How to define overweight. How to quickly and accurately calculate your correct weight


BMI, or body mass index, is an indicator that allows you to assess how much a person's body weight corresponds to his height. It is easy to calculate it. To do this, body weight in kilograms must be divided by height in meters squared.

For example, if you weigh 70 kg and your height is 1 m 65 cm, then your BMI will be 70/1.652 = 25.7 kg/m 2.

To evaluate this indicator, one should refer to the table developed by the World Health Organization.

In other words, if your BMI is over 25 kg/m2, you should consider losing weight.

Advanced: Body Fat Percentage Measurement

In recent years, many doctors have criticized the definition of overweight using body mass index. The fact is that BMI is a very average indicator. It is completely unsuitable, for example, for athletes: they have very developed muscles, due to this they weigh a lot, but this weight cannot be called superfluous. Does not take into account BMI and age or, say, gender characteristics. Meanwhile, over time, it is quite natural for a person to gain body weight within certain limits, and women with the same BMI as men are likely to have more fat.


Measure your waist!

Not only how much fat is in the body plays a role in maintaining health, but also where it is located. For both women and men, the fat located around the waist (it is called abdominal) is especially dangerous. It can be deposited both under the skin and around the internal organs. This significantly complicates their work, causing serious disruptions in the body. Abdominal obesity seriously increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular accidents. Measure the waist: for men, its volume should not exceed 94 cm, for women - 80 cm. If it is larger, it is necessary to lose weight.

Therefore, now in addition to determining BMI, body composition analysis is usually prescribed. Excess weight is not an excess of muscles, not water, but namely adipose tissue. That is what needs to be discovered. Paradoxically, such an excess is often observed in people with a normal BMI. Such people also need to adjust their figure: it is not necessary to go on a diet, but it is very worth doing physical education. It will strengthen the muscles in which fat burns.

To find out the percentage of fat allows bioimpedance analysis of body composition. A weak electric current is passed through the body, changing its frequency. Different tissues have different resistance to electricity, and this makes it possible to determine how much body weight is due to muscle mass, which is to bones, and which is to fat. If bioimpedance analysis is not performed at the medical facilities available to you, you can arrange a similar procedure at home. To do this, it is enough to buy an electronic scale with the function of determining fat. The principle of their work is the same, but they are less accurate, for example, they can rank the water contained in the body as fat mass. But for determining the dynamics of weight loss, this is still a good option.

It is known that in the USSR, a healthy weight for a woman was calculated using the simplest formula, growth minus one hundred. According to her, Baba Klava from the bench at the entrance was declared a woman with an ideal figure. Later, nutritionists slightly changed the formula - "growth minus one hundred and ten", and for ballerinas the formula "growth minus one hundred and twenty" has always worked. If such generalized data does not suit you, read on - we have collected the most interesting, relevant and reflective formulas.

Ideal Weight Calculator

Classification of body types according to Solovyov:

  1. Asthenic type: less than 18 cm in men, less than 15 cm in women.
  2. Normosthenic type: 18-20 cm in men, 15-17 in women.
  3. Hypersthenic type: more than 20 cm in men, more than 17 cm in women.

Cooper formula

Ideal weight for a woman (kg): (height (cm) x 3.5: 2.54 - 108) x 0.453.
Ideal weight for a man (kg): (height (cm) x 4.0: 2.54 - 128) x 0.453.

Lorentz formula

Ideal weight = (height (cm) - 100) - (height (cm) - 150) / 2

For our heroine, the ideal weight will be 25 kg. State?

Kyutla Formula (Body Mass Index)

The Body Mass Index is designed to measure overweight and obesity. BMI is familiar to many.

BMI = weight (kg) : (height (m))2

BMI below 19 - underweight.

  • At the age of 19-24 - BMI should be in the range from 19 to 24;
  • at the age of 25-34 - BMI should be from 19 to 25;
  • at the age of 35-44 - BMI should be from 19 to 26;
  • at the age of 45-54 - BMI should be from 19 to 27;
  • at the age of 55-64 - BMI should be from 19 to 28;
  • over the age of 65 - BMI should be from 19 to 29.

