How to use fitolavin for orchids, vegetables and fruits. "Fitolavin" - a reliable antibiotic for horticultural and horticultural crops Fitolavin on cucumbers


An important role in the system of protection of vegetable crops is played by bactericidal preparations. Among them is the successfully proven "Fitolavin", which has been used for several years in industrial agricultural production and personal subsidiary farms.

Today, "Fitolavin" is one of the most commonly used drugs in greenhouses when growing cucumbers and tomatoes.

In fact, being a natural antibiotic, the biofungicide "Fitolavin, VRK" is used to combat diseases of crops caused by phytopathogenic bacteria and some fungi.

Fitolavin is used to protect:

a) cucumbers from:

  • and other bacterial rot;
  • angular leaf spot;
  • bacterial wilt.

b) tomatoes from:

  • root and root rot;
  • bacterial wilt - bacterial cancer, necrosis of the core of the stem, etc .;
  • black bacterial spot .

c) apple and other pome fruits from:

  • bacterial burn;
  • moniliosis.

d) winter wheat and barley from:

  • root rot;
  • basal bacteriosis;
  • black bacteriosis.

The experience of using in greenhouses has shown the highest efficiency of the use of "Fitolavin" for the treatment of tomatoes and cucumbers in protected ground from a complex of bacterial diseases. Effective in the treatment of open ground tomatoes from top rot.

Composition and formulation

The main active ingredient is phytobacteriomycin, which is a complex of streptothricin antibiotics based on actinomycete isolated from soil bacteria of the species Streptomyces griseus.

Concentration - 32 g / l. (based on the sulfate of the streptothricin complex), the biological activity of the drug is not less than 120,000 EA / ml.

The drug is produced in the form of water-soluble concentrates (WSC). This is a convenient form, both for spraying or irrigation, and for applying through drip irrigation (droppers and nozzles do not clog).

"Fitolavin" is produced in canisters of 5.0 liters, bottles of 1.0 liters, or in bottles of 50 ml, 100 ml, in ampoules of 2 ml. and etc.

Operating principle

Biofungicide "Fitolavin" has both contact action and systemic action, which is very important for modern drugs.

The work of the drug is based on the fact that the active substance, penetrating inside the plant and circulating with sap flow through the tissues, has a detrimental effect on pathogens. The active substance interacts with the ribosomes of bacteria, disrupts the synthesis of their protein, which leads to a change in the genetic code of the causative agents of bacteriosis. All this ultimately helps the plant to protect itself not only from the introduction of pathogens, but also to resist their development for a long time.

In addition, it is scientifically substantiated that the action of phytobacteriomycin not only fights pathogens, but also significantly activates growth and stimulates the development of cultivated crops and increases fertility.

Processing regulations (schemes of application and dosage)



Application schemesa) For protected ground - root watering of seedlings in the phase of 2-3 leaves with 0.2-0.25% working solution. Subsequent root waterings after landing in a permanent place with an interval of 15 days. Multiplicity of treatments - at least 2.
b) For open ground, the treatment is carried out by spraying during the growing season every 2 weeks, the frequency of treatments is at least 4 times.
Dosagea) for agricultural production:
- 2-3 liters / ha (for seedlings);
- 6-8l./ha (for adult plants with drip irrigation);
- 8l./ha (for adult plants with irrigation).
b) for private household plots - 15-20ml / 10l. water.
Consumption of working solutiona) For protected ground - 30-50 ml / plant (seedlings); 100-200 ml/plant (permanently).
b) For open ground - 10 liters / 100 m2.

