How to draw a cricket with a violin. Shaping the diagram


Funny grasshopper is the hero of songs, poems, fairy tales. You can come up with an interesting story about this insect yourself and illustrate it. To do this, you need to know how to draw a grasshopper. Beginning masters can use a simple way to transfer an image to canvas, experienced artists can use a more complex option. Choose which one suits you best and get started with exciting creativity.

A simple copy - starting with the head

Now you will learn how to draw a grasshopper to make it as funny and cute as in the photo. Start recreating it from the head. To do this, draw an ordinary chicken egg on the left side of the sheet. Its blunt end is at the top, and its sharp end is at the bottom. This oval is a schematic representation of the head of our hero.

In it, draw two perpendicular lines. One is vertical, the other is horizontal. Look at the following photo to understand how to draw a grasshopper with a pencil step by step.

These 2 lines are needed in order to position the eyes symmetrically. In the left hemisphere, draw one, and in the right - exactly the same second eye. Please note that inside each is a large pupil that follows the contour of the eye.

At the top of the head draw 2 antennae with rounded ends. Now you can recreate the rest of the funny insect. You will learn right now how to draw a grasshopper completely.

Body and legs

Draw an irregularly shaped oval to the right of the head. At the top, where the back of the insect is, the line is almost straight. On the abdomen, it is rounded. When creating this detail, like others, do not press hard on the pencil, as some auxiliary lines will then have to be erased with an eraser. Draw a second line above the abdomen. It was you who drew the wing of the insect.

The rear left leg is in three sections. The first one starts from the stomach and ends with the knee. The second part of the leg starts from the knee and ends at the ankle. The third part is the foot of the insect. The rear right leg is not fully visible, draw the knee, part of the second section and the foot.

In addition to the two hind legs, the grasshopper has 4 more front legs. They are also slightly bent at the "knees" and "elbows". Draw them so that they are smaller than the hind legs. Here is how to draw a grasshopper in one of the easiest ways.

If you want to decorate your creation, make the abdomen darker than the head, paws, wing. The pupil is also black. This is where you can finish your creativity or further hone your skills by starting a more complex drawing.

Scheme of the second grasshopper - the beginning

To depict this insect, we need to draw several circles and ovals of different sizes. First, draw a circle on the left side of the sheet, and just below it, a smaller circle adjacent to this. You have just drawn the base of the grasshopper's head. The next figure will also adjoin the large circle. It's an oval, point it to the right side. Put a point in the middle of this oval and draw a straight line to the right, at the end slightly round it down. On this, for now, we will finish depicting the back of the insect.

We continue the conversation about how to draw a grasshopper in stages. Let's go back to the oval. If the first point, when drawing the back, you put on top, then put the second one at the bottom, directly opposite the first.

We continue to draw

In this area, draw a very small oval. This is the junction of the body with the front leg of the insect. From this small oval, draw a small line slightly up and to the right. Finish it with a small circle that connects the back leg to the torso.

To draw the paw completely, from the circle to the right and slightly up (at an angle of 45 °), draw a diagonal line. This is the femoral part of the grasshopper's leg. This detail ends with a small circle. From it, draw a line down, thus drawing a part of the grasshopper's paw from leg to foot.

Here's how to draw a grasshopper with a pencil step by step, starting with a diagram.

Shaping the diagram

Make your legs look bigger. Focusing on straight lines, outline them on both sides with features that will make the insect's paws more realistic. Behind the torso of the grasshopper, draw a fragment of his second leg, in which only the knee part is visible.

From the oval-body, 2 front legs of the insect go down. Their inner part is created using a zigzag line. Don't forget to draw the front paw as well, which is part of the third pair of legs.

Finish the back with a wing, and under it draw the belly of the hero of the picture. The eye of a grasshopper is large, egg-shaped.

Make the upper part of the oval torso look like a wide collar. Draw the ends of each foot rather thin. At this stage, it is already possible to erase the auxiliary lines that were the scheme, and make the main ones more visible.

Here's how to draw a grasshopper with a pencil to make it look as realistic as possible. If you want to add color to your creation, use emerald paint, and green paint the grass in which the hero of your masterpiece cleverly hides.

Now you can admire your work and proudly show it to friends and family.

How to draw a grasshopper? This is easier to do than it seems at first glance. The advice of the master will help to cope with the task.