Calculation example:

weight - 50 kg.

height - 1.59 m

BMI \u003d 50 / (1.59 * 1.59) \u003d 19.77 (normal BMI)

Fixed weight-height coefficient

The calculation is based on a fixed coefficient (weight in grams divided by height in centimeters). The table below is for women aged 15 to 50.

Ideal weight formula: (height in cm*coefficient)/1000

Brock's formula

It was this formula, proposed by the French physician Brock more than a hundred years ago, that was used in vulgar calculations. Brock's formula takes into account the physique: asthenic (thin), normosthenic (normal) and hypersthenic (stocky).

Ideal weight formula:

  • up to 40 years: height -110
  • after 40 years: growth - 100

Asthenics subtract 10%, and hypersthenics add 10%.

So our calculations are:

age - 24 years

height - 159 cm

physique - hypersthenic.

Ideal weight = 53.9 kg.

Brock-Brugsch formula

This is Brock's modified formula for people with non-standard height: less than 155 cm and more than 170 cm.

  • Less than 165 cm: ideal weight = height - 100
  • 165-175 cm: ideal weight = height - 105
  • Over 175 cm: ideal weight = height - 110.

Egorov-Levitsky table

Attention: the table indicates the maximum weight for this height!

Maximum allowable body weight

Height, cm 20–29 years old 30–39 years old 40–49 years old 50–59 years old 60–69 years old
husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female
148 50,8 48,4 55 52,3 56,6 54,7 56 53,2 53,9 52,2
150 51,3 48,9 56,7 53,9 58,1 56,5 58 55,7 57,3 54,8
152 51,3 51 58,7 55 61,5 59,5 61,1 57,6 60,3 55,9
154 55,3 53 61,6 59,1 64,5 62,4 63,8 60,2 61,9 59
156 58,5 55,8 64,4 61,5 67,3 66 65,8 62,4 63,7 60,9
158 61,2 58,1 67,3 64,1 70,4 67,9 68 64,5 67 62,4
160 62,9 59,8 69,2 65,8 72,3 69,9 69,7 65,8 68,2 64,6
162 64,6 61,6 71 68,5 74,4 72,7 72,7 68,7 69,1 66,5
164 67,3 63,6 73,9 70,8 77,2 74 75,6 72 72,2 70
166 68,8 65,2 74,5 71,8 78 76,5 76,3 73,8 74,3 71,3
168 70,8 68,5 76,3 73,7 79,6 78,2 77,9 74,8 76 73,3
170 72,7 69,2 77,7 75,8 81 79,8 79,6 76,8 76,9 75
172 74,1 72,8 79,3 77 82,8 81,7 81,1 77,7 78,3 76,3
174 77,5 74,3 80,8 79 84,4 83,7 83 79,4 79,3 78
176 80,8 76,8 83,3 79,9 86 84,6 84,1 80,5 81,9 79,1
178 83 78,2 85,6 82,4 88 86,1 86,5 82,4 82,8 80,9
180 85,1 80,9 88 83,9 89,9 88,1 87,5 84,1 84,4 81,6
182 87,2 83,3 90,6 87,7 91,4 89,3 89,5 86,5 85,4 82,9
184 89,1 85,5 92 89,4 92,9 90,9 91,6 87,4 88 85,9
186 93,1 89,2 95 91 96,6 92,9 92,8 89,6 89 87,3
188 95,8 91,8 97 94,4 98 95,8 95 91,5 91,5 88,8
190 97,1 92,3 99,5 95,6 100,7 97,4 99,4 95,6 94,8 92,9

Our exemplary woman with her weight of 50 kg with a height of 159 cm and an age of 24 years is far from the maximum. And this is good.

Many consider this table to be the most complete and balanced approach to determining the presence of overweight.

Borngardt index (1886)

It also uses chest circumference data.

Ideal weight = height * bust / 240

Robinson formula (1983)

There is an opinion that for men it is incorrect.