Apple tree

Security and restrictions

All work is regulated in accordance with SanPiN 1.2.2584-10 "Hygienic requirements for the safety of testing, storage, transportation, sale, application, neutralization and disposal of pesticides and agrochemicals."

a) Human safety standards

  • Hazard class for humans -3B class (moderately hazardous product, irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes SanPiN 1.2.2584-10).
  • Pesticide "Fitolavin" is stored in a place protected from pets and children, separately from food and medicines.
  • When working, use personal protective equipment and observe hygiene rules.
  • Waiting Juices before harvest - not regulated for open ground and only 2 days for protected ground.

b) Safety standards for the protection of useful objects of flora and fauna

  • Hazard class for bees -3rd grade (the drug is not dangerous), however, the border protection zone for bees is set at least 2 km., And the restriction on the flight of bees is at least 24 hours.
  • It is forbidden to use "Fitolavin" in the water protection zone of water bodies.

c) Disposal

  • The remains of the drug and used containers are disposed of with household waste, it is forbidden to throw them into rivers, reservoirs and sewers.
  • The place of an accidental spill of the Fitolavin preparation is covered with a sorbent preparation (sand, granulated clay, sawdust, peat, etc.), which is then collected and neutralized with an aqueous suspension of slaked lime or an alkali solution.

Compatibility and analogues

There are no restrictions on the compatibility of Fitolavin with most chemical insecticides, fungicides and herbicides. However, Fitolavin is not compatible with bacterial preparations.

As analogues - biological products for protection against bacterial and fungal diseases, or for sharing with Fitolavin, the following fungicides can be recommended:

  • (live cells and spores of soil bacteria based on the endophytic strain of Bacillus subtilus 26D);
  • "Fitoplasmin"(a complex of macrolide antibiotics, as well as in Fitolavin, based on the soil actinomycete Streptomyces fradiae);
  • (bacteria Bacillus subtilis, strain IPM 215, better known as "hay bacillus").

Benefits of using

1.High efficiency. According to the conducted practical studies, it was established that the treatment with "Fitolavin" significantly reduces the rate of development of bacterial plant diseases. Thus, in cucumber, the biological efficiency of treatments was about 80%, and the yield increased by 2.5-3.0 kg/m2. When treated with Fitolavin, an acceleration of the start of fruiting by 2-3 days was observed (source - materials of the State Scientific Institution of the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, publications of the SPC Pharmbiomed).

2. Long period of protective action– 2-3 weeks and high impact speed- 12-24 hours.

3. No phytotoxicity at observance of the recommended norms of application and a high level tolerance to the drug in cultivated plants.

4. Lack of resistance(addiction) in plants to the drug.

Reading time: 11 min

Growing a good crop is not an easy task, because gardeners and gardeners, in addition to caring for the garden and vegetable garden, need to fight diseases and infections. Belonging to the group of antibiotics of the systemic and contact type, the drug Fitolavin received good reviews in different regions of Russia.

It is effective in the treatment of a number of fungal and bacterial infections, has low toxicity, and is affordable. A simple instruction for use on plants allows even novice summer residents to deal with dosages, without having to use serious precautions.

Description and chemical composition of the product

The action of Fitolavin is based on the antibiotics of the streptothricin group included in the preparation. These are substances of natural origin, called phytobacteriomycin (PTM). They act on infectious agents, blocking their development, and also weakly inhibit soil bacteria.

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On a note! To restore the microflora in the soil after treatments with Fitolavin, additional EM preparations are added.

The concentration of FTM in the biobactericide solution is 32 grams per liter. The main action is the suppression of protein synthesis of pathogenic bacteria, the violation of the correctness of the genetic coding of infectious agents. The components of the product quickly penetrate into plant tissues (waiting - up to a day), ensuring the death of bacteria and a number of fungi. Protection - up to 18-20 days.

Indications for use

Fitolavin is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in summer cottages and farms. The range of diseases in which the drug is effective is large:

  • various types of rot (root neck, root, top, soft bacterial, dry);
  • alternariosis;
  • blackleg;
  • necrosis;
  • black, angular spotting;
  • bacterial burn;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • moniliosis;
  • bacterial wilt;
  • tracheomycosis.

The product is not dangerous for pollinators.

What plants are suitable for

Suitable for processing:

  • tomatoes, cucumbers on ridges and in greenhouses;
  • berries;
  • fruit crops;
  • potatoes;
  • cereals;
  • roses (garden and domestic;
  • indoor plants of the bromeliad family;
  • orchids.