A bit of theory

Grasshopper is an arthropod insect of the order Orthoptera. On a long body sits a laterally compressed head with large oval eyes, and long antennae on the head. The insect has three pairs of legs. He needs two front pairs of short legs for walking, and long and strong hind legs with knees turned back are excellent at jumping. The wings of most grasshoppers are well developed, decorated with clearly visible veins.

Imagining the appearance of this insect, you can highlight its features, which will tell you how to draw a grasshopper.

Lesson for children

First you need to draw an elongated body, shaped like a banana. The grasshopper does not have a neck, so immediately "plant" an oval head on the body. Divide the head lengthwise and across into equal parts with two slightly concave lines.

Now we will draw two very large eyes in circles, and on the insect's head we will draw two long antennae.

At the next stage of the lesson on the topic "How to draw a grasshopper" we detail the drawing. On top of the wide "banana-torso" draw a thinner banana so that the lines along the back coincide, and the tummy peeks out from below. Let's depict the hind legs with the knees turned back high, as in the figure above. The front legs should be much smaller in size.

If you did everything right, you will get such a cute grasshopper, like our artist.

Let's complicate the task

Experienced craftsmen will be interested to know how to draw a grasshopper more realistically.

Draw an oval head on a sheet of paper, draw a part of the body with a wide rectangle, which we will complete with a long "banana", tapering at the bottom.

Draw long straight antennae on the head. The hind legs of the grasshopper are large. They consist of two parts: the first part starts in the middle of the body and is directed upwards, in the knee joint we begin to draw the lower part of the hind legs, lowered vertically down.

Now the details: draw the kneecaps, depict bristles on the hind legs below, add two pairs of small front paws. On the head we draw big eyes, jaws.

Erase the extra lines with an eraser and carefully color the drawing. Ready!

Now you know how to draw a grasshopper. It's easy to do it step by step, right?

"There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass" - this is how a popular children's song begins. And, in fact, grasshoppers are funny jumping insects that can often be seen in the grass in summer. The most amusing feature of these "jumping" is that their hearing organs are located on the limbs. Although cute, these insects are predators and feed on small butterflies and other insects. You will certainly be very interested in learning how to draw a grasshopper. Moreover, it is interesting and not difficult at all.

Draw a grasshopper in pencil technique

First, let's draw a grasshopper in pencil technique, because a simple pencil is a basic tool that every artist must master.

Let's start with the head. It should be round, small, with black eyes.

Then add the torso and hind legs. Remarkably, the "legs" of the grasshoppers are bent back, as if inside out.

After that, draw the second foot and striped abdomen. More precisely, not striped, but ribbed.

Next add the front and middle legs. They are straight and much shorter than the back ones.

We did not shade the drawing, but if you wish, you can carefully walk along the back and abdomen. It is important not to overdo it and act carefully.

Realistic drawing of a grasshopper - draw together

If you want to depict not a cartoon, but a completely realistic version of a grasshopper, then you should learn how to draw a grasshopper in stages. After all, step-by-step instructions are usually the most effective.

First, draw an oval head with a small eye and a small front paw and back. The back will be very short, small.

Then add the middle and back legs. The hind leg is pushing when jumping, so it will be long, powerful enough, bent back. In addition, they have special cloves. They are assigned a very important role - when an insect rubs its paws against each other, the teeth make a peculiar sound that attracts individuals of the opposite sex.

After that, we will depict the abdomen and wings. Yes, these insects have wings.

The abdomen should be ribbed, so it is necessary to outline transverse stripes on it. You also need antennae and second pairs of legs: front, back, middle.

Grasshopper in the grass - draw with the children

If your child loves the grasshopper song (the one in which he sat in the grass and was friends with flies), then it would be a great idea to learn how to draw a grasshopper for your child. It's not difficult at all - you can see for yourself.

First of all, we will basicly outline the head, chest, back and bent hind leg with teeth. By the way, it is on the hind legs of these insects that the organs of hearing are located.

Then we will depict a striped abdomen and thin wings with veins. Of course, these insects cannot fly, but their wings allow them to jump much higher and farther.

Then we add the front and middle legs (they should also have villi), the second pairs of legs, long antennae, eyes and short mandibles.

It's time to give the picture color, because all the kids love bright colors. We took pencils for this, but felt-tip pens, paints, and colored crayons are also suitable. Grasshopper, as expected, we will make bright green. And we will also draw juicy grass and flowers around it - red and orange. Or, for example, daisies and dandelions - everything here depends solely on your imagination and creative flight.