For women (height in inches):

49 + 1.7 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

52 + 1.9 * (height - 60)

Miller Formula (1983)

For women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 53.1 + 1.36 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

Ideal weight \u003d 56.2 + 1.41 * (height - 60)

Monnerot-Dumain formula

This formula takes into account body type, bone volume, muscle mass.

Ideal weight = height - 100 + (4 * wrist)) / 2

Kref formula

This formula takes into account age and body type.

Ideal weight \u003d (height - 100 + (age / 10)) * 0.9 * coefficient


  • Wrist less than 15 cm - coefficient 0.9
  • Wrist 15-17 cm - factor 1
  • Wrist more than 17 cm - coefficient 1.1.

Mohammed Formula (2010)

Ideal weight = height * height * 0.00225

According to him, the ideal weight of our heroine should be 56.88 (which is a bit much).

Nagler formula

A little too general, Nagler's formula does not take into account your age and current weight at all - only height and gender.

For women (note: height in inches!):

Ideal weight = 45.3 + 2.27 * (height - 60)

For men (note: height in inches!):

Humvee Formula (1964)

Online weight calculators on the Internet usually use it:

Formula for women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 45.5 +2.2 * (height - 60)

Formula for men (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 48 + 2.7 * (height - 60)

Devin Formula (1974)

Dr. Devin invented it to correctly calculate drug doses. She entered the mass consciousness as an ideal weight calculator later and enjoyed great success. True, there are also disadvantages: for women of small stature, the weight is usually offered very little.

For women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 45.5 + 2.3 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 50 + 2.3 * (height - 60)

Good day, dear blog readers and just random passers-by! Today I want to dedicate this post to all those who are actively looking for and interested in information about being overweight.

An article on the stages and types of obesity in men, women and children (photo), how to determine the BMI and degree (table), whether they take to the army and how many kg a person has at 1,2 and 3 degrees. Here you will find comprehensive answers to all questions regarding the diagnosis of excess weight and the prognosis of future life.

I congratulate everyone on the first day of 2012 and I hope that you will spend the long weekend with benefit, and not just sitting stupidly at the TV. It's time to start doing some kind of sport or fitness in the gym. Already now you can prepare for the new summer season, because you will not have time to look back, and spring is already knocking, as they say.

Every person needs to physically load themselves, and not just those who will be discussed in this article. For example, I have a BMI of 22, but this does not mean that I can relax, there is always the opportunity to increase this level to 30, for example. Therefore, I do fitness 3 times a week, which is what I wish you.

How to determine the degree of obesity

Determining the degree of obesity in women and men is necessary to assess the severity of the disease. There are several methods for assessing the degree of obesity. What methods and how they are used, let's figure it out.

Due to our mentality and folk traditions, fullness (obesity) is still not considered a disease. And this is bad, because this condition can lead to more serious disorders in the body, such as impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes, at least.

Types of obesity in men

If you think that men can gain weight and store fat in a male pattern, then you are wrong. Recently, there are more and more men who have a female form of obesity, as in the photo below (on the left, the distribution of fat by female type).

Fortunately, this type is quite rare, most often you can see "beer tummies" like this one. This is the most dangerous type in terms of the development of metabolic disorders and requires urgent treatment.

Waist to hip ratio

To determine the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular complications, the ratio: waist circumference / hip circumference is used. Normally, for men, this indicator should be no more than 1.0, and for women - no more than 0.85. If these figures are higher, then the risk of developing complications in the face of type 2 diabetes increases.

Waist measurement

Another important indicator is the size of the waist. Normally, in men, it should not exceed 94 cm, and in women - 80 cm. Exceeding these indicators also leads to an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to being overweight, there are other risk factors for developing diabetes, and which you can find out from the article.

Degrees of obesity in children

Each person has the opportunity to calculate his ideal weight and begin to implement measures to reduce his real weight in order to avoid the appearance in the future.