To prevent diseases, all ground parts of plants are sprayed with the prepared solution. In the treatment of infections, the soil around the plantings is additionally irrigated. When processing indoor flowers, in addition to spraying leaves and shoots, they wet the soil in pots.

Processing time

A biobactericide is a drug, therefore, when using, the provisions of the instructions, dosages, and terms of treatments are observed. Manufacturers in the description of Fitolavin indicate:

  • doses of the drug on various plants;
  • consumption during preventive and therapeutic treatments;
  • side effects.

The stage of development and growth of culture does not affect the application. A double procedure is recommended for 2 months with an interval of 14-15 days, up to 4-5 treatments are allowed on fruit trees. The interval is 14-15 days. This scheme is explained by the presence of resistance of pathogens to Fitolavin. In addition, the tool has a cumulative effect, accumulates in fruits and soil. Therefore, it cannot be used without taking into account dosages and terms of application.

If the site is healthy and infection was not observed in past seasons, Fitolavin can not be used. Every year, only areas where infections regularly occur or if plants in neighboring areas are sick are treated.

How to properly dilute the solution

The working composition is made immediately before seed dressing or spraying plantings.

On a note! It is allowed to store the finished solution of Fitolavin for no more than 12 hours.

The standard dosage is 2 ml per liter of warm water. Consumption is determined by the type and age of the crop, the type of treatment (prevention, therapy), planting area.

Cooking order:

  • about 1/3 of the water is poured into the container;
  • add the required amount of Fitolavin;
  • stir until a homogeneous solution is obtained;
  • take a small amount of water at room temperature;
  • add water to the correct volume.

Fitolavin VRK (water-soluble concentrate) is suitable for spraying in drip irrigation systems. Mother liquor (MR) for drip irrigation systems is not used due to the formation of a suspension.

Processing rules:

  • it is advisable to choose the evening hours when the heat subsides;
  • dry day;
  • spray gun setting - "fog" (fine dispersion).

Spray the ground parts of plants until a thin film appears. During treatment, the soil near the plantings is also moistened.

Dosage, application and timing for various crops

For prophylactic purposes, seed material is treated, treatment is carried out at the first symptoms of the disease.

Fitolavin is used at different stages:

  • processing of planting material;
  • spraying seedlings (in the phase of the appearance of 2-3 true leaves);
  • at any phase of plant vegetation;
  • after harvest.
  • soaking of seed material (standard solution) is carried out for greenhouse tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, peppers - one hour;
  • immersion of potato tubers before planting - for 30 minutes;
  • watering seedlings (peppers, greenhouse cucumbers, greenhouse tomatoes, eggplant, cabbage) - in the phase of 2-3 leaves, 40-50 ml of solution per bush;
  • after planting seedlings in a permanent place - 100-200 ml per bush.

The scheme of application of Fitolavin in diseases:

  • bacteriosis - watering, 2 treatments are allowed (adult plants), seedlings - one treatment;
  • - double spraying;
  • black leg - single treatment;
  • late blight - one treatment before flowering;
  • alternariosis - one spraying before bud formation;
  • angular spotting - when the first signs appear, one treatment of plants;
  • necrosis of the root neck - watering, 2 procedures.

Onions are sprayed from pink root, gray and soft bacterial rot, with fusarium of the bottom. Up to 3 treatments allowed. On indoor plants and flower seedlings, watering is carried out when the first symptoms of diseases appear.

In the garden, they treat moniliosis, scab and. Sprayed in the phase of budding, flowering, as well as in the stage of formation of the ovary, fruits (2 cm in diameter, 4 cm in diameter), after the foliage has fallen.

Compatibility with other substances

The biobactericidal agent Fitolavin 300 can be combined with a large number of different agricultural chemicals. Combinations with highly alkaline formulations (pH above 8.5) are excluded.

Also, the drug is not used with some biological compounds, but is effective when used with Fitoverm, Alirin. After treatments with Fitolavin, it is recommended to treat the soil with Gamair or apply any EM products.

Release form

Fitolavin from two manufacturers (Russia) is represented on the market:

  • the GreenBelt company produces a water-soluble concentrate, the form is 2 ml, the purpose is the treatment of indoor plants;
  • LLC Pharmbiomedservice, volumes 50, 100, 400 ml (bottles), 1 and 5 liters (canisters) for horticultural and horticultural crops.

