees finds made in the mid-thirties on nameless islands in the Kara Sea. Also during the Great Patriotic War, he himself, being a correspondent for Izvestia, visited the North.

And in 1944, the novel "Two Captains" was published. The author was literally bombarded with questions about the prototypes of the main characters - Captain Tatarinov and Captain Grigoriev. He took advantage of the history of two brave conquerors of the Far North. From one he took a courageous and clear character, purity of thought, clarity of purpose - everything that distinguishes a person of a great soul. It was Sedov. The other has the actual history of his journey. It was Brusilov. These heroes became the prototypes of Captain Tatarinov.

Let's try to figure out what is true, what is a myth, how the writer Kaverin managed to combine the realities of the expeditions of Sedov and Brusilov in the history of the expedition of Captain Tatarinov. And although the writer himself did not mention the name of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Rusanov among the prototypes of the hero Captain Tatarinov, some facts claim that the realities of Rusanov's expedition were also reflected in the novel "Two Captains".

Lieutenant Georgy Lvovich Brusilov, a hereditary sailor, in 1912 led an expedition on the steam-sailing schooner "Saint Anna". He intended to go with one wintering from St. Petersburg around Scandinavia and further along the Northern Sea Route to Vladivostok. But "Saint Anna" did not come to Vladivostok either a year later or in subsequent years. Off the western coast of the Yamal Peninsula, the schooner was covered with ice, she began to drift north, to high latitudes. The ship failed to break out of ice captivity in the summer of 1913. During the longest drift in the history of Russian Arctic research (1,575 kilometers in a year and a half), the Brusilov expedition conducted meteorological observations, measured depths, studied currents and ice conditions in the northern part of the Kara Sea, until then completely unknown to science. Almost two years of ice captivity passed.

On April 23 (10), 1914, when the "Saint Anna" was at 830 north latitude and 60 0 east longitude, with the consent of Brusilov, eleven crew members left the schooner, led by navigator Valerian Ivanovich Albanov. The group hoped to get to the nearest coast, to Franz Josef Land, in order to deliver expedition materials, which allowed scientists to characterize the underwater relief of the northern part of the Kara Sea and identify a meridional depression at the bottom about 500 kilometers long (the St. Anna trench). Only a few people reached the Franz Josef archipelago, but only two of them, Albanov himself and sailor A. Konrad, were lucky enough to escape. They were discovered quite by accident at Cape Flora by members of another Russian expedition under the command of G. Sedov (Sedov himself had already died by this time).

The schooner with G. Brusilov himself, sister of mercy E. Zhdanko, the first woman participating in the high-latitude drift, and eleven crew members disappeared without a trace.

The geographical result of the campaign of the navigator Albanov's group, which cost the lives of nine sailors, was the assertion that King Oscar and Peterman, previously noted on maps of the Earth, do not actually exist.

We know the drama of "Saint Anna" and her crew in general terms thanks to Albanov's diary, which was published in 1917 under the title "South to Franz Josef Land". Why were only two saved? This is quite clear from the diary. The people in the group that left the schooner were very diverse: strong and weak, reckless and weak in spirit, disciplined and dishonorable. Those who had more chances survived. Albanov from the ship "Saint Anna" mail was transferred to the mainland. Albanov reached, but none of those to whom they were intended received the letters. Where did they go? It still remains a mystery.

And now let's turn to Kaverin's novel "Two Captains". Of the members of the expedition of Captain Tatarinov, only the long-distance navigator I. Klimov returned. Here is what he writes to Maria Vasilievna, the wife of Captain Tatarinov: “I hasten to inform you that Ivan Lvovich is alive and well. Four months ago, in accordance with his instructions, I left the schooner and with me thirteen members of the crew. I will not talk about our difficult journey to Franz Josef Land on floating ice. I can only say that from our group I alone safely (except for frostbitten legs) reached Cape Flora. "Saint Foka" of Lieutenant Sedov's expedition picked me up and delivered me to Arkhangelsk. "Holy Mary" froze back in the Kara Sea and since October 1913 has been constantly moving north along with the polar ice. When we left, the schooner was at latitude 820 55. "She stands quietly in the middle of the ice field, or rather, stood from the autumn of 1913 until my departure."

Almost twenty years later, in 1932, Sanya Grigoriev's senior friend, Dr. Ivan Ivanovich Pavlov, explained to Sanya that the group photograph of Captain Tatarinov's expedition members "was presented by the navigator of the" St. Mary "Ivan Dmitrievich Klimov. In 1914, he was brought to Arkhangelsk with frostbitten legs, and he died in the city hospital from blood poisoning. After Klimov's death, two notebooks and letters remained. The hospital sent these letters to the addresses, and Ivan Ivanych kept the notebooks and photographs. Persistent Sanya Grigoriev once told Nikolai Antonych Tatarinov, cousin of the missing captain Tatarinov, that he would find the expedition: "I don't believe that she disappeared without a trace."