But, however, it is worth considering that these calculation formulas are not very suitable for children and athletes. This is due to different proportions in children and the predominance of muscle mass in athletes and bodybuilders. In this section, we consider the problem of diagnosing excess weight in small representatives of humanity.

Unfortunately, I state the fact that the incidence of obesity among children is steadily growing every year. In Russia, it has not yet become an epidemic, but in developed countries, doctors and scientists are literally screaming that overweight children are approaching a critical point.

If the Russians continue to adhere to the Western standard of living and inspire their children with their values, then in a dozen years a similar fate awaits us too (see photo above). Take care of your children! After all, excess weight is not only chubby cheeks and soft rounded shapes, but also a lot of concomitant pathology.

Children, just like adults, can get obesity of the first, second, and even third degree. This is especially true for adolescents and children of the first years of life. Since it is during this period that there is an active division of adipose tissue cells.

When can a child be considered to have a weight problem?

If you suspect a child has weight disease, then you can quickly and easily calculate BMI, which correlates with fat mass in both adults and children, and as recommended by the WHO. I wrote about this formula at the beginning of the article. The evaluation of the calculation results is similar, namely:

  • overweight corresponds to a BMI of 25 to 30
  • obesity of the 1st degree corresponds to a BMI from 30 to 35
  • obesity of the 2nd degree corresponds to a BMI from 35 to 40
  • obesity of the 3rd degree corresponds to a BMI of more than 40

Degrees of obesity in children in tables

But this method is very rough and does not take into account children's parameters. Pediatric endocrinologists use a more accurate method - the use of percentile or centile tables, which compares the weight, height, sex and age of children. Agree that this method is more individual. A child's body weight is considered overweight when the indicator is within the 85-95th centile, and obesity starts at the 95th centile.

Modern centile tables were created recently in 2006 based on the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS). They are created in each country, taking into account national characteristics. They use a system of standard deviations (SDS - standard deviation score). WHO uses standard deviations of -1, -2, -3 SDS, median, and +1, +2, +3 SDS.

Based on WHO recommendations, obesity in children and adolescents should be defined as +2.0 SDS BMI, and overweight from +1.0 to +2.0 SDS BMI. Below I give a photo of the official table for boys from 2 to 5 years old and show how to use it correctly (click on the image to enlarge it). Then you can for all ages and calculate already for your child.

So, in the first column you see the age - year / month, in the second column you see the age in months, we skip the next three. We look at the last 7 columns. The median column means the average BMI for this age and is considered normal if your indicator fits into the indicators between the -1SD and 1SD columns.

If the BMI is from 1SD to 2SD, then this indicates that the child is overweight. If more than 2SD - obesity.

Still there is not in the form of tables, but in the form of graphs. Here, whichever is more convenient for you. The chart looks like this. I took as an example the BMI for boys from 5 to 19 years old (the picture is clickable)

Here you see 5 lines that divide the chart into 6 intervals. The BMI is read as the norm, which falls between the yellow lines. Horizontally is age, and vertically is BMI. I hope you remember how to calculate it.

As you can see, this graph does not indicate SD, but the centiles that I spoke about at the beginning. Thus, the old and modern designation are combined. .

With what degree of obesity they take to the army

This question interests many young people, as well as their parents. After all, complete recruits can become the subject of ridicule and bullying among more slender comrades. When I was still working in a state hospital, I had to fill out a bunch of acts from the military registration and enlistment office for obesity, and some recruits had to serve our Motherland.

And all because not all overweight men fall under the exemption and even deferment. When you come to the commission, they weigh you there, measure your height and calculate your BMI. According to the results of the calculation, a diagnosis of "Obesity" is made and a referral is given to an endocrinologist for examination. Guaranteed to serve young people with 1 degree of obesity and overweight.

Those with grade 2 obesity receive a delay of 6 months, then all over again. And those who have grown their body to the 3rd degree of obesity most often receive a life-long exemption from service, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes with the third degree they can only give a reprieve and later you have to repeat everything again. According to BMI 4, the degree of obesity does not exist.