Means analogues

Similar to Phytolavin in terms of the mechanism of action on pathogenic microorganisms are drugs:

  • Phytosporin (against fungal infections);
  • Planriz (bacterial diseases);
  • Bactofit (bacterial diseases);
  • Gamair (against cancer, burns, necrosis);
  • Alerin-B (root rot).

It is necessary to use drugs strictly according to the instructions, taking into account toxicity, effectiveness.

Processing safety measures

Fitolavin belongs to group 3 of the toxicity class, therefore, when processing, it is enough to follow the standard precautions:

  • work in a headdress that tightly covers the body of clothing, gloves;
  • use goggles, gloves;
  • wear a mask or respirator.

If ingested, it causes poisoning, on mucous membranes - burns or irritation (depending on concentration). It is necessary to wash the skin with plenty of water, in case of poisoning - drink activated charcoal, induce vomiting and be sure to consult a doctor.

Phytolavin is an effective antibiotic for plant protection, used in areas of various sizes. It is recommended to use as a means of prevention, as well as a therapeutic drug for non-started plantings.

Natalia Severova

Phytolavin is intended for the treatment and prevention of plant diseases. With prolonged or regular use, side effects and addiction of insects to the main components do not occur. Phytolavin is allowed to be used in the minimum dosage to process indoor plants or flowers near the house.

Means "Fitolavin" copes well with the treatment and prevention of plant diseases

Action and release form

Phytolavin can be used for greenhouse crops. After processing, it is not necessary to reload the containers from the ground, and it is also not necessary to process the room or the technological container.

The presented product does not pose a risk to human and animal health. It has a pronounced preventive effect on plants. The effect is noticeable already 1-2 days after treatment.

Due to this action, Fitolavin should be used at the initial stage of the disease of indoor and garden crops, as well as with moderate and more severe lesions. Do not forget that this is a poison, so it is important to follow certain rules during its use.

The Fitolavin remedy is suitable not only for the garden, since home plants can also be treated in small doses.

Phytolavin is based on the active substance phytobacteriomycin (FTZ). It is a streptothricin antibiotic complex. A potent substance destroys soil mold fungi. In its action, it is similar to penicillin and other antibiotic agents.

After the application of FTZ, it begins to suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to refuel the soil with live biological preparations after processing. If treatment and prevention is carried out in a small private economy or greenhouses, it is necessary to use available means or home-made preparations.

For agricultural engineering and agriculture, Fitolavin is produced in whole canisters of 1, 2 and 5 liters. But there is also a smaller package. The drug in canisters is prepared from a pre-purified extract of producing organisms. It can be used on sites that are at a great distance from water sources.

In this video you will learn about the tool "Fitolavin":

Processing is not carried out near residential buildings and buildings. The optimal distance is 20 meters. The distance from playgrounds should be at least 55 meters. To process crops on a personal plot, summer cottage or in a small individual farm , you need to buy Fitolavin in small packaging.

The drug is produced using purified raw materials, which have gone through several stages of in-depth testing. Available options are from 2 to 50 ml. The choice of the optimal volume depends on the consumption rate indicated by the manufacturer.

Means "Fitolavin" should be applied to plants in the form of a solution using a sprayer

An open solution in a sealed container can be stored for 12 months from the date of production. The optimum temperature regime is +10…+30°С. Means in an open vial should not be stored after opening. It must be used to prepare a working solution.

Scope of use

FTM is a strong systemic antibiotic used to protect cultivated plants from rot and various pathogenic bacteria. Phytolavin is a medium-acting antibiotic, so it is suitable as a prophylaxis and treatment for plants.

In the country and in small farms, the remedy is used to protect the crop from the following diseases:

  • potato alternariosis;
  • tomato rot (on leaves and fruits);
  • dry rot of potato tubers;
  • black leg on seedlings or herbaceous annuals.

If the plant is already sick, then Fitolavin will help to quickly heal it.