And so in 1935, Sanya Grigoriev, day after day, analyzes Klimov's diaries, among which he finds an interesting map - a map of the drift of "Saint Mary" "from October 1912 to April 1914, and the drift was shown in those places where the so-called Earth lay Peterman. “But who knows that this fact was first established by Captain Tatarinov on the schooner “Saint Maria”?” - exclaims Sanya Grigoriev.

Captain Tatarinov had to go from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. From the captain's letter to his wife: “It's been about two years since I sent you a letter through a telegraph expedition to Yugorsky Shar. We walked freely along the intended course, and since October 1913 we have been slowly moving north along with the polar ice. Thus, willy-nilly, we had to abandon the original intention to go to Vladivostok along the coast of Siberia. But there is no evil without good. A completely different thought now occupies me. I hope she does not seem to you - as to some of my companions - childish or reckless.

What is this thought? Sanya finds the answer to this in the notes of Captain Tatarinov: “The human mind was so absorbed in this task that its solution, despite the harsh grave that travelers mostly found there, became a continuous national competition. Almost all civilized countries participated in this competition, and only there were no Russians, and meanwhile the Russian people's hot impulses for the discovery of the North Pole manifested themselves even in the time of Lomonosov and have not faded to this day. Amundsen wants at all costs to leave behind Norway the honor of discovering the North Pole, and we will go this year and prove to the whole world that the Russians are capable of this feat. (From a letter to the head of the Main Hydrographic Department, April 17, 1911). So, this is where Captain Tatarinov was aiming! "He wanted, like Nansen, to go as far north as possible with drifting ice, and then get to the pole on dogs."

Tatarinov's expedition failed. Even Amundsen said: "The success of any expedition depends entirely on its equipment." Indeed, a disservice in the preparation and equipment of Tatarinov's expedition was rendered by his brother Nikolai Antonych. Tatarinov's expedition, for reasons of failure, was similar to the expedition of G.Ya. Sedov, who in 1912 tried to penetrate to the North Pole. After 352 days of ice captivity off the northwestern coast of Novaya Zemlya in August 1913, Sedov brought the ship "The Holy Great Martyr Fok" out of the bay and sent it to Franz Josef Land. The place of the second wintering of Foka was Tikhaya Bay on Hooker Island. On February 2, 1914, Sedov, despite complete exhaustion, accompanied by two sailors - volunteers A. Pustoshny and G. Linnik, headed for the Pole on three dog teams. After a severe cold, he died on February 20 and was buried by his companions at Cape Auk (Rudolf Island). The expedition was poorly prepared. G. Sedov was not well acquainted with the history of the exploration of the Franz Josef Land archipelago, he did not know well the latest maps of the section of the ocean along which he was going to reach the North Pole. He himself had not carefully checked the equipment. His temperament, his desire to conquer the North Pole at all costs prevailed over the precise organization of the expedition. So these are important reasons for the outcome of the expedition and the tragic death of G. Sedov.

Previously, Kaverin's meetings with Pinegin were mentioned. Nikolai Vasilievich Pinegin is not only an artist and writer, but also an explorer of the Arctic. During the last expedition of Sedov in 1912, Pinegin made the first documentary film about the Arctic, the footage of which, together with the artist’s personal recollections, helped Kaverin to present a picture of the events of that time more vividly.

Let's return to Kaverin's novel. From a letter from Captain Tatarinov to his wife: “I am also writing to you about our discovery: there are no lands to the north of the Taimyr Peninsula on the maps. Meanwhile, being at latitude 790 35", east of Greenwich, we noticed a sharp silvery stripe, slightly convex, coming from the very horizon. I am convinced that this is land. For now, I called it your name. "Sanya Grigoriev finds out what it is was Severnaya Zemlya, discovered in 1913 by Lieutenant B.A. Vilkitsky.