That's all for me. Exercise and your body will thank you! What sport do you do? How do you feel about him in general?

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

Knowing if your weight is within normal body weight helps you understand your body, identify problems, and sometimes even make a diagnosis right away. Weight control is considered the most important preventive measure for a number of dangerous diseases.

Unfortunately, often body weight worries not those people who should be worried (obese patients), but young girls who have got it into their heads that they do not meet the TV-magazine standards 90-60-90, and bring themselves to fainting with all sorts of diets . In the case of a serious illness, such as diabetes, starvation and semi-starvation diets pose a threat to life.

Therefore, let's determine together the compliance of your weight with the norm. Take a notepad and a pen in your hands, and even better, a calculator, we will count. The procedure for calculating the normal weight is quite simple and does not take much time.

Many formulas are used to determine normal body weight. The simplest and most famous

M \u003d P - 100, where M is the mass in kg; P - height in cm.

But this formula in this form is very inaccurate and is applicable only for a very approximate calculation.

It is advisable to use the full formula (see table below).

Calculation of ideal body weight

Height, cm Ideal weight, kg
155-165 growth minus 100
166-175 growth minus 100
176-185 growth minus 110
186+ growth minus 115

You can also use the modified formula: ideal body weight \u003d (height in cm minus 100) and another minus 10% for men; BMI \u003d (height in cm minus 100) and another minus 15% for women:

  • 1 degree of obesity - the actual body weight exceeds the ideal by less than 30%;
  • 2 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by 31-50%;
  • 3 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by 51-99%;
  • 4 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by as much as 100% or more.

Currently, in most countries of the world, body mass index (BMI), or the Quetelet index, is used to determine normal and overweight in a person:

BMI \u003d M / R 2, where M is the mass in kg; R 2 - height in meters, squared.

According to the international classification, an indicator from 18.5 to 24.9 kg / m 2 is considered the norm. A reading below 18.5 indicates underweight. If the BMI is in the range of 25 to 29.9, it is overweight, and obesity is diagnosed with a BMI over 30.

For example, your height is 181 cm, weight is 99 kg. Let's do a simple calculation: 1.81 2 = 3.2761. Divide 99 by 3.2761 for a BMI of 30.22, which means you are one of the many with weight problems:

  • 1 degree of obesity (mild obesity) - with a BMI between 27 and 35;
  • 2 (moderate) - with a range of values ​​35-39.9;
  • 3 (severe or painful) - with a BMI of 40 or more.

Table of normal human body weight by age

Height, cm Person's age, years
20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60+
150 53 48 57 51 60 54 60 54 58 52
152 54 49 58 52 60 54 61 55 59 53
154 55 51 58 52 61 55 61 55 60 54
156 57 52 59 53 61 55 62 56 61 55
158 58 53 59 53 62 56 63 57 62 56
160 59 54 61 55 63 57 64 58 63 57
162 61 56 62 56 64 58 65 59 65 58
164 62 57 63 57 66 59 67 60 66 59
166 63 58 65 58 67 60 68 61 67 60
168 65 59 66 59 68 61 70 63 69 62
170 66 60 68 61 70 63 71 64 71 64
172 68 61 69 62 72 65 73 66 73 66
174 69 63 71 64 73 66 75 67 75 67
176 71 64 73 65 75 68 76 69 77 69
178 72 65 74 67 77 69 78 71 79 71
180 74 67 76 68 79 71 80 72 81 73
182 78 70 78 70 81 73 82 74 83 75
184 79 71 80 72 83 75 84 76 85 76
186 81 73 82 74 85 77 86 77 86 77
188 83 75 85 77 88 79 88 79 87 78
190 86 77 87 78 89 80 89 80 87 77

For the diagnosis of obesity, in addition to the total mass, the volume of the waist and hips is important. So, for men, a waist circumference of 94 cm is considered acceptable, for women - up to 88 cm. With a waist circumference of 94-101 cm in men and 102 cm or more in women, the risk of metabolic complications is high.