Everything, our beautiful grasshopper in the grass is completely drawn - you can put it in a frame and hang it on the wall. And don't forget to praise your little artist.

Grasshopper drawing - instructions for beginner artists

If you have not been drawing for a very long time, do not think that you can not cope with the image of insects. We will tell you how easy it is to draw a grasshopper in just a few steps.

First you need to outline the general forms - the head, chest and abdomen. For now, we will not specify the details - this is a basic sketch.

Then add the hind legs bent at the joint, straight front legs, separate the wings from the striped abdomen, and also take care of the head. Since our drawing is not too realistic, but rather cartoonish, we will depict him with an open hand, large eyes and a short protruding antennae.

Now let's add some more small details - stripes on the back and legs. Also, if desired, you can depict thin villi on the paws.

In general, we have made a general outline. If you want, you can shade or color our insect - this way it will look much more natural. Especially if you highlight the shadows and highlights.

Imagine the chirping of a grasshopper. Voiced, so meadow and warm in summer. Draw a grasshopper in your mind. It is very difficult! Even to imagine, and not what to draw a grasshopper with a pencil, is beyond the power without a picture in front of your eyes. And now look at the phased drawing pictures. Did everything seem easy? This is true. So with every insect, bird or even animal. Our drawing lessons will help a child and an adult learn to draw quickly and beautifully at the same time.

How to draw a grasshopper step by step

Like any other drawing lesson, you should start drawing a grasshopper from the basics: the head and torso. Repeat all the pink lines in sequence, and in just 5 steps you will have a wonderful picture of a baby grasshopper. A small child can be offered to simply color the grasshopper coloring page from this page.

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What to do with the drawn grasshopper?

Have you drawn a grasshopper? Colored it? Don't throw away the drawing! Old, old legends say that the one who has a grasshopper drawn by a child in his house will live a long time, rarely get sick. If the picture is put under the child's bed, then it will protect him from bad dreams or help him forget them faster. You can believe in old legends, or you may not believe it, but who knows, maybe a grasshopper will really bring good luck to your child and you? Why refuse it?

Grasshoppers can often be found on the lawn in green grass, where they like to hide and chirp. They make such an interesting sound thanks to their hind jumping legs, on which hard bristles are located. You can learn even more about the grasshopper if you start drawing it. Indeed, during this process, you begin to understand where this or that organ is located. And when coloring, you better remember the color of an insect or animal. Therefore, drawing is a great opportunity for the plant world.

Necessary materials:

Steps for drawing a grasshopper:

  1. Draw the head of a grasshopper on a blank sheet of paper in the form of an oval. We draw large eyes to it, which will also have the shape of an oval. The front eye will be large, but the back eye will be much smaller. Moreover, it is practically invisible due to the muzzle.
  2. We draw in the middle of the front eye the pupil and highlights. We will also draw a smile in the form of an arc from the bottom of the head and a long antennae at the top of the head.
  3. We begin to draw the torso of the grasshopper, which has an oblong shape. We draw a horizontal line at a slight angle from the left side of the head, and draw an oval and two arcs to it.
  4. Now let's move on to drawing the paws. We start from the front. They will be thin and small at the ends. Next, draw a long line up to start drawing the hind legs. And they will be big and long.
  5. Now we draw the legs of a grasshopper, which are located behind. At the base they will be thick, but it gradually becomes thinner and already at the fold we see the thin part of the foot. From the fold, we draw two lines down and draw the base of the foot, which will be larger in size than the front.
  6. We determine the general contour of the body, paws and head. We erase unnecessary details with an eraser and draw lines on the grasshopper's tummy. We also detail the muzzle and torso.
  7. The grasshopper itself has a green tint, which makes it difficult to see it in the grass. So we use a light green pencil to create a bright and rich base tone for the whole drawing. In some places, you can increase the pressure to obtain volume of details.
  8. With a dark green and brown pencil, create a volume near the contour. We lay these colors on all parts of the picture.
  9. Use a warm yellow to give an extra tint to the belly of the grasshopper, but dark brown to create a shadow on the torso, legs and head.
  10. We completely paint over the antennae and the pupil of the eye, but the rest of the details of the picture should simply be circled around the contour. For this purpose, we use a black pencil.
  11. We get a lovely drawing of a green grasshopper, which very easily and quickly jumps over the foliage and goes unnoticed in the green grass because of its similar color with the foliage.

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