After the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, Russia needed to have its own way of escorting ships to the Great Ocean so as not to depend on the Suez or other channels of warm countries. The authorities decided to create a Hydrographic Expedition and carefully survey the least difficult section from the Bering Strait to the mouth of the Lena, so that they could go from east to west, from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk or St. Petersburg. The head of the expedition was at first A.I. Vilkitsky, and after his death, since 1913 - his son, Boris Andreevich Vilkitsky. It was he who, in the navigation of 1913, dispelled the legend of the existence of Sannikov Land, but discovered a new archipelago. On August 21 (September 3), 1913, a huge archipelago covered with eternal snow was seen north of Cape Chelyuskin. Consequently, from Cape Chelyuskin to the north is not an open ocean, but a strait, later called the B. Vilkitsky Strait. The archipelago was originally called the Land of Emperor Nicholas II. It has been called Severnaya Zemlya since 1926.

In March 1935, pilot Alexander Grigoriev, having made an emergency landing on the Taimyr Peninsula, accidentally discovered an old brass hook, green with time, with the inscription "Schooner" Holy Mary ". Nenets Ivan Vylko explains that local residents found a boat with a hook and a man on the coast of Taimyr, the closest coast to Severnaya Zemlya. By the way, there is reason to believe that it was no coincidence that the author of the novel gave the Nenets hero the surname Vylko. A close friend of the Arctic explorer Rusanov, a member of his 1911 expedition, was the Nenets artist Vylko Ilya Konstantinovich, who later became the chairman of the council of Novaya Zemlya (“President of Novaya Zemlya”).

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Rusanov was a polar geologist and navigator. His last expedition on the Hercules, a motor-sailing ship, entered the Arctic Ocean in 1912. The expedition reached the Svalbard archipelago and discovered four new coal deposits there. Rusanov then made an attempt to pass through the Northeast Passage. Having reached Cape Desire on Novaya Zemlya, the expedition went missing.

Where the Hercules died is not exactly known. But it is known that the expedition not only sailed, but also walked for some part, because the Hercules almost certainly died, as evidenced by objects found in the mid-30s on the islands near the Taimyr coast. In 1934, on one of the islands, hydrographers discovered a wooden pole with the inscription "Hercules" - 1913. Traces of the expedition were found in the Minin skerries off the western coast of the Taimyr Peninsula and on Bolshevik Island (Severnaya Zemlya). And in the seventies, the expedition of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper led the search for Rusanov's expedition. Two gaffs were found in the same area, as if to confirm the intuitive guess of the writer Kaverin. According to experts, they belonged to the “Rusanovites”.

Captain Alexander Grigoriev, following his motto "Fight and seek, find and not give up", in 1942 nevertheless found the expedition of Captain Tatarinov, or rather, what was left of it. He calculated the path that Captain Tatarinov had to take, if we consider it indisputable that he returned to Severnaya Zemlya, which he called "Mary's Land": from 790 35 latitude, between the 86th and 87th meridians, to the Russian Islands and to the Nordenskiöld archipelago. Then, probably after many wanderings from Cape Sterlegov to the mouth of the Pyasina, where the old Nenets Vylko found a boat on a sled. Then to the Yenisei, because the Yenisei was the only hope for Tatarinov to meet people and help. He walked along the seaward side of the coastal islands, as straight as possible. Sanya found the last camp of Captain Tatarinov, found his farewell letters, photographic films, found his remains. Captain Grigoriev conveyed to the people the farewell words of Captain Tatarinov: “It is bitter for me to think about all the things that I could do if they didn’t help me, but at least didn’t interfere. What to do? One consolation is that by my labors new vast lands have been discovered and annexed to Russia.

At the end of the novel we read: “The ships entering the Yenisei Bay from afar see the grave of Captain Tatarinov. They pass by her with their flags at half mast, and the mourning salute rumbles from the cannons, and a long echo rolls without ceasing.

The grave was built of white stone, and it sparkles dazzlingly under the rays of the never-setting polar sun.

At the height of human growth, the following words are carved:

“Here lies the body of Captain I.L. Tatarinov, who made one of the most courageous journeys and died on the way back from Severnaya Zemlya discovered by him in June 1915. Fight and seek, find and not give up!

Reading these lines of Kaverin's novel, one involuntarily recalls the obelisk erected in 1912 in the eternal snows of Antarctica in honor of Robert Scott and his four comrades. It has an inscription on it. And the final words of the poem "Ulysses" by Alfred Tennyson, a classic of British poetry of the 19th century: "To strive, to seek, to find and not yield" (which in English means: "Struggle and seek, find and not give up!"). Much later, with the publication of Veniamin Kaverin's novel "Two Captains", these very words became the life motto of millions of readers, a loud appeal for Soviet polar explorers of different generations.

Probably, the literary critic N. Likhacheva was wrong when she attacked The Two Captains when the novel had not yet been fully published. After all, the image of Captain Tatarinov is generalized, collective, fictional. The right to fiction gives the author an artistic style, not a scientific one. The best character traits of Arctic explorers, as well as mistakes, miscalculations, historical realities of the expeditions of Brusilov, Sedov, Rusanov - all this is connected with the hero Kaverin.