If your waist circumference exceeds the indicated figures, you have an abdominal (visceral) type of obesity, that is, fat is deposited around the internal organs - the liver, pancreas, heart, disrupting their work. It is this type of obesity that is a risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction!

Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, whose body weight is normal, naturally do not need to worry about the impact of obesity on diabetes.

Patients with type 2 diabetes who have a normal weight (there are very few of them) should try to keep it close to ideal numbers, so be sure to strive for ideal weight for your age.

Well, for people with diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, who are overweight or obese, the basics of calculating the calorie content of the diet must be remembered and applied daily, this is the most important thing for you in the treatment of diabetes.

Counting calories is also important for people with a lack of weight, they already know that gaining weight is by no means an easy task. And correctly calculated nutrition with the determination of the need for kilocalories will allow you to gain the missing kilograms.

Before declaring war on extra pounds, you need to make sure that you really have them. How can you tell if a person is overweight?

A table of ideal body weight compiled by specialists from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, an insurance company founded in 1868 and being the largest life insurer in the United States, will help you navigate this issue. This table, which is used all over the world today, is the result of a rigorous study of the effect of weight on life expectancy. With the values ​​indicated in it, the incidence rates are the lowest, and life expectancy is the highest. The advantage of this table is that it takes into account not only the gender and height of a person, but also the features of his physique.

By body type, all people are conditionally divided into asthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics. Asthenics can be recognized by their narrow chest, narrow bones and underdeveloped muscles. For normosthenics, the average development of bones and muscles is characteristic. Hypersthenics, on the other hand, are distinguished by a wide chest, wide bones and well-developed muscles.

You can determine your body type by the circumference of your wrist.

An even simpler way: with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, grab the wrist of the left hand in the place where the bone protrudes. They grabbed it easily, even with a bust - you are an asthenic, grabbed a tyutelka in a tutelka - normosthenic, the girth did not work out, no matter how hard you tried - hypersthenic.

In addition, in recent years, such a criterion as body mass index (BMI) has been widely used. To calculate it, you need to divide the body weight in kilograms by the squared height in meters. This will be your BMI value. For example, with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 60 kg, the BMI is calculated as follows: 60: (1.7 × 1.7) = 20.76.

However, you should not focus solely on this indicator. The fact is that BMI has worked well in large population studies, but when it comes to each individual case, this criterion is very unreliable.

Oddly enough, one of the most reliable methods is a simple measurement of waist circumference (WC). Most importantly, this indicator can be used to judge not only the presence of excess weight, but also whether it threatens your health. If such a threat exists, then excessive “strategic reserves” must be disposed of without fail. Normally, the waist circumference in Caucasian women should not exceed 80 cm, and in men - 94 cm. If this figure is 80–88 cm for a woman and 94–102 cm for a man, this indicates an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and other serious illnesses. If the FROM is more than 88 and 102 cm, respectively, urgent measures must be taken.

The fatter the waist, the higher the risk of asthma

Ladies who cannot boast of a wasp waist are more likely to suffer from bronchial asthma, even if their weight is normal, American scientists have come to this conclusion. Employees of the Cancer Center in Berkeley (California) conducted a study with the participation of almost 90 thousand residents of the United States, working as teachers and school administrators. This study was part of a project that looked at factors that affect the risk of developing breast cancer, but the researchers also made a number of findings regarding asthma. So, in women with a body mass index of more than 30, the likelihood of the disease doubled, and in those whose BMI exceeded 40, it tripled.

To their surprise, the Californian scientists found that the dependence was present, even if the weight of the participants did not go beyond the norm. In particular, the risk of asthma in women with a waist circumference of more than 88 cm increased by 37%. Thus, doctors believe that fat accumulating in the abdominal cavity is much more important in the development of the disease than extra pounds in general. Some experts believe that body fat can put direct pressure on the airways and contribute to asthma. According to another version, the composition of fat plays a key role here. However, scientists acknowledge that at the moment the exact reasons for this connection have not been established.