Phytolavin can be used for the prevention and treatment of crops in the early stages of bacterial damage. The manufacturer recommends processing herbaceous annual vegetables.

Phytolavin has a wide spectrum of action against various diseases and pathogens. It is possible to prevent or cure bacterial, fungal diseases of garden and vegetable crops:

  • alternariosis on vegetable plants;
  • American powdery mildew on blackcurrant;
  • bacterial burns on fruit crops;
  • cancer of bacterial origin;
  • wilting of the plant as a result of bacterial infection.

Phytolavin helps eliminate top, root rot, necrosis of the core of the stem, angular spotting on the leaves. At the initial stage of tracheomycosis, it is recommended to treat orchids and bromeliads.

Rules for use and precautions

The antibiotic tends to gradually accumulate inside the fruit. For this reason, it is worth abandoning the regular and daily use of Fitolavin. After treatment, the drug begins to act after 2 days.

Duration of action - 40−50 days, if the air temperature is not lower than +10°С. After the last treatment, at least 20 days must pass. 2-3 treatments are allowed per season. The exceptions are fruits that have dense skin - apples, plums or pears.

To ensure that the treatment of plants with the preparation "Fitolavin" is not in vain, you should follow the instructions

Processing is carried out in the evening. The weather must be calm outside. A continuous film of tiny drops should form on the leaves of plants and trees. Fitolavin can be used for preventive watering of plants. For cultivation, the soil is pre-moistened.

Phytolavin belongs to the substance of the third hazard class. The potent component has a weak effect on bees, but as a preventive measure and additional security measures, it is recommended to close them for 12 hours. People should also be wary of contact with the drug.

Before processing, it is necessary to wear personal protective equipment: a respirator, clothing to cover the body, goggles, a hat and high rubber gloves. Phytolavin can cause irritation of the skin, mucous membranes. In case of accidental ingestion, antibiotic poisoning occurs.

The preparation should not get into sources of water supply and reservoirs of open type. If a potent component penetrates into the aquatic environment, stable and more dangerous complexes are formed. The effect of FTM on humans is enhanced in humid and greenhouse conditions. That is why it is important to take care of reliable protection. Wear a plastic raincoat over your work clothes.

The drug "Fitolavin" is toxic, so follow all precautions when working with it

Precautions for contact with the drug:

  1. In case of contact with the skin, it is necessary to treat the affected area. To remove the antibiotic from the body, use laundry soap.
  2. In case of contact with the eyes, the mucous membrane is washed with running water. It is recommended to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist for additional consultation.
  3. If the drug gets into the mouth or on the lips, rinse them under running water and rinse your mouth 4-5 times.
  4. If ingested, it is important to drink 4-5 glasses of water. In one of them, you need to dilute activated charcoal powder and try to induce vomiting.

If the drug gets on the skin or in the body, you must call an ambulance or make an appointment with a doctor. The main potent substance has no antidote. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. Pregnant women should not work with Fitolavin, ladies during lactation, as well as patients who have been diagnosed with a severe allergic reaction.

Consumption rate and dosage

Processing is carried out on the site if the plants get sick several times during the season. When there are no damage or traces of bacteria on the trees for a long time, you can stop using Fitolavin.

Instructions for users are attached to the preparation. The table shows dosages, a list of diseases, the name of the crop, consumption rates, terms and method of application. You can apply the product under the root no more than 4-5 days. After prevention, the soil is fertilized with live soil bacteria.

Means "Fitolavin" is perfect for the prevention of plant diseases, as it has the property of fertilizer

Compatibility with other insecticides

Fitolavin can be used simultaneously with other drugs. These are herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. It is strictly forbidden to simultaneously dilute an antibiotic with a bacterial agent.

Fitolavin can be used together with Fitoverm insecticide. It belongs to the group of biologically available and active drugs. It is not recommended to mix the product with Lepidocide. The composition of this insecticide includes waste products of bacteria.

Storage rules and expiration date

Means Fitolavin stored in a cool room. Do not leave the bottle in direct sunlight. It is recommended to store it in a closet where children and animals cannot reach. You can not put food and medicines nearby.