And Sanya Grigoriev, like Captain Tatarinov, is an artistic fiction of the writer. But this hero also has its prototypes. One of them is professor-geneticist M.I. Lobashov.

In 1936, in a sanatorium near Leningrad, Kaverin met the silent, always inwardly concentrated young scientist Lobashov. “He was a man in whom ardor was combined with straightforwardness, and perseverance - with amazing definiteness of purpose. He knew how to succeed in any business. A clear mind and a capacity for deep feeling were visible in his every judgment. In everything, the character traits of Sani Grigoriev are guessed. Yes, and many of the specific circumstances of Sanya's life were directly borrowed by the author from Lobashov's biography. These are, for example, Sanya's muteness, the death of his father, homelessness, the school-commune of the 20s, types of teachers and students, falling in love with the daughter of a school teacher. Talking about the history of the creation of "Two Captains", Kaverin noticed that, unlike the parents, sister, comrades of the hero, whom the prototype of Sanya told about, only separate strokes were outlined in the teacher Korablev, so that the image of the teacher was completely created by the writer.

Lobashov, who became the prototype of Sanya Grigoriev, who told the writer about his life, immediately aroused the active interest of Kaverin, who decided not to give free rein to his imagination, but to follow the story he heard. But in order for the hero's life to be perceived naturally and vividly, he must be in conditions personally known to the writer. And unlike the prototype, born on the Volga, and graduated from school in Tashkent, Sanya was born in Ensk (Pskov), and graduated from school in Moscow, and she absorbed much of what happened at the school where Kaverin studied. And the state of Sanya the young man also turned out to be close to the writer. He was not an orphanage, but during the Moscow period of his life he was left completely alone in vast, hungry and deserted Moscow. And, of course, I had to spend a lot of energy and will not to get confused.

And the love for Katya, which Sanya carries through his whole life, is not invented or embellished by the author; Kaverin is here next to his hero: having married a twenty-year-old youth to Lidochka Tynyanov, he remained true to his love forever. And how much in common is the mood of Veniamin Alexandrovich and Sanya Grigoriev when they write to their wives from the front, when they are looking for them, taken out of besieged Leningrad. And Sanya is fighting in the North, also because Kaverin was a TASS military commander, and then Izvestia was in the Northern Fleet and knew firsthand Murmansk, and Polyarnoye, and the specifics of the war in the Far North, and its people.

Another person who was well acquainted with aviation and knew the North well, the talented pilot S.L. Klebanov, a fine, honest man, whose advice in the study of the flying business by the author was invaluable. From the biography of Klebanov, the story of a flight to the remote camp of Vanokan entered the life of Sanya Grigoriev, when a catastrophe broke out on the way.

In general, according to Kaverin, both prototypes of Sanya Grigoriev resembled each other not only by their stubbornness of character and extraordinary determination. Klebanov even outwardly resembled Lobashov - short, dense, stocky.

The artist's great skill lies in creating such a portrait in which everything that is his own and everything that is not his will become his own, deeply original, individual.

Kaverin has a remarkable property: he gives the heroes not only his own impressions, but also his habits, and relatives and friends. And this cute touch makes the characters closer to the reader. With the desire of his older brother Sasha to cultivate the power of his gaze, looking for a long time at the black circle painted on the ceiling, the writer endowed Valya Zhukov in the novel. Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, during a conversation, suddenly throws a chair to the interlocutor, which must certainly be caught - this was not invented by Veniamin Alexandrovich: K.I. liked to talk so much. Chukovsky.

The hero of the novel "Two Captains" Sanya Grigoriev lived his own unique life. Readers seriously believed in him. And for more than sixty years, this image has been understandable and close to readers of several generations. Readers bow before his personal qualities of character: willpower, thirst for knowledge and search, loyalty to the given word, dedication, perseverance in achieving the goal, love for the motherland and love for his work - all that helped Sanya to solve the mystery of Tatarinov's expedition.

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    Analysis of the work of Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin "We", the history of its creation, information about the fate of the writer. The main motives of anti-utopia, the disclosure of the theme of individual freedom in the work. Satire as an organic feature of the writer's creative manner, the relevance of the novel.

    test, added 04/10/2010

    Study of the narrator's speech in T. Tolstoy's novel "Kys". The narrator in a work of art and the features of his speech, word creation. Speech manner of narration and types of narrator. Features of the narrator's speech in Gogol's works.

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