In addition, a table compiled by Dr. Margaret Ashwell gives a good idea of ​​​​whether a person's weight threatens his health. With the help of this table, you can determine the risks to your health depending on your body type. This method is suitable for both women and men.

Excess fat, located on the stomach in the stomach area, increases the waist circumference and gives the body the shape of an "apple". It is often associated with an increased risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

When excess fat accumulates under the skin, in the lower abdomen and on the thighs, the body has the shape of a "pear". It is less harmful to health.

Match your height with your waist circumference. What area of ​​the table does your figure fall into?

If your figure corresponds to the “capsicum” zone, you need to be careful, excessive thinness can indicate health problems. There is no need to reduce the waist circumference.

If your figure falls into the "pear" zone, you are all right.

If your figure corresponds to the “apple-pear” zone (especially in the upper part), you need to be careful: make sure that the circumference of your waist does not increase any more.

If your piece is in the "apple" zone, your health may be at risk. You should consult with your doctor and take the necessary measures.

Waist circumference should be less than half the height.

The thicker the waist, the shorter the life

German researchers have found scientific confirmation of the folk wisdom expressed in the French proverb: "The thinner the waist, the longer the life." They argue that people with a wide frame have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke.

And we are talking not only about those who have extra pounds, but also about citizens with normal weight. A study involving more than 1,000 people, a third of whom suffered a stroke, showed that people with a large belly are seven times more likely to have this dangerous complication than those with a wasp waist.

This is not the first scientific study, indicating the dangers of body fat in the abdomen. This, in particular, is evidenced by the results of the largest study to date, covering 360 thousand people from nine European countries. Experts have concluded that waist size is an indicator of the risk of premature death. Each additional 5 cm increases it by 13-17%. For example, a man with a waist circumference of 119 cm is twice as likely to die prematurely than a man with a waist of 80 cm (in women, this ratio was observed at 99 and 65 cm, respectively). Even more alarming results were obtained by employees of Harvard University who examined almost 45,000 American women. According to them, women with a waist circumference of 89 cm are 80% more likely to die prematurely than women with a waist less than 71 cm.

So, if you are convinced that there are overweight and / or health risks, be sure to read on and introduce new eating habits into your life! If your weight is normal and there is no threat to your health, congratulations! But still, do not rush to close the book. I invite you and everyone to evaluate how healthy your eating habits are by answering the questions below. This test was created in my clinic and has already helped many people determine the correctness of their usual diet. If you realize that yours is not very healthy, then you can perform those tasks from my program that are aimed specifically at forming the right eating habits.

To evaluate the results of the test, sum up all the points scored. If the score is:

20–30 - Excellent result! You watch your figure and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Keep it up!

31-45 - You should think about your lifestyle and eating habits. Not everything is as smooth as it seems. Consult with a nutritionist. Start changing your eating habits.

46-60 - An unbalanced diet, overeating, eating unpleasant feelings and lack of physical activity inevitably lead to weight gain, and also increase the risk of exacerbation of many chronic diseases. It is necessary to adjust the nutrition system under the supervision of a dietitian and a mandatory change in eating habits.

Now go to the “Personal Records” section on page 251 and fill in your weight, body mass index, waist and hip circumference, clothing size, as well as indicate which zone you fell into on the Ashwell table and how many points you scored when answering test "Are you eating right?". This will help you honestly look at your results and decide whether it is worth investing your time, effort and energy in the process of losing weight and adopting healthy eating habits.

Why is it worth reducing weight if it exceeds the norm? When we talked about body mass index and waist circumference, we already mentioned some “health risks”. Now let's dwell on this in more detail. Indeed, a large amount of adipose tissue in the body, especially if excess fat is in the abdomen, leads to the development of many diseases that could have been avoided if the weight was normal. Or the course of these diseases can be improved for many years by normalizing weight. The whole "bouquet" of diseases associated with obesity is shown in the figure below.