Phytolavin is one of the best drugs that does not pose a danger to many insects. Summer residents and gardeners can do seed treatment for various diseases before planting in the ground. The effectiveness of the drug is not affected by soil with high acidity.

The active substance quickly penetrates the plant, provides high-quality and reliable protection for up to 20 days. According to the instructions, the fungicide can be used a few days before the expected harvest date, due to its minimal toxicity.

Phytolavin is a systemic and contact biobactericide, it is an antibiotic of the streptothricin group. Chemical class: bacterial fungicides and biological pesticides. The active substance is phytobacteriomycin (BA 120,000 EA/ml, 32 g/l).

Biofungicide acceptable for use in personal subsidiary farms, including for the treatment of plants at home. Designed to combat pathogens of bacterial infections and some fungal infections.

Produced in the form of a water-soluble concentrate, for indoor flowers in 2 ml vials - manufacturer GreenBelt; for horticultural and horticultural crops - in bottles of 50, 100, 400 ml or canisters, 1 or 5 liters - manufacturer Pharmbiomedservice LLC.

Phytolavin is effective against:

  • soft bacterial rot
  • root collar rot
  • bacterial and tracheomycosis wilt
  • bacterial cancer
  • bacterial burn
  • black leg
  • angular leaf spot
  • root rot
  • stem necrosis
  • blossom end rot
  • black bacterial spot
  • alternariosis
  • moniliosis

Consumption rate

20 ml of phytolavin are calculated for 10 liters of water, respectively, 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water.

  • for seedlings - 30-40 ml per seedling
  • for a plant in a pot on average 100-200 ml
  • for spraying fruit and berry crops, an average of 2 liters per bush or 5 liters per tree
  • on all horticultural crops or indoor flowers general recommendation for costs: 10 liters per 100 sq. m

For spraying plants, only fresh solution should be used. Storage of the drug diluted with water is unacceptable.

The use of fitolavin

Phytolavin can be used from the moment the seedlings appear, as a prophylaxis of the black leg, from the time the first pair of true leaves appears. Then in any phase of growth and development of plants from any bacterial rot, with an interval of 2 weeks, but no more than 2 times. Attention: fitolavin can cause resistance of bacteria and fungi, do not apply more than 2 times in 2 months. The exception is bacterial burn and moniliosis on apple trees (5 treatments with an interval of 14 days are acceptable).

It is worth processing the plants completely and completely when buying plants through nurseries and online stores, for example, supplying orchids, bromeliads and other plants from Asia. Many orchids infected with tracheomycosis (vascular wilt) can be treated with phytolavin (as an alternative to foundationazole).

When signs of diseases appear on plants, filolavin is used for spraying and watering the soil, in such an amount as to thoroughly moisten the ground in a pot.

Attention: after watering plants with phytolavin, it is necessary to add bacterial preparations (for example, alirin or hamair).

Fitolavin in tank mixes is compatible with most known chemical insecticides, fungicides and herbicides. But co-dilution with bacterial preparations is not recommended.

Attention: Antibiotics of the streptothricin group have a rather high cumulative toxicity as a result of the toxicity of the antibiotic itself and the presence of impurities - do not use the drug thoughtlessly and more than necessary on vegetable and fruit crops!

Features of the drug

  • Phytolavin is not phytotoxic and non-toxic to insect predators and insect pollinators, but only in recommended doses.
  • Phytolavin can be used as a seed disinfectant.
  • Phytolavin is effective in any solution acidity, except for strongly alkaline ones (pH over 8.5).
  • The active substance quickly and easily penetrates the plant tissue - waiting time: 12-24 hours.
  • Plant protection for 15-20 days.

Phytolavin should be stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures from 0 to +30°C, out of the reach of children! Storage together with foodstuff and medicines is not allowed. Freezing of the drug is not allowed.

Phytolavin toxicity

Hazard class 3 for humans - a moderately dangerous compound. Hazard class 3 for bees (the release of insects is allowed 12 hours after the application of the preparation). Avoid getting the drug into open water!