1. Extra pounds reduce mental capacity.

Excess weight not only harms health, but also reduces the cognitive functions of a person, French scientists say. In general, intuitively, people have long guessed about this. It’s not for nothing that they say about other slow-witted people: “Brains swam with fat!” But experts from the University of Toulouse confirmed this on a strictly scientific basis.

The study, conducted by a group of scientists led by Dr. Maxim Cournot, involved 2223 healthy men and women aged 32 to 62 years. They all passed a series of complex tests designed to assess memory, attention and learning ability. It turned out that people with normal body weight coped with the tests better than those with extra pounds. In particular, slender participants remembered 56% of the information, and more plump - only 44%. Five years later, the test was repeated. In the first group, the memory remained at the same level, while in the second group it decreased to 37.5%. The findings led the researchers to believe that being overweight is associated with an increased risk of dementia in older age. Science does not yet give an unambiguous explanation of why the brain relaxes. According to one version, the connection between extra pounds and the deterioration of mental abilities is explained by the effect on the brain of the waste products of fat cells. So, a number of studies have shown that the hormone they produce - leptin - can adversely affect memory and learning.

True, the former Deputy Minister of Health of Great Britain Anna Widdemcombe rather ironically commented on the data of the French: “Just look around and you will see hundreds of thin fools and smart fat men.” But the director of the National Obesity Forum, David Haslam, took the experiment very seriously: “It shows that obesity affects every organ of the human body without exception. This is worrisome."

2. Being overweight can make you deaf.

American scientists have added to the list of the most serious complications of obesity. Thanks to the efforts of nutritionists from New York University, deafness has now been added to the magnificent “bouquet” of hypertension, stroke, thrombosis, coronary heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes.

The fact that excessively well-fed citizens are at risk of losing their hearing, overseas experts were convinced in the course of a study involving more than 4 thousand women aged 20 to 50 years. Moreover, smoking and alcohol abuse faded into the background against the background of episodes associated with overweight. The results of scientific research show: the more extra pounds, the higher the likelihood of developing deafness. For example, if body weight exceeds the norm by 20%, then the risk increases three times. However, excessive thinness also negatively affects auditory function, although not as seriously as obesity. So, 20% underweight leads to hearing loss in 5 cases out of 100.

3. Overweight people can be at risk of dementia

Extra pounds acquired in middle age dramatically increase the risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, Swedish scientists warn.

Employees of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm became convinced of this after examining almost 9 thousand local residents over 65 years old, whose height and weight were measured three decades ago. This time, scientists were interested in the mental abilities and state of memory of the people who were subjected to observations. As a result, 4% of the study participants were diagnosed with dementia (acquired dementia), another 2% showed a significant decrease in intelligence. At the same time, it turned out that those who were obese in their mature years fell ill 80% more often than people with normal body weight. Naturally, the greater the excess weight, the more serious the danger of falling into senile insanity.

Experts cannot yet explain why extra pounds play such a role in the occurrence of dementia. There is an assumption that adipose tissue produces hormones that negatively affect brain function. In addition, excess weight leads to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which also affects the state of the "command" body.

I really don't like to scare overweight people, my clients, with various diseases, but it is medical duty to inform you about this. Only knowing and taking into account this information, you can improve the quality of your life and even extend it for years!

Before starting any weight loss program, be sure to undergo a medical examination! Remember: uncontrolled weight loss can be unsafe for health. I advise you to do at least a detailed biochemical blood test, tests for insulin and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), a general urine test, a stool test for dysbacteriosis, and also undergo an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and kidneys. If there are at least some deviations from the norm in the results, be sure to consult with a specialist of the appropriate profile before changing your diet !!!

This book is about how to gradually, step by step, with love and self-care, change your lifestyle and achieve the desired appearance and weight. And - forever! This is a book about how to develop and reinforce healthy lifestyle habits; how to solve the issue of losing weight not only through food, but also through understanding, reassessing your behavior and lifestyle.

This is a program of change for the better. In 12 weeks, we develop healthy habits, not only in food, but also in the daily routine, distribution of loads, playing sports (or walking), we become more cheerful, clearer, healthier.

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