Security measures. When working with the drug should use gloves, it can cause skin irritation. It is unacceptable to eat, drink and smoke. Wash hands and face thoroughly after work.

First aid: if the fungicide gets on the skin, rinse with plenty of water; in case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of running water; if it enters the digestive tract, drink 3-4 glasses of water, induce vomiting, take a few tablets of activated charcoal, seek medical help.

To get a good harvest, you need to properly care for the plants. Not only weeding and feeding are important for crops, but also the destruction of diseases that affect them during the growing season. Phytolavin is a fungicide of contact-systemic action. It effectively fights various types of diseases and protects plants from their reappearance. This article provides a detailed description of the tool and instructions for use.

Description of the drug Fitolavin

The action of the drug is based on the work of antibiotics of the streptothricin group, which are part of it. They block the development of infections, pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores and destroy them. The agent quickly penetrates into the tissues of cultures, destroys bacteria, fungi and protects plants for 2.5-3 weeks.

Phytolavin is used for processing various types of garden, garden, indoor crops in open and closed ground. It is effective against: black leg, various types of rot, spotting, alternariosis, bacterial cancer, bacterial burn, wilting, fusarium.

Phytolavin can suppress not only harmful, but also beneficial microflora. To restore the fertility of the land after its use, organic fertilizers and preparations with beneficial bacteria are applied (Gamair, for example).

The drug is produced by two companies in Russia: GreenBelt and Pharmbiomedservice LLC. It comes out as a water-soluble concentrate. For indoor plants there are ampoules of 2 ml, for a vegetable garden, a garden - bottles of 50, 100, 400 ml and canisters - 1-5 liters.

Advantages and disadvantages of fungicide

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Gardeners and gardeners note many positive qualities in Fitolavin:

  • The fungicide has a contact-systemic action.
  • Highly efficient.
  • Acts quickly and has a protective effect on plants up to 3 weeks.
  • Convenient to use.
  • Available and economical.

Disadvantages of Fitolavin:

  • It destroys not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria.
  • May be habit-forming in pathogens.
  • accumulates in plants.
  • May cause allergies.

Instructions for use Fitolavin

For prevention, the drug is used on the leaves of plants. They are irrigated from a watering can or sprayer. If it is necessary to cure plants from ailments, they are sprayed and additionally water the soil around.

A standard solution is made from 2 ml of the product and a liter of warm water. First, the drug is dissolved in a small amount of water, then the solution is adjusted to the desired volume. Consumption depends on the age of the plant, the type of treatment.

  • planting material soak in standard solution for one hour. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to get the seeds, rinse under running water and dry. For tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants - this is the best option. Pickled seeds allow healthy plants to grow!
  • potato tubers before planting, immerse in a standard solution for half an hour.
  • For seedlings (peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant), the first treatment is carried out after the appearance of 3 leaves. For each plant spend up to 50 ml of solution. The agent is poured onto the ground under the bushes for cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops. At this stage of development, spraying can harm them.
  • After landing plants in a permanent place, you can repeat the procedure. Now the consumption of funds for each bush is not less than 100 ml.


You can use Fitolavin to add to the drip irrigation system. Only you need to use a water-soluble concentrate (WSC), and not a mother liquor (MP).

Processing is carried out 1-2 times, with an interval of 2 weeks. In the garden, the remedy is used for scab, bacterial burn, moniliosis and similar diseases. Processing is carried out during the appearance of buds, flowering, at the stage of formation of ovaries and after the foliage has fallen. But since the product can accumulate in plants, you can do 1-2 spraying and watering per year, at a convenient time or when signs of illness appear.

When treating garden plants for bacteriosis, spotting and black leg, one treatment is done. From top rot and root collar necrosis, 2 sprays are applied. Treatment for late blight and Alternaria is needed before flowering, once.

Indoor plants are treated when signs of illness appear. Usually one spraying and watering of the soil is enough.

Precautionary measures

When used correctly, Phytolavin will not harm plants and the environment.

Analogues of this tool are "Fitosporin", "Alirin-B", "Planriz", "Gamair", "Bactofit